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April 2016
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 2
But not only …
Why is everyone talking about Blockchain?
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 3
= Bitcoin?
One blockchain to
rule them all?
Can I be totally anonymous
on the network?
Is Blockchain a
business ready
Is Blockchain an open
door to illegal
(=>Silk Road Affair)
Do Smart contracts a
legal value?
Will Blockchain
replace the Dollar?
Will Blockchain replace Stock
Markets and (Central) Banks?
Will Blockchain
replace Governments?
Will Governments kill
Frequently Asked Questions
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 4
A block chain or blockchain is a distributed database, introduced by
Bitcoin (2008) on Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper, that maintains a
continuously-growing list of data records that each refer to previous
items on this list and is thus hardened against tampering and revision.
Distributed systems answer to a problem called Byzantine Generals’
Problem described by Leslie Lamport (1982).
It distributes identical copies of a ledger, but
only to a limited number of trusted
participants. As the network may have an
owner(s), this methodology is better suited for
applications requiring simplicity, speed, and
greater transparency.
It allows anyone to contribute data to the
ledger with all participants possessing an
identical copy of the ledger. Since there
is no single owner of the ledger, this
methodology is more suitable for
censorship resistant applications
(e.g. Bitcoin)
Mesopotamian ledger

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Deploying and Managing a Global Blockchain Network
Deploying and Managing a Global Blockchain NetworkDeploying and Managing a Global Blockchain Network
Deploying and Managing a Global Blockchain Network

Blockchain technology has leapt to prominence in the past year, notably with the establishment of the open source Hyperledger Project hosted by the Linux Foundation. This talk examines Blockchain's impact on financial services and asset management. Using Cloudsoft Application Management Platform (AMP), we show how we can rapidly deploy and manage a Hyperledger Fabric running on a Bluemix Private Cloud across San Jose, London, and Singapore, creating a geographically distributed Blockchain network. Finally we drill down on the Apache Brooklyn blueprint that models this fabric and makes it possible. IBM InterConnect 2017 | Session 2444A

cloud computingblockchainibm interconnect
Blockchain Hyperledger Lab
Blockchain Hyperledger LabBlockchain Hyperledger Lab
Blockchain Hyperledger Lab

The document provides instructions for getting started with Hyperledger Fabric blockchain technology. It covers three parts: 1) Using Blockchain as a Service on Bluemix cloud and starting a network locally, 2) Creating a smart contract in Java, and 3) Developing the client-side application. For part one, it explains how to deploy a blockchain network on Bluemix and also how to start a local network using Docker Compose with 4 peers, 1 CA, and sample configuration files. Part two describes how to build a Java smart contract using Eclipse that implements a crop insurance agreement between a farmer and insurer. Part three will cover initializing, deploying, querying and testing the client application.

IBM Blockchain Overview
IBM Blockchain OverviewIBM Blockchain Overview
IBM Blockchain Overview

IBM provides an overview of Hyperledger Fabric and IBM's blockchain initiatives. Hyperledger Fabric is an open source blockchain framework developed by IBM as a foundational component of the Hyperledger Project at The Linux Foundation. It is designed for cross-industry use in regulated businesses and provides modularity, confidentiality, and high performance. IBM is a founding member of Hyperledger and contributor to Hyperledger Fabric. It offers tools and services to develop, govern, and operate blockchain networks using Hyperledger Fabric.

© IBM Corporation / Confidential 5
• Don’t trust anyone! => slower (as need for
waiting for consensus to validate a block and get
an agreement on the network)
• Need a magic anti-hacking mechanism => need
miners to maintain the network
• If more than 51% of the network is controlled
by one group then it could be hacked
• On-chain assets
• Censorship resistant
• Trust everyone! => faster (only need validators on
the network for an agreement)
• Need a central administrator to control entry to the
• Off-chain assets
• Better irreversibility and control
Permissionless vs Permissioned Blockchains
Implications and differences
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 6
PBFT & Zyzzyva
A fundamental problem in distributed computing and multi-agent systems is to achieve overall system
reliability in the presence of a number of faulty processes. This often requires processes to agree on some
data value that is needed during computation.
Consensus algorithms are used by a network to agree/validate on a computed result.
• Termination
Every correct process decides
some value.
• Validity
If all processes propose the
same value v, then all correct
processes decide v.
• Integrity
Every correct process decides at
most one value, and if it decides
some value v, then v must have
been proposed by some
• Agreement
Every correct process must
agree on the same value.
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 7
Creation Phase Execution Phase
contract mortal {
/* Define variable owner
of the type address*/
address owner;
/* this function is
executed at initialization
and sets the owner of
the contract */
function mortal() {
owner = msg.sender; }
Block n New block
Block Block Block
Smart contracts are computer protocols that :
• facilitate and verify
• enforce the negotiation
• performance of a contract
• make a contractual clause unnecessary
Smart contracts
has been
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 8
IBM on Hyperledger
Hyperledger (or Hyperledger project) is a cross-industry collaborative effort to create
blockchain-based open standard for distributed ledgers for globally conducted business transactions. The
project has been started by Linux Foundation and backed by technological, financial, banking and supply
chain companies worldwide.
The project aims to create an open-standard, public, decentralised public ledger based on
blockchain technology to advance worldwide business transaction processing in terms of cost-
effectiveness, speed and traceability.
Founding members of the initiative represent a diverse group of stakeholders:
• Accenture
• ANZ Bank
• Blockchain Ltd
• BNY Mellon
• Calastone
• Cisco
• Deutsche Börse Group
• Digital Asset Holdings
• Fujitsu Limited
• Guardtime
• Hitachi
• Wells Fargo
• CME Group
• ConsenSys
• Credits
• The Depository Trust
& Clearing
Corporation (DTCC)
On Feb. 2nd 2016,
IBM committed first
44K lines of code on
• Intel
• IntellectEU
• J.P. Morgan
• Red Hat
• R3
• State
• Symbiont
• Vmware

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IBM Blockchain 101
IBM Blockchain 101IBM Blockchain 101
IBM Blockchain 101

An introduction to Blockchain for Business, as well as a deep dive into the IBM Blockchain Platform, its underpinning technologies, as well as various tools and frameworks that can guide developers towards building applications on top of a running business network.

blockchainibmhyperledger fabric
Blockchain explained FIATA Congress 20180910
Blockchain explained FIATA Congress 20180910Blockchain explained FIATA Congress 20180910
Blockchain explained FIATA Congress 20180910

Blockchain will fundamentally change business by enabling shared, replicated, and permissioned ledgers across business networks. This allows participants to streamline processes, reduce risks through transparency, and create new forms of value. IBM's blockchain strategy involves collaborating to build industry solutions on their blockchain platform and ecosystem. Their TradeLens solution digitizes the global supply chain by connecting participants on a blockchain network for real-time information sharing, collaboration, and innovation.

Blockchain Explored: A technical deep-dive
Blockchain Explored: A technical deep-diveBlockchain Explored: A technical deep-dive
Blockchain Explored: A technical deep-dive

This deck contains architecture information about Hyperledger Fabric presented at IBM InterConnect 2017 conference in Las Vegas.

© IBM Corporation / Confidential 9
IBM on Hyperledger Find Hyperledger on Bluemix
1. Click on “CATALOG”
2. Search “Blockchain” or scroll down the list
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 10
IBM on Hyperledger
SamplesSwagger APIBluemix Service
Deploying Marbles Demo
On Bluemix
Bluemix Blockchain : Service, API, Samples
A swagger API is available
for each Blockchain project
using the Bluemix service
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 11
IBM on Hyperledger
• Help implement a layer over the Blockchain network using Swagger API or a JS client
• Easily add/remove new nodes (coming soon)
• Easily deploy a worldwide network
• Help on DevOps tasks, monitoring
• Use Bluemix as a PoT environment and then deploy the network locally
• (Detailed documentation is coming)
• Go language is needed for chaincode development (but Java and Javascript are on the pipe!)
• The service is still experimental (limited to 2 peers)
Remaining Questions
The Blockchain is a distributed system based on different peers on the network,
not all are coming from the same platform owner …
so how to sell it on a cloud like Bluemix (that is centralized by nature)?
Why building a Blockchain on Bluemix?
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 12
IBM on Hyperledger
Blockchain infrastructure does not replace company clouds, it is a democratized cloud between
peers. This virtual network of decentralized computers are bound together with blockchain’s consensus
rules where some logic code could be executed (like smart contracts)
In charge of
the platform
In charge of
executable logic
code into the
Entering a new shape of infrastructure
One part of the network could be on-premise peers
Billing based on logic code execution

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IBM Cloud Côte D'Azur Meetup - 20181004 - Blockchain Hyperledger Workshop
IBM Cloud Côte D'Azur Meetup - 20181004 - Blockchain Hyperledger WorkshopIBM Cloud Côte D'Azur Meetup - 20181004 - Blockchain Hyperledger Workshop
IBM Cloud Côte D'Azur Meetup - 20181004 - Blockchain Hyperledger Workshop

This document outlines steps for completing two Hyperledger Composer workshops on deploying and testing sample business networks. The first lab guides users through deploying an existing car auction sample network on the Composer playground and testing basic transactions. The second lab instructs users to create their own business network by defining assets, participants and transactions.

Hyperledger: Advancing Blockchain Technology for Business
Hyperledger: Advancing Blockchain Technology for BusinessHyperledger: Advancing Blockchain Technology for Business
Hyperledger: Advancing Blockchain Technology for Business

Webinar presented live on May 17, 2017 Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is a global collaboration, hosted by The Linux Foundation, including leaders in finance, banking, IoT, supply chain, manufacturing and technology. In this webinar, Dan O'Prey, CMO at Digital Asset and Chair of the Hyperledger Marketing Committee, and IBM’s Chris Ferris, chair of the Hyperledger Technical Steering Committee, will provide an overview of Hyperledger. They will discuss the basics of distributed ledger technologies, business use cases for blockchain, and how to get involved with Hyperledger projects. To view a video recording, visit:

blockchainhyperledgercloud standards customer council
HACKBCBR - IBM - Percival Lucena
HACKBCBR - IBM - Percival LucenaHACKBCBR - IBM - Percival Lucena
HACKBCBR - IBM - Percival Lucena

IBM - HyperLedger for Developers Hyperledger Offerings - HYPELEDGER DOCKER - LINUX SRC CODE - BLUEMIX SERVICE Smart contract Interface Shim - "Façade"

© IBM Corporation / Confidential 13
Market Picture
WanXiang - Deloitte
Blockchain hackathon
FinTech week
Blockchain vision
Arctic chain Hackathon
Bitcoin Hackathon
Blockchain Trade Show
Business Blockchain Conf
Money 20/20
Blockchain Conf
Blockchain week
Blockchain Summit
Bitcoin Conf
SIX Hackathon
Events : Hackathon, Chainthon, Conferences
EcoD participation!
Europe strong
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 14
Market Picture
Gennaro Cuomo
IBM Fellow
Craig Young
Todd McDonald
R3 COO, cofounder
Blythe Masters
(Board Chair)
Digital Asset Holdings
Chris Ferris (TSC Chair)
IBM Distinguished Engineer
Vitalik Buterin
Creator, founder
Ming Chan
Executive Director
Jeffrey Wilcke
Casey Kuhlman
Preston Byrne
Chris Larsen
Blockchain communities
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 15
Market Picture
Blockchain as a Service (BaaS)
Well, a lot is said
about it but in reality is
still ongoing stuff …
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 16
Market Picture Blockchain Ecosystem
IBM is more
involved than it
can appear here

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Hyperledger Fabric in a Nutshell
Hyperledger Fabric in a NutshellHyperledger Fabric in a Nutshell
Hyperledger Fabric in a Nutshell

An introduction session in the "Blockchain: Cryptocurrencies and other Business Applications" course that I've just finished delivering to the School of Business of Hong Kong Baptist University.

Blockchain - HyperLedger Fabric
Blockchain - HyperLedger FabricBlockchain - HyperLedger Fabric
Blockchain - HyperLedger Fabric

The document discusses HyperLedger Fabric, a permissioned blockchain framework. It provides an overview of key Fabric concepts including its architecture, components, transaction flow, and how it differs from other blockchain platforms like Ethereum. The summary is as follows: [1] HyperLedger Fabric is a permissioned blockchain framework that uses channels and smart contracts called chaincode to allow for private and confidential transactions between specific network members. [2] It has a modular architecture consisting of peers that host the ledger and chaincode, an ordering service to sequence transactions into blocks, and a certificate authority for identity management. [3] Transactions in Fabric are validated by endorsing peers running chaincode, ordered into blocks by

blockchainhyperledgerhyperledger fabric
Ibm blockchain - Hyperledger 15.02.18
Ibm blockchain - Hyperledger 15.02.18Ibm blockchain - Hyperledger 15.02.18
Ibm blockchain - Hyperledger 15.02.18

The document discusses IBM Blockchain based on Hyperledger Fabric. It provides an overview of blockchain networks and how they maintain a common record of transactions through a peer-to-peer consensus protocol. It then discusses how blockchains can remove business frictions and opportunities for transformation. It introduces Hyperledger as an open source project and highlights Hyperledger Fabric as a permissioned distributed ledger that prioritizes identity, selective endorsement, and assets. Finally, it discusses Hyperledger Composer as a tool that accelerates the development of blockchain applications through modeling, testing, and exposing business networks via APIs.

hyperledgeribm blockchaintelecom valley
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 17
Business use cases
IBM potential Businesses
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 18
Business use cases
Land and property registry / proof of ownership
• Land is often split into parts, Legal rules apply
Software contracts
• Pricing rules based on CPU, users, etc… => consumption
Music rights for artists
• Distribution based on diffusion
Medical history and reimbursements
• Free access to authorized person, automatic health
• Automatic triggering of smart objects coming from a
commercial contract negotiation
Smart contract and Record keeping niche
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 19
Business use cases
Who will disappear or will be transformed?
• Clearing houses
• Collateral management
• Swift : Today Swift is the “trusted” network. It
transports, validates and rejects messages. It
authorized banks access to the network. It gives
proof and certifies message delivery between two
Are banks ready to cooperate ?
• Yes : reducing costs and risk, transparency with
authorities, being ahead on the competition.
• No : specific country based sanctions,
complicated to set up, inherent blockchain coding
complexity, fast evolution is a threat for their
business. Fear of the unknown. How to hide
balances and trades to the others ?
Financial sector
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 20
Business use cases
“No, I’m not suggesting the moonshot of immediately redoing our global financing, lending system on a
blockchain. But we have now employed a shadow chain: my definition of shadowchain is it’s not replacing
the primary business process, it’s being used to enrich that business process with a useful function that it
currently doesn’t do.” --Jerry Cuomo, IBM
Success Stories around Blockchain

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Anatomy of a hyperledger application
Anatomy of a hyperledger applicationAnatomy of a hyperledger application
Anatomy of a hyperledger application

This document provides an overview of the anatomy of a Hyperledger application. It describes the key components including the Hyperledger architecture, application components, smart contracts, permissioned ledger access, and how applications interact with the blockchain network. The Hyperledger architecture supports various participants like developers, users, and network operators. Applications use smart contracts to interact with the ledger, while smart contracts encapsulate business logic and transactions. Permissioned access controls who can access the ledger through the use of certificates. The document also provides examples of how applications, smart contracts, and external systems integrate with the permissioned ledger.

Interconnect_Blockchain One Year On
Interconnect_Blockchain One Year OnInterconnect_Blockchain One Year On
Interconnect_Blockchain One Year On

This presentation was given as part of the IBM InterConnect conference to share lessons learned over 400 IBM client blockchain projects.

ibmsecurityfinancial services
Modeling, Deploying & Managing Applications on IBM Blue Box with Cloudsoft AMP
Modeling, Deploying & Managing Applications on IBM Blue Box with Cloudsoft AMPModeling, Deploying & Managing Applications on IBM Blue Box with Cloudsoft AMP
Modeling, Deploying & Managing Applications on IBM Blue Box with Cloudsoft AMP

The document discusses IBM Blue Box, a private cloud as a service offering, and how Cloudsoft AMP can be used to model, deploy, and manage applications on IBM Blue Box. It provides an overview of IBM's open cloud architecture and global OpenStack deployments. It also describes how Cloudsoft AMP allows customers to gain the benefits of both public and private clouds through a consistent experience across platforms and locations.

ibmcloudsoftopen source
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 21
Business use cases
Blockstream’s core area of innovation is sidechains, a technology focused on improving on the blockchain, the
most powerful public utility for distributed trust systems.
Sidechains are blockchains that are interoperable with each other and with Bitcoin, avoiding liquidity shortages,
market fluctuations, security breaches and outright fraud associated with alternative crypto-currencies.
Success Stories around Blockchain
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 22
Business use cases
Everledger provides immutable ledger for diamond ownership & related transaction history verification for
insurance companies, claimants.
Success Stories around Blockchain
London Nice
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 23
Business use cases
Dynamis is a smart contract for peer to peer insurance running on the Ethereum platform. It provides
supplementary unemployment insurance by using the LinkedIn social network as a reputation system.
Applicants for a new policy can use LinkedIn to verify their identity and employment status. Claimants can use
their LinkedIn connections to validate that they are looking for work.
Success Stories around Blockchain
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 24
Business use cases
InsurETH lets you insure your flight directly with an ethereum smart contract
The contract is resolved automatically on the Ethereum blockchain
Success Stories around Blockchain

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Hyperledger Overview - 20181024
Hyperledger Overview - 20181024Hyperledger Overview - 20181024
Hyperledger Overview - 20181024

This document provides an overview of Hyperledger, an open source collaborative effort to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It discusses how blockchains and distributed ledgers can increase efficiency in business networks by providing consensus, provenance, immutability and finality. Hyperledger consists of several blockchain frameworks and tools developed by a growing global community to solve problems in industries like supply chains, healthcare, and finance.

Hyperledger Lightning Talk
Hyperledger Lightning TalkHyperledger Lightning Talk
Hyperledger Lightning Talk

This document discusses blockchain and distributed ledgers using Hyperledger and Apache Brooklyn. It provides an overview of blockchain concepts and the Hyperledger Project, including available distributions from Hyperledger like Hyperledger Fabric, Burrow and Sawtooth. It demonstrates how to deploy a Hyperledger Fabric network on Apache Brooklyn and Kubernetes and shows a sample asset management application built on Hyperledger Fabric using simple Brooklyn YAML definitions.

Ibm system storage solutions handbook
Ibm system storage solutions handbook Ibm system storage solutions handbook
Ibm system storage solutions handbook

Blockchain is a technology for a new generation of transactional applications that establishes trust, accountability and transparency while streamlining processes in business networks. Think of it as an operating system for interactions between participants in a business network. It has the potential to vastly reduce the cost and complexity of getting things done

ibmopen accessblockchain
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 25
Business use cases
Augur is a decentralized prediction market built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows you to forecast events
and be rewarded for predicting them correctly (Gambling)
Success Stories around Blockchain
San Francisco
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 26
Business use cases
OpenBazaar is an open source project to create a decentralized network for peer to peer commerce online
— using Bitcoin — that has no fees and no restrictions.
Success Stories around Blockchain
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 27
Business use cases
P2P trade system, commerce online : First class privacy, smart contracts, escrow protection, exceptional
resilience, submarket design
Success Stories around Blockchain
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 28
Business use cases
Community microgrids are a new approach for grid operations that achieve a sustainable, secure, and cost-
effective energy system by providing long-term, locally generated power security prioritized for the community.
Microgrids, have ability to separate from the larger electric grid during extreme weather events or other
emergencies, providing the backbone for resilient, sustainable and more efficient energy production.
Success Stories around Blockchain

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Blockchain As An Enabler_16 July 2016_David Lee_FinalBlockchain As An Enabler_16 July 2016_David Lee_Final
Blockchain As An Enabler_16 July 2016_David Lee_Final

Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt and enable innovation in many industries. It allows for decentralized networks that do not require intermediaries, improving security, transparency and reducing costs. The document discusses potential applications of blockchain in various sectors such as financial services, banking, insurance, communications, voting, internet of things and more. It provides examples of companies already experimenting with and implementing blockchain solutions.

An introduction to blockchain and hyperledger v ru
An introduction to blockchain and hyperledger v ruAn introduction to blockchain and hyperledger v ru
An introduction to blockchain and hyperledger v ru

The document provides an introduction to blockchain and Hyperledger. It discusses how Hyperledger Fabric now supports Ethereum smart contracts, allowing Ethereum developers to integrate with and migrate to Hyperledger Fabric. It also summarizes some of the key components, security aspects, and functionality of IBM's blockchain platform and Hyperledger, including consensus mechanisms, identity management, pluggable components, and how applications interact with the platform.

blockchainhyperledgeribm. blockchain
Demystifying blockchain
Demystifying blockchainDemystifying blockchain
Demystifying blockchain

It explains the concept of Blockchain which is going revolutionize the world economy. Blockchain is going to change money, business and thus the world.

distributed databaseprivacy protectionplatform for truth and trust
© IBM Corporation / Confidential 29IBM Cloud
Thank You

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Blockchain with HyperLedger (Public version)

  • 1. © Cloud Corporation 1IBM CONFIDENTIAL Presented by: April 2016 BenjaminFuentes
  • 2. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 2 Introduction But not only … Why is everyone talking about Blockchain?
  • 3. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 3 Introduction Blockchain = Bitcoin? One blockchain to rule them all? Can I be totally anonymous on the network? Is Blockchain a business ready technology? Is Blockchain an open door to illegal markets? (=>Silk Road Affair) Do Smart contracts a legal value? Will Blockchain replace the Dollar? Will Blockchain replace Stock Markets and (Central) Banks? Will Blockchain replace Governments? Will Governments kill Blockchain? Frequently Asked Questions
  • 4. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 4 Definitions A block chain or blockchain is a distributed database, introduced by Bitcoin (2008) on Satoshi Nakamoto’s white paper, that maintains a continuously-growing list of data records that each refer to previous items on this list and is thus hardened against tampering and revision. Distributed systems answer to a problem called Byzantine Generals’ Problem described by Leslie Lamport (1982). PERMISSIONED / PRIVATEPERMISSIONLESS / PUBLIC It distributes identical copies of a ledger, but only to a limited number of trusted participants. As the network may have an owner(s), this methodology is better suited for applications requiring simplicity, speed, and greater transparency. It allows anyone to contribute data to the ledger with all participants possessing an identical copy of the ledger. Since there is no single owner of the ledger, this methodology is more suitable for censorship resistant applications (e.g. Bitcoin) Mesopotamian ledger Blockchain
  • 5. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 5 Definitions • Don’t trust anyone! => slower (as need for waiting for consensus to validate a block and get an agreement on the network) • Need a magic anti-hacking mechanism => need miners to maintain the network • If more than 51% of the network is controlled by one group then it could be hacked • On-chain assets • Censorship resistant • Trust everyone! => faster (only need validators on the network for an agreement) • Need a central administrator to control entry to the network • Off-chain assets • Better irreversibility and control PROOF OF WORK Permissionless vs Permissioned Blockchains Implications and differences PERMISSIONLESS / PUBLIC PERMISSIONED / PRIVATE
  • 6. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 6 Definitions PBFT & Zyzzyva RAFTPAXOS Mencius A fundamental problem in distributed computing and multi-agent systems is to achieve overall system reliability in the presence of a number of faulty processes. This often requires processes to agree on some data value that is needed during computation. Consensus algorithms are used by a network to agree/validate on a computed result. • Termination Every correct process decides some value. • Validity If all processes propose the same value v, then all correct processes decide v. • Integrity Every correct process decides at most one value, and if it decides some value v, then v must have been proposed by some process. • Agreement Every correct process must agree on the same value. Consensus
  • 7. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 7 Definitions Creation Phase Execution Phase contract mortal { /* Define variable owner of the type address*/ address owner; /* this function is executed at initialization and sets the owner of the contract */ function mortal() { owner = msg.sender; } Block n New block LOGIC CODE Block Block Block events Actions/exe cutions Smart contracts are computer protocols that : • facilitate and verify • enforce the negotiation • performance of a contract • make a contractual clause unnecessary Smart contracts Condition has been validated here
  • 8. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 8 IBM on Hyperledger Hyperledger (or Hyperledger project) is a cross-industry collaborative effort to create blockchain-based open standard for distributed ledgers for globally conducted business transactions. The project has been started by Linux Foundation and backed by technological, financial, banking and supply chain companies worldwide. The project aims to create an open-standard, public, decentralised public ledger based on blockchain technology to advance worldwide business transaction processing in terms of cost- effectiveness, speed and traceability. Founding members of the initiative represent a diverse group of stakeholders: • ABN AMRO • Accenture • ANZ Bank • Blockchain Ltd • BNY Mellon • Calastone • Cisco • Deutsche Börse Group • Digital Asset Holdings • Fujitsu Limited • Guardtime • Hitachi • Wells Fargo • CME Group • ConsenSys • Credits • The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) • CLS On Feb. 2nd 2016, IBM committed first 44K lines of code on Github • IBM • Intel • IntellectEU • J.P. Morgan • Red Hat • SWIFT • NEC • NTT DATA • R3 • State Street • Symbiont • Vmware
  • 9. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 9 IBM on Hyperledger Find Hyperledger on Bluemix 1. Click on “CATALOG” 2. Search “Blockchain” or scroll down the list
  • 10. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 10 IBM on Hyperledger SamplesSwagger APIBluemix Service Deploying Marbles Demo On Bluemix Bluemix Blockchain : Service, API, Samples A swagger API is available for each Blockchain project using the Bluemix service
  • 11. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 11 IBM on Hyperledger Advantages • Help implement a layer over the Blockchain network using Swagger API or a JS client • Easily add/remove new nodes (coming soon) • Easily deploy a worldwide network • Help on DevOps tasks, monitoring • Use Bluemix as a PoT environment and then deploy the network locally • (Detailed documentation is coming) Prerequisites • Go language is needed for chaincode development (but Java and Javascript are on the pipe!) Disadvantages • The service is still experimental (limited to 2 peers) Remaining Questions The Blockchain is a distributed system based on different peers on the network, not all are coming from the same platform owner … so how to sell it on a cloud like Bluemix (that is centralized by nature)? Why building a Blockchain on Bluemix?
  • 12. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 12 IBM on Hyperledger Blockchain infrastructure does not replace company clouds, it is a democratized cloud between peers. This virtual network of decentralized computers are bound together with blockchain’s consensus rules where some logic code could be executed (like smart contracts) In charge of the platform In charge of auditing Add/Feed executable logic code into the blockchain ACTIVE MEMBERS AUDITORS BLOCKCHAIN PROVIDER Chain Code Chain Code Entering a new shape of infrastructure One part of the network could be on-premise peers Billing based on logic code execution
  • 13. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 13 Market Picture Blockchain DUBLIN HACKCOI N ATHENS HACKCOI N MALAYSIA HACKCOIN LONDON WanXiang - Deloitte Blockchain hackathon SHANGHAI FinTech week LONDON Consensus NYC Blockchain vision PARIS ETHEREUM Meetup LONDON Arctic chain Hackathon SWEDEN Bitcoin Hackathon MIAMI HACKCOI N MUMBAI HACKCOIN HONG-KONG Gtec BERLIN Chainthon ATHENS Dbs SINGAPOUR Blockchain Trade Show TORONTO Business Blockchain Conf TORONTO Money 20/20 COPENHAGEN COINFEST WORLDWIDE Blockchain Conf SAN FRANCISCO Blockchain week BARCELONA Blockchain Summit ISLAND Bitcoin Conf RUSSIA Keynote2016 DUBAI Adcca SYDNEY SIX Hackathon LONDON + ZURICH Events : Hackathon, Chainthon, Conferences EcoD participation! Europe strong activity
  • 14. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 14 Market Picture Gennaro Cuomo IBM Fellow Craig Young SWIFT CTO Todd McDonald R3 COO, cofounder Blythe Masters (Board Chair) Digital Asset Holdings Chris Ferris (TSC Chair) IBM Distinguished Engineer Vitalik Buterin Creator, founder Ming Chan Executive Director Jeffrey Wilcke Cofounder Casey Kuhlman CEO Preston Byrne COO Chris Larsen CEO Blockchain communities
  • 15. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 15 Market Picture Blockchain as a Service (BaaS) Competitors Well, a lot is said about it but in reality is still ongoing stuff …
  • 16. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 16 Market Picture Blockchain Ecosystem source IBM is more involved than it can appear here
  • 17. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 17 Business use cases Opportunities SMART CONTRACTS FINANCIAL SECTOR RECORD KEEPING DIGITAL CURRENCY SECURITIES IBM potential Businesses
  • 18. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 18 Business use cases Opportunities Land and property registry / proof of ownership • Land is often split into parts, Legal rules apply Software contracts • Pricing rules based on CPU, users, etc… => consumption Music rights for artists • Distribution based on diffusion Medical history and reimbursements • Free access to authorized person, automatic health redemption IoT • Automatic triggering of smart objects coming from a commercial contract negotiation Smart contract and Record keeping niche
  • 19. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 19 Business use cases Opportunities Who will disappear or will be transformed? • Clearing houses • Collateral management • Swift : Today Swift is the “trusted” network. It transports, validates and rejects messages. It authorized banks access to the network. It gives proof and certifies message delivery between two peers. Are banks ready to cooperate ? • Yes : reducing costs and risk, transparency with authorities, being ahead on the competition. • No : specific country based sanctions, complicated to set up, inherent blockchain coding complexity, fast evolution is a threat for their business. Fear of the unknown. How to hide balances and trades to the others ? Financial sector
  • 20. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 20 Business use cases Opportunities “No, I’m not suggesting the moonshot of immediately redoing our global financing, lending system on a blockchain. But we have now employed a shadow chain: my definition of shadowchain is it’s not replacing the primary business process, it’s being used to enrich that business process with a useful function that it currently doesn’t do.” --Jerry Cuomo, IBM Success Stories around Blockchain
  • 21. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 21 Business use cases Opportunities Blockstream’s core area of innovation is sidechains, a technology focused on improving on the blockchain, the most powerful public utility for distributed trust systems. Sidechains are blockchains that are interoperable with each other and with Bitcoin, avoiding liquidity shortages, market fluctuations, security breaches and outright fraud associated with alternative crypto-currencies. Success Stories around Blockchain Montreal
  • 22. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 22 Business use cases Opportunities Everledger provides immutable ledger for diamond ownership & related transaction history verification for insurance companies, claimants. Success Stories around Blockchain Accelerator London Nice
  • 23. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 23 Business use cases Opportunities Dynamis is a smart contract for peer to peer insurance running on the Ethereum platform. It provides supplementary unemployment insurance by using the LinkedIn social network as a reputation system. Applicants for a new policy can use LinkedIn to verify their identity and employment status. Claimants can use their LinkedIn connections to validate that they are looking for work. Success Stories around Blockchain
  • 24. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 24 Business use cases Opportunities InsurETH lets you insure your flight directly with an ethereum smart contract The contract is resolved automatically on the Ethereum blockchain Success Stories around Blockchain London
  • 25. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 25 Business use cases Opportunities Augur is a decentralized prediction market built on the Ethereum blockchain. It allows you to forecast events and be rewarded for predicting them correctly (Gambling) Success Stories around Blockchain San Francisco
  • 26. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 26 Business use cases Opportunities OpenBazaar is an open source project to create a decentralized network for peer to peer commerce online — using Bitcoin — that has no fees and no restrictions. Success Stories around Blockchain
  • 27. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 27 Business use cases Opportunities P2P trade system, commerce online : First class privacy, smart contracts, escrow protection, exceptional resilience, submarket design Success Stories around Blockchain
  • 28. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 28 Business use cases Opportunities Community microgrids are a new approach for grid operations that achieve a sustainable, secure, and cost- effective energy system by providing long-term, locally generated power security prioritized for the community. Microgrids, have ability to separate from the larger electric grid during extreme weather events or other emergencies, providing the backbone for resilient, sustainable and more efficient energy production. Success Stories around Blockchain Brooklyn
  • 29. © IBM Corporation / Confidential 29IBM Cloud Thank You

Editor's Notes

  1. Why talk about Blockchain or why is everyone talking about Blockchain capital B for Blockchain
  2. One not 1 Is Blockchain an open door ro.. Do Smart contracts have legal value? Dollar uppercase D Is Blockchain a Ready technology ?? Or did you mean proven technology?? Upper case G for Gov..;
  3. Private.. It allows or It controls the distribution of identical copies of the ledger, but only to a limited number of trusted participants. As the network may have an owner(s). ….
  4. Permissionless vs Permissioned Blockchains - … because = as need for …. Public What are miners?? Could be hacked/controlled if more than 51% of the network belongs to one group??? Private Need a central administratior to control entry to the network What are on-chain and off-chain assets????
  5. Smart .. Difficult to read.. Smart contracts are computer protocols that: -> facilitate and verify -> enforce the negotiation -> performance of a contract -> that …
  6. Why build a B…. Block uppercase B Help implement a How help on DevOps??? What is Chaincode compared to blockchain?? How to sell it… centralized or did you mean decentralized???
  7. Sidechains ???
  8. Title??? Businesses or opportunities??
  9. Land is often split into parts, Legal rules apply
  10. It authorizes banks access to the network. … Being ahead of competition ...
  11. Ummmmm????