cloud native architecture cloud native applications cloud computing microservices cloud cloud native infrastructure kubernetes cloud native cloudnativenerd qaware devops k8s cloudnative java cloudnativenight software development api continuous delivery mario-leander reimer docker cloud-native technologien container software leander reimer microservices architecture cluster serverless open source big data agile software engineering security cloud native meetup software entwicklung yaml cloud native stack continuous integration monolith spring cloud knative microservice it prometheus enterprise cloud native aws faas application migration python terraform cloud native night cicd rest cloud-native container orchestration software architecture mesos api gateway cloud native technologies framework gradle apache spark spring boot solr cognitive load architecture fission cloud infrastructure observability infrastructure service mesh code codes containerization kotlin apache solr gitops enterprise cloud cncf kubeless istio projektmanagement json programming spark testkube grpc team topologies github integration harald störrle golang testing orchestrierung objektspektrum oop software industrialisierung jcon javaland javascript ruby groovy oss dcos cloud infrastructure as code quarkus webinar development devops tooling rest api developer faas platform application architecture openfaas cloud meetup nachhaltigkeit code days agilität agility continuous development machine learning cloud native security reaktive programmierung reactive programming containerisierung tools diagnosability project management cloudnativecon go azure antifragility java ee dc/os paas apache anwendungen cloud services http open policy agent serverless computing nuclio ai cloud native api gateway envoy graalvm andreas zitzelsberger stoerrle faas frameworks open whisk openfn ittage informatik aktuell agile software development grafana applikation openid authentifizierung technologies technologien containerdays model cloud-nativ rxjava reactive systems jvm operations openshift technical debt sprint heise devsec maven sonarqube qualitätsschulden cloud platforms microsoft programming languages monitoring apache big data real time data processing database time series analysis time series alex krause graphql green software development ci pipelines oidc cloudland ipc ki helm policy engineering opa sql ops qatalk microk8s zero-ops kubernetes k3s cloud-native applikationen modeling models crossplane function-as-a-service jib skaffold microsoft azure technische hochschule lübeck it security codedays munich software projekt meetup jax-rs software testing datenverarbeitung team automation smart data authentication google projektplanung query dataservices programmiersprachen scrum software quality apps containerconf software industrialization scala smart home mesosphere kafka time series database chronix iot solr cloud hadoop frontend sustainable development autoscaling cloud cost backend token green software tests protobuf clean architecture bettercode rosenheim artificial intelligence jakarta ee rbac kube cybersecurity repository git penetrationstest spinnaker dns devex cache franz wimmer distributed systems operator enterprise cloud native adoption runtime edge sicherheit fachposter sigsdatacom th lübeck nane kratzke josef adersberger event-driven cloud native migration cicd-pipeline iaas ddd legacy system microservice architecture nuclioio kubeflow ml soloio gloo ambassador container days heise oop münchen entwicklung codedays münchen codedays agile development compliance elastic cloudnativemeetup container orchestrierung aop hacker owasp reactive stream reactive manifesto autorisierung oauth2 microprofile data processing javaee datenschutz spring 5 spring webflux runtime data landscape landkarte big data landscape logging diagram uml diagram applications observer pattern cloud-ready spiffe orchestration linux ui kong analysis cloud native landscape it-tage c++ kubecon softwareentwicklung testautomatisierung cloud plattform clusters php c# developer provisioning computer languages seu nosql buildingiot netflix oss zeitreihenanalyse zookeeper künstliche intelligenz teamwork playwright metaframeworks codineers chatgpt deep tech external metrics api custom metrics resource metrics scaling in kubernetes kubernetes autoscaling kube-green environmental sustainability sustainable kubernetes system platform engineering sascha böhme niels roetert stormforge data clients performance feature-teams securitytest integrationsperformance ci-pipelines test testbarkeit integrationspattern lib services pulumi christian fritz integration pattern frameworks clean code workshop internet http/3 quic google cloud gcp co2 polyglot gdpr dsgvo jakarta cloud native virtual summit intrusion detection iso information security home business work from home remote hallo magenta robert hoffmann cloud native nerd config shellcode metasploit clair complicance persistence database as a service couchbase florian lautenschlager hello magenta voice assistant analytics ops tooling programmieren draft buildpacksio platform serverless conference ecns2019 ecn summit 2019 ecn summit ecns dharma automatisierung deployment domain driven design sicherheitsarchitektur monolithen deep learning jupyter study design hasso-plattner-insitut uni potsdam software-projekte software-projekt keakend tyc micronaut multicloud skalierbar cloud infrastruktur devoxx evaluation and assessment in software engineering implementation-level technical debt marcus ciolkowski störrle domain-level technical debt domain debt openshiftmeetup cloudposter versicherungsindustrie allianz euroforum handelsblatt oop munich codedays 2019 reaktive systeme java vs go cloud-infrastruktur cron sigs datacom scaling cloud security zipkin fluentd profes 2018 profes kubernetes-as-a-service kaas continuous lifecycle payara appsensor codetalks anwendungsentwicklung fast data bot seaa digitalization cloud native technologien cloud native landkarte chatbot collaborative monitoring icse seacon opensource jax apache cassandra applikationen reactivex jug mainz cloud ready software lifecycle spire idm identity management toolchain linuxstammtisch apache kafka edgeserver config management technologie-stack release quasd prodebt test automation software oem profes 2017 software-oem planung it-sicherheit digitalk cloud native computing apache ignite modeling usage modeling languages giant swarm spock amazon internet of things azure functions software security o'reilly software architecture time series processing information research reverse data engineering data2day netbeans jee cloudcomputing jenkins gifee parquet clickstream analysis open source stack data analysis cluster orchestration logfile analyse lucidworks skalierung von daten apache zeppelin distributed in-memory computing llm community safe collaboration stakeholder kommunikation teamarbeit product owner scrum master patrick albert dominik haas testpyramide spa turbo code-analysen software-qualität github copilot code-generierung code-transformation llms openai python bindings openai core nlp transformer architecture cloud-migration security-controls resilienz-mechanismen medizinische daten cloud provider services secure application ingress service data service data pod design thinking cloud native application produkt-organisation kubernetes-cluster black box testing openapi specs trace-testing contract testing stoplight - spectral unit-tests api tests network policies observability platform hubble gateway linux kernel jit ebpf kubernetes cni cluster connectivity container network interface cilium github action webswing full scan baseline scan api scan ipc protocols owasp api security microservice-based systems software product quality owasp zap sicherheitstest node-proxy service mesh sidecar service mesh open telemetry operator cilium mesh linkerd zero-trust networking traffic management cluster deployment architecture decision record network observability mtls flagger load tester proxy traffic split kubernetes api client project sustainable computing projects carbon aware scheduling cluster rightsizing sustainable cloud computing sustainable k8s clusters sustainable software api management service architektur vintage system integrationstest dirk kröhan energy sustainability transparency cloud modernization it modernization continuous deployment europa amazon web services cloud technologie flux minikube connect organization markus zimmermann hpa vpa cloud bill apilogging apidebugging bugtracking debuglogging quality testingtool web development stefan schmöller gprc clean infrastructure iac data platform softwaresystem softwarearchitektur openapis security test kubernetes clusters configuration properties spring auto configuration openapi spec cross cutting concerns library legacy client enterprise services green emissions security technologien security tools alerting report metriken traces logs ci cache poisoning cache manager redis distributed cache in-memory cache abstraction argo-workflows datenpipeline datenversorgung daten elt etl saas tempo loki cluster api cdk kubectl webcomponents microservices-architektur microfrontends interface self-service apis pinterest angular caching quickstart management tipps retrospektive spis kubernetes-as-a-platform next-gen bundlers esm ecmascript bundlers #microservices #micronaut #java #jcon proprietary layer cloud-friendly caas source code it tage elsys smart city smart office lorawan chaos testing chaos engineering benjamin tokgöz josef fuchshuber container conf sascha dittmann nlp semantic search semantic web bert grep jörg viechtbauer arvato abat cronon opitz suse jwt protect application owasp appsensor identify attacks hacking detecting attacks sensitive data crashtest rego cloud compliance conferencing video vconf meeting smart speaker deutsche telekom pi planning program increment safety social distance home office digital new normal new work verteiltes arbeiten software architektur telekom cloud web services runtime database sre configuration coding keptn keptn dynatrace dynatrace devops engineer device management companion app device configuration service onion architecture dip adapter ports c windows vnc exploit nmap kali dirb pentest mindset tilt kustomize immutability subset ksql partition soa cqrs sourcing ephemeral db dbaas stateful crd statefulsets microsoft sql acid transaction rocksdb raft partition tolerance availabilty consistency couchdb mongodb postgresql mysql cap theorem cockroachdb nuclio codedays sicherheit architektur oopmuc oop 2020 oop 20 microservice architektur architektur spring vpaas voice assistant platform fosdem 2020 fosdem telekom robert hofmann make runtime data useful cli graal vm graal productivity efficiency parser swi-prolog static analysis volladdierer halbaddierer objektorientiert hochsprachen-paradigmen programmiersprache swiprolog swi prolog prolog cloud native design enterprise microservice hyperscale enterprise microservices with go enterprise microservices a hitchhikers guide to enterprise microservices wi go days godays20 godays experience erfahrung in der softwareentwicklung erfahrung university of adelaide uni of adelaide sebastian baltes informatik expertin experte open qatalk expertise in software development expertise expert knative build s2i openshift s2i container image serverless platforms serverless platform serverless computing london source2image source to image source-to-image serverless containers containers project eirini eirini cloudfoundry cloud foundry cloud platform novatec matthias haussler rancher micro k8s clusterology developer workstation cloudkoffer iot devices workstation lightweight kubernetes faas-hitparade functionless hybrid architecture hybride architektur autònom autonomous faas ökosystem cloud native faas faas plattform faas-programmiermodell serverless-architektur service meshes architektur-analyse log-analyse log analyse massendaten messwerte harald stoerrle ssp2019 software-ekg software ekg softwareekg big data analysis small data timeseries api gateways eventing getambassadorio event-driven design automatic scaling tektoncd tekton pipelines tekton orelly sa con oreilly continuous security cloud friendly rehosting skalierbarkeit cloud native platform cloud native plattform enterprise cicd autonome services cloud native software development osad agile waterfalls software supply chain rohleder technische infrastruktur technische architektur anwendungs-architektur sicherheit für microservice-basierte systeme heisedevsec modeling language bpmn visual modeling languages flexmde diagrams study model usage querying observation research human-centered research computing sciences social sciences research methods hufamo prime factor analysis documentation debt information systems enterprise information systems system design system design quality euromicro autonomous services microservies serverless munich serverless munich meetup jupyter notebook metadata ml platform machine learning platform data science joerg schad jörg schad arangodb arango model serving data validation feature engineering data collection pipeline management hopsfs steffen grohsschmiedt hopsworks logicalclocks as-a-service resilient tensorflow modelle in der praxis uml models in it modelle agile adopter layered diagrams communication correlation experimental data variable vailidity sampling survey questionnaire seminar visual models service broker cloudifire cloud natove platform continuous migration continuous compliance continuous delivers cd cloud native enterprises service broker api syncier cloud syncier open service broker api open service broker skalierung native image graalvm aot compiler app developer application developers devops essentials enterprise cloud architecture cloud 101 code 101 immutable cloud infrastructure developing good code java chamber of horrors bad code devoxx uk ease copenhagen ease ease 2019 microxchg java conference java land 2019 javaland 2019 javaland2019 java land consol red hat redhat alibaba cloud cloud application cloud poster cloud-native apps 2.0 cloud native apps 2.0 cloud native apps legacy anwendungen versicherung insurance public cloud container plattform container platform web application strategisches it-management handelsblatt jahrestagung cloud technologies cloudtechnologien platform technologies plattformtechnologien agile transformation agil digital insurance platform digital insurance oop 2019 cloudibility rookio rook container plat ittage informatik aktuell function as a service product quality product maturity product development process evolution process phylake coninuous security sap gardener gardener sap aks aws fargate imworld software architecture conference microservivces software qs-tag detection ids anwendung the architecture gathering tag antifragitlität authentisierung authorization bots apicrawler hashtag reverse engineering ccc mrmcd apacheignite tinder reactive jep266 bedcon dynamic indicators seated oss2018 kuberentes jfs2018 callback cloud-based infrastructure squarescale cds18 service virtuelle währung datenbank iota blockchain mise utility usability modelling comment manual isse university documentation software modeling poster eye-tracking nodes loodse machine api konfigurationsmanagement ansible java enterprise deploy automated runtime defense cloud native firewalling twistlock cosee java 9 java user group maiz java user group mainz modellierung knowledge management antipattern pattern cloud comu scytale softwarequalität frankfurter entwicklertag delivery operator pattern micro operators anomaly detection fast apachebigdata in-memory computing jruby asciidoc dsl roadmap it-tage; software architektur; software programmie quality models planning softwareindustrialisierung bitbucket agile business models software qualität pm forum sichere kommunikation secure design patterns sicherheitsorientiertes entwickeln systemarchitekturen it-security build tool build management build automatisierungstool .net development environment dynamische daten broken windows lasttest logfile leaks softwaresanierung softwareprojekte dynamische kennzahlen unittest concourse ci systems informal models ease karlskrona models in software development fully formal models uml conceptual models partially formal models ease 2017 ease sweden infrastructure services root ca giantnetes g8s aws api kubernetes as a service typescript assembler pl/sql basic bash objective-c haskell perl pascal c/c++ traefik home automation amazon echo vamp marathon datacenter o'reilly real-time search bi platform data engineering image recognition seu-as-code jdk ide coreos nginx cloud monitoring provisioning seu as code gradle summit clickstream analyse spark streaming nowql ecommerce hdfs information retrieval web tracking smarthome philips hue binding philips openhab eclipse smarthome zwitscher container management
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