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Cisco Contiv:
Network Policies for Microservices
Luca Relandini @lucarelandini
ROME 24-25 MARCH 2017
Microservices and Containers...
Though you already know them
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Containers and Microservices
Your code
Your startup scripts
Code dependencies
Should deploy with exactly
the same behavior on any
host/VM that can run
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Cloud Native
Microservices - Impact on IT Operations
Shared Responsibility
Common Incentives,
Tools, Process and Culture
Not My Problem
Separate Tools,
Varied Incentives, Opaque Process
Continuous Delivery
Release Early and Often
Higher Quality of Code
Release Once Every 6 Months
More Bugs in Production
Loosely Coupled Components
Automated Deploy Without Waiting on Individual
Tightly Coupled Components
Slow Deployment Cycles Waiting
on Integrated Tests Teams
Traditional IT

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Kubecon US 2019: Kubernetes Multitenancy WG Deep Dive
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Kubecon US 2019: Kubernetes Multitenancy WG Deep Dive

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on secure multitenancy in Kubernetes. It discusses what Kubernetes multitenancy is, available solutions, architectural models for multitenancy including namespace grouping and virtual Kubernetes clusters. It also covers community initiatives for multitenancy control plane including tenant controllers and hierarchical namespaces. The document outlines benchmarking categories and a proposed baseline reference implementation for multitenancy including control plane, data plane, and network isolation techniques.

12 Factor App
12 Factor App12 Factor App
12 Factor App

The document describes the twelve-factor app methodology for building software-as-a-service applications. The twelve factors are: codebase, dependencies, configuration, backing services, build-release-run, processes, port binding, concurrency, disposability, logs, admin processes, and dev/prod parity. The methodology advocates designing apps that are optimal to deploy on modern cloud platforms by separating an app from its infrastructure, using declarative formats for setup automation, and enabling continuous deployment for maximum agility.

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StripeCon 2021: A Cloud-Native approach to running Silverstripe on Google Clo...
StripeCon 2021: A Cloud-Native approach to running Silverstripe on Google Clo...StripeCon 2021: A Cloud-Native approach to running Silverstripe on Google Clo...
StripeCon 2021: A Cloud-Native approach to running Silverstripe on Google Clo...

This document is a presentation on running the Silverstripe content management system on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) using cloud-native principles. It discusses the history of web hosting, defines cloud-native approaches, and provides step-by-step instructions for deploying a basic Silverstripe project on GCP. Specifically, it covers using Cloud Storage for assets, Cloud SQL for the database, and App Engine for hosting the application. The presentation emphasizes automation, scalability, and removing the need for manual infrastructure management that cloud-native approaches provide.

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Containers Help to Achieve Agile App Development
BRKDCT-2023 7
Different players in the game
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
But... There are Concerns in Containers Adoption
What slows an organization’s use of containers?
75% 71% 64% 62% 61%
Security Networking Performance Integration Management
Source: n= 124 to-date, IDC custom survey, study commissioned by Cisco
Need for production-grade infrastructure
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
HW Integration
Can not leverage performance
and security by natively
integrating with HW
Networking In The New Container World
Physical Network
Physical Network
Virtual Switching or
Overlay Network
C1 Cn
Guest OS -
Overlay Network - VXLAN
Physical Network
Hypervisor Hypervisor
Host 1 Host 2
Host 2Host 1
C1 Cn
Guest OS -
C1 Cn
Guest OS -
Overlay Network - VXLAN
C1 Cn
Guest OS -
Network services, e.g.
Load balancer, Firewall
Encap over encap over encap
affects performance
Bare Metal VM Containers in VM
Container Networking Abstractions:
only 3 slides 

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Kubernetes für Workstations Edge und IoT Devices

Continuous Lifecycle | ContainerConf, November 2020, Vortrag von Mario-Leander Reimer (@LeanderReimer, Chief Software Architect bei QAware) === Dokument bitte herunterladen, falls unscharf! Please download slides if blurred! === Abstract: Wenn es darum geht, Kubernetes auf Hardware mit eingeschränkten Ressourcen wie einer lokalen Entwickler-Workstation oder Edge- und IoT-Geräten zu betreiben, ist eine volle Kubernetes-Distribution nicht die ideale Wahl. Viel besser dafür geeignet ist stattdessen eine neue Generation von leichten und dennoch zertifizierten K8s-Distributionen. In diesem Vortrag werden wir uns zwei beliebte Optionen genauer ansehen: MicroK8s und K3s. Nach einem kurzen Überblick der jeweiligen Funktionen unterziehen wir beide Kandidaten einem Live-Praxistest auf realer Hardware. Dieser Vortrag ist Hands-on und unterhaltsam zugleich, und zeigt, dass man als Entwickler keinen Doktortitel in K8s Clusterology benötigt.

cloud computingcloud native applicationscloud native architecture
CNCF Introduction - Feb 2018
CNCF Introduction - Feb 2018CNCF Introduction - Feb 2018
CNCF Introduction - Feb 2018

CNCF general introduction to beginners at openstack meetup Pune & Bangalore February 2018. Covers broadly the activities and structure of the Cloud Native Computing Foundation.

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Api more than payload (2021 Update)
Api more than payload (2021 Update)Api more than payload (2021 Update)
Api more than payload (2021 Update)

This presentation is an updated look at what isn't typically covered in an API description (improved edition of an older API design presentation).

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
VM or BM
Basics of Container Networking
Minimally it provides:
- IP Connectivity in Container’s
Network Namespace
- IPAM, and Network Device
Creation (eth0)
- Route Advertisement or Host
NAT for external connectivity
Physical Network
Linux/Windows OS Networking
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Container Network Model (CNM)
Docker Container
Green Network
Docker Container
Blue Network
• Proposed by Docker to provide
networking abstractions/API for container
• Sandbox contains configuration of a
container's network stack (Linux network
• An endpoint is a container's interface into
a network (veth pair)
• A network is collection of arbitrary
endpoints that can communicate with
each other
• A container can belong to multiple
endpoints (and therefore multiple
CNM provides Driver APIs for IPAM and
Endpoint creation/deletion
IPAM Driver APIs:
- Create/Delete Pool,
- Allocate/Free IP Address
Network Driver APIs:
- Network Create/Delete,
- Endpoint Create/Delete/Join/Leave
eth0 eth1
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Container Network Interface (CNI)
• Proposed by CoreOS as part of appc
specification, used also by Kubernetes
• Common interface between container run time
and network plugin
• Gives driver freedom to manipulate network
• Network described by JSON config
• Plugins support two commands:
- Add Container to Network
- Remove Container from Network
Differences (from CNM):
- Gives Driver freedom to manipulate network namespace
- Provide Container Id, Params to drivers
- Just 2 API: Add Container to Network, Delete Container from Network
Introduction – Why Contiv?

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Comparing Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Performance Across Various Kubernetes Pla...
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With the growing adoption of Kubernetes, organizations want to take advantage of containerized Microsoft SQL Server 2019 to optimize transactional performance and accelerate time-to-insights from their business-critical data. However, as enterprises embrace hybrid cloud strategy, they need to consider several aspects based on the performance, cost and data protection requirements for running enterprise-grade SQL Server databases. In this webinar, we will compare and contrast various cloud-native platforms for SQL Server that would help CIOs, DevOps engineers, database administrators and applications architects to determine the most suitable platform that fits their business needs. Join us as we explore some exciting results from a recent performance benchmark study conducted by McKnight Consulting Group, an independent consulting firm, to compare the performance of Microsoft SQL Server 2019 on the best possible configurations of the following Kubernetes platforms: Diamanti Enterprise Kubernetes Platform Amazon Web Services Elastic Kubernetes Service (AWS EKS) Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) Topics will include: Platform considerations and requirements for running Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Performance comparison and analysis of running SQL Server on various platform Best practices for running containerized SQL Server databases in Kubernetes environment

ITCamp 2017 - Raffaele Rialdi - Adopting .NET Core in Mainstream Projects
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Last year we tasted the very first bits of the NET Core platform. The RTM is out and we are close to the next 2.0 version. Is this the right moment to adopt the platform? What are the changes of the new project system brought from Visual Studio 2017? What is new in the tools, sdk and packaging? Adopting the new NET Core doesn’t necessarily mean migrating everything in a single step but mixing it with the regular .NET Framework thanks to the new net standard which is evolving to the 2.0 version as well. During this code-first session, we will try to see the developer’s and architect’s perspectives in a variety of scenarios, including the cross-platform and Raspberry.

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itcamp 2017alex vranceanu
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Today’s Infrastructure Needs
Mike, IT AdminSally, Dev/Test
1. Develop and test fast
2. Agility and Elasticity
3. Does not care about other users
1. Manage infrastructure
2. Stability and Security
3. Isolation and Compliance
Challenge: Conflicting goals and priorities
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 17BRKDCT-2023
How can we achieve these goals?
Key: Policy-based Container Networking
Declarative Tags (simpler)
Manage Groups instead of single objects (faster)
What is Contiv?
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Containerized Apps on Shared Infrastructure
Compute Compute
Contiv Is an Open Source Solution to Define and
Enforce Distributed Policies Across Infrastructure

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Operator development made easy with helm
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Operator development made easy with helm

- Operators are applications that extend Kubernetes to manage complex stateful applications. They use custom resource definitions (CRDs) to configure and automate tasks. - Helm is a good starting point for creating operators as it is widely used and easy to learn. Operators created with Helm can later be used to manage resources in other operators. - The demo showed creating a Helm operator from a Nginx chart and combining two operators with ArgoCD to deploy example apps based on custom resources.

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Application Intent with Operation Intent
version: '2'
build: .
- tier: web
- .:/code
- front-tier
- back-tier
image: mysql
App Intent
environment: prod
security: -
allow ports: 5000, 443
bandwidth: 5gbps
lb selector:
- tier: web
allow ports: 3306 from web
Ops Intent (e.g. Contiv Intent*)
Operation Intent Provides Operational Requirements and Policies for Applications
* Shown in yaml for better visualization
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Contiv: How everything fits together
Operational Policy Management
Developer Operations
Node 1 Node 2 Node-n
Contiv Distributed Policy Layer
Contiv Elements
Contiv UI/CLI/API to manage
and monitor policies/usage
Distributed policy enforcement for
Integration with physical
Integrated with popular
container schedulers
Contiv Automatically Integrates and Enforces Developer and Operations Policies
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
100% Open Source
The Most Powerful Container Networking Fabric
L2, L3, Overlay or ACI
Rich Policies
DevOps IT Admin
Any NetworkingAny Platform
Any Infrastructure
Rich Policy Model
Simple Install
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Contiv Integration with Underlying DC Infrastructure
Application-Centric Infrastructure (ACI)
• Containers integrated with APIC policies
• Physical services integration
Nexus Standalone or Any Network
• VLAN handoff
• BGP interop (standard routing protocol)
Contiv Leverages Underlying Infrastructure Capabilities

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Kubernetes allows organizations to achieve economies of scope by providing consistent operations and a developer experience across infrastructure. It enables a shift from operator-driven IT to intent-driven IT managed through APIs rather than tickets. Kubernetes can function both as a platform for modern applications and as a modern application platform by providing the highest level of abstraction while allowing for lower-level configurations. This decouples systems and teams with APIs serving as the unit of collaboration, effectively delivering software as a service. However, adoption may be limited by skills, accessibility, and inertia within organizations.

Deploying Spring Boot apps on Kubernetes
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Deploying Spring Boot apps on Kubernetes

The document discusses deploying Spring Boot applications on Kubernetes. It provides an overview of Kubernetes architecture and resources like pods, services, configmaps and secrets. It then demonstrates deploying a simple Hello World Spring Boot app on Kubernetes. It also covers building microservices using Spring Boot and deploying them on Kubernetes, including using configmaps and secrets for configuration and service discovery. It discusses concerns like externalized configuration, circuit breakers, distributed tracing and logging for microservices on Kubernetes.

springone platformspringone platform 2017
8.cncf en
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This document summarizes Filip Pohronský's presentation on Meetup CNCF - Observability and Analysis. It discusses what CNCF is and its cloud native definition. CNCF seeks to drive adoption of cloud native technologies through open source projects. Reasons for organizations adopting cloud native include better efficiency, higher development velocity, and support for multi-cloud. The presentation provides information on joining the CNCF community and plans for future meetups in Bratislava, Slovakia.

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Introducing Contiv 1.0
What’s New:
All New User
and Workflow
1.4 Support
Docker 1.12
Simple Install
Supported Contiv
will be announced shortly
Cisco Advances
Cisco Solutions
100% Open Source at
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Contiv’s Approach to Containers
Route and
Policy Distribution
Automated Scale-Out
Layer of Network
Flat Networks
High Performance
Integrated with
App Blueprint
Shared Resources
Policies for
Resource Acquisition
Hybrid Cloud
Consistent Policies
Tenant Isolation
Security Policies
Application Statistics
Data Export
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Contiv Network Components
Contiv CLI/UI
Node 1
Contiv Agent
...Node 2
Contiv Agent
Contiv Agent
Contiv Elements
Container networking for:
• Kubernetes, Mesos, Nomad, and Swam
Route distribution using BGP or JSON RPC
Custom OpenFlow pipeline for host networking
• Allows implementing various features (details later)
Exports data about: App connectivity, stats, peer
Distributed, cluster-wide function
Stateless: Useful in node failure/restart, upgrade
Implements cluster-wide network and policy
Manage global resources: IPAM, VLAN/VXLAN pools
Tools to manipulate Contiv objects
Implements CRUD using REST I/F
Expected to be used by infra/ops teams
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Contiv Network
High-Level Architecture
Host Plug-In
KV Store
Plug-In Logic
Contiv Host Agent
Linux Host
To Physical Network
Service LB
Route Distribution
[ BGP | RPC ]
(e.g., Docker)
[ K8s| Swarm | Mesos | Nomad ]
Master-DBPolicy Engine
KV Store
[ Etcd | Consul ]
REST client (e.g. netctl)
API Calls to
Systems e.g,.
ACI, Schedulers
Health Monitoring
Contiv Master Cluster

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As a multi-national bank, Societe General IT infrastructure has thousands of apps, almost every bit of technology deployed and compliance requirements. Our vision is to broadly transform traditional bank IT to be agile and fast. Speed is critical in a digital economy and at Societe Generale we are building a new execution platform with Docker that provides IT containers, middleware and infrastructure as a service and orchestration. In this session we will share the technical and organizational steps of our journey from how we defined and architected a PaaS for our entity; with service catalog, service topologies, ambassadors with Docker Datacenter, continuous integration and what’s next.

Seriously Open Cloud Native Java Microservices
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Seriously Open Cloud Native Java Microservices

With the involvement of over a dozen vendors and Java user groups, 140 individual contributors and over half a dozen independent implementations, Eclipse MicroProfile is leading the way in seriously open cloud-native Java technologies. With MicroProfile, OpenJ9 and Open Liberty you can have fully open stack solution that is enterprise grade, perfectly compatible with microservice architecture and easy to use. Come to this session to learn how you can apply MicroProfile to build robust and scalable microservices without locking yourself into a single vendor.

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Presentation + demo at Triangle Kubernetes and Openshift Meetup June 2017. Architecture overview and live demo of Contiv open container networking project working with Red Hat Openshift Container platform.

contivcontainer networkingkubernetes
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Tutorial on Docker and Contiv - do it yourself ;-)
A normal docker network (without Contiv) looks like it:
It’s online at
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 32Presentation ID
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
33Presentation ID
Let’s create a Contiv network

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The document discusses multi-level policy and management architectures for integrating data center and campus fabrics. It describes how Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) and DNA Campus fabrics use policy abstractions and control plane integration to provide segmentation, mobility, and security across data center and campus networks. The document also discusses how ACI and DNA fabrics can be interconnected while preserving segmentation and group-based policies.

Luca Relandini - Microservices and containers networking: Contiv, deep dive a...
Luca Relandini - Microservices and containers networking: Contiv, deep dive a...Luca Relandini - Microservices and containers networking: Contiv, deep dive a...
Luca Relandini - Microservices and containers networking: Contiv, deep dive a...

Contiv provides a higher level of networking abstraction for microservices: it provides built-in service discovery and service routing for scale out services, working with schedulers like Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, Mesos and Openshift. A powerful policy-based management that makes networking on large scale easy. We will see some code examples, use cases and an easy tutorial on the web. This session is a follow up to the successful sessions at Codemotion Rome and Amsterdam in 2016: we'll go deeper into the architecture and the use cases.

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Docker Enterprise Networking and Cisco Contiv - Cisco Live 2017 BRKSDN-2256
Docker Enterprise Networking and Cisco Contiv - Cisco Live 2017 BRKSDN-2256Docker Enterprise Networking and Cisco Contiv - Cisco Live 2017 BRKSDN-2256
Docker Enterprise Networking and Cisco Contiv - Cisco Live 2017 BRKSDN-2256

An overview of Docker networking and how the network is impacted by the deployment of containers. This dives into the specifics of how container networking works and also how the Cisco Contiv networking plugin integrates Cisco networking policies with Docker Enterprise.

© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
How Docker sees a Contiv network
Let’s attach a new container to the new network:
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
35Presentation ID
Networks are isolated
Let’s create one more container on contiv-net:
We have many containers now (contiv-c1 and contiv-c5 are on the same network):
Ping works here
(same if the container is
on a different host/VM)
Ping does not work here
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Tenants in Contiv
Two different networks, they don’t communicate
Tenants are isolated worlds, to avoid conflicts.
They have separate namespaces for resources.
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 37Presentation ID
Applying policies between containers with Contiv
Contiv provide a way to apply isolation policies between containers groups
(regardless of the tenants, eventually within the tenants).
For this, we create a simple policy called db-policy, and add some rules to it to
define which ports are allowed.

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OpenStack and the Transformation of the Data Center - Lew Tucker

This document summarizes a presentation by Lew Tucker of Cisco on OpenStack and the transformation of the data center. The key points are: 1) OpenStack is heralding the creation of a new software layer that spans the entire data center and provides a unified compute, storage, and networking infrastructure. 2) Networking is evolving in OpenStack from simple flat networking in Nova to the separate Neutron networking service, which is designed to abstract specific vendor implementations. 3) Neutron is being extended through projects like Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) and group-based policy abstractions to provide dynamically scalable network services and allow developers to control network access and traffic through policy definitions.

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This session covers the solution addressing the needs of enabling product-grade containerized applications. You will learn how operations teams running containerized applications in a shared infrastructure can define and enforce policies to provide security, monitoring, and performance for network, storage, and computing. You will learn about Contiv and Mantl, open source projects that create a framework for cloud native application development and infrastructure with application intent and operational policies. Contiv integrates Cisco infrastructure (UCS, Nexus, and ACI) with Docker Datacenter to help enterprises adopt containers at a larger scale.

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Container networking with Docker Enterprise Edition (EE) and Cisco Contiv allows for: 1) Defining network policies and security controls across virtual and container workloads using Contiv's open source software. 2) Deploying containerized applications on Docker EE across a swarm of nodes using network and security policies defined in Contiv. 3) Integrating Contiv with underlying data center infrastructure like Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) to leverage physical network services and policy enforcement.

container networkingkubernetescisco
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Policies are applied among Groups
Finally, we associate the policy with a group (a group is an arbitrary collection of
containers, e.g. a tier for a microservice) and then run some containers that
belong to db group
Let’s create two more containers:
The policy db-policy (ports open and closed) is applied to all the 3 containers:
Managing many end points as a single object makes it easy and fast, think about
auto-scaling (especially when integrated with Swarm, Kubernetes, etc.)
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Contiv is Microservices Ready
• Support for grouping Applications
• Allows scale-out instances of container applications to be grouped together
• Policies specified on a micro-service tier, rather than individual container workloads
• Efficient forwarding between Microservice tiers
• Allows a fixed (DNS published) VIP for a micro-service
• Containers within the micro-services can come and go
• Their IP addresses are mapped to the service IP for east-west traffic
• Eliminates single point of forwarding (proxy) between micro-service tiers
• Application visibility at service levels (across the cluster)
Allow grouping of
Specify Policies
between groups
or from outside
the network
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Elements of Contiv Networking
Cluster-wide Connectivity
Truly Multi-tenant
Network Isolation
Traffic Prioritization
App-Composers Integrated
Network Monitoring
Physical Network Integration: ACI | Nexus Standalone
Micro Services Ready
Leverages NIC
IPAM, Service Discovery
High Throughput
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Contiv Value Proposition

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4. Kubernetes - Application centric infrastructure kubernetes, contiv
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4. Kubernetes - Application centric infrastructure kubernetes, contiv

This document discusses the advantages of using the Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) Container Network Interface (CNI) plugin with Kubernetes and Contiv. It provides an overview of ACI and how it maps Kubernetes objects like clusters, namespaces, deployments to ACI objects like tenants, application profiles, endpoint groups. It also describes how the CNI plugin provides network isolation, load balancing, visibility and solves challenges in areas like storage access, network operations and security policy enforcement for container workloads.

contivcloud nativecncf
ACI Hands-on Lab
ACI Hands-on LabACI Hands-on Lab
ACI Hands-on Lab

Cisco® Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI) is an innovative architecture that radically simplifies, optimizes, and accelerates the entire application deployment lifecycle. Cloud, mobility, and big data applications are causing a shift in the data center model. Cisco ACI redefines the power of IT, enabling IT to be more responsive to changing business and application needs, enhancing agility, and adding business value. Cisco ACI delivers a transformational operating model for next-generation data center and cloud applications. This Cisco ACI hands lab will step you through from the ACI Fabric concepts to deployment. • Cisco ACI Overview • ACI Fabric Discovery • ACI Building Basic Network Constructs • ACI Building Policy Filters and Contracts • : Deploying a 3-Tier Application Network Profile • ACI Integrating with VMware • Deploying a Service Graph with Application Network Profile • Exploring Monitoring and Troubleshooting

cisco connect toronto 2016
© 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public
Go and test it (easy!):
Contiv releases -
Documents -
Join Contiv Slack -
Contiv Blogs -
Recorded demo -
Cisco DevNet community -
Contiv on Docker Store -

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Phil Wilkins
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cornelia davis
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KubeCon China June 2019 - Survey of Kubernetes related solutions for IoT and ...KubeCon China June 2019 - Survey of Kubernetes related solutions for IoT and ...
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Steve Wong
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ConSol Consulting & Solutions Software GmbH
Craig McLuckie at VMware Tanzu Public Sector Connect 2021
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VMware Tanzu
Deploying Spring Boot apps on Kubernetes
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VMware Tanzu
8.cncf en
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Juraj Hantak
Fully Orchestrating Applications, Microservices and Enterprise Services with ...
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Docker, Inc.
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KubeCon China June 2019 - Survey of Kubernetes related solutions for IoT and ...
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Similar to Microservices and containers networking: Contiv, an industry leading open source solution from Cisco - Luca Relandini - Codemotion Rome 2017

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Sanjeev Rampal
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almaz tt
Luca Relandini - Microservices and containers networking: Contiv, deep dive a...
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Lew Tucker
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Docker, Inc.
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Sanjeev Rampal
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Juraj Hantak
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Cisco Canada
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Mason Mei
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Similar to Microservices and containers networking: Contiv, an industry leading open source solution from Cisco - Luca Relandini - Codemotion Rome 2017 (20)

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automation via ansible ffjeefjewfhewjkfhrfjrefhekjrhfernn
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ACI Hands-on Lab
ACI Hands-on LabACI Hands-on Lab
ACI Hands-on Lab
08 sdn system intelligence short public beijing sdn conference - 130828
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08 sdn system intelligence short public beijing sdn conference - 130828
Cisco Connect 2018 Indonesia - software-defined access-a transformational ap...
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Как развернуть кампусную сеть Cisco за 10 минут? Новые технологии для автомат...
Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), the policy driven data centre
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Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI), the policy driven data centre
StampedeCon 2015 Keynote
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StampedeCon 2015 Keynote
How Cisco Migrated from MapReduce Jobs to Spark Jobs - StampedeCon 2015
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Cisco SDN/NVF Innovations (SDN NVF Day ITB 2016)
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The Data Center Network Evolution
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Cloud Computing and the Promise of Everything as a Service
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Cloud Computing and the Promise of Everything as a Service

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Microservices and containers networking: Contiv, an industry leading open source solution from Cisco - Luca Relandini - Codemotion Rome 2017

  • 1. Cisco Contiv: Network Policies for Microservices Luca Relandini @lucarelandini ROME 24-25 MARCH 2017
  • 3. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Containers and Microservices container Your code Your startup scripts Code dependencies Should deploy with exactly the same behavior on any host/VM that can run containers Orders Wishlist Payment
  • 4. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Cloud Native FROM TO Microservices - Impact on IT Operations DevOps Shared Responsibility Common Incentives, Tools, Process and Culture Not My Problem Separate Tools, Varied Incentives, Opaque Process Continuous Delivery Release Early and Often Higher Quality of Code Release Once Every 6 Months More Bugs in Production Microservices Loosely Coupled Components Automated Deploy Without Waiting on Individual Components Tightly Coupled Components Slow Deployment Cycles Waiting on Integrated Tests Teams Traditional IT
  • 5. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Containers Help to Achieve Agile App Development Stage/ Production TestDevelopment Version Control SysAdmin QA/QEDeveloper BRKDCT-2023 7 Different players in the game
  • 6. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 8 But... There are Concerns in Containers Adoption What slows an organization’s use of containers? 75% 71% 64% 62% 61% Security Networking Performance Integration Management Source: n= 124 to-date, IDC custom survey, study commissioned by Cisco Need for production-grade infrastructure
  • 7. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public HW Integration Can not leverage performance and security by natively integrating with HW Networking In The New Container World Physical Network HypervisorHypervisor Physical Network Virtual Switching or Overlay Network C1 Cn Guest OS - Bridged Overlay Network - VXLAN Physical Network Hypervisor Hypervisor Host 1 Host 2 Host 2Host 1 VM1 C1 Cn Guest OS - Bridged VM2 C1 Cn Guest OS - Bridged Overlay Network - VXLAN C1 Cn Guest OS - Bridged Connectivity Network services, e.g. Load balancer, Firewall Performance Encap over encap over encap affects performance VM1 VM2 9 Bare Metal VM Containers in VM
  • 9. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public VM or BM Basics of Container Networking Minimally it provides: - IP Connectivity in Container’s Network Namespace - IPAM, and Network Device Creation (eth0) - Route Advertisement or Host NAT for external connectivity Container eth0 Container eth0 Physical Network Linux/Windows OS Networking ensp0
  • 10. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Container Network Model (CNM) Docker Container Endpoint Network Sandbox Green Network Docker Container Endpoint Network Sandbox Blue Network • Proposed by Docker to provide networking abstractions/API for container networking • Sandbox contains configuration of a container's network stack (Linux network namespace) • An endpoint is a container's interface into a network (veth pair) • A network is collection of arbitrary endpoints that can communicate with each other • A container can belong to multiple endpoints (and therefore multiple networks) CNM provides Driver APIs for IPAM and Endpoint creation/deletion IPAM Driver APIs: - Create/Delete Pool, - Allocate/Free IP Address Network Driver APIs: - Network Create/Delete, - Endpoint Create/Delete/Join/Leave eth0 eth1
  • 11. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Container Network Interface (CNI) • Proposed by CoreOS as part of appc specification, used also by Kubernetes • Common interface between container run time and network plugin • Gives driver freedom to manipulate network namespace • Network described by JSON config • Plugins support two commands: - Add Container to Network - Remove Container from Network Container Network namespace Driver plumbing Differences (from CNM): - Gives Driver freedom to manipulate network namespace - Provide Container Id, Params to drivers - Just 2 API: Add Container to Network, Delete Container from Network
  • 13. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Today’s Infrastructure Needs BRKDCT-2023 Mike, IT AdminSally, Dev/Test 1. Develop and test fast 2. Agility and Elasticity 3. Does not care about other users 1. Manage infrastructure 2. Stability and Security 3. Isolation and Compliance Challenge: Conflicting goals and priorities
  • 14. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 17BRKDCT-2023 How can we achieve these goals? Key: Policy-based Container Networking Declarative Tags (simpler) Manage Groups instead of single objects (faster)
  • 16. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Containerized Apps on Shared Infrastructure Application Intent Compute Compute Operational Intent Contiv Is an Open Source Solution to Define and Enforce Distributed Policies Across Infrastructure NETWORK Compute
  • 17. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Application Intent with Operation Intent PLACEHOLDER version: '2' services: web: build: . label: - tier: web volumes: - .:/code networks: - front-tier - back-tier db: image: mysql App Intent PLACEHOLDER web: environment: prod networks: security: - allow ports: 5000, 443 bandwidth: 5gbps lb selector: - tier: web db: networks: security: allow ports: 3306 from web Ops Intent (e.g. Contiv Intent*) Operation Intent Provides Operational Requirements and Policies for Applications * Shown in yaml for better visualization
  • 18. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Contiv: How everything fits together Operational Policy Management Developer Operations Application Scheduler Node 1 Node 2 Node-n Contiv Distributed Policy Layer ... Contiv Elements Contiv UI/CLI/API to manage and monitor policies/usage Distributed policy enforcement for network Integration with physical infrastructure Integrated with popular container schedulers Contiv Automatically Integrates and Enforces Developer and Operations Policies
  • 19. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 100% Open Source The Most Powerful Container Networking Fabric L2, L3, Overlay or ACI Rich Policies DevOps IT Admin Any NetworkingAny Platform Any Infrastructure Application Intent Rich Policy Model Declarative Simple Install GUI + CLI LDAP/RBAC Contiv
  • 20. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Contiv Integration with Underlying DC Infrastructure Application-Centric Infrastructure (ACI) • Containers integrated with APIC policies • Physical services integration Nexus Standalone or Any Network • VLAN handoff • BGP interop (standard routing protocol) Contiv Leverages Underlying Infrastructure Capabilities
  • 21. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Introducing Contiv 1.0 What’s New: LDAP+ RBAC All New User Experience and Workflow Kubernetes 1.4 Support Docker 1.12 Support OpenShift Integration Simple Install 1 Commercially Supported Contiv will be announced shortly Cisco Advances Services Cisco Solutions Support 100% Open Source at
  • 22. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Contiv’s Approach to Containers Scale Route and Policy Distribution Speed Automated Scale-Out Layer of Network Flat Networks High Performance Application-Centric Integrated with App Blueprint Shared Resources Policies for Resource Acquisition Hybrid Cloud Consistent Policies Security Tenant Isolation Security Policies Telemetry/Diagnostics Application Statistics Data Export 25
  • 23. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Contiv Network Components Contiv CLI/UI Node 1 Contiv Agent ...Node 2 Contiv Agent Node-n Contiv Agent Contiv Elements Container networking for: • Kubernetes, Mesos, Nomad, and Swam Route distribution using BGP or JSON RPC Custom OpenFlow pipeline for host networking • Allows implementing various features (details later) Exports data about: App connectivity, stats, peer Distributed, cluster-wide function Stateless: Useful in node failure/restart, upgrade Implements cluster-wide network and policy Manage global resources: IPAM, VLAN/VXLAN pools Tools to manipulate Contiv objects Implements CRUD using REST I/F Expected to be used by infra/ops teams RBAC 26
  • 24. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Contiv Network High-Level Architecture Host-1 .… Host Plug-In Distributed KV Store Plug-In Logic Contiv Host Agent Host-n Linux Host Routing/Switching To Physical Network ARP/DNS Responder Service LB Route Distribution [ BGP | RPC ] Container Runtime (e.g., Docker) [ K8s| Swarm | Mesos | Nomad ] Master-DBPolicy Engine REST Server IPAM/ Res-Mgmt HA Heartbeat Distributed KV Store [ Etcd | Consul ] REST client (e.g. netctl) API Calls to External Orchestration Systems e.g,. ACI, Schedulers Health Monitoring Contiv Master Cluster .…… .…
  • 25. Demo
  • 26. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Tutorial on Docker and Contiv - do it yourself ;-) A normal docker network (without Contiv) looks like it: It’s online at
  • 27. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 32Presentation ID
  • 28. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 33Presentation ID Let’s create a Contiv network
  • 29. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public How Docker sees a Contiv network Let’s attach a new container to the new network:
  • 30. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 35Presentation ID Networks are isolated Let’s create one more container on contiv-net: We have many containers now (contiv-c1 and contiv-c5 are on the same network): Ping works here (same if the container is on a different host/VM) Ping does not work here
  • 31. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Tenants in Contiv Two different networks, they don’t communicate Tenants are isolated worlds, to avoid conflicts. They have separate namespaces for resources.
  • 32. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public 37Presentation ID Applying policies between containers with Contiv Contiv provide a way to apply isolation policies between containers groups (regardless of the tenants, eventually within the tenants). For this, we create a simple policy called db-policy, and add some rules to it to define which ports are allowed.
  • 33. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Policies are applied among Groups Finally, we associate the policy with a group (a group is an arbitrary collection of containers, e.g. a tier for a microservice) and then run some containers that belong to db group Let’s create two more containers: The policy db-policy (ports open and closed) is applied to all the 3 containers: Managing many end points as a single object makes it easy and fast, think about auto-scaling (especially when integrated with Swarm, Kubernetes, etc.)
  • 34. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Contiv is Microservices Ready • Support for grouping Applications • Allows scale-out instances of container applications to be grouped together • Policies specified on a micro-service tier, rather than individual container workloads • Efficient forwarding between Microservice tiers • Allows a fixed (DNS published) VIP for a micro-service • Containers within the micro-services can come and go • Their IP addresses are mapped to the service IP for east-west traffic • Eliminates single point of forwarding (proxy) between micro-service tiers • Application visibility at service levels (across the cluster) Web Group App Group DB Group Allow grouping of containers/pods Specify Policies between groups or from outside the network
  • 35. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Elements of Contiv Networking Cluster-wide Connectivity Truly Multi-tenant Network Isolation Traffic Prioritization App-Composers Integrated Network Monitoring Scalable Physical Network Integration: ACI | Nexus Standalone Micro Services Ready Leverages NIC IPAM, Service Discovery Contiv Networking High Throughput
  • 36. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Contiv Value Proposition
  • 37. © 2017 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cisco Public Go and test it (easy!): Contiv releases - Documents - Join Contiv Slack - Contiv Blogs - Recorded demo - Cisco DevNet community - Contiv on Docker Store - e9523ccf86b3?tab=description

Editor's Notes

  1. Speak to each
  2. An endpoint is container's interface into a network A network is collection of arbitrary endpoints A container can belong to multiple endpoints (and therefore multiple networks) CNM allows for co-existence of multiple drivers, with a network managed by one driver Provides Driver APIs for IPAM and Endpoint creation/deletion IPAM Driver APIs: Create/Delete Pool, Allocate/Free IP Address Network Driver APIs: Network Create/Delete, Endpoint Create/Delete/Join/Leave Used by docker engine, docker swarm, and docker compose Also works with other schedulers that runs standard docker containers e.g. Nomad or Mesos docker containerizer
  3. Provide Container Create/Delete events Provides access to network namespace to the driver to plumb networking Provides container id (uuid) for which network interface is being created No separate IPAM Driver Container Create returns the IAPM information along with other data Used by Kubernetes i.e. supported by various Kubernetes network plugins
  4. n/w enables decomposition of applications, allowing them to run across a cluster as if it was a single machine container technology makes this easier easier leads to more adoption, hence more network traffic managing the app requires managing the n/w!
  5. App person – hook up the components of my app so it works Ops person – make sure an app does not bring down my dc!
  6. Developer defines app blue print Ops sets the policy Scheduler/framework keeps the components running Contiv keeps the components connected, according to the policy All of these need to be in sync
  7. Add simplification of installer, documentation, OpenShift below Docker – One click install, 100% open source