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Massimo Chiriatti
IBM Italy

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Hyperledger Overview - 20181024
Hyperledger Overview - 20181024Hyperledger Overview - 20181024
Hyperledger Overview - 20181024

This document provides an overview of Hyperledger, an open source collaborative effort to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It discusses how blockchains and distributed ledgers can increase efficiency in business networks by providing consensus, provenance, immutability and finality. Hyperledger consists of several blockchain frameworks and tools developed by a growing global community to solve problems in industries like supply chains, healthcare, and finance.

Excelian hyperledger fabric-feb17
Excelian hyperledger fabric-feb17Excelian hyperledger fabric-feb17
Excelian hyperledger fabric-feb17

A brief compare and contrast of why you may want to choose Hyperledger Fabric for your first foray into the world of building blockchain apps. If you are interested in how to deploy your first Hello World chaincode, please visit the slides below for a step-by-step guide. These slides were created by James Bowkett, Principal Consultant at Excelian.

IBM Bluemix Nice Meetup #4-20170302 6 Meetup @INRIA - BlockChain
IBM Bluemix Nice Meetup #4-20170302 6 Meetup @INRIA - BlockChainIBM Bluemix Nice Meetup #4-20170302 6 Meetup @INRIA - BlockChain
IBM Bluemix Nice Meetup #4-20170302 6 Meetup @INRIA - BlockChain

The document provides an agenda for the Nice Bluemix Meetup #4 taking place on March 2nd, 2017 at INRIA Sophia Antipolis. The agenda includes an introduction to IBM Bluemix platform-as-a-service by Arlémi Turpault and presentations on blockchain, Hyperledger, and an application demonstration of a contract exchange application on Bluemix. There will be a Q&A session following the presentations.

Soluzione al problema della doppia spesa
1. Quando il numero di partecipanti è sufficiente?
2. Cosa succede se Alice crea miliardi di identità fittizie che
comunicano sia a Bob sia a Charlie che la transazione è valida?
La soluzione è apparentemente contro‐intuitiva ma elegante ed è in
realtà la combinazione di due idee:
1. Rendere (artificialmente) costoso, dal punto di vista
computazionale, validare le transazioni.
2. Premiare i partecipanti che validano le transazioni.
Offerta di moneta

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Hyperledger Overview Feb 2017
Hyperledger Overview Feb 2017Hyperledger Overview Feb 2017
Hyperledger Overview Feb 2017

Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. Hosted by The Linux Foundation, it's the fastest-growing project in LF history. Hyperledger is a global collaboration spanning finance, banking, IoT, supply chains, manufacturing and technology.

Blockchain Proof or Concepts for Pre Sales Engineers
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Blockchain Proof or Concepts for Pre Sales Engineers

POC with a Cloud Service A POC can be a simple setup or complex Use a Cloud Service if possible to minimize resource commitments and costs Testnets are available for most enterprise blockchains

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Hyperledger Fabric - Blockchain for the Enterprise - FOSDEM 20190203
Hyperledger Fabric - Blockchain for the Enterprise - FOSDEM 20190203Hyperledger Fabric - Blockchain for the Enterprise - FOSDEM 20190203
Hyperledger Fabric - Blockchain for the Enterprise - FOSDEM 20190203

This presentation gives a quick technical overview of what Hyperledger Fabric is about and how to get started using it to develop a blockchain application.

SCARSI  Non si possono creare a piacimento
DURATURI  Non deperiscono
PORTABILI  Non materiali, sono digitali
DIVISIBILI  In miliardesimi
VERIFICABILI  Attraverso la blockchain
FACILI DA CONSERVARE  La banca sei tu
FUNGIBILI  Ogni bitcoin è quasi uguale all’altro
ANTI‐CONTRAFFAZIONE  Grazie alla crittografia
Public key 0xa8fc93875a972ea
Signature 0xa87g14632d452cd
Public key 0xc7b2f68...

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Blockchain Explained v5.20
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Blockchain Explained v5.20

Blockchain explained is a document that introduces blockchain technology for business use. It discusses how blockchain can help solve inefficiencies in sharing records between participants in a business network by providing a shared, replicated ledger. It describes different types of blockchains and requirements for business blockchains, including how they handle assets, identity, and transaction endorsement. The document provides examples of IBM blockchain networks and solutions and how IBM can help organizations create or join networks to address business challenges through blockchain.

ibm blockchain platformblockchainhyperledger fabric
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Hyperledger community update February 2018

- Hyperledger is an open source collaborative effort created in 2016 to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies. It is hosted by The Linux Foundation. - Hyperledger aims to develop enterprise-grade, open source distributed ledger technologies and applications. It has over 200 members including major technology companies. - The presentation provides an overview of several Hyperledger projects including Fabric, Sawtooth, Iroha, Indy, Burrow, Composer and Cello. It summarizes the goals and technical aspects of these projects. - The presenter discusses the growth and momentum of Hyperledger, outlines the roadmap for 2018, and notes IBM's founding role and ongoing leadership in Hyperledger.

Blockchain explained FIATA Congress 20180910
Blockchain explained FIATA Congress 20180910Blockchain explained FIATA Congress 20180910
Blockchain explained FIATA Congress 20180910

Blockchain will fundamentally change business by enabling shared, replicated, and permissioned ledgers across business networks. This allows participants to streamline processes, reduce risks through transparency, and create new forms of value. IBM's blockchain strategy involves collaborating to build industry solutions on their blockchain platform and ecosystem. Their TradeLens solution digitizes the global supply chain by connecting participants on a blockchain network for real-time information sharing, collaboration, and innovation.

Blockchain. Massimo Chiriatti, IBM
Una transazione finanziaria richiede:
(1)Una rete di partecipanti, persone o machine
(2) Un asset, fisico o digitale, che è trasferito tra i partecipanti
e (3) un processo di trasferimento, che definisce le procedure e gli obblighi.
Clienti, Fornitori, Regolatori, etc.
Registrato in un database secondo gli accordi tra le parti.
Clausole, Condizioni, Foro, etc.
Qualsiasi entità che può essere controllata o
posseduta per produrre valore è un asset.
Due fondamentali tipi di asset:
Tangibili, es. una casa
Intangibili, es. un mutuo
Gli intangibili si suddividono:
Finanziari, es. obbligazione
Intellettuali, es. brevetti
Digitali, es. musica

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Hyperledger Fabric Update - June 2018
Hyperledger Fabric Update - June 2018Hyperledger Fabric Update - June 2018
Hyperledger Fabric Update - June 2018

Credit goes to Christopher B Ferris @christo4ferris who put together this presentation which covers the latest developments of Hyperledger Fabric made available in Fabric 1.1 and 1.2 and what can be expected next.

Anatomy of a hyperledger application
Anatomy of a hyperledger applicationAnatomy of a hyperledger application
Anatomy of a hyperledger application

This document provides an overview of the anatomy of a Hyperledger application. It describes the key components including the Hyperledger architecture, application components, smart contracts, permissioned ledger access, and how applications interact with the blockchain network. The Hyperledger architecture supports various participants like developers, users, and network operators. Applications use smart contracts to interact with the ledger, while smart contracts encapsulate business logic and transactions. Permissioned access controls who can access the ledger through the use of certificates. The document also provides examples of how applications, smart contracts, and external systems integrate with the permissioned ledger.

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Blockchain a-new-disruption-in-financial-servies by ibm Blockchain a-new-disruption-in-financial-servies by ibm
Blockchain a-new-disruption-in-financial-servies by ibm

This document discusses blockchain technology and its potential applications. It begins by explaining key concepts of blockchain like distributed ledgers, cryptography, consensus models, and smart contracts. It then outlines several potential use cases for blockchain across different industries like financial services, property, government services, and the internet of things. Finally, it discusses factors that will influence the future of blockchain like interoperability, scalability, and security.


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The document discusses blockchain and Hyperledger Fabric. It provides an overview of blockchain concepts like distributed ledgers, consensus mechanisms, and permissioned vs permissionless networks. It then summarizes Hyperledger Fabric, describing it as a modular blockchain framework that allows for pluggable consensus algorithms and private transaction capability. Finally, it introduces Hyperledger Composer as a suite of tools that simplify blockchain application development on Hyperledger Fabric.

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IBM Cloud Côte D'Azur Meetup - 20181004 - Blockchain Hyperledger Workshop
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IBM Cloud Côte D'Azur Meetup - 20181004 - Blockchain Hyperledger Workshop

This document outlines steps for completing two Hyperledger Composer workshops on deploying and testing sample business networks. The first lab guides users through deploying an existing car auction sample network on the Composer playground and testing basic transactions. The second lab instructs users to create their own business network by defining assets, participants and transactions.

Hyperledger fabric 20180528
Hyperledger fabric 20180528Hyperledger fabric 20180528
Hyperledger fabric 20180528

Hyperledger Fabric is a blockchain framework for enterprise use. It was designed from the ground up to address enterprise needs like confidentiality, scalability, and flexibility. Some key features include built-in privacy using channels, pluggable consensus algorithms, and multiple programming languages for writing smart contracts. It uses an endorsement and validation process to ensure transactions are valid before being added to the ledger. Membership services provide identity features and Hyperledger Composer helps speed application development.

Distributed Ledger TechnologyBlockchain
Layer: Network
Layer: Process
Layer: Data

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An experienced team including former consultants from IBM and CSC is launching a new SaaS platform called Loansquare to digitize financing activities for banks, corporations, and municipalities. Loansquare aims to improve processes in the structured finance sector by providing a multi-bank portal for clients, digitizing interactions, and standardizing data. The platform offers services for deal origination, syndication, servicing, and more. Loansquare is currently in development with 50+ prospects and plans to go live in Q3 2017. The company also sees potential to leverage blockchain technology for the platform going forward.


This document discusses how blockchain can transform the global trade ecosystem by taking costs out, improving efficiencies, and increasing accessibility. It notes current challenges like siloed processes, paper documentation, and physical contracts. It then describes how a blockchain network involves regulators, developers, operators, and users. IBM's blockchain architecture is explained as being built from the ground up for business with features like permission, privacy, auditability. Finally, it argues blockchain could help various trade participants like banks, logistics companies, ports, and insurers by streamlining processes like invoices, letters of credit, bills of lading, and compliance checks.

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Blockchain explained cata

High level introduction to Blockchain and IBM's offerings presented to the Capital Area Technology Association on 4/18/18.

Massimo Chiriatti
What is Hyperledger Fabric
• Linux Foundation Hyperledger
– A collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies for business
• Hyperledger Fabric
– An implementation of blockchain technology that is intended as a foundation for developing
blockchain applications
– Key technical features:
– A shared ledger and smart contracts implemented as “chaincode”
– Privacy and permissioning through membership services
– Modular architecture and flexible hosting options
• V1.0 released July 2017: contributions by 159 engineers from 27 organizations
– IBM is one of the contributors to Hyperledger Fabric

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Blockchain technologies can enable trusted transactions by providing a distributed digital ledger of transactions and asset transfers. The document discusses several use cases of blockchain including enabling global payments, improving supply chain visibility and traceability, facilitating trade finance and private equity administration, and addressing challenges in renewable energy flexibility and aircraft maintenance records. Blockchain allows for near real-time sharing of information across organizations on a secure immutable platform.

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Making Blockchain Real for Business at the "z Systems Agile Enterprise Development Conference - 2016"

Blockchain for Business
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Blockchain for Business

This document provides an overview of blockchain technology and its applications for business. It begins with defining blockchain as a shared, immutable ledger for recording transactions across a network of nodes. It then discusses how blockchain can be used to build trust and transparency in business processes by enabling real-time sharing of information across organizations. The document provides examples of how blockchain is being applied in various industries like trade finance, food supply chains, and healthcare to improve processes like payments, provenance tracking, and data sharing. It also outlines factors to consider when selecting blockchain use cases and developing blockchain solutions.

Introducing the IBM Blockchain Platform
Hyperledger Composer
IBM Cloud
Blockchain application
Hyperledger Fabric
IBM Blockchain Platform is a fully integrated enterprise-
ready blockchain platform designed to accelerate the
development, governance, and operation of a multi-
institution business network
– Developer tools that make use of Hyperledger
Composer to quickly build your blockchain application
– Hyperledger Fabric provides the ledger, which is
managed through a set of intuitive operational tools
– Governance tools for democratic management of
the business network
– Flexible deployment options, including a highly
secure and performant IBM Cloud environment
IBM model
© 2017 IBM Corporation
… Consensus, provenance, immutability, finality
© 2017 IBM Corporation 32
Food Trust TM
• Provide a trusted source of information and traceability to
improve transparency and efficiency across the food
• Shared ledger for storing digital compliance
documentation, test results and audit certificates
• Reduce impact of food recalls through instant access to
end-to-end traceability data to verify history in the food
network and supply chain.
• Help to address the 1 in 10 people sickened and 400,000
fatalities WW which occur every year from food-born

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This document discusses various blockchain use cases and projects by IBM. It provides 23 examples of blockchain applications for industries like trade finance, payments, supply chain, food safety, healthcare, energy, and more. For each one, it summarizes the key details including what the application does, how blockchain enables it, and the main benefits. The document aims to demonstrate how IBM is working with clients across sectors to develop blockchain solutions for real-world problems.

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 Getting started with bc 2.0 in the cloud Getting started with bc 2.0 in the cloud
Getting started with bc 2.0 in the cloud

1) The document provides an introduction to IBM Blockchain Platform 2.0 for developers. It discusses the history of blockchain technology and how IBM has been involved with blockchain development since 2015. 2) It then walks through building a simple blockchain application for a coffee supply chain, demonstrating how each step such as coffee being purchased, exported, and evaluated can be recorded on the blockchain. 3) The document also discusses how IBM provides tools and services to help developers build, operate, and grow blockchain networks on IBM Cloud or other environments.

hyperledger fabricibm blockchain platformibm blockchain solutions
Building blockchain applications using Java
Building blockchain applications using JavaBuilding blockchain applications using Java
Building blockchain applications using Java

My presentation from Java2Days, with an introduction to blockchain, the IBM Blockchain Platform, Hyperledger Fabric, and a demo of how Java developers can use their existing Java skills to build smart contracts and applications.

© 2017 IBM Corporation 33
Global Digitized Trade
Providing Trusted, Tamper-Proof, Cross-Border
Workflows for Digitized Trade Documents.
Providing Shared Visibility and Shared State for
Container Ship
Increase speed and transparency for cross
border transactions through real time access to
container events.
Reduced cost and increased efficiency through
paperless trade
© 2017 IBM Corporation 34
• Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are a traditionally
underserved segment in the market, often without access to finance
options. According to the World Bank, 50 percent of SMEs don’t
have access to formal credit.
• We.Trade (aka Digital Trade Chain (DTC)) Consortium consisting
of: Deutsche Bank, HSBC, KBC, Natixis, Rabobank, Santander,
Societe Generale and Unicredit, have selected IBM to build a new
blockchain network designed to simplify and facilitate domestic and
cross-border trade for SMEs in Europe.
• Simplify trade finance by managing, tracking and securing
international trade transactions.
• Gain access to capital
• Increase overall trade transaction transparency
• Reduce risk
Trade Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises
© 2017 IBM Corporation 35
• A universal rail for real-time clearing and settlement on
an integrated Blockchain network
• Collaboration between IBM and technology partners and KlickEx Group
• Initial participants include over 13 financial institutions
• Clearing and settlement are performed on the same
network in near real time
• There is no pre-funding requirement
• Transactions are atomic and settled instantly by
exchange of a digital monetary asset
• Digital assets are also used as an intermediary bridge
for FX
BC Pagamenti – Payment Cross Border
© 2017 IBM Corporation
BC Nuovi Business Model – Car eWallet

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Blockchain is a technology for a new generation of transactional applications that establishes trust, accountability and transparency while streamlining processes in business networks. Think of it as an operating system for interactions between participants in a business network. It has the potential to vastly reduce the cost and complexity of getting things done

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The document provides information on how to create a supply chain using blockchain and the IBM Blockchain Platform. It discusses Hyperledger Fabric, the open source blockchain framework, and how the IBM Blockchain Platform is based on Hyperledger Fabric. It also summarizes the IBM Blockchain Platform architecture and deployment options for running blockchain networks on IBM Cloud or on-premises Kubernetes environments.

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Blockchain Explained - An Introduction to Blockchain for Business. Presentation by Mikael Haglund, CTO IBM Sweden, held at Watson Sweden Summit 2017

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© 2017 IBM Corporation
Principali Referenze nel Mondo
Hyperledger Fabric V1 Architecture
Chaincode B
Hyperledger Fabric Network
Hyperledger Fabric Consensus
Consensus is achieved using the following transaction flow:
EndorseEndorse OrderOrder ValidateValidate
End-to-end lifecycle coverage
Develop Govern Operate
– Accelerated creation of
blockchain applications
– No-charge development and
test tools hosted on IBM
– Based on popular
Hyperledger Composer
– Activate, customize and
change complete blockchain
business networks
– Secure democratic
governance across
– Implement rules for
authorizing network updates
– Connect, deploy and manage
blockchain peers with flexible
deployment options
– Production ready, secure and
– Based on Linux Foundation
Hyperledger Fabric V1

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Blockchain with HyperLedger (Public version)

Blockchain technology was introduced in 2008 through Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper that introduced blockchain as a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of transaction records hardened against tampering. The document discusses key definitions around permissioned versus permissionless blockchains and consensus algorithms. It also provides examples of potential business use cases for blockchain as well as success stories from companies applying the technology.

"Creating a Competitive Edge Using Blockchain Technology"
"Creating a Competitive Edge Using Blockchain Technology""Creating a Competitive Edge Using Blockchain Technology"
"Creating a Competitive Edge Using Blockchain Technology"

Blockchain or Cryptocurrency? This document provides an overview of blockchain and cryptocurrency concepts and technologies. It begins with distinguishing between cryptocurrencies and blockchains, noting that cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin use cryptography and combine the role of currency on blockchains. The document then discusses what enterprise blockchains are and some of their benefits compared to public blockchains like Bitcoin. It also summarizes some common blockchain frameworks used by enterprises and compares transaction speeds. The document concludes by discussing how organizations can gain competitive advantages by leveraging blockchain technologies.

blockchaincertified blockchain solution architectblockchain architectures
Gcf blockchain meetup frankfurt final
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Gcf blockchain meetup frankfurt final

Blockchain is a shared, replicated ledger and deliver the foundation for a new generation of transactional applications that establish trust and transparency. The aim of Blockchain is to build a truly open blockchain fabric that meets the needs of business. The session will cover experiences made in projects by helping clients to move on their path to adopt this exciting technology, use cases and a demonstration.

IBM Blockchain Platform Sites
IBM Blockchain Platform
Enterprise plan is hosted in
multiple sites to help you satisfy
data residency requirements
More platform locations planned
Complemented by a set of IBM
Blockchain Garages to help you
get started with IBM Blockchain
Learn more at
New York
Further Hyperledger Fabric Information
• Project Home:
• GitHub Repo:
• Latest Docs:
• Community Chat:
• Project Wiki:
• Design Docs:
IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan
Live! Free beta.
• Enable fast start - preconfigured kick-starter default network for demos, POCs
and education
• Least expensive way to get IBM Blockchain Platform experience
• Prebuilt and supplied industry examples
• Environment to enable iterative development prior to production deployment
• Same experience as Enterprise, no scaling back functionality‐started.html‐the‐blockchain/
Linux Foundation Hyperledger Project:
IBM Blockchain Homepage
IBM Blockchain Platform incl. Starter Plan, Founders Handbook:
Platform – getting started developer focus:
IBM Food Trust:
Solution Overview:
Tech Page:
Industry landing:
FSS & Banking:
Supply Chain:
Blockchain Main Links

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What are challenges you will be facing while working on an enterprise Blockchain solution ? What are possible services, solutions we can leverage to create an enterprise blockchain solution ? Here we share our experience and walk you step by step through an on-production blockchain project process.

Blockchain (for geeks)
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The document discusses blockchain technology and IBM's offerings around blockchain. It provides an overview of blockchain concepts like bitcoin and distributed ledgers. It then discusses IBM's vision for blockchain which focuses on permissioned ledgers for regulated industries. The document also highlights two blockchain projects - one by a French bank to create a know-your-customer platform and one by a coding school for an IoT hackathon project. It concludes by discussing IBM's Bluemix platform for building blockchain applications and available blockchain samples.

Blockchain Technical Concepts
Blockchain Explored
Peers are the networked
services that maintain ledger
state and run smart contracts
Smart contracts constitute the
transaction logic whose output is
agreed by the peer network
Consensus is the process by
which agreement is obtained
on the peer network
✓ ✓ ✓
Channels are defined
subsets of the peer network
that share a single ledger
Certificate authorities
provide identity services to
participants on the network
🔑 🔑
The Ordering Service agrees
transaction sequence and
distributes blocks to peers

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FinTech Belgium

Similar to Blockchain. Massimo Chiriatti, IBM (20)

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Blockchain for Business
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Building blockchain applications using Java
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Blockchain. Massimo Chiriatti, IBM

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  • 6. Soluzione al problema della doppia spesa 1. Quando il numero di partecipanti è sufficiente? 2. Cosa succede se Alice crea miliardi di identità fittizie che comunicano sia a Bob sia a Charlie che la transazione è valida? La soluzione è apparentemente contro‐intuitiva ma elegante ed è in realtà la combinazione di due idee: 1. Rendere (artificialmente) costoso, dal punto di vista computazionale, validare le transazioni. 2. Premiare i partecipanti che validano le transazioni.
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  • 9. 9 “bitcoin” SCARSI  Non si possono creare a piacimento DURATURI  Non deperiscono PORTABILI  Non materiali, sono digitali DIVISIBILI  In miliardesimi VERIFICABILI  Attraverso la blockchain FACILI DA CONSERVARE  La banca sei tu FUNGIBILI  Ogni bitcoin è quasi uguale all’altro ANTI‐CONTRAFFAZIONE  Grazie alla crittografia
  • 11. 11 PSEUDOANONIMATO Public key 0xa8fc93875a972ea Signature 0xa87g14632d452cd Public key 0xc7b2f68...
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  • 14. 14 Una transazione finanziaria richiede: (1)Una rete di partecipanti, persone o machine (2) Un asset, fisico o digitale, che è trasferito tra i partecipanti e (3) un processo di trasferimento, che definisce le procedure e gli obblighi.
  • 15. 15 15 PARTECIPANTI, TRANSAZIONI & CONTRATTI PARTECIPANTI – MEMBRI DI UNA RETE DI BUSINESS Clienti, Fornitori, Regolatori, etc. TRANSAZIONI – UN TRASFERIMENTO DI ASSET Registrato in un database secondo gli accordi tra le parti. CONTRATTI – ACCORDO TRA LE PARTI Clausole, Condizioni, Foro, etc.
  • 16. 16 16 TRASFERIRE UN ASSET, COSTRUIRE UN VALORE Qualsiasi entità che può essere controllata o posseduta per produrre valore è un asset. Due fondamentali tipi di asset: Tangibili, es. una casa Intangibili, es. un mutuo Gli intangibili si suddividono: Finanziari, es. obbligazione Intellettuali, es. brevetti Digitali, es. musica
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  • 28. 28 What is Hyperledger Fabric • Linux Foundation Hyperledger – A collaborative effort created to advance cross-industry blockchain technologies for business • Hyperledger Fabric – An implementation of blockchain technology that is intended as a foundation for developing blockchain applications – Key technical features: – A shared ledger and smart contracts implemented as “chaincode” – Privacy and permissioning through membership services – Modular architecture and flexible hosting options • V1.0 released July 2017: contributions by 159 engineers from 27 organizations – IBM is one of the contributors to Hyperledger Fabric
  • 29. 29 Introducing the IBM Blockchain Platform Hyperledger Composer DeveloperTools IBM Cloud OperationalTools GovernanceTools Blockchain application Hyperledger Fabric IBM Blockchain Platform is a fully integrated enterprise- ready blockchain platform designed to accelerate the development, governance, and operation of a multi- institution business network – Developer tools that make use of Hyperledger Composer to quickly build your blockchain application – Hyperledger Fabric provides the ledger, which is managed through a set of intuitive operational tools – Governance tools for democratic management of the business network – Flexible deployment options, including a highly secure and performant IBM Cloud environment
  • 31. 31 © 2017 IBM Corporation … Consensus, provenance, immutability, finality
  • 32. © 2017 IBM Corporation 32 Food Trust TM What? • Provide a trusted source of information and traceability to improve transparency and efficiency across the food network. How? • Shared ledger for storing digital compliance documentation, test results and audit certificates Benefits • Reduce impact of food recalls through instant access to end-to-end traceability data to verify history in the food network and supply chain. • Help to address the 1 in 10 people sickened and 400,000 fatalities WW which occur every year from food-born illnesses.
  • 33. © 2017 IBM Corporation 33 Global Digitized Trade What? Providing Trusted, Tamper-Proof, Cross-Border Workflows for Digitized Trade Documents. How? Providing Shared Visibility and Shared State for Container Ship Benefits Increase speed and transparency for cross border transactions through real time access to container events. Reduced cost and increased efficiency through paperless trade
  • 34. © 2017 IBM Corporation 34 What? • Small and medium enterprises (SMEs) are a traditionally underserved segment in the market, often without access to finance options. According to the World Bank, 50 percent of SMEs don’t have access to formal credit. How? • We.Trade (aka Digital Trade Chain (DTC)) Consortium consisting of: Deutsche Bank, HSBC, KBC, Natixis, Rabobank, Santander, Societe Generale and Unicredit, have selected IBM to build a new blockchain network designed to simplify and facilitate domestic and cross-border trade for SMEs in Europe. Benefits • Simplify trade finance by managing, tracking and securing international trade transactions. • Gain access to capital • Increase overall trade transaction transparency • Reduce risk Trade Finance for Small and Medium Enterprises
  • 35. © 2017 IBM Corporation 35 What? • A universal rail for real-time clearing and settlement on an integrated Blockchain network How? • Collaboration between IBM and technology partners and KlickEx Group • Initial participants include over 13 financial institutions Benefits • Clearing and settlement are performed on the same network in near real time • There is no pre-funding requirement • Transactions are atomic and settled instantly by exchange of a digital monetary asset • Digital assets are also used as an intermediary bridge for FX BC Pagamenti – Payment Cross Border
  • 36. © 2017 IBM Corporation BC Nuovi Business Model – Car eWallet 36
  • 37. © 2017 IBM Corporation 37 Principali Referenze nel Mondo
  • 38. 38 Hyperledger Fabric V1 Architecture Client Application SDK (HFC) Membership Services Peer Endorser Ledger Committer A Chaincode B !Events Ordering-Service O O O O  Fabric-CA  External-CA Hyperledger Fabric Network optionaloptional Admin
  • 39. 39 Hyperledger Fabric Consensus Consensus is achieved using the following transaction flow: EndorseEndorse OrderOrder ValidateValidate
  • 40. 40 End-to-end lifecycle coverage Develop Govern Operate – Accelerated creation of blockchain applications – No-charge development and test tools hosted on IBM Cloud – Based on popular Hyperledger Composer toolset – Activate, customize and change complete blockchain business networks – Secure democratic governance across organizations – Implement rules for authorizing network updates – Connect, deploy and manage blockchain peers with flexible deployment options – Production ready, secure and scalable – Based on Linux Foundation Hyperledger Fabric V1
  • 41. 41 IBM Blockchain Platform Sites Toronto London Singapore Sydney Tokyo Dallas Frankfurt São Paolo IBM Blockchain Platform Enterprise plan is hosted in multiple sites to help you satisfy data residency requirements More platform locations planned Complemented by a set of IBM Blockchain Garages to help you get started with IBM Blockchain Platform Learn more at New York Amsterdam Montreal
  • 42. 42 Further Hyperledger Fabric Information • Project Home: • GitHub Repo: • Latest Docs: • Community Chat: • Project Wiki: • Design Docs:
  • 43. 43 IBM Blockchain Platform Starter Plan Live! Free beta. • Enable fast start - preconfigured kick-starter default network for demos, POCs and education • Least expensive way to get IBM Blockchain Platform experience • Prebuilt and supplied industry examples • Environment to enable iterative development prior to production deployment • Same experience as Enterprise, no scaling back functionality‐started.html‐the‐blockchain/
  • 44. 44 Linux Foundation Hyperledger Project: IBM Blockchain Homepage IBM IBV IBM Blockchain Platform incl. Starter Plan, Founders Handbook: Platform – getting started developer focus: IBM Food Trust: Solution Overview: Tech Page: Industry landing: FSS & Banking: Supply Chain: Blockchain Main Links
  • 45. 45 Blockchain Technical Concepts Blockchain Explored Peers are the networked services that maintain ledger state and run smart contracts Smart contracts constitute the transaction logic whose output is agreed by the peer network Consensus is the process by which agreement is obtained on the peer network ✓ ✓ ✓ Channels are defined subsets of the peer network that share a single ledger Certificate authorities provide identity services to participants on the network 🔑 🔑 The Ordering Service agrees transaction sequence and distributes blocks to peers