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Questions tagged [injury]

Damage to a body part/system. Some injuries can be treated, while others can only be managed.

2 votes
1 answer

How do I work out my lower abs while having a hip flexor (illiacus) injury?

About 25 years ago, I had a partial tear in my hip flexor (specifically illiacus muscle). It eventually got better but I didn't rehab it properly at the time. As a result, I have a specific spot in my ...
user23562931's user avatar
1 vote
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Exercise to "dislocate the shoulder"

I watched this short video on YouTube which is called "Dislocating my shoulder for the first time (gymnastics dislocate)". It looks like this: My questions are: Is the shoulder actually ...
LulY's user avatar
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Are there guidelines for certain exercises?

I work in medical research and in medicine one important source of knowledge for good clinical practice are guidelines. Usually guidelines are made by some experts committee including and they usually ...
LulY's user avatar
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How dangerous are kettlebells?

I never paid much attention to kettlebells until I saw a video that said they have numerous advantages over traditional dumbells. Swinging weights around as was demonstrated in the video looks ...
Steven Thomas Hatton's user avatar
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What scientific studies compare electric muscle stimulation versus resistance training?

I know this is a wide open topic with countless nuances, but I need to start somewhere. Will someone please provide a reference to scientific literature comparing the effects of electric muscle ...
Steven Thomas Hatton's user avatar
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Discomfort but not pain in joints

This is easier to explain with a specific example: let's say you've had jumper's knee (Patellar tendinitis) in the past caused by running. Pain underneath the knee that comes on during a run and ...
joeyfb's user avatar
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How does over stretching hamstring injury work?

I have recently started doing Yoga, and I think I over stretched my hamstring. (I wanted quick result so I pushed pretty hard at a lot of poses, e.g. forward fold, wide leg forward fold etc) initially ...
Sam's user avatar
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The effect of concentric contraction and eccentric contraction on muscles

Definition of Acute injury:,body%20will%20experience%20a%20change. ...
frank guo's user avatar
-1 votes
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Will scapular winging effect my lifting performance?

It seems so that I suffer from scapular winging. I would like to ask, would this reduce my strength on the powerlifting exercises of bench, dead, and rows?
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
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What bench press variations/alternatives spare the shoulders?

Gironda press and underhand grip barbell/dumbbell bench press come to mind, but do these really take off all the strain from the shoulders? Or perhaps decline bench? I think I’ve messed up my ...
Frank's user avatar
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Does the body allocate a lot of resources to heal muscle strain such that you feel fatigue?

I was training in Judo and I injured my muscle on the left buttock pretty bad (a pretty bad muscle strain / pulled muscle). It feels painful in the buttock when I walk or doing certain movements that ...
Kid_Learning_C's user avatar
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How to overcome fear to fail squat?

If one is it to fail the low bar squat, the way to fail it is given as you remove the hand grip and walk forward. , I have a feeling that I'll have an injury because I can't see the weight I'm ...
Cathartic Encephalopathy's user avatar
4 votes
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How to maintain a physical level with sickness

Since I became a parent I'm permanently sick. During the summer it was quite well which means from June until November I wasn't sick once but before June and also since November now I'm sick all the ...
Ben's user avatar
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Should I work out my non-injured side?

Due to severe shoulder capsule inflammation (frozen shoulder) I have been told by my doctor not to work out my shoulder, arm, chest etc for about three months Of course I'm working out my legs and ...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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How can you best train your labrum?

I've torn my labrum twice. Same labrum both times, right shoulder. Also- both doing the same exercise, Military Press (or shoulder press). The injuries were 10 years apart. One required surgery and ...
Bri Han's user avatar
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Upper body exercises to do when I have tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)?

I've had tennis elbow for about two months now, on both sides. I've finally been to a sports medicine doctor about it and I'm going to physical therapy and both have cleared me to return to lifting ...
Paul's user avatar
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Banded facepulls vs DB rear delt flys

A while back I had a very stubborn case of tricep tendonitis/osis. I rehabbed it with slow-tempo tricep exercises as prescribed by my PT, but it came back a few years later. Another PT said it was ...
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Stubbed toe last year still not healed [closed]

While playing football last year(around july/aug) I stubbed my toe against the ground(barefoot). And after a month I got tackled on the same toe(was wearing boots this time). I didn't play much after ...
Perfect Lord's user avatar
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Climbing and finger strength training with extensor injury [closed]

I think the extensor tendons of the fingers are under little strain while climbing. (I can move mine with the other hand while pulling 20+ kg in a half crimp position.) Does it still make sense to ...
Dawn Drescher's user avatar
5 votes
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How do you relieve a cramp in an awkward part of your body?

I occasionally get random cramps in weird parts of my body. Parts that I can't seem to find a way to stretch. The only thing I can do is try to massage it or use my vibrating massage ball against it. ...
prata's user avatar
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Work around ligament light pain

Related to this question, but not the same. Case: You have a light ligament pain and you strength train. A medical professional has cleared you out for exercising. What's the path that minimizes the ...
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Why does my right elbow joint make a popping noise when I do pullups, pushups or dumbell curls? [closed]

Everytime I do these exercises, specifically pull ups and push ups, I always hear a popping or cracking noise only in my right elbow for some reason. Even from stretching it, it still makes this sound....
Harry Iguana's user avatar
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Tingling in tricep muscles when working out [closed]

Whenever I work out chest and triceps, or any push exercise really, I get a tingling in my tricep area on my arm. It didn’t hurt however I stop my set whenever I feel it. It only started happening ...
Jacob Consorti's user avatar
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does strength gain (without muscles getting bigger) lead to greater flexibility?

I notice that after injury people lose their flexibility. Rehab exercises will strengthen the injured muscle and also make the recovering person more flexible. But is this also the case when a regular,...
Bear Bile Farming is Torture's user avatar
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Exercises to aid in recovery of trapezius muscle and provide future protection?

My upper back has been susceptible for years to get stiff or spasm when I do any sort of weights, typically for a few days. I've been told that totally resting a sore muscle is not ideal, rather very ...
Mr. Boy's user avatar
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How can I build strength in my back without doing power movements?

I am a reasonably experienced weightlifter and lift relatively heavy weight for my body weight. I have generally been doing free-weight back squat and straight leg deadlifts with dumbbells. However, ...
user227963's user avatar
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How much does nutrition affect muscle / joint health?

I've found over the last few years that the amount of problems I've had with trigger points and muscle tightness has been unbelievable. It has really affected my fitness routine as it means I'm often ...
user avatar
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Is it normal when doing yoga to develop calluses on the toes?

I started to practice yoga online for the Covid-19 pandemic and currently I have been practising almost every day already for around half a year. The phalanges proximales and the phalanges mediae are ...
Puco4's user avatar
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Spinal Alignment and the efficacy of Chiropractic BioPhysics (CBP)

For the past several months, my gym has been closed. I was going 4 times a week, always increasing the weight/reps, etc. I moved to a new city and got back to the gym, doing what I did before but with ...
JacobIRR's user avatar
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Does Performing Easier Exercise Reduce Endurance?

Recently, I was injured. Before injury, I would do HIIT workouts that push my body to the limit. I do it regularly (4 or 5 times a week). During injury, I could only do running (around 1km everyday). ...
Mason's user avatar
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4 answers

Routine to fix strength / mobility issues

Over the last couple of years Ive had a host of problems with my joints. Problems caused by tightness, weakness and trigger points... often in those muscles that most people don't know exist until ...
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How can I keep running and doing HIIT training with tendonitis?

I was recently diagnosed with Achilles' tendinitis in my right Achilles heel. I usually run 30 minutes twice a week and do HIIT training 2-3 times a week (circuit training including burpees, squats, ...
elisevalley723's user avatar
2 votes
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Do some exercises cause injuries? Or is lack of strength the cause of injuries?

When comparing gymnastics leg training to barbell training one assumes that sissy squats cause more injuries. I believe this idea was born from the youtuber Athlean-X, also known as the most famous ...
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-2 votes
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inflammatory and anti-inflammatory food table

To avoid sports injuries anyone knows if exists (book, ebook, internet..) a nutritional table (detected by recent scientific studies) that lists the inflammatory and anti-inflammatory power of each ...
gr68's user avatar
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Pain on lower outside of knee after running for 20 minutes

I do short runs of about 20 minutes per week (around 2.5 miles per run). Sometimes towards the end or while cycling I develop discomfort on the lower outside of the knee (pictured). The pain is mostly ...
Tom's user avatar
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Should I take a break from working out and if so, how long?

Well, I’m just going to be straight forward here. About a month and a half ago, I started working out in my house like every day for about two weeks. Then, I received a lot of work because I’m a ...
Idkanymore's user avatar
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Rehabbing stubborn tendonosis

I've had tricep tendonosis for over 4 years. I've seen numerous physios and put countless hours of my own research into it. Most of my rehab efforts have been with slow tempo / eccentric exercises. ...
user avatar
1 vote
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Level 1 Ankle sprain for 4 months [closed]

I sprained my ankle playing basketball this summer. I went to the orthopedic and had an MRI, which showed that I had a swelling in the area around the left ankle. My doctor said that I should rest ...
Assassinos's user avatar
3 votes
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Training with Shoulder Injury

Due to over weightlifting I ended up with a "tear of the supraspinatus tendon" in my right shoulder. My doctor advised that I have to live with it, and not to lift weights. I don't want to make ...
asmgx's user avatar
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Can sideways weightlifting be dangerous?

I used to weight lifts sideways, which means I bent sideways while carrying a dumbbell in both of my hands. Naturally this created tension in both sides of my waist, and helped developed muscles there,...
user32007's user avatar
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What exercises can temporarily replace the barbell/dumbbell bench press?

I injured my shoulder rock climbing and I cannot bench press anymore as I get pain in that range of motion. Dumbbells are painful too. I can still overheard press fine, and I can do straight bar dips, ...
Siphonophorae's user avatar
3 votes
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Warming up and "Greasing the groove" method

"Greasing the groove" or GtG is a training method developed by Pavel Tsatsouline, and made popular through his book 1999 "Power to the People! : Russian Strength Training Secrets for Every American." ...
Quora Feans's user avatar
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Knee injuries, chiropractors vs doctors [closed]

One big issue with orthopedic injuries is that doctors do not like chiropractors apparently and never refer someone to a chiropractor. For example, the Mayo Clinic's informational page on knee ...
Tyler Durden's user avatar
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What can be the cause of pain in almost my whole lower body/lower legs while running? [closed]

I ran for months without having any pain. Some days I had some muscle strain, but that is normal. Because of my personal circumstances, I stopped running for a while. The last weeks before the stop I ...
Jonathan 's user avatar
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Strengthening the ACL graft?

After an ACL injury, there are tons of exercises one can do, but almost all of them seem to focus on the muscles around the graft, and stuff like balance exercises, plyometrics, etc... What about ...
Basl's user avatar
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Brachial plexus compression: What to do and what to avoid?

I got diagnosed with brachial plexus compression (basically the pectoralis compresses the nerves going to the arm at the brachial plexus, which entraps them at that point). Unfortunatly the only thing ...
Suimon's user avatar
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Nordic Hamstring Curls (without bending arms)

I have quite a unique problem, in that I'm struggling to rehab my lower hamstring tendinopathy because of a tendinopathy in my elbow (tricep). The physio prescribed me eccentric / Nordic Hamstring ...
user avatar
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Risk of infection at the gym?

When I dead-lift, I sometimes scrape my legs from the bar threads. Do I risk getting an infection because of this?
Viv's user avatar
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Upper back pain day after push-ups/pulls ups [closed]

So I've been doing push-ups for over six years and the first five years it was quite simple 6x20 sets of push-ups, without any pull-ups. Rarely an injury, and the ones that I had was somewhere at the ...
empec's user avatar
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Possible to tear muscles with body weight exercises

I don't have a personal trainer, a gym membership, or really any gym equipment (such as dumbbells), so for my daily workout/training (to gain muscle) I have resorted to using body weight exercises. ...
Ben10's user avatar
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