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Questions tagged [texture-coordinates]

When images or other textures are mapped to materials, that mapping is performed using texture coordinates from either UV Map or a Texture Space. Use this tag for questions related to texture coordinates and the texture coordinate mode. Use the UV tag for questions related to UV maps.

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Can't import UDIMs into Blender

I have some problems importing UDIMS into Blender. The model was originally made in Maya and the UDIMs were created there in the tiles 1001, 1002, 1011 and 1012. The model was then imported to ...
TECHGUNK's user avatar
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How can I create procedural tiles with uniquely seeded textures for each one? [Updated]

My goal with this experiment was to create a procedurally tiling floor where each tile is unique. After messing around for a while, this is what I came up with: Result: I was really pleased, until I ...
Max Williams's user avatar
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How to export texture mapping to 3dsMax

If I try to export an object to 3ds, everything seems to work fine except the texture's mapping. How could i fix that ?
ruka's user avatar
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How do I get an "Empty" for texture coordinates node?

I'm currently working on a voronoi texture, and it looks kinda stretched. I tried looking for a way to unstretch it, and they all said that I need to use a texture coordinate and use an "Empty&...
Rizqi Rabbani's user avatar
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Why does a MixRGB node rotate my ColorRamp/mapping coordinates?

Why does a MixRGB node rotate my ColorRamp/mapping coordinates? The Fac is set to 0 so it should have no effect on anything at all. Also notice that the voronoi pattern is not rotated but the ...
Digit's user avatar
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How to make the texture not follow the mesh deformations (Bouncing and stretching ball)

I want a bone to control the rotation of a ball. But the stretch bone also rotates it, since the texture follows the mesh and stretches and rotates with it. So the texture needs ignore the mesh rotate ...
Necryl's user avatar
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Make Tileable 45° Rotated Stripes

I'm trying to get this pattern to repeat seamlessly so I can export it to a game engine. It's not too hard to get it working when the stripes are horizontal or vertical, but I'm struggling with the ...
Frederik Steinmetz's user avatar
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Bake a texture with Mapping and Texture coordinates nodes

Is it possible to bake a modified texture (diffuse, normal map, etc etc.) with the nodes Texture coordinates and Mapping? I've tried to do it but the result doesn't change, the texture is the same as ...
YellowEyes's user avatar
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Image texture not following the animation

File here: Absolute newbie here. I made this eye texture following a tutorial on Youtube as part of a character. When I animate the character the texture from the eye sort of lags behind until the ...
Cam's user avatar
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Blender: Project a map on a sphere

I have a portion of a map, with its coordinates, and I want to project it in its correct position on a sphere, like on a planet. This map is a geotiff image with its geographic coordinates. I traid to ...
Inaki's user avatar
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Weird texture rotation

Why is the texture rotated, even tho all values are unchanged? Is there a known bug with these nodes I used? This happens with every newly added cube and even if the nodes are added from scratch.
Tim Ott's user avatar
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Cubemap projection onto a sphere

I need to be able to generate texture coordinates on a sphere for cubemaps textures. But somehow I seem to fail in Blender to accomplish this. See the image below as example cubemap. I am able to map ...
null's user avatar
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Certain faces seems to stretch texture

I'm coding up a simple mesh and using a fixed JPG square as texture. On most faces it looks OK, but on the middle-top of the mesh, it seems the texture gets stretched for some reason. It's a single ...
Hawke's user avatar
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Setting UV's of a mesh with an array of vertex coordinates

I've been trying to set the UV's of a mesh i created via code, and i have an array of vectros with the U and V coordinates, the problem is, the way to set up the UV's via the API seems to be via ...
Seyren Windsor's user avatar
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How to apply a uv map texture to a mesh when looking from the side, rather than for the whole mesh

I want to apply a UV - texture just to the side of a mesh, without it covering the whole model. When using the Image texture nodes, the texture distorts on the actual model. Example of the texture:
AtomicTranq's user avatar
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Help my texture is distorting

Hi i'm trying to project a image onto a plane, i lined up the UV's with the correct perspective but my image distorts on the plane, subdividing the mesh a few times solves the issue but i would like ...
guyyes's user avatar
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Is there a way to create an animated video texture based on uv layout? [closed]

what I'm trying to do is to make a video animation in After Effects and then apply it on a 3D object as a texture. I'm trying to animate a circle movement over the faces of a cube based on its uv map (...
corser's user avatar
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Material Has Dark Areas that Move as Object Moves When Rendered

I'm rendering video of a tress of hair moving. The issue I'm having is that when rendered as the tress moves from side to side there are darker areas that seem to change when the tress moves. I don't ...
Joshua C's user avatar
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How can I use the bump node and wave texture node to create ridged spirals around a vase?

I'm trying to replicate the ridged spirals around this vase model that I saw. I can't seem to get the spiraled ridges to appear though. I'm using the wave texture node and bump node with texture ...
Joe's user avatar
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Texture Coordinate + Mapping Node

Ok, i'm really having a hard time understanding these 2 nodes. I watched several videos (tried to find some reference in the docs) but many many grey areas are left. Sometimes, i get the feeling that ...
ubiq1er's user avatar
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Texture coordinate and displacement modifier

I am creating world using texture coordinate node and displacement modifier on plane. But it doesn't work until I apply the displacement modifier. Why does that happen? How to avoid that? Here are the ...
Богдан Туренко's user avatar
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How to texturize a circle mesh with a horizontal/vertical texture?

I'm using this node scheme (screenshot below) to create a brushed steel in my object, but I need this brush show horizontally on my object. As my object has a circle mesh, the texure is shown circled ...
Gabriel Magalhães's user avatar
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How do I lock hair / particle orientation?

I have a particle system where the top and bottom of the particle are different colors. The particle should rotate when a field is applied and show the other color when it's upside down. This is not ...
Taha Attari's user avatar
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Why does the "Checker Texture" node produce flicker with "Texture Coordinates Object"?

What you see is a simple plan with no double faces, checked and I'm sure. This happens only when the mesh is at the local coordinate Z-0 height, if I move the mesh in edit mode, the flicker ...
Noob Cat's user avatar
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How can I map a texture node, using a factor similar to pointiness, when the mesh edges are too rounded?

I'll try to clarify. I have a guitar body mesh. I want the front & back to have a lighter wood texture. I want the sides to have the same texture, but stained darker. Here's the tricky part: ...
CreeDorofl's user avatar
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am using blender 2.82 and using a alpha front and back leaf, but i cannot get it to appear on the back face of my mesh

I have pictures with the node set up and key parts. I have followed a few tutorials but the same thing keeps happening...I Have Tried a few Combinations with the geometry node UV map node still no ...
Davis Morgan's user avatar
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Voronoi Texture scale issue when translating

I have a Voronoi texture using object coordinates and a Vector Math node set to Add to translate the texture along the Z axis. This works fine! However, if I use another texture (Noise, Musgrave, ...
gcs_dev's user avatar
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How to use Texture Coordinates, Mapping and Gradient Texture nodes to generate a black and white mask?

Basically, I'm trying to understand how to generate a procedural mask. I'm trying to make an eye and I wanted a mask to make a difference between cornea and sclera, but the problem that I have is that ...
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How to get the same UV islands to occupy the same place on the texture?

I've created a simple box: As you can see it has many similar islands that are supposed to use same place on my texture. But when I try to align similar UV islands to same positions (as Shift+S -> ...
Denis Steinman's user avatar
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Shader that always faces the camera [duplicate]

Using the Texture Coordinate node, the Camera output almost does it, but there are some weird seams that form: . The Window output works better, but it squishes it based on the width height ratio. ...
GorangeNinja's user avatar
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Why does a Wave Texture not follow a rig?

I'm rigging a simple character with a stripey texture and rigify rig. Before rigging, if I move the geo, the texture moves with it, once I parent it to the rig the texture stays still while I move ...
superduck's user avatar
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How to get x, y, z texture coordinates in LuxCore?

I do a lot of math-based procedural texturing, and have been considering switching a few of my scenes to LuxCoreRender instead of Cycles since it seems to do a better job with reducing noise from ...
Lincoln Ward's user avatar
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5 answers

Correcting perspective distortion for an angled projector (Keystone effect)

My goal is to create a realistic reproduction of a projector mounted on the ceiling. So far I can reproduce a projector that is projecting straight. But I cannot wrap my head around how to correct ...
J.Doe's user avatar
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Change color by radius

So I am currently working on a CAD rendering and decided to give Blender a try instead of Keyshot. One part is a black ring with engraved writing (silver/white) on it (in the mesh since it is a stl ...
B G's user avatar
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UDIMs not compatible with object particle systems?

I've made particle system based on single feather alpha and to color it I used color map based on main object. Since it has UDIMs I used them as well, just scaled color map to 512p to save space. All ...
Joanna's user avatar
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Particle Instance Modifier to Inherent Color from Hair Particles

Does anyone know how to inherent the color from hair particles and assign that too a particle instance modifier object, im basically attaching tiny balls to the end of the hair, and the goal is to ...
Geoffrey Lillemon's user avatar
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Texture aspect ratio independant of scene aspect ratio

I'm experimenting with making a shader that looks like linework and colouring on paper. As part of this I'm trying to apply a repeating texture map to give the base paper look to everything in my ...
GordonM's user avatar
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Texture Local Rotation but Global Scale

i try to make a procedural texture for brushed metal, i can use for multiply objects. Can i somehow achieve that the rotation of the object affects the rotation of the texture, but the scale or size ...
Lukas's user avatar
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Simply adding an image to mesh (UV confusion)

I don't fully understand UV Mapping. I imagine that the shapes that evolve from the flattened/cut open 3D object, are laid out on a 2D canvas which is the UV Map. You can draw on that canvas, add ...
JoshBadert's user avatar
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How to correctly project texture to UV map from 3D scanned object?

I am a beginner in Blender and I am trying to get a 2D image of a scanned object with the texture correctly applied or projected. As you can see, in the right section I have the 3D object with its ...
Juan Ignacio Uriarte's user avatar
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Distorted Noise: Size smaller than 0.0001

I used a Displace modifier with a Distorted Noise, so it's working fine but when I try to set its size smaller than 0.0001, it ...
HF_'s user avatar
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"Use UV for mapping" on curve object in Blender 2.82

I'm trying to use this option to uv map a curve, but i can't found it anymore in Blender 2.82. I'm using cycles. has it been removed? Thank you. Regards.
Samih EL SAKHAWI's user avatar
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Scaling textures across different objects [duplicate]

Is there a way to keep the checker texture the same size? Currently it scales with the size of the object, even though the scale in the Cycles node itself is set to 5, a value of 5 looks different ...
yeroc elleros's user avatar
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How to convert a world generated Texture Coordinate into Object Texture Coordinate

In the material shader editor, one can use a Texture Coordinate from the Input, like generated, UV, object, etc. For example the object texture coordinate,the main benefit is that it will allow you ...
Skelly Astronaut's user avatar
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Get Image Position in Image Editor for drawing lines with bgl

I am trying to draw some guide-lines on top of my image in my image-view using bgl. But when I draw the coordinates of my shape/line is relative to the screen/view when I actually want what I draw to ...
legendari's user avatar
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How to randomize pixels in image/movie (size 12x12 pixels)

I have 1920x1080 pixels movie. For some education purposes I have to demonstrate what it's going to look like if it would be 1) 12x12 pixels movie, and 2) when the pixels of that 12x12 movie would ...
Vlad's user avatar
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How can I draw a circle in an image inside the image editor?

I would like to be able to draw a circle inside an image that is available in image editor. I found this code here but I do not know how to manipulate the xy values for drawing a circle properly. <...
yarun can's user avatar
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Can I use offset instead of y to map texture in displace modifier?

I'm animating a fish to swoosh around as it moves forward using a displace modifier (like here: The problem is that I want it to go in a circle using a ...
Rolf's user avatar
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How to update an object after changing its uv coordinates?

I'm creating a node for Sverchok which will apply custom UV map to an object. Pretty simple thing but after applying new UV coordinates to an object object it doesn't update the viewer somehow. ...
Сергей Солуянов's user avatar
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Is there any way to bake texture from world space to UV?

Hi I have a material with environment texture mapped with object space (like environment), and would like to bake it into the object UVs. Now everything looks good in editor, I just make it look the ...
Noworrytmr's user avatar

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