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Kubernetes Networking
Bryan Boreham, Director of Engineering
What does Weave do?
Weave lets devops
iterate faster with:
• observability &
• continuous delivery
• container networks &
Kubernetes is our #1
What you should learn
1. How clients talk to services in Kubernetes
2. Connecting containers: overlay vs native
3. Connecting into your cluster: NodePort,
HostPort, LoadBalancer, Ingress
4. Be better equipped to troubleshoot
• Docker
• Kubernetes
• Weave
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Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It was originally developed by Google based on years of experience running production workloads at scale. Kubernetes groups containers into logical units called pods and handles tasks like scheduling, health checking, scaling and rollbacks. The main components include a master node that manages the cluster and worker nodes that run application containers scheduled by the master.

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In the era of Microservices, Cloud Computing and Serverless architecture, it’s useful to understand Kubernetes and learn how to use it. However, the official Kubernetes documentation can be hard to decipher, especially for newcomers. In this book, I will present a simplified view of Kubernetes and give examples of how to use it for deploying microservices using different cloud providers, including Azure, Amazon, Google Cloud and even IBM.

Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17

This document provides an agenda and instructions for a hands-on introduction to Kubernetes tutorial. The tutorial will cover Kubernetes basics like pods, services, deployments and replica sets. It includes steps for setting up a local Kubernetes environment using Minikube and demonstrates features like rolling updates, rollbacks and self-healing. Attendees will learn how to develop container-based applications locally with Kubernetes and deploy changes to preview them before promoting to production.

What is Kubernetes?
What is Kubernetes?
NodeNode Node
NodeNode Node
Kubernetes runs Services
Let’s talk about Ports
A service listens on a Port at an IP address
– e.g. http on port 80, postgres on port 5432
– or your own custom service on 9090

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Kubernetes   a comprehensive overviewKubernetes   a comprehensive overview
Kubernetes a comprehensive overview

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Its main components include a master node that manages the cluster and worker nodes that run the applications. It uses labels to identify pods and services and selectors to group related pods. Common concepts include deployments for updating apps, services for network access, persistent volumes for storage, and roles/bindings for access control. The deployment process involves the API server, controllers, scheduler and kubelet to reconcile the desired state and place pods on nodes from images while providing discovery and load balancing.

Kubernetes Networking with Cilium - Deep Dive
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Kubernetes Networking with Cilium - Deep Dive

Cilium is open source software for providing and transparently securing network connectivity and load balancing between application workloads such as application containers or processes. Cilium operates at Layer 3/4 to provide traditional networking and security services as well as Layer 7 to protect and secure use of modern application protocols such as HTTP, gRPC and Kafka. The foundation of Cilium is the new Linux kernel technology BPF which supports the dynamic insertion of BPF bytecode into the Linux kernel at various integration points. This presentation reveals the secrets of Kubernetes networking and gives you a deep dive into Cilium and why it is awesome!

Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It describes Kubernetes' architecture including nodes, pods, replication controllers, services, and networking. It also discusses how to set up Kubernetes environments using Minikube or kubeadm and get started deploying pods and services.

Suppose we want to run two?
•Only one thing can be listening on a port
•We could give the second one a new port
How do we keep track?
• Fiddling with port numbers needs a bit of book-keeping
• Could have another service where we register all the
port numbers we’ve chosen
• Downside: this requires that every client uses the
Give every service its own IP address
•Container Networking means never having to
say “what port is it on?”
•Every service uses its native port number
Kubernetes Concepts
IP addr

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Kubernetes Concepts And Architecture Powerpoint Presentation Slides

The document provides an overview of Kubernetes concepts and architecture. It begins with an introduction to containers and microservices architecture. It then discusses what Kubernetes is and why organizations should use it. The remainder of the document outlines Kubernetes components, nodes, development processes, networking, and security measures. It provides descriptions and diagrams explaining key aspects of Kubernetes such as architecture, components like Kubelet and Kubectl, node types, and networking models.

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Getting Started with Kubernetes
Getting Started with Kubernetes Getting Started with Kubernetes
Getting Started with Kubernetes

If you’re working with just a few containers, managing them isn't too complicated. But what if you have hundreds or thousands? Think about having to handle multiple upgrades for each container, keeping track of container and node state, available resources, and more. That’s where Kubernetes comes in. Kubernetes is an open source container management platform that helps you run containers at scale. This talk will cover Kubernetes components and show how to run applications on it.

Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes BasicsKubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Basics

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes basics. It introduces Kubernetes as an open source container orchestration tool developed by Google to manage the lifecycle of containers. It describes common Kubernetes concepts like pods, deployments, services, and how to install Kubernetes on local, on-premise and cloud environments. It also covers important topics for production use such as health checks, resource restrictions, logging, monitoring and alerts.

Just one thing though
•Now, when we contact a service, we need to
know its IP address.
•There is a standard way to do that
• Run multiple instances of a service
• Clients should call one of them, don’t care
Now add Scaling and Redundancy
DNS can do this. Right?
•Some clients will re-query on every call
•Some clients will cache the result too long
•Most clients will not round-robin
• DNS name resolves to a stable Virtual IP address
• Kube-proxy translates VIP to one Pod IP
Kubernetes Cluster IPs
“Where is

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This document provides an overview of OpenShift Container Platform. It describes OpenShift's architecture including containers, pods, services, routes and the master control plane. It also covers key OpenShift features like self-service administration, automation, security, logging, monitoring, networking and integration with external services.

Docker Networking Overview
Docker Networking OverviewDocker Networking Overview
Docker Networking Overview

The document provides an overview of Docker networking as of version 17.06. It begins with introductions of the presenter and some key terminology used. It then discusses why container networking is needed and compares features of container and VM networking. The major components of Docker networking including network drivers, IPAM, Swarm networking, service discovery, and load balancing are outlined. Concepts of CNI/CNM standards and IP address management are explained. Examples of different network drivers such as bridge, overlay, macvlan are provided. The document also covers Docker networking concepts such as default networks, Swarm mode, service discovery, and load balancing. It concludes with some debugging commands and a reference slide.

DevOps with Kubernetes
DevOps with KubernetesDevOps with Kubernetes
DevOps with Kubernetes

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: - Kubernetes is an open source system for managing containerized applications and services across clusters of hosts. It provides tools to deploy, maintain, and scale applications. - Kubernetes objects include pods, services, deployments, jobs, and others to define application components and how they relate. - The Kubernetes architecture consists of a control plane running on the master including the API server, scheduler and controller manager. Nodes run the kubelet and kube-proxy to manage pods and services. - Kubernetes can be deployed on AWS using tools like CloudFormation templates to automate cluster creation and management for high availability and scalability.

out of the boxawsmanaging and orchestrating containerized cluster a
We need network packets to go from one pod to another
pod, across whatever sits in the middle
Let’s talk about Pod Networking
Who controls your network?
If you have the IP space, and you control the network, just
program the routers
Pod Network: Routes
Packets are encapsulated before they leave the machine
Pod Network: Overlay>

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Kubernetes Secrets Management on Production with Demo

Are you still keep your credential in your code? This session will show you how to do secrets management in best practices with Hashicorp Vault with a demo on Kubernetes Jirayut Nimsaeng Founder & CEO Opsta (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Youtube Record: TD Tech - Open House: The Technology Playground @ Sathorn Square October 29, 2022

Understanding Kubernetes
Understanding KubernetesUnderstanding Kubernetes
Understanding Kubernetes

This document provides an introduction to Kubernetes, including definitions of key concepts like pods, services, labels, replica sets, deployments, and horizontal pod autoscaling. It explains how Kubernetes abstracts and virtualizes resources to run and manage containers across a cluster. Examples and diagrams illustrate concepts like pod networking and canary deployments. The document recommends resources for learning more about Kubernetes and getting started, including Google Cloud Platform and a demo of Kubernetes capabilities.

kubernetesgoogle cloud
Openshift Container Platform
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Openshift Container Platform

This document discusses OpenShift Container Platform, a platform as a service (PaaS) that provides a full development and deployment platform for applications. It allows developers to easily manage application dependencies and development environments across basic infrastructure, public clouds, and production servers. OpenShift provides container orchestration using Kubernetes along with developer tools and a user experience to support DevOps practices like continuous integration/delivery.

red hatopenshiftdlt solutions
The Three Commandments
...of Kubernetes Networking:
• All containers can communicate with all other
• All nodes can communicate with all containers
(and vice-versa)
• The IP that a container sees itself as is the same
IP that others see it as
CNI: the Container Network Interface
Pod Network
• One high-numbered port, on every Node in the cluster
• Can bounce from one machine to another
Exposing services: NodePort
foo :30021
• Specific port is mapped locally on the host
• “Don’t use hostPort unless it is absolutely necessary”
Exposing services: HostPort
foo :8080

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An Architectural Deep Dive With Kubernetes And Containers Powerpoint Presenta...

Introducing An Architectural Deep Dive With Kubernetes And Containers PowerPoint Presentation Slides. Present the need for the containers in an organization with the help of a readily available PPT slideshow. Discuss container architecture, use cases details to make your presentation elaborative. Showcase the features, architecture, installation roadmap, and the 30-60-90 day plan in Kubernetes with the help of modern-designed PPT infographics. Familiarize your viewers with the various components of Kubernetes with the help of content-ready Kubernetes Docker PPT visuals. Make full use of high-quality icons to make your presentation attention-grabbing and meaningful. Compare and contrast Kubernetes with docker swarm based on various parameters with the help of this attention-grabbing PPT slideshow. Elaborate on Kubelet, Kubectl, and Kubeadm with the help of labeled diagrams. Showcase the networking model of Kubernetes, security measures, and the development process with this easy-to-use docker Architecture PowerPoint template. Therefore, hit the download button now to grab this amazing presentation.

developmentprocessan architectural deep dive with kubernetes and con
Kubernetes and Prometheus
Kubernetes and PrometheusKubernetes and Prometheus
Kubernetes and Prometheus

Prometheus was recently accepted into the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, making it the second project after Kubernetes to be given their blessing and acknowledging that Prometheus and Kubernetes make an awesome combination. In this talk we'll cover common patterns for running Prometheus on Kubernetes, how to monitor services on Kubernetes, and some cool tips and hacks to ensure you get the most out of your Prometheus + Kubernetes deployment.

Kubernetes networking - basics
Kubernetes networking - basicsKubernetes networking - basics
Kubernetes networking - basics

The document discusses Kubernetes networking concepts including pods, services, and ingress. It provides examples of how containers within pods communicate via Docker networking. It also explains how Kubernetes networking solves the problems of pod-to-pod, service-to-pod, and external-to-service communications using services, iptables, and kube-proxy. The document demonstrates creating a deployment, service, and ingress to expose an application externally via a load balancer.

cncfkubernetscloud native network
• Layer 4 - works for any TCP-based protocol
• Available for specific implementations, e.g. ELB
Exposing services: LoadBalancer
kube-proxy / iptables
• Layer 7 - defined for http only
• Available for specific implementations, e.g. nginx, ALB
Exposing services: Ingress
ingress controller
foo foo
Example Ingress config
apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Ingress
- host:
- path: /foo
serviceName: s1
servicePort: 80
- path: /bar
serviceName: s2
servicePort: 80
Recap: all you need to know
•Kubernetes runs Pods which implement
•Pods need a Pod Network - routed or Overlay
•Pod network is driven via CNI
•Clients connect to Services via virtual Cluster
•Kubernetes has many ways to expose a
Service outside the cluster - each has pros and

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Docker Enterprise is changing the application landscape but you still need container A to talk to B in a reliable and portable way. In this workshop you will learn key Docker Enterprise networking concepts, container networking best practices, get your hands dirty by going over use-cases and examples across both Swarm and Kubernetes. Join us to learn more.

Docker Networking - Common Issues and Troubleshooting Techniques
Docker Networking - Common Issues and Troubleshooting TechniquesDocker Networking - Common Issues and Troubleshooting Techniques
Docker Networking - Common Issues and Troubleshooting Techniques

This document discusses Docker networking components and common issues. It covers Docker networking drivers like bridge, host, overlay, topics around Docker daemon access and configuration behind firewalls. It also discusses container networking best practices like using user-defined networks instead of links, connecting containers to multiple networks, and connecting managed services to unmanaged containers. The document is intended to help troubleshoot Docker networking issues.

Kubernetes networks
Kubernetes networksKubernetes networks
Kubernetes networks

Kubernetes has a very complex network architecture. It is the networking that enables Kubernetes to redefine the latest container technology. 1. Docker containers networks 2. Containers communication in a Pod 3. Pods communication cross different nodes 4. Pod to Service communication

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Kubernetes Networking 101

  • 1. Kubernetes Networking Bryan Boreham, Director of Engineering @bboreham
  • 2. What does Weave do? Weave lets devops iterate faster with: • observability & monitoring • continuous delivery • container networks & firewalls Kubernetes is our #1 platform
  • 3. What you should learn 1. How clients talk to services in Kubernetes 2. Connecting containers: overlay vs native 3. Connecting into your cluster: NodePort, HostPort, LoadBalancer, Ingress 4. Be better equipped to troubleshoot
  • 4. • Docker • Kubernetes • Weave Who is working with...
  • 8. Let’s talk about Ports A service listens on a Port at an IP address – e.g. http on port 80, postgres on port 5432 – or your own custom service on 9090 9090 foo
  • 9. Suppose we want to run two? •Only one thing can be listening on a port •We could give the second one a new port number 9090 9091 foo1 foo2
  • 10. How do we keep track? • Fiddling with port numbers needs a bit of book-keeping • Could have another service where we register all the port numbers we’ve chosen • Downside: this requires that every client uses the registry 9090 9091 Service Registry “Where is foo2?” foo1 foo2
  • 11. Give every service its own IP address •Container Networking means never having to say “what port is it on?” •Every service uses its native port number 9090 foo1 9090 foo2
  • 13. Just one thing though •Now, when we contact a service, we need to know its IP address. •There is a standard way to do that DNS “Where is foo2?” foo1 foo2
  • 14. • Run multiple instances of a service • Clients should call one of them, don’t care which foo foo Now add Scaling and Redundancy foo
  • 15. DNS can do this. Right? •Some clients will re-query on every call •Some clients will cache the result too long •Most clients will not round-robin
  • 16. • DNS name resolves to a stable Virtual IP address • Kube-proxy translates VIP to one Pod IP Kubernetes Cluster IPs kube-dns kube-proxy -> foo “Where is foo?” -
  • 17. We need network packets to go from one pod to another pod, across whatever sits in the middle Let’s talk about Pod Networking
  • 18. Who controls your network? 403336019
  • 19. If you have the IP space, and you control the network, just program the routers Pod Network: Routes via via
  • 20. Packets are encapsulated before they leave the machine Pod Network: Overlay> [>]
  • 21. The Three Commandments ...of Kubernetes Networking: • All containers can communicate with all other containers • All nodes can communicate with all containers (and vice-versa) • The IP that a container sees itself as is the same IP that others see it as
  • 22. CNI: the Container Network Interface kubele t Po d Interface Plugin Pod Network ADD
  • 23. • One high-numbered port, on every Node in the cluster • Can bounce from one machine to another Exposing services: NodePort kube-proxy :30021 -> foo :30021
  • 24. • Specific port is mapped locally on the host • “Don’t use hostPort unless it is absolutely necessary” Exposing services: HostPort :8080 -> foo :8080
  • 25. • Layer 4 - works for any TCP-based protocol • Available for specific implementations, e.g. ELB Exposing services: LoadBalancer LB foo cloud-controller Programs endpoints kube-proxy / iptables foo
  • 26. • Layer 7 - defined for http only • Available for specific implementations, e.g. nginx, ALB Exposing services: Ingress ingress controller foo foo Master
  • 27. Example Ingress config apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1 kind: Ingress spec: rules: - host: http: paths: - path: /foo backend: serviceName: s1 servicePort: 80 - path: /bar backend: serviceName: s2 servicePort: 80
  • 28. Recap: all you need to know •Kubernetes runs Pods which implement Services •Pods need a Pod Network - routed or Overlay •Pod network is driven via CNI •Clients connect to Services via virtual Cluster IPs •Kubernetes has many ways to expose a Service outside the cluster - each has pros and
  • 29. Thanks! Questions? We are hiring! Engineers in SF & London
  • 30. What’s Next? •Try Weave Cloud – •Join the Weave user group! – •Get in touch! (Slack, Email, etc.) –