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The Future of Service Mesh
Christian Posta
VP, Global Field CTO
2 | Copyright © 2022
VP, Global Field CTO,
Istio in Action
Discount Code: SOLOIO41
3 | Copyright © 2022
Idit Levine
Founding API gateway WG-Istio
Christian Posta
Founding community member,
Istio Steering Committee,
author Istio in Action
Lin Sun
Founding Istio project maintainer,
Technical Oversight Committee
(TOC), Steering Committee
Neeraj Poddar
Istio Steering and TOC member.
Co-founded Istio Product
Security Working Group.
Yuval Kohavi
Renowned security researcher,
Founding API Gateway WG-Istio,
Contributor Envoy
Ram Vennam
Founding Istio Steering
Committee member
Nick Nellis
First to run Istio in production,
current contributor and maintainer
Solo Istio/Envoy Community Leadership
Founded in 2017 by Idit Levine
Based in Cambridge, MA
with multiple locations around the globe
Industry leaders in application networking, service
mesh, and modern API gateway technologies
Open-Core, “Enterprise” Subscription model
Growing fast
with happy customers
Well Funded
growth y/y
venture financing
$1 Billion
Gloo Application Networking Platform
Simplify your application networking with unified control,
reliability, observability, extensibility, and security
3 | Copyright © 2022
4 | Copyright © 2022
4 | Copyright © 2022
We are leaders in application
networking, service mesh, and
modern API gateway technologies.
Abstract the network with service
mesh, modern gateways, eBPF,
GraphQL, and management tools to
improve developer experience,
provide Zero Trust Architecture, and
consistently apply traffic routing and
security policies wherever services
are deployed.

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Workshop overview
Workshop overview Workshop overview
Workshop overview

This workshop is being held by Jisc and Digital Catapult to introduce universities to low-power wide-area network (LPWAN) technology like LoRaWAN. Attendees will learn about these technologies and meet small and medium enterprises working with them. The workshop also aims to help shape a new Jisc and Digital Catapult initiative that will lend IoT gateways to universities wanting to use IoT to address challenges. More broadly, Jisc is working on several IoT projects including developing an intelligent campus architecture and vision for analytics using IoT data.

by Jisc
10 (+1) Reasons to attend Citrix Synergy 2012 in Barcelona
10 (+1) Reasons to attend Citrix Synergy 2012 in Barcelona10 (+1) Reasons to attend Citrix Synergy 2012 in Barcelona
10 (+1) Reasons to attend Citrix Synergy 2012 in Barcelona

The document lists 11 reasons to attend the Citrix Synergy Barcelona 2012 conference, including attending best practices sessions, meeting with Citrix experts, learning from industry experts about cloud and virtual desktop environments, getting intensive training on Citrix solutions and technologies, attending special events, taking a Citrix certification exam, viewing product demos, learning about Citrix's full portfolio and roadmap, expanding one's professional network, and hearing from Citrix's CEO about the company's cloud strategy and vision.

networkingvirtualizationcloud computing
Etherisc at the Ethereum Meetup Vienna 20 March 2017 (Part 1)
Etherisc at the Ethereum Meetup Vienna 20 March 2017 (Part 1)Etherisc at the Ethereum Meetup Vienna 20 March 2017 (Part 1)
Etherisc at the Ethereum Meetup Vienna 20 March 2017 (Part 1)

Etherisc has launched the first operational insurance applications on the Ethereum blockchain, including flight delay insurance and crop insurance. Their vision is to create an open standard for the decentralized insurance value chain and token model for investors. They have had successes winning startup contests and being selected for accelerator programs. Their roadmap for Q2 2017 includes testing the token market, security audits, developing regulatory frameworks, and ramping up their team.

5 | Copyright © 2022
What is application networking?
● Service discovery
● Load balancing
● Timeouts
● Retry / Budgets
● Circuit breaking
● Tracing, observability
● Secure transport
● Extension
6 | Copyright © 2022
What is application networking?
7 | Copyright © 2022
A modern approach
8 | Copyright © 2022
Drive everything through GitOps!

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IoT Forum Q1 2015
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IoT Forum Q1 2015

The Internet of Things International Forum was founded in June 2013 to promote the development of an interoperable global IoT. It aims to address technology, business, and social challenges to create an IoT ecosystem through international cooperation. The Forum has a wide network of IoT experts and offers working groups and flagship events to discuss challenges and opportunities. It provides a pre-commercial space for organizations to exchange knowledge and information.

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The document discusses blockchain engineering as a popular career option with high salaries. It notes that blockchain was the most in-demand skill by employers in 2018, and there are several career paths related to blockchain like developer, architect, and engineer. Blockchain engineers can earn high salaries, ranging from $162,288 in San Francisco to $118,281 in Toronto. To pursue a career in blockchain, the document recommends getting certified through an online course to learn the concepts and skills needed for blockchain implementation.

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Daniel Halbe von OX sprach auf dem Univention Summit 2020 über die Herausforderungen bei der Planung und dem Betrieb von landesweiten Email- und Collaboration-Lösungen.

univention summit 2020ucsox
9 | Copyright © 2022
9 | Copyright © 2022
The Future of Service Mesh…
…happens in the data plane
…and on TOP of the control plane
10 | Copyright © 2022
10 | Copyright © 2020
Extending the data plane
11 | Copyright © 2022
Data plane as a spectrum
From “The Truth About the Service Mesh Data Plane”, November 2019
12 | Copyright © 2022
Data plane is where the innovation continues to happen
● Web Assembly
● HTTP/3
● Universal Data Plane API
Extending the data plane
Optimizing the data plane

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This document discusses an upcoming conference on linked data and the semantic web. It highlights a keynote on linked data that will discuss important issues. It also explores how Web 3.0 differs from previous versions and brings more structure and meaning to information on the web. Finally, it reports on a company's development of a commercial application using semantic web technologies.

ONK2015-Jive:SDN/NFV Based Enterprise IoT Management Solution
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지난 2015년 11월 19일 진행된 Open Networking Korea 2015의 발표 자료 입니다. 행사명 : Open Networking Korea 2015 장소 : 더케이호텔 주최 : SDN/NFV포럼 Jive:SDN/NFV Based Enterprise IoT Management Solution - Steven Yong Jae Lim (Executive Advisor, NAIM Networks)

Future (ICT) Technologies
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Future (ICT) Technologies

Presentation to startup groups at Finders New Venture Institute (NVI) Smart City/Venture Dorm Summer Accelerator 2017 ( Overview of technologies to keep an eye out for.

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13 | Copyright © 2022
13 | Copyright © 2020
Extending the data plane with GraphQL
14 | Copyright © 2022
Extending the data plane
15 | Copyright © 2022
Extending the data plane
16 | Copyright © 2022
16 | Copyright © 2020
Optimizing the data plane

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The document discusses the Sydney Stock Exchange's launch of a practical blockchain. It begins with an introduction from Wyatt Roy MP who states that blockchain could be a key driver of innovation. It then discusses lessons from the history of the Internet, noting that proprietary networks failed while growth accelerated with open protocols. Private distributed ledgers can provide improvements but building proprietary networks is like "having online without internet". The SSX is committed to robust infrastructure to reach Asia and reinforce its position as an alternative Australian listing venue. The document proposes that blockchain could be an evolution if replacing databases, but a revolution if replacing processes. It provides an overview of the SSX proposed settlements model using blockchain for settlement and registration across its listed and unlisted secondary markets and

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The document outlines the agenda and presentations for an SSX event on practical applications of blockchain technology. The event included introductions by a government minister and blockchain experts, presentations on blockchain foundations, the case for public versus private blockchains, and SSX's proposals to implement a blockchain settlement and registration system. There was also a live blockchain identity demonstration and Q&A session. Key topics discussed were the potential of blockchain to drive financial industry innovation, the importance of collaboration between industry and government on blockchain initiatives, and how businesses can start experimenting with blockchain use cases.

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Compliance and Zero Trust Ambient Mesh
Compliance and Zero Trust Ambient MeshCompliance and Zero Trust Ambient Mesh
Compliance and Zero Trust Ambient Mesh

Istio ambient mesh uses a sidecar-less data plane that focuses on ease of operations, incremental adoption, and separation of security boundaries for applications and mesh infrastructure. In this webinar, we'll explore: - The forces of modernization and compliance pressures, - How Zero Trust Architecture (ZTA) can help, and - How Istio ambient mesh lowers the barrier for establishing the properties necessary to achieve Zero Trust and compliance

17 | Copyright © 2022
Optimizing the data plane
• Offloading network setup to CNI
• eBPF for acceleration, unifying policy at multiple layers, rich metrics
• Resource overhead, usage, optimizations
• Feature isolation, extensibility
• Security granularity, blast radius
• Operational/upgrade impact
18 | Copyright © 2022
Data plane: sidecar (service proxy)
19 | Copyright © 2022
Data plane: shared proxy per node
20 | Copyright © 2022
Data plane: shared proxy per service account (per node)

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Cilium + Istio with Gloo Mesh
Cilium + Istio with Gloo MeshCilium + Istio with Gloo Mesh
Cilium + Istio with Gloo Mesh

The document discusses Cilium and Istio with Gloo Mesh. It provides an overview of Gloo Mesh, an enterprise service mesh for multi-cluster, cross-cluster and hybrid environments based on upstream Istio. Gloo Mesh focuses on ease of use, powerful best practices built in, security, and extensibility. It allows for consistent API for multi-cluster north-south and east-west policy, team tenancy with service mesh as a service, and driving everything through GitOps.

Quebec - 16 November 2022 - Canada CNCF Meetups.pdf
Quebec - 16 November 2022 - Canada CNCF Meetups.pdfQuebec - 16 November 2022 - Canada CNCF Meetups.pdf
Quebec - 16 November 2022 - Canada CNCF Meetups.pdf

This document appears to be notes from a Cloud Native Computing Foundation meetup in Quebec. The meetup featured presentations on topics like Istio Ambient Mesh, GitOps with OCI artifacts and Helm charts, and configuring a laptop for Kubernetes. It also included discussions on using GitOps and establishing a KCD chapter in Quebec. The agenda, speakers, and trends observed at KubeCon North America 2022 were recapped. Plans for upcoming meetups in Toronto, Montreal and Ottawa were announced.

The Current And Future State Of Service Mesh
The Current And Future State Of Service MeshThe Current And Future State Of Service Mesh
The Current And Future State Of Service Mesh

This document discusses the current and future state of service mesh. It provides an overview of, including its leadership team members and growth. It then discusses key functions of service meshes like Istio including traffic control and policy enforcement. The document outlines considerations for extending the data plane, such as with GraphQL and eBPF. It argues that optimizing the data plane is an area of ongoing innovation and discusses tradeoffs between different data plane architectures.

istioebpfservice mesh
21 | Copyright © 2022
Data plane: shared remote proxy with micro-sidecar
22 | Copyright © 2022
22 | Copyright © 2020
On top of the control plane
23 | Copyright © 2022
24 | Copyright © 2022

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Intro to service mesh & Istio
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Intro to service mesh & Istio

The document discusses the benefits of service meshes like Istio for managing microservices. It describes how microservices introduce operational complexity, network unreliability, and difficulties with observability and security. Service meshes address these issues by adding a sidecar proxy to each microservice container that handles tasks like load balancing, authentication, and monitoring. The sidecar implements features from a control plane configuration while the data plane handles network communication.

The Future of Service Mesh
The Future of Service MeshThe Future of Service Mesh
The Future of Service Mesh

Presented at Spacewalk 2023 Presented by Christian Posta, Title: The Future of Service Mesh Abstract: Service mesh is a powerful way to solve cross-cutting application-networking concerns, such as load balancing, service resilience, observability, and security. Adopting a mesh for your services can save hundreds of hours of developer time and reduce the burden placed on operations. In this talk we'll explore some common use cases for service mesh, look at some case studies, and then dig into innovation happening in this space such as "sidecar-less" service mesh.

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On top of the control plane
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Compliance / DMZ
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User Clusters Public cloud
Compliance / DMZ

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Developer's time is the most crucial resource in an enterprise IT organization. Too much time is spent on undifferentiated heavy lifting and in the world of APIs and microservices much of that is spent on non-functional, cross-cutting networking requirements like security, observability, and resilience. As organizations reconcile their DevOps practices into Platform Engineering, tools like Istio help alleviate developer pain. In this talk we dig into what that pain looks like, how much it costs, and how Istio has solved these concerns by examining three real-life use cases. As this space continues to emerge, and innovation has not slowed, we will also discuss the recently announced Istio sidecar-less mode which significantly reduces the hurdles to adopt Istio within Kubernetes or outside Kubernetes.

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Future Perspective: Cloud Connectivity in an IoT World

In the Internet of Things (IoT) world, you need to understand and exploit opportunities in the rapidly evolving core connectivity domain. To ensure that products will realize IoT benefits, plans and roadmaps must include connectivity requirements, activities, and projected costs. Steven Woodward shares perspectives from communication industry standards—NIST, TM Forum, QuEST Forum, ISO/ IEC, OMG, and ITU-T. He describes the NIST Cloud Carrier Framework that clarifies where the carrier and communication activities fit into the cloud and IoT ecosystem. This model defines the connectivity available for software-defined networking and network-function virtualization. Steven demonstrates the challenges we face as information communication technology moves toward big data and highly interconnected things. The IoT revolution places connectivity directly on the critical path because no reliable solution is possible without a connection to the cloud or to the things being managed or accessed.

29 | Copyright © 2022
User Clusters Public cloud
Compliance / DMZ
30 | Copyright © 2022
Gloo Application Networking Platform
31 | Copyright © 2022
Solo Istio/Envoy Community Leadership
“The team Solo has assembled
is incredible. They have deep
expertise with Envoy and
Istio, and they’re extremely
receptive to community
feedback. The strength of their
team gives us confidence in the
innovation and support they’re
able to provide.”
Thank you!!
Reach out to us for guidance!
Access to Expertise
and Long-term Support (LTS)
Enhanced capabilities for
security, observability
& collaboration
Extend & Scale Across
Teams and the World
Multi-Cluster, Multi-Mesh
on Cloud and Hybrid
31 | Copyright © 2022

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GDG Cloud Southlake #10 Christian Posta: Future of Service Mesh

  • 1. The Future of Service Mesh Christian Posta VP, Global Field CTO
  • 2. 2 | Copyright © 2022 CHRISTIAN POSTA VP, Global Field CTO, @christianposta Istio in Action Discount Code: SOLOIO41 Shortlink:
  • 3. 3 | Copyright © 2022 Idit Levine Founding API gateway WG-Istio Christian Posta Founding community member, Istio Steering Committee, author Istio in Action Lin Sun Founding Istio project maintainer, Technical Oversight Committee (TOC), Steering Committee Neeraj Poddar Istio Steering and TOC member. Co-founded Istio Product Security Working Group. Yuval Kohavi Renowned security researcher, Founding API Gateway WG-Istio, Contributor Envoy Ram Vennam Founding Istio Steering Committee member Nick Nellis First to run Istio in production, current contributor and maintainer Solo Istio/Envoy Community Leadership Founded in 2017 by Idit Levine Based in Cambridge, MA with multiple locations around the globe Industry leaders in application networking, service mesh, and modern API gateway technologies Open-Core, “Enterprise” Subscription model Growing fast with happy customers Well Funded 350+% bookings growth y/y 98%+ renewal rate $171.5M venture financing $1 Billion valuation Overview Gloo Application Networking Platform Simplify your application networking with unified control, reliability, observability, extensibility, and security 3 | Copyright © 2022
  • 4. 4 | Copyright © 2022 4 | Copyright © 2022 We are leaders in application networking, service mesh, and modern API gateway technologies. Abstract the network with service mesh, modern gateways, eBPF, GraphQL, and management tools to improve developer experience, provide Zero Trust Architecture, and consistently apply traffic routing and security policies wherever services are deployed. OUR VISION
  • 5. 5 | Copyright © 2022 What is application networking? Challenges ● Service discovery ● Load balancing ● Timeouts ● Retry / Budgets ● Circuit breaking ● Tracing, observability ● Secure transport ● Extension
  • 6. 6 | Copyright © 2022 What is application networking?
  • 7. 7 | Copyright © 2022 A modern approach
  • 8. 8 | Copyright © 2022 Drive everything through GitOps!
  • 9. 9 | Copyright © 2022 9 | Copyright © 2022 The Future of Service Mesh… …happens in the data plane …and on TOP of the control plane
  • 10. 10 | Copyright © 2022 10 | Copyright © 2020 Extending the data plane
  • 11. 11 | Copyright © 2022 Data plane as a spectrum From “The Truth About the Service Mesh Data Plane”, November 2019
  • 12. 12 | Copyright © 2022 Data plane is where the innovation continues to happen ● Web Assembly ● HTTP/3 ● Universal Data Plane API Extending the data plane Optimizing the data plane
  • 13. 13 | Copyright © 2022 13 | Copyright © 2020 Extending the data plane with GraphQL
  • 14. 14 | Copyright © 2022 Extending the data plane
  • 15. 15 | Copyright © 2022 Extending the data plane
  • 16. 16 | Copyright © 2022 16 | Copyright © 2020 Optimizing the data plane
  • 17. 17 | Copyright © 2022 Optimizing the data plane • Offloading network setup to CNI • eBPF for acceleration, unifying policy at multiple layers, rich metrics • Resource overhead, usage, optimizations • Feature isolation, extensibility • Security granularity, blast radius • Operational/upgrade impact
  • 18. 18 | Copyright © 2022 Data plane: sidecar (service proxy)
  • 19. 19 | Copyright © 2022 Data plane: shared proxy per node
  • 20. 20 | Copyright © 2022 Data plane: shared proxy per service account (per node)
  • 21. 21 | Copyright © 2022 Data plane: shared remote proxy with micro-sidecar
  • 22. 22 | Copyright © 2022 22 | Copyright © 2020 On top of the control plane
  • 23. 23 | Copyright © 2022
  • 24. 24 | Copyright © 2022
  • 25. 25 | Copyright © 2022
  • 26. 26 | Copyright © 2022 26 | Copyright © 2020 On top of the control plane
  • 27. 27 | Copyright © 2022 User Clusters Public cloud Compliance / DMZ
  • 28. 28 | Copyright © 2022 User Clusters Public cloud Compliance / DMZ
  • 29. 29 | Copyright © 2022 User Clusters Public cloud Compliance / DMZ
  • 30. 30 | Copyright © 2022 Gloo Application Networking Platform
  • 31. 31 | Copyright © 2022 Solo Istio/Envoy Community Leadership Idit Levine Christian Posta Lin Sun Neeraj Poddar Yuval Kohavi Ram Vennam Nick Nellis “The team Solo has assembled is incredible. They have deep expertise with Envoy and Istio, and they’re extremely receptive to community feedback. The strength of their team gives us confidence in the innovation and support they’re able to provide.” CURRENT CUSTOMER Thank you!! Reach out to us for guidance! CRAWL WALK Access to Expertise and Long-term Support (LTS) Enhanced capabilities for security, observability & collaboration RUN FLY Extend & Scale Across Teams and the World Multi-Cluster, Multi-Mesh on Cloud and Hybrid 31 | Copyright © 2022