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© 2017 IBM Corporation
Blockchain 101
An Introduction to Blockchain for Government Officials
By: Marquis Cabrera
Global Leader of Digital Government Transformation
IBM Global Government Solutions Center of Competence
Date: August 30, 2017
Twitter: @MarquisCabrera
IBM	Global	Government	Industry
© 2017 IBM Corporation© 2017 IBM Corporation
“If you are not trying
to help people, crawl
over and die.” –
Former First Lady
Michelle Obama 2
© 2017 IBM Corporation© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Helping to activate citizen driven innovation in child welfare

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7 Industries Influencing Blockchain Testing
7 Industries Influencing Blockchain Testing7 Industries Influencing Blockchain Testing
7 Industries Influencing Blockchain Testing

Blockchain applications demand standard testing such as functional performance, integration, and security testing. In addition, testing teams must have these specialized testing capabilities including Smart Contracts testing and Node Testing. know how differently each industry is influencing Blockchain Testing capabilities.

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A quick overview about ai enabled blockchain
A quick overview about ai enabled blockchainA quick overview about ai enabled blockchain
A quick overview about ai enabled blockchain

Technological development has propelled the wave of change. We are witnessing so many new developments around us. One such technological breakthrough that we will be highlighting in this blog is Blockchain and artificial intelligence. Blockchain is the latest entrant in this world, but Artificial Intelligence has long been there in the business, but it's only recently that AI has fetched so much attention. Both these technologies are revolutionary in nature and thus have the potential to bring forth a lot of transformative changes in the future. Imagine coming together with both these powerful technologies. This blog's focus is to highlight how AI-enabled Blockchain will be helpful and what new changes will it be bringing with it.

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Estate Exchange - Real-Estate Blockchain Slide (git)
Estate Exchange - Real-Estate Blockchain Slide (git)Estate Exchange - Real-Estate Blockchain Slide (git)
Estate Exchange - Real-Estate Blockchain Slide (git)

IBM Hyperledger Blockchain Course Project - Leveraging on enterprise design thinking my team propose a blockchain solution to improve real-estate asset liquidity in Singapore. -With GH link.

© 2017 IBM Corporation
Joined IBM to programrobots to dab and change the world
© 2017 IBM Corporation
What is Blockchain?
Why is it relevant for
How can IBM help us
apply blockchain?
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Business networks, wealth and markets
– Business Networks benefit from connectivity
• Participants are customers, suppliers,
banks, partners
• Cross geography & regulatory boundary
– Wealth is generated by the flow of
goods & services across business
network in transactions and contracts
– Markets are central to this process:
• Public (fruit market, car auction), or
• Private (supply chain financing, bonds)
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Bartering still happens at today – Burning Man

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Software Architecture and Model-driven Engineering for Blockchain Applications
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Software Architecture and Model-driven Engineering for Blockchain Applications

My keynote slides from the Second International Symposium on Foundations and Applications of Blockchain 2019 (FAB '19) and a talk I gave the day before at Google. In this talk, I'm giving an overview of our research in Software Architecture, Model-Driven Engineering, Dependability / Availability, and Business Process Execution in the context of Blockchain. It's a summary of our book: X. Xu, I. Weber, M. Staples, Architecture for Blockchain Applications, Springer 2019

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Blockchain Trends and Applications
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Blockchain Trends and Applications

Just how closely should financial executives be paying attention? Is the disruption of blockchain technology a distant rumble or an imminent strike? Fintech is shaking the foundation of the traditional financial services industry and blockchain alone could be a game-changer, transforming transactions, custody, accounting, currency exchange, and more. Navigating the associated business implications and expected timeline is no easy task for financial professionals. This webinar can help firms sift through the noise and will identify the most significant blockchain trends and tangible applications. Sponsored by ALFI

DCG Enterprise Blockchain Workshop Oct 2017
DCG Enterprise Blockchain Workshop Oct 2017DCG Enterprise Blockchain Workshop Oct 2017
DCG Enterprise Blockchain Workshop Oct 2017

These slides were shared with attendees of the Digital Currency Group Enterprise Blockchain Workshop on Oct. 25, 2017.

© 2017 IBM Corporation
Transferring assets, building value
Two fundamental
types of asset
Intangible assets
Cash is also
an asset
• Tangible, e.g. a house
• Intangible, e.g. a mortgage
• Financial, e.g. bond
• Intellectual, e.g. patents
• Digital, e.g. music
• Has property of anonymity
Anything that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value, is an asset
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Ledgers are key
Ledger is THE system of record for a business.
Business will have multiple ledgers for multiple
business networks in which they participate.
– Transaction – an assettransfer onto or
off the ledger
• John gives a car to Anthony (simple)
– Contract – conditions for transaction to occur
• If Anthony pays John money, then car passes
from John to Anthony (simple)
• If car won't start, funds do not pass to John (as
decided by third party arbitrator) (more
Introducing Blockchain ...
© 2017 IBM Corporation
A trusted,
with shared
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Problem …
… inefficient, expensive, vulnerable
A’s records
B’s records

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Blockchain : A Catalyst for New Approaches in Insurance

Blockchain technology and smart contracts have the potential to significantly impact the insurance industry. Smart contracts allow insurance policies, claims, and settlements to be automatically executed based on predefined rules and data inputs from oracles and IoT sensors. This could accelerate the development of on-demand or usage-based insurance products. It may also simplify and automate claims management by automatically validating events and processing payouts. While smart contracts offer benefits of increased efficiency, automation, and transparency, their large-scale implementation also faces challenges related to governance, legal standards, and technical scalability that require further development.

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As a shared, secure, distributed ledger that works in a peer-to-peer environment, blockchain technology can benefit the insurance industry in numerous ways throughout the value chain. We explore several use cases, including death claims processing, to illustrate blockchain's ability to streamline cumbersome workflows, reduce errors and fraud, increase auditability and confer competitive advantage.

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Blockchain for Business
Blockchain for BusinessBlockchain for Business
Blockchain for Business

Evaluating the potential of blockchain technology to radically transform business [Feel free to download the presentation if you'd like to view it offline]

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© 2017 IBM Corporation
… with consensus, provenance, immutability and finality
B’s records
A’s records
A shared, replicated, permissioned ledger …
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Blockchain underpins Bitcoin
• An unregulated shadow-currency
• The firstblockchain application
• Resource intensive
Blockchain for business differs in key areas:
• Identity over anonymity
• Selective endorsement over proof of work
• Assets over cryptocurrency
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Requirements of blockchain for business
distributed system of
record shared across
business network
Business terms
embedded in
& executed with
Transactions are
endorsed by
Ensuring appropriate
visibility; transactions
are secure,
& verifiable Privacy
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Blockchain Benefits

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Overcoming the Barriers to Blockchain Adoption

Blockchain promises to drastically lower costs, increase data quality and vastly simplify business processes in a range of industries. During this event speakers from MongoDB, BigchainDB, Ripple, and 11FSTeam answered question around how to operationalise blockchain into existing environments and rely on it as we do with existing systems.

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Blockchain - A New Disruptive Technology

The document discusses blockchain technology and its potential applications. It defines blockchain as a distributed, public ledger that uses cryptography to allow for transparency and proof of ownership without a central authority. The document outlines several potential uses for blockchain within industries like finance, government, and logistics to improve record keeping, transactions, and asset management. It also notes some advantages like transparency but acknowledges disadvantages around scalability and energy use must still be addressed.

Blockchain and Supply Chain
Blockchain and Supply ChainBlockchain and Supply Chain
Blockchain and Supply Chain

Traceability of components of products - from food to fashion - is central to the promise of using blockchain to organize and operationalize data from the web of supply chains. How would traceability bring value? How do blockchain and smart contracts work? And how would these foster traceability? What has been done so far in this regard? What issues and tensions affect adoption of traceability, whether by blockchain or other means? This webinar examines blockchain and the role it plays in supply chain by providing traceability. To view the accompanying webinar, go to:

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© 2017 IBM Corporation
What is Blockchain?
Why is it relevant for
How can IBM help us
apply blockchain?
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Public Key
Public Key
Public Key
Record Public Key
Record Public Key
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Example: Volunteers with Papers
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Public Key
Public Key
Public Key
Record Public Key
Record Public Key
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Blockchain is creating extraordinary opportunities
for businesses to come together in new ways
Optimize Ecosystems
Streamline business processes
and the exchange of value along
your ecosystem
Reduce Risk
with transparency and a
trusted decentralized ledger
Create New Value
Exploit new business
models and eliminate

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Blockchain for Business
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Blockchain for Business

Harnessing the potential of Blockchain Technology for enterprise Digital Transformation, A strategy, framework, approach and some key considerations to help any enterprise get started. [Feel free to download the presentation to view it offline]

Blockchain and Smart Contracts (Series: Blockchain Basics)
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Blockchain and Smart Contracts (Series: Blockchain Basics)

Blockchain is a tool. Samson Williams likens blockchain to a group text message, in which each participant receives a distributed, time-stamped, tamper-resistant (and encrypted) record of data transactions. Each group text has these characteristics. Everyone in the group “sees” the data, and none can change or gainsay any group message. Smart contracts are computer code put on the blockchain (how, exactly?) that establishes self-executing terms and conditions of a transaction. Are smart contracts smart? If certain data comes in and fulfills a pre-set term or condition, then rights and responsibilities are formed, terminated, modified, or shifted among the parties. Ah certainty and transparency, but also ah garbage in and garbage out. Are some contractual terms not amenable to smart contracting? And are smart contracts necessarily contracts? If not, can they still be useful? If a smart contract is a contract, what is the governing document? Is it the words business people and lawyers use, or is it the code that is supposed to reflect the words? To view the accompanying webinar, go to:

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Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and ...
Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and ...Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and ...
Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and ...

Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and Africa Payment and Blockchain Leader) İçinde bulunduğumuz teknoloji çağının getirdikleri ile birlikte finans dünyasını yeni teknolojiler bekliyor. Bitcoin ve Blockchain teknolojisi bunların başında yer alıyor. Finans dünyasındaki tüm kuralları değiştirebilecek potansiyeli içinde barındıran bu iki teknolojiye olan ilgi her geçen gün artmakta. İstanbul Finans Derneği işbirliği ve Business Ankara medya sponsorluğunda düzenlenen etkinlikte, 'bitcoin' ve 'blockchain' teknolojileri gerek yazılım gerekse finansal boyutuyla ele alındı. - 31 Mart 2016 meet@ideaport | Finans Dünyasında Yeni Trend: Bitcoin ve Blockchain

inovationtechnologycripto money
© 2017 IBM Corporation
1. Consolidated, consistent
dataset reduces errors
2. Near real-time access to
reference data
3. Naturally supports code
editing and routing code
transfers between
What • Competitors/collaborators ina business network need
to share reference data, e.g. bank routing codes
• Each member maintains their own codes,
and forwards changes to a central authority for
collectionand distribution
• An information subsetcan be owned by organizations
How • Each participant maintains theirown codes withina
Blockchain network
• Blockchain creates single view of entire dataset
Shared reference data
IBM Blockchain
© 2017 IBM Corporation
1. Lowers cost of audit and
regulatory compliance
2. Provides “seek and find”
access to auditors and
3. Changes nature of
compliance from
passive to active
What • Financial data in a large organization dispersed
throughout many divisions and geographies
• Audit and Compliance needs indelible recordof all
key transactions overreporting period
How • Blockchain collects transaction records from diverse
set of financial systems
• Append-only and tamperproof qualities create high
confidence financial audit trail
• Privacy features to ensure authorized user access
Audit and compliance
IBM Blockchain
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Further examples by (selected) industry
Financial Public Sector Retail Insurance Manufacturing
• Trade Finance
• Cross currency
• Mortgages
• Asset
• CitizenIdentity
• Medical records
• Medicine supply
• Supply chain
• Loyalty
• Information
• Claims
• Risk provenance
• Asset usage
• Claims file
• Supply chain
• Product parts
• Maintenance
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Patterns for customer adoption
• Created by a small set of participants
• Share key reference data
• Consolidated, consistentreal-time view
• Sharing of assets (voting, dividendnotification)
• Assets are information, not financial
• Provenance & finalityare key
• Transfer of high value financial assets
• Betweenmany participants in a market
• Regulatory timeframes
• Real-time view of compliance, audit & risk data
• Provenance, immutability & finalityare key
• Transparent access to auditor & regulator
© 2017 IBM Corporation

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Blockchain and Fintech in Melbourne Australia
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Blockchain and Fintech in Melbourne Australia

I put together this presentation for a client who wanted insights into blockchain and healthcare. In my enthusiasm i also included many of the blockchain events surrounding the Fintech festival in Melbourne. I'm thrilled in particular to have gained insights into how Estonia handles its digital economy for its citizens. There's a wealth of information here for blockchain lovers. Enjoy.

Blockchain: the trust fabric for next generation digital identity management
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Blockchain: the trust fabric for next generation digital identity management

This document summarizes an EY presentation on blockchain and identity and access management. It discusses how blockchain can transform IAM by facilitating a decentralized, trust-based model of identity verification and access management. Key benefits include improved user experience, regulatory compliance, risk reduction, and cost savings. The presentation provides examples of blockchain applications today and outlines how it could fit into the next generation of IAM architecture.

by EY
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IBM - Blockchain Explained - Introduction for Business
IBM - Blockchain Explained - Introduction for BusinessIBM - Blockchain Explained - Introduction for Business
IBM - Blockchain Explained - Introduction for Business

Blockchain Explained - An Introduction to Blockchain for Business. Presentation by Mikael Haglund, CTO IBM Sweden, held at Watson Sweden Summit 2017

blockchainibmwatson sweden summit 2017
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Key players for blockchain adoption
Regulator Industry Group Market Maker
• An organization who enforces
the rules of play
• Regulators are keen to support
Blockchain based innovations
• Concern is systemic risk – new
technology, distributed data,
• Often funded by members of a
business network
• Provide technical advice on
industry trends
• Encourages best practiceby
making recommendations to
• In financial markets, takes buy-
side and sell-side to provide
• More generally, the organization
who innovates
- Creates a new good or service,
and business process (likely)
- Creates a new business process
for an existing good or service
© 2017 IBM Corporation
What is Blockchain?
Why is it relevant for
How can IBM help us
apply blockchain?
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Collaborate with
services teamsfrom
ideation all the way
to production
Solve critical
industry challenges
by building and
joining new
business networks
As a founding and
premier member of
Hyperledger, we’re
committedto open
source, standards
and governance
Develop, govern and
operate enterprise
blockchain networks
with speed and
Bringing together the world’s
most advanced expertise,
technology and ecosystem to
transform industries
© 2017 IBM Corporation
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Hyperledger: A Linux Foundation project
• A collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry
blockchain technologies for business
• Announced December 2015, now around 150 members
• Open source, open standards, open governance
• Five frameworks and three tools projects
• IBM is a premier member of Hyperledger
Brian Behlendorf
Executive Director
Blythe Masters
Board Chair
Chris Ferris
TSC Chair

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Making blockchain works for business
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Making blockchain works for business

The first slide deck from the IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers course with an introduction to IBM Hyperledger architecture.

CWIN17 New-York / Transforming enterprises with blockchain
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CWIN17 New-York / Transforming enterprises with blockchain

This document provides an overview of IBM's blockchain platform and how it can help transform enterprises. It discusses how permissioned blockchain can optimize ecosystems, reduce risk, and create new value for businesses. It also provides an example use case of tracking shipments using IoT sensors and blockchain. Finally, it describes the key components of IBM's blockchain platform, including tools for developing smart contracts, governing networks democratically, and operating production networks at scale with security and performance.

TDC2018FLN | Trilha Blockchain - BlockChain Casos de Usos alem das CryptoMoedas
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Blockchain technologies can enable trusted transactions by providing a distributed digital ledger of transactions and asset transfers. The document discusses several use cases of blockchain including enabling global payments, improving supply chain visibility and traceability, facilitating trade finance and private equity administration, and addressing challenges in renewable energy flexibility and aircraft maintenance records. Blockchain allows for near real-time sharing of information across organizations on a secure immutable platform.

© 2017 IBM Corporation
Hyperledger members
Premier General
Updated 21 August 2017
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Hyperledger Fabric: Distributed ledger platform
• An implementation of blockchain technology that
is a foundation for developing blockchain
• Emphasis on ledger, smart contracts, consensus,
confidentiality, resiliency and scalability.
• V1.0 released July 2017
– 159 developers from 27 organizations
– IBM is one contributor of code, IP and
development effort to Hyperledger Fabric
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Making blockchain real for business with over
400 engagements and multiple active networks
Trade Finance Pre and Post Trade Complex RiskCoverage
Identity/ Know your customer (KYC) Unlisted Securities/ Private Equity Funds Loyalty Program
Medicated Health Data Exchange Fraud/ Compliance Registry Distributed Energy/ CarbonCredit
Supply Chain Food Safety Provenance/ Traceability
© 2017 IBM Corporation
IBM Engagement Model overview
1. Discuss Blockchain
2. Explore customer
business model
3. Show Blockchain
Application demo
1. Understand Blockchain
concepts & elements
2. Hands on with
Blockchain on Bluemix
3. Standard demo
1. Design Thinking
workshop to define
business challenge
2. Agile iterations
incrementally build
project functionality
3. Enterprise integration
1. Scale up pilot or Scale
out to newprojects
2. Business Process
3. Systems Integration
Remote Digital Face to face Face to face

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TDC2018SP | Trilha Blockchain - BlockChain Casos de Usos alem das CryptoMoedas
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This document discusses various blockchain use cases and projects by IBM. It provides 23 examples of blockchain applications for industries like trade finance, payments, supply chain, food safety, healthcare, energy, and more. For each one, it summarizes the key details including what the application does, how blockchain enables it, and the main benefits. The document aims to demonstrate how IBM is working with clients across sectors to develop blockchain solutions for real-world problems.

Blockchain Explained for Devlopers
Blockchain Explained for DevlopersBlockchain Explained for Devlopers
Blockchain Explained for Devlopers

This document provides an overview of blockchain technologies and how IBM can help businesses apply blockchain. It defines key blockchain concepts like shared ledgers, smart contracts, consensus, and privacy. It also discusses example use cases for blockchain like supply chain management, financial transactions, and regulatory compliance. The document outlines IBM's engagement model for helping customers explore blockchain, build proofs of concept, and scale blockchain applications. It positions IBM as supporting the open source Hyperledger project and providing tools and services to make blockchain adoption easier for businesses.

techinformation technologycloud computing
Blockchain explained cata
Blockchain explained   cataBlockchain explained   cata
Blockchain explained cata

High level introduction to Blockchain and IBM's offerings presented to the Capital Area Technology Association on 4/18/18.

© 2017 IBM Corporation
Getting started on your blockchain journey
Learn More About
IBM Blockchain
Schedule an IBM
Blockchain Workshop
Develop a Blockchain
Activate and Grow your
Blockchain Network
© 2017 IBM Corporation
Personal Story
What are these ingredients??
• Atta (chapati flour)
•Einkorn (type of wheat)
•Emmer (type of wheat)
•Fu (a dried gluten product
made from wheat and used in
some Asian dishes)
Thank you
Marquis Cabrera
Global Leader of Digital Government Transformation
© Copyright IBM Corporation 2017. All rights reserved. The information contained inthese
materials is provided for informational purposes only,and is provided AS IS without
warranty of any kind, express or implied. Any statement of direction represents IBM's
current intent, is subject tochange or withdrawal, and representsonly goals and
objectives. IBM, the IBM logo, and other IBM productsand services are trademarks of the
International Business Machines Corporation, inthe United States, other countries or both.
Other company, product, orservice names may be trademarks or service marks of others.
Blockchain 101 for Government Officials

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Blockchain is a technology for a new generation of transactional applications that establishes trust, accountability and transparency while streamlining processes in business networks. Think of it as an operating system for interactions between participants in a business network. It has the potential to vastly reduce the cost and complexity of getting things done

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This document discusses blockchain and how IBM can help businesses apply it. Blockchain is a shared, replicated, permissioned ledger technology that can improve business networks by reducing costs, increasing efficiencies and accessibility. It addresses challenges across industries. IBM supports the open standard Hyperledger Project and provides blockchain services through Bluemix to help customers get started incrementally with blockchain.

Blockchain explained
Blockchain explainedBlockchain explained
Blockchain explained

Blockchain is a shared, immutable ledger that can record transactions and track assets in business networks. It allows companies to share records and establish trust without the need for a central authority. IBM's blockchain platform uses Hyperledger Fabric to develop applications that provide benefits like reduced costs, improved traceability and data sharing between organizations. It can help industries like finance, supply chain and healthcare by creating transparency and efficiency in business processes.

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Blockchain 101 for Government Officials

  • 1. © 2017 IBM Corporation Blockchain 101 An Introduction to Blockchain for Government Officials Explained V5.0 By: Marquis Cabrera Global Leader of Digital Government Transformation IBM Global Government Solutions Center of Competence Date: August 30, 2017 Twitter: @MarquisCabrera IBM Global Government Industry
  • 2. © 2017 IBM Corporation© 2017 IBM Corporation “If you are not trying to help people, crawl over and die.” – Former First Lady Michelle Obama 2
  • 3. © 2017 IBM Corporation© 2017 IBM Corporation 3
  • 4. © 2017 IBM Corporation Helping to activate citizen driven innovation in child welfare 4
  • 5. © 2017 IBM Corporation Joined IBM to programrobots to dab and change the world 5
  • 6. © 2017 IBM Corporation Contents 6 What is Blockchain? Why is it relevant for governments? How can IBM help us apply blockchain?
  • 7. © 2017 IBM Corporation Business networks, wealth and markets 7 – Business Networks benefit from connectivity • Participants are customers, suppliers, banks, partners • Cross geography & regulatory boundary – Wealth is generated by the flow of goods & services across business network in transactions and contracts – Markets are central to this process: • Public (fruit market, car auction), or • Private (supply chain financing, bonds)
  • 8. © 2017 IBM Corporation Bartering still happens at today – Burning Man 8
  • 9. © 2017 IBM Corporation Transferring assets, building value 9 Two fundamental types of asset Intangible assets subdivide Cash is also an asset • Tangible, e.g. a house • Intangible, e.g. a mortgage • Financial, e.g. bond • Intellectual, e.g. patents • Digital, e.g. music • Has property of anonymity Anything that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value, is an asset
  • 10. © 2017 IBM Corporation Ledgers are key Ledger is THE system of record for a business. Business will have multiple ledgers for multiple business networks in which they participate. – Transaction – an assettransfer onto or off the ledger • John gives a car to Anthony (simple) – Contract – conditions for transaction to occur • If Anthony pays John money, then car passes from John to Anthony (simple) • If car won't start, funds do not pass to John (as decided by third party arbitrator) (more complex) 10
  • 11. Introducing Blockchain ... 11 © 2017 IBM Corporation Blockchain A trusted, distributed ledger with shared business processes
  • 12. © 2017 IBM Corporation Problem … 12 … inefficient, expensive, vulnerable Insurer records Auditor records Regulator records Participant A’s records Bank records Participant B’s records
  • 13. © 2017 IBM Corporation … with consensus, provenance, immutability and finality Auditor records Regulator records Bank records Participant B’s records Blockchain Insurer records Participant A’s records A shared, replicated, permissioned ledger … 13
  • 14. © 2017 IBM Corporation Blockchain underpins Bitcoin • An unregulated shadow-currency • The firstblockchain application • Resource intensive Blockchain for business differs in key areas: • Identity over anonymity • Selective endorsement over proof of work • Assets over cryptocurrency is: 14
  • 15. © 2017 IBM Corporation Requirements of blockchain for business 15 Append-only distributed system of record shared across business network Business terms embedded in transaction database & executed with transactions Transactions are endorsed by relevant participants Ensuring appropriate visibility; transactions are secure, authenticated & verifiable Privacy Shared ledger Smart contract Trust
  • 16. © 2017 IBM Corporation 16 Blockchain Benefits
  • 17. © 2017 IBM Corporation Contents 17 What is Blockchain? Why is it relevant for governments? How can IBM help us apply blockchain?
  • 18. © 2017 IBM Corporation Example: 18 © 2017 IBM Corporation Record Record Record Public Key Public Key Public Key Record Public Key Record Public Key
  • 19. © 2017 IBM Corporation Example: Volunteers with Papers 19 © 2017 IBM Corporation Record Record Record Public Key Public Key Public Key Record Public Key Record Public Key
  • 20. © 2017 IBM Corporation 20 © 2017 IBM Corporation Blockchain is creating extraordinary opportunities for businesses to come together in new ways Optimize Ecosystems Streamline business processes and the exchange of value along your ecosystem Reduce Risk Replaceuncertainty with transparency and a trusted decentralized ledger Create New Value Exploit new business models and eliminate inefficiencies
  • 21. © 2017 IBM Corporation 21 Benefits 1. Consolidated, consistent dataset reduces errors 2. Near real-time access to reference data 3. Naturally supports code editing and routing code transfers between participants What • Competitors/collaborators ina business network need to share reference data, e.g. bank routing codes • Each member maintains their own codes, and forwards changes to a central authority for collectionand distribution • An information subsetcan be owned by organizations How • Each participant maintains theirown codes withina Blockchain network • Blockchain creates single view of entire dataset Example: Shared reference data IBM Blockchain
  • 22. © 2017 IBM Corporation 22 Benefits 1. Lowers cost of audit and regulatory compliance 2. Provides “seek and find” access to auditors and regulators 3. Changes nature of compliance from passive to active What • Financial data in a large organization dispersed throughout many divisions and geographies • Audit and Compliance needs indelible recordof all key transactions overreporting period How • Blockchain collects transaction records from diverse set of financial systems • Append-only and tamperproof qualities create high confidence financial audit trail • Privacy features to ensure authorized user access Example: Audit and compliance IBM Blockchain
  • 23. © 2017 IBM Corporation Further examples by (selected) industry 23 Financial Public Sector Retail Insurance Manufacturing • Trade Finance • Cross currency payments • Mortgages • Asset Registration • CitizenIdentity • Medical records • Medicine supply chain • Supply chain • Loyalty programs • Information sharing (supplier– retailer) • Claims processing • Risk provenance • Asset usage history • Claims file • Supply chain • Product parts • Maintenance tracking
  • 24. © 2017 IBM Corporation Patterns for customer adoption COMPLIANCE LEDGER CONSORTIUM SHARED LEDGER ASSET EXCHANGE HIGH VALUE MARKET • Created by a small set of participants • Share key reference data • Consolidated, consistentreal-time view • Sharing of assets (voting, dividendnotification) • Assets are information, not financial • Provenance & finalityare key • Transfer of high value financial assets • Betweenmany participants in a market • Regulatory timeframes • Real-time view of compliance, audit & risk data • Provenance, immutability & finalityare key • Transparent access to auditor & regulator 24 © 2017 IBM Corporation
  • 25. © 2017 IBM Corporation 25 Key players for blockchain adoption Regulator Industry Group Market Maker • An organization who enforces the rules of play • Regulators are keen to support Blockchain based innovations • Concern is systemic risk – new technology, distributed data, security • Often funded by members of a business network • Provide technical advice on industry trends • Encourages best practiceby making recommendations to members • In financial markets, takes buy- side and sell-side to provide liquidity • More generally, the organization who innovates - Creates a new good or service, and business process (likely) - Creates a new business process for an existing good or service
  • 26. © 2017 IBM Corporation Contents 26 What is Blockchain? Why is it relevant for governments? How can IBM help us apply blockchain?
  • 27. © 2017 IBM Corporation IBM Blockchain Experts Collaborate with comprehensive services teamsfrom ideation all the way to production Solutions Solve critical industry challenges by building and joining new business networks As a founding and premier member of Hyperledger, we’re committedto open source, standards and governance Platform Develop, govern and operate enterprise blockchain networks with speed and security Bringing together the world’s most advanced expertise, technology and ecosystem to transform industries 27 © 2017 IBM Corporation
  • 28. © 2017 IBM Corporation 28 Hyperledger: A Linux Foundation project • A collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies for business • Announced December 2015, now around 150 members • Open source, open standards, open governance • Five frameworks and three tools projects • IBM is a premier member of Hyperledger Brian Behlendorf Executive Director Blythe Masters Board Chair Chris Ferris TSC Chair
  • 29. © 2017 IBM Corporation 29 Hyperledger members Premier General Associate Source: Updated 21 August 2017
  • 30. © 2017 IBM Corporation Hyperledger Fabric: Distributed ledger platform 30 • An implementation of blockchain technology that is a foundation for developing blockchain applications • Emphasis on ledger, smart contracts, consensus, confidentiality, resiliency and scalability. • V1.0 released July 2017 – 159 developers from 27 organizations – IBM is one contributor of code, IP and development effort to Hyperledger Fabric
  • 31. © 2017 IBM Corporation 31 Making blockchain real for business with over 400 engagements and multiple active networks Trade Finance Pre and Post Trade Complex RiskCoverage Identity/ Know your customer (KYC) Unlisted Securities/ Private Equity Funds Loyalty Program Medicated Health Data Exchange Fraud/ Compliance Registry Distributed Energy/ CarbonCredit Supply Chain Food Safety Provenance/ Traceability
  • 32. © 2017 IBM Corporation 32 IBM Engagement Model overview 1. Discuss Blockchain technology 2. Explore customer business model 3. Show Blockchain Application demo 1. Understand Blockchain concepts & elements 2. Hands on with Blockchain on Bluemix 3. Standard demo customization 1. Design Thinking workshop to define business challenge 2. Agile iterations incrementally build project functionality 3. Enterprise integration 1. Scale up pilot or Scale out to newprojects 2. Business Process Re-engineering 3. Systems Integration Remote Digital Face to face Face to face Let’s Talk Blockchain Hands-on First Project Scale
  • 33. © 2017 IBM Corporation Getting started on your blockchain journey 33 Learn More About IBM Blockchain Schedule an IBM Blockchain Workshop Develop a Blockchain Application Activate and Grow your Blockchain Network
  • 34. © 2017 IBM Corporation Personal Story What are these ingredients?? • Atta (chapati flour) •Einkorn (type of wheat) •Emmer (type of wheat) •Farina •Fu (a dried gluten product made from wheat and used in some Asian dishes)
  • 35. Thank you Marquis Cabrera Global Leader of Digital Government Transformation © Copyright IBM Corporation 2017. All rights reserved. The information contained inthese materials is provided for informational purposes only,and is provided AS IS without warranty of any kind, express or implied. Any statement of direction represents IBM's current intent, is subject tochange or withdrawal, and representsonly goals and objectives. IBM, the IBM logo, and other IBM productsand services are trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation, inthe United States, other countries or both. Other company, product, orservice names may be trademarks or service marks of others.