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© 2016 IBM Corporation
Making Blockchain Real for
Explained for Developers
© 2016 IBM Corporation 2
. . are Blockchain technologies ?
. . is it relevant for our business?
. . can IBM help us apply Blockchain?
© 2016 IBM Corporation 3
Business Networks, Markets & Wealth
• Business Networks benefit from connectivity
– Participants are customers, suppliers, banks,
– Cross geography & regulatory boundary
• Wealth is generated by the flow of goods &
services across business network
• Markets are central to this process:
– Public (fruit market, car auction), or
– Private (supply chain financing, bonds)
© 2016 IBM Corporation 4
Transferring Assets, building Value
• Anything that is capable of being owned or
controlled to produce value, is an asset
• Two fundamental types of asset
– Tangible, e.g. a house
– Intangible e.g. mortgage
• Intangible assets subdivide
– Financial, e.g. bond
– Intellectual e.g. patents
– Digital e.g. music
• Cash is also an asset
– Has property of anonymity
© 2016 IBM Corporation 5
Ledgers are key . . .
• Ledger is THE system of record for a
• Business will have multiple ledgers for
multiple business networks in which they
• Transaction - an asset transfer onto of
off the ledger
– John gives a car to Anthony (simple)
• Contract - conditions for transaction
to occur
– If Anthony pays John money, then car
passes from John to Anthony (simple)
– If car won't start, funds do not pass to
John (as decided by third party
arbitrator) (more complex)
© 2016 IBM Corporation 6
Introducing Blockchain
A shared ledger technology allowing any participant in
the business network to see THE system of record
© 2016 IBM Corporation 7
Problem - Difficult to monitor asset ownership and transfers in a trusted 
business network
Participant B’s
Participant E’s
Participant C’s
Auditor records
Participant D’s
Participant A’s
Inefficient, expensive, vulnerable
© 2016 IBM Corporation 8
Solution – shared, replicated, permissioned ledger
Participant B’s
Participant E’s
Participant C’s
Auditor records
Participant D’s
Participant A’s
Consensus, provenance, immutability, finality
have multiple
shared ledgers
same as before
© 2016 IBM Corporation 9
Blockchain underpins Bitcoin . . .
• Blockchain is not bitcoin
• bitcoin: unregulated, censorship-resistant
shadow currency offering “anonymity”
• bitcoin: first Blockchain application
• pioneer of Blockchain technology
Digital currencies different from cryptocurrency
© 2016 IBM Corporation 10
Blockchain for Business
Ensuring appropriate
visibility; transactions are
secure, authenticated &
Business terms embedded
in transaction database &
executed with transactions
All parties agree to
network verified
Append-only distributed
system of record shared
across business network
Broader participation, lower cost, increased efficiency
© 2016 IBM Corporation 11
Shared Ledger
• An append only database
• Shared between participants
• Participants have own copy through
• Permissioned, so participants see
only appropriate transactions
• THE shared system of record
© 2016 IBM Corporation 12
Smart Contract
• Business rules that form the
• If Blockchain is a Database, Smart
Contract is a stored procedure
• Encoded in programming language
• Verifiable, signed & encrypted
• Guaranteed future execution
• Example:
– Defines contractual conditions under
which corporate Bond transfer occurs
© 2016 IBM Corporation 13
• Ledger is shared, but participants require
• Participants need:
– Transactions to be private
– Identity not linked to a transaction
• Transactions need to be authenticated
• Cryptography central to these processes
© 2016 IBM Corporation 14
Consensus (a Database XA transaction on Steroid)
• … the process by which transaction are verified
• When participants are anonymous
– Commitment is expensive
– bitcoin cryptographic mining provides verification for
anonymous participants but at significant compute cost
(proof of work)
• When participants are known & trusted
– Commitment possible at low cost
• Multiple alternatives
– proof of stake where fraudulent transactions cost
validators (e.g. transaction bond)
– multi-signature (e.g. 3 out of 5 participants agree)
– PBFT (cross checked secure message exchange)
• Industrial Blockchain needs “pluggable” consensus
© 2016 IBM Corporation 15
Provenance: Use Case – Vehicle Maintenance
• Provenance of each component part in complex
system hard to track
• Manufacturer, production date, batch and even the
manufacturing machine program
• Blockchain holds complete provenance details of
each component part
• Accessible by each manufacturer in the production
process, the aircraft owners, maintainers and
government regulators
1. trust increased no authority "owns” provenance
2. improvement in system utilization
3. recalls "specific" rather than cross fleet
© 2016 IBM Corporation 16
Immutability Use Case – Financial Ledger
• Financial data in a large organization dispersed throughout many
divisions and geographies
• Audit and Compliance needs indelible record of all key transactions
over reporting period
• Blockchain collects transaction records from diverse set of financial
• Append-only and tamperproof qualities create high confidence
financial audit trail
• Privacy features to ensure authorized user access
1. Lowers cost of audit and regulatory compliance
2. Provides “seek and find” access to auditors and regulators
3. Changes nature of compliance from passive to active
# #
£ £
£ £ £
$ $
€ € 27
£ ! $
{} +/- …
© 2016 IBM Corporation 17
Finality Use Case – Letter of Credit
• Bank handling letters of credit (LOC) wants to offer
them to a wider range of clients including startups
• Currently constrained by costs & the time to execute
• Blockchain provides common ledger for letters of credit
• Allows all counter-parties to have the same validated
record of transaction and fulfillment
• Increase speed of execution (less than 1 day)
• Vastly reduced cost
• Reduced risk, e.g. currency fluctuations
• Value added services; e.g. incremental payment
© 2016 IBM Corporation 18
Other Potential Use Cases include . .
• Securities
– Post-trade settlement
– Derivative contracts
• Trade Finance
– Bill of Lading
– Cross-currency payment
• Syndicated Loans
• Supply Chain
• Retail Banking
– Cross border remittances
– Mortgage verification & contracts
• Public Records
– Real estate records
– Vehicle registrations
– Citizen Identity
• Digital Property Management
© 2016 IBM Corporation
Patterns for Customer Adoption
• Transfer of high value financial assets
• Between many participants in a market
• Regulatory timeframes
• Created by a small set of participants
• Share key reference data
• Consolidated, consistent real-time view
• Sharing of assets (voting, dividend notification)
• Assets are information, not financial
• Provenance & finality are key
• Real-time view of compliance, audit & risk data
• Provenance, immutability & finality are key
• Transparent access to auditor & regulator
© 2016 IBM Corporation 20
Key Players for Blockchain Adoption
• Regulator
– An organization who enforces the rules of play
– Regulators are keen to support Blockchain based innovations
– Concern is systemic risk – new technology, distributed data, security
• Industry Group
– Often funded by members of a business network
– Provide technical advice on industry trends
– Encourages best practice by making recommendations to members
• Market Maker
– In financial markets, takes buy-side and sell-side to provide liquidity
– More generally, the organization who innovates
• Creates a new good or service, and business process (likely)
• Creates a new business process for an existing good or service
Not for all . . .
Blockchain is NOT
Suited to high performance
(millisecond) transactions
For just one participant (no business
A replicated database replacement
A messaging solution
A transaction processing replacement
Suited for low value, high volume
© 2016 IBM Corporation 22
. . are Blockchain technologies ?
. . is it relevant for our business?
. . can IBM help us apply Blockchain?
© 2016 IBM Corporation
Hyperledger Project
 Linux Foundation - announced 17th December 2015
 New Hyperledger project to transform the way business
transactions are conducted around the world
 Project members understand that an open source, collaborative
development strategy supporting multiple players in multiple
industries is required
Enable adoption of shared ledger technology at a pace and depth not
achievable by any one company or industry
© 2016 IBM Corporation
As of 15 Mar 2016
© 2016 IBM Corporation 25
>IBM Blockchain
IBM Blockchain
| |
IBM Offerings Supporting Hyperledger
Managed Service on IBM Cloud
Your private Blockchain network in 1-click
Learn with sample applications
Develop your own Smart Contracts
© 2016 IBM Corporation 26
Engagement Model overview
1. Discuss Blockchain
2. Explore customer
business model
3. Show Blockchain
Application demo
1. Understand Blockchain
concepts & elements
2. Hands on with
Blockchain technology
3. Standard demo
1. Design Thinking
workshop to define
business challenge
2. Agile iterations
incrementally build
project functionality
3. Enterprise integration
1. Scale up pilot or Scale
out to newprojects
2. Business Process Re-
3. Systems Integration
Remote or face to face Remote or face to face Face to face Face to face
Free of charge Free of charge For fee For fee
Let’s Talk! Technology
First Project
© 2016 IBM Corporation 27
1. Blockchain is a shared, replicated, permissioned ledger
2. Blockchain can open up business networks by taking out
cost, improving efficiencies and increase accessibility
3. Blockchain addresses an exciting and topical set of
business challenges, which cross every industry
4. IBM supports the Linux Foundation Hyperledger open
standard, open source, open governance Blockchain
5. IBM has an easy to access, proven and incremental
engagement model giving customers the confidence to get
started NOW
©2016 IBM Corporation
Thank You!
©2016 IBM Corporation
© 2016 IBM Corporation 30
Operator Traditional
Data Sources
access to logic
access to
The Participants in a Blockchain Network
© 2016 IBM Corporation 31
Blockchain Components
Smart Contract
contains the current world state of the ledger and a Blockchain of
transaction invocations
encapsulates business network transactions in code. transaction
invocations result in gets and sets of ledger state
a collection of network data and processing peers forming a Blockchain
network. Responsible for maintaining a consistently replicated ledger
manages identity and transaction certificates, as well as other aspects
of permissioned access
creates notifications of significant operations on the Blockchain (e.g. a
new block), as well as notifications related to smart contracts. Does not
include event distribution.
provides the ability to create, change and monitor Blockchain
securely manages a user’s security credentials
responsible for integrating Blockchain bi-directionally with external
systems. Not part of Blockchain, but used with it.
© 2016 IBM Corporation 32
block block block block
txn txn txn txn …
* Smart Contract
using chain code
each invoke
Blockchain Applications and the Ledger
© 2016 IBM Corporation 33
1xEcert, NxTcert
(stored in wallet)
User A
Tcert invokes SC txn
(signed with TkeyA,
encrypted with TkeyA, TkeyB…)
deployed on every
validating peer
Enrollment certificates
(Ecerts) and Transaction
certificates (Tcerts) can
only be linked by CA and
(signed with Ekey of origin,
encrypted with validators’ key)
User B
shares Tcert
public key
Permissioned Ledger Access

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Blockchain Explained for Devlopers

  • 1. © 2016 IBM Corporation Making Blockchain Real for Business Explained for Developers 1
  • 2. © 2016 IBM Corporation 2 Contents What Why How . . are Blockchain technologies ? . . is it relevant for our business? . . can IBM help us apply Blockchain?
  • 3. © 2016 IBM Corporation 3 Business Networks, Markets & Wealth • Business Networks benefit from connectivity – Participants are customers, suppliers, banks, partners – Cross geography & regulatory boundary • Wealth is generated by the flow of goods & services across business network • Markets are central to this process: – Public (fruit market, car auction), or – Private (supply chain financing, bonds) What?
  • 4. © 2016 IBM Corporation 4 Transferring Assets, building Value • Anything that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value, is an asset • Two fundamental types of asset – Tangible, e.g. a house – Intangible e.g. mortgage • Intangible assets subdivide – Financial, e.g. bond – Intellectual e.g. patents – Digital e.g. music • Cash is also an asset – Has property of anonymity What?
  • 5. © 2016 IBM Corporation 5 Ledgers are key . . . • Ledger is THE system of record for a business • Business will have multiple ledgers for multiple business networks in which they participate. • Transaction - an asset transfer onto of off the ledger – John gives a car to Anthony (simple) • Contract - conditions for transaction to occur – If Anthony pays John money, then car passes from John to Anthony (simple) – If car won't start, funds do not pass to John (as decided by third party arbitrator) (more complex) What?
  • 6. © 2016 IBM Corporation 6 Introducing Blockchain A shared ledger technology allowing any participant in the business network to see THE system of record (ledger) What?
  • 7. © 2016 IBM Corporation 7 Problem - Difficult to monitor asset ownership and transfers in a trusted  business network Participant B’s Records Participant E’s records Participant C’s Records Auditor records Participant D’s Records Participant A’s Records API-integrations Incident What? Inefficient, expensive, vulnerable Ledger Ledger Ledger Ledger Ledger Ledger
  • 8. © 2016 IBM Corporation 8 Solution – shared, replicated, permissioned ledger Participant B’s Records Participant E’s Records Participant C’s Records Auditor records Participant D’s Records Participant A’s Records What? Consensus, provenance, immutability, finality Ledger Ledger Ledger Ledger Ledger Ledger Participants have multiple shared ledgers NOTE : Participants same as before
  • 9. © 2016 IBM Corporation 9 Blockchain underpins Bitcoin . . . • Blockchain is not bitcoin • bitcoin: unregulated, censorship-resistant shadow currency offering “anonymity” • bitcoin: first Blockchain application • pioneer of Blockchain technology Digital currencies different from cryptocurrency What?
  • 10. © 2016 IBM Corporation 10 Blockchain for Business Smart Contract Privacy Shared Ledger Consensus Ensuring appropriate visibility; transactions are secure, authenticated & verifiable Business terms embedded in transaction database & executed with transactions All parties agree to network verified transaction Append-only distributed system of record shared across business network Broader participation, lower cost, increased efficiency What?
  • 11. © 2016 IBM Corporation 11 Shared Ledger • An append only database • Shared between participants • Participants have own copy through replication • Permissioned, so participants see only appropriate transactions • THE shared system of record What?
  • 12. © 2016 IBM Corporation 12 Smart Contract • Business rules that form the transaction • If Blockchain is a Database, Smart Contract is a stored procedure • Encoded in programming language • Verifiable, signed & encrypted • Guaranteed future execution • Example: – Defines contractual conditions under which corporate Bond transfer occurs What?
  • 13. © 2016 IBM Corporation 13 Privacy • Ledger is shared, but participants require privacy • Participants need: – Transactions to be private – Identity not linked to a transaction • Transactions need to be authenticated • Cryptography central to these processes What?
  • 14. © 2016 IBM Corporation 14 Consensus (a Database XA transaction on Steroid) • … the process by which transaction are verified • When participants are anonymous – Commitment is expensive – bitcoin cryptographic mining provides verification for anonymous participants but at significant compute cost (proof of work) • When participants are known & trusted – Commitment possible at low cost • Multiple alternatives – proof of stake where fraudulent transactions cost validators (e.g. transaction bond) – multi-signature (e.g. 3 out of 5 participants agree) – PBFT (cross checked secure message exchange) • Industrial Blockchain needs “pluggable” consensus What?
  • 15. © 2016 IBM Corporation 15 Provenance: Use Case – Vehicle Maintenance What? • Provenance of each component part in complex system hard to track • Manufacturer, production date, batch and even the manufacturing machine program How? • Blockchain holds complete provenance details of each component part • Accessible by each manufacturer in the production process, the aircraft owners, maintainers and government regulators Benefits 1. trust increased no authority "owns” provenance 2. improvement in system utilization 3. recalls "specific" rather than cross fleet
  • 16. © 2016 IBM Corporation 16 Immutability Use Case – Financial Ledger What? • Financial data in a large organization dispersed throughout many divisions and geographies • Audit and Compliance needs indelible record of all key transactions over reporting period How? • Blockchain collects transaction records from diverse set of financial systems • Append-only and tamperproof qualities create high confidence financial audit trail • Privacy features to ensure authorized user access Benefits 1. Lowers cost of audit and regulatory compliance 2. Provides “seek and find” access to auditors and regulators 3. Changes nature of compliance from passive to active % % {} {}@ # # @ @ £ £ £ £ £ $ $ $ $ € € 27 +/-! £ ! $ @ {} +/- …
  • 17. © 2016 IBM Corporation 17 Finality Use Case – Letter of Credit What? • Bank handling letters of credit (LOC) wants to offer them to a wider range of clients including startups • Currently constrained by costs & the time to execute How? • Blockchain provides common ledger for letters of credit • Allows all counter-parties to have the same validated record of transaction and fulfillment Benefits • Increase speed of execution (less than 1 day) • Vastly reduced cost • Reduced risk, e.g. currency fluctuations • Value added services; e.g. incremental payment
  • 18. © 2016 IBM Corporation 18 Other Potential Use Cases include . . • Securities – Post-trade settlement – Derivative contracts • Trade Finance – Bill of Lading – Cross-currency payment • Syndicated Loans • Supply Chain • Retail Banking – Cross border remittances – Mortgage verification & contracts • Public Records – Real estate records – Vehicle registrations – Citizen Identity • Digital Property Management Why?
  • 19. © 2016 IBM Corporation Patterns for Customer Adoption HIGH VALUE MARKET ASSET EXCHANGE COMPLIANCE LEDGER How? • Transfer of high value financial assets • Between many participants in a market • Regulatory timeframes • Created by a small set of participants • Share key reference data • Consolidated, consistent real-time view • Sharing of assets (voting, dividend notification) • Assets are information, not financial • Provenance & finality are key • Real-time view of compliance, audit & risk data • Provenance, immutability & finality are key • Transparent access to auditor & regulator CONSORTIUM SHARED LEDGER
  • 20. © 2016 IBM Corporation 20 Key Players for Blockchain Adoption • Regulator – An organization who enforces the rules of play – Regulators are keen to support Blockchain based innovations – Concern is systemic risk – new technology, distributed data, security • Industry Group – Often funded by members of a business network – Provide technical advice on industry trends – Encourages best practice by making recommendations to members • Market Maker – In financial markets, takes buy-side and sell-side to provide liquidity – More generally, the organization who innovates • Creates a new good or service, and business process (likely) • Creates a new business process for an existing good or service
  • 21. Not for all . . . Blockchain is NOT Suited to high performance (millisecond) transactions For just one participant (no business network) A replicated database replacement A messaging solution A transaction processing replacement Suited for low value, high volume transactions Why?
  • 22. © 2016 IBM Corporation 22 Contents What Why How . . are Blockchain technologies ? . . is it relevant for our business? . . can IBM help us apply Blockchain?
  • 23. © 2016 IBM Corporation Hyperledger Project 23  Linux Foundation - announced 17th December 2015  New Hyperledger project to transform the way business transactions are conducted around the world  Project members understand that an open source, collaborative development strategy supporting multiple players in multiple industries is required Enable adoption of shared ledger technology at a pace and depth not achievable by any one company or industry How?
  • 24. © 2016 IBM Corporation As of 15 Mar 2016
  • 25. © 2016 IBM Corporation 25 >IBM Blockchain ON IBM CLOUD LINUX FOUNDATION HYPERLEDGER PROJECT IBM Blockchain SOLUTIONS | | IBM Offerings Supporting Hyperledger Blockchain Managed Service on IBM Cloud Your private Blockchain network in 1-click Learn with sample applications Develop your own Smart Contracts BLUEMIX SERVICE
  • 26. © 2016 IBM Corporation 26 Engagement Model overview 1. Discuss Blockchain technology 2. Explore customer business model 3. Show Blockchain Application demo 1. Understand Blockchain concepts & elements 2. Hands on with Blockchain technology 3. Standard demo customization 1. Design Thinking workshop to define business challenge 2. Agile iterations incrementally build project functionality 3. Enterprise integration 1. Scale up pilot or Scale out to newprojects 2. Business Process Re- engineering 3. Systems Integration Remote or face to face Remote or face to face Face to face Face to face Free of charge Free of charge For fee For fee Let’s Talk! Technology Hands-on First Project How? Scale
  • 27. © 2016 IBM Corporation 27 Summary 1. Blockchain is a shared, replicated, permissioned ledger technology 2. Blockchain can open up business networks by taking out cost, improving efficiencies and increase accessibility 3. Blockchain addresses an exciting and topical set of business challenges, which cross every industry 4. IBM supports the Linux Foundation Hyperledger open standard, open source, open governance Blockchain 5. IBM has an easy to access, proven and incremental engagement model giving customers the confidence to get started NOW
  • 30. © 2016 IBM Corporation 30 Blockchain User Certificate Authority Blockchain Developer Blockchain Network Operator Traditional Processing Platforms Traditional Data Sources Blockchain B2B transactions access to logic access to data creates applications operates accesses security certificates Regulator performs oversight The Participants in a Blockchain Network R U D O 
  • 31. © 2016 IBM Corporation 31 Blockchain Components Membership Smart Contract Systems Management Events Consensus Network Wallet Ledger contains the current world state of the ledger and a Blockchain of transaction invocations f(abc ); encapsulates business network transactions in code. transaction invocations result in gets and sets of ledger state … E T a collection of network data and processing peers forming a Blockchain network. Responsible for maintaining a consistently replicated ledger manages identity and transaction certificates, as well as other aspects of permissioned access creates notifications of significant operations on the Blockchain (e.g. a new block), as well as notifications related to smart contracts. Does not include event distribution. provides the ability to create, change and monitor Blockchain components securely manages a user’s security credentials i Systems Integration responsible for integrating Blockchain bi-directionally with external systems. Not part of Blockchain, but used with it.
  • 32. © 2016 IBM Corporation 32 World/Ledger state Blockchain block block block block txn txn txn txn … Ledger * Smart Contract implemented using chain code Blockchain developer gets/sets invokesdevelops develops each invoke recorded * Application Blockchain Applications and the Ledger accesses event emits emits D Smart Contract
  • 33. © 2016 IBM Corporation 33 Requests certificates 1xEcert, NxTcert (stored in wallet) Consensus Network Blockchain User A usesEcert Tcert invokes SC txn (signed with TkeyA, encrypted with TkeyA, TkeyB…) Tkey A Smart contra ct deployed on every validating peer Enrollment certificates (Ecerts) and Transaction certificates (Tcerts) can only be linked by CA and user … (signed with Ekey of origin, encrypted with validators’ key) Blockchain User B Tkey B TkeyB shares Tcert public key Accesses ledger Permissioned Ledger Access U U Applicatio n Applicatio n uses TkeyB  sc Membershi p Certificate Authority

Editor's Notes

  1. Thanks, pleasure etc. There is much hype around Blockchain. Most of this relates to the use of Blockchain to underpin the Bitcoin crypto currency. Whilst IBM are not interested in Crypto currency, we are very interested in exploring the broader business application of Blockchain technology. This is a transformational opportunity for many of our clients This touches most all industries – we are making Blockchain REAL for business.
  2. Presentation is in three sections addressing the “big” questions for business use of Blockchain. First section we will give CONTEXT for Blockchain by looking at the BUSINESS NETWORK and how to make this relevant for the 21st Century. Then consider benefits and use cases for industrial Blockchain. Finally focus on practical steps to make this new technology real for business.
  3. Business never operates in isolation. They are participants in a business network. Business Networks will connect customers, suppliers, banks and regulators and will cross geographical boundaries. WEALTH is generated as goods and services move across this network; this flow is referred to as a MARKET. Growth of wealth can be constrained if the network is heavily silo’d or inefficient.
  4. Ownership of assets pass across the network in return for payments, and governed by contracts. ASSETS can be tangible and intangible, We are most comfortable with tangible (Cars, Houses), INTANGIBLE assets – financial instruments most obvious, but don’t forget about intellectual assets like patents and growing digital assets (music, games, video, art).
  5. Ledgers are not new – they have been used for double entry book keeping since the 13th Century Commercial usage of the term is for the "principal book of account" in a business house. THE system of record for recording asset transfer in and out of a business.
  6. What’s new e here is the SHARED LEDGER – up to this point each participant had their own Ledger This sharing is the foundation for innovative business solutions, This introduces an interesting set of technical challenges, including (1) participant identity and privacy & (2) transaction privacy Let’s look at this in some more detail.
  7. This is the “BEFORE” picture representing the “status quo” for business networks. Each participant keeps their own ledger(s) which are updated to represent business transactions as they occur. This is EXPENSIVE due to duplication of effort and intermediaries adding margin for services. It is clearly INEFFICIENT, as the business conditions – the contract – is duplicated by every network participant It is also VULNERABLE because if a central system(e.g. Bank) is compromised due to an incidents this affects the whole business network. Incidents can include fraud, cyber attack or a simple mistake.
  8. The novel Blockchain architecture give participants the ability to share a ledger which is updated every time a transaction occurs through peer to peer replication. Cryptography is used to ensure that network participants see only the parts of the ledger that are relevant to them, and that transactions are secure, authenticated and verifiable. Blockchain also allows the contract for asset transfer to be embedded in the transaction database determining the conditions under which the transaction can occur. Network participants agree how transactions are verified through consensus or similar mechanisms. Government oversight, compliance & audit can be part of the same network. Participants SAME AS BEFORE – this is not a disintermediation play CONSENSUS– means all participants agree that a transaction is valid PROVENANCE– means participants know where the asset came from and how it’s ownership has changed over time IMMUTABILITY– means no participant can tamper with a transaction once it’s agreed. If a transaction was in error then a NEW transaction must be used to reverse the error, with both visible FINALITY– means that there is ONE place to determine the ownership of an asset or completion of a transaction. This is the role of the SHARED LEDGER.
  9. Blockchain technology enables the Bitcoin crypto currency and is best known for this usage. However, the shared ledger technology is separate & separable – applicable to a whole range of business challenges that cross all industries. IBM is not interested in crypto currency, but is missioned to help our customers make the most from Blockchain technologies. We see this as a major transformation opportunity for many of our customers. Digital currencies are auditable and permissioned, hence excellent Blockchain use case
  10. So Blockchain technology comprises these four main blocks, that can lead to increased efficiencies, and cost reduction across the business network. We will “unpack” CONSENSUS PRIVACY & SMART CONTRACT in the next couple of slides. Shared LEDGER has been already covered, and a SMART CONTRACT enables the business rules implied by the contract to be embedded in the Blockchain and executed with the transaction
  11. Not every member of business network can see all of the Blockchain Cryptography controls who can see what Implies user registration process to build trust network and access permission via certification management
  12. CRYPTOGRAPHIC consensus needed to support participant anonymity – this is NO TRUST system This is expensive, giving a COST to anonymity. When there is TRUST in a business network this become less, in the limit superfluous So as TRUST increases then cost of consensus decreases or in the limit can be eliminated Once participants identity
  13. Blockchain is not rights for all classes of business problem This simple “indicators” chart helps us choose the right set of business problems