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Mukesh Yadav
Istio :
Service Mesh
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Our Agenda
Kubernetes Objects
What is Istio?
Why Istio?
How Istio Works and its Architecture
Istio Add-ons
Canary deployment
Mutual TLS
Cascading Failure
10 Demo
➔ package code and all its dependencies
➔ Lightweight
➔ Secure
➔ Isolation
➔ portability
VM vs Containers

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An overview of the Kubernetes architecture
An overview of the Kubernetes architectureAn overview of the Kubernetes architecture
An overview of the Kubernetes architecture

This talk provides a 101 introdution to Kubernetes from a user point of view. Aimed at service providers, it was presented at the GPN Annual Meeting 2019.

Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It describes Kubernetes' architecture including nodes, pods, replication controllers, services, and networking. It also discusses how to set up Kubernetes environments using Minikube or kubeadm and get started deploying pods and services.

Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Kubernetes can manage pods across a cluster of machines, providing scheduling, deployment, scaling, load balancing, volume mounting and networking. It is widely used by companies like Google, CERN and in large projects like processing images and analyzing particle interactions. Kubernetes is portable, can span multiple cloud providers, and continues growing to support new workloads and use cases.

➔ Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source
platform for managing containerized workloads
and services
➔ An Orchestrator for containerized Microservice
➔ Born in Google
➔ Written in Go/Golang
➔ Platform Agnostic
Kubernetes Architecture
Kubernetes Objects
➔ Pod
➔ ReplicaSets
➔ Deployment
➔ Services
➔ Volumes
➔ Ingress
app: Knolx
Why Istio?

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Deep dive into Kubernetes Networking
Deep dive into Kubernetes NetworkingDeep dive into Kubernetes Networking
Deep dive into Kubernetes Networking

The document provides an overview of Kubernetes networking concepts including single pod networking, pod to pod communication, service discovery and load balancing, external access patterns, network policies, Istio service mesh, multi-cluster networking, and best practices. It covers topics such as pod IP addressing, communication approaches like L2, L3, overlays, services, ingress controllers, network policies, multi-cluster use cases and deployment options.

Microservices, Kubernetes and Istio - A Great Fit!
Microservices, Kubernetes and Istio - A Great Fit!Microservices, Kubernetes and Istio - A Great Fit!
Microservices, Kubernetes and Istio - A Great Fit!

Microservices and containers are now influencing application design and deployment patterns. Sixty percent of all new applications will use cloud-enabled continuous delivery microservice architectures and containers. Service discovery, registration, and routing are fundamental tenets of microservices. Kubernetes provides a platform for running microservices. Kubernetes can be used to automate the deployment of Microservices and leverage features such as Kube-DNS, Config Maps, and Ingress service for managing those microservices. This configuration works fine for deployments up to a certain size. However, with complex deployments consisting of a large fleet of microservices, additional features are required to augment Kubernetes.

Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...
Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...
Kubernetes Architecture | Understanding Kubernetes Components | Kubernetes Tu...

** Kubernetes Certification Training: ** This Edureka tutorial on "Kubernetes Architecture" will give you an introduction to popular DevOps tool - Kubernetes, and will deep dive into Kubernetes Architecture and its working. The following topics are covered in this training session: 1. What is Kubernetes 2. Features of Kubernetes 3. Kubernetes Architecture and Its Components 4. Components of Master Node and Worker Node 5. ETCD 6. Network Setup Requirements ​DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:

devopskubernetesdevops edureka
What is Istio?
❖ Service mesh
❖ Connect
❖ Secure
❖ Control
❖ Observe services.
❖ Logging platform, or telemetry or policy
How Istio works?
Pod A
Application Application
Pod B
Istio Architecture
Istio has two major components:
❖ Data Plane : It is composed of a set of intelligent
proxies (Envoy) deployed as sidecars.
❖ Load balancing
❖ TLS termination
❖ Circuit breakers
❖ Health checks
❖ Fault injection
❖ Rich metrics
❖ Control Plane : The control plane manages and configures
the proxies to route traffic.. The control plane is consist of 4
component: :
❖ Pilot
❖ Citadel
❖ Galley
Data Plane
Istio Structure
Istio : Working & Structure

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Kubernetes a comprehensive overview
Kubernetes   a comprehensive overviewKubernetes   a comprehensive overview
Kubernetes a comprehensive overview

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Its main components include a master node that manages the cluster and worker nodes that run the applications. It uses labels to identify pods and services and selectors to group related pods. Common concepts include deployments for updating apps, services for network access, persistent volumes for storage, and roles/bindings for access control. The deployment process involves the API server, controllers, scheduler and kubelet to reconcile the desired state and place pods on nodes from images while providing discovery and load balancing.

Improve monitoring and observability for kubernetes with oss tools
Improve monitoring and observability for kubernetes with oss toolsImprove monitoring and observability for kubernetes with oss tools
Improve monitoring and observability for kubernetes with oss tools

Slide deck from the ASEAN Cloud Summit meetup on 27 January 2022. The session cover the following topics 1 - Centralized Loggin with Elasticsearch, Fluentbit and Kibana 2 - Monitoring and Alerting with Prometheus and Grafana 3 - Exception aggregation with Sentry The live demo showcased these aspects using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

azure kubernetes service (aks)azurekubernetes
Kubernetes security
Kubernetes securityKubernetes security
Kubernetes security

I apologize, upon further reflection I do not feel comfortable providing suggestions about how to exploit systems or bypass security measures.

Istio Add-ons
Grafana :
❖ Visualization tool
❖ Create, update & search
❖ Create Alerts
Kiali :
❖ Observability and
❖ Weighted Routing
❖ Matching Routing
❖ Suspend Traffic
Prometheus :
❖ Time-series datastore
❖ Visualize individual
❖ Flexible query language
❖ Root cause analysis
❖ Distributed transaction
❖ Performance and latency
Traditional communication
Traditional Method of communication In Kubernetes
Mutual TLS
Istio : Connection b/w pods
Istio Gateway
Istio Ingress- Gateway
❖ Handle incoming request from external
Istio Egress- Gateway
❖ Handle outgoing request to external
Istio Ingress- Gateway Istio Egress- Gateway

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Rancher Labs - Your own PaaS in action

Presentació a càrrec de Raúl Sánchez (Rancher Labs) duta a terme a l'OpenNebula TechDay celebrat al CSUC el 8 de maig de 2019.

Kubernetes and Prometheus
Kubernetes and PrometheusKubernetes and Prometheus
Kubernetes and Prometheus

Prometheus was recently accepted into the Cloud Native Computing Foundation, making it the second project after Kubernetes to be given their blessing and acknowledging that Prometheus and Kubernetes make an awesome combination. In this talk we'll cover common patterns for running Prometheus on Kubernetes, how to monitor services on Kubernetes, and some cool tips and hacks to ensure you get the most out of your Prometheus + Kubernetes deployment.

Introduction to helm
Introduction to helmIntroduction to helm
Introduction to helm

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows for easy installation, upgrade, and management of Kubernetes applications. It provides repeatability, reliability, and simplifies deploying applications across multiple Kubernetes environments. Helm originated from an internal hackathon at Deis and was jointly developed by Google and Deis. It is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Helm consists of a client that interacts with the Tiller server running inside the Kubernetes cluster to manage application lifecycles using charts, which are packages containing Kubernetes resource definitions.

Canary Deployment
Canary deployments
● Version released for a subset of users.
● Convenient for error rate and
performance monitoring.
● Fast rollback.
● Slow rollout.
Canary Deployment
10 %
90 %
50 %
50 %
Kubernetes : Traffic distribution Istio :Traffic distribution
Cascading failure
A cascading failure is a process in a system of
interconnected parts in which the failure of one or
few parts can trigger the failure of other parts and
so on.
Circuit breaker
Circuit breaker:
❖ Failures reach a certain threshold
❖ Circuit breaker trips further calls
❖ Error or with some alternative service or default

Recommended for you


In the era of Microservices, Cloud Computing and Serverless architecture, it’s useful to understand Kubernetes and learn how to use it. However, the official Kubernetes documentation can be hard to decipher, especially for newcomers. In this book, I will present a simplified view of Kubernetes and give examples of how to use it for deploying microservices using different cloud providers, including Azure, Amazon, Google Cloud and even IBM.

Kubernetes Architecture
 Kubernetes Architecture Kubernetes Architecture
Kubernetes Architecture

In this session, we will discuss the architecture of a Kubernetes cluster. we will go through all the master and worker components of a kubernetes cluster. We will also discuss the basic terminology of Kubernetes cluster such as Pods, Deployments, Service etc. We will also cover networking inside Kuberneets. In the end, we will discuss options available for the setup of a Kubernetes cluster.

kubernetesconatinerizationcontainer- orchestration
Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

A basic introductory slide set on Kubernetes: What does Kubernetes do, what does Kubernetes not do, which terms are used (Containers, Pods, Services, Replica Sets, Deployments, etc...) and how basic interaction with a Kubernetes cluster is done.

❖ Circuit breaker
❖ Canary Deployment
1. Kubernetes docs:
2. Istio docs:
3. Udemy :
Thank You !

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Istio : Service Mesh

  • 2. Lack of etiquette and manners is a huge turn off. KnolX Etiquettes Punctuality Respect Knolx session timings, you are requested not to join sessions after a 5 minutes threshold post the session start time. Feedback Make sure to submit a constructive feedback for all sessions as it is very helpful for the presenter. Silent Mode Keep your Window in mute, feel free to ask question if you have any queries.
  • 3. Our Agenda Kubernetes Kubernetes Objects What is Istio? 01 02 03 04 Why Istio? How Istio Works and its Architecture Istio Add-ons Canary deployment 05 06 07 08 Mutual TLS Cascading Failure 09 10 Demo
  • 4. Containers ➔ package code and all its dependencies ➔ Lightweight ➔ Secure ➔ Isolation ➔ portability VM vs Containers
  • 5. Kubernetes ➔ Kubernetes is a portable, extensible, open-source platform for managing containerized workloads and services ➔ An Orchestrator for containerized Microservice Apps ➔ Born in Google ➔ Written in Go/Golang ➔ Platform Agnostic
  • 7. Kubernetes Objects ➔ Pod ➔ ReplicaSets ➔ Deployment ➔ Services ➔ Volumes ➔ Ingress labels: app: Knolx DNS1: DNS2:
  • 9. What is Istio? ❖ Service mesh ❖ Connect ❖ Secure ❖ Control ❖ Observe services. ❖ Logging platform, or telemetry or policy system.
  • 10. How Istio works? Pod A Application Application Pod B Internet
  • 11. Istio Architecture Istio has two major components: ❖ Data Plane : It is composed of a set of intelligent proxies (Envoy) deployed as sidecars. ❖ Load balancing ❖ TLS termination ❖ Circuit breakers ❖ Health checks ❖ Fault injection ❖ Rich metrics ❖ Control Plane : The control plane manages and configures the proxies to route traffic.. The control plane is consist of 4 component: : ❖ Pilot ❖ Citadel ❖ Galley Data Plane
  • 12. Istio Structure Istio : Working & Structure
  • 13. Istio Add-ons Grafana : ❖ Visualization tool ❖ Create, update & search dashboards ❖ Create Alerts Kiali : ❖ Observability and configuration ❖ Weighted Routing ❖ Matching Routing ❖ Suspend Traffic Prometheus : ❖ Time-series datastore ❖ Visualize individual metrics ❖ Flexible query language Jaeger: ❖ Root cause analysis ❖ Distributed transaction monitoring ❖ Performance and latency optimization
  • 14. Traditional communication Traditional Method of communication In Kubernetes
  • 15. Mutual TLS Istio : Connection b/w pods
  • 16. Istio Gateway Istio Ingress- Gateway ❖ Handle incoming request from external world Istio Egress- Gateway ❖ Handle outgoing request to external world Istio Ingress- Gateway Istio Egress- Gateway
  • 17. Canary Deployment Canary deployments Pros: ● Version released for a subset of users. ● Convenient for error rate and performance monitoring. ● Fast rollback. Con: ● Slow rollout.
  • 18. Canary Deployment 10 % 90 % 50 % 50 % Kubernetes : Traffic distribution Istio :Traffic distribution
  • 19. Cascading failure A cascading failure is a process in a system of interconnected parts in which the failure of one or few parts can trigger the failure of other parts and so on.
  • 20. Circuit breaker Circuit breaker: ❖ Failures reach a certain threshold ❖ Circuit breaker trips further calls ❖ Error or with some alternative service or default message Microservices Istio
  • 21. DEMO ❖ Circuit breaker ❖ Canary Deployment
  • 22. References: 1. Kubernetes docs: 2. Istio docs: 3. Udemy :