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Blockchain Carlos L L Rischioto
IBM Blockchain Technical Sales
“What the internet did
for communications,
blockchain will do for
trusted transactions.”
— Ginni Rometty
IBM Chairwoman and CEO
TDC2018FLN | Trilha Blockchain - BlockChain Casos de Usos alem das CryptoMoedas
TDC2018FLN | Trilha Blockchain - BlockChain Casos de Usos alem das CryptoMoedas
Other types of blockchain exist
• The first blockchain application
• Defines an unregulated shadow-currency
• Resource intensive
• Blockchains for business are generally permissioned and
private, and prioritize:
• Identity over anonymity
• Selective endorsement over proof of work
• Assets over cryptocurrency
is an example of an
unpermissioned, public ledger:
Use Cases &
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• Digital Trade Chain (DTC), is a blockchain-based international
trading system for a consortium of major world banks including:
Deutsche Bank, HSBC, KBC, Natixis, Rabobank, Société
Générale, Santander, UniCredit and Nordea
• Enables accurate trading posture information, order to settlement
control, risk coverage, track and trace options
• Near-real time exchange of information on a secure platform that
digitizes transactional financing and other complex processes
• Continual business and compliance readiness in any regulatory
• Scalability that allows for rapid international expansion as business,
regulatory, and security opportunities converge
Trade Finance
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• A universal rail for real-time clearing and settlement on an integrated
Blockchain network
• Collaboration between IBM and technology partners and KlickEx
• Initial participants include over 13 financial institutions
• Create secure, high volume, low-cost cross-border payments services
without sacrificing margins
• Access new markets and currencies with limited risk
• Generate new sources of revenue with value-added products and services
• Aim: near real-time international payments
Accelerating Global Payments
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• Reimagine current expensive audit process requiring
integrating data – often inconsistent and outdated - from
various sources on the blockchain
• Shared replicated ledger serves as single point of truth
• Auditors are guaranteed that no one has tampered the data
via immutability of blockchain
• Clients, bank and regulators all see single version of truth
• No data inconsistencies => clear audit trail
• Enables efficient lower-cost Asset Quality Reviews (AQR)
Financial Audit and Compliance Ledger
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• IBM Global Finance provides a $41bn channel
financing per year. There are a number of disputes
that take time to resolve and can lock up
transactions costing time and money
• Blockchain provides visibility and provenance end-
to-end across supply chain
• Reduced dispute resolution time by 75%
• Released working capital from $100m
• Combine IGF and Supplier info to further expand
benefits further
• In production since Sept 2016
Global Financing: Dispute Resolution
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• Infrastructure supporting private equity has seen little innovation in recent
years at a time when investors are seeking greater transparency,
security and efficiency.
• Creation of an innovative private equity ecosystem designed to
deliver increased efficiency, security and transparency.
• Provides real-time insight and transparency to all parties, including the
fund managers and investors.
• Designed to allow regulatory access as required.
• Support compliance of local regulations.
• In production
Private Equity Administration
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Common KYC Data
• View of customer identity to enable compliance with Know Your
Customer (KYC)
• A complete view of customers' documents across a distributed
• Creation of a single but cross-businesses KYC platform to inform all of the banks processes.
• Crédit Mutuel Arkéa could enable its customers to deliver proof of their identity to third-parties such as
local utilities, retailers or regulated service providers.
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• New experience for consumers to effortlessly sign-on to digital services,
while remaining in control of their identity attributes.
• No central database or identity honeypots
• No central point of failure
• “Triple Blind” data sharing – PRIVACY
• Institutions that participate in an ecosystem benefit with increased
customer satisfaction, reduced risk in identity theft, and new revenue
sources to institutions
Digital Asset Providers
and Consumers
Trusted Identity
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• Track diamonds across supply chain from mine to retail
• Shared ledger for storing digital certification with
supporting material
• Protect against the occurrence of fraud, theft, trafficking
and black markets
• Assist in the identification and reduction of synthetic
stones being labelled as authentic
• Increase speed of transparency for cross border
transactions for insurance companies, banks and
Legitimize Diamonds and Reduce Fraud
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• An open, extensible platform for sharing shipping events,
messages, and documents across all the actors and
systems in the supply chain ecosystem.
• Providing Shared Visibility and Shared State for
Container Shipments
• Increase speed and transparency for cross border
transactions through real time access to container events.
• Reduced cost and increased efficiency through paperless
Provider of interface:
value-add partners
Event publishers
& subscribers
Logistic actors
internal systems
Supply Chain
Visibility systems
Port community
Trade Associations
Supply Chain
Supply Chain
Global Digitized Trade
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Fresh Turf is a Singapore-based startup that is
working with IBM to tackle the challenges with
last-mile fulfilment in retail logistics.
To help solve this void in the market, Fresh Turf
turned to the IBM Garage, immersing in a unique,
user-centric approach with IBM Design Thinking
to design which helped to rapidly identify and
build the Minimum Viable Product to test their
“We chose IBM because they are a global leader
in building blockchain on the cloud, with vast
experience in blockchain projects around the
world and across multiple industries. IBM Cloud
is also the most convenient way to test a
blockchain network on the cloud.”
– Kevin Lim, co-founder, FreshTurf
Blue Lockers
Red Lockers
Yellow Lockers
Yellow Logistics
Red Logistics
Blue Logistics
Learn and read more at:
Fresh Turf
Last-mile fulfillment in Retail Logistics
© 2017 IBM CorporationIBM Blockchain : IBM Confidential :: ©2016 IBM
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• Provide a trusted source of information and traceability to
improve transparency and efficiency across the food
• Shared ledger for storing digital compliance
documentation, test results and audit certificates network.
• Reduce impact of food recalls through instant access to
end-to-end traceability data to verify history in the food
network and supply chain.
• Help to address the 1 in 10 people sickened and 400,000
fatalities WW which occur every year from food-born
Food Trust
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Brazil - BRF & Carrefour
• Allows safe consumption to consumers by
providing information from field to the table
information in real time
• Shared ledger for BRF and Carrefour to track
product from BRF and DC factory until Carrefour DC
and store, using QR code reader
• Reduce impact of food recalls through instant
access to end-to-end traceability data to verify
history in the food network and supply chain.
• Provide information about product quality and
production, warehouse and transportation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Brazil - Belagrícola
IBM Blockchain
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• Provide easy traceability of aircraft sub-systems and
parts test certifications to airlines and regulators
• Delay in commissioning a new or repaired aircraft without
accurate, easily accessible detailed certification
• Regulator and compliance challenges especially without
timely availability of maintenance records
• Reduces time to commission a new or repaired aircraft as
accurate detailed certification information is uploaded by
responsible parties to the Blockchain
• Regulator has full visibility
• Faster turnaround times for aircraft maintenance as
documentation flow gets digitized
• As an aircraft part or sub-system moves through the
plant, certification test result is sent to the ledger
• Connect shared ledger with IoT devices and document
management system for an automated process
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• Tennet must match supply & demand of electricity. This new era of renewable energy meant
that existing systems are under strain to keep up.
• New battery technology enables a new near-instantaneous source of
power to adapt to requirements
• The blockchain presents the operator from Tennet with a view of the
available pool of flexibility, ready to activate at the push of the button
• This then signals batteries in Electric Vehicles connected to the grid
(Vandebron) or distributed power banks in consumers homes (Sonnen)
• Giving the flexibility to match supply & demand
• Rapidly understanding the resources available
Renewable Energy Flexibility
© 2017 IBM Corporation
EV Charging
using a
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Certificates of Origin
Accelerate the energy transition to meet international climate agreements
Registration of the decentralized
sustainable energy production.
1. To get more insight in
sustainable energy
production amongst
2. To create a solid
foundation for small
scale GO trade
3. Trigger more consumers
to become prosumers
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• Create and promote a secure, efficient and scalable
exchange of health data using blockchain technology.
• Blockchain technology will be used to create an
electronic ledger of where and how data is transferred
and exchanged
• Initial trial focus on oncology data
• Creating an audit trail through the ledger, healthcare
professionals will be able to:
– hold information leakers accountable
– maintain transparency in what data is going where
– secure weak spots in the sharing process
IBM and FDA Partnership
© 2017 IBM Corporation
• Track the chain of custody of the EHRs and how they
are stored, accessed and moved through the lifecycle
in compliance with specific governmental regulations
• Manage consent and sharing of EHRs
• Each participant agrees to capture the access and
storage of EHR data on the blockchain
• Blockchain creates single view of the EHR reference
• Include consent model so that owners of data can
quickly and easily provide consent for others to access
their data and then record consent to avoid dispute
CDC: Reference Data Chain of Custody & Consent for EHR
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Electronic Health Records
Streamline processing
Direct visibility from all parties
EHRs can not be accessed
without patient’s consent
Unlike traditional systems, security in
Blockchain is hardened from ground up
All EHRs in one place
Regulators can monitor activities
and detect abusive practices
Only authorized parties can see EHRs
and only what they are supposed to see
All records can be
traced back to origin
Patients know the parties who
have access to their EHRs, and
keep them accountable
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Health Insurance Claim
– No need for counter-party mediation
– Smart Contract between Provider /
Patient / Payer
• Faster coordination of benefits
• Faster underwriting process
• Reduces claim disputes
• Patients have visibility into claim processing
• Patients have visibility into available benefits
• Faster billing resolution
– Eliminates EHR Inconsistency
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Automobility Industry
Trace the provenance of
products and parts
across supply chains.
“Targeted Recalls”
Enable manufacturers to
maintain an accurate and
auditable record of all
software packages ever
installed on their vehicles
Securely share vehicle
usage patterns between
OEMs, fleet companies,
insurance companies and
Portable Mobility Profile Handle a wide range of
payments & maintaining
secure access to the
vehicle by various users
Supply Chain
Software Defined
Car Leasing/ Sharing
Car Wallet
TDC2018FLN | Trilha Blockchain - BlockChain Casos de Usos alem das CryptoMoedas
Making blockchain real for business…
Trade Finance Pre and Post Trade Complex Risk Coverage
Identity/ Know your customer (KYC) Unlisted Securities/ Private Equity Funds Incentive Program
Medicated Health Data Exchange Government Distributed Energy/ Carbon Credit
Supply Chain Food Trust Provenance/ Traceability
Our People Our Experience Reducing Your Risk
IBM is investing heavily in Blockchain
“IBM is clearly regarded as having the strongestcredentials in the blockchain sector, well ahead of competitor” – Juniper Research
People enabled through IBM blockchain training
Practitioners trained at IBM
SME’s in hiring pipeline
500+Blockchain Engagements to learn from
35IBM enabled active business networks
Years of being a safe and reliable brand
Patents in 2017
Patents in 2017 for BC
Years supporting worlds largest networks e.g. LSE
#1Blockchain Expert (Juniper and HFS)
Questions? Tweet us or go to
IBM Blockchain
IBM Blockchain
Thank you
Carlos L L Rischioto
IBM Blockchain Technical Sales
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2018. All rights reserved. The information contained in these
materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty
of any kind, express or implied. Any statement of direction represents IBM's current intent, is
subject to change or withdrawal, and represents only goals and objectives. IBM, the IBM
logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business
Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product,
or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.

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TDC2018FLN | Trilha Blockchain - BlockChain Casos de Usos alem das CryptoMoedas

  • 1. Blockchain Carlos L L Rischioto IBM Blockchain Technical Sales
  • 2. “What the internet did for communications, blockchain will do for trusted transactions.” — Ginni Rometty IBM Chairwoman and CEO 2
  • 6. 6 Other types of blockchain exist • The first blockchain application • Defines an unregulated shadow-currency • Resource intensive • Blockchains for business are generally permissioned and private, and prioritize: • Identity over anonymity • Selective endorsement over proof of work • Assets over cryptocurrency is an example of an unpermissioned, public ledger:
  • 8. © 2017 IBM Corporation 8
  • 9. © 2017 IBM Corporation 9 What? • Digital Trade Chain (DTC), is a blockchain-based international trading system for a consortium of major world banks including: Deutsche Bank, HSBC, KBC, Natixis, Rabobank, Société Générale, Santander, UniCredit and Nordea • Enables accurate trading posture information, order to settlement control, risk coverage, track and trace options Benefits • Near-real time exchange of information on a secure platform that digitizes transactional financing and other complex processes • Continual business and compliance readiness in any regulatory environment • Scalability that allows for rapid international expansion as business, regulatory, and security opportunities converge Trade Finance
  • 10. © 2017 IBM Corporation 10 What? • A universal rail for real-time clearing and settlement on an integrated Blockchain network How? • Collaboration between IBM and technology partners and KlickEx Group • Initial participants include over 13 financial institutions Benefits • Create secure, high volume, low-cost cross-border payments services without sacrificing margins • Access new markets and currencies with limited risk • Generate new sources of revenue with value-added products and services • Aim: near real-time international payments Accelerating Global Payments
  • 11. © 2017 IBM Corporation 11 What? • Reimagine current expensive audit process requiring integrating data – often inconsistent and outdated - from various sources on the blockchain How? • Shared replicated ledger serves as single point of truth • Auditors are guaranteed that no one has tampered the data via immutability of blockchain Benefits • Clients, bank and regulators all see single version of truth • No data inconsistencies => clear audit trail • Enables efficient lower-cost Asset Quality Reviews (AQR) Financial Audit and Compliance Ledger
  • 12. © 2017 IBM Corporation 12 What? • IBM Global Finance provides a $41bn channel financing per year. There are a number of disputes that take time to resolve and can lock up transactions costing time and money How? • Blockchain provides visibility and provenance end- to-end across supply chain Benefits • Reduced dispute resolution time by 75% • Released working capital from $100m • Combine IGF and Supplier info to further expand benefits further • In production since Sept 2016 Global Financing: Dispute Resolution
  • 13. © 2017 IBM Corporation 13 What? • Infrastructure supporting private equity has seen little innovation in recent years at a time when investors are seeking greater transparency, security and efficiency. How? • Creation of an innovative private equity ecosystem designed to deliver increased efficiency, security and transparency. Benefits • Provides real-time insight and transparency to all parties, including the fund managers and investors. • Designed to allow regulatory access as required. • Support compliance of local regulations. • In production Private Equity Administration
  • 14. © 2017 IBM Corporation
  • 15. © 2017 IBM Corporation 15 Common KYC Data What? • View of customer identity to enable compliance with Know Your Customer (KYC) How? • A complete view of customers' documents across a distributed network Benefits • Creation of a single but cross-businesses KYC platform to inform all of the banks processes. • Crédit Mutuel Arkéa could enable its customers to deliver proof of their identity to third-parties such as local utilities, retailers or regulated service providers.
  • 16. © 2017 IBM Corporation 16 What? • New experience for consumers to effortlessly sign-on to digital services, while remaining in control of their identity attributes. How? • No central database or identity honeypots • No central point of failure • “Triple Blind” data sharing – PRIVACY Benefits • Institutions that participate in an ecosystem benefit with increased customer satisfaction, reduced risk in identity theft, and new revenue sources to institutions Digital Asset Providers and Consumers Trusted Identity
  • 17. © 2017 IBM Corporation
  • 18. © 2017 IBM Corporation 18 What? • Track diamonds across supply chain from mine to retail How? • Shared ledger for storing digital certification with supporting material Benefits • Protect against the occurrence of fraud, theft, trafficking and black markets • Assist in the identification and reduction of synthetic stones being labelled as authentic • Increase speed of transparency for cross border transactions for insurance companies, banks and claimants Legitimize Diamonds and Reduce Fraud
  • 19. © 2017 IBM Corporation
  • 20. © 2017 IBM Corporation 20 What? • An open, extensible platform for sharing shipping events, messages, and documents across all the actors and systems in the supply chain ecosystem. How? • Providing Shared Visibility and Shared State for Container Shipments Benefits • Increase speed and transparency for cross border transactions through real time access to container events. • Reduced cost and increased efficiency through paperless trade Provider of interface: value-add partners Event publishers & subscribers GTD Platform Customs Dashboard Logistic actors internal systems Supply Chain Visibility systems Port community systems Transportation management Shippers Authorities Trade Associations Carriers Supply Chain Actors Terminals Supply Chain Management Global Digitized Trade
  • 21. © 2017 IBM Corporation 21 Fresh Turf is a Singapore-based startup that is working with IBM to tackle the challenges with last-mile fulfilment in retail logistics. To help solve this void in the market, Fresh Turf turned to the IBM Garage, immersing in a unique, user-centric approach with IBM Design Thinking to design which helped to rapidly identify and build the Minimum Viable Product to test their hypothesis. “We chose IBM because they are a global leader in building blockchain on the cloud, with vast experience in blockchain projects around the world and across multiple industries. IBM Cloud is also the most convenient way to test a blockchain network on the cloud.” – Kevin Lim, co-founder, FreshTurf Blue Lockers Red Lockers Yellow Lockers Yellow Logistics Red Logistics Blue Logistics Learn and read more at: and-blockchain-technologies-for-secure-storage-lockers-network-56215 Fresh Turf Last-mile fulfillment in Retail Logistics
  • 22. © 2017 IBM CorporationIBM Blockchain : IBM Confidential :: ©2016 IBM Corporation
  • 23. © 2017 IBM Corporation 23 What? • Provide a trusted source of information and traceability to improve transparency and efficiency across the food network. How? • Shared ledger for storing digital compliance documentation, test results and audit certificates network. Benefits • Reduce impact of food recalls through instant access to end-to-end traceability data to verify history in the food network and supply chain. • Help to address the 1 in 10 people sickened and 400,000 fatalities WW which occur every year from food-born illnesses. Food Trust
  • 24. © 2017 IBM Corporation 24 Brazil - BRF & Carrefour What? • Allows safe consumption to consumers by providing information from field to the table information in real time How? • Shared ledger for BRF and Carrefour to track product from BRF and DC factory until Carrefour DC and store, using QR code reader Benefits • Reduce impact of food recalls through instant access to end-to-end traceability data to verify history in the food network and supply chain. • Provide information about product quality and production, warehouse and transportation conditions
  • 25. © 2017 IBM Corporation 25 Brazil - Belagrícola
  • 27. © 2017 IBM Corporation 27 BikeBlockchain
  • 28. © 2017 IBM Corporation
  • 29. © 2017 IBM Corporation 29 Traceability What? • Provide easy traceability of aircraft sub-systems and parts test certifications to airlines and regulators Challenges • Delay in commissioning a new or repaired aircraft without accurate, easily accessible detailed certification • Regulator and compliance challenges especially without timely availability of maintenance records Benefits • Reduces time to commission a new or repaired aircraft as accurate detailed certification information is uploaded by responsible parties to the Blockchain • Regulator has full visibility • Faster turnaround times for aircraft maintenance as documentation flow gets digitized • As an aircraft part or sub-system moves through the plant, certification test result is sent to the ledger • Connect shared ledger with IoT devices and document management system for an automated process
  • 30. © 2017 IBM Corporation 30
  • 31. © 2017 IBM Corporation 31 What? • Tennet must match supply & demand of electricity. This new era of renewable energy meant that existing systems are under strain to keep up. • New battery technology enables a new near-instantaneous source of power to adapt to requirements How? • The blockchain presents the operator from Tennet with a view of the available pool of flexibility, ready to activate at the push of the button • This then signals batteries in Electric Vehicles connected to the grid (Vandebron) or distributed power banks in consumers homes (Sonnen) Benefits • Giving the flexibility to match supply & demand • Rapidly understanding the resources available Renewable Energy Flexibility
  • 32. © 2017 IBM Corporation 32 EV Charging DSO Meter Operator Car Retailer Charging using a Private Socket
  • 33. © 2017 IBM Corporation 33 Certificates of Origin Accelerate the energy transition to meet international climate agreements Registration of the decentralized sustainable energy production. Why? 1. To get more insight in sustainable energy production amongst prosumers 2. To create a solid foundation for small scale GO trade 3. Trigger more consumers to become prosumers Prosumer How?
  • 34. © 2017 IBM Corporation 34
  • 35. © 2017 IBM Corporation 35 What? • Create and promote a secure, efficient and scalable exchange of health data using blockchain technology. How? • Blockchain technology will be used to create an electronic ledger of where and how data is transferred and exchanged • Initial trial focus on oncology data Benefits • Creating an audit trail through the ledger, healthcare professionals will be able to: – hold information leakers accountable – maintain transparency in what data is going where – secure weak spots in the sharing process IBM and FDA Partnership
  • 36. © 2017 IBM Corporation 36 What? • Track the chain of custody of the EHRs and how they are stored, accessed and moved through the lifecycle in compliance with specific governmental regulations • Manage consent and sharing of EHRs How? • Each participant agrees to capture the access and storage of EHR data on the blockchain • Blockchain creates single view of the EHR reference data • Include consent model so that owners of data can quickly and easily provide consent for others to access their data and then record consent to avoid dispute CDC: Reference Data Chain of Custody & Consent for EHR
  • 37. © 2017 IBM Corporation 37 Electronic Health Records Streamline processing Direct visibility from all parties Control EHRs can not be accessed without patient’s consent Security Unlike traditional systems, security in Blockchain is hardened from ground up Accessibility All EHRs in one place Transparency Regulators can monitor activities and detect abusive practices Privacy Only authorized parties can see EHRs and only what they are supposed to see Provenance All records can be traced back to origin Accountability Patients know the parties who have access to their EHRs, and keep them accountable
  • 38. © 2017 IBM Corporation 38 Health Insurance Claim – No need for counter-party mediation – Smart Contract between Provider / Patient / Payer • Faster coordination of benefits • Faster underwriting process • Reduces claim disputes • Patients have visibility into claim processing • Patients have visibility into available benefits • Faster billing resolution – Eliminates EHR Inconsistency
  • 39. © 2017 IBM Corporation
  • 40. © 2017 IBM Corporation 40 Automobility Industry Trace the provenance of products and parts across supply chains. “Targeted Recalls” Enable manufacturers to maintain an accurate and auditable record of all software packages ever installed on their vehicles Securely share vehicle usage patterns between OEMs, fleet companies, insurance companies and Lessee. Portable Mobility Profile Handle a wide range of mobility-related payments & maintaining secure access to the vehicle by various users Supply Chain Software Defined Vehicle Car Leasing/ Sharing Car Wallet
  • 42. 42 Making blockchain real for business… Trade Finance Pre and Post Trade Complex Risk Coverage Identity/ Know your customer (KYC) Unlisted Securities/ Private Equity Funds Incentive Program Medicated Health Data Exchange Government Distributed Energy/ Carbon Credit Supply Chain Food Trust Provenance/ Traceability
  • 43. Our People Our Experience Reducing Your Risk IBM is investing heavily in Blockchain “IBM is clearly regarded as having the strongestcredentials in the blockchain sector, well ahead of competitor” – Juniper Research 24,000+ People enabled through IBM blockchain training ~6000 Practitioners trained at IBM ~2500 Developers ~3000 Consultants 700+ SME’s in hiring pipeline 500+Blockchain Engagements to learn from 35IBM enabled active business networks 100+ Years of being a safe and reliable brand 9000+ Patents in 2017 27 Patents in 2017 for BC 3 Years supporting worlds largest networks e.g. LSE #1Blockchain Expert (Juniper and HFS)
  • 44. Questions? Tweet us or go to @IBMBlockchain IBM Blockchain IBM Blockchain Thank you Carlos L L Rischioto IBM Blockchain Technical Sales
  • 45. © Copyright IBM Corporation 2018. All rights reserved. The information contained in these materials is provided for informational purposes only, and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Any statement of direction represents IBM's current intent, is subject to change or withdrawal, and represents only goals and objectives. IBM, the IBM logo, and other IBM products and services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, in the United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, or service names may be trademarks or service marks of others.