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By- ARSR Tech
Blockchain use cases in 2022 real world industry applications
 Blockchain Technology has been a hot topic in 2021 and the
same will continue in 2022 owing to its many exciting features
 Decentralized Structure
 Increased Data Protection (used Cryptography)
 Increased Trust between different entities
 Reduced Costs due to efficient transactions
 Excellent speed
 Immutability and many more!
 Blockchain is already disrupting a handful of industries and it
is set to disrupt a few more in 2022. So, what are some real-
world applications of Blockchain that will come to the fore in
2022? Read on to find out!
Exciting Blockchain Applications to
look out for in 2022
1. For Social and Political Objectives
2. Interoperability with Financial
3. Increased use of Blockchain in Retail
4. Incorporating Blockchain into
Government Agencies

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This document discusses blockchain technology and its potential applications. It defines blockchain as a shared, distributed ledger that allows participants in a business network to view transaction records. Blockchain addresses the problem of difficulty monitoring asset ownership and transfers in a trusted network by providing a permissioned, replicated shared ledger. The key properties that enable this are decentralization, strong authentication, and tamper resistance. The document also discusses public versus private blockchains and the challenges and opportunities blockchain poses for financial institutions in validating transactions without third parties.

bitcoinsblockchaindigital currency
How does blockchain work
How does blockchain workHow does blockchain work
How does blockchain work

This document provides an overview of blockchain technology, how it works, and its applications. It defines blockchain as a decentralized digital ledger consisting of blocks that record transactions across networks so past transactions cannot be altered. The document outlines the history of blockchain, how it provides security through hashing and proof-of-work algorithms, and how cryptocurrencies use blockchain to be immune from counterfeiting without central authorities. It then provides an example of how a basic bitcoin transaction occurs between parties on the blockchain network.

blockchainsecurityinformation security
Blockchain basics
Blockchain basicsBlockchain basics
Blockchain basics

Blockchain technology is gaining significant attention and investment from major banks and financial institutions. Banks are projected to invest $400 million in blockchain by 2019, and over 30% of firms surveyed have annual blockchain budgets over $5 million. Blockchain uses distributed ledger technology to securely record transactions in digitally recorded "blocks" that are linked together, allowing participants on a blockchain network to reach consensus on a single view of the truth. This consensus-based approach provides advantages over traditional centralized databases by enabling trustless verification and transparency across organizations without the need for intermediaries.

1. For Social and Political Objectives
 One of the exciting Blockchain use cases will be its
application in political and social activities.
 Did you know? Blockchain is already being considered as
a potential technology that can transform digital rights
management, supply chain management and reduce
identity theft. This is due to the trust & transparency-
related features that the blockchain brings to the table.
 That is why blockchain applications that combat
misinformation gained popularity in 2021 and will
continue to grow in 2022.
 Let’s look at a live example of how blockchain helped
fight misinformation:
 The New York Times’ Research & Development
teams experts created a program (a prototype) that
can seamlessly record various activities with the help
of a photograph as metadata. The program will then
display all the information captured via photographs
to therespective users on their social media feeds.
 Such innovative blockchain solutions help establish
better claims over content like videos and photos
which in turn enables organizations and individuals
to fight misinformation. With an increase in the use of
blockchain technology, many leading experts predict
that blockchain will emerge as an innovative tool for
social change.
2. Interoperability with Financial
 With blockchain technology witnessing a boom in
2020 and 2021, many users are showing more
interest in the innovative technology as compared to
traditional banks & financial services.
 Banks are realizing this increased interest & trust of
customers in blockchain technology and its huge
potential for the financial sector. That is why many
traditional and modern financial organizations are
adopting blockchain to address the unique needs of
customers and gain their trust.
 Here are a few examples of Blockchain adoption by
some of the leading financial institutions –
 HSBC – This widely-known organization has
recently carried out two credit transactions on
blockchain technology between companies that are
located in the Gulf.
 JP Morgan –They are effectively leveraging the
many benefits of Blockchain to address automated
margin payments.

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Blockchain concepts

Murughan Palaniachari presents information on blockchain concepts. He discusses how blockchain enables a decentralized future (Web 3.0) with distributed and individual ownership of data. Blockchain uses distributed ledgers and cryptography to securely record transactions in an immutable, transparent and verifiable way without centralized control. Key concepts covered include how blockchain works, the structure of blocks and blockchains, consensus mechanisms, smart contracts, and examples of blockchain use cases.

blockchaindistributed ledgerdlt
Block chain technology
Block chain technology Block chain technology
Block chain technology

Blockchain technology was first introduced with the Hashcash algorithm in 1997 and later developed by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to power bitcoin transactions via a consensus algorithm. It consists of blocks of information linked through cryptography to form a distributed ledger managed by a peer-to-peer network, allowing information to be recorded immutably. Participants approve transactions and add verified blocks to the chain through a consensus process. It provides high security, transparency, and accessibility without a central authority through cryptographic linking of chronological blocks.

Blockchain Presentation
Blockchain PresentationBlockchain Presentation
Blockchain Presentation

Blockchain technology allows participants to interact without a central authority by maintaining a distributed ledger of an shared database. It has applications beyond digital currencies like voting, smart contracts, and digital property records. Blockchains use cryptography and consensus to securely add transactions in blocks to an immutable chain. There are public, private, and consortium blockchains depending on who can read/write to the ledger. Blockchain technology has evolved from currency in Blockchain 1.0 to supporting smart contracts in Blockchain 2.0 and now decentralized applications in Blockchain 3.0.

3. Increased use of Blockchain in
 2021 has certainly introduced blockchain into the retail
sector. But, in 2022, blockchain technology will continue
to evolve. These advancements in blockchain will be
leveraged by the retail sector for inventory & supply chain
management capabilities.
 2016 was the year when blockchain first took its baby
steps in the retail sector. Well-known organizations –
Walmart & IBM partnered to create a blockchain-based
solution that simplified tracking of food products. The
blockchain solution helped Walmart to simplify payments
for multiple retailers and shipping companies while
seamlessly tracking all the shipping activities.
 Fast forward to 2018 where IBM partnered with
Maersk to develop an innovative blockchain-based
trade solution called Trade lens that solves the many
challenges of freight management.
 Oher retail organizations that adopted
blockchain include Volvo, Nestle, Ford and even
Amazon! So, as you can see, Blockchain technology
holds a lot of promise for the retail sector in 2022.
4. Incorporating Blockchain into
Government Agencies
 One of the biggest blockchain trends that have the
potential to dominate the blockchain market is the
utilization of blockchain technology in government
 While a few countries are coming forward to adopt
cryptocurrencies there are many other countries and
governments that are realizing the various benefits
of Blockchain.
 For example:
 South Korea has deployed a robust block-based solution
that stores the driving licenses of a million drivers.
 Japan’s Finance Minister has openly acknowledged that
Blockchain can be a potent tool in fighting the global
 Columbia is also supporting the use of blockchain-based
payment systems and cryptocurrency.
 Thailand has been mulling on introducing a blockchain-
based document storage solution where all the judicial
documents can be seamlessly stored.
 These are 4 interesting predictions and applications of
Blockchain Technology for 2022.

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This document discusses blockchain technology and provides examples of its applications. It begins by defining blockchain as a continuously growing list of records called blocks, linked using cryptography. Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. This makes blockchain resistant to modification of past data. The document then provides examples of how blockchain is being used in various industries like healthcare, finance, manufacturing, government, and more. It aims to show the vast potential applications of this new technology.

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A presentation given by Bohyun Kim at the 2019 SLA (Special Libraries Association) Conference in Cleveland, OH on June 18th, 2019.

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Blockchain In Government - How The Technology Can Transform Government ServicesBlockchain In Government - How The Technology Can Transform Government Services
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Unblocking Blockchain technology to understand how it can help a country’s governing body leapfrog delivery models and improve like never before.

Thank You So Much
For Reading

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Blockchain use cases in 2022 real world industry applications

  • 3. Introduction  Blockchain Technology has been a hot topic in 2021 and the same will continue in 2022 owing to its many exciting features like:  Decentralized Structure  Increased Data Protection (used Cryptography)  Increased Trust between different entities  Reduced Costs due to efficient transactions  Excellent speed  Immutability and many more!  Blockchain is already disrupting a handful of industries and it is set to disrupt a few more in 2022. So, what are some real- world applications of Blockchain that will come to the fore in 2022? Read on to find out!
  • 4. Exciting Blockchain Applications to look out for in 2022 1. For Social and Political Objectives 2. Interoperability with Financial Institutions 3. Increased use of Blockchain in Retail 4. Incorporating Blockchain into Government Agencies
  • 5. 1. For Social and Political Objectives  One of the exciting Blockchain use cases will be its application in political and social activities.  Did you know? Blockchain is already being considered as a potential technology that can transform digital rights management, supply chain management and reduce identity theft. This is due to the trust & transparency- related features that the blockchain brings to the table.  That is why blockchain applications that combat misinformation gained popularity in 2021 and will continue to grow in 2022.  Let’s look at a live example of how blockchain helped fight misinformation:
  • 6.  The New York Times’ Research & Development teams experts created a program (a prototype) that can seamlessly record various activities with the help of a photograph as metadata. The program will then display all the information captured via photographs to therespective users on their social media feeds.  Such innovative blockchain solutions help establish better claims over content like videos and photos which in turn enables organizations and individuals to fight misinformation. With an increase in the use of blockchain technology, many leading experts predict that blockchain will emerge as an innovative tool for social change.
  • 7. 2. Interoperability with Financial Institutions  With blockchain technology witnessing a boom in 2020 and 2021, many users are showing more interest in the innovative technology as compared to traditional banks & financial services.  Banks are realizing this increased interest & trust of customers in blockchain technology and its huge potential for the financial sector. That is why many traditional and modern financial organizations are adopting blockchain to address the unique needs of customers and gain their trust.
  • 8.  Here are a few examples of Blockchain adoption by some of the leading financial institutions –  HSBC – This widely-known organization has recently carried out two credit transactions on blockchain technology between companies that are located in the Gulf.  JP Morgan –They are effectively leveraging the many benefits of Blockchain to address automated margin payments.
  • 9. 3. Increased use of Blockchain in Retail  2021 has certainly introduced blockchain into the retail sector. But, in 2022, blockchain technology will continue to evolve. These advancements in blockchain will be leveraged by the retail sector for inventory & supply chain management capabilities.  2016 was the year when blockchain first took its baby steps in the retail sector. Well-known organizations – Walmart & IBM partnered to create a blockchain-based solution that simplified tracking of food products. The blockchain solution helped Walmart to simplify payments for multiple retailers and shipping companies while seamlessly tracking all the shipping activities.
  • 10.  Fast forward to 2018 where IBM partnered with Maersk to develop an innovative blockchain-based trade solution called Trade lens that solves the many challenges of freight management.  Oher retail organizations that adopted blockchain include Volvo, Nestle, Ford and even Amazon! So, as you can see, Blockchain technology holds a lot of promise for the retail sector in 2022.
  • 11. 4. Incorporating Blockchain into Government Agencies  One of the biggest blockchain trends that have the potential to dominate the blockchain market is the utilization of blockchain technology in government agencies.  While a few countries are coming forward to adopt cryptocurrencies there are many other countries and governments that are realizing the various benefits of Blockchain.
  • 12.  For example:  South Korea has deployed a robust block-based solution that stores the driving licenses of a million drivers.  Japan’s Finance Minister has openly acknowledged that Blockchain can be a potent tool in fighting the global pandemic.  Columbia is also supporting the use of blockchain-based payment systems and cryptocurrency.  Thailand has been mulling on introducing a blockchain- based document storage solution where all the judicial documents can be seamlessly stored.  These are 4 interesting predictions and applications of Blockchain Technology for 2022.
  • 13. Thank You So Much For Reading