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1© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Ramesh Gopinath, Ph.D.
VP, Blockchain Solutions and Research
2© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Blockchain is an emerging platform for transaction services
that will fundamentally change and reimagine the way we do business
•  Capital Markets
–  Securities trading /
–  Syndicated loans,
Commercial paper
•  Commercial Banking
–  Trade Finance
–  Trade Logistics
Party	A’s	
Party	B’s	
•  Inefficient
•  Expensive
•  Vulnerable
Digitally signed,
transactions and
All parties have 
same replica 
of the ledger
Party	A	
Party	B	
•  Consensus
•  Immutability
•  Smart Contracts
•  Provenance
•  Finality
•  Retail Banking
–  Payments: Cross border
–  Lending: Mortgage
•  Supply Chain
–  Provenance
–  Logistics
Enables New
3© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Key Concepts and Benefits of Blockchain for Business
Transaction time
from days to near
Overheads and
cost intermediaries
Tampering, fraud &
cyber crime
Ensuring appropriate visibility;
transactions are secure,
authenticated & verifiable
Business terms embedded in
transaction database & executed
with transactions
All parties agree to network
verified transaction
Append-only distributed system
of record shared across
business network
Key Concepts:
Enables New
IoT Integration
into supply chain
4© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
IBM’s point-of-view on Blockchain
•  Open source standard to lower adoption risk
•  Encourage Innovation through modular architecture
•  IBM Supports Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger project
•  Privacy, confidentiality, auditability, performance and scalability.
•  Engage with governments and regulators to encourage the broad adoption of
blockchain in industry
IBM BLOCKHAIN is conducting business in 2016 across three areas
1.  Community development of blockchain fabric (Hyperledger project)
2.  Cloud deployment which expands Hyperledger with value added features
3.  Client engagements and transformative solutions
•  Ensure greater trust by provisioning only permissioned members and users
•  Enable more optimized forms of consensus to keep the ledger in sync


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Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and Africa Payment and Blockchain Leader) İçinde bulunduğumuz teknoloji çağının getirdikleri ile birlikte finans dünyasını yeni teknolojiler bekliyor. Bitcoin ve Blockchain teknolojisi bunların başında yer alıyor. Finans dünyasındaki tüm kuralları değiştirebilecek potansiyeli içinde barındıran bu iki teknolojiye olan ilgi her geçen gün artmakta. İstanbul Finans Derneği işbirliği ve Business Ankara medya sponsorluğunda düzenlenen etkinlikte, 'bitcoin' ve 'blockchain' teknolojileri gerek yazılım gerekse finansal boyutuyla ele alındı. - 31 Mart 2016 meet@ideaport | Finans Dünyasında Yeni Trend: Bitcoin ve Blockchain

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Blockchain Explained v5.20
Blockchain Explained v5.20Blockchain Explained v5.20
Blockchain Explained v5.20

Blockchain explained is a document that introduces blockchain technology for business use. It discusses how blockchain can help solve inefficiencies in sharing records between participants in a business network by providing a shared, replicated ledger. It describes different types of blockchains and requirements for business blockchains, including how they handle assets, identity, and transaction endorsement. The document provides examples of IBM blockchain networks and solutions and how IBM can help organizations create or join networks to address business challenges through blockchain.

ibm blockchain platformblockchainhyperledger fabric
Blockchain Explained for Devlopers
Blockchain Explained for DevlopersBlockchain Explained for Devlopers
Blockchain Explained for Devlopers

This document provides an overview of blockchain technologies and how IBM can help businesses apply blockchain. It defines key blockchain concepts like shared ledgers, smart contracts, consensus, and privacy. It also discusses example use cases for blockchain like supply chain management, financial transactions, and regulatory compliance. The document outlines IBM's engagement model for helping customers explore blockchain, build proofs of concept, and scale blockchain applications. It positions IBM as supporting the open source Hyperledger project and providing tools and services to make blockchain adoption easier for businesses.

techinformation technologycloud computing
5© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Trade Finance
Identity management
Crédit Mutuel
Food Safety
Low liquidity securities
trading and settlement
Settlements through
virtual currency
Channel Financing
Contract Management
FX Netting
Reward points
6© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
IBM Blockchain in Financial Services Sector
Provide efficiency
and resiliency
across global FX
markets in a
Reduce trade
settlement time by
automating the end-
to-end multi-party
interactions for low
liquidity trading
Build a peer-to-peer reward
point trading system
between banks, credit card
users, gift shops, for
seamless exchange of
loyalty reward points
Accelerate the
Design, Management
and Execution of
Contracts among
business partners on
the Blockchain
7© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
IBM Blockchain in International Trade and Supply-chain
Track Others
Track Back
Automate current
inefficient, manual
and error-prone
workflows in
documentary trade
Provide single view
for purchase order
life-cycle across the
as the truth
Improve the efficiency
of (our) commercial
financing business by
sharing data in a
secure and
transparent manner
Provide provenance
across the supply-
chain cutting
through complex
distribution and
8© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
IBM Blockchain in Healthcare
Data Exchange
across Health eco-
system based on
patient centric
control and consent
Patient consent
management, data
capture and exchange
based on consent;
enable compliance &
Provide a
complete end-
to-end audit trail
in the pharma
supply chain by
Full audit trail of
electronic medical
records, pharmacy,
claims data, etc.
facilited by data
exchange (above)

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Blockchain is a shared, replicated ledger technology that can open up business networks by reducing costs, improving efficiencies, and increasing accessibility. IBM supports an open standards, open source, open governance blockchain through contributions to the Linux Foundation Hyperledger project, which is developing shared ledger technology. IBM offers customers an engagement model to explore blockchain concepts, show proof of technology applications, and integrate blockchain solutions into their enterprise systems.

Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup
Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup
Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup

Distributed ledgers offer advantages for capital markets by providing a single record of transactions maintained across multiple nodes, avoiding political battles over control. They could help reconcile complex transactions recorded across old, fragile software systems in bank back offices. A distributed ledger maintained between different financial players could more easily track a swap sold and resold between custodians than traditional systems. Potential use cases involve a lack of central authority, robust regulatory needs, and transactional processes followable as smart contracts. Examples include repo agreements, FX settlement, and trade reconciliations.

IBM Bluemix Paris meetup #23 - 20170425 - Loansquare
IBM Bluemix Paris meetup #23 - 20170425 - Loansquare IBM Bluemix Paris meetup #23 - 20170425 - Loansquare
IBM Bluemix Paris meetup #23 - 20170425 - Loansquare

An experienced team including former consultants from IBM and CSC is launching a new SaaS platform called Loansquare to digitize financing activities for banks, corporations, and municipalities. Loansquare aims to improve processes in the structured finance sector by providing a multi-bank portal for clients, digitizing interactions, and standardizing data. The platform offers services for deal origination, syndication, servicing, and more. Loansquare is currently in development with 50+ prospects and plans to go live in Q3 2017. The company also sees potential to leverage blockchain technology for the platform going forward.

9© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
10© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Develop a payment netting service to provide efficiencies and
resilience to the foreign exchange market
Global market limited by:
•  lack of standardized payment netting process for trades not
settled within the current CLS environment
•  institutions intervening manually to complete the process
•  inconsistent netting approaches, resulting in higher costs and
increased intra-day liquidity demands.
CLS Group has partnered with IBM to release a
payment netting service called CLS Netting. This will
•  be used for buy-side and sell-side institutions’ FX trades that are
settled outside the CLS settlement service.
•  have a Hyperledger based platform which delivers a
standardized suite of post-trade and risk mitigation services for
the entire FX market.
“It (CLS Netting) is a
significant step forward in
reducing risk and providing
further efficiencies and
resilience across the
global FX market.”
David Puth
CEO, CLS Group
11© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Securities settlement in low liquidity markets
Today’s process
Settlement Process with Blockchain
Reduce trade settlement time by automating the end-
to-end multi-party interactions from trade execution to
settlement on the blockchain for low liquidity trading
1.  Reduced settlement time
2.  Reduced settlement risk
3.  Lower cost transactions
12© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Loyalty points network with China Union Pay	
Bank A Bank B
Gift Shop A
Gift Shop B
•  Banks invest about $4B in
credit card points market in
•  Less than 50% points are
•  Other rewards worth at $100B
“At least Save $15M to build loyalty point exchange
for banks by Blockchain Than Traditional Approach”
Unionpay Blockchain Leader, Mr. Yan.
In the future , it can be for a larger Business
Network: Airline, Super Market, Hotel, Car
Rental, Restaurant, etc

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Making blockchain real for business

Blockchain is a shared, replicated ledger technology that can open up business networks by reducing costs, improving efficiencies, and increasing accessibility. It addresses challenges across industries by providing a shared system of record for transactions. The Linux Foundation's Hyperledger project is developing open-source, shared ledger technology standards through collaboration. The blockchain landscape includes identity management, platforms, security, payments, smart contracts, consulting services, industry consortiums, and applications in sectors like finance, supply chain, and government.

How to get started with IBM Blockchain
How to get started with IBM BlockchainHow to get started with IBM Blockchain
How to get started with IBM Blockchain

How to get started with IBM Blockchain. Presentation by Christian Lassen, IBM Blockchain Leader Nordic, held at Watson Sweden Summit 2017

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This document discusses blockchain and how IBM can help businesses apply it. Blockchain is a shared, replicated, permissioned ledger technology that can improve business networks by reducing costs, increasing efficiencies and accessibility. It addresses challenges across industries. IBM supports the open standard Hyperledger Project and provides blockchain services through Bluemix to help customers get started incrementally with blockchain.

13© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Typical Use Case Loyalty Points Exchange	
Bank B 12,000 + Bank C 9,000 =
Bank A 20,000	
Channels to exchange points	
Cross Bank Exchange	
Transfer within Banks	
Channels to redeem (online + offline)	
online shops
Scan gift and
generate QR Token
Smart POS	
Check available
Scan QR Token on
phone to request
14© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
To examine the design,
management and execution
of contracts among
business partners using
Blockchain technologies
15© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
16© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Blockchain for Supply Chain Visibility
•  Prove out the ability of Blockchain technology to address key
supply chain visibility pain points
•  Provide a single view and source of the truth regarding the
lifecycle of a Purchase Order
•  Shadow Ledger capturing Buyer, Supplier, and Carrier EDI data
to the Blockchain with a web-based User Interface providing
enhanced visibility
tender Tender
Ship Notice Shipment
Visibility Portal
Trucking CompanyManufacturer

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Making Blockchain Real for Business at the "z Systems Agile Enterprise Development Conference - 2016"

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The document discusses integrating IBM Operational Decision Manager (ODM) with blockchain and smart contracts to enable rule-based smart contracts. It provides examples of how ODM can be used to author, govern, and execute the business logic and rules that define smart contract terms and conditions. Key points include externalizing smart contract business logic in ODM for maintenance by business users, and integrating an ODM rule execution server with Hyperledger Fabric to allow calling decision services from smart contracts via REST APIs. This enables evolving smart contracts governed by business users without changing code.

blockchainsmart contractbusiness rules
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1. ibm blockchain explained1. ibm blockchain explained
1. ibm blockchain explained

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System Satoshi Nakamoto Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.

ibmibm blockchainblockchain
17© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Blockchain Solution for IBM Global Financing (IGF)
Improve the efficiency of our commercial financing business
by sharing data in a secure and transparent manner on
•  Blockchain enables Comprehensive View of key
operational data:
Purchase Order > Transaction Approval > Shipments > Invoices > Remittances
•  Fewer disputes & faster settlement
•  Reduction in dispute resolution time: 40+ days to under 10
•  Improved capital efficiency; freer flow of capital
products and services
IGF world-wide statistics
Partners and
Invoices / year
Financed / Year
Capital tied up
any time!
Disputes /
Avg. disputed
invoice value
44 days
Avg. time to
resolve a dispute
Our Commercial Financing business provides working capital to IT suppliers,
distributors and partners through financing of inventory and accounts receivables
18© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Improved Documentary Trade Finance
Automate current inefficient, manual and error-prone workflows in documentary
trade finance (e.g., letters-of-credit) via smart contracts on the blockchain
1.  Faster transactions with less complexity
2.  Improved transparency and visibility => fewer errors
3.  Lower cost of transactions
Importer BankExporter Bank
L/C : Letter of Credit
CI : Commercial Invoice
Place Order
Distributed Shared Ledger
Exporter Bank Importer BankImporterExporter
19© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Traceability/Provenance in Food Supply Chains
Build a transformative end-to-end food traceability system, that cuts
through the complex distribution and processing eco-system, to provide
provenance of food items across the supply-chain (“farm to fork”).
1.  Increased trust
2.  Pinpoint source of compromised food, reducing the unnecessarily broad recall
3.  Improved co-ordination in food supply chain
4.  Handle changing regulations easily using smart contracts
QR Code
20© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
IBM Blockchain
•  Invented the industries first Blockchain for
regulated businesses
•  Created the first decentralized membership
service for permissioned-blockchains, making it
possible to comply to regulations (like the
European Union Data Protection Directive).
•  Pioneered blockchain platform as a service on
Bluemix (one click is all that needed to spark a
blockchain network) and
•  Set the gold standard in security with the
industries first high security network.

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Blockchain for Business on Hyperledger
Blockchain for Business on HyperledgerBlockchain for Business on Hyperledger
Blockchain for Business on Hyperledger

Blockchain technology allows strangers on the internet to agree on transactions without a central authority through the use of distributed ledgers, consensus algorithms, and cryptography. The Hyperledger project is developing open source blockchain frameworks and tools for businesses to create applications on permissioned blockchains. An example application tracks pork products in a supply chain using smart contracts on Hyperledger Fabric to provide transparency into where products come from.

ato 2016blockchainall things open
Making blockchain works for business
Making blockchain works for businessMaking blockchain works for business
Making blockchain works for business

The first slide deck from the IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers course with an introduction to IBM Hyperledger architecture.

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Blockchain architected

This document discusses key concepts and components related to blockchain solutions, including actors such as users, developers, operators, and architects. It describes various components that make up blockchain solutions such as ledgers, smart contracts, consensus mechanisms, and how applications interact with blockchains. It also covers considerations for blockchain developers and operators, and challenges around integrating blockchains with existing systems and achieving determinism.

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21© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
22© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
23© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain
Blockchain-Enabled Know Your Customer
Pain Point Solution Benefit
•  Redundancy: Most large FIs use similar data and processes to
verify the same clients
•  Eliminate redundancy: Documentation needs to be verified
only once before the approval information is shared
•  Inefficiency: Manual and time consuming process to gather and
verify documentary evidence
•  Increase automation: Documents and approvals are
digitized and can be verified without manual intervention
•  Lack of specificity: Requirements for due-diligence are often
fuzzy, creating uncertainty on compliance to avoid legal sanction
•  Standardize process: Standardized, automated KYC
processes sanctioned by regulators
Source: 2016 Know Your Customer (KYC) Independent Survey (Thomson Reuters)
Build a single but cross-business KYC platform
providing employees with a consolidated view of all
documentary evidences collected by any entity of
Credit Mutuel Arkea Group, helping to reduce
unnecessary duplication of information and requests.

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IBM Blockchain Usecase - Nov 2016

  • 1. 1© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain IBM BLOCKCHAIN Ramesh Gopinath, Ph.D. VP, Blockchain Solutions and Research
  • 2. 2© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Blockchain is an emerging platform for transaction services that will fundamentally change and reimagine the way we do business Reduces Time •  Capital Markets –  Securities trading / settlement –  Syndicated loans, Commercial paper •  Commercial Banking –  Trade Finance –  Trade Logistics Party A’s records Bank’s records Auditor’s records Party B’s records •  Inefficient •  Expensive •  Vulnerable Digitally signed, encrypted transactions and ledger All parties have same replica of the ledger Party A Bank Auditor Party B •  Consensus •  Immutability •  Smart Contracts •  Provenance •  Finality T E C H N O L O G Y I M P L I C A T I O N S •  Retail Banking –  Payments: Cross border remittances –  Lending: Mortgage contracts •  Supply Chain –  Provenance –  Logistics Removes Cost Reduces Risk Enables New Business Models
  • 3. 3© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Key Concepts and Benefits of Blockchain for Business Transaction time from days to near instantaneous Overheads and cost intermediaries Tampering, fraud & cyber crime Benefits: Smart Contracts Permissions Shared Ledger Consensus Ensuring appropriate visibility; transactions are secure, authenticated & verifiable Business terms embedded in transaction database & executed with transactions All parties agree to network verified transaction Append-only distributed system of record shared across business network Key Concepts: Reduces Time Removes Cost Reduces Risk Enables New Business Models IoT Integration into supply chain
  • 4. 4© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain IBM’s point-of-view on Blockchain •  Open source standard to lower adoption risk •  Encourage Innovation through modular architecture •  IBM Supports Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger project •  Privacy, confidentiality, auditability, performance and scalability. •  Engage with governments and regulators to encourage the broad adoption of blockchain in industry IBM BLOCKHAIN is conducting business in 2016 across three areas 1.  Community development of blockchain fabric (Hyperledger project) 2.  Cloud deployment which expands Hyperledger with value added features 3.  Client engagements and transformative solutions •  •  Ensure greater trust by provisioning only permissioned members and users •  Enable more optimized forms of consensus to keep the ledger in sync BLOCKCHAIN ≠ BITCOIN BUILT IN THE OPEN PERMISSIONED ENTERPRISE READY
  • 5. 5© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain CLIENT EXAMPLES Trade Finance BAML HSBC Identity management Crédit Mutuel Arkéa Food Safety Low liquidity securities trading and settlement Japanese Stock Exchange Settlements through virtual currency Mizuho Financial Channel Financing IBM Global Financing Contract Management BTMU FX Netting CLS Reward points management/IoT CUP
  • 6. 6© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain IBM Blockchain in Financial Services Sector PAYMENT NETTING (FX) LOW-LIQUIDITY SECURITY TRADING Provide efficiency and resiliency across global FX markets in a standardized manner Reduce trade settlement time by automating the end- to-end multi-party interactions for low liquidity trading LOYALTY POINTS Build a peer-to-peer reward point trading system between banks, credit card users, gift shops, for seamless exchange of loyalty reward points CONTRACT MANAGEMENT Accelerate the Design, Management and Execution of Contracts among business partners on the Blockchain
  • 7. 7© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain IBM Blockchain in International Trade and Supply-chain DOCUMENT WORKFLOWS Manufacturers Suppliers Products Track Others Track Back Faulty Part SUPPLY-CHAIN VISIBILITY Automate current inefficient, manual and error-prone workflows in documentary trade finance Provide single view for purchase order life-cycle across the supply-chain as the truth TRADE/SUPPLY-CHAIN FINANCE Improve the efficiency of (our) commercial financing business by sharing data in a secure and transparent manner SUPPLY-CHAIN PROVENANCE Provide provenance across the supply- chain cutting through complex distribution and processing ecosystems
  • 8. 8© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain IBM Blockchain in Healthcare HEALTH DATA EXCHANGE CLINIICAL TRIALS CONSENT MGMT. Data Exchange across Health eco- system based on patient centric control and consent Patient consent management, data capture and exchange based on consent; enable compliance & auditability PHARMA SUPPLY-CHAIN PROVENANCE Provide a complete end- to-end audit trail in the pharma supply chain by serialization CLAIMS AND FRAUD MANAGEMENT Full audit trail of electronic medical records, pharmacy, claims data, etc. facilited by data exchange (above)
  • 9. 9© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain FINANCIAL SERVICES SECTOR
  • 10. 10© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Develop a payment netting service to provide efficiencies and resilience to the foreign exchange market Global market limited by: •  lack of standardized payment netting process for trades not settled within the current CLS environment •  institutions intervening manually to complete the process •  inconsistent netting approaches, resulting in higher costs and increased intra-day liquidity demands. CLS Group has partnered with IBM to release a payment netting service called CLS Netting. This will •  be used for buy-side and sell-side institutions’ FX trades that are settled outside the CLS settlement service. •  have a Hyperledger based platform which delivers a standardized suite of post-trade and risk mitigation services for the entire FX market. “It (CLS Netting) is a significant step forward in reducing risk and providing further efficiencies and resilience across the global FX market.” David Puth CEO, CLS Group
  • 11. 11© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Securities settlement in low liquidity markets Today’s process Settlement Process with Blockchain Reduce trade settlement time by automating the end- to-end multi-party interactions from trade execution to settlement on the blockchain for low liquidity trading Benefits 1.  Reduced settlement time 2.  Reduced settlement risk 3.  Lower cost transactions
  • 12. 12© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Loyalty points network with China Union Pay Bank A Bank B Gift Shop A Identity Service Gift Shop B •  Banks invest about $4B in credit card points market in China •  Less than 50% points are redeemed •  Other rewards worth at $100B level “At least Save $15M to build loyalty point exchange for banks by Blockchain Than Traditional Approach” Unionpay Blockchain Leader, Mr. Yan. In the future , it can be for a larger Business Network: Airline, Super Market, Hotel, Car Rental, Restaurant, etc
  • 13. 13© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Typical Use Case Loyalty Points Exchange Bank B 12,000 + Bank C 9,000 = Bank A 20,000 Channels to exchange points Cross Bank Exchange Transfer within Banks Channels to redeem (online + offline) online shops stores Scan gift and generate QR Token Smart POS Check available points Scan QR Token on phone to request transaction Complete
  • 14. 14© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain To examine the design, management and execution of contracts among business partners using Blockchain technologies
  • 15. 15© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain INTERNATIONAL TRADE
  • 16. 16© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Blockchain for Supply Chain Visibility What? •  Prove out the ability of Blockchain technology to address key supply chain visibility pain points •  Provide a single view and source of the truth regarding the lifecycle of a Purchase Order How? •  Shadow Ledger capturing Buyer, Supplier, and Carrier EDI data to the Blockchain with a web-based User Interface providing enhanced visibility Purchase order Carrier load tender Tender response Advance Ship Notice Shipment Status Blockchain Visibility Portal Retail Trucking CompanyManufacturer Blockchain
  • 17. 17© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Blockchain Solution for IBM Global Financing (IGF) What? Improve the efficiency of our commercial financing business by sharing data in a secure and transparent manner on Blockchain How? •  Blockchain enables Comprehensive View of key operational data: Purchase Order > Transaction Approval > Shipments > Invoices > Remittances Benefits •  Fewer disputes & faster settlement •  Reduction in dispute resolution time: 40+ days to under 10 days •  Improved capital efficiency; freer flow of capital orders Partners Suppliers products and services IGF IGF world-wide statistics 4000+ Partners and Suppliers 2.9M Invoices / year $44B Financed / Year $100M Capital tied up any time! 25,000 Disputes / year $31K Avg. disputed invoice value 44 days Avg. time to resolve a dispute Our Commercial Financing business provides working capital to IT suppliers, distributors and partners through financing of inventory and accounts receivables
  • 18. 18© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Improved Documentary Trade Finance Automate current inefficient, manual and error-prone workflows in documentary trade finance (e.g., letters-of-credit) via smart contracts on the blockchain Benefits 1.  Faster transactions with less complexity 2.  Improved transparency and visibility => fewer errors 3.  Lower cost of transactions EXPORTER IMPORTER Importer BankExporter Bank Request L/C L/C : Letter of Credit CI : Commercial Invoice Place Order L/C L/C CI CI CI Distributed Shared Ledger Exporter Bank Importer BankImporterExporter
  • 19. 19© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Traceability/Provenance in Food Supply Chains Build a transformative end-to-end food traceability system, that cuts through the complex distribution and processing eco-system, to provide provenance of food items across the supply-chain (“farm to fork”). Benefits 1.  Increased trust 2.  Pinpoint source of compromised food, reducing the unnecessarily broad recall 3.  Improved co-ordination in food supply chain 4.  Handle changing regulations easily using smart contracts Supplier Distributor Consumer Product QR Code Product Information supply chain … Auditor
  • 20. 20© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain IBM Blockchain IBM •  Invented the industries first Blockchain for regulated businesses •  Created the first decentralized membership service for permissioned-blockchains, making it possible to comply to regulations (like the European Union Data Protection Directive). •  Pioneered blockchain platform as a service on Bluemix (one click is all that needed to spark a blockchain network) and •  Set the gold standard in security with the industries first high security network.
  • 21. 21© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain BACKUP
  • 22. 22© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain REG-TECH
  • 23. 23© 2016 International Business Machines Corporation IBM Blockchain Blockchain-Enabled Know Your Customer Pain Point Solution Benefit •  Redundancy: Most large FIs use similar data and processes to verify the same clients •  Eliminate redundancy: Documentation needs to be verified only once before the approval information is shared •  Inefficiency: Manual and time consuming process to gather and verify documentary evidence •  Increase automation: Documents and approvals are digitized and can be verified without manual intervention •  Lack of specificity: Requirements for due-diligence are often fuzzy, creating uncertainty on compliance to avoid legal sanction •  Standardize process: Standardized, automated KYC processes sanctioned by regulators Source: 2016 Know Your Customer (KYC) Independent Survey (Thomson Reuters) Build a single but cross-business KYC platform providing employees with a consolidated view of all documentary evidences collected by any entity of Credit Mutuel Arkea Group, helping to reduce unnecessary duplication of information and requests.