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The Dynamics of Innovation and what
Regulation has to do with it.
ICOs, Cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets - status quo and where
we are headed.
Dr. iur. Guenther Dobrauz-Saldapenna, MBA
PwC Legal Switzerland
We are building the law firm of the future.
Every day.
9 March 2018
Regulation becomes as
strategic dimension
1 Regulation becomes as strategic dimension
Status quo and where we are headed ā€“
Regulation becomes a strategic dimension
9 March 2018
How we should see regulation
1 Regulation becomes as strategic dimension
Innovators Early
Key Success/ Performance Parameter
Dominant Design
Dominant Design
9 March 2018
How we should see regulation
1 Regulation becomes as strategic dimension
Innovators Early
Key Success/ Performance Parameter
Enforced Standard
Enforced Standard

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Principals from Tillit explore the business and legal implications of advanced blockchain technologies, including smart contracts, digital stored value and the concepts of "code as law"

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Visa moves to allow payment settlements using cryptocurrency.
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If we have to name the most revolutionary change in the world of technology in recent years, then you have to count cryptocurrency and Blockchain in the list. Bitcoin is the pioneering cryptocurrency in this domain. It highlighted the fact that transactions can take place without third-party intervention, and you can have faster transactions using a decentralized platform that guarantees complete security of data. Although cryptocurrency exchange does have its set of apprehensions surrounding its sustenance, in the long run, we have to agree to the fact that it has opened a new gateway of opportunities for a new phase of the digital financial revolution.

certified cryptocurrency expertblockchain expertblockchain platform
BlockChain Strategists - English presentation
BlockChain Strategists - English presentationBlockChain Strategists - English presentation
BlockChain Strategists - English presentation

BlockChain Strategists is the first French consulting company dedicated to BlockChain & Crypto-economies Strategies, organizations and governance models. We are convinced BlockChain value generation is tightly linked to a deeper understanding of blockchain specificities and DNA: Internet of value, Trusted ecosystems, economic horizontalisation and peer to peer models, crypto-economies.  Master these specificities unleashes capacity to go beyond experimentations with a middle and long term roadmap, generating value via new products & services go to market, and enhanced economic models (clustering, fraud management, traceability).  Operational efficiency is questioned due to current offering dispersion and apparent immaturity. Our value added is to assist in building IT Strategy filtering technologies based on their respective business coverage and proven credentials. At BlockChain Strategists, we make the bridge between Digital Strategic Consulting and BlockChain market play, to become YOUR partner in this upcoming digital disruption

9 March 2018
Smart technologies and
connected business models
2 Smart technologies and connected business models
Regulatory roadmap for Asset &
Wealth Managers ā€“ In a nutshell
Smart technologies and connected
business models
9 March 2018
Smart technologies that enable
new business modelsā€¦
2 Smart technologies and connected business models
Business models:
ļƒ¼ Virtual currencies
(ā€œBitcoinā€, etc.)
ļƒ¼ Payment transactions
(ā€œApple Payā€, etc.)
ļƒ¼ ā€œCrowdfundingā€ and
ļƒ¼ Digital trading /
ļƒ¼ Data analysis and
interface programs
ļƒ¼ Data security
ļƒ¼ Distributed ledger
technologies (DLTs),
blockchain in
9 March 2018
Horizons of technology disruption
2 Smart technologies and connected business models
1995 now 2025
Data analytics
Early machine learning
cloud Containers
Natural language processing Large scale machine learning
Deep learning Reinforcement learning
AV/VR Biometric identity
Autonomous systems ā€“
cars and drones
Advanced robotics ā€“ cyborgs,
Super computer ā€“
quantum, neuromorphic
Autonomous super
Time to exponential technology breakthrough pointSource: dimensions data via @mikequindazzi
(Smart ecosystems)
(Super society)
9 March 2018
Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs)
and Blockchain
2.1 Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Blockchain

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Blockchain and Internet of Things: Why a Perfect Match
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Blockchain and Internet of Things: Why a Perfect Match

While blockchain gained a lot of interest particularly in the FinTech domain, it is in the IoT space that most of the advantages brought by blockchain could be exploited. In this talk you will see how blockchain can help in addressing some of the most challenging problems of IoT such as scalability, security, data privacy and why the decentralised nature of blockchain perfectly matches with the intrinsic distributed and decentralised nature of IoT.

internet of thingsiotblockchain
Redefining Security with the Blockchain by William Mougayar
Redefining Security with the Blockchain by William Mougayar Redefining Security with the Blockchain by William Mougayar
Redefining Security with the Blockchain by William Mougayar

William Mougayar gave a keynote on redefining security with blockchain technology. He discussed how blockchain, cryptography, and distributed systems can challenge traditional notions of security. New platforms are emerging that implement decentralized security models like IPFS for file storage, Synereo for social media, and Ethereum for building decentralized applications. These platforms may help address big problems around data privacy, identity ownership, and the decentralization of computing architectures. The talk concluded that learning blockchains and applying their principles of decentralization could help rethink how to securely build new applications in the future.

JoaquĆ­n Moreno - Blockchain Practice Lead de Globant -
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The document discusses blockchain technology. It begins by explaining how blockchains solve the Byzantine General's Problem and the double spend problem. It then describes how blockchains work at a high level, including transaction creation, broadcasting, validation, and linking to previous blocks. The document outlines different types of blockchains and provides examples of use cases across various industries. It also summarizes key challenges for blockchains like scalability, privacy, and regulation. Finally, it envisions blockchain integration with storage solutions as part of a growing ecosystem.

ā€¢by COIICV
sector ticglobanttransformaciĆ³n digital
9 March 2018
DLT System layers
2.1 Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Blockchain
Legal Entity Token
Token Type
& Purpose
Utility &
Token Value Value
Supply &
Legal Status
Code &
9 March 2018
The three levels
2.1 Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Blockchain
Storing digital records1
Blockchain allows unprecedented control of information
through secure, auditable, and immutable records of not only
transactions but digital representations of physical assets.
Exchanging digital assets2
Users can issue new assets and transfer ownership in real
time without banks, stock exchanges, or payment processors.
Executing smart contracts3
Self-governing contracts simplify and automate lengthy and
inefficient business processes.
Ground rules Terms and conditions are recorded in the
contractā€™s code.
Implementation The shared network automatically
executes the contract and monitors compliance.
Verification Outcomes are validated instantaneously
without a third party.
9 March 2018
Blockchain is changing distribution models
2.1 Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Blockchain
Bank Custodian and
1. Blockchain offers a new approach towards data management and sharing, enabling the opportunity to
improve efficiency within the asset management industry.
2. Based on the blockchain technology, all facilitators within the value chain work from common datasets, in
near real-time, and supporting operations are either streamlined or made redundant.
3. Examples of enhanced blockchain technologies are ā€“ faster interbank clearing and settlement, lower
transaction costs, reduced counterparty risk, and increased transparency.
Traditional fund distribution model
(1-4 days processing)
Blockchain distribution model
(3-6 seconds processing)
ā€¢ Distributed
ā€¢ Master data
ā€¢ Securities issuance
ā€¢ Trade contract
ā€¢ Clearing &
ā€¢ Asset Servicing
9 March 2018
Smart Contracts
2.2 Smart Contracts

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Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies are innovation permission-less: lawmakers and regulators did not expect this new paradigm. The first experiment to regulate failed (BitLicense), because did not consider the unique characteristics of the new ecosystem, new actors, and new typology of transaction. Starting from common principles and some property of bitcoin, the speech will focus on the effort made by European Union, particularly on European Court of Justice Case C-264/14 and the fifth Anti Money Laundering Directive and made by Italy.

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Blockchain has the potential to significantly impact the insurance industry by reducing costs and enabling new business models and products. It allows for direct peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries, increased automation through smart contracts, and improved transparency. However, blockchain technology still faces challenges related to scalability, speed, security of smart contracts, and integration with external data. The insurance industry is beginning to explore blockchain applications through partnerships and open innovation, but the technology is still maturing. Further experimentation is needed to identify the most promising use cases for blockchain in insurance.

Blockchain: 12 predictions for a new world
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We shortly go through bitcoin/blockchain history before trying to guess how our economy/society will be impacted by this technology in the near future.

9 March 2018
Smart Contracts on the Blockchain
2.2 Smart Contracts
A smart contract is a computer code with a predefined set of rules that
runs on a blockchain
It defines the conditions under which all parties to the smart contract agree to interact with each other ā€“ it auto executes if
all conditions are met
Smart contracts eliminate
the need of third parties
Itā€™s like a cryptographic box that contains value, and
only unlocks, if certain conditions are met
9 March 2018
Smart Contracts
Application Examples
2.2 Smart Contracts
1-3 Days Minutes
Manual remittance Automatic remittance
Escrow necessary
Escrow may not be
Expensive Fraction of the cost
Physical presence
(wet signature)
Virtual presence
(digital signature)
Lawyers necessary
Lawyers may not be
Smart contractsTraditional contracts
9 March 2018
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
2.3 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
9 March 2018
Understanding the ICO
Initial coin offerings are making headlines. What they are, how they work, and what you
need to know about these blockchain innovations.
2.3 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
Initial coin offering:
Bubble or break-
through? Learn more
about this fundraising
What if you could
raise millions of dollars
in capital for a startup
without giving away
any equity?
One option could be via ICOs,
where tokens are offered to
willing purchasers. Itā€™s a
complex and rapidly evolving
market. Here is a sense of
how ICOs work and the initial
regulatory response.
At a glance
An initial coin offering (ICO) is a form of fundraising
that harnesses the power of cryptocurrencies and
blockchain-based trading. Similar to a crowdfunding
campaign, an ICO allocates tokens instead of shares to
early investors in a business. These tokens typically do
not represent actual ownership in the company, but
they often provide access to an ecosystem and can be
traded on an aftermarket. As with cryptocurrencies, all
transactions are verified through a blockchain. Itā€™s not a
hype: ICOs raised over US$5 billion in 2017 in nearly
800 deals, according to CB Insights. Blockchain equity
funding by comparison was a mere US$1 billion in 215
deals for the same period1).
ā€¢ ICOs represent a new option for raising capital.
ā€¢ The funds involved are typically much greater than
the funds in basic crowdfunding campaigns.
ā€¢ ICO issuers can be creative with their business
ā€¢ Strong interest in cryptocurrencies has triggered
attention in ICOs by both buyers and sellers.
ā€¢ A token received in an
ICO does not grant
equity rights.
ā€¢ ICOs are often
investors and issues
need to beware.
ā€¢ Hackers have already
breached ICOs and
stolen funds.
ā€¢ When it comes to the
taxation and legal
status of ICOs many
gray areas still exist.
ā€¢ The US Securities and
Commission (SEC)
notes that tokens or
coins ā€˜that are offered
or sold may be
securities.ā€™ As
securities, they must
be registered before
sale and are subject to
US federal securities
laws2) .
ā€¢ Some startups offer
ā€˜utilityā€™ tokens
(provide access to an
ecosystem) instead of
security tokens
(provide economic
ā€¢ ICO deals are more
and more frequent,
and one major
challenge is
discovering and
learning enough
about them for due
diligence purposes.
ā€¢ The ultimate
ecosystem or
promised product
may not come to
1) 2)

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Content Blockchain for the Media Industries
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Content Blockchain for the Media Industries

The document discusses the potential for blockchain technology to impact content sales, distribution, and licensing in media industries. It describes the Content Blockchain Project, which aims to create an open blockchain ecosystem for identifying content, managing rights and licenses, and enabling transactions. Key elements discussed include the ISCC content identifier standard, registering identifiers and metadata on the blockchain to enable identification and licensing of content through "smart licenses" accessible to all.

iscccontent blockchainblockchain
Blockchain revolution
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Blockchain revolution

This document discusses the potential of blockchain technology to revolutionize various industries by creating a decentralized internet of value. It describes how blockchain uses distributed ledgers and cryptography to allow for trustless and transparent transactions without middlemen. Examples are given of how blockchain could transform industries like transportation (Uber), healthcare (electronic medical records), insurance (peer-to-peer models), and more. Challenges around scalability and regulation are also mentioned. The document promotes blockchain as a means to fully democratize the internet through decentralized applications, smart contracts, and new models of value exchange and autonomous organizations.

ISTA 2017 - Blockchain, beyond Bitcoin
ISTA 2017 - Blockchain, beyond BitcoinISTA 2017 - Blockchain, beyond Bitcoin
ISTA 2017 - Blockchain, beyond Bitcoin

The document discusses blockchain technology and its potential applications, providing an overview of blockchain basics like how transactions are grouped into blocks and how consensus is reached in the network, and exploring potential use cases for blockchain in areas like asset tracking, fundraising, government services, and finance by reducing the need for intermediaries and increasing transparency, immutability, and robustness. The document also cautions that blockchain is still an emerging technology with significant hype and that widespread adoption may take time as technical and regulatory challenges are addressed.

9 March 2018
How an ICO works
2.3 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
After weighing the risks
and upsides, Company X
decides that a ICO is the
most viable way to raise
Company X fine tunes
how the tokens can be
used in the ecosystem.
Company X formally launches an
ICO campaign, explaining the
goals of the project, the teamā€™s
experience, and the problem they
are solving. As with an IPO, an
initial price is set (either in
traditional currency or, more
often, in cryptocurrency). A pre-
sale period often takes place.
On the date of the ICO,
the company issues
tokens to the participants.
5 Like an IPO or a crowd-
funding campaign, ICOs
are open for a limited
time. Many have soft or
hard caps on the amount
that can be raised.
Third-party services have
emerged that can aid with
KYC/AML, token
development, ICO
marketing, and more.
Following the ICO, the
team will continue
building the promised
product using the funds
An ICO is a limited
period in which a
company offers a
predefined number
of tokens to
9 March 2018
Initial regulatory response
2.3 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
China imposed an outright ban on ā€˜token
fundraisingā€™ in September 20173), declaring
that the activity constitutes ā€˜an illegal
issuance of securitiesā€™ associated with
financial crimes such as fraud and pyramid
The government of Canada, Hong Kong,
Singapore, Switzerland, and others, in
similar fashion to the US, have asserted that
at least some coin offerings will be subject
to securities laws. The European Securities
and Markets Authority (ESMA) also echoed
this sentiment.
Similarly, South Korea banned token
offerings at the end of September 20174),
asserting that these offerings, ā€˜regardless of
technical terminology,ā€™ violate the countryā€™s
capital market law. Additionally, the
countryā€™s Financial Services Commission
plans broader reviews of cryptocurrency
company practices through the end of the
calendar year.
Taking a different tack entirely, Japan
recognized7) bitcoin as legal tender in May
2017 and has since authorized 11
cryptocurrency exchanges. Tokyo-based
exchange Coincheck said in October that it
was reviewing ICO proposals it received
from hundreds of Chinese startups after
China imposed its ban.
Russiaā€™s central bank revealed its intention
beginning in October 2017 to block5) all
cryptocurrency exchange websites operating
in the country entirely. President Putin
pointed out that cryptocurrencies can serve
as a vehicle for money laundering, tax
evasion, and terrorism, according to
Regulators have
expressed divided re-
sponses to ICOs, ranging
from total bans to support
for the activity as long as itā€™s
regulated. As a result, ICO
activity has been migrating
to countries such as Japan,
which has taken steps
toward legalization.
9 March 2018
The new "Tech" phenomenon
3 The new "Tech" phenomenon
The new "Tech" phenomenon
9 March 2018
PropTech / Real Estate Tech
3.1 PropTech / Real Estate Tech
Software tools and platforms used by
participants in the real estate industry,
including brokers, investors, mortgage
lenders, property owners, and

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How Blockchain could disrupt the advertising industry
How Blockchain could disrupt the advertising industryHow Blockchain could disrupt the advertising industry
How Blockchain could disrupt the advertising industry

Blockchain has the potential to disrupt the digital advertising industry by addressing several challenges. It could 1) remove intermediary fees by allowing direct transactions between advertisers and publishers, 2) provide a shared ledger to accurately track impressions and resolve discrepancies, and 3) establish standardized taxonomies and definitions to improve communication. Blockchain's transparency, immutability, and consensus-based approach could also help prevent ad fraud and correctly match consumer identities and data across the industry.

Blockchain use cases
Blockchain use casesBlockchain use cases
Blockchain use cases

The document provides an overview of blockchain use cases. It begins with remembering the key components of blockchain like blocks, miners, proof of work, and distributed ledgers. It then discusses public versus private blockchains and how private blockchains allow for control over participants. Several specific use cases are outlined, including smart contracts, proof of existence services, digital notarization of photos/videos, digital weddings, lottery systems, alarm clock apps, and banking operating systems. It is suggested that 2017 will be a year when more blockchain proofs of concept and pilots move into limited production and early adoption.

Blockchain - Use Cases
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Blockchain - Use Cases

Blockchain - Use Cases. Typical existing Blockchain Domain projects by Industries Presentation by Andrew Darley, Industry Sales Leader Europe IBM Cloud. Held at Watson Sweden Summit 2017.

blockchainibmwatson sweden summit 2017
9 March 2018
The PropTech industry verticals
3.1 PropTech / Real Estate Tech
Real estate
Smart real estate
Shared economy
Exogenous tech
PropTech FinTech
ā€¢ The real estate industry appears to take pride in keeping several aspects of its operations secret,
such as comparable lease rental rates or property prices to create a possible competitive advantage.
ā€¢ In response to greater demand for transparency, technology advancements and the disintermediation
by startups, property-related information is increasingly available in digital and paper form.
9 March 2018
Real Estate Tech annual global financing
2013 ā€“ Q1ā€™17
3.1 PropTech / Real Estate Tech
$451 $1,159 $1,991 $2,698 $733
2013 2014 2015 2016 2017
ā€¢ 61 deals were completed in Q1ā€™17.
ā€¢ At the current run-rate investment activity is on
track to reach $2.9B invested across 247 deals.
ā€¢ This would represent an 11% decrease in deal
activity, but a 10% increase in funding.
Source: CBInsights
Funding ($M)
9 March 2018
The relation between PropTech and Blockchain
Why consider blockchain for real estate leasing?
3.1 PropTech / Real Estate Tech
Transaction dependence:
Many leasing and property management transactions are correlated and part of the same database.
For instance, in case of a net lease structure, the tenant pays a base rent amount to the landlord and
maintenance expenses directly to the vendor.
Lack of trust among entities:
Many times, different participants in the leasing lifecycle do not have pre-existing relationships, which
results in mistrust.
Need for a common database:
Shared databases are critical for leasing transactions. One of the key examples is a multiple listing
service, which collates property-level information from private databases of brokers and agents.
Multiple entities can modify database:
Managing real estate properties involves several entities, such as owners, tenants, operators, and
service providers, who provide, access, and modify a variety of information.
Opportunity for disintermediation:
Trusted intermediaries in real estate, such as notaries, can be disintermediated through blockchain, as
transactions can be independently verified and automatically reconciled.
9 March 2018
The relation between PropTech and Blockchain
How to streamline pre-lease due diligence?
3.1 PropTech / Real Estate Tech
ā€¢ In a real estate lease transaction, significant time is spent
on due diligence activities, due to using physical
documents for proof of identity.
ā€¢ For a property, these are documents supporting the history of
ownership, tenants, repairs, and maintenance activities.
ā€¢ Using physical documents related to financial and legal review
also limits the flexibility to customize such documents to
suit various needs.
ā€¢ This inefficient manual verification process increases
administrative tasks and is prone to loss of information
and errors.
ā€¢ Due to involvement of numerous third-party service providers,
the due diligence process tends to be elongated.
ā€¢ Real estate market participants should consider
developing digital identities for a property
to keep pace with the growing preference for
digital transactions.
ā€¢ A digital identity with respect to a real estate
property implies a digital identifier that
consolidates information, such as vacancy,
tenant profile, financial and legal status, and
performance metrics in digital form.
ā€¢ Digital identities of properties linked to the digital
identities of owners/tenants can create valuable
online records for the property, improve lease
information management and greatly ease the
due diligence process.
ā€¢ Digital identity allows financial institutions to
perform critical activities more accurately and
to streamline and automate many processes.
ā€¢ This may have a powerful impact on reducing
current deficiencies and inaccuracies.
Existing challenge:
Time consuming, paper-driven, predominantly offline due
diligence process
The blockchain opportunity:
Drive efficiency and accuracy in due diligence

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Future Commerce: Reinventing Markets with Blockchain, by David Shrier
Future Commerce: Reinventing Markets with Blockchain, by David ShrierFuture Commerce: Reinventing Markets with Blockchain, by David Shrier
Future Commerce: Reinventing Markets with Blockchain, by David Shrier

The document discusses how blockchain technology can reinvent markets. It begins with an introduction to blockchain and how it uses distributed ledger systems to record transactions across networks of computers. Examples are given of how blockchain could change money and payments by making them faster, cheaper and more secure. It also explores how blockchain could change financial markets and insurance by disintermediating middlemen. Opportunities discussed include improving access, reducing fraud, enhancing data analytics and more. The document promotes an online MIT course on future commerce that will cover these topics.

Bitcoin, Blockchain, and IoT
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Bitcoin, Blockchain, and IoT

This document summarizes key points about Bitcoin, blockchain technology, and cryptocurrencies. It discusses how Bitcoin works through a peer-to-peer network and cryptography to validate transactions. It also outlines companies working in the Bitcoin ecosystem that have received over $475 million in funding. Both benefits and drawbacks of Bitcoin are presented. The document concludes by suggesting the blockchain technology underlying Bitcoin could transform how property rights are transferred through ledgers in a fast, transparent, and secure manner.

Blockchain demystified
Blockchain demystifiedBlockchain demystified
Blockchain demystified

This document provides an overview of blockchain and initial coin offerings (ICOs). It discusses common myths about blockchain, such as the ideas that blockchain is just for Bitcoin, proof of work is the only consensus method, and that all data needs to be stored on a blockchain. The document also covers blockchain use cases, validation of blockchains, and the benefits and challenges of ICOs as a method of fundraising. It aims to demystify blockchain and provide essential information about this emerging technology.

blockchainsmart contractintial currency offering
9 March 2018
New regulatory
4 New regulatory developments
New regulatory developments
9 March 2018
FinTech policy and regulation
The EUā€™s vision of a digital single market
4 New regulatory developments
The Strategy paper of the EU Commission from May 2015 has since resulted in 35
legislative proposals on the topic, especially within Telecom Network legislation
Agenda for the creation of a ā€œdigital single marketā€
The European Commission published a public consultation on FinTech
legislation in March 2017 which ended in June. FinTech regulation has not
previously been an explicit legislative goal, however this might be subject to
change in the near future
9 March 2018
FinTech policy and regulation
Local FinTech-regulation as a factor for business decisions
4 New regulatory developments
The emergence of a FinTech industry is a digital challenge for legislators and
Traditional bodies of rules and regulatory concepts are coming up against their
limits, and are therefore being reformed around the world:
ļ‚§ Creation of ā€œFinTechā€-specific laws
ā€¢ Digitization of regulatory law
ā€¢ FCA and Hong Kong SFC FinTech Co-Op Agreement
ā€¢ New regulatory categories (ā€œsandboxā€ of the FCA in the UK)
ļƒ¼ Application for cohort stage 4 was open until 31st January 2018
Initial attempts at concrete regulation in some small areas only, e.g.:
ā€¢ E-Money Directive (EMD)
ā€¢ Payment Services Directive (PSD II)
9 March 2018
Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs)
Position of ESMA
4 New regulatory developments
ESMA Report ā€œDistributed Ledger Technology Applied to Securities Marketsā€ dated 7
February 2017
Applicability of pertinent EU directives
ā€¢ European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR)
ā€¢ Settlement Finality Directive (SFD)
ā€¢ Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR)
ESMA's observations
ā€¢ DLT was originally developed for virtual currencies (Bitcoin) in the form of
ā€¢ Increased use for traditional financial services (post-trading activities, e.g., clearing
and settlement in particular)

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Unmasking blockchain finance
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Unmasking blockchain finance

Initial coin offerings (ICOs) are a new way of raising funds for projects running on blockchain technology. Similar to the role venture capital (VC) plays in financing start-ups in traditional finance, ICOs are the future of venture investing in the blockchain world. Through ICOs, exponential returns can be earned in a very short period of time. When a decentralised application is created, the start-up behind it can sell the associated coin or token early in the process for an amount based on what it thinks itā€™s worth.

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Wave Financial recently authored a report on the state of digital securities in conjunction with TQ Tezos - a leading institutional-grade blockchain solutions developer with a focus on security and durability across technological generations. Digitizing securities through blockchain technology can enable cost savings, economic value creation, and risk reduction. While the digital securities ecosystem is quite nascent, early examples from financial heavyweights like Santander and Franklin Templeton indicate that the potential benefits around compliance automation and cost reduction may be the driving forces of broader adoption. In this report, we explore the advantages of digital securities, the global regulatory landscape, current challenges hindering widespread adoption, and leading digital securities initiatives.

Introduction to Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Altcoins
Introduction to Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & AltcoinsIntroduction to Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Altcoins
Introduction to Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Altcoins

Introduction to Blockchain, Cryptocurrency & Altcoins Presentation to Association of Professional Bankers, Sri Lanka

9 March 2018
ā€œVirtual currenciesā€ in the EU
4 New regulatory developments
ā€¢ Identification of 70 risks in connection with virtual currencies (including money laundering, consumer
protection, fiscal and currency policy)
ā€¢ These risks stem from the following factors in particular:
ļƒ¼ Anyone can create a virtual currency system or alter the function of one
ļƒ¼ The parties involved (including the ā€œminersā€) remain anonymous
ļƒ¼ The EBA is proposing the creation of a single regulatory framework, which is therefore likely to
take some time
EBA opinion on Virtual Currency ā€“ July 2014
EBA welcomed the Commission's proposal to bring virtual currency exchange platforms and custodian
wallet providers within the scope of the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive.
ā€¢ National sanction powers as proposed in the EC's amendments should be retained, while transactions in
virtual currencies should remain outside of the scope of the Payment Services Directive.
ā€¢ Virtual exchange platforms and custodian wallet providers should be implemented in order to avoid risks of
misrepresentation, including whether these entities should be allowed to carry out regulated financial
activities at the same time as carrying out virtual currency transactions.
EBA opinion to bring Virtual Currencies into the Scope of 4AMLD ā€“ August 2016
9 March 2018
ā€œVirtual currenciesā€
Treatment of ICOs in different jurisdictions
4 New regulatory developments
Treat token as
Non-monetary digital assetSecurities
Cryptocurrency & Exchanges:
ā€¢ PBoC imposed a nationwide ban on
cryptocurrency exchanges in Sep 2017
ā€¢ Early Oct 2017, government hinted
possible resumption of cryptocurrency
trading through implementation of a
licensing program with stringent AML
Cryptocurrency & Exchange:
ā€¢ 50 states can have their own
regulations (e.g. BitLicense)
ā€¢ CFTC regulates cryptocurrency
ā€¢ FinCEN requires all exchanges to
Attitude towards
Implications ā€¢ Expected to resume ICO market eventually
but with regulatory framework
ā€¢ Many US entrepreneurs going
overseas to conduct their ICO
ChinaUnited States
Asset, not a security
Cryptocurrency & Exchange:
ā€¢ No special FINMA license
required for a cryptocurrency
ā€¢ Favorable treatment under Swiss
Anti-Money Laundering Act
ā€¢ Favored choice for many ICOs,
especially EU based projects
ā€¢ Swiss Financial Market
Supervisory Authority (FINMA)
began investigating ICO
practices, to determine whether
regulatory provisions have been
breached (cf. FINMA Guidance
ā€¢ Zug known as ā€œCrypto Valleyā€
with established ecosystem
ā€¢ Definition of security very broad
(e.g. Howey Test)
ā€¢ SEC recently created a cyber unit
dedicated to policing ā€œviolations
involving DLT technology and
ā€¢ PBoC announced a ban on ICOs on 4
Sep 2017 & mandatory repayment
9 March 2018
5 Contract
Regulatory roadmap for Asset &
Wealth Managers ā€“ In a nutshellContact
9 March 2018
5 Contract
Dr. iur. Guenther Dobrauz-Saldapenna, MBA
Partner, Leader PwC Legal Services Switzerland
PricewaterhouseCoopers AG
Birchstrasse 160
8050 Zurich
Tel.: +41 58 792 14 97
Mobile: +41 79 894 58 73

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ACC presentation on tokenization of everything - February-March 2018
ACC presentation on tokenization of everything - February-March 2018ACC presentation on tokenization of everything - February-March 2018
ACC presentation on tokenization of everything - February-March 2018

This document summarizes a presentation on blockchain and ICOs given to the ACC SF Bay Area Corporate and Securities Committee. It discusses the basics of blockchain technology and applications, challenges of multi-jurisdictional regulation, potential uses of blockchain including for smart contracts, and considerations around blockchain intellectual property and due diligence. The presentation aimed to help transactional lawyers understand blockchain to perform due diligence on related technologies and transactions.

Outlier Ventures State of Blockchain Q3 2018
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Outlier Ventures State of Blockchain Q3 2018

Leading blockchain and Web 3.0 venture capital firm Outlier Ventures published the Q3 report in its State of Blockchains series, which provides an overview into blockchain investment and market trends worldwide. The report reveals a range of insights into the market

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The document discusses how cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have the potential to revolutionize the financial services industry. It explains that blockchain provides transparency, security, efficiency and cost savings. While cryptocurrencies currently face challenges as a currency due to volatility and limited acceptance, blockchain technology could significantly impact transaction speed, traceability and costs if widely adopted. The role of banks may also change as smaller players challenge incumbents using technologies like blockchain and peer-to-peer services.

9 March 2018
PwC Regulatory Radar
5 Contract
This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not
constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication
without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is
given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the
extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, its members, employees and agents do not accept
or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting,
or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based
on it.
Ā© 2018 PwC. All rights reserved. In this document, ā€œPwCā€ refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers AG which is
a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a
separate legal entity.
Thank you for your
9 March 2018
6 Appendix
Regulatory roadmap for Asset &
Wealth Managers ā€“ In a nutshellAppendix
9 March 2018
Blockchain technologies
EtherScript ā€“ The language of the protocol
6 Appendix
An Etheruem smart contract to sell websites for ā€œ5000 by Marchā€
First, store buyerā€™s Ethereum address
Then, store sellerā€™s Ethereum address
April 1, 2014 is 13929839948 in ā€œcomputer timeā€
When t
ā€¦ then designate the buyer as the new website admin and pay the seller
and t
If the agreed amount is received on timeā€¦
ļ€“in storage ļ€“slot Buyer
ļ€“in storage ļ€“slot Seller
ļ€“in storage t ļ€“slot Deadline
ļ€“value t ļ€“ā‰„ t ļ€“5000 ļ€“ether
transaction ļ€“timestamp t ļ€“ā‰¤ t ļ€“storage t ļ€“Deadline
ļ€“storage t ļ€“slot Buyer ļ€“in storage t ļ€“slot Website_Admin
ļ€“contract balance t ļ€“to storage t ļ€“slot Seller

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The document discusses how cryptocurrency and blockchain technology have the potential to revolutionize the financial services industry. It explains that blockchain provides transparency, security, efficiency and cost savings. While cryptocurrencies currently face challenges as a currency due to volatility and limited acceptance, blockchain technology could significantly impact transaction speed, traceability and costs if widely adopted. The role of banks may also change as smaller innovative players challenge large banks through peer-to-peer services and technologies like blockchain.

Mindworks Ventures Blockchain Report 2017
Mindworks Ventures Blockchain Report 2017Mindworks Ventures Blockchain Report 2017
Mindworks Ventures Blockchain Report 2017

This document provides an overview of blockchain trends in 2017. It discusses how blockchain is being applied in various industries such as banking, financial services, cryptocurrency, supply chain management, and IOT. It also analyzes funding and investment in blockchain startups, noting that over $2.2 billion has been invested in 923 blockchain companies to date. Potential risks and regulations related to cryptocurrencies are also examined.

Blockchain Report 2017
Blockchain Report 2017 Blockchain Report 2017
Blockchain Report 2017

MindWorks Ventures presents 'Blockchain Report 2017' which includes an introduction to blockchain, industry trends, relevant blockchain startups, and potential risks and regulations.

9 March 2018
Blockchain is changing distribution models
6 Appendix
Status quo
ā€¢ Currently each transaction involves
different companies, ranging from
transfer agents to asset managers
that have often to input the
same information, which
is time-consuming and can
be prone to errors.
ā€¢ The costs of redundancy are
ultimately being paid by
the end investors.
Cost savings
ā€¢ Blockchain could save the asset
management industry several billions of
dollars a year, if manual practices
were streamlined via online
ledger technologies.
ā€¢ Based on daily trade volumes
of funds in the UK, IRL, LUX,
$2.7bn in savings was
Industry insight
ā€¢ Calastone has successfully
used blockchain to buy and sell
mutual funds (test case).
ā€¢ BNP Paribas AM has completed a
full end-to-end fund transaction using
blockchain technology (test case).
ā€¢ The UK government recently set out an
ambition to create a blockchain-enabled
digital fund.
Process innovation
ā€¢ Process innovation is possible by
stripping out iterative processes
that are traditionally incurred during the
buying, selling, clearing and
settlement of transactions and moving to
blockchain technologies.
ā€¢ Distributed
9 March 2018
Autonomous e-commerce
6 Appendix
A fleet of self-driving
trucks delivers goods to
distribution centers.
The robots at the distribution
center sort and move those
An end consumer,
meanwhile, has some
returns to make (such
as shoes that donā€™t fit).
An end consumer
also can act as a
seller and put out
new smart
packages for
delivery to the
Autonomous delivery
drones then make
deliveries to end
2 4
9 March 2018
Blockchain Start-ups
6 Appendix
PresentPast Future
Cloud storage Smart Contracts
Social Networking
Digital Identity
Art & Ownership Prediction
Internet of
Supply Chain
Anti-Counterfeiting Governance
9 March 2018
Understanding a Bitcoin transaction
How blockchain technology powers Bitcoin
6 Appendix
Verifying &
block placing
Append block
to chain
Approval of
1 2 3 4 5 6
Alice wants to send
Bob two Bitcoins
She sends a TRANS-
to the Bitcoin block-
chain, a distributed
database running on
thousands of com-
puters globally
Send Bob
Computers known as
MINERS verify this
transaction (e.g. check
Aliceā€™s balance)
And compete to place
it into a BLOCK with
other transactions
To append a block to
the chain of prior blocks
(hence: ā€œblockchainā€),
miners solve a MATH
PUZZLE that requires a
lot of computational
power to solve
All this computational
hackers ā€“ it would be
difficult and expensive
to falsify transactions or
attack the network
Others in the network
check the minerā€™s
Once the answer is
VERIFIED ā€“ when a
majority of miners in
the network approve
the block ā€“ the miner
who solved the puzzle
gets paid in Bitcoin
Bob receives
two Bitcoins
Aliceā€™s transaction gets
with the others

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The ERP of the Future : Blockchain of Things.  Tinal ParikhThe ERP of the Future : Blockchain of Things.  Tinal Parikh
The ERP of the Future : Blockchain of Things. Tinal Parikh

The ERP of the Future : Blockchain of Things Tinal Parikh Department of Computer Science, Shri Chimanbhai Patel Post Graduate Institute of Computer Applications, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India ABSTRACT The surge of savvy advancements in all spaces of human action opens new opportunities for the improvement of business forms. Things that appeared to be inconceivable 15-20 years back, for example, swift online payments, e-banking and virtual cash, have turned into a piece of our regular day to day existence. Rising and creating cryptographic forms of money give us significantly more potential outcomes. One of them is Blockchain advancement, which authorizes clients towards profit related trades without commission charges. We are toward the begin of enterprise resource planning (ERP) computerized change with the presentation of blockchain innovation, best known as a digital ledger (distributed database) behind digital money. The fundamental distinctive component of the innovation is the absence of a single centralized base for data storage. All the data is distributed between interconnected blocks, which are joined into a chain utilizing complicated algorithms. Each block stores its own snippet of data. New blocks can be added to the complete of this chain, yet they can't be changed after including. This gives the most elevated amount of security and hack-protection. The upright of blockchain was recognized early on, but like most innovation, it took a while for the more extensive market to comprehend what a major jump forward it was in making a workable model of aggregate system straightforwardness that encourages profound shared trust of a framework which has no 'proprietor.' This is the reason dialogs of blockchain have made so much premium as of late in the money related world, with calm voices now saying blockchain has turned into a 'major open door' for bookkeeping and finance. Blockchain might be the free innovation that associates your item to the end client. Blockchain will encourage the development of key information alongside the status of the shipment. Blockchain empowers quick, modest and frictionless procedures within organisations, and between organisations and their partners, e.g. through near real-time settlement, enhanced data sharing, reliable tracing of any record or other thing, moment verifications of any piece of a procedure happening and less possibility of mistake and misrepresentation. The industries that will profit by blockchain innovation include: land, fintech and banking, medicinal services, transportation, urban arranging, smart energy, digital commerce and tourism. Keywords : Blockchain, Technology, ERP, Cryptocurrencies, Enterprise Resource Planning

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9 March 2018
Traditional Contracts
6 Appendix
Verify the deal
ļ‚§ A trusted third party is required for
verification, in order to officially transfer the
ownership of the car, the terms of the contract
have to be met
ļ‚§ The process differs from country to country,
but always involves one or more trusted third
parties: motor vehicle registration authority,
in combination with a notary and/or insurance
ļ‚§ Itā€™s a complicated and lengthy process
ļ‚§ Middle man fees apply
Bob wants to
sell a car
Alice wants to
buy a car
Paper contract
ļ‚§ Alice agrees to
pay CHF 20ā€™000
for the car
ļ‚§ Once Bob gets the
deposit, he will
transfer the car
ownership to
Alice, by handing
her over the car
documents and
car keys
9 March 2018
Smart Contracts
6 Appendix
ļ‚§ Bob wants to sell a car.
ļ‚§ He identifies himself with his blockchain
address (public key) 757582, uses a smart
contract to define the terms of the sale,
signing with his private key
ļ‚§ Alice wants to buy a car.
ļ‚§ She finds Bobā€™s car listed on the internet.
ļ‚§ She signs the contract with her private
key transferring CHF 20ā€™000 from her
blockchain address (public key) 389157
to Bobā€™s blockchain address 757382
ļ‚§ Bob leaves his car and car key in a garage locked
with a smart contract controlled smart lock
ļ‚§ The car has itā€™s own blockchain address (public
key) 738492, stored on the blockchain
Alice can now pick up her
car by unlocking the smart
lock with her private key
The smart contract is verified by each mode
in the Blockchain Network, to see if Bob is
the owner of the car and if Alice has enough
money to pay Bob
ļ‚§ If the network agrees, that both
conditions are true, Alice automatically
gets the access code to the smart lock
for the garage
ļ‚§ The blockchain registers Alice as the new
owner of the car, Bob has CHF 20ā€™000
more on his account, and Alice CHF
20ā€™000 less
9 March 2018
Why can I trust a Smart Contract?
6 Appendix
ļ‚§ Since every transaction is stored
on the public blockchain,
everyone can inspect it
ļ‚§ The owner of the unique car ID
with the Blockchain address
738492 is A, not C
Ā«Alice owns
the car!ā€
C steals the car and claims
ownership of Aliceā€™s car
9 March 2018
Smart Contracts
Simple to complex
6 Appendix
Use case
Digital value
A family member
sends some
bitcoin to
another family
Smart right
and obligation
Consumer buys a
digital content
Basic smart
remotely locks
nonpaying tenant
out of apartment
smart contract
Sellers lends
buyer funds to
buy a house
business unit
Unit of a
issues its own
bonds, and
buyers monitor
payments via a
shared ledger
trucks make P2P
deliveries, pay
local toll road
fees, and buy
local electricity
Settlers of a
uninhabited area
code their own
Groups of settlers
from different
areas establish
trade agreements
Smart contracts ā€“ simple to complex
Simple Complex

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9 March 2018
Sectors and industries affected by Smart Contracts
6 Appendix
Supply Chain eGovernment Gaming & Gambling
Banks & Insurances Energy sector IoT
Creative Industry IT Services Industry Legal tech
Mobility Accounting & Auditing Digital Identity
Smart Contracts & Blockchain
9 March 2018
ICO Raises by industry
6 Appendix
0.4 12.1
2014 2015 2016 2017
Cryptocurrency Core Tech Cloud
Finance: Banking & Payments Finance: Investments Finance: Markets
Internet of Things & People Gaming & Gambling Media & Social
26 8 231 4,270
9 March 2018
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) vs. Venture Capital
Involved parties at an ICO
6 Appendix
Project / Code
purchasersIssues token
Use the token to participate in the
Trade token
Founders and
Issues whitepaper and project information
Provides funding &
oversees project R&D
Receive ā€œFounder
Manage the
Token issuance
Private Company
Token issuing
Pays in crypto(e.g. ETH, BTC, USD)
9 March 2018
Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs)
High-level process overview
6 Appendix
Token Utility
and Economy
ā€¢ Selection of
ā€¢ Define sale
strategy (target
segment, pricing
strategy, etc.)
ā€¢ Define token sale
timeline (presale,
public sale) and
related marketing
ā€¢ Legal
drafting and
ā€¢ Account planning
and budgeting
ā€¢ Operational
framework design
ā€¢ Governance
framework design
ā€¢ Strategic alliances
ā€¢ Design and refine
token utility and
economic model
ā€¢ Sale Mechanics
ā€¢ Token Economy
ā€¢ Incorporation of
legal entity
ā€¢ Start of bank account
opening process
ā€¢ Launch of website
ā€¢ Launch of select
Examples of
High level
ā€¢ Project Overview/ FAQ ā€¢ Issuance of sale
ā€¢ KYC and AML
process finalized
4 ā€“ 12 weeks 4 weeks
ā€¢ Whitepaper
ā€¢ Project Strategy
ā€¢ Business Model
ā€¢ Understand
market landscape
and industry pain
ā€¢ Design and
refine business
and operating
ā€¢ Key team buildout
ā€¢ Selection
al advisors
ā€¢ Selection of
n advisors
ā€¢ Legal &
tax advice
ā€¢ FINMA ruling

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9 March 2018
A PropTech business case
Using blockchain technology in a real estate lease agreement (1/2)
6 Appendix
Property visit
and inspection
Property search through
blockchain-enabled MLS
Negotiation and signing
of the letter of intent
Pre-lease due diligence
by using smart identities
ā€¢ The lessor and the
lessee or their
respective brokers list
their requirements on
the multiple-listing
services (MLS).
ā€¢ A transparent MLS
system enables all
parties to view the
available listings
based on their
ā€¢ The brokers discuss
their clientsā€™
requirements and
arrange for property
visits and
ā€¢ Both sides negotiate
the terms and value
of the deal.
ā€¢ The lessee sends the
letter of intent (LOI)
to the lessor,
expressing interest in
the property.
ā€¢ Using blockchain-
based digital
identities of
individuals and
assets, the lessor
conducts a
background check on
the lessee and the
lessee checks the
prior transaction and
liens on the property.
9 March 2018
A PropTech business case
Using blockchain technology in a real estate lease agreement (2/2)
6 Appendix
Preparation of the
heads of agreement
Lease agreement
using smart contracts
Automated payments and
cash ļ¬‚ow management
using the smart contract
Real-time data analysis
ā€¢ The heads of
containing all the
clauses and terms
agreed between the
two sides, is prepared
and verified by the
accounts and legal
teams on both sides.
ā€¢ The key terms of the
agreement are recorded
on the blockchain and
this becomes the smart
ā€¢ The smart contract
initiates payment of
security deposit/advance
ā€¢ The lessor then transfers
the possession of the
property to the lessee.
ā€¢ The transaction
agreement is officially
ā€¢ Based on the terms of the
agreement, the smart
contract initiates the
regular lease payments
from the lessee to the
lessor, after paying the
outstanding maintenance
expenses to the
ā€¢ On completion of the
lease term, the smart
contract initiates the
transfer of the security
deposit to the lessor.
ā€¢ As several payments
and transactions are
recorded on the
blockchain along
with the digital
identities of
properties, and
organizations, the
lessor can perform
real-time data
analysis using
appropriate analytics.
9 March 2018
An industry overview of PropTech start-ups
Residential RE & Mortgage Lending
6 Appendix
Commercial RE
Source: CBInsights
9 March 2018
Robo Advice ā€“ International context
6 Appendix
ā€¢ RA is prohibited without prior approval by BaFin (Ā§ 32 KWG). Qualifies as investment advice if the
intermediary provides client with specific advice concerning particular security (ISIN-level).
ā€¢ Information about industries without reference to individual securities are not in scope.
ā€¢ Furthermore, RA could qualify as investment brokerage (Abschluss- oder Anlagevermittlung)
ā€¢ Open question: Who drafts the advisory protocol?
ā€¢ ā€œAdvice Gapā€ with respect to clients due to prohibition of commissions according to RDR.
ā€¢ March 2016: FAMR-Report by FCA (Financial Advice Market Review)
ā€¢ FCA welcomes and endorses FCA; however, currently increased regulatory uncertainty
ā€¢ December 2015: Joint Discussion Paper of ESAs (EBA, ESMA, EIOPA).
ā€¢ Focus on investment advice
ā€¢ Problem: Different understanding of Notion of ā€œadviceā€ across banking sector (e.g. MCD), securities-
sector (e.g. MiFID II) and insurance sector (e.g. IDD)
ā€¢ The biggest obstacle in connection with Robo Advice (RA) is the increased regulatory uncertainty in
various countries.
ā€¢ It is unclear for providers if their services are subject to licensing obligations. This can be crucial in
particular in a cross-border context.
ā€¢ March 2016: FINRA-Report on Digital Investment Advice
ā€¢ Identified issues:
ā€¢ Client-profiling
ā€¢ Suitability & Appropriateness Testing

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\\ 15:50 || Direktinvestition in Zweckgesellschaften digital abwickeln. || GmbH Anteile zu kommerziellen Immobilien ohne Fonds oder Aktien || Ć¼ber die eigene Homepage verƤussern? In der Schweiz bereits mƶglich. || || Dipl.-Ing. Walter Strametz, IMD MBA || Founding & Boardmember, founder //

#blockchain #spv #real-estate
9 March 2018
Crowdfunding regulation in the EU
Position of ESMA and the Commission (1/2)
6 Appendix
ā€¢ Communication issued by the Commission
regarding unleashing the potential of
crowdfunding in the EU, dated 27 March 2015
ā€¢ Initial scenario: Absence of an EU-wide
regulatory concept
- Fragmentation ā€“ differing national concepts
- No regulatory interoperability or
coherence between local regulatory
- Consequence: No cross-border or Europe-
wide activity is discernible ā€“ crowdfunding
can only be promoted at a local level
ā€¢ Following an empirical analysis, the ESMA
has come to the conclusion that most of the
pertinent EU directives (MiFID, AIFMD,
Prospectus Directive) are generally not
applicable in practice
ā€¢ Report on crowdfunding in the capital
markets union dated 3 May 2016
ā€¢ Market analysis
- EU market still relatively small
- Volume in 2015: EUR 4.2 billion
- 510 platforms in the EU at the end of
2014 (market leader: UK)
- Cross-border activities low, local
ā€¢ Regulation
- National approaches to regulation in some
- The Commission wants to promote growth
throughout the union by means of the
future capital markets union
9 March 2018
Crowdfunding regulation in the EU
Position of ESMA and the Commission (2/2)
6 Appendix
ā€¢ ESMA response to the Commission
Consultation Paper on FinTech dated 7
June 2017
ā€¢ ESMA reiterates its call for a specific
crowdfunding EU-level regime, which
would ensure investors across the EU are
equally protected and which would enable
crowdfunding platforms to operate cross-
border based on a common regulatory
ā€¢ Final report on: assessing the potential
for crowdfunding dated 4 May 2017
ā€¢ An assessment of whether alternative finance
can help Europe address the problem of
access to finance for innovative companies.
ā€¢ The results of the final report are:
1. an estimation of the size of the alternative
market for research and innovation;
2. an analysis of the European alternative
finance landscape;
3. an analysis of the challenges limiting
development of the alternative finance;
4. an assessment of policy options
addressing those challenges;
5. a final recommendation of priority action
at EU and national level.

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8 dobrauz the dynamics of innovation

  • 1. The Dynamics of Innovation and what Regulation has to do with it. ICOs, Cryptocurrencies and tokenized assets - status quo and where we are headed. Dr. iur. Guenther Dobrauz-Saldapenna, MBA PwC Legal Switzerland We are building the law firm of the future. Every day.
  • 2. 9 March 2018 PwC Regulation becomes as strategic dimension 1 Regulation becomes as strategic dimension blockchain-REAL 2 Status quo and where we are headed ā€“ Regulation becomes a strategic dimension
  • 3. PwC 9 March 2018 How we should see regulation 3 blockchain-REAL 1 Regulation becomes as strategic dimension Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Key Success/ Performance Parameter Time Dominant Design Innovation Production/ Efficiency Dominant Design
  • 4. PwC 9 March 2018 How we should see regulation 4 blockchain-REAL 1 Regulation becomes as strategic dimension Innovators Early Adopters Early Majority Late Majority Laggards Key Success/ Performance Parameter Time Enforced Standard Production/ Efficiency Regulation Enforced Standard
  • 5. 9 March 2018 PwC Smart technologies and connected business models 2 Smart technologies and connected business models blockchain-REAL 5 Regulatory roadmap for Asset & Wealth Managers ā€“ In a nutshell Smart technologies and connected business models
  • 6. PwC 9 March 2018 Smart technologies that enable new business modelsā€¦ 6 blockchain-REAL 2 Smart technologies and connected business models Speech synthesis Smart Technologies Business models: ļƒ¼ Virtual currencies (ā€œBitcoinā€, etc.) ļƒ¼ Payment transactions (ā€œApple Payā€, etc.) ļƒ¼ ā€œCrowdfundingā€ and ā€œcrowdlendingā€ ļƒ¼ Digital trading / Robo-advice ļƒ¼ Data analysis and interface programs ļƒ¼ Data security solutions ļƒ¼ Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs), blockchain in particular
  • 7. PwC 9 March 2018 Horizons of technology disruption 7 blockchain-REAL 2 Smart technologies and connected business models 1995 now 2025 WWW Mobility Social Visualisation Networking Cloud Big data Data analytics Early machine learning IoT Hybrid cloud Containers Cybersecurity Natural language processing Large scale machine learning Deep learning Reinforcement learning AV/VR Biometric identity 3D/4D printing Blockchain Autonomous systems ā€“ cars and drones Nano-tech Advanced robotics ā€“ cyborgs, swambots Super computer ā€“ quantum, neuromorphic Autonomous super systems 0 3 5 15 Timeinyearstopeakofadoption Time to exponential technology breakthrough pointSource: dimensions data via @mikequindazzi Robotics Past (Internet) Different (Cloud) Beyond (Smart ecosystems) Other (Super society)
  • 8. 9 March 2018 PwC Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Blockchain 8 blockchain-REAL 2.1 Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Blockchain 2.1
  • 9. 9 March 2018 PwC DLT System layers 2.1 Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Blockchain blockchain-REAL 9 Governance layer Token layer Technology layer Legal Entity Token Holder Inclusion Network Governance Decision- making Processes Off-chain Governance System Community Infra- structure Token Type & Purpose Utility & Rights Token Value Value Distribution Supply & Inflation Legal Status Blockchain/ Ledger Architecture Protocol Code Protocol- Level Consensus Mechanism Validation Algorithm Underlying Platform Code & Contract Security
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  • 11. PwC 9 March 2018 Blockchain is changing distribution models 11 blockchain-REAL 2.1 Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLTs) and Blockchain Investor Bank Custodian and BankClearing Data Vendor Client servicing Transfer Agent Asset ManagerDistributor Paying Agent Investor 1. Blockchain offers a new approach towards data management and sharing, enabling the opportunity to improve efficiency within the asset management industry. 2. Based on the blockchain technology, all facilitators within the value chain work from common datasets, in near real-time, and supporting operations are either streamlined or made redundant. 3. Examples of enhanced blockchain technologies are ā€“ faster interbank clearing and settlement, lower transaction costs, reduced counterparty risk, and increased transparency. Traditional fund distribution model (1-4 days processing) Blockchain distribution model (3-6 seconds processing) ā€¢ Distributed Ledgers ā€¢ Master data ā€¢ Securities issuance ā€¢ Trade contract recording ā€¢ Clearing & Settlement ā€¢ Asset Servicing Asset Manager
  • 12. 9 March 2018 PwC Smart Contracts 12 blockchain-REAL 2.2 Smart Contracts 2.2
  • 13. PwC 9 March 2018 Smart Contracts on the Blockchain 13 blockchain-REAL 2.2 Smart Contracts A smart contract is a computer code with a predefined set of rules that runs on a blockchain It defines the conditions under which all parties to the smart contract agree to interact with each other ā€“ it auto executes if all conditions are met Smart contracts eliminate the need of third parties Itā€™s like a cryptographic box that contains value, and only unlocks, if certain conditions are met
  • 14. PwC 9 March 2018 Smart Contracts Application Examples 14 blockchain-REAL 2.2 Smart Contracts 1-3 Days Minutes Manual remittance Automatic remittance Escrow necessary Escrow may not be necessary Expensive Fraction of the cost Physical presence (wet signature) Virtual presence (digital signature) Lawyers necessary Lawyers may not be necessary Smart contractsTraditional contracts Ā¢
  • 15. 9 March 2018 PwC Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) 15 blockchain-REAL 2.3 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) 2.3
  • 16. 9 March 2018 PwC Understanding the ICO Initial coin offerings are making headlines. What they are, how they work, and what you need to know about these blockchain innovations. 2.3 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) blockchain-REAL 16 Initial coin offering: Bubble or break- through? Learn more about this fundraising phenomena. What if you could raise millions of dollars in capital for a startup without giving away any equity? One option could be via ICOs, where tokens are offered to willing purchasers. Itā€™s a complex and rapidly evolving market. Here is a sense of how ICOs work and the initial regulatory response. At a glance An initial coin offering (ICO) is a form of fundraising that harnesses the power of cryptocurrencies and blockchain-based trading. Similar to a crowdfunding campaign, an ICO allocates tokens instead of shares to early investors in a business. These tokens typically do not represent actual ownership in the company, but they often provide access to an ecosystem and can be traded on an aftermarket. As with cryptocurrencies, all transactions are verified through a blockchain. Itā€™s not a hype: ICOs raised over US$5 billion in 2017 in nearly 800 deals, according to CB Insights. Blockchain equity funding by comparison was a mere US$1 billion in 215 deals for the same period1). Benefits ā€¢ ICOs represent a new option for raising capital. ā€¢ The funds involved are typically much greater than the funds in basic crowdfunding campaigns. ā€¢ ICO issuers can be creative with their business models. ā€¢ Strong interest in cryptocurrencies has triggered attention in ICOs by both buyers and sellers. Challenges ā€¢ A token received in an ICO does not grant equity rights. ā€¢ ICOs are often unregulated; investors and issues need to beware. ā€¢ Hackers have already breached ICOs and stolen funds. ā€¢ When it comes to the taxation and legal status of ICOs many gray areas still exist. ā€¢ The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) notes that tokens or coins ā€˜that are offered or sold may be securities.ā€™ As securities, they must be registered before sale and are subject to US federal securities laws2) . ā€¢ Some startups offer ā€˜utilityā€™ tokens (provide access to an ecosystem) instead of security tokens (provide economic exposure). ā€¢ ICO deals are more and more frequent, and one major challenge is discovering and learning enough about them for due diligence purposes. ā€¢ The ultimate ecosystem or promised product may not come to fruition. 1) 2)
  • 17. 9 March 2018 PwC How an ICO works 2.3 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) blockchain-REAL 17 After weighing the risks and upsides, Company X decides that a ICO is the most viable way to raise funds. 1 Company X fine tunes how the tokens can be used in the ecosystem. 2 Company X formally launches an ICO campaign, explaining the goals of the project, the teamā€™s experience, and the problem they are solving. As with an IPO, an initial price is set (either in traditional currency or, more often, in cryptocurrency). A pre- sale period often takes place. 3 On the date of the ICO, the company issues tokens to the participants. 5 Like an IPO or a crowd- funding campaign, ICOs are open for a limited time. Many have soft or hard caps on the amount that can be raised. 6 Third-party services have emerged that can aid with KYC/AML, token development, ICO marketing, and more. 4 Following the ICO, the team will continue building the promised product using the funds received. 7 An ICO is a limited period in which a company offers a predefined number of tokens to investors. SHARE LIKE BUY
  • 18. 9 March 2018 PwC Initial regulatory response 2.3 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) blockchain-REAL 18 China imposed an outright ban on ā€˜token fundraisingā€™ in September 20173), declaring that the activity constitutes ā€˜an illegal issuance of securitiesā€™ associated with financial crimes such as fraud and pyramid schemes. The government of Canada, Hong Kong, Singapore, Switzerland, and others, in similar fashion to the US, have asserted that at least some coin offerings will be subject to securities laws. The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) also echoed this sentiment. Similarly, South Korea banned token offerings at the end of September 20174), asserting that these offerings, ā€˜regardless of technical terminology,ā€™ violate the countryā€™s capital market law. Additionally, the countryā€™s Financial Services Commission plans broader reviews of cryptocurrency company practices through the end of the calendar year. Taking a different tack entirely, Japan recognized7) bitcoin as legal tender in May 2017 and has since authorized 11 cryptocurrency exchanges. Tokyo-based exchange Coincheck said in October that it was reviewing ICO proposals it received from hundreds of Chinese startups after China imposed its ban. Russiaā€™s central bank revealed its intention beginning in October 2017 to block5) all cryptocurrency exchange websites operating in the country entirely. President Putin pointed out that cryptocurrencies can serve as a vehicle for money laundering, tax evasion, and terrorism, according to Reuters6). 3) translation-of-regulator-remarks/ 4) regulator-issues-ico-ban/ 5) rejects-cryptocurrency-as-authorities-block- access-to-exchanges 6) cenbank-bitcoin/russia-turns-cold-on-crypto- currencies-idUSKBN1CF0RF 7) accepts-bitcoins-as-legal-payment-method-whats- next/ Regulators have expressed divided re- sponses to ICOs, ranging from total bans to support for the activity as long as itā€™s regulated. As a result, ICO activity has been migrating to countries such as Japan, which has taken steps toward legalization.
  • 19. 9 March 2018 PwC The new "Tech" phenomenon 3 The new "Tech" phenomenon blockchain-REAL 19 The new "Tech" phenomenon
  • 20. 9 March 2018 PwC PropTech / Real Estate Tech 3.1 PropTech / Real Estate Tech blockchain-REAL 20 3.1 Software tools and platforms used by participants in the real estate industry, including brokers, investors, mortgage lenders, property owners, and managers.
  • 21. 9 March 2018 PwC The PropTech industry verticals 3.1 PropTech / Real Estate Tech blockchain-REAL 21 Real estate FinTech Smart real estate Shared economy Exogenous tech PropTech FinTech ā€¢ The real estate industry appears to take pride in keeping several aspects of its operations secret, such as comparable lease rental rates or property prices to create a possible competitive advantage. ā€¢ In response to greater demand for transparency, technology advancements and the disintermediation by startups, property-related information is increasingly available in digital and paper form.
  • 22. 9 March 2018 PwC Real Estate Tech annual global financing 2013 ā€“ Q1ā€™17 3.1 PropTech / Real Estate Tech blockchain-REAL 22 $451 $1,159 $1,991 $2,698 $733 114 186 250 61 (Full-YearProjection) 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 ā€¢ 61 deals were completed in Q1ā€™17. ā€¢ At the current run-rate investment activity is on track to reach $2.9B invested across 247 deals. ā€¢ This would represent an 11% decrease in deal activity, but a 10% increase in funding. 277 247 Source: CBInsights $2,973M (Full-YearProjection) Disclosed Funding ($M) Deals
  • 23. 9 March 2018 PwC The relation between PropTech and Blockchain Why consider blockchain for real estate leasing? 3.1 PropTech / Real Estate Tech blockchain-REAL 23 Transaction dependence: Many leasing and property management transactions are correlated and part of the same database. For instance, in case of a net lease structure, the tenant pays a base rent amount to the landlord and maintenance expenses directly to the vendor. Lack of trust among entities: Many times, different participants in the leasing lifecycle do not have pre-existing relationships, which results in mistrust. Need for a common database: Shared databases are critical for leasing transactions. One of the key examples is a multiple listing service, which collates property-level information from private databases of brokers and agents. Multiple entities can modify database: Managing real estate properties involves several entities, such as owners, tenants, operators, and service providers, who provide, access, and modify a variety of information. Opportunity for disintermediation: Trusted intermediaries in real estate, such as notaries, can be disintermediated through blockchain, as transactions can be independently verified and automatically reconciled.
  • 24. 9 March 2018 PwC The relation between PropTech and Blockchain How to streamline pre-lease due diligence? 3.1 PropTech / Real Estate Tech blockchain-REAL 24 ā€¢ In a real estate lease transaction, significant time is spent on due diligence activities, due to using physical documents for proof of identity. ā€¢ For a property, these are documents supporting the history of ownership, tenants, repairs, and maintenance activities. ā€¢ Using physical documents related to financial and legal review also limits the flexibility to customize such documents to suit various needs. ā€¢ This inefficient manual verification process increases administrative tasks and is prone to loss of information and errors. ā€¢ Due to involvement of numerous third-party service providers, the due diligence process tends to be elongated. ā€¢ Real estate market participants should consider developing digital identities for a property to keep pace with the growing preference for digital transactions. ā€¢ A digital identity with respect to a real estate property implies a digital identifier that consolidates information, such as vacancy, tenant profile, financial and legal status, and performance metrics in digital form. ā€¢ Digital identities of properties linked to the digital identities of owners/tenants can create valuable online records for the property, improve lease information management and greatly ease the due diligence process. ā€¢ Digital identity allows financial institutions to perform critical activities more accurately and to streamline and automate many processes. ā€¢ This may have a powerful impact on reducing current deficiencies and inaccuracies. Existing challenge: Time consuming, paper-driven, predominantly offline due diligence process The blockchain opportunity: Drive efficiency and accuracy in due diligence process
  • 25. 9 March 2018 PwC New regulatory developments 4 New regulatory developments blockchain-REAL 25 New regulatory developments
  • 26. 9 March 2018 PwC FinTech policy and regulation The EUā€™s vision of a digital single market 26 blockchain-REAL 4 New regulatory developments The Strategy paper of the EU Commission from May 2015 has since resulted in 35 legislative proposals on the topic, especially within Telecom Network legislation Agenda for the creation of a ā€œdigital single marketā€ The European Commission published a public consultation on FinTech legislation in March 2017 which ended in June. FinTech regulation has not previously been an explicit legislative goal, however this might be subject to change in the near future
  • 27. 9 March 2018 PwC FinTech policy and regulation Local FinTech-regulation as a factor for business decisions 27 blockchain-REAL 4 New regulatory developments Ā§ The emergence of a FinTech industry is a digital challenge for legislators and regulators Ā§ Traditional bodies of rules and regulatory concepts are coming up against their limits, and are therefore being reformed around the world: ļ‚§ Creation of ā€œFinTechā€-specific laws ā€¢ Digitization of regulatory law ā€¢ FCA and Hong Kong SFC FinTech Co-Op Agreement ā€¢ New regulatory categories (ā€œsandboxā€ of the FCA in the UK) ļƒ¼ Application for cohort stage 4 was open until 31st January 2018 Ā§ Initial attempts at concrete regulation in some small areas only, e.g.: ā€¢ E-Money Directive (EMD) ā€¢ Payment Services Directive (PSD II)
  • 28. 9 March 2018 PwC Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) Position of ESMA 28 blockchain-REAL 4 New regulatory developments ESMA Report ā€œDistributed Ledger Technology Applied to Securities Marketsā€ dated 7 February 2017 Applicability of pertinent EU directives ā€¢ European Market Infrastructure Regulation (EMIR) ā€¢ Settlement Finality Directive (SFD) ā€¢ Central Securities Depositories Regulation (CSDR) ESMA's observations ā€¢ DLT was originally developed for virtual currencies (Bitcoin) in the form of ā€œblockchainsā€ ā€¢ Increased use for traditional financial services (post-trading activities, e.g., clearing and settlement in particular)
  • 29. 9 March 2018 PwC ā€œVirtual currenciesā€ in the EU 29 blockchain-REAL 4 New regulatory developments ā€¢ Identification of 70 risks in connection with virtual currencies (including money laundering, consumer protection, fiscal and currency policy) ā€¢ These risks stem from the following factors in particular: ļƒ¼ Anyone can create a virtual currency system or alter the function of one ļƒ¼ The parties involved (including the ā€œminersā€) remain anonymous ļƒ¼ The EBA is proposing the creation of a single regulatory framework, which is therefore likely to take some time EBA opinion on Virtual Currency ā€“ July 2014 EBA welcomed the Commission's proposal to bring virtual currency exchange platforms and custodian wallet providers within the scope of the 4th Anti-Money Laundering Directive. ā€¢ National sanction powers as proposed in the EC's amendments should be retained, while transactions in virtual currencies should remain outside of the scope of the Payment Services Directive. ā€¢ Virtual exchange platforms and custodian wallet providers should be implemented in order to avoid risks of misrepresentation, including whether these entities should be allowed to carry out regulated financial activities at the same time as carrying out virtual currency transactions. EBA opinion to bring Virtual Currencies into the Scope of 4AMLD ā€“ August 2016
  • 30. 9 March 2018 PwC ā€œVirtual currenciesā€ Treatment of ICOs in different jurisdictions 30 blockchain-REAL 4 New regulatory developments Treat token as Regulations Non-monetary digital assetSecurities Cryptocurrency & Exchanges: ā€¢ PBoC imposed a nationwide ban on cryptocurrency exchanges in Sep 2017 ā€¢ Early Oct 2017, government hinted possible resumption of cryptocurrency trading through implementation of a licensing program with stringent AML requirements Cryptocurrency & Exchange: ā€¢ 50 states can have their own regulations (e.g. BitLicense) ā€¢ CFTC regulates cryptocurrency derivatives ā€¢ FinCEN requires all exchanges to register Attitude towards cryptocurrencies Implications ā€¢ Expected to resume ICO market eventually but with regulatory framework ā€¢ Many US entrepreneurs going overseas to conduct their ICO ChinaUnited States Asset, not a security Cryptocurrency & Exchange: ā€¢ No special FINMA license required for a cryptocurrency exchange ā€¢ Favorable treatment under Swiss Anti-Money Laundering Act ā€¢ Favored choice for many ICOs, especially EU based projects ā€¢ Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) began investigating ICO practices, to determine whether regulatory provisions have been breached (cf. FINMA Guidance 04/2017) ā€¢ Zug known as ā€œCrypto Valleyā€ with established ecosystem Switzerland ICOs: ā€¢ Definition of security very broad (e.g. Howey Test) ā€¢ SEC recently created a cyber unit dedicated to policing ā€œviolations involving DLT technology and ICOsā€ ICOs: ā€¢ PBoC announced a ban on ICOs on 4 Sep 2017 & mandatory repayment ICOs:
  • 31. 9 March 2018 PwC Contract 5 Contract blockchain-REAL 31 Regulatory roadmap for Asset & Wealth Managers ā€“ In a nutshellContact
  • 32. PwC 9 March 2018 Contact 32 blockchain-REAL 5 Contract Dr. iur. Guenther Dobrauz-Saldapenna, MBA Partner, Leader PwC Legal Services Switzerland PricewaterhouseCoopers AG Birchstrasse 160 8050 Zurich Tel.: +41 58 792 14 97 Mobile: +41 79 894 58 73 Email: Web:
  • 33. PwC 9 March 2018 PwC Regulatory Radar 33 blockchain-REAL 5 Contract
  • 34. PwC This publication has been prepared for general guidance on matters of interest only, and does not constitute professional advice. You should not act upon the information contained in this publication without obtaining specific professional advice. No representation or warranty (express or implied) is given as to the accuracy or completeness of the information contained in this publication, and, to the extent permitted by law, PricewaterhouseCoopers AG, its members, employees and agents do not accept or assume any liability, responsibility or duty of care for any consequences of you or anyone else acting, or refraining to act, in reliance on the information contained in this publication or for any decision based on it. Ā© 2018 PwC. All rights reserved. In this document, ā€œPwCā€ refers to PricewaterhouseCoopers AG which is a member firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited, each member firm of which is a separate legal entity. Thank you for your attention!
  • 35. 9 March 2018 PwC Appendix 6 Appendix blockchain-REAL 35 Regulatory roadmap for Asset & Wealth Managers ā€“ In a nutshellAppendix
  • 36. PwC 9 March 2018 Blockchain technologies EtherScript ā€“ The language of the protocol 36 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix An Etheruem smart contract to sell websites for ā€œ5000 by Marchā€ First, store buyerā€™s Ethereum address 6af267736363738ghgs7726337373737 Then, store sellerā€™s Ethereum address April 1, 2014 is 13929839948 in ā€œcomputer timeā€ 16365437465 note When t then ā€¦ then designate the buyer as the new website admin and pay the seller 6af267736363738ghgs7726337373737 and t transaction If the agreed amount is received on timeā€¦ put note put note put note note ļ€“in storage ļ€“slot Buyer ļ€“in storage ļ€“slot Seller ļ€“in storage t ļ€“slot Deadline ļ€“value t ļ€“ā‰„ t ļ€“5000 ļ€“ether transaction ļ€“timestamp t ļ€“ā‰¤ t ļ€“storage t ļ€“Deadline put note ļ€“storage t ļ€“slot Buyer ļ€“in storage t ļ€“slot Website_Admin ļ€“contract balance t ļ€“to storage t ļ€“slot Seller
  • 37. PwC 9 March 2018 Blockchain is changing distribution models 37 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix Status quo ā€¢ Currently each transaction involves different companies, ranging from transfer agents to asset managers that have often to input the same information, which is time-consuming and can be prone to errors. ā€¢ The costs of redundancy are ultimately being paid by the end investors. Cost savings ā€¢ Blockchain could save the asset management industry several billions of dollars a year, if manual practices were streamlined via online ledger technologies. ā€¢ Based on daily trade volumes of funds in the UK, IRL, LUX, HK, SGP, TWN and AUS, $2.7bn in savings was possible. Industry insight ā€¢ Calastone has successfully used blockchain to buy and sell mutual funds (test case). ā€¢ BNP Paribas AM has completed a full end-to-end fund transaction using blockchain technology (test case). ā€¢ The UK government recently set out an ambition to create a blockchain-enabled digital fund. Process innovation ā€¢ Process innovation is possible by stripping out iterative processes that are traditionally incurred during the buying, selling, clearing and settlement of transactions and moving to blockchain technologies. Investor Blockchain distribution model ā€¢ Distributed Ledgers Asset Manager
  • 38. PwC 9 March 2018 Autonomous e-commerce 38 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix A fleet of self-driving trucks delivers goods to distribution centers. The robots at the distribution center sort and move those goods. An end consumer, meanwhile, has some returns to make (such as shoes that donā€™t fit). An end consumer also can act as a seller and put out new smart packages for delivery to the distribution. Autonomous delivery drones then make deliveries to end consumers. 31 2 4 5
  • 39. PwC 9 March 2018 Blockchain Start-ups 39 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix PresentPast Future Cloud storage Smart Contracts Social Networking Digital Identity Art & Ownership Prediction Markets Internet of Things Supply Chain Anti-Counterfeiting Governance
  • 40. PwC 9 March 2018 Understanding a Bitcoin transaction How blockchain technology powers Bitcoin 40 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix Transaction request Verifying & block placing Append block to chain Checkpoints Approval of payment Receive payment 1 2 3 4 5 6 Alice wants to send Bob two Bitcoins She sends a TRANS- ACTION REQUEST to the Bitcoin block- chain, a distributed database running on thousands of com- puters globally Send Bob REQUEST Computers known as MINERS verify this transaction (e.g. check Aliceā€™s balance) And compete to place it into a BLOCK with other transactions To append a block to the chain of prior blocks (hence: ā€œblockchainā€), miners solve a MATH PUZZLE that requires a lot of computational power to solve All this computational power PROTECTS THE BLOCKCHAIN against hackers ā€“ it would be difficult and expensive to falsify transactions or attack the network Others in the network check the minerā€™s work Once the answer is VERIFIED ā€“ when a majority of miners in the network approve the block ā€“ the miner who solved the puzzle gets paid in Bitcoin BLOCK 105 105 Bob receives two Bitcoins Aliceā€™s transaction gets ADDED TO THE BLOCKCHAIN along with the others LEDGER 105 102 103 104
  • 41. PwC 9 March 2018 Traditional Contracts 41 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix Verify the deal ļ‚§ A trusted third party is required for verification, in order to officially transfer the ownership of the car, the terms of the contract have to be met ļ‚§ The process differs from country to country, but always involves one or more trusted third parties: motor vehicle registration authority, in combination with a notary and/or insurance company ļ‚§ Itā€™s a complicated and lengthy process ļ‚§ Middle man fees apply Bob wants to sell a car Alice wants to buy a car Paper contract ļ‚§ Alice agrees to pay CHF 20ā€™000 for the car ļ‚§ Once Bob gets the deposit, he will transfer the car ownership to Alice, by handing her over the car documents and car keys
  • 42. PwC 9 March 2018 Smart Contracts 42 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix ļ‚§ Bob wants to sell a car. ļ‚§ He identifies himself with his blockchain address (public key) 757582, uses a smart contract to define the terms of the sale, signing with his private key ļ‚§ Alice wants to buy a car. ļ‚§ She finds Bobā€™s car listed on the internet. ļ‚§ She signs the contract with her private key transferring CHF 20ā€™000 from her blockchain address (public key) 389157 to Bobā€™s blockchain address 757382 ļ‚§ Bob leaves his car and car key in a garage locked with a smart contract controlled smart lock ļ‚§ The car has itā€™s own blockchain address (public key) 738492, stored on the blockchain 2 Alice can now pick up her car by unlocking the smart lock with her private key The smart contract is verified by each mode in the Blockchain Network, to see if Bob is the owner of the car and if Alice has enough money to pay Bob ļ‚§ If the network agrees, that both conditions are true, Alice automatically gets the access code to the smart lock for the garage ļ‚§ The blockchain registers Alice as the new owner of the car, Bob has CHF 20ā€™000 more on his account, and Alice CHF 20ā€™000 less Smart contract 4 6 5 2 1 3
  • 43. PwC 9 March 2018 Why can I trust a Smart Contract? 43 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix C ļ‚§ Since every transaction is stored on the public blockchain, everyone can inspect it ļ‚§ The owner of the unique car ID with the Blockchain address 738492 is A, not C Random person Ā«Alice owns the car!ā€ C steals the car and claims ownership of Aliceā€™s car
  • 44. PwC 9 March 2018 Smart Contracts Simple to complex 44 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix Use case examples Digital value exchange A family member sends some bitcoin to another family member Smart right and obligation Consumer buys a digital content stream Basic smart contract Landlord remotely locks nonpaying tenant out of apartment Multi-party smart contract Sellers lends buyer funds to buy a house Distributed autonomous business unit Unit of a corporations issues its own bonds, and buyers monitor payments via a shared ledger Distributed autonomous organization Self-driving trucks make P2P deliveries, pay local toll road fees, and buy local electricity Distributed autonomous government Settlers of a previously uninhabited area code their own self-enforcing government services Distributed autonomous society Groups of settlers from different areas establish self-enforcing trade agreements Smart contracts ā€“ simple to complex Simple Complex
  • 45. PwC 9 March 2018 Sectors and industries affected by Smart Contracts 45 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix Supply Chain eGovernment Gaming & Gambling Banks & Insurances Energy sector IoT Creative Industry IT Services Industry Legal tech Mobility Accounting & Auditing Digital Identity Smart Contracts & Blockchain
  • 46. PwC 9 March 2018 ICO Raises by industry [$mm] 46 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix 1.8 2.4 183.1 18.9 22.8 1,108.9 7.5 0.5 8.6 366.8 7.5 652.2 166 282.3 6 631.4 5.3 386.9 5.5 262.6 0.4 12.1 395.7 2014 2015 2016 2017 Cryptocurrency Core Tech Cloud Finance: Banking & Payments Finance: Investments Finance: Markets Internet of Things & People Gaming & Gambling Media & Social 26 8 231 4,270
  • 47. PwC 9 March 2018 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) vs. Venture Capital Involved parties at an ICO 47 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix Project / Code Token purchasersIssues token Use the token to participate in the ecosystem Crypto Exchange Trade token Founders and management team Issues whitepaper and project information Provides funding & oversees project R&D Receive ā€œFounder Tokensā€ Manage the Token issuance entity Private Company (for-profit) Token issuing entity Pays in crypto(e.g. ETH, BTC, USD)
  • 48. PwC 9 March 2018 Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) High-level process overview 48 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix Sales Execution Regulatory Clearance Token Utility and Economy Design Business Strategy ā€¢ Selection of marketing/PR firm ā€¢ Define sale strategy (target segment, pricing strategy, etc.) ā€¢ Define token sale timeline (presale, public sale) and related marketing plan ā€¢ Legal documentation, drafting and review ā€¢ Account planning and budgeting ā€¢ Operational framework design ā€¢ Governance framework design ā€¢ Strategic alliances Actions Business Execution ā€¢ Design and refine token utility and economic model ā€¢ Sale Mechanics ā€¢ Token Economy ā€¢ Incorporation of legal entity ā€¢ Start of bank account opening process ā€¢ Launch of website ā€¢ Launch of select marketing Examples of Deliverables High level timeline ā€¢ Project Overview/ FAQ ā€¢ Issuance of sale documents ā€¢ KYC and AML process finalized 4 ā€“ 12 weeks 4 weeks ā€¢ Whitepaper ā€¢ Project Strategy ā€¢ Business Model ā€¢ Understand market landscape and industry pain points ā€¢ Design and refine business and operating model ā€¢ Key team buildout ā€¢ Selection of profession al advisors ā€¢ Selection of business/toke n advisors ā€¢ Legal & tax advice ā€¢ FINMA ruling
  • 49. 9 March 2018 PwC A PropTech business case Using blockchain technology in a real estate lease agreement (1/2) 6 Appendix blockchain-REAL 49 2 Property visit and inspection 1 Property search through blockchain-enabled MLS MLS 3 Negotiation and signing of the letter of intent LOI 4 Pre-lease due diligence by using smart identities ā€¢ The lessor and the lessee or their respective brokers list their requirements on the multiple-listing services (MLS). ā€¢ A transparent MLS system enables all parties to view the available listings based on their requirements. ā€¢ The brokers discuss their clientsā€™ requirements and arrange for property visits and inspections. ā€¢ Both sides negotiate the terms and value of the deal. ā€¢ The lessee sends the letter of intent (LOI) to the lessor, expressing interest in the property. ā€¢ Using blockchain- based digital identities of individuals and assets, the lessor conducts a background check on the lessee and the lessee checks the prior transaction and liens on the property.
  • 50. 9 March 2018 PwC A PropTech business case Using blockchain technology in a real estate lease agreement (2/2) 6 Appendix blockchain-REAL 50 5 Preparation of the heads of agreement 6 Lease agreement using smart contracts 7 Automated payments and cash ļ¬‚ow management using the smart contract 8 Real-time data analysis ā€¢ The heads of agreement, containing all the clauses and terms agreed between the two sides, is prepared and verified by the accounts and legal teams on both sides. ā€¢ The key terms of the agreement are recorded on the blockchain and this becomes the smart contract. ā€¢ The smart contract initiates payment of security deposit/advance rent. ā€¢ The lessor then transfers the possession of the property to the lessee. ā€¢ The transaction agreement is officially recorded. ā€¢ Based on the terms of the agreement, the smart contract initiates the regular lease payments from the lessee to the lessor, after paying the outstanding maintenance expenses to the contractors. ā€¢ On completion of the lease term, the smart contract initiates the transfer of the security deposit to the lessor. ā€¢ As several payments and transactions are recorded on the blockchain along with the digital identities of individuals, properties, and organizations, the lessor can perform real-time data analysis using appropriate analytics.
  • 51. 9 March 2018 PwC An industry overview of PropTech start-ups Residential RE & Mortgage Lending 6 Appendix blockchain-REAL 51 Commercial RE Source: CBInsights
  • 52. 9 March 2018 PwC Robo Advice ā€“ International context 52 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix ā€¢ RA is prohibited without prior approval by BaFin (Ā§ 32 KWG). Qualifies as investment advice if the intermediary provides client with specific advice concerning particular security (ISIN-level). ā€¢ Information about industries without reference to individual securities are not in scope. ā€¢ Furthermore, RA could qualify as investment brokerage (Abschluss- oder Anlagevermittlung) ā€¢ Open question: Who drafts the advisory protocol? DE ā€¢ ā€œAdvice Gapā€ with respect to clients due to prohibition of commissions according to RDR. ā€¢ March 2016: FAMR-Report by FCA (Financial Advice Market Review) ā€¢ FCA welcomes and endorses FCA; however, currently increased regulatory uncertainty UK ā€¢ December 2015: Joint Discussion Paper of ESAs (EBA, ESMA, EIOPA). ā€¢ Focus on investment advice ā€¢ Problem: Different understanding of Notion of ā€œadviceā€ across banking sector (e.g. MCD), securities- sector (e.g. MiFID II) and insurance sector (e.g. IDD) EU ā€¢ The biggest obstacle in connection with Robo Advice (RA) is the increased regulatory uncertainty in various countries. ā€¢ It is unclear for providers if their services are subject to licensing obligations. This can be crucial in particular in a cross-border context. ā€¢ March 2016: FINRA-Report on Digital Investment Advice ā€¢ Identified issues: ā€¢ Client-profiling ā€¢ Suitability & Appropriateness Testing USA
  • 53. 9 March 2018 PwC Crowdfunding regulation in the EU Position of ESMA and the Commission (1/2) 53 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix ESMA ā€¢ Communication issued by the Commission regarding unleashing the potential of crowdfunding in the EU, dated 27 March 2015 ā€¢ Initial scenario: Absence of an EU-wide regulatory concept - Fragmentation ā€“ differing national concepts - No regulatory interoperability or coherence between local regulatory regimes - Consequence: No cross-border or Europe- wide activity is discernible ā€“ crowdfunding can only be promoted at a local level ā€¢ Following an empirical analysis, the ESMA has come to the conclusion that most of the pertinent EU directives (MiFID, AIFMD, Prospectus Directive) are generally not applicable in practice Commission ā€¢ Report on crowdfunding in the capital markets union dated 3 May 2016 ā€¢ Market analysis - EU market still relatively small - Volume in 2015: EUR 4.2 billion - 510 platforms in the EU at the end of 2014 (market leader: UK) - Cross-border activities low, local phenomenon ā€¢ Regulation - National approaches to regulation in some cases - The Commission wants to promote growth throughout the union by means of the future capital markets union
  • 54. 9 March 2018 PwC Crowdfunding regulation in the EU Position of ESMA and the Commission (2/2) 54 blockchain-REAL 6 Appendix ESMA ā€¢ ESMA response to the Commission Consultation Paper on FinTech dated 7 June 2017 ā€¢ ESMA reiterates its call for a specific crowdfunding EU-level regime, which would ensure investors across the EU are equally protected and which would enable crowdfunding platforms to operate cross- border based on a common regulatory framework Commission ā€¢ Final report on: assessing the potential for crowdfunding dated 4 May 2017 ā€¢ An assessment of whether alternative finance can help Europe address the problem of access to finance for innovative companies. ā€¢ The results of the final report are: 1. an estimation of the size of the alternative market for research and innovation; 2. an analysis of the European alternative finance landscape; 3. an analysis of the challenges limiting development of the alternative finance; 4. an assessment of policy options addressing those challenges; 5. a final recommendation of priority action at EU and national level.