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© 2016 IBM Corporation
IBM Blockchain
Blockchain: One Year On
March 2017
Kathryn Harrison
South Pacific F | Session ID: 1519A
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation2
Since 2015, Blockchain efforts and initiatives have exploded
Public Blockchain Enterprise Blockchain
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation3
Key blockchain events from the past year
with 17
Fabric becomes
the first project
in Hyperledger
to move out of
incubation and
into production
R3’s Corda
platform is open-
Ethereum DAO
is breached
through known
Solidity loophole
Jerry Cuomo
testifies to
Congress on the
potential of
begins trading
stock on a
IBM Global
begins dispute
resolution via
December March2016 June August November December 2017 March
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation4
Pervasive problem in today’s business networks…
…inefficient, vulnerable, expensive, lack of transparency

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Gluecon 2016 Keynote: Deploying and Managing Blockchain Applications
Gluecon 2016 Keynote: Deploying and Managing Blockchain ApplicationsGluecon 2016 Keynote: Deploying and Managing Blockchain Applications
Gluecon 2016 Keynote: Deploying and Managing Blockchain Applications

Hyperledger is a collaborative effort created by the Linux Foundation to advance blockchain technology for use by enterprises. It aims to create an open standard for distributed ledgers that can transform global business transactions. The project will develop an enterprise-grade open source distributed ledger framework and codebase that users can build industry applications on. It will also create a technical community to benefit solution providers and users focused on blockchain use cases.

blockchainhyperledgerapache brooklyn
Getting Started with Cloud Foundry on Bluemix
Getting Started with Cloud Foundry on BluemixGetting Started with Cloud Foundry on Bluemix
Getting Started with Cloud Foundry on Bluemix

This document provides an agenda and overview of IBM Bluemix and Cloud Foundry. The agenda includes introductions to Platform as a Service (PaaS), Cloud Foundry, exploring the Bluemix console, and creating and updating an app. It then discusses the history and models of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and PaaS, the architecture and benefits of Cloud Foundry, and how to use the Bluemix console to create an app from the catalog and edit code locally.

1. ibm blockchain explained
1. ibm blockchain explained1. ibm blockchain explained
1. ibm blockchain explained

Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System Satoshi Nakamoto Abstract. A purely peer-to-peer version of electronic cash would allow online payments to be sent directly from one party to another without going through a financial institution. Digital signatures provide part of the solution, but the main benefits are lost if a trusted third party is still required to prevent double-spending. We propose a solution to the double-spending problem using a peer-to-peer network. The network timestamps transactions by hashing them into an ongoing chain of hash-based proof-of-work, forming a record that cannot be changed without redoing the proof-of-work. The longest chain not only serves as proof of the sequence of events witnessed, but proof that it came from the largest pool of CPU power. As long as a majority of CPU power is controlled by nodes that are not cooperating to attack the network, they'll generate the longest chain and outpace attackers. The network itself requires minimal structure. Messages are broadcast on a best effort basis, and nodes can leave and rejoin the network at will, accepting the longest proof-of-work chain as proof of what happened while they were gone.

ibmibm blockchainblockchain
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation5
Blockchain offers the solution …
Shared, replicated, permissioned
…consensus, provenance, immutability, trust in a single source of truth
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation6
Blockchain benefits enable new business models
Transaction time
from days to near
Overheads and
cost intermediaries
Tampering, fraud
& cyber crime
Through shared processes
and recordkeeping
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation7 7
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Financial Public Sector Retail Insurance Manufacturing
Trade Finance
Cross currency
Asset Registration
Citizen Identity
Medical records
Medicine supply
Supply chain
Loyalty programs
Information sharing
(supplier – retailer)
Claims processing
Risk provenance
Asset usage history
Claims file
Supply chain
Product parts
Maintenance tracking
Potential use casesFurther examples by (selected) industry
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation8 8
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Patterns for customer adoption
• Created by a small set of participants
• Share key reference data
• Consolidated, consistent real-time view
• Sharing of assets (voting, dividend notification)
• Assets are information, not financial
• Provenance & finality are key
• Transfer of high value financial assets
• Between many participants in a market
• Regulatory timeframes
• Real-time view of compliance, audit & risk data
• Provenance, immutability & finality are key
• Transparent access to auditor & regulator

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Blockchain Explained for Devlopers
Blockchain Explained for DevlopersBlockchain Explained for Devlopers
Blockchain Explained for Devlopers

This document provides an overview of blockchain technologies and how IBM can help businesses apply blockchain. It defines key blockchain concepts like shared ledgers, smart contracts, consensus, and privacy. It also discusses example use cases for blockchain like supply chain management, financial transactions, and regulatory compliance. The document outlines IBM's engagement model for helping customers explore blockchain, build proofs of concept, and scale blockchain applications. It positions IBM as supporting the open source Hyperledger project and providing tools and services to make blockchain adoption easier for businesses.

techinformation technologycloud computing
IBM - Blockchain Explained - Introduction for Business
IBM - Blockchain Explained - Introduction for BusinessIBM - Blockchain Explained - Introduction for Business
IBM - Blockchain Explained - Introduction for Business

Blockchain Explained - An Introduction to Blockchain for Business. Presentation by Mikael Haglund, CTO IBM Sweden, held at Watson Sweden Summit 2017

blockchainibmwatson sweden summit 2017
Blockchain with HyperLedger (Public version)
Blockchain with HyperLedger (Public version)Blockchain with HyperLedger (Public version)
Blockchain with HyperLedger (Public version)

Blockchain technology was introduced in 2008 through Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper that introduced blockchain as a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of transaction records hardened against tampering. The document discusses key definitions around permissioned versus permissionless blockchains and consensus algorithms. It also provides examples of potential business use cases for blockchain as well as success stories from companies applying the technology.

IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation9
Is your blockchain platform ready for the enterprise now? Five Must Haves
 Organization structure- developed and managed by multi-stakeholder community
 Technical management of projects allows for best ideas and code to
 Permissioned membership and access should differentiate how members
participate and transact in the business network
 Only related parties should see specific transactions
 Capable of accommodating diverse regulatory and industry standards
 Technical features including consensus, database, and cryptography must be
pluggable to suit specific enterprise needs
Developer Tools
 Model your business network with assets, participants and transactions
 Register and govern members in the business network
 Integrate non- blockchain applications and generate skeleton apps
Security &
 Dedicated compute, high security modules, FIPS 140-2 Security level certified,
protection from admin, trusted stack
 High speed network, high transaction throughput
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation
IBM Blockchain Platform
Built on Hyperledger Fabric v1.0
Fabric Composer
IBM Blockchain as a Service
Blockchain Ecosystem
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation11
IBM Solutions
Infrastructure, developer tools, reusable assets and network
services to enable the creation and management of Blockchain
business networks
With the community to ensure the best possible foundation
for Blockchain
Solutions to transform business processes and industries
by creating and operating Blockchain business Networks
with enterprise participants
Hyperledger Fabric
IBM Operated
Business Network
e.g. – Supply Chain
IBM Blockchain Platform
IBM owned
e.g. - IGF
Reusable Solution Assets | Network Consensus Services
High Security | Developer Runtime Services on IBM Cloud
Identity & Wallet Services
IBM Blockchain: open, trusted and building business networks
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation12
Open governance delivered by Linux Foundation with 120+ Hyperledger members
Updated Jan 2017
Open Governance

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Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup
Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup
Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup

Distributed ledgers offer advantages for capital markets by providing a single record of transactions maintained across multiple nodes, avoiding political battles over control. They could help reconcile complex transactions recorded across old, fragile software systems in bank back offices. A distributed ledger maintained between different financial players could more easily track a swap sold and resold between custodians than traditional systems. Potential use cases involve a lack of central authority, robust regulatory needs, and transactional processes followable as smart contracts. Examples include repo agreements, FX settlement, and trade reconciliations.

Blockchain powering the internet of value
Blockchain powering the internet of value  Blockchain powering the internet of value
Blockchain powering the internet of value

Foreword This paper is the result of a research project carried out by Labs in EVRY Financial Services during the fall of 2015. The content of this report is the result of a comprehensive study, featuring online sources, literary works, as well as recordings of financial conferences such as Consensus 2015 and Fintech Week 2015. We aim to provide a comprehensive report detailing the opportunities, challenges and key success factors for financial institutions looking to leverage the opportunities presented by blockchain technology. We hope you enjoy this study and that it helps give you greater understanding.

IBM Blockchain 101
IBM Blockchain 101IBM Blockchain 101
IBM Blockchain 101

An introduction to Blockchain for Business, as well as a deep dive into the IBM Blockchain Platform, its underpinning technologies, as well as various tools and frameworks that can guide developers towards building applications on top of a running business network.

blockchainibmhyperledger fabric
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation13
Confidentiality is built into Hyperledger Fabric v1.0
Permissioned membership
Operate a trusted blockchain network with
known participants and regulatory oversight
Enable multi-party transactions with the
privacy and confidentiality needed for
regulated industries
Partitioned execution
Optimize network performance by
separating chaincode execution and
transaction ordering
FX Netting
Trade Finance
Low Liquidity
Security Trading
and Settlement
Private Equity
Record Keeping
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation14
Modularity drives production blockchain for cross industry business networks
Network tools
IBM provides tools for monitoring, logging,
and for compliance reasons backup/restore
Transaction history
Searchable transaction history for efficient
auditing and dispute resolution
Select preferences for number of peers,
consensus, identity management, and
encryption to dynamically grow a business
Production Workloads
Luxury Good
Trade Logistics
Channel Financing
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation15
Hyperledger Community Growth
 +260% growth over 11 months
– 13 premier, 120+ members. 600
developers interacting on slack
– 1800+ Github stars with increasing
contributions from multiple member and
non-member companies
Major Fabric Releases
 Interconnect Release 1.0
 Version 0.5 Release – June
 Version 0.6 Release – September
Runtime Services Introduced
 4000 instances on Bluemix Developer
Starter Network
 65 members on High Security Network
Proof of Concept with Stability
 Stable set of features for POCs and pilots
across multiple domains (100+ first
– Finance, identity/verification, supply chain, asset
management, IOT, energy
Production Network
 4 Full Production Networks
– IGF reduces dispute resolution by 75%
(250,000 blocks in ledger,)
– Everledger manages to reduce wine fraud
– Pring An
– Northern Turst
V1.0 Connect-a-Thon
 December Connect-A-Thon with 11
companies in Australia, Hungary, UK,
US East Coast, US West Coast, Canada
Hyperledger Fabric Highlights
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation16
IBM helps developers build blockchain apps faster with Fabric Composer
Model your business
Generate APIs for your
business network
Integrate non-
 Model assets,
 Set access controls for
specific participants
 Business network
definition generates
specific APIs
 Leverage REST/
loopback APIs to
integrate external
Tools, APIs and libraries to support these activities
Open source, open governance community
Business Solutions
Fabric Composer
Hyperledger Fabric
© 2017 IBM Corporation 7
Extensive, Familiar, Open Development Toolset
CLI utilities
Data modelling JavaScript
business logic
Web playground
Editor support Integration
$ composer
Client libraries
Code generation
Developer Tools

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Blockchain explained-v2.09
Blockchain explained-v2.09Blockchain explained-v2.09
Blockchain explained-v2.09

Blockchain is a shared, replicated ledger technology that can open up business networks by reducing costs, improving efficiencies, and increasing accessibility. IBM supports an open standards, open source, open governance blockchain and is a member of the Linux Foundation Hyperledger project, which is developing open source shared ledger technology. IBM offers customers an engagement model to explore blockchain applications through conversation, demonstrations, proofs of technology, and first projects to help get customers started using blockchain now.

Defrag X Keynote: Deploying and managing Global Blockchain Network
Defrag X Keynote: Deploying and managing Global Blockchain NetworkDefrag X Keynote: Deploying and managing Global Blockchain Network
Defrag X Keynote: Deploying and managing Global Blockchain Network

Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It includes various blockchain frameworks, platforms and libraries for building blockchain applications and solutions. The Linux Foundation hosts the collaboration to provide an open, neutral environment for technical governance. Hyperledger aims to support blockchain applications across different sectors through standards, an open developer community, and enterprise-grade frameworks.

TDC2018FLN | Trilha Blockchain - BlockChain Casos de Usos alem das CryptoMoedas
TDC2018FLN | Trilha Blockchain - BlockChain Casos de Usos alem das CryptoMoedasTDC2018FLN | Trilha Blockchain - BlockChain Casos de Usos alem das CryptoMoedas
TDC2018FLN | Trilha Blockchain - BlockChain Casos de Usos alem das CryptoMoedas

Blockchain technologies can enable trusted transactions by providing a distributed digital ledger of transactions and asset transfers. The document discusses several use cases of blockchain including enabling global payments, improving supply chain visibility and traceability, facilitating trade finance and private equity administration, and addressing challenges in renewable energy flexibility and aircraft maintenance records. Blockchain allows for near real-time sharing of information across organizations on a secure immutable platform.

IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation17 17
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Benefits of Fabric Composer
Bridges simply from
business concepts to
Develop blockchain
applications more
quickly and cheaply
Well tested, efficient
design conforms to
best practice
Higher level
abstraction makes it
easier to iterate
Developer Tools
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation18 18
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Simple Application Development Lifecycle
1. Install Fabric Composer Tools
2. Define Business Network, Assets and Transactions
3. Implement any transaction processors
4. Test business network within Composer Playground
5. Deploy business network to live Hyperledger fabric
6. Generate sample application for this network
7. Test sample application (REST, node.js, …)
• Strong basis to start your application experience
Developer Tools
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation19
Future – Smart Contracts for Business
 A rule-based natural language that non-technical users can read and author
 A platform to collaborate, validate, deploy and govern Smart Contracts
Learn more: NCI-2047 Smart Contracts for Business People - Sun 2:30pm – Level 2 Reef E / Mon 3:15pm Level 2 Oceanside A IC Lounge MT2
Business Application +
Business Smart Contracts
Fabric Composer
Hyperledger Fabric
Smart Contract
Management Platform
Node B
Validating Node C
Node A
Node D
Node E
Fabric Composer Runtime
Rule Engine
Node D
Developer Tools
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation20
2017 Vision for IBM Blockchain—aaS
Total Value Proposition
Time To Value Productivity
Tailored, Productive toolchain for App
Dev and Test
Quickstart solution development with
pre-built extensible Frameworks
Simplest, most Intuitive Smart
Contract authoring experience
Time To Value Integrate
Network scales and grows as your
consortium grows
Built-in workflow tools to make multi-
party consortium tasks easy
Quickly integrate with Systems of
Develop Govern Operate
TCO Cognitive Security
Top to bottom integrated stack with
high security features for even the
most sensitive workloads
Help, technical support, and fabric
version management included
Cognitive capabilities pre-integrated

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Blockchain presentation to isaca (kemp)Blockchain presentation to isaca (kemp)
Blockchain presentation to isaca (kemp)

Blockchain technology is poised to significantly impact IT audit functions and identity management. It allows for digital records and asset exchanges without intermediaries through distributed ledgers and smart contracts. Several industries are investing in blockchain implementations for applications like banking, supply chain, and healthcare. However, challenges include integrating the immature technology, determining its regulatory status, addressing concerns over control and privacy, and reducing its large energy usage. The document discusses how blockchain could streamline compliance while shifting identity management, and offers ways for IT auditors to engage with blockchain alliances and communities.

Blockchain for the Enterprise
Blockchain for the EnterpriseBlockchain for the Enterprise
Blockchain for the Enterprise

Blockchain technology is increasingly being considered for applications in business contexts due to its key properties. It is also very much hyped for its potential to transform existing industries and business models. In Part 1, we will introduce the key properties of blockchain, its limitations, the field and the relevance for SAP and enterprises in general. In Part 2, we will focus on one of the prominent suites available today and provide an demonstration of the POC we’ve developed.

Blockchain Explored: A technical deep-dive
Blockchain Explored: A technical deep-diveBlockchain Explored: A technical deep-dive
Blockchain Explored: A technical deep-dive

This deck contains architecture information about Hyperledger Fabric presented at IBM InterConnect 2017 conference in Las Vegas.

IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation21
IBM Launched the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem on December 7, 2016
Now 120+ Strong
Providing multi-cloud application
management via Cloudsoft’s Hyperledger
Fabric (HLF) Service
Reinventing how loyalty is created and
rewarded using blockchain and smart
contract technology
Applies blockchain technology in
cybersecurity for the Internet of Thing
Venture studio collaborating with a number
of Blockchain startups leveraging
Global Consulting Firm collaborating with
IBM on critical use cases for their clients
Financial Integration Solution provider
specializing in Hyperledger Fabric
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation22
IBM Blockchain Ecosystem builds a robust community for developers
Integrators Enterprise
What the ecosystem offers developers
 Hyperledger Project Engagement
 Blockchain Education
 Digital Blockchain Community forums and
 Technical resources in the IBM Bluemix
Garage for Blockchain
 First access to developer tools
 Exclusive access to blockchain thought
 Marketplace to monetize components and
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation23
Blockchain Solution for IBM Global Financing
• Improve the efficiency of our commercial financing business by
sharing data in a secure and transparent manner on Blockchain
• Blockchain enables Comprehensive View of key operational data
• Fewer disputes & faster settlement
• Reduction in dispute resolution time: 40+ days to under 10 days
• Improved capital efficiency; freer flow of capital
Partners Suppliers
Products and services
IGF world-wide statistics
Partners and
Invoices / year
Financed / Year
Capital tied up
at any time
Disputes /
Avg. disputed
invoice value
44 days
Avg. time to
resolve a
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation24
Blockchain is here, now. Get started today
1 Learn 2 Build 3 Connect
• Blockchain and Hyperledger
• Industry insights and use cases
• Self-paced education
• Hyperledger Fabric on DockerHub
• Fabric Composer
• IBM Bluemix Garage for Blockchain
• Hyperledger Community Chat
• IBM Blockchain Ecosystem Program
Visit for further information

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Blockchain rewires financial markets / IBM
Blockchain  rewires financial markets / IBMBlockchain  rewires financial markets / IBM
Blockchain rewires financial markets / IBM

This document discusses how "Trailblazers" in the financial markets industry, which make up 14% of respondents in a survey, are early adopters of blockchain technology who expect to have blockchain solutions in commercial production and at scale by 2017. The document outlines key findings about the Trailblazers, including that they prioritize reducing costs through blockchain in areas like wholesale payments, clearing and settlements, and reference data. While most financial institutions do not expect much disruption from blockchain, the Trailblazers see opportunities for new business models in areas like equity and debt issuance.

Blockchain Explained v5.20
Blockchain Explained v5.20Blockchain Explained v5.20
Blockchain Explained v5.20

Blockchain explained is a document that introduces blockchain technology for business use. It discusses how blockchain can help solve inefficiencies in sharing records between participants in a business network by providing a shared, replicated ledger. It describes different types of blockchains and requirements for business blockchains, including how they handle assets, identity, and transaction endorsement. The document provides examples of IBM blockchain networks and solutions and how IBM can help organizations create or join networks to address business challenges through blockchain.

ibm blockchain platformblockchainhyperledger fabric
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your Niche
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheHow to Become a Thought Leader in Your Niche
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your Niche

Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.

bloggingthought leadersonline business
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation25
Further information
IBM Blockchain
The Hyperledger Project
Blockchain @ IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV)
Industry use cases
For developers: Self-paced course and quick-start guide
IBM Blockchain on Bluemix
Hyperledger Fabric on DockerHub (IBM-certified image)
IBM Blockchain Ecosystem
Hyperledger Chat
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation26
Notices and disclaimers
IBM Blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation27
Notices and disclaimers continued

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  • 1. © 2016 IBM Corporation IBM Blockchain Blockchain: One Year On March 2017 Kathryn Harrison South Pacific F | Session ID: 1519A
  • 2. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation2 Since 2015, Blockchain efforts and initiatives have exploded Public Blockchain Enterprise Blockchain
  • 3. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation3 Key blockchain events from the past year Hyperledger announced with 17 members Fabric becomes the first project in Hyperledger to move out of incubation and into production R3’s Corda platform is open- sourced Ethereum DAO is breached through known Solidity loophole Jerry Cuomo testifies to Congress on the potential of blockchain Overstock begins trading stock on a blockchain IBM Global Financing begins dispute resolution via Fabric December March2016 June August November December 2017 March
  • 4. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation4 Pervasive problem in today’s business networks… Port’s records Bank’s records Airline’s records Ocean Carrier’s records Authority's records Airport’s records …inefficient, vulnerable, expensive, lack of transparency
  • 5. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation5 Blockchain offers the solution … Shared, replicated, permissioned Port’s records Bank’s record s Airline’s records Ocean Carrier’s records Authority's records Airport’s records …consensus, provenance, immutability, trust in a single source of truth
  • 6. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation6 Blockchain benefits enable new business models Saves time Removes cost Reduces risk Increases trust Transaction time from days to near instantaneous Overheads and cost intermediaries Tampering, fraud & cyber crime Through shared processes and recordkeeping
  • 7. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation7 7 © 2017 IBM Corporation Financial Public Sector Retail Insurance Manufacturing Trade Finance Cross currency payments Mortgages Asset Registration Citizen Identity Medical records Medicine supply chain Supply chain Loyalty programs Information sharing (supplier – retailer) Claims processing Risk provenance Asset usage history Claims file Supply chain Product parts Maintenance tracking Potential use casesFurther examples by (selected) industry
  • 8. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation8 8 © 2017 IBM Corporation Patterns for customer adoption COMPLIANCE LEDGER CONSORTIUM SHARED LEDGER ASSET EXCHANGE HIGH VALUE MARKET • Created by a small set of participants • Share key reference data • Consolidated, consistent real-time view • Sharing of assets (voting, dividend notification) • Assets are information, not financial • Provenance & finality are key • Transfer of high value financial assets • Between many participants in a market • Regulatory timeframes • Real-time view of compliance, audit & risk data • Provenance, immutability & finality are key • Transparent access to auditor & regulator
  • 9. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation9 Is your blockchain platform ready for the enterprise now? Five Must Haves Open Governance  Organization structure- developed and managed by multi-stakeholder community  Technical management of projects allows for best ideas and code to Confidentiality  Permissioned membership and access should differentiate how members participate and transact in the business network  Only related parties should see specific transactions Modularity  Capable of accommodating diverse regulatory and industry standards  Technical features including consensus, database, and cryptography must be pluggable to suit specific enterprise needs Developer Tools  Model your business network with assets, participants and transactions  Register and govern members in the business network  Integrate non- blockchain applications and generate skeleton apps Security & Performance  Dedicated compute, high security modules, FIPS 140-2 Security level certified, protection from admin, trusted stack  High speed network, high transaction throughput
  • 10. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation IBM Blockchain Platform Built on Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 Fabric Composer IBM Blockchain as a Service Blockchain Ecosystem
  • 11. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation11 IBM Solutions 11 Infrastructure, developer tools, reusable assets and network services to enable the creation and management of Blockchain business networks With the community to ensure the best possible foundation for Blockchain Solutions to transform business processes and industries by creating and operating Blockchain business Networks with enterprise participants Hyperledger Fabric IBM Operated Business Network e.g. – Supply Chain Provide Invest Provide Ecosystem Operated Networks Custom Enterprise Solutions IBM Blockchain Platform IBM owned Networks e.g. - IGF Reusable Solution Assets | Network Consensus Services High Security | Developer Runtime Services on IBM Cloud Identity & Wallet Services IBM Blockchain: open, trusted and building business networks
  • 12. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation12 Open governance delivered by Linux Foundation with 120+ Hyperledger members Associate Updated Jan 2017 Premier General Open Governance
  • 13. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation13 Confidentiality is built into Hyperledger Fabric v1.0 Permissioned membership Operate a trusted blockchain network with known participants and regulatory oversight Channels Enable multi-party transactions with the privacy and confidentiality needed for regulated industries Partitioned execution Optimize network performance by separating chaincode execution and transaction ordering Confidentiality Confidentiality FX Netting Trade Finance Low Liquidity Security Trading and Settlement Private Equity Record Keeping
  • 14. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation14 Modularity drives production blockchain for cross industry business networks Network tools IBM provides tools for monitoring, logging, and for compliance reasons backup/restore Transaction history Searchable transaction history for efficient auditing and dispute resolution Modularity Select preferences for number of peers, consensus, identity management, and encryption to dynamically grow a business network Production Workloads Modularity Provenance Luxury Good Authentication Trade Logistics Channel Financing
  • 15. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation15 Hyperledger Community Growth  +260% growth over 11 months – 13 premier, 120+ members. 600 developers interacting on slack – 1800+ Github stars with increasing contributions from multiple member and non-member companies Major Fabric Releases  Interconnect Release 1.0  Version 0.5 Release – June  Version 0.6 Release – September Runtime Services Introduced  4000 instances on Bluemix Developer Starter Network  65 members on High Security Network Proof of Concept with Stability  Stable set of features for POCs and pilots across multiple domains (100+ first projects) – Finance, identity/verification, supply chain, asset management, IOT, energy Production Network  4 Full Production Networks – IGF reduces dispute resolution by 75% (250,000 blocks in ledger,) – Everledger manages to reduce wine fraud – Pring An – Northern Turst V1.0 Connect-a-Thon  December Connect-A-Thon with 11 companies in Australia, Hungary, UK, US East Coast, US West Coast, Canada Hyperledger Fabric Highlights
  • 16. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation16 IBM helps developers build blockchain apps faster with Fabric Composer Model your business network Generate APIs for your business network Integrate non- blockchain applications  Model assets, participants, transactions  Set access controls for specific participants  Business network definition generates specific APIs  Leverage REST/ loopback APIs to integrate external systems Tools, APIs and libraries to support these activities Open source, open governance community Business Solutions Fabric Composer Hyperledger Fabric © 2017 IBM Corporation 7 Extensive, Familiar, Open Development Toolset CLI utilities Data modelling JavaScript business logic Web playground Editor support Integration $ composer Client libraries composer-client composer-admin Code generation Developer Tools
  • 17. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation17 17 © 2017 IBM Corporation Benefits of Fabric Composer Increases understanding Saves time Reduces risk Increases flexibility Bridges simply from business concepts to blockchain Develop blockchain applications more quickly and cheaply Well tested, efficient design conforms to best practice Higher level abstraction makes it easier to iterate Developer Tools
  • 18. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation18 18 © 2017 IBM Corporation Simple Application Development Lifecycle 1. Install Fabric Composer Tools 2. Define Business Network, Assets and Transactions 3. Implement any transaction processors 4. Test business network within Composer Playground 5. Deploy business network to live Hyperledger fabric 6. Generate sample application for this network 7. Test sample application (REST, node.js, …) • Strong basis to start your application experience Developer Tools
  • 19. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation19 Future – Smart Contracts for Business  A rule-based natural language that non-technical users can read and author  A platform to collaborate, validate, deploy and govern Smart Contracts Learn more: NCI-2047 Smart Contracts for Business People - Sun 2:30pm – Level 2 Reef E / Mon 3:15pm Level 2 Oceanside A IC Lounge MT2 Business Application + Business Smart Contracts Fabric Composer Hyperledger Fabric Smart Contract Management Platform Validating Node B Validating Node C Validating Node A Validating Node D Validating Node E Chaincode Fabric Composer Runtime JavaScript Rule Engine Data Objects Ruleset Transaction Callbacks deploy invoke Validating Node D Developer Tools
  • 20. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation20 2017 Vision for IBM Blockchain—aaS Total Value Proposition Time To Value Productivity Tailored, Productive toolchain for App Dev and Test Quickstart solution development with pre-built extensible Frameworks Simplest, most Intuitive Smart Contract authoring experience Time To Value Integrate Network scales and grows as your consortium grows Built-in workflow tools to make multi- party consortium tasks easy Quickly integrate with Systems of Record Develop Govern Operate TCO Cognitive Security Top to bottom integrated stack with high security features for even the most sensitive workloads Help, technical support, and fabric version management included Cognitive capabilities pre-integrated
  • 21. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation21 IBM Launched the IBM Blockchain Ecosystem on December 7, 2016 Now 120+ Strong Providing multi-cloud application management via Cloudsoft’s Hyperledger Fabric (HLF) Service Reinventing how loyalty is created and rewarded using blockchain and smart contract technology Applies blockchain technology in cybersecurity for the Internet of Thing (IoT) Venture studio collaborating with a number of Blockchain startups leveraging Hyperledger Global Consulting Firm collaborating with IBM on critical use cases for their clients Financial Integration Solution provider specializing in Hyperledger Fabric
  • 22. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation22 IBM Blockchain Ecosystem builds a robust community for developers Business Users/ Partners Developers ISV: Startups ISV: Commercial System Integrators Enterprise Developers University/ Academic What the ecosystem offers developers  Hyperledger Project Engagement  Blockchain Education  Digital Blockchain Community forums and resources  Technical resources in the IBM Bluemix Garage for Blockchain  First access to developer tools  Exclusive access to blockchain thought leadership  Marketplace to monetize components and solutions
  • 23. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation23 Blockchain Solution for IBM Global Financing What? • Improve the efficiency of our commercial financing business by sharing data in a secure and transparent manner on Blockchain How? • Blockchain enables Comprehensive View of key operational data Benefits • Fewer disputes & faster settlement • Reduction in dispute resolution time: 40+ days to under 10 days • Improved capital efficiency; freer flow of capital Orders Partners Suppliers Products and services IGF IGF world-wide statistics 4000+ Partners and Suppliers 2.9M Invoices / year $44B Financed / Year $100M Capital tied up at any time 25,000 Disputes / year $31K Avg. disputed invoice value 44 days Avg. time to resolve a dispute
  • 24. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation24 Blockchain is here, now. Get started today 1 Learn 2 Build 3 Connect • Blockchain and Hyperledger • Industry insights and use cases • Self-paced education • Hyperledger Fabric on DockerHub • Fabric Composer • IBM Bluemix Garage for Blockchain • Hyperledger Community Chat • IBM Blockchain Ecosystem Program Visit for further information
  • 25. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation25 Further information IBM Blockchain The Hyperledger Project Blockchain @ IBM Institute for Business Value (IBV) Industry use cases For developers: Self-paced course and quick-start guide 1 LEARN 2 BUILD IBM Blockchain on Bluemix Hyperledger Fabric on DockerHub (IBM-certified image) 3 CONNECT IBM Blockchain Ecosystem Hyperledger Chat
  • 26. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation26 Notices and disclaimers
  • 27. IBM Blockchain © 2016 IBM Corporation27 Notices and disclaimers continued

Editor's Notes

  1. Access Open read/ write Permissioned read write Speed slow Faster Security open network approve participants Identity anonymous known participants Asset native assets any assets
  2. List of use cases by industry:
  3. Delete column and spacer if necessary and stretch table to length of headline. However space is included to make the layout more readable – give the eye some breaks – so only delete if it can still be readily consumable
  4. CFT- Crash fault tolerant /Kafka
  5. 1) LEARN Find out more about blockchain and Hyperledger on Explore how blockchain is transforming your industry from IBM IBV and the real use cases Learn how to create your own blockchain network with self-paced courses on develperWorks ( 2) BUILD Develop and test blockchain network using the Hyperledger Fabric on: - IBM Bluemix - Docker Hub Schedule a design thinking workshop at IBM Bluemix Garage to make blockchain real 3) CONNECT Be a member of Hyperledger Community on for questions and support Join IBM Blockchain Ecosystem Program for receiving special benefits