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Technology Movement
In the last 15 years or so, we have experienced a significant business
transformation because of open-source software, cloud, big data and
artificial intelligence (AI). These are not just buzzwords anymore because
enterprises have adopted various technologies that fall under the umbrella of these
Blockchain is at the same place where the cloud and big data were several years
Enterprise blockchain| Blockchain as a Service| Blockchain Disruption| Blockchain Use Cases| Challenges for Blockchain Deployment| BaaS| SCaaS|

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An architectural approach for decentralized applicationsAn architectural approach for decentralized applications
An architectural approach for decentralized applications

OWASP Jakarta Night Q4 2018 X Bukalapak

Get Rich with Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
Get Rich with Blockchain & CryptocurrencyGet Rich with Blockchain & Cryptocurrency
Get Rich with Blockchain & Cryptocurrency

The document discusses the current state of regulation regarding consumer tokens in the United States. It provides context on the growth of decentralized finance and non-fungible tokens. It then outlines the existing securities law framework from the Howey Test that the SEC uses to determine if a digital asset is a security. The document aims to explore what parameters exist for issuing consumer or utility tokens, which are intended for use on a distributed platform and not meant to be securities, in the US given the unclear regulatory framework.

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Blockchain use cases in 2022 real world industry applications
Blockchain use cases in 2022 real world industry applicationsBlockchain use cases in 2022 real world industry applications
Blockchain use cases in 2022 real world industry applications

These are interesting predictions and real-world industry applications of Blockchain Technology that will take the world by storm in 2022!

blockchain applicationsblockchain use caesapplication of blockchain
Enterprise blockchain| Blockchain as a Service| Blockchain Disruption| Blockchain Use Cases| Challenges for Blockchain Deployment| BaaS| SCaaS|
For most people, their first
impression of the term
“Blockchain” was in relation
to Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency.
The question is “How
can I use blockchain in
my enterprise?”
Just a chain of blocks linked together
All of these blocks are chained together using secure cryptography,
which is like an unbreakable lock
And each block represents a list of data
The most important thing about blockchains is trust
So you can securely exchange value without going through a
middleman who imposes regulations or censorship
You do not need to trust a human. A proper Blockchain is
trustworthy without needing to trust the nodes of the miners
Why are they so cool?
So what is so important?
90% of the enterprise blockchain projects launched in 2016 and the first half of
2017 will meet a premature end within 24 months.
The business value-add of blockchain will grow to slightly more than $176 billion by
2025, and then it will exceed $3.1 trillion by 2030
In 90 percent of cases, the experiments with blockchains will never become part
of a company’s operations, according to Forrester Research Inc.
“They want to see other people fail first - they don’t wanna be a guinea pig,”
said Brian Behlendorf, executive director of Hyperledger. “It’s just the nature of
enterprise software."

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Fintech & blockchain technology 06.12.2021
Fintech & blockchain technology 06.12.2021Fintech & blockchain technology 06.12.2021
Fintech & blockchain technology 06.12.2021

This document provides information on blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, fintech, and cybersecurity best practices related to these topics. It defines blockchain as a digital ledger that records transactions across a network of computers. Cryptocurrency uses cryptography to secure digital currency that is decentralized and not managed by a central authority. Fintech refers to the use of innovative technology in financial services. The document outlines security challenges and mitigation strategies for blockchain, cryptocurrency and fintech, including major security breaches at cryptocurrency exchanges that have resulted in billions stolen.

blockchain governance : opportunities and challenges
 blockchain governance : opportunities and challenges blockchain governance : opportunities and challenges
blockchain governance : opportunities and challenges

Blockchain is already disrupting many industries, and its governance is often cited as a critical issue as the technology achieves wider use.

Top 10 Reasons to Learn Blockchain | Blockchain Training | Blockchain Tutoria...
Top 10 Reasons to Learn Blockchain | Blockchain Training | Blockchain Tutoria...Top 10 Reasons to Learn Blockchain | Blockchain Training | Blockchain Tutoria...
Top 10 Reasons to Learn Blockchain | Blockchain Training | Blockchain Tutoria...

( Blockchain Training : This Edureka's Blockchain video tells you why Blockchain is one of the leading technology in today's IT Industry and why should you learn it. This video also shows the job opportunities and the market. Here is the link to the Blockchain blog series: You can also refer this playlist on Blockchain: Subscribe to our channel to get video updates. Hit the subscribe button above and click on the bell icon.

top 10 reasons to learn blockchainreasons to learn blockchainblockchain basics
Blockchain Disruption
Blockchain is disruptive in the same way quantum computing will be.
You can’t ignore the beauty of decentralization and this new way of exchanging
information without involving a middleman.
Blockchain is not cryptocurrency, and it can fit into enterprises
as a part of their enterprise solutions.
Enterprise Blockchain
Let’s debate
DL Data is geographically spread across multiple sites, countries, or
BC All Blockchains are DL but not vice versa or All DL
SC SC is a computer protocol and is not supported on all
Cyptogurus: Bitcoin And Crypto Will Take Over The World
Enterprise Architects: Let’s don’t discuss crypto or ICO
business as my CFO won’t approve any investment in ICO or any
other kind of Cryptocurrency.
Let’s discuss how Blockchain can help us to improve customer
experience and exchange information between LOB.

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Wp blockchain ilnas_e-version

This document is a white paper that analyzes blockchain and distributed ledger technologies. It provides an overview of blockchain concepts and technology, analyzes major blockchain platforms like Hyperledger, Ethereum and Stellar, discusses the economic impact and business opportunities of blockchain, and examines standardization efforts related to blockchain. The white paper aims to help market players understand blockchain fundamentals, developments, and standardization work to facilitate its adoption.

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Blockchain @ Insurance Analytics Summit Canada
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Blockchain @ Insurance Analytics Summit Canada

Video: Introduction to Blockchain technology, applications for insurance and the regulatory environment in Canada

blockchaininsurancesmart contracts
Blockchain Applications in Enterprises
Blockchain Applications in EnterprisesBlockchain Applications in Enterprises
Blockchain Applications in Enterprises

Blockchain would be the future trend. The critical milestone would be the enterprise applications such as fintech, IoT, supply chain, vendor, and etc.

Enterprise blockchain| Blockchain as a Service| Blockchain Disruption| Blockchain Use Cases| Challenges for Blockchain Deployment| BaaS| SCaaS|
Use Cases
Let’s spend a few minutes to
warm up
● Ability for IoT applications to
contribute transactional data to
● Patient databases on blockchain
● Drug supply chain integrity
● Claims adjudication
● Medical supply chain management
● Clinical trial provenance - integrity with an
auditable trail of data exchange
● Transparency within the patient-to-hospital or
patient-to-doctor transactions
● Efficiency, privacy, ownership of patient health
● Fast and secure transactions
● Empower global transactions
● Minimize auditing complexity
for any financial ledger
● Tracking journey stops; paired
with IoT to create an
immutable ledger of trip data
● Make credit reports more
accurate, transparent, and
● Loyalty / reward
● Tokenization of real estate
● Reduce paperwork
● Track truthful, full history of
vehicle from pre-production to
● Supply chain parts management
● Improve multi-party contracts
● Streamline risk contract efficiency ● Smart contracts with defined rules,
expiration and accessibility for relevant
● Federated repository of academic information
specific to class, professor, and student
● Control of ownership rights
● Use of smart contracts for artist compensation
/ legal proceedings
● Payments processing - cryptographics,
secure, anti-3rs party
● Tracking gun ownership and possession related information
● Tracking criminal ID history and attempts to purchase
Vehicles and

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ISTA 2017 - Blockchain, beyond Bitcoin
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ISTA 2017 - Blockchain, beyond Bitcoin

The document discusses blockchain technology and its potential applications, providing an overview of blockchain basics like how transactions are grouped into blocks and how consensus is reached in the network, and exploring potential use cases for blockchain in areas like asset tracking, fundraising, government services, and finance by reducing the need for intermediaries and increasing transparency, immutability, and robustness. The document also cautions that blockchain is still an emerging technology with significant hype and that widespread adoption may take time as technical and regulatory challenges are addressed.

DCG Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech Summit - Opening Remarks
DCG Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech Summit - Opening RemarksDCG Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech Summit - Opening Remarks
DCG Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech Summit - Opening Remarks

On Thursday, Oct. 20, Digital Currency Group hosted its second annual Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech Summit - three days of private events focused on bringing together our network of founders, startups, investors, and corporate strategics. These are the opening remarks presented by our founder and CEO, Barry Silbert, regarding the progress the bitcoin and blockchain ecosystem over the last year, and what DCG is excited about looking forward. Our Director of Development, Meltem Demirors, also announced the launch of our new corporate network.

venture capitalconferencefinance
How will blockchain change the economy
How will blockchain change the economyHow will blockchain change the economy
How will blockchain change the economy

Blockchain technology has emerged as a real game-changer. Across all continents, Asia is likely to see the highest economic benefits of blockchain technology. In terms of particular countries, blockchain technology could have the maximum inherent net profit in China ($ 440 billion) and the United States ($ 407 billion). Five other countries (Germany, Japan, UK, India, and France) are also expected to have net profits above $ 50 billion. At the sectoral level, the leading beneficiaries appear to be the public administration, education and health sectors. These sectors are looking forward to benefiting a sum of around $ 574 billion by 2030.

blockchain technologyblockchain professionalsblockchain platform
Besides the presence of various technologies that claim to be applicable to blockchains on
the market there is still the challenge in choosing exactly that technology which
best fits your business use case story.
Moreover lack of genuine information about how other companies are using
them creates a blurry picture when it comes to the actual execution.
The smartest way is not the easiest one.
But nobody wants to spend too much time and money on just running various proofs of
concepts. So then adding or removing technologies based on the proof of
concept could also be challenging. It becomes more complicated with a lack of an
enterprise-ready software that enable developers to execute smart contracts to test and
fail fast.
Reinvent the wheel
Despite the fact that mostly all blockchain technologies are
open source, the challenge is still in how to take the
chosen technology and bring it to
Technology Partner
Based on the previous challenge we can say, there is a strong need
for software as a service, which can provide a productive, cost-
effective and simple approach to have blockchain as part of an
enterprise solution.
But the goal to find a partner company that has a proven
track record of working with blockchain is not the easiest one to
Learn from others
Lack of true information on other organizations' production stories, and that
creates a challenge about deciding on what technology to use and which practical
use cases to emulate.
Even so, you should still perform the following:
Conduct smart Q&A sessions with technology partners help to design a better solution.
Understand the business use cases or pain points of a particular product, and then get to
the point of why and how blockchain helped to solve the problem.
Research thoroughly to pick the right technology partner, as mentioned above.

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7 Industries Influencing Blockchain Testing

Blockchain applications demand standard testing such as functional performance, integration, and security testing. In addition, testing teams must have these specialized testing capabilities including Smart Contracts testing and Node Testing. know how differently each industry is influencing Blockchain Testing capabilities.

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How Blockchain could disrupt the advertising industry
How Blockchain could disrupt the advertising industryHow Blockchain could disrupt the advertising industry
How Blockchain could disrupt the advertising industry

Blockchain has the potential to disrupt the digital advertising industry by addressing several challenges. It could 1) remove intermediary fees by allowing direct transactions between advertisers and publishers, 2) provide a shared ledger to accurately track impressions and resolve discrepancies, and 3) establish standardized taxonomies and definitions to improve communication. Blockchain's transparency, immutability, and consensus-based approach could also help prevent ad fraud and correctly match consumer identities and data across the industry.

Blockchain: A Potential Game-Changer for Life Insurance
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Blockchain: A Potential Game-Changer for Life Insurance

As a shared, secure, distributed ledger that works in a peer-to-peer environment, blockchain technology can benefit the insurance industry in numerous ways throughout the value chain. We explore several use cases, including death claims processing, to illustrate blockchain's ability to streamline cumbersome workflows, reduce errors and fraud, increase auditability and confer competitive advantage.

crop insurancep&cpeer-to-peer networks
As we are starting to see more implementations of blockchain,
there is a lack of access to genuine blockchain experts. COE
plays a key role, and the structure of COE varies from the
organization to organization, but at the generic level, you can
imagine having a product manager or project manager at the
core and business and technology people communicating to the
core. The core helps to build the bridge between
various people involved.
Businesses want their technology teams to figure out creative
ways to provide faster and more accurate information
for their end users, customers, vendors and any other line of
business within the organization or outside of the
Besides the workforce challenge, the lack of knowledge
about blockchain technologies makes it difficult to find a
true use case within an organization that matches perfectly
with the technology.
<BaaS and SCaaS>
Banking & Finance
Supply Chain
Digital Assets Platform
Where can be used?

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Blockchain 101 for Government Officials

At the 2017 NC Digital Government Summit, I gave a presentation to demystify Blockchain. The presentation explained what is blockchain, compared primitive trade to Burning Man -- and, highlighted the record and public key; then ended with specific use cases.

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This document provides an overview of blockchain technology. It defines blockchain as a continuously growing list of records called blocks that are linked using cryptography. Each block contains a hash pointer linking it to the previous block along with a timestamp and transaction data. The document discusses the levels of blockchain from basic storage of digital records to executing smart contracts. It provides examples of blockchain applications in areas like payments and describes the advantages like reduced costs and intermediaries as well as disadvantages like performance needs. Finally, it discusses future works and adoption of blockchain technology.

How blockchain technology help you to enhance your business in 2020
How blockchain technology help you to enhance your business in 2020How blockchain technology help you to enhance your business in 2020
How blockchain technology help you to enhance your business in 2020

. Blockchain Council is one of the leading platforms offering certification courses in Blockchain. So, if you are also willing to learn more about Blockchain, then you must enroll for the Blockchain certification program.

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Open Source
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Pay as you go model
Product Offerings
What technologies can fluence work with?
Enterprise blockchain| Blockchain as a Service| Blockchain Disruption| Blockchain Use Cases| Challenges for Blockchain Deployment| BaaS| SCaaS|

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For, those companies, who are involved in the process of creating products and offering services to other business organizations, for them blockchain can be some sort of a new bank. Utilizing the blockchain technology, one can seamlessly handle the process, involving along sending and receiving of cash, signing contracts, accepting the deposits and significantly more

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The economy of the entire world is changing. Businesses that stick to the innovation flow will save money and generate a reputation in the modern, trusted digital world. Source:

blockchain development servicestechnology
Role of Blockchain Technology In Business
Role of Blockchain Technology In BusinessRole of Blockchain Technology In Business
Role of Blockchain Technology In Business

These are a few of the many uses of Blockchain technology. Undeniably, this technology is the driver of change, and if you too want to become a participant of the same, thenBlockchain training would help you in the same.

Enterprise blockchain| Blockchain as a Service| Blockchain Disruption| Blockchain Use Cases| Challenges for Blockchain Deployment| BaaS| SCaaS|
Enterprise blockchain| Blockchain as a Service| Blockchain Disruption| Blockchain Use Cases| Challenges for Blockchain Deployment| BaaS| SCaaS|
Enterprise blockchain| Blockchain as a Service| Blockchain Disruption| Blockchain Use Cases| Challenges for Blockchain Deployment| BaaS| SCaaS|
Enterprise blockchain| Blockchain as a Service| Blockchain Disruption| Blockchain Use Cases| Challenges for Blockchain Deployment| BaaS| SCaaS|

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You often hear tech experts discussing how powerful blockchain technology is. Today, you’ll find out exactly how influential it can be in transforming traditional businesses. Source:

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Enhance Your Career With An Online Degree In Blockchain For Business
Enhance Your Career With An Online Degree In Blockchain For BusinessEnhance Your Career With An Online Degree In Blockchain For Business
Enhance Your Career With An Online Degree In Blockchain For Business

An online degree in Blockchain for Business will help any business to grow. This degree will give you an overview of blockchain basics, along with the consensus algorithms being used. Moreover, you will understand smart contracts and blockchain architecture better. With reduced costs and greater efficiency, blockchain use-cases allow employees to focus on better business decisions.

The Future Of Blockchain For Start Ups Or Businesses
The Future Of Blockchain For Start Ups Or BusinessesThe Future Of Blockchain For Start Ups Or Businesses
The Future Of Blockchain For Start Ups Or Businesses

Blockchain is the future; this is not an undermining statement; instead, a technology that is promising to make a significant impact in the future is right ahead of us. The Blockchain that started as the underlying technology for cryptocurrency exchange has now emerged as a full-fledged mainstream technology captivating the attention of tech giants and even the start-ups.

Blockchain infrastructure
Smart contract security
Token economics transparency
Blockchain COE
Question to ask: Is Saas Solution to Blockchain challenges?
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Enterprise blockchain| Blockchain as a Service| Blockchain Disruption| Blockchain Use Cases| Challenges for Blockchain Deployment| BaaS| SCaaS|

  • 2. Technology Movement In the last 15 years or so, we have experienced a significant business transformation because of open-source software, cloud, big data and artificial intelligence (AI). These are not just buzzwords anymore because enterprises have adopted various technologies that fall under the umbrella of these terms. Blockchain is at the same place where the cloud and big data were several years ago. Source:
  • 6. For most people, their first impression of the term “Blockchain” was in relation to Bitcoin or Cryptocurrency. The question is “How can I use blockchain in my enterprise?”
  • 7. Just a chain of blocks linked together All of these blocks are chained together using secure cryptography, which is like an unbreakable lock And each block represents a list of data The most important thing about blockchains is trust So you can securely exchange value without going through a middleman who imposes regulations or censorship You do not need to trust a human. A proper Blockchain is trustworthy without needing to trust the nodes of the miners Why are they so cool? So what is so important? Cryptozombie Etherboy
  • 8. Predictions 90% of the enterprise blockchain projects launched in 2016 and the first half of 2017 will meet a premature end within 24 months. The business value-add of blockchain will grow to slightly more than $176 billion by 2025, and then it will exceed $3.1 trillion by 2030 In 90 percent of cases, the experiments with blockchains will never become part of a company’s operations, according to Forrester Research Inc. “They want to see other people fail first - they don’t wanna be a guinea pig,” said Brian Behlendorf, executive director of Hyperledger. “It’s just the nature of enterprise software." Gartner: Forrester:
  • 9. Blockchain Disruption Blockchain is disruptive in the same way quantum computing will be. You can’t ignore the beauty of decentralization and this new way of exchanging information without involving a middleman. Blockchain is not cryptocurrency, and it can fit into enterprises as a part of their enterprise solutions. Source: advancements-in-technology-will-change-the-near-future
  • 11. DL Data is geographically spread across multiple sites, countries, or institutions. BC All Blockchains are DL but not vice versa or All DL SC SC is a computer protocol and is not supported on all Blockchains
  • 12. Non-ICO Cyptogurus: Bitcoin And Crypto Will Take Over The World Enterprise Architects: Let’s don’t discuss crypto or ICO business as my CFO won’t approve any investment in ICO or any other kind of Cryptocurrency. Let’s discuss how Blockchain can help us to improve customer experience and exchange information between LOB.
  • 14. Use Cases Let’s spend a few minutes to warm up
  • 15. Blockchain ● Ability for IoT applications to contribute transactional data to blockchains ● Patient databases on blockchain ● Drug supply chain integrity ● Claims adjudication ● Medical supply chain management ● Clinical trial provenance - integrity with an auditable trail of data exchange ● Transparency within the patient-to-hospital or patient-to-doctor transactions ● Efficiency, privacy, ownership of patient health data ● Fast and secure transactions ● Empower global transactions ● Minimize auditing complexity for any financial ledger ● Tracking journey stops; paired with IoT to create an immutable ledger of trip data ● Make credit reports more accurate, transparent, and accessible ● Loyalty / reward management ● Tokenization of real estate ● Reduce paperwork ● Track truthful, full history of vehicle from pre-production to sale ● Supply chain parts management ● Improve multi-party contracts ● Streamline risk contract efficiency ● Smart contracts with defined rules, expiration and accessibility for relevant parties ● Federated repository of academic information specific to class, professor, and student ● Control of ownership rights ● Use of smart contracts for artist compensation / legal proceedings ● Payments processing - cryptographics, secure, anti-3rs party ● Tracking gun ownership and possession related information ● Tracking criminal ID history and attempts to purchase IOTCommercial Vehicles and Transportation Healthcare Automotive Gun Safety Education Insurance Legal Media Credit history Travel & Retail Real estate Banking & Finance
  • 17. Technology Besides the presence of various technologies that claim to be applicable to blockchains on the market there is still the challenge in choosing exactly that technology which best fits your business use case story. Moreover lack of genuine information about how other companies are using them creates a blurry picture when it comes to the actual execution. The smartest way is not the easiest one. But nobody wants to spend too much time and money on just running various proofs of concepts. So then adding or removing technologies based on the proof of concept could also be challenging. It becomes more complicated with a lack of an enterprise-ready software that enable developers to execute smart contracts to test and fail fast.
  • 18. Reinvent the wheel Despite the fact that mostly all blockchain technologies are open source, the challenge is still in how to take the chosen technology and bring it to production.
  • 19. Technology Partner Based on the previous challenge we can say, there is a strong need for software as a service, which can provide a productive, cost- effective and simple approach to have blockchain as part of an enterprise solution. But the goal to find a partner company that has a proven track record of working with blockchain is not the easiest one to achieve.
  • 20. Learn from others Lack of true information on other organizations' production stories, and that creates a challenge about deciding on what technology to use and which practical use cases to emulate. Even so, you should still perform the following: Conduct smart Q&A sessions with technology partners help to design a better solution. Understand the business use cases or pain points of a particular product, and then get to the point of why and how blockchain helped to solve the problem. Research thoroughly to pick the right technology partner, as mentioned above.
  • 21. COE As we are starting to see more implementations of blockchain, there is a lack of access to genuine blockchain experts. COE plays a key role, and the structure of COE varies from the organization to organization, but at the generic level, you can imagine having a product manager or project manager at the core and business and technology people communicating to the core. The core helps to build the bridge between various people involved.
  • 22. Businesses want their technology teams to figure out creative ways to provide faster and more accurate information for their end users, customers, vendors and any other line of business within the organization or outside of the organization. Besides the workforce challenge, the lack of knowledge about blockchain technologies makes it difficult to find a true use case within an organization that matches perfectly with the technology.
  • 24. Banking & Finance Marketplace Healthcare Supply Chain Gaming Digital Assets Platform Industries Where can be used?
  • 25. Open Source Limited features and no production support Enterprise 30 days free trial Cloud Pay as you go model Product Offerings
  • 33. Conclusion Blockchain infrastructure Smart contract security Token economics transparency Blockchain COE Question to ask: Is Saas Solution to Blockchain challenges?
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