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DEIA in the Scholarly Landscape: A 2024 NISO Training Series
Session 4: Inclusive Language
Chelsea Lee, American Psychological Association
Racquel Jemison, PhD, American Chemical Society
Steph Pollock, American Psychological Association
June 27, 2024
About our speakers and contributors
Chelsea Lee
Instructional Lead, APA Style
American Psychological
Racquel Jemison, PhD
Assistant Director
American Chemical Society
Sabrina Ashwell
Chemical & Engineering
American Chemical Society
• Context
• Landscape of Inclusive Language
• Insights from the American Psychological Association
• Insights from the American Chemical Society
• Q&A
• Breakout session

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ALA 2016 NISO Standards Update Hillman Bibliographic Roadmap
ALA 2016 NISO Standards Update Hillman Bibliographic RoadmapALA 2016 NISO Standards Update Hillman Bibliographic Roadmap
ALA 2016 NISO Standards Update Hillman Bibliographic Roadmap

The NISO began exploring issues around vocabulary development and maintenance in 2013. In 2014, they proposed three projects around vocabulary use and reuse, documentation, and preservation. These projects examine policies, social considerations, and guidance needed to support stable vocabularies. The groups aim to limit "orphan vocabularies" and provide recommendations for responsible long-term governance, documentation, and adoption of at-risk vocabularies. Educational webinars were held in 2015, and a draft of best practice recommendations is planned for fall 2016 to support interoperability and understanding of vocabulary management issues.

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Collection Development, E-Resources, and Meeting the Needs of People with Dis...
Collection Development, E-Resources, and Meeting the Needs of People with Dis...Collection Development, E-Resources, and Meeting the Needs of People with Dis...
Collection Development, E-Resources, and Meeting the Needs of People with Dis...

The panel presentation discussed efforts to ensure e-resources are accessible to people with disabilities. It reviewed research finding that collection development policies and practices often do not adequately address accessibility. Guidelines from organizations like ALA recommend accessibility be considered in selection criteria and licensing agreements. The California State University system's Accessible Technology Initiative aims to make e-resources and digital content accessible across its 23 campuses. It established a framework for continuous improvement, including campus planning, priorities, and performance measurement. Ensuring e-resources are accessible is important to meet the needs of people with disabilities and comply with standards and laws. Libraries must consider accessibility in both policy and practice when selecting and procuring electronic resources.

Open Access Journals in Latin America: a DOAJ ambassador’s perspective
Open Access Journals in Latin America: a DOAJ ambassador’s perspectiveOpen Access Journals in Latin America: a DOAJ ambassador’s perspective
Open Access Journals in Latin America: a DOAJ ambassador’s perspective

The document discusses the Digital Open Access Journal (DOAJ) and its role in Latin America. DOAJ is a database of over 12,000 open access journals that aims to increase visibility and access to scholarly research. It outlines DOAJ's mission and principles of transparency. The challenges faced by journals in Latin America are discussed, such as limited funding and precarious working conditions for editors. DOAJ works to promote open access in the global south by facilitating access to journals and supporting publishers through education and outreach.

open accesslatamdoaj ambassador
Today’s Context
Each organization produces inclusive language guidance
Many similarities, some differences
Consider context and goals (ours
and yours) to inform decisions:
in-house style guide
your own work
something else?
Different Audiences
• psychological researchers
• research participants
• students of psychology,
nursing, social sciences
• public policy directives and
amicus briefs from APA to
• anyone who wants to
communicate inclusively
• chemists and chemical
engineers (including students)
• ACS volunteer
leaders, committees
• ACS staff & freelance writers
• anyone who wants to
communicate inclusively
Common Advice
• Choose words that treat people with dignity
and respect.
• Call people what they want to be
called/language they see themselves in.
• Recognize differences and multiple
• Language changes, requiring updates over
• Context and specificity matter.
Landscape of Inclusive

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1 orientation
1 orientation1 orientation
1 orientation

The document provides information about an English Language Arts summer institute, including upcoming professional development sessions located on a wiki page. It discusses participant notes available on the wiki and an orientation where participants will learn about the room attendees and look for missed information in the Common Core State Standards document. Types of data for data literacy are defined. The document also addresses how content prepares students for the future, implications for meeting learner needs, and how to annotate a text.

Supporting Open Textbook Adoptions at University of Arkansas
Supporting Open Textbook Adoptions at University of ArkansasSupporting Open Textbook Adoptions at University of Arkansas
Supporting Open Textbook Adoptions at University of Arkansas

“Supporting Open Textbook Adoptions” by Michelle Reed is licensed CC BY and is modified from Open Textbook Network slides prepared by David Ernst and Sarah Cohen. Images are individually licensed as noted. It was presented in Fayetteville at the University of Arkansas on September 24, 2019.

oeropen educational resourcesopen textbooks
What students say
What students sayWhat students say
What students say

Presenter: Dan Dawer AVID Teacher and Site Coordinator & Pre-AP Lead, Pflugerville Middle School August 17, 2017

What It Means to Use Inclusive Language
• Many terms refer to the same idea:
o inclusive language
o bias-free language
o conscious language
• Inclusive language means …
o considering the impact of language
o recognizing that people may have different reactions
to language because of their specific context
o supporting communication so people recognize
themselves/minimize hurt
Role of Inclusive Language Guides
• Necessary resources, but not ends in
• Implementation must happen in concert with
changes in practice and policy
• Don’t include all topics
• May become outdated due to natural
evolution of language
• May be misinterpreted
• Not just “find and replace”
• Opportunity for learning and growth
Flexibility of Inclusive Language
• Inclusive language expands possibilities, has flexibility built in
• No one “right answer”
• Not about policing language
• Okay to have multiple terms
• Okay for people to disagree or to prefer one term vs. another
• Can be helpful to explain your choices
Examples of multiple
BIPOC, people of
color, BAME
Latino, Latina, Latinx, Latine
Insights from APA

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Illinois Open Educational Resources #IOER This PPT provides an overview of Open Educational Resources and detail of all fields associated with a resource.

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Beyond “what are your pronouns?”: Engaging with Trans and Nonbinary Members of Our College Communities is a presentation by Anthony Moll and Olivia Rines that aims to provide understanding of challenges facing trans and nonbinary students, staff, and faculty as well as ideas for creating welcoming communities. It discusses terminology, national context, challenges such as discrimination and lack of support, and strategies to support trans and nonbinary individuals through classroom practices, policies, and culture change. The presentation cites research demonstrating the benefits of support for LGBTQ+ students' well-being and outcomes and provides recommendations for both minor and significant reforms to promote inclusion at academic institutions.

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Opening plenary "What to do when the new car smell is gone" for the 2015 Global Citizenship Program Collaboratory at Webster University

gcpcollegehigher education
APA’s Inclusive Language Resources
• Inclusive Language Guide (ILG): 1st ed. 2021, 2nd ed.
• Bias-Free Language Guidelines: 7th ed. 2020
• Journal Article Reporting Standards for Race, Ethnicity,
and Culture (JARS-REC): 2023
• Accessibility of APA Style: 2020
Topics Covered in APA Resources
Topic ILG
of APA Style
age ✓ ✓
disability ✓ ✓
gender ✓ ✓
race and ethnicity ✓ ✓ ✓
sexual orientation ✓ ✓
socioeconomic status ✓ ✓
microaggressions in conversation ✓
body size and weight stigma ✓
pregnancy ✓
neurodiversity ✓
accessible typography ✓
accessible headings ✓
accessible presentation of URLs ✓
accessible use of color ✓
Journal Article Reporting
Standards for Race, Ethnicity,
and Culture (JARS-REC)
• Best practices for writing about race,
ethnicity, and culture in psychological
• Informs decisions about
o perspective and collaboration
o sample description, data collection, and
o citations
o generalizability and interpretation
• Relevant even if you do not believe your
research explicitly involves race
Perspective Implications
• Don’t reinforce idea that White participants are
“default” or “normative” research sample
• Consider resilience- and strengths-based
theoretical frameworks rather than deficits-
based ones

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The document discusses how well the Common Core State Standards align with expectations for college readiness based on interviews with community college instructors. It finds that there is good alignment between the standards and what is expected of students in areas like reading, research, and writing at the college level. However, it also notes that many high school graduates in California are not meeting the college readiness benchmarks in these areas as defined by standardized tests. The implications are that more needs to be done to help students develop the skills outlined in the Common Core in order to ensure they are prepared for postsecondary education.

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This document provides an agenda and information for a junior/intermediate language arts professional development session. The agenda includes discussing social justice picture books, the Ontario curriculum, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission, inquiry questions like KWL and KWHLAQ, and questioning in 21st century classrooms. Housekeeping items are also addressed like name cards and sign-up sheets. Resources on social justice issues covered in the ETFO Voice publication and an resource on social justice lessons are shared. Expectations for professional learning conversations and literacy leaders are reviewed.

Word Choice Implications
• Use precise terminology for racial, ethnic, and
cultural groups
o congruent with local usage and
o that resonates with the sample participants (e.g.,
• Capitalize racial and ethnic groups (e.g., Black,
White, Hispanic)
Citation Implications
• Critique existing literature based on whether
marginalized groups have been included
• Intentionally cite work from underrepresented
• Their work may be adjacent to your discipline:
o African American and African Diaspora studies
o Chicano studies
o queer theory
o women’s/gender studies
o etc.
Interpretive Implications
• Describe limits of generalizability
o Also: generalizability is not always the point
• Interpret group differences carefully
o Consider intersectionality (e.g., SES)
• Describe how your work can
o address systemic oppression and
o challenge system-justifying beliefs and practices
ILG Outreach Efforts
• APA staff working group to foster adoption of ILG
• Goals:
o elevate integration of ILG to ensure principles
are acknowledged and actively implemented
o introduce ILG to new audiences
o encourage systemic inclusion of ILG principles
within organizational practices, educational
curricula, and policy frameworks

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This document provides background and objectives for creating a LibGuide to support qualitative researchers in the health sciences. It notes an increasing interest in and use of qualitative research methods but challenges in finding relevant materials due to poor indexing, unfamiliar terminology, and lack of knowledge about social science resources. The guide aims to provide information on publishing qualitative research, finding articles, resources for training and support, and integrating qualitative research into systematic reviews, for both UNC and non-UNC users. It describes the methods used to collect resources, including scanning websites, searching guides and databases, and consulting with experts. The document outlines next steps such as soliciting feedback and considering additional topics.

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Presented by Ephrem Tesema at the Workshop on Gender and Value Chains in the LIVES Project, Adama, Ethiopia, 19-22 August 2013

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Professionals: Label each of the five dimensions by number (i.e., 1. content integration; 2. knowledge construction process; 3. prejudice reduction; 4. equity pedagogy; and 5. an empowering school culture) on your paper, and discuss why each dimension is necessary to improve learning and the learning environment. Also, refer to the work of researchers by name that are mentioned in the Professor's Comments section, Banks' s chapter, posted article, and previous modules to develop your ideas throughout your paper. (For instance, the work of Shirley Brice Heath and Luis Moll provide valuable food for thought about equity pedagogy and empowering school culture themes.) A minimum of 5 complete pages double-spaced with 12 point font is required; however, you can exceed the minimum length for any assignment in this course. In addition, turn in your completed paper as one document, and please do not submit any assignment for this course unless all parts are complete. (worth 60 points) Criteria Label and discuss the significance of each of the five dimensions of multicultural education; refer to the works of researchers by name that are noted in the Professor’s Comments, Banks's chapter, and posted article to develop your ideas; elimination of errors in grammar, usage, and punctuation;  a logical progression of ideas is evident; clear explanations of the significance of ideas; good use of examples to expand on and clarify key points;  strong transitions between ideas. Multicultural Education: Historical Development, Dimensions, and Practice Author(s): James A. Banks Source: Review of Research in Education, Vol. 19 (1993), pp. 3-49 Published by: American Educational Research Association Stable URL: Accessed: 11/07/2010 15:39 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use, available at JSTOR's Terms and Conditions of Use provides, in part, that unless you have obtained prior permission, you may not download an entire issue of a journal or multiple copies of articles, and you may use content in the JSTOR archive only for your personal, non-commercial use. Please contact the publisher regarding any further use of this work. Publisher contact information may be obtained at Each copy of any part of a JSTOR transmission must contain the same copyright notice that appears on the screen or printed page of such transmission. JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact [email protected] American Educational Research Association is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and ex ...

Evaluating the Work Thus Far
• Most feedback is query-focused
o ex: how to use specific terminology
• 91% of web traffic from United States and Canada
• 116,175 page views since 2021
• ILG is linked to/adopted by
o educational institutions
o state governments
o federal agencies such as Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services
Association (SAMHSA)
o nonprofit associations such as the National Association of Social Workers
• Implementation (ongoing) consists of
o outreach to inclusive language professionals to have conversations about
opportunities, challenges, and strategies
Insights from ACS
ACS Inclusivity Style Guide
• ACS Inclusivity Style Guide
• An educational resource to help with
decision-making around communication
• Framing narratives and wording
• Formatting for accessibility
• Image selection
• Included as an open-access chapter in
the ACS Guide to Scholarly
• Body size
• Narratives, framing, and sentence
• Job descriptions
• Data visualization
• Disabilities, disorders, and other
health conditions
• Diversity and inclusion in images
• Accessibility
• And more topics...

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• Recent expansion on accessibility
• Deeper dives on types of assistive
technologies, more sub-topics
• Serves as a launch point for a staff-
facing year of learning on the topics of
Accessibility and Equity
• Increased learning on concepts such as
color contrast and making documents
and web pages accessible
Implementation & Training
• Use across ACS member volunteers
o Women Chemists Committee used the guide in updating award eligibility
o Adoption among some Divisions and Local Sections in their language to
promote events and hold discussions
• Required resource for C&EN writers and editors
o Acknowledging instances of limited data
o Thoughtful framing
o Increased explanation of word choice
• Required resource for ACS Staff (surveys, forms, and census)
o Increased communication and agreement on surveying and form language
across membership, committees, and more
Guide Resources
• Printable tip sheets
• Transcribed video to
navigate the web page
• Practice sheets
• Change log
Impact and Usage
• Guide was launched in late 2021
• Updated at least 1-2 times per year
• First Quarter, 2024 usage
o Over 11,000 views
o Nearly 7,500 visits
o 55% of visits from the US
o Most frequent access from the Philippines,
Canada, India, United Kingdom, and China
• Increased international usage over
the past year (up from 36% in
• Awards from Software and
Information Industry Association
o 2022 Bronze award for Microsite
Category of D&I Initiatives
o 2022 SIIA Impact Award for a
team of 150-plus employees
• Mentions in
o Conscious Language Toolkit
(Crystal Shelley/Rabbit with a
Red Pen)
o Conscious Style Guide by Karen
Yin (upcoming book)

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More write-ups and articles on the guide
• Six-piece feature on all Inclusivity Style Guide tip sheets
• Lessons after a year of implementing the ACS Inclusivity Style Guide
Breakout Rooms
Contact us:
Chelsea Lee:
APA Style questions:
ILG questions, comments, and feedback:
Racquel Jemison:
ISG questions, comments, and feedback:

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Jemison and Lee "DEIA in the Scholarly Landscape, Session Four: Inclusive Language"

  • 1. DEIA in the Scholarly Landscape: A 2024 NISO Training Series Session 4: Inclusive Language Speakers: Chelsea Lee, American Psychological Association Racquel Jemison, PhD, American Chemical Society Moderator: Steph Pollock, American Psychological Association June 27, 2024
  • 2. About our speakers and contributors Chelsea Lee Instructional Lead, APA Style American Psychological Association Racquel Jemison, PhD Assistant Director American Chemical Society Sabrina Ashwell Chemical & Engineering News American Chemical Society
  • 3. Agenda • Context • Landscape of Inclusive Language • Insights from the American Psychological Association • Insights from the American Chemical Society • Q&A • Breakout session
  • 5. Today’s Context Each organization produces inclusive language guidance Many similarities, some differences Consider context and goals (ours and yours) to inform decisions: in-house style guide your own work something else?
  • 6. Different Audiences • psychological researchers • research participants • students of psychology, nursing, social sciences • public policy directives and amicus briefs from APA to government • anyone who wants to communicate inclusively APA • chemists and chemical engineers (including students) • ACS volunteer leaders, committees • ACS staff & freelance writers • anyone who wants to communicate inclusively ACS
  • 7. Common Advice • Choose words that treat people with dignity and respect. • Call people what they want to be called/language they see themselves in. • Recognize differences and multiple perspectives. • Language changes, requiring updates over time. • Context and specificity matter.
  • 9. What It Means to Use Inclusive Language • Many terms refer to the same idea: o inclusive language o bias-free language o conscious language • Inclusive language means … o considering the impact of language o recognizing that people may have different reactions to language because of their specific context o supporting communication so people recognize themselves/minimize hurt
  • 10. Role of Inclusive Language Guides • Necessary resources, but not ends in themselves • Implementation must happen in concert with changes in practice and policy • Don’t include all topics • May become outdated due to natural evolution of language • May be misinterpreted • Not just “find and replace” • Opportunity for learning and growth
  • 11. Flexibility of Inclusive Language • Inclusive language expands possibilities, has flexibility built in • No one “right answer” • Not about policing language • Okay to have multiple terms • Okay for people to disagree or to prefer one term vs. another • Can be helpful to explain your choices Examples of multiple terms LGBTQ, LBGTQ+, 2SIALGBTQ, LGBTQSIA BIPOC, people of color, BAME Latino, Latina, Latinx, Latine
  • 13. APA’s Inclusive Language Resources • Inclusive Language Guide (ILG): 1st ed. 2021, 2nd ed. 2023 inclusion/language-guidelines • Bias-Free Language Guidelines: 7th ed. 2020 free-language • Journal Article Reporting Standards for Race, Ethnicity, and Culture (JARS-REC): 2023 • Accessibility of APA Style: 2020 format/accessibility
  • 14. Topics Covered in APA Resources Topic ILG Bias-free language guidelines JARS- REC Accessibility of APA Style age ✓ ✓ disability ✓ ✓ gender ✓ ✓ race and ethnicity ✓ ✓ ✓ sexual orientation ✓ ✓ socioeconomic status ✓ ✓ microaggressions in conversation ✓ body size and weight stigma ✓ pregnancy ✓ neurodiversity ✓ accessible typography ✓ accessible headings ✓ accessible presentation of URLs ✓ accessible use of color ✓
  • 15. Journal Article Reporting Standards for Race, Ethnicity, and Culture (JARS-REC) • Best practices for writing about race, ethnicity, and culture in psychological science • Informs decisions about o perspective and collaboration o sample description, data collection, and analysis o citations o generalizability and interpretation • Relevant even if you do not believe your research explicitly involves race
  • 16. Perspective Implications • Don’t reinforce idea that White participants are “default” or “normative” research sample • Consider resilience- and strengths-based theoretical frameworks rather than deficits- based ones
  • 17. Word Choice Implications • Use precise terminology for racial, ethnic, and cultural groups o congruent with local usage and o that resonates with the sample participants (e.g., Latino/a/x/e) • Capitalize racial and ethnic groups (e.g., Black, White, Hispanic)
  • 18. Citation Implications • Critique existing literature based on whether marginalized groups have been included • Intentionally cite work from underrepresented scholars • Their work may be adjacent to your discipline: o African American and African Diaspora studies o Chicano studies o queer theory o women’s/gender studies o etc.
  • 19. Interpretive Implications • Describe limits of generalizability o Also: generalizability is not always the point • Interpret group differences carefully o Consider intersectionality (e.g., SES) • Describe how your work can o address systemic oppression and o challenge system-justifying beliefs and practices
  • 20. ILG Outreach Efforts • APA staff working group to foster adoption of ILG • Goals: o elevate integration of ILG to ensure principles are acknowledged and actively implemented o introduce ILG to new audiences o encourage systemic inclusion of ILG principles within organizational practices, educational curricula, and policy frameworks
  • 21. Evaluating the Work Thus Far • Most feedback is query-focused o ex: how to use specific terminology • 91% of web traffic from United States and Canada • 116,175 page views since 2021 • ILG is linked to/adopted by o educational institutions o state governments o federal agencies such as Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Association (SAMHSA) o nonprofit associations such as the National Association of Social Workers • Implementation (ongoing) consists of o outreach to inclusive language professionals to have conversations about opportunities, challenges, and strategies
  • 23. ACS Inclusivity Style Guide • ACS Inclusivity Style Guide ( • An educational resource to help with decision-making around communication • Framing narratives and wording • Formatting for accessibility • Image selection • Included as an open-access chapter in the ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication
  • 24. Topics • Body size • Narratives, framing, and sentence structure • Job descriptions • Data visualization • Disabilities, disorders, and other health conditions • Diversity and inclusion in images • Accessibility • And more topics...
  • 25. Accessibility • Recent expansion on accessibility section • Deeper dives on types of assistive technologies, more sub-topics • Serves as a launch point for a staff- facing year of learning on the topics of Accessibility and Equity • Increased learning on concepts such as color contrast and making documents and web pages accessible
  • 26. Implementation & Training • Use across ACS member volunteers o Women Chemists Committee used the guide in updating award eligibility language o Adoption among some Divisions and Local Sections in their language to promote events and hold discussions • Required resource for C&EN writers and editors o Acknowledging instances of limited data o Thoughtful framing o Increased explanation of word choice • Required resource for ACS Staff (surveys, forms, and census) o Increased communication and agreement on surveying and form language across membership, committees, and more
  • 27. Guide Resources • Printable tip sheets • Transcribed video to navigate the web page • Practice sheets • Change log
  • 28. Impact and Usage • Guide was launched in late 2021 • Updated at least 1-2 times per year • First Quarter, 2024 usage o Over 11,000 views o Nearly 7,500 visits o 55% of visits from the US o Most frequent access from the Philippines, Canada, India, United Kingdom, and China • Increased international usage over the past year (up from 36% in 2023) • Awards from Software and Information Industry Association (SIIA) o 2022 Bronze award for Microsite Category of D&I Initiatives o 2022 SIIA Impact Award for a team of 150-plus employees • Mentions in o Conscious Language Toolkit (Crystal Shelley/Rabbit with a Red Pen) o Conscious Style Guide by Karen Yin (upcoming book)
  • 29. More write-ups and articles on the guide • Six-piece feature on all Inclusivity Style Guide tip sheets • Lessons after a year of implementing the ACS Inclusivity Style Guide
  • 30. Q&A
  • 32. Thank you Contact us: Chelsea Lee: APA Style questions: ILG questions, comments, and feedback: Racquel Jemison: ISG questions, comments, and feedback:

Editor's Notes

  1. Consider resilience- and strengths-based theoretical frameworks to conceptualize research questions and frame investigations of challenges Disciplines: law, sociology, public health, women’s and gender studies Describe limits of generalizability (including that generalizability is not always the point)
  2. Consider resilience- and strengths-based theoretical frameworks to conceptualize research questions and frame investigations of challenges Disciplines: law, sociology, public health, women’s and gender studies Describe limits of generalizability (including that generalizability is not always the point)
  3. Disciplines: law, sociology, public health, women’s and gender studies
  4. Describe limits of generalizability (including that generalizability is not always the point)