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© 2016 IBM Corporation
IBM’s Open Blockchain
Making Blockchain Real for Enterprises
Anthony O’Dowd, STSM IBM Blockchain Labs
Christopher Ferris, CTO Open Technology, IBM
IBM Blockchain – April 2016
© 2016 IBM Corporation 2
Blockchain Business Terminology
Business Networks
• Participants who are customers,
suppliers, banks, partners
• Cross geography & regulatory
Wealth is generated by the flow of
goods & services across business
Markets are central to this process
• Public: fruit market, car auction
• Private: supply chain financing,
THE system of record for a business
Business will have multiple ledgers for
multiple business networks in which they
Transaction: an asset transfer onto and off
of the ledger
• John gives a car to Anthony (simple)
Contract: conditions for transaction to occur
• If Anthony pays John money, then car
passes from John to Anthony (simple)
• If car won't start, funds do not pass to
John (as decided by third party
arbitrator) (more complex)
Anything that is capable of being
owned or controlled to produce value
Two fundamental types of asset
• Tangible, e.g. a house
• Intangible e.g. a mortgage
Intangible assets subdivide
• Financial, e.g. bond
• Intellectual e.g. patents
• Digital e.g. music
Cash is also an asset
• Has property of anonymity
© 2016 IBM Corporation 3
The Blockchain Solution – a shared, replicated, permissioned ledger
Bank records
Party C’s Records Auditor records
Party B Records
Party A’s Records
© 2016 IBM Corporation 4
Blockchain defined
Blockchain is a technology for a new generation of transactional applications that establishes trust,
accountability and transparency while streamlining processes in business networks. Think of it as
an operating system for interactions between participants in a business network. It has the potential
to vastly reduce the cost and complexity of getting things done.
Blockchain is a design
pattern made famous by its
use in Bitcoin. But its uses
go far beyond.
Blockchain can reimagine
the world's most fundamental
business interactions and
open the door to invent new
styles of digital interactions.
IBM is applying Blockchain
to a very broad range of
business applications

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Blockchain session @ 2nd Bluemix Meetup

This document discusses blockchain and how IBM can help businesses apply it. Blockchain is a shared, replicated, permissioned ledger technology that can improve business networks by reducing costs, increasing efficiencies and accessibility. It addresses challenges across industries. IBM supports the open standard Hyperledger Project and provides blockchain services through Bluemix to help customers get started incrementally with blockchain.

Blockchain for Business on Hyperledger
Blockchain for Business on HyperledgerBlockchain for Business on Hyperledger
Blockchain for Business on Hyperledger

Blockchain technology allows strangers on the internet to agree on transactions without a central authority through the use of distributed ledgers, consensus algorithms, and cryptography. The Hyperledger project is developing open source blockchain frameworks and tools for businesses to create applications on permissioned blockchains. An example application tracks pork products in a supply chain using smart contracts on Hyperledger Fabric to provide transparency into where products come from.

ato 2016blockchainall things open
Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and ...
Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and ...Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and ...
Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and ...

Making Blockchain Real for Business - Kathryn Harrison (IBM, Middle East and Africa Payment and Blockchain Leader) İçinde bulunduğumuz teknoloji çağının getirdikleri ile birlikte finans dünyasını yeni teknolojiler bekliyor. Bitcoin ve Blockchain teknolojisi bunların başında yer alıyor. Finans dünyasındaki tüm kuralları değiştirebilecek potansiyeli içinde barındıran bu iki teknolojiye olan ilgi her geçen gün artmakta. İstanbul Finans Derneği işbirliği ve Business Ankara medya sponsorluğunda düzenlenen etkinlikte, 'bitcoin' ve 'blockchain' teknolojileri gerek yazılım gerekse finansal boyutuyla ele alındı. - 31 Mart 2016 meet@ideaport | Finans Dünyasında Yeni Trend: Bitcoin ve Blockchain

inovationtechnologycripto money
© 2016 IBM Corporation 5
IBM’s point-of-view on Blockchain
1. Blockchain is a new-style distributed-database technology that enables enterprises to
interact more efficiently and securely across a wide variety of business application
2. Blockchain is not bitcoin; and while it was made popular by bitcoin, the computer science
behind blockchain has been in development for the past two decades
3. Blockchain must be built in the open. IBM supports the Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger
project because of it’s focus on balanced governance methodology and open source
meritocracy. This approach will lower risk of adoption and has lead to record adoption by
top industry companies and regulators.
4. Blockchain must be made ready for enterprise applications with a focus on privacy,
confidentiality, auditability, performance and scalability. IBM OBC fabric, is built from the
ground up with these attributes and was donated to the Hyperledger project
5. Blockchain must be permissioned to ensure greater trust across members, while
enabling more optimized forms of consensus which avoids the need to mine, which
comes are great cost in compute power and performance. Hence, IBM’s view of
blockchain does not include mining of coins, fuel, or any form of currency.
© 2016 IBM Corporation 6
IBM’s point-of-view on Blockchain
6. Blockchain must be extensible to enable experimentation that will lead to innovations in
consensus algorithms, storage, integration and performance. Hyperledger supports a modular
architecture which allows 3rd parties to create and plug-in new value that they can either
monetize or place back into the community.
7. Cloud-based deployments will provide the automation needed to quickly and accurately enable
developers and operator to adopt blockchain
8. Use-cases for blockchain range from bold ideas to imagine (or re-imagine) business processes
to more humble usage patterns to adopt sooner (2016) versus later. IBM defines four styles of
usage with increasing level of difficulty: compliance ledger, asset exchange, consortium ledger
and high value market ledger.
9. IBM Blockchain is conducting business in 2016 across three areas:
– Community development (Hyperledger)
– Cloud deployment which expands Hyperledger with value added features
– Client engagement via the Blockchain Garage.
10. IBM is engaging government and regulators to educate, demonstrate and encourage the broad
adoption of Blockchain for Enterprise usage.
© 2016 IBM Corporation 7
Key Concepts and Benefits of Blockchain for Business
Ensuring appropriate
visibility; transactions are
secure, authenticated &
Ensuring appropriate
visibility; transactions are
secure, authenticated &
Business terms embedded
in transaction database &
executed with transactions
Business terms embedded
in transaction database &
executed with transactions
All parties agree to
network verified
All parties agree to
network verified
Append-only distributed
system of record shared
across business network
Append-only distributed
system of record shared
across business network
time from days
to near
Overheads and
Tampering, fraud &
cyber crime
Key Concepts:
© 2016 IBM Corporation 8
Shared Ledger and Smart Contracts
Shared Ledger
• Records all transactions
across business network
• Shared between participants
• Participants have own copy
through replication
• Permissioned, so participants
see only appropriate
• THE shared system of record
Smart Contracts
• Business rules implied by the
contract …embedded in the
Blockchain &
• Executed with the transaction
• Verifiable, signed and encoded in
programming language
• Example:
– Defines contractual conditions
under which corporate Bond
transfer occurs

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Hyperledger is a collaborative effort created by the Linux Foundation to advance blockchain technology for use by enterprises. It aims to create an open standard for distributed ledgers that can transform global business transactions. The project will develop an enterprise-grade open source distributed ledger framework and codebase that users can build industry applications on. It will also create a technical community to benefit solution providers and users focused on blockchain use cases.

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Blockchain Explained for Devlopers
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Blockchain Explained for Devlopers

This document provides an overview of blockchain technologies and how IBM can help businesses apply blockchain. It defines key blockchain concepts like shared ledgers, smart contracts, consensus, and privacy. It also discusses example use cases for blockchain like supply chain management, financial transactions, and regulatory compliance. The document outlines IBM's engagement model for helping customers explore blockchain, build proofs of concept, and scale blockchain applications. It positions IBM as supporting the open source Hyperledger project and providing tools and services to make blockchain adoption easier for businesses.

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Blockchain architected
Blockchain architectedBlockchain architected
Blockchain architected

This document discusses key concepts and components related to blockchain solutions, including actors such as users, developers, operators, and architects. It describes various components that make up blockchain solutions such as ledgers, smart contracts, consensus mechanisms, and how applications interact with blockchains. It also covers considerations for blockchain developers and operators, and challenges around integrating blockchains with existing systems and achieving determinism.

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© 2016 IBM Corporation 9
Privacy and Pluggable Consensus
Permissions for Privacy
• Ledger is shared, but participants
require privacy
• Participants need:
– Transactions to be private
– Identity not linked to a
• Transactions need to be
• Cryptography central to these
Consensus to verify transactions
• Anonymity is expensive
– Bitcoin cryptographic mining
• Participants known & trusted
– Lowers cost of consensus
• Pluggable Consensus alternatives
– Proof of Stake
– Multi-Signature (e.g. 3 of 5)
– PBFT (cross checked secure
message exchange)
© 2016 IBM Corporation 10
Operator Traditional
access to logic
to data
The Participants in a Blockchain Network
© 2016 IBM Corporation 11
Node B
Node B
Validating Node CValidating Node C
Node A
Node A
Node D
Node D
Node E
Node E Blockchain Network A chain network that services
solutions built for a particular industry.
Shared Ledger: Records all transactions across business network
Consensus: Transaction validation & commitment
Non- Validating
Non- Validating
Proprietor(s) setup and define the
purpose of a chain network. They are the
stakeholders of a network.
Auditors(s): Individuals or organizations
with the permission to interrogate
transactions and the blockchain network.
Solution Users: end users typically initiate transactions
on a chain network through applications made available
by solutions providers.
Non-Validating node: Constructs
transactions and forwards them to
validating nodes. Peer nodes keep
a copy of all transaction records
so that solution providers can
query them locally.
Solution Provider: Organizations that
develop mobile/web applications for
solution users to access chain networks.,
they own either NV or Validating node.
Public transactions:
transactions with its
payload in the clear
Membership Service (PKI)
Registration Authority: Assigns registration username & registration password pairs to network
participants. This username/password pair will be used to acquire enrollment certificate from ECA.
Enrollment CA (ECA): Issues enrollment certificates (ECert) to network participants that have already
registered with a membership service. ECerts are long term certificates used to identify individual entities
participating in one or more networks.
Transaction CA (TCA): Issues transaction certificates (TCerts) to ECert owners. An infinite number of
TCerts can be derived from each ECert. TCerts are used by network participants to send transactions.
TLS CA: Issues TLS certificates to systems that transmit messages in a chain network. TLS certificates are
used to secure the communication channel between systems.
Chaincode (Smart Contract): Application
logics stored and executed on the blockchain.
Chaincode State: Chaincodes access
internal state storage through state APIs.
States are created and updated by
transactions calling chaincode functions with
state accessing logic.
Confidential transactions:
transactions where its payload is
encrypted and is only visible to
stakeholders of this transaction
Confidential chaincode:
chaincodes that only pre-defined
subset of validators can view and
The Blockchain Network
© 2016 IBM Corporation 12
Blockchain Technical Terminology
Smart Contract Systems Management
Consensus Network Wallet
Shared Ledger
contains the current world state of the ledger and
a Blockchain of transaction invocations
encapsulates business network transactions in
code. transaction invocations result in gets and
sets of ledger state
a collection of network data and processing peers forming
a Blockchain network. Responsible for maintaining a
consistently replicated ledger
manages identity and transaction certificates, as
well as other aspects of permissioned access
creates notifications of significant operations on the Blockchain
(e.g. a new block), as well as notifications related to smart
contracts. Does not include event distribution.
provides the ability to create, change and monitor Blockchain
securely manages a user’s security credentials
responsible for integrating Blockchain bi-directionally with external
systems. Not part of Blockchain, but used with it.
Systems Integration

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Hyperledger Fabric in a Nutshell

An introduction session in the "Blockchain: Cryptocurrencies and other Business Applications" course that I've just finished delivering to the School of Business of Hong Kong Baptist University.

Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup
Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup
Kathleen Breitman at the Hyperledger Meetup

Distributed ledgers offer advantages for capital markets by providing a single record of transactions maintained across multiple nodes, avoiding political battles over control. They could help reconcile complex transactions recorded across old, fragile software systems in bank back offices. A distributed ledger maintained between different financial players could more easily track a swap sold and resold between custodians than traditional systems. Potential use cases involve a lack of central authority, robust regulatory needs, and transactional processes followable as smart contracts. Examples include repo agreements, FX settlement, and trade reconciliations.

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Slides from my CLOSER 2021 keynote ( ) Blockchain has emerged as a decentralized platform for managing digital assets and executing 'smart contracts', i.e., user-defined code. While blockchain's suitability for a given use case should always be scrutinized, it does have the potential to disrupt many of the connection points between individuals, companies, and government entities. In this keynote talk, I will provide an overview of what architects and developers need to know in order to build blockchain-based applications, and how it relates to the cloud and software services. Among others, I will cover blockchain-as-a-service concepts, as well as architectural concerns and model-driven engineering for blockchain applications, the latter also in relation to collaborative business processes. To highlight some of the challenges, I will discuss insights from a project on "programmable money", i.e., blockchain-based money for conditional payments where the money itself checks whether it can be spent in a certain way at the point of payment. Finally, I will touch on insights into current adoption of blockchain.

blockchainprogrammable moneysoftware architecture
© 2016 IBM Corporation 13
Open Source Code: Blockchain built
from the ground up for business;
Permission | Privacy
Confidential | Auditable
Open Governance – 40 member
Blockchain value-added
manged service on SoftLayer
and System Z:
Identity | Consensus | Audit |
System Integration |
Hardware-assist for
Performance & Security.
Blockchain Solutions for
Financial Services;
Trade Finance | Capital Markets
Blockchain Garage
NY | London | Singapore | Japan
Blockchain GBS Practice
IBM Blockchain
Hyperledger Project
Blockchain Solutions
Blockchain Garage
Community + Code Cloud Clients
© 2016 IBM Corporation 14
• Complete DevOps Lifecycle via Bluemix
• Smart contract language and API standards
• Enterprise-grade identity, security and privacy
• Seamless hybrid integration with legacy systems
• Market leading performance and scalability
IBM Differentiators
• Deep cryptography: skills, assets, IP from Research
• Hybrid Integration: WebSphere gateway & connectors
• Optimization: on Z with crypto hardware & blue cores
• Industry & domain expertise manifest in IBM solutions
• Future: Analytics & cognitive leadership on blockchain
© 2016 IBM Corporation 15
IBM Blockchain Architecture &
Code offered to Linux Foundation
Openchain Services
Openchain APIs, SDKs, CLI
Blockchain Services
Event HubEvent Hub
Identity, Privacy and Auditability of
blockchain participants.
Distributed transaction ledger
whereby the ledger is updated by
“Smart Contracts”, provide ability to
run business logic against the
Gives developers the ability to
programmatically control the
blockchain networkOpen Source Code: Blockchain built from the ground up for business;
Permission | Privacy | Confidential | Auditable
© 2016 IBM Corporation 16
Blockchain – Perfect for Open Source
● New, potentially revolutionary technology
● Requiring multiple specialized skills to develop
● Used by multiple parties
● Controlled and monetized by no one
● Strong governance model
So the Hyperledger Project was created at the Linux Foundation

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Blockchain technology is increasingly being considered for applications in business contexts due to its key properties. It is also very much hyped for its potential to transform existing industries and business models. In Part 1, we will introduce the key properties of blockchain, its limitations, the field and the relevance for SAP and enterprises in general. In Part 2, we will focus on one of the prominent suites available today and provide an demonstration of the POC we’ve developed.

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This document provides an agenda and overview of IBM Bluemix and Cloud Foundry. The agenda includes introductions to Platform as a Service (PaaS), Cloud Foundry, exploring the Bluemix console, and creating and updating an app. It then discusses the history and models of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and PaaS, the architecture and benefits of Cloud Foundry, and how to use the Bluemix console to create an app from the catalog and edit code locally.

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Blockchain technology was introduced in 2008 through Satoshi Nakamoto's white paper that introduced blockchain as a distributed database that maintains a continuously growing list of transaction records hardened against tampering. The document discusses key definitions around permissioned versus permissionless blockchains and consensus algorithms. It also provides examples of potential business use cases for blockchain as well as success stories from companies applying the technology.

© 2016 IBM Corporation 17
Introducing Hyperledger
A collaborative effort created to advance blockchain
technology by identifying and addressing important
features for a cross-industry open standard for
distributed ledgers that can transform the way
business transactions are conducted globally.
© 2016 IBM Corporation 18
© 2016 IBM Corporation 19
Election Announcements
Board Chair:
Technical Steering
Committee Chair:
General Member Board
Chris Ferris
CTO Open Technology
Craig Young
© 2016 IBM Corporation 20
Connecting with the Hyperledger Project Community
• Mailing Lists:
• Github :
• Slack (if you need an invite, please click
• Wiki:
• IRC: #hyperledger on
• Code of Conduct
• Working Group Meetings (Calendar)

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This document provides an overview of blockchain technology and its applications for business. It begins with defining blockchain as a shared, immutable ledger for recording transactions across a network of nodes. It then discusses how blockchain can be used to build trust and transparency in business processes by enabling real-time sharing of information across organizations. The document provides examples of how blockchain is being applied in various industries like trade finance, food supply chains, and healthcare to improve processes like payments, provenance tracking, and data sharing. It also outlines factors to consider when selecting blockchain use cases and developing blockchain solutions.

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Banking on a Blockchain

1. How the Royal Bank of Scotland is approaching research and innovation 2. What we have looked at in the distributed ledger space 3. Example: Building a digital wallet on the Hyperledger Fabric 4. What we've learnt about Hyperledger and other DLs 5. The challenges we face as a bank and as blockchain developers 6. Thoughts for the future

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The document outlines an agenda for a blockchain essentials workshop, including four sessions: exploring blockchain components; leveraging blockchain benefits; implementing blockchain in banking; and understanding key challenges. It then provides details on the first session, exploring blockchain and its components, defining blockchain, its distributed ledger system, and key cryptography components like public/private keys, digital signatures, proof of work, and hash functions. It also discusses the relationship between blockchain and cryptocurrency.

© 2016 IBM Corporation 21
6 Proposed Code contributions
© 2016 IBM Corporation 22
60+ Developers Attended First Hackathon
© 2016 IBM Corporation 23
Consolidation begins?
Sawtooth Lake
© 2016 IBM Corporation 24
Current activity
• Requirements & Use cases WG – Patrick Holmes, Intel
• Architecture WG – Ram Jagadeesan, Cisco
• Identity WG – Christopher Allen, Blockstream
• Whitepaper WG – Dave Voell, J.P. Morgan
• Fabric Incubator
• Sawtooth Lake Incubator
• Release Integration - TBD

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Blockchain and Supply Chain

Traceability of components of products - from food to fashion - is central to the promise of using blockchain to organize and operationalize data from the web of supply chains. How would traceability bring value? How do blockchain and smart contracts work? And how would these foster traceability? What has been done so far in this regard? What issues and tensions affect adoption of traceability, whether by blockchain or other means? This webinar examines blockchain and the role it plays in supply chain by providing traceability. To view the accompanying webinar, go to:

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Blockchain Essentials and Blockchain on Azure
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In this presentation I cover from the basics of Blockchain and deep-dive into the possibilities with Microsoft Azure on Blockchain projects. What is Blockchain Blockchain Disruption Blockchain Business Scenarios Microsoft’s Strategy on Blockchain Blockchain 2.0: Smart Contracts Blockchain 3.0: Cryptlets innovation Blockchain on Microsoft Azure Bletchley Project Azure Blockchain Solutions

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Blockchain explained cata
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High level introduction to Blockchain and IBM's offerings presented to the Capital Area Technology Association on 4/18/18.

© 2016 IBM Corporation 25
© 2016 IBM Corporation 26
What’s next?
• Monthly “hackathon”
• Hire an Executive Director
• Exploration of Sawtooth Lake Incubator
– What can Fabric learn from STL and vice-versa
• Initial draft of Whitepaper to be published
• Requirements review by Technical Steering Committee
© 2016 IBM Corporation
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An introduction to Blockchain for Business, as well as a deep dive into the IBM Blockchain Platform, its underpinning technologies, as well as various tools and frameworks that can guide developers towards building applications on top of a running business network.

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This document provides an overview of blockchain technologies and how IBM can help businesses apply blockchain. It defines blockchain as a shared, replicated ledger that allows all network participants to see the system of record. The document outlines several potential benefits of blockchain, such as reducing costs and complexity while improving discoverability and trusted recordkeeping. It also presents several example use cases across different industries where blockchain could help address business challenges. Finally, the document describes IBM's engagement model for helping customers explore blockchain technology through demonstrations and developing blockchain applications.

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The first slide deck from the IBM Blockchain Foundation for Developers course with an introduction to IBM Hyperledger architecture.


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  • 1. © 2016 IBM Corporation IBM’s Open Blockchain Making Blockchain Real for Enterprises Anthony O’Dowd, STSM IBM Blockchain Labs Christopher Ferris, CTO Open Technology, IBM IBM Blockchain – April 2016
  • 2. © 2016 IBM Corporation 2 Blockchain Business Terminology Business Networks • Participants who are customers, suppliers, banks, partners • Cross geography & regulatory boundary Wealth is generated by the flow of goods & services across business network Markets are central to this process • Public: fruit market, car auction or • Private: supply chain financing, bonds Ledgers THE system of record for a business Business will have multiple ledgers for multiple business networks in which they participate Transaction: an asset transfer onto and off of the ledger • John gives a car to Anthony (simple) Contract: conditions for transaction to occur • If Anthony pays John money, then car passes from John to Anthony (simple) • If car won't start, funds do not pass to John (as decided by third party arbitrator) (more complex) Assets Anything that is capable of being owned or controlled to produce value Two fundamental types of asset • Tangible, e.g. a house • Intangible e.g. a mortgage Intangible assets subdivide • Financial, e.g. bond • Intellectual e.g. patents • Digital e.g. music Cash is also an asset • Has property of anonymity
  • 3. © 2016 IBM Corporation 3 The Blockchain Solution – a shared, replicated, permissioned ledger Counter-party records Bank records Party C’s Records Auditor records Party B Records Party A’s Records Ledger Ledger Ledger Ledger Ledger Ledger
  • 4. © 2016 IBM Corporation 4 Blockchain defined Blockchain is a technology for a new generation of transactional applications that establishes trust, accountability and transparency while streamlining processes in business networks. Think of it as an operating system for interactions between participants in a business network. It has the potential to vastly reduce the cost and complexity of getting things done. Blockchain is a design pattern made famous by its use in Bitcoin. But its uses go far beyond. Blockchain can reimagine the world's most fundamental business interactions and open the door to invent new styles of digital interactions. IBM is applying Blockchain to a very broad range of business applications
  • 5. © 2016 IBM Corporation 5 IBM’s point-of-view on Blockchain 1. Blockchain is a new-style distributed-database technology that enables enterprises to interact more efficiently and securely across a wide variety of business application 2. Blockchain is not bitcoin; and while it was made popular by bitcoin, the computer science behind blockchain has been in development for the past two decades 3. Blockchain must be built in the open. IBM supports the Linux Foundation’s Hyperledger project because of it’s focus on balanced governance methodology and open source meritocracy. This approach will lower risk of adoption and has lead to record adoption by top industry companies and regulators. 4. Blockchain must be made ready for enterprise applications with a focus on privacy, confidentiality, auditability, performance and scalability. IBM OBC fabric, is built from the ground up with these attributes and was donated to the Hyperledger project 5. Blockchain must be permissioned to ensure greater trust across members, while enabling more optimized forms of consensus which avoids the need to mine, which comes are great cost in compute power and performance. Hence, IBM’s view of blockchain does not include mining of coins, fuel, or any form of currency.
  • 6. © 2016 IBM Corporation 6 IBM’s point-of-view on Blockchain 6. Blockchain must be extensible to enable experimentation that will lead to innovations in consensus algorithms, storage, integration and performance. Hyperledger supports a modular architecture which allows 3rd parties to create and plug-in new value that they can either monetize or place back into the community. 7. Cloud-based deployments will provide the automation needed to quickly and accurately enable developers and operator to adopt blockchain 8. Use-cases for blockchain range from bold ideas to imagine (or re-imagine) business processes to more humble usage patterns to adopt sooner (2016) versus later. IBM defines four styles of usage with increasing level of difficulty: compliance ledger, asset exchange, consortium ledger and high value market ledger. 9. IBM Blockchain is conducting business in 2016 across three areas: – Community development (Hyperledger) – Cloud deployment which expands Hyperledger with value added features – Client engagement via the Blockchain Garage. 10. IBM is engaging government and regulators to educate, demonstrate and encourage the broad adoption of Blockchain for Enterprise usage.
  • 7. © 2016 IBM Corporation 7 Key Concepts and Benefits of Blockchain for Business Smart Contract Smart Contract PermissionsPermissions Shared Ledger Shared Ledger ConsensusConsensus Ensuring appropriate visibility; transactions are secure, authenticated & verifiable Ensuring appropriate visibility; transactions are secure, authenticated & verifiable Business terms embedded in transaction database & executed with transactions Business terms embedded in transaction database & executed with transactions All parties agree to network verified transaction All parties agree to network verified transaction Append-only distributed system of record shared across business network Append-only distributed system of record shared across business network SavesSaves Time Transaction time from days to near instantaneous LowersLowers Cost Overheads and intermediary costs ReducesReduces Risk Tampering, fraud & cyber crime Benefits: Key Concepts:
  • 8. © 2016 IBM Corporation 8 Shared Ledger and Smart Contracts Shared Ledger • Records all transactions across business network • Shared between participants • Participants have own copy through replication • Permissioned, so participants see only appropriate transactions • THE shared system of record Smart Contracts • Business rules implied by the contract …embedded in the Blockchain & • Executed with the transaction • Verifiable, signed and encoded in programming language • Example: – Defines contractual conditions under which corporate Bond transfer occurs
  • 9. © 2016 IBM Corporation 9 Privacy and Pluggable Consensus Permissions for Privacy • Ledger is shared, but participants require privacy • Participants need: – Transactions to be private – Identity not linked to a transaction • Transactions need to be authenticated • Cryptography central to these processes Consensus to verify transactions • Anonymity is expensive – Bitcoin cryptographic mining • Participants known & trusted – Lowers cost of consensus • Pluggable Consensus alternatives – Proof of Stake – Multi-Signature (e.g. 3 of 5) – PBFT (cross checked secure message exchange)
  • 10. © 2016 IBM Corporation 10 Blockchain User Certificate Authority Blockchain Developer Blockchain Network Operator Traditional Processing Platforms Traditional Data Sources Blockchain B2B transactions access to logic access to data creates applications operates accesses security certificates Regulator performs oversight The Participants in a Blockchain Network R U D O 
  • 11. © 2016 IBM Corporation 11 Validating Node B Validating Node B Validating Node CValidating Node C Validating Node A Validating Node A Validating Node D Validating Node D Validating Node E Validating Node E Blockchain Network A chain network that services solutions built for a particular industry. Shared Ledger: Records all transactions across business network Consensus: Transaction validation & commitment Non- Validating Node Non- Validating Node ChaincodeChaincode StateStateLogicLogic ChaincodeChaincode ChaincodeChaincode ChaincodeChaincode Proprietor(s) setup and define the purpose of a chain network. They are the stakeholders of a network. Auditors(s): Individuals or organizations with the permission to interrogate transactions and the blockchain network. Solution Users: end users typically initiate transactions on a chain network through applications made available by solutions providers. Non-Validating node: Constructs transactions and forwards them to validating nodes. Peer nodes keep a copy of all transaction records so that solution providers can query them locally. Solution Provider: Organizations that develop mobile/web applications for solution users to access chain networks., they own either NV or Validating node. Public transactions: transactions with its payload in the clear Membership Service (PKI) ECAECA TCATCA TLS-CATLS-CAReg. AReg. A Registration Authority: Assigns registration username & registration password pairs to network participants. This username/password pair will be used to acquire enrollment certificate from ECA. Enrollment CA (ECA): Issues enrollment certificates (ECert) to network participants that have already registered with a membership service. ECerts are long term certificates used to identify individual entities participating in one or more networks. Transaction CA (TCA): Issues transaction certificates (TCerts) to ECert owners. An infinite number of TCerts can be derived from each ECert. TCerts are used by network participants to send transactions. TLS CA: Issues TLS certificates to systems that transmit messages in a chain network. TLS certificates are used to secure the communication channel between systems. Chaincode (Smart Contract): Application logics stored and executed on the blockchain. Chaincode State: Chaincodes access internal state storage through state APIs. States are created and updated by transactions calling chaincode functions with state accessing logic. Confidential transactions: transactions where its payload is encrypted and is only visible to stakeholders of this transaction Confidential chaincode: chaincodes that only pre-defined subset of validators can view and execute The Blockchain Network
  • 12. © 2016 IBM Corporation 12 Blockchain Technical Terminology Membership Smart Contract Systems Management Events Consensus Network Wallet Shared Ledger contains the current world state of the ledger and a Blockchain of transaction invocations encapsulates business network transactions in code. transaction invocations result in gets and sets of ledger state a collection of network data and processing peers forming a Blockchain network. Responsible for maintaining a consistently replicated ledger manages identity and transaction certificates, as well as other aspects of permissioned access creates notifications of significant operations on the Blockchain (e.g. a new block), as well as notifications related to smart contracts. Does not include event distribution. provides the ability to create, change and monitor Blockchain components securely manages a user’s security credentials responsible for integrating Blockchain bi-directionally with external systems. Not part of Blockchain, but used with it. Systems Integration
  • 13. © 2016 IBM Corporation 13 BlockchainforBusiness–IBMStrategy Open Source Code: Blockchain built from the ground up for business; Permission | Privacy Confidential | Auditable Open Governance – 40 member board. Blockchain value-added manged service on SoftLayer and System Z: Identity | Consensus | Audit | System Integration | Hardware-assist for Performance & Security. Blockchain Solutions for Financial Services; Trade Finance | Capital Markets Blockchain Garage NY | London | Singapore | Japan Blockchain GBS Practice IBM Blockchain Linux Hyperledger Project Blockchain Solutions Blockchain Garage Community + Code Cloud Clients
  • 14. © 2016 IBM Corporation 14 IBMBlockchainPlatform Capabilities • Complete DevOps Lifecycle via Bluemix • Smart contract language and API standards • Enterprise-grade identity, security and privacy • Seamless hybrid integration with legacy systems • Market leading performance and scalability IBM Differentiators • Deep cryptography: skills, assets, IP from Research • Hybrid Integration: WebSphere gateway & connectors • Optimization: on Z with crypto hardware & blue cores • Industry & domain expertise manifest in IBM solutions • Future: Analytics & cognitive leadership on blockchain
  • 15. © 2016 IBM Corporation 15 IBM Blockchain Architecture & Code offered to Linux Foundation Openchain Services Openchain APIs, SDKs, CLI CHAIN-CODE Chain-code Services AP Membership Services Registration Attributes Reputation Blockchain Services Consensus Manager Distributed Ledger P2P Protocol Ledger Storage Secure Container Secure Registry TRANSACTIONS BLOCKCHAI N MEMBERSHIP Event HubEvent Hub MEMBERSHIP Identity, Privacy and Auditability of blockchain participants. BLOCKCHAIN | TRANSACTIONS Distributed transaction ledger whereby the ledger is updated by consensus CHAIN-CODE “Smart Contracts”, provide ability to run business logic against the blockchain APIs, SDKs, CLI Gives developers the ability to programmatically control the blockchain networkOpen Source Code: Blockchain built from the ground up for business; Permission | Privacy | Confidential | Auditable
  • 16. © 2016 IBM Corporation 16 Blockchain – Perfect for Open Source ● New, potentially revolutionary technology ● Requiring multiple specialized skills to develop ● Used by multiple parties ● Controlled and monetized by no one ● Strong governance model So the Hyperledger Project was created at the Linux Foundation
  • 17. © 2016 IBM Corporation 17 Introducing Hyperledger A collaborative effort created to advance blockchain technology by identifying and addressing important features for a cross-industry open standard for distributed ledgers that can transform the way business transactions are conducted globally.
  • 18. © 2016 IBM Corporation 18 NEWLY ANNOUNCED
  • 19. © 2016 IBM Corporation 19 Election Announcements Blythe Masters CEO Board Chair: Technical Steering Committee Chair: General Member Board Representatives: Chris Ferris CTO Open Technology Craig Young CTO Charles Cascarilla CEO
  • 20. © 2016 IBM Corporation 20 Connecting with the Hyperledger Project Community • Mailing Lists: • Github : • Slack (if you need an invite, please click • Wiki: • IRC: #hyperledger on • Code of Conduct Project-Code-of-Conduct • Working Group Meetings (Calendar)
  • 21. © 2016 IBM Corporation 21 6 Proposed Code contributions
  • 22. © 2016 IBM Corporation 22 60+ Developers Attended First Hackathon
  • 23. © 2016 IBM Corporation 23 Consolidation begins? Fabric Sawtooth Lake
  • 24. © 2016 IBM Corporation 24 Current activity • Requirements & Use cases WG – Patrick Holmes, Intel • Architecture WG – Ram Jagadeesan, Cisco • Identity WG – Christopher Allen, Blockstream • Whitepaper WG – Dave Voell, J.P. Morgan • Fabric Incubator • Sawtooth Lake Incubator • Release Integration - TBD
  • 25. © 2016 IBM Corporation 25
  • 26. © 2016 IBM Corporation 26 What’s next? • Monthly “hackathon” • Hire an Executive Director • Exploration of Sawtooth Lake Incubator – What can Fabric learn from STL and vice-versa • Initial draft of Whitepaper to be published • Requirements review by Technical Steering Committee
  • 27. © 2016 IBM Corporation Please join us! @christo4ferris @ajodowd
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