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Scale Kubernetes to Support
50,000 Services
Haibin Michael Xie, Senior Staff Engineer/Architect, Huawei
• Challenges while scaling services
• Solutions and prototypes
• Performance data
• Q&A
What are the Challenges while Scaling Services
• Control plane (Master, kubelet,
kube-proxy) API Server
Load Balancer
• Deploy services and pods
• Propagate endpoints
• Add/remove services in load balancer
• Propagate endpoints
• Data plane (load balancer)
Pod Pod Pod
KubeProxy Kubelet
Load Balancer
Pod Pod Pod
API Server
Control Plane
… …
N nodes per cluster
M pods per second
QPS: N*M endpoints per second
Service deployed
Pod deployed and

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Multi Chassis LAG for Cloud builders

ジュニパーネットワークス Multi Chassis LAGの概要、基本機能、設定方法についてご説明いたします。

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Replacing iptables with eBPF in Kubernetes with Cilium
Replacing iptables with eBPF in Kubernetes with CiliumReplacing iptables with eBPF in Kubernetes with Cilium
Replacing iptables with eBPF in Kubernetes with Cilium

Cilium is an open source project which provides networking, security and load balancing for application services that are deployed using Linux container technologies by using the native eBPF technology in the Linux kernel. In this presentation we talked about: - The evolution of the BPF filters and explained the advantages of eBPF Filters and its use cases today in Linux especially on how Cilium networking utilizes the eBPF Filters to secure the Kubernetes workload with increased performance when compared to legacy iptables. - How Cilium uses SOCKMAP for layer 7 policy enforcement - How Cilium integrates with Istio and handles L7 Network Policies with Envoy Proxies. - The new features since the last release such as running Kubernetes cluster without kube-proxy, providing clusterwide NetworkPolicies, providing fully distributed networking and security observability platform for cloud native workloads etc.


Cilium is an open source software that provides networking and security for Kubernetes. It implements Kubernetes networking, security policies, load balancing, and service mesh capabilities using eBPF. Cilium provides multi-cluster networking by coupling multiple Kubernetes clusters into a cluster mesh with a shared control plane. It also offers a sidecar-less service mesh that uses eBPF and Envoy for L4 and L7 traffic management instead of injecting proxies into each pod. Demos showed Cilium's multi-cluster load balancing and policies as well as its service mesh capabilities.

cilium multi-cluster mesh
API Server
Control Plane
… …
N nodes per cluster
M pods per second
QPS: N*M endpoints per second
Load: N*M*(M+1)/2 addresses per second
Control Plane Solution
1. Partition endpoints object into multiple objects
• Pros: reduce Endpoints object size
• Cons: increase # of objects and requests
2. Central load balancer
• Pros: reduce connections and requests to API server
• Cons: one more hop in service routing, require strong HA, limited LB scalability
3. Batch creating/updating endpoints
• Timer based, no change to data structure in ETCD
• Pros: reduce QPS
• Cons: E2E latency is increased by Batch interval
API Server
Control Plane Solution
… …
QPS: N*M per second
Load: N*M*(M+1)/2 addresses per second
Timer and batch QPS: N*M per second
Load: N*M*(M+1)/2 addresses per second
QPS: N per second
Load: N*M addresses per second
N nodes per cluster
M pods per second

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Kubernetes Networking
Kubernetes NetworkingKubernetes Networking
Kubernetes Networking

The document discusses Kubernetes networking. It describes how Kubernetes networking allows pods to have routable IPs and communicate without NAT, unlike Docker networking which uses NAT. It covers how services provide stable virtual IPs to access pods, and how kube-proxy implements services by configuring iptables on nodes. It also discusses the DNS integration using SkyDNS and Ingress for layer 7 routing of HTTP traffic. Finally, it briefly mentions network plugins and how Kubernetes is designed to be open and customizable.

Excitingly simple multi-path OpenStack networking: LAG-less, L2-less, yet ful...
Excitingly simple multi-path OpenStack networking: LAG-less, L2-less, yet ful...Excitingly simple multi-path OpenStack networking: LAG-less, L2-less, yet ful...
Excitingly simple multi-path OpenStack networking: LAG-less, L2-less, yet ful...

Yuki Nishiwaki / Samir Ibradzic (LINE Corporation) OpenStack Summit Vancouver, May 2018

Batch Processing Requests Reduction
One batch per 0.5 second.
 QPS:reduced 98%
Pods per
Number of
EndPoints Controller # of Requests
Before After Reduction
100 551 10 98.2%
150 785 14 98.2%
200 1105 17 98.5%
Test setup:
1 Master,4 slaves
16 core 2.60GHz, 48GB RAM
Batch Processing E2E Latency Reduction
Latency: reduced 60+% Pods per
Number of
E2E Latency (Second)
Before After Reduction
100 8.5 3.5 59.1%
150 13.5 5.3 60.9%
200 22.8 7.8 65.8%
Data Panel
• What is IPTables?
• iptables is a user-space application that allows configuring Linux kernel
firewall (implemented on top of Netfilter) by configuring chains and
• What is Netfilter? A framework provided by the Linux kernel that allows
customization of networking-related operations, such as packet filtering,
NAT, port translation etc.
• Issues with IPTables as load balancer
• Latency to access service (routing latency)
• Latency to add/remove rule
IPTables Example
# Iptables –t nat –L –n
target prot opt source destination
KUBE-SERVICES all -- anywhere anywhere /* kubernetes service portals */  1
DOCKER all -- anywhere anywhere ADDRTYPE match dst-type LOCAL
Chain KUBE-SEP-G3MLSGWVLUPEIMXS (1 references)  4
target prot opt source destination
MARK all -- anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */ MARK set 0x4d415351
DNAT tcp -- anywhere anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */ tcp to:
Chain KUBE-SEP-OUBP2X5UG3G4CYYB (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
MARK all -- anywhere /* default/kubernetes: */ MARK set 0x4d415351
DNAT tcp -- anywhere anywhere /* default/kubernetes: */ tcp to:
Chain KUBE-SEP-PXEMGP3B44XONJEO (1 references)  4
target prot opt source destination
MARK all -- anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */ MARK set 0x4d415351
DNAT tcp -- anywhere anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */ tcp to:
Chain KUBE-SERVICES (2 references)  2
target prot opt source destination
KUBE-SVC-N4RX4VPNP4ATLCGG tcp -- anywhere /* default/webpod-service: cluster IP */ tcp dpt:http
KUBE-SVC-6N4SJQIF3IX3FORG tcp -- anywhere /* default/kubernetes: cluster IP */ tcp dpt:https
KUBE-NODEPORTS all -- anywhere anywhere /* kubernetes service nodeports; NOTE: this must be the last rule in this chain */ ADDRTYPE match dst-type
Chain KUBE-SVC-6N4SJQIF3IX3FORG (1 references)
target prot opt source destination
KUBE-SEP-OUBP2X5UG3G4CYYB all -- anywhere anywhere /* default/kubernetes: */
Chain KUBE-SVC-N4RX4VPNP4ATLCGG (1 references)  3
target prot opt source destination
KUBE-SEP-G3MLSGWVLUPEIMXS all -- anywhere anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */ statistic mode random probability 0.50000000000
KUBE-SEP-PXEMGP3B44XONJEO all -- anywhere anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */

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Cloud Native Days Online 2021で発表した際に使った資料です。 尺の都合上カットしたスライドも含んでいるため、実際に話した際に使ったスライドよりも多いです。

CNCF and Cloud Native Intro
CNCF and Cloud Native IntroCNCF and Cloud Native Intro
CNCF and Cloud Native Intro

This document discusses cloud native computing and the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF). It defines cloud native as a new paradigm for developing, deploying, and running applications using open source software like microservices, containers, and container orchestration. The CNCF is responsible for building sustainable ecosystems of cloud native software and serves as the home for many fastest growing open source projects like Kubernetes, Prometheus, and Envoy. The document outlines CNCF projects at different maturity levels and describes how cloud native technologies empower organizations to build scalable distributed applications using open standards.

cncfcloud nativemeetup
10分でわかる Cilium と XDP / BPF
10分でわかる Cilium と XDP / BPF10分でわかる Cilium と XDP / BPF
10分でわかる Cilium と XDP / BPF

2017年11月14日開催 『サイバーエージェントとさくらインターネットのインフラ談義』のスライド資料です

IPTables Service Routing Performance
1 Service (µs) 1000 Services (µs) 10000 Services (µs) 50000 Services (µs)
First Service 575 614 1023 1821
Middle Service 575 602 1048 4174
Last Service 575 631 1050 7077
In this test, there is one entry per service in KUBE-SERVICES chain.
Where is latency generated?
• Long list of rules in a chain
• Enumerate through the list to find a service and pod
Latency to Add IPTables Rules
• Where is the latency generated?
• not incremental
• copy all rules
• make changes
• save all rules back
• IPTables locked during rule update
• Time spent to add one rule when there are 5k services (40k rules): 11
• 20k services (160k rules): 5 hours
Data Plane Solution
• Re-struct IPTables using search tree (Performance benefit)
• Replace IPTables with IPVS (Performance and beyond)
Restruct IPTables by Search Tree
Service VIP range:
CIDR list = [16, 24], defines tree layout
Create 3 services:,,
Search tree based service routing time complexity: , m is tree depth
Original service routing time complexity: O(n)

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Understanding kube proxy in ipvs mode
Understanding kube proxy in ipvs modeUnderstanding kube proxy in ipvs mode
Understanding kube proxy in ipvs mode

Kube-proxy is a Kubernetes component responsible to re-conciliate the state of the Service resources. This component can be configured in four different modes: userspace, iptables, IPVS or Kernel space (Windows). In big scales, the IPVS mode offers better performance resulting in an attractive offer. In this session, I'll try to explain the IPVS internals, and how Kubernetes automates the management of services through basic examples.

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2023년 4월 6일에 진행한 "레드햇 오픈스택 17 저자 직강 + 스터디 그룹" 1주차 세션 슬라이드입니다.

#오픈스택한국커뮤니티#레드햇 오픈스택 17#저자직강
What is IPVS
• Transport layer load balancer which directs requests for TCP and UDP
based services to real servers.
• Same to IPTables, IPVS is built on top of Netfilter.
• Support 3 load balancing mode: NAT, DR and IP Tunneling.
IPVS vs. IPTables
• Operates tables provided by linux firewall
• IPTables is more flexible to manipulate package at different stage: Pre-routing,
post-routing, forward, input, output.
• IPTables has more operations: SNAT, DNAT, reject packets, port translation etc.
Why using IPVS?
• Better performance (Hashing vs. Chain)
• More load balancing algorithm
• Round robin, source/destination hashing.
• Based on least load, least connection or locality, can assign weight to server.
• Support server health check and connection retry
• Support sticky session
IPVS Load Balancing Mode in Kubernetes
• Not public released yet
• No Kubernetes behavior change, complete functionalities: external IP,
nodePort etc
• Kube-proxy startup parameter mode=IPVS, in addition to original modes:
mode=userspace and mode=iptables
• Kube-proxy lines of code: 11800
• IPVS mode adds 680 lines of code, dependent on seasaw library
IPVS vs. IPTables Latency to Add Rules
# of Services 1 5,000 20,000
# of Rules 8 40,000 160,000
IPTables 2 ms 11 min 5 hours
IPVS 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms
Measured by iptables and ipvsadm, observations:
 In IPTables mode, latency to add rule increases significantly when # of service increases
 In IPVS mode, latency to add VIP and backend IPs does not increase when # of service increases

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え、まって。その並列分散処理、Kafkaのしくみでもできるの? Apache Kafkaの機能を利用した大規模ストリームデータの並列分散処理
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IPVS vs. IPTables Network Bandwidth
Measured by qperf
Each service exposes 4 ports (4 entries in KUBE-SERVICES chain)
Bandwidth, QPS, Latency have similar pattern
ith service first first last first last first last first last first last
# of services 1 1000 1000 5000 5000 10000 10000 25000 25000 50000 50000
Bandwidth, IPTables (MB/S) 66.6 64 56 50 38.6 15 6 0 0 0 0
Bandwidth, IPVS (MB/S) 65.3 61.7 55.3 53.5 53.8 43 43.5 30 28.5 24 23.8
More Perf/Scalability Work Done
• Scale nodes and pods in single cluster
• Reduce E2E latency of deploying pods/services
• Increase pod deployment throughput
• Improve scheduling performance
Thank You

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  • 1. Scale Kubernetes to Support 50,000 Services Haibin Michael Xie, Senior Staff Engineer/Architect, Huawei
  • 2. Agenda • Challenges while scaling services • Solutions and prototypes • Performance data • Q&A
  • 3. Master What are the Challenges while Scaling Services • Control plane (Master, kubelet, kube-proxy) API Server Controller Manager Scheduler Node KubeProxy … ETCD Kubelet Load Balancer • Deploy services and pods • Propagate endpoints • Add/remove services in load balancer • Propagate endpoints • Data plane (load balancer) Pod Pod Pod Node KubeProxy Kubelet Load Balancer Pod Pod Pod
  • 4. API Server Control Plane ETCD services Controller Manager pods endpoints Endpoints Controller Node KubeProxy Node KubeProxy Node KubeProxy … … N nodes per cluster M pods per second QPS: N*M endpoints per second Service deployed Pod deployed and scheduled
  • 6. API Server Control Plane ETCD services Controller Manager pods endpoints Endpoints Controller Node KubeProxy Node KubeProxy Node KubeProxy … … N nodes per cluster M pods per second QPS: N*M endpoints per second Load: N*M*(M+1)/2 addresses per second
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  • 8. API Server Control Plane Solution ETCD services Controller Manager pods endpoints Endpoints Controller Node KubeProxy Node KubeProxy Node KubeProxy … … QPS: N*M per second Load: N*M*(M+1)/2 addresses per second Timer and batch QPS: N*M per second Load: N*M*(M+1)/2 addresses per second QPS: N per second Load: N*M addresses per second N nodes per cluster M pods per second
  • 9. Batch Processing Requests Reduction One batch per 0.5 second.  QPS:reduced 98% Pods per Service Number of Service EndPoints Controller # of Requests Before After Reduction 10 100 551 10 98.2% 150 785 14 98.2% 200 1105 17 98.5% Test setup: 1 Master,4 slaves 16 core 2.60GHz, 48GB RAM
  • 10. Batch Processing E2E Latency Reduction Latency: reduced 60+% Pods per Service Number of Service E2E Latency (Second) Before After Reduction 10 100 8.5 3.5 59.1% 150 13.5 5.3 60.9% 200 22.8 7.8 65.8%
  • 11. Data Panel • What is IPTables? • iptables is a user-space application that allows configuring Linux kernel firewall (implemented on top of Netfilter) by configuring chains and rules. • What is Netfilter? A framework provided by the Linux kernel that allows customization of networking-related operations, such as packet filtering, NAT, port translation etc. • Issues with IPTables as load balancer • Latency to access service (routing latency) • Latency to add/remove rule
  • 12. IPTables Example # Iptables –t nat –L –n Chain PREROUTING (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination KUBE-SERVICES all -- anywhere anywhere /* kubernetes service portals */  1 DOCKER all -- anywhere anywhere ADDRTYPE match dst-type LOCAL Chain KUBE-SEP-G3MLSGWVLUPEIMXS (1 references)  4 target prot opt source destination MARK all -- anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */ MARK set 0x4d415351 DNAT tcp -- anywhere anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */ tcp to: Chain KUBE-SEP-OUBP2X5UG3G4CYYB (1 references) target prot opt source destination MARK all -- anywhere /* default/kubernetes: */ MARK set 0x4d415351 DNAT tcp -- anywhere anywhere /* default/kubernetes: */ tcp to: Chain KUBE-SEP-PXEMGP3B44XONJEO (1 references)  4 target prot opt source destination MARK all -- anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */ MARK set 0x4d415351 DNAT tcp -- anywhere anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */ tcp to: Chain KUBE-SERVICES (2 references)  2 target prot opt source destination KUBE-SVC-N4RX4VPNP4ATLCGG tcp -- anywhere /* default/webpod-service: cluster IP */ tcp dpt:http KUBE-SVC-6N4SJQIF3IX3FORG tcp -- anywhere /* default/kubernetes: cluster IP */ tcp dpt:https KUBE-NODEPORTS all -- anywhere anywhere /* kubernetes service nodeports; NOTE: this must be the last rule in this chain */ ADDRTYPE match dst-type LOCAL Chain KUBE-SVC-6N4SJQIF3IX3FORG (1 references) target prot opt source destination KUBE-SEP-OUBP2X5UG3G4CYYB all -- anywhere anywhere /* default/kubernetes: */ Chain KUBE-SVC-N4RX4VPNP4ATLCGG (1 references)  3 target prot opt source destination KUBE-SEP-G3MLSGWVLUPEIMXS all -- anywhere anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */ statistic mode random probability 0.50000000000 KUBE-SEP-PXEMGP3B44XONJEO all -- anywhere anywhere /* default/webpod-service: */
  • 13. IPTables Service Routing Performance 1 Service (µs) 1000 Services (µs) 10000 Services (µs) 50000 Services (µs) First Service 575 614 1023 1821 Middle Service 575 602 1048 4174 Last Service 575 631 1050 7077 In this test, there is one entry per service in KUBE-SERVICES chain. Where is latency generated? • Long list of rules in a chain • Enumerate through the list to find a service and pod
  • 14. Latency to Add IPTables Rules • Where is the latency generated? • not incremental • copy all rules • make changes • save all rules back • IPTables locked during rule update • Time spent to add one rule when there are 5k services (40k rules): 11 minutes • 20k services (160k rules): 5 hours
  • 15. Data Plane Solution • Re-struct IPTables using search tree (Performance benefit) • Replace IPTables with IPVS (Performance and beyond)
  • 16. VIP Restruct IPTables by Search Tree VIP: VIP: VIP: Service VIP range: CIDR list = [16, 24], defines tree layout Create 3 services:,, Search tree based service routing time complexity: , m is tree depth Original service routing time complexity: O(n)
  • 17. What is IPVS • Transport layer load balancer which directs requests for TCP and UDP based services to real servers. • Same to IPTables, IPVS is built on top of Netfilter. • Support 3 load balancing mode: NAT, DR and IP Tunneling.
  • 18. IPVS vs. IPTables IPTables: • Operates tables provided by linux firewall • IPTables is more flexible to manipulate package at different stage: Pre-routing, post-routing, forward, input, output. • IPTables has more operations: SNAT, DNAT, reject packets, port translation etc. Why using IPVS? • Better performance (Hashing vs. Chain) • More load balancing algorithm • Round robin, source/destination hashing. • Based on least load, least connection or locality, can assign weight to server. • Support server health check and connection retry • Support sticky session
  • 19. IPVS Load Balancing Mode in Kubernetes • Not public released yet • No Kubernetes behavior change, complete functionalities: external IP, nodePort etc • Kube-proxy startup parameter mode=IPVS, in addition to original modes: mode=userspace and mode=iptables • Kube-proxy lines of code: 11800 • IPVS mode adds 680 lines of code, dependent on seasaw library
  • 20. IPVS vs. IPTables Latency to Add Rules # of Services 1 5,000 20,000 # of Rules 8 40,000 160,000 IPTables 2 ms 11 min 5 hours IPVS 2 ms 2 ms 2 ms Measured by iptables and ipvsadm, observations:  In IPTables mode, latency to add rule increases significantly when # of service increases  In IPVS mode, latency to add VIP and backend IPs does not increase when # of service increases
  • 21. IPVS vs. IPTables Network Bandwidth Measured by qperf Each service exposes 4 ports (4 entries in KUBE-SERVICES chain) Bandwidth, QPS, Latency have similar pattern ith service first first last first last first last first last first last # of services 1 1000 1000 5000 5000 10000 10000 25000 25000 50000 50000 Bandwidth, IPTables (MB/S) 66.6 64 56 50 38.6 15 6 0 0 0 0 Bandwidth, IPVS (MB/S) 65.3 61.7 55.3 53.5 53.8 43 43.5 30 28.5 24 23.8
  • 22. More Perf/Scalability Work Done • Scale nodes and pods in single cluster • Reduce E2E latency of deploying pods/services • Increase pod deployment throughput • Improve scheduling performance