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Blockchain in 2017 - all you need to know
Vladimir Savchenko,
ISTA Conference, Sofia
November 17, 2017
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 2Public
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3Public
Cryptocurrencies vs Blockchain
Bitcoin Blockchain
Office Tools
Microsoft Office
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 4Public
What is a Block Chain?
1 6 9
Block Hash: BB
Prev Block: AA
Crypto Signature
5 3 2
Block Hash: AA
Prev Block: --
Crypto Signature
7 A B
Block Hash: CC
Prev Block: BB
Crypto Signature
• A Transaction can be:
• Alice sends $100 to Bob
• Charlie arrived at 10:23
• Daniel is born on 22.04.1994
Each transaction
is signed by the

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State of Blockchain Q1 2016
State of Blockchain Q1 2016State of Blockchain Q1 2016
State of Blockchain Q1 2016

The document provides an overview of the state of blockchain in Q1 2016. Some key points: - Total VC investment in bitcoin and blockchain startups rebounded in Q1 after declining in Q4 2015, though investment remains below previous highs. The average deal size and largest deals also increased. - More VC funding is going to blockchain rather than bitcoin startups, as companies pivot away from currency applications. Over 40% of all funding now goes to blockchain and hybrid startups. - The number of blockchain companies has grown significantly from 14 in Q1 2015 to 59 in Q1 2016. Investment is concentrating in the US, UK, Israel, Argentina, Sweden and Germany. - Metrics like

Ethereum Sentiment Research Spotlight Study
Ethereum Sentiment Research Spotlight StudyEthereum Sentiment Research Spotlight Study
Ethereum Sentiment Research Spotlight Study

CoinDesk’s Ethereum Sentiment Research Spotlight Study is our inaugural research coverage of Ethereum. It takes a deeper dive into the past few months for the Ethereum and polled 240+ startup execs and enterprise blockchain leads to assess the impact of the DAO hack and subsequent hard fork. You'll be able to read analysis of the key trends in this article: To read the full Q3 2016 State of Blockchain report, please go here: We'd appreciate feedback on our research:

Blockchain powering the internet of value
Blockchain powering the internet of value  Blockchain powering the internet of value
Blockchain powering the internet of value

Foreword This paper is the result of a research project carried out by Labs in EVRY Financial Services during the fall of 2015. The content of this report is the result of a comprehensive study, featuring online sources, literary works, as well as recordings of financial conferences such as Consensus 2015 and Fintech Week 2015. We aim to provide a comprehensive report detailing the opportunities, challenges and key success factors for financial institutions looking to leverage the opportunities presented by blockchain technology. We hope you enjoy this study and that it helps give you greater understanding.

© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 5Public
Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies – Aug’2016
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 6Public
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 7Public
Amara’s Law
We tend to
overestimate the effect of a technology
in the short run
underestimate the effect in the long run
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 8Public
Amara’s Law

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Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain & Smart Contracts: The New Wave of Decentralizat...
Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain & Smart Contracts: The New Wave of Decentralizat...Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain & Smart Contracts: The New Wave of Decentralizat...
Cryptocurrencies, Blockchain & Smart Contracts: The New Wave of Decentralizat...

The document discusses the rise of cryptocurrencies, blockchain technology, and smart contracts as representing a new wave of decentralization. It describes how blockchain acts as a distributed public ledger that allows digital transactions to be recorded in a verifiable way without a central authority. Blockchain technology is enabling the disintermediation of financial and political institutions through applications such as digital currencies, peer-to-peer lending, and crowdfunding. The document outlines several potential use cases for blockchain and discusses how it could disrupt industries through decentralized applications, organizations, and networks.

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DCG Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech Summit - Opening Remarks
DCG Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech Summit - Opening RemarksDCG Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech Summit - Opening Remarks
DCG Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech Summit - Opening Remarks

On Thursday, Oct. 20, Digital Currency Group hosted its second annual Bitcoin and Blockchain Tech Summit - three days of private events focused on bringing together our network of founders, startups, investors, and corporate strategics. These are the opening remarks presented by our founder and CEO, Barry Silbert, regarding the progress the bitcoin and blockchain ecosystem over the last year, and what DCG is excited about looking forward. Our Director of Development, Meltem Demirors, also announced the launch of our new corporate network.

venture capitalconferencefinance
State of Bitcoin and Blockchain 2016
State of Bitcoin and Blockchain 2016State of Bitcoin and Blockchain 2016
State of Bitcoin and Blockchain 2016

Bitcoin price rallied in Q4 2015, increasing 82% to end the quarter at $430.05. Trading volume on exchanges also increased significantly, rising 424% compared to Q4 2014. However, the growth rate of quarterly VC investment in the bitcoin/blockchain sector slowed from 11% in Q3 2015 to 3% in Q4 2015, though it is unclear if this decline is sector-specific or due to the overall VC environment. Major developments in the quarter included the European Court of Justice ruling that bitcoin sales are not subject to VAT, and 42 major financial firms partnering with R3 to explore blockchain applications.

© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 9Public
Change the World
As we Know it
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 10Public
What is the problem to be solved?
Asset In use by
Notebook 1 I01234
Notebook 2 I02344
Notebook3 I43333
Beamer I04453
Telepresence I12345
 SAP Labs’ IT Department list of assets and owners
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 11Public
What is the problem to be solved?
Asset In Use By Owner
Notebook 1 I01234 SAP
3D Printer x I02333 Software AG
Notebook 2 I02344 SAP
Notebook 2 I43333 SAP
Beamer SoftwareAG SAP
Telepresence SoftwareAG SAP
 Sharing assets
Asset In Use By Owner
Notebook 3 S0344 Software AG
3D Printer x SAP Software AG
Beamer S0123 SAP
Telepresence S0122 SAP
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 12Public
What is the problem to be solved?
Asset In Use By Owner
 Sharing assets – scale out
Asset In Use By Owner Asset In Use By Owner
Asset In Use By Owner
Asset In Use By Owner
Asset In Use By Owner
Asset In Use By Owner

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FirstPartner 2016 Blockchain Ecosystem Market Map
FirstPartner 2016 Blockchain Ecosystem Market MapFirstPartner 2016 Blockchain Ecosystem Market Map
FirstPartner 2016 Blockchain Ecosystem Market Map

FirstPartner's 2016 Blockchain Ecosystem Market Map helps to decrypt the blockchain landscape with a visual overview of the emerging ecosystem, players, technologies and trends. It clearly summarises three main areas of focus emerging around the core blockchain or distributed ledger protocols: 1) Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies: Providing an alternative to centrally managed "fiat" currencies, this sector includes Bitcoin exchanges, Bitcoin wallets, miners and cryptocurrency payment processors. The map illustrates how these companies interact and features some leading players including Coinbase, Circle, Kraken and 21 Inc. 2) The Financial Services Blockchain: This has been the main area of focus over the last 12 months as attention shifts from Bitcoin to Financial Services applications. An increasing number of players are focussing on commercialising blockchain technologies for banks, securities, derivatives and asset markets and institutional investors - and are attracting VC funding to do so. Ripple and Ethereum are leading candidate protocols for payment processing and smart contracts and players including Ripple, Chain and Digital Asset Holdings are gaining traction with Financial Institutions. The Map highlights leading technology companies and some of the banks, card schemes and processors who are investing in or evaluating distributed ledger technologies. 3) Other Use Cases: The distributed ledger concept and its ability to support transparent and tamper-proof asset registration, proof of ownership and asset transfer transactions makes it potentially applicable to multiple non financial use cases. The Map highlights a number of candidate use cases including publishing, legal, distributed data storage, document management and IoT. Some of the pioneering initiatives and companies exploring these applications are included. Crucially the Map also provides a clear pictorial explanation and summary of the leading protocols at the heart of the ecosystem and concepts including coloured coins and smart contracts that supplement them to make a number of the proposed services possible. A printable version of the map can be downloaded from

rippleblockchain landscapedistributed ledger

The global system behind a viewer’s transaction of watching a movie or TV show impacts viewers and show creators every day. What if all stakeholders had the same facts – Writers, Producers, Directors, Unions, Studios, Networks, Distributors, Theaters, Broadcasters, Cable Providers, Satellite providers, OTT providers and viewers? Blockchains offer precisely this opportunity. In this article we are going to explore new methods for enabling accountability in pre-production, production, post production, distribution, consumption and reporting with a secure chain of custody and metadata to be accessed, including key social attributes such as viewing method, display usage, rights compliance, and digital rights management. Speaker : Steve Wong, HPE

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BlockChain Strategists - English presentation
BlockChain Strategists - English presentationBlockChain Strategists - English presentation
BlockChain Strategists - English presentation

BlockChain Strategists is the first French consulting company dedicated to BlockChain & Crypto-economies Strategies, organizations and governance models. We are convinced BlockChain value generation is tightly linked to a deeper understanding of blockchain specificities and DNA: Internet of value, Trusted ecosystems, economic horizontalisation and peer to peer models, crypto-economies.  Master these specificities unleashes capacity to go beyond experimentations with a middle and long term roadmap, generating value via new products & services go to market, and enhanced economic models (clustering, fraud management, traceability).  Operational efficiency is questioned due to current offering dispersion and apparent immaturity. Our value added is to assist in building IT Strategy filtering technologies based on their respective business coverage and proven credentials. At BlockChain Strategists, we make the bridge between Digital Strategic Consulting and BlockChain market play, to become YOUR partner in this upcoming digital disruption

© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 13Public
What is the problem to be solved?
 Sharing assets – Intermediation / Centralization
Asset In Use By Current
Notebook 1 I01234 SAP Software AG
3D Printer x S3444 SAP Software AG
Notebook 2 I02344 SAP Bosch
Notebook 2 B3244 Bosch Siemens
Beamer S3444 Siemens SAP
Telepresence S2133 Siemens SAP
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 14Public
What is the problem to be solved? Asset Manager
by Best_Of_Trust
 If data is centralized in Asset Manager
 Honey Pot for hackers
 Could skip/delete/add some entries on purpose or due to fraud
 Ensure HA 99.99999%
 Data Centers around the world, to ensure fast access
 Operate Decentralized Database, synchronizing data from
all Data Centers
 All this drives costs up for participating companies
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 15Public
Blockchain to the rescue
P2P Network
Transaction: T1
Content: Asset X  Siemens
Signature: SAP
Transaction: Tn
Content: Asset Y -> Bosch
Signature: Siemens
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 16Public
Blockchain to the rescue
T1 Tn…..
Pending transactions pool
1 6 9
Block Hash: BB
Prev Block: AA
Signed by: SAP
5 3 2
Block Hash: AA
Prev Block: --
Signed by: Bosch
in the

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UNBLOCKED: The Power of Blockchain Technology to Establish Trust, Build Brand...
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UNBLOCKED: The Power of Blockchain Technology to Establish Trust, Build Brands & Transform Business shines light on the myriad capabilities, applications and benefits of blockchain technology for enterprises. It frames key questions for business leaders that open paths to unlock the value of the technology. It places the customer at the center of business strategy development. And it focuses on the ultimate end game, leveraging blockchain to prevent disruption and provide competitive advantage.

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Cybernetic Economy Report 2015
Cybernetic Economy Report 2015Cybernetic Economy Report 2015
Cybernetic Economy Report 2015

The Cybernetic Economy Report 2015 summarizes trends in decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) and decentralized applications (DApps) from 2014. Some key points: - The total capitalization of DAOs dropped 51% in 2014 to $5.5 billion while the number of DAOs grew 330% to 86. - The number of DApps grew dramatically from just a few in 2013 to 29 by the end of 2014, driven by platforms like Ethereum. - Bitcoin's role in the cybernetic economy declined, dropping from over 78% of the total capitalization in 2013 to just under 10% by the end of 2014, as other cryptocurrencies and applications emerged. - The report

Blockchain, Finance & Regulatory Development
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Blockchain, Finance & Regulatory Development

Presentation for Asian Financial Markets and Institutions, October 2016, HKU MBA Program. Covers basics of blockchain and distributed ledgers and discusses some current and potential applications.

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 17Public
Blockchain to the rescue
1 6 9
Block Hash: BB
Prev Block: AA
Signed by: SAP
5 3 2
Block Hash: AA
Prev Block: --
Signed by: Bosch
7 A B
Block Hash: CC
Prev Block: BB
Signed by: Siemens
T1 Tn…..
Pending transactions pool
 Immutability
 Cannot delete and modify transactions
 Inclusion
 No transactions are ignored
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 18Public
What else…
 Cybercrime protection
 If a company is breached and data stolen/encrypted  Blockchain has it
 If some insider tries to tamper with data  All transactions and blocks are
 DDoS attacks are much more harder due to the distributed setup
 Robustness
 Out-of-the-box resilience, high-availability and disaster-recovery
 Including new nodes and datacenters is easy
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 19Public
What else…
 Disintermediation / No 3rd Parties
 No longer intermediaries are required to ensure and sell trust, between
parties that do not trust each other completely
 Transparency
 Parties can agree to share some or all data -> no need to
synchronize Databases
 Audits and Compliance checks are done directly
How can this be used

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A quick overview about ai enabled blockchain
A quick overview about ai enabled blockchainA quick overview about ai enabled blockchain
A quick overview about ai enabled blockchain

Technological development has propelled the wave of change. We are witnessing so many new developments around us. One such technological breakthrough that we will be highlighting in this blog is Blockchain and artificial intelligence. Blockchain is the latest entrant in this world, but Artificial Intelligence has long been there in the business, but it's only recently that AI has fetched so much attention. Both these technologies are revolutionary in nature and thus have the potential to bring forth a lot of transformative changes in the future. Imagine coming together with both these powerful technologies. This blog's focus is to highlight how AI-enabled Blockchain will be helpful and what new changes will it be bringing with it.

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Aurigraph Distributed Ledger Technology
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Aurigraph DLT - Aurigraph is a mining-lessDLT with zero-latency and zero transaction cost, offering Real-time reconciliation, settlement, and audit

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What is Blockchain Tech for Tokyo Blockchain Summit Dec 2015
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Blockchain Summit with Draper Nexus, Gaiax & Blockchain University

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 21Public
Public Blockchains
P2P Network
Transaction: T1
Content: Asset X  Vladimir
Signature: Rositca
Transaction: Tn
Content: Asset Y -> Lea
Signature: Vladimir
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 22Public
Public Blockchains
• Everybody can make transactions about their own
• Miners make sure rules are enforced
• They are paid in the network’s currency and thus – mine it
• Complex cryptography and consensus algorithms are
used to ensure the blockchain is immutable and trusted
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 23Public
Crypto Currencies and Assets
• What is a Crypto Currency / Asset
• Mostly Tokens, which are distributed or mined via a public blockchain
• Cryptography ensures they can be transferred securely w/o 3rd
• Duplicates cannot be made
• Transactions can not be reversed
• Limited Supply - New tokens are generated following specific rules
 Similar like trading Gold, Gems and other valuables. Just much
more easier
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 24Public
Crypto Currencies and Assets
• Thousands cryptocurrencies with > $150 billions market cap
• All of them are in research / development phase right now
• Focus on different aspects:
• Privacy
• Performance
• Consensus Algorithms
• Asset sharing
• …
• Main use case in 2016/2017
• Some cryptocurrencies prices rose by 10x within a month, others 100x within an year
• Bitcoin: $700 -> $8000
• Ethereum: $10  $400
is Speculation due to FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)

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We shortly go through bitcoin/blockchain history before trying to guess how our economy/society will be impacted by this technology in the near future.

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Union of bitcoin and APIs

Bitcoin and APIs are acquiring becomes an increasingly important consideration in the financial sector. Find out in this ebook what is blockchain and the importance of bitcoins, among many other things. More information in

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Blockchain demystification
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Blockchain demystification

- By 2027, 10% of global GDP is projected to be stored on blockchain platforms according to one estimate. Blockchain technologies could reduce banks' infrastructure costs by $15-20 billion per year by 2022. - Blockchain has the potential to save the global financial industry up to $110 billion annually according to McKinsey. By 2025, a government may collect taxes for the first time using blockchain according to the World Economic Forum. - Early blockchain and digital currency projects failed due to issues like central authorities as single points of failure, fraud, and the double spending problem. The blockchain solved these issues through decentralization, an immutable shared ledger, and cryptographic security without the need for central authorities or

© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 25Public
• Traditional fundraising
• Pitch against some Venture Capital firm in several rounds
• Get 1, 10, 50 millions $ per round based on sound results
and hard work
• Private investors are almost unable to join the party
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 26Public
• Coin-based fundraising – ICO – Initial Coin Offer
• Invent a coin/token, e.g. VladiCoin
• Tie it to some project, e.g. 1 VladiCoin = 1 mb of ultra/hyper fast virtual
• Pay for a nice Web Page (5000$), write 10 pages White Paper
• Sell 1,000,000,000 coins for 0.10$ (But in Bitcoin, to avoid regulation)
• Earn between $1-100 millions (based on Twitter and media noise)
• No delivery required
• No regulation (Though some countries try to apply some)
• 100+ ICOs per month
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 27Public
Government / Public Administration
• E-Voting
• Blockchain will ensure that the voices are counted properly
• Homo-morhic encryption and Zero Knowledge Proofs will ensure privacy is kept
• Public Auctions, etc
• Reducing the number of intermediaries will make the more transparent
• Land Registry
• No longer required as Land Ownership will be recorded on the blockchain
• Notaries
• Deprecated, once people and companies can transfer assets via the blockchain
w/o mutually trusting each other
• GovTech
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 28Public
• Part of bigger FinTech movement.
• Banks are afraid that if they do not innovate, others will
• One of the few industries, not disrupted by Internet yet
• Many intermediaries involved
• Lots of them subject to cybercrime
• Lot’s of paperwork to synchronize ledgers due to missing trust and
regulation requirements, audits, etc..
• Lot’s of inefficiencies and room for errors, bribery and fraud
• Transferring electronic money between 2 accounts taking couple of days
• All this at the expense of the customers
•  Finance is currently heading to blockchain revolution at full speed

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Blockchain of Things ou Internet of Blockchain ?
Blockchain of Things ou Internet of Blockchain ?Blockchain of Things ou Internet of Blockchain ?
Blockchain of Things ou Internet of Blockchain ?

Por que devemos ficar atentos com a convergência destas duas tecnologias? Porque esse ecossistema pode impactar tanto as empresas? Arquitetura de referência para casos simples e complexos? Quais são as promessas destas duas tecnologias quando convergem para o mesmo objetivo? Será BoT ou IoB a nova bala de prata da indústria de TI ou será apenas mais uma modinha? Uma evolução/revolução da Internet enquanto plataforma de partilha/troca de coisas? Que tipo de impacto deveremos esperar em relação ao uso destas tecnologias geradas pelas suas arquiteturas? Qual o impacto no nosso futuro?

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2017 Global Blockchain Benchmarking Study
 2017 Global Blockchain Benchmarking Study 2017 Global Blockchain Benchmarking Study
2017 Global Blockchain Benchmarking Study

*Note: please download from SlideShare the PDF version of these slides for high-resolution images of the figures/tables. The full 114-page written report can be found here: Abstract: The first global blockchain benchmarking study presents a systematic and comprehensive picture of a rapidly evolving industry, examining how blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) are being used in the public sector and enterprise. The study analysed non-publicly available data gathered from over 200 central banks, other public sector institutions, DLT start-ups, and established companies. Findings from the study include which protocols central banks and are testing (57% of surveyed central banks are experimenting with the Ethereum codebase), targeted use cases, emerging revenue models, timing of deployment, and key challenges.

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Venture Scanner Blockchain Tech Report Q2 2017
Venture Scanner Blockchain Tech Report Q2 2017Venture Scanner Blockchain Tech Report Q2 2017
Venture Scanner Blockchain Tech Report Q2 2017

A report providing an overview of the Blockchain Technology startup landscape. Includes a sector overview, graphical trends with insights, and recent funding/exit events. Contact to learn more!

ISTA 2017 - Blockchain, beyond Bitcoin
ISTA 2017 - Blockchain, beyond Bitcoin
Closing Words
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 32Public
The price of Trust?
• In LEAN Terms: Earning Trust is Waste, but you can’t do
business without it
• Today, we buy Trust from intermediaries, so we can exchange
assets securely
• Blockchain technology, allows us to digitize Trust and make it

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Blockchains will revolutionize and disrupt many industries like finance, banking, real estate, and healthcare by enabling decentralization and transparency. Blockchain properties include immutable and transparent data visible to all participants, strong cryptography, peer-to-peer communications, and the ability to be public or private. Popular consensus algorithms like Proof of Work and Proof of Stake achieve consensus. Major blockchain uses include digital currency, payments, file storage, web protocols, tokenized assets, insurance, and healthcare.

Emerging Applications of Blockchain for Supply Chains
Emerging Applications of Blockchain for Supply ChainsEmerging Applications of Blockchain for Supply Chains
Emerging Applications of Blockchain for Supply Chains

The document provides details about an upcoming event hosted by MIT Enterprise Forum of Cambridge titled "Emerging Applications of Blockchain for Supply Chains". The event will include a welcome and panel discussion from 6:00-8:00pm followed by networking until 9:00pm. The panelists will discuss blockchain applications for supply chain management. The document also lists the event organizers and provides information on upcoming related events.

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What is Bitcoin, why it succeed? How it works? How developers could integrate Bitcoin payment to their systems The video in the slides is available at :

© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 33Public
Words of Caution
• The technology is in a massive hype state
• It will take some years until hype and reality are split
• Experts claim, that Blockchain can be compared to Internet as of late 90s
• Lots of Hype
• DotCom balloon
• Most probably the Google, Facebook and Ebay of Blockchain are lurking in
some university
• Yet, the coming years will be very interesting, lot’s of new companies will
rise, lot’s will fail
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 34Public
Future is bright
• For the economics in the developed countries – this has
to potential to improve processes and decrease
• For economics in countries with corrupt governments –
this would increase peer-pressure, which could lead to
improved results
• For the developing world – blockchain could help to
improve work conditions, bring people closer to wealth
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 35Public
Imagine (Dream or Fantasy)
• Blockchain enables a world (aka Utopia) where
• Money earned by doing labor can be spent digitally and privately
• Money collected by the government (or “paid by us to the
government to make us live better”), can be publicly traced from the
collection point, through the distribution via Smart Contracts, and
finally to the actual spending in Hospitals, Roads, Schools, Agriculture
• Politicians are tied via Smart Contracts to their commitments and
delivery of value
Thank you

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I apologize, upon reviewing the document I do not feel comfortable speculating or making claims about the content.

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CBGTBT - Part 3 - Transactions 101
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CBGTBT - Part 3 - Transactions 101

A Complete Beginners Guide to Blockchain Technology Part 3 of 6. Slides from the #StartingBlock2015 tour by @blockstrap Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5: Part 6:

© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 42Public
Provenance Tracking - Everledger
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 43Public
Provenance Tracking - Everledger
How Does It Work?
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 45Public
Participants post transactions
Transaction: T1
Content: <data>
Signature: Owner’s signature
Post transaction to network
Transaction: Tn
Content: <data>
Signature: Owner’s signature
Post transaction to network

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 46Public
Miners form blocks
T1 Tn…..
Pending transactions pool
1 6 9
Block Hash: C1
Prev Block: BBB
Miner 1
4 5 9
Block Hash: Cn
Prev Block: BBB
Miner N
Block Hash: AAA
Block Hash: BBB
Prev Block: AAA
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 47Public
Next iteration starts
Block Hash: AAA
Block Hash: BBB
Prev Block: AAA
T1 Tn…..
Pending transactions pool
2 4 5
Block Hash: C5
Prev Block: BBB
2 4 5
Are removed
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 48Public
Miners agree on next block
1 6 9
Block Hash: C1
Prev Block: BBB
Miner 1
4 5 9
Block Hash: Cn
Prev Block: BBB
Miner N
2 4 5
Block Hash: C5
Prev Block: BBB
Miner 5
Why Now?

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CBGTBT - Part 4 - MiningCBGTBT - Part 4 - Mining
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My special "Blockchain ICO" presentation at the Canadian Crowdfinance Summit in Toronto on March 1, 2017. National Crowdfunding Association of Canada.

© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 50Public
Blockchain to the rescue
Transaction: T1
Content: <data>
Signature: Owner’s signature
Post transaction to network
Transaction: Tn
Content: <data>
Signature: Owner’s signature
Post transaction to network
What benefits does this
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 52Public
Immutability & Transparency
Once data enters the blockchain and is signed, it is almost impossible to
change it, unless all parties agree to this
–Implication with right-to-be-forgotten
Data (or at least the public part of it) is accessible to all participants,
making ledger synchronization unnecessary
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 53Public
Define Blockchain
Distributed public (or private) ledger*, that allows
secure exchange of value (money / assets)
between untrusted parties without intermediaries
*ledger – регистър, счетоводна книга

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Applying the Howey Test to the DAO Tokens- On July 25, 2017, the SEC issued its Report on an investigation into an ICO and related activities by the DAO, an unincorporated entity, UG (“”), a German corporation, and various principals and participants. Previously in this Lawcast series I went through the parameters of the Howey Test to determine if a particular investment contract is a “security” under the federal securities laws. I also have detailed the relevant facts related to the DAO and its ICO offering. Applying the Howey Test to the DAO Tokens, the SEC notes that “money” need not include cash, but rather can be anything of value. A contribution of ETH is an investment of “money” as considered by the Howey Test. Investors in the DAO were investing in a common enterprise with the expectation of profits, including dividends and increased value. The SEC also found that the profits were to be derived from the efforts of others, including, its founders and the DAO curators...

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Blockchain Angels hosts a investment masterclass and pitch session in conjunction with UK Business Angels Association and EY.

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1. WHAT IS ICOTRADE? Is a team that is experienced in investing ICO Projects. 2. HOW TO JOIN ? Siging up to be a member. --> Click:

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 54Public
No intermediaries & Robustness
Disintermediation / trustless exchange / no intermediaries
Due to the fact that data cannot be changed and it is visible to everybody – no
intermediaries to spend trust are required – simply – once stored, data is visible,
and trusted by everybody – clearly a gamechanger
 Due to the fact that the blockchain is distributed amongst multiple (in some cases thousands) nodes
it very hard to:
–DDoS it – it is not like you are attacking a single or even several data centers
– Hack it – even if for some reason one or many nodes decide to send fake data, this will be
discovered by the rest of the network, and blocks generated by them would be discarded
– Bribe it – there is no one single entity that can modify it, so bribery is out of scope
Identity Management
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 56Public
Identity Management – Ordering Pizza in the (not too distant) future
Open Video in Browser
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 57Public
… free beer …
Somewhere in Sochi, Russia

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This talk explores how thinking could be formulated as a blockchain process that could have benefits for both artificial intelligence and human enhancement. Some possibilities might include the ability to orchestrate digital mindfile uploads, advocate for digital intelligences in future timeframes, implement smart contract-based utility functions, instantiate thinking as a power law, and facilitate the enactment of Friendly AI.

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The promise of blockchain, or specifically distributed ledger technology, has captured the attention of business and IT leaders across multiple industries. Now is the time to move from hype to reality. This session will examine use cases of pioneering companies that apply blockchain in a multi-party entity environment with immutable smart contracts. We’ll share how some DevSecOps requirements are fundamentally different for blockchain pilots and full deployment—from getting started with the right development environment to concerns of security, encryption and operational visibility. We will also discuss integration of blockchain with existing systems of record and the use of shadow blockchain as an evolutionary step towards adoption. Join this session to learn more about developing, deploying, and securing blockchain. For more information on Mainframe, please visit:

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Blockchain Primer - Founder Collective - December 2017
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As 2017 comes to a close, blockchain is everywhere (or more accurately perhaps “bitcoin, bitcoin, bitcoin.”) here is a primer on blockchain that I prepared for my team at Founder Collective to help frame some of the exciting use cases we see coming down the pike. Further reading is on the last slide.

© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 58Public
Somewhere in Frankfurt
Vending machine for cigarettes
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 59Public
Compromised Identities
• By Legal Sites
• Privacy policies including sharing of data with 3rd parties / advertisers
• Boosting ad performance by using your browsing behavior
• Not necessary bad 
• Just reckless behavior by site’s owner
• When things go bad
• World's biggest data breaches
• Have I Been Pwned?
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 60Public
Black Market for Identities
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 61Public
Data Protection
• GDPR = General Data Protection Regulation
• Valid flor Cloud Service Providers
• Fines up to 4% of Annual company income
•  Companies will start avoid dealing with personal data (esp. small businesses)

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Making Blockchain Real for Business at the "z Systems Agile Enterprise Development Conference - 2016"

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Blockchain is a new technology that allows for more secure and transparent transactions by recording them in distributed ledgers known as blockchains. Encrypted Labs is a blockchain consulting company that helps clients identify problems that can be solved using blockchain applications. They work with clients to design customized blockchain solutions and have expertise in a variety of industries. Some potential use cases discussed include supply chain management, cybersecurity, healthcare records, and intellectual property tracking.

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This document discusses blockchain and how IBM can help businesses apply it. Blockchain is a shared, replicated, permissioned ledger technology that can improve business networks by reducing costs, increasing efficiencies and accessibility. It addresses challenges across industries. IBM supports the open standard Hyperledger Project and provides blockchain services through Bluemix to help customers get started incrementally with blockchain.

© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 62Public
• Name
• Address
• National ID
• Drivers License
… but maybe also …
• Reputation @ AirBnB
• Followers @ Twitter
• Age above 18 ?
• Having Bank account?
• Graduated Sofia University?
• Living in Bulgaria?
What is Identity?
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 63Public
Centralized vs Decentralized vs Distributed
• Centralized
• Government ID
• Decentralized
• ID @ Facebook, Google, etc
• Distributed
• One ID for all
• Top Reasons for loosing identity
• Centralized ID Store
• Decentralized ID Store
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 64Public
Self-Sovereign Identity - Sovrin
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 65Public

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The document discusses treasury technology and innovation. It begins with a history of treasury technology, from on-premise systems to modern cloud-based solutions. It then covers emerging technologies like data visualization, real-time payments, API connectivity, cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. The document emphasizes how these technologies are changing treasury operations and increasing strategic value. It concludes with recommendations for building a strong business case to drive technology upgrades, including gaining support, understanding expectations, and aligning the case with procurement requirements.

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Andrew Rollins gave a presentation on the roadblocks to institutional adoption of cryptocurrency. He discussed the types of institutions that may adopt crypto like corporations, funds, brokers, and exchanges. The main roadblocks are custody challenges, regulatory uncertainty, a need for improved compliance tools, underdeveloped markets, security issues, integration difficulties across blockchains, performance limitations, and poor user experiences. Rollins argued that addressing these roadblocks could greatly increase access to capital and improve transparency of financial systems globally.

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© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 66Public
Internet of Value
Currently: Internet of Information
Next: Internet of Value
© 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 67Public
• Public Blockchains
• Crypto Currencies and Assets
• Smart Contracts
• IoT
• Finance
• Provenance
• Identity Management
• Health Care
• Government
• Public Administration

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ISTA 2017 - Blockchain, beyond Bitcoin

  • 1. Blockchain in 2017 - all you need to know Public Vladimir Savchenko, ISTA Conference, Sofia November 17, 2017
  • 2. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 2Public
  • 3. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3Public Cryptocurrencies vs Blockchain Blockchain Cryptocurrencies Bitcoin Blockchain Software Office Tools Microsoft Office Word
  • 4. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 4Public What is a Block Chain? 1 6 9 Block Hash: BB Prev Block: AA Crypto Signature 5 3 2 Block Hash: AA Prev Block: -- Crypto Signature 7 A B Block Hash: CC Prev Block: BB Crypto Signature • A Transaction can be: • Alice sends $100 to Bob • Charlie arrived at 10:23 • Daniel is born on 22.04.1994 Each transaction is signed by the sender
  • 5. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 5Public Gartner Hype Cycle for Emerging Technologies – Aug’2016 2016_Infographic_no-url-01-Forbes-1200x950-1024x811.png
  • 6. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 6Public
  • 7. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 7Public Amara’s Law We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run
  • 8. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 8Public Amara’s Law
  • 9. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 9Public Blockchain “Could” Change the World As we Know it
  • 10. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 10Public What is the problem to be solved? Asset In use by Notebook 1 I01234 Notebook 2 I02344 Notebook3 I43333 Beamer I04453 Telepresence I12345  SAP Labs’ IT Department list of assets and owners
  • 11. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 11Public What is the problem to be solved? Asset In Use By Owner Notebook 1 I01234 SAP 3D Printer x I02333 Software AG Notebook 2 I02344 SAP Notebook 2 I43333 SAP Beamer SoftwareAG SAP Telepresence SoftwareAG SAP  Sharing assets Asset In Use By Owner Notebook 3 S0344 Software AG 3D Printer x SAP Software AG Beamer S0123 SAP Telepresence S0122 SAP
  • 12. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 12Public What is the problem to be solved? Asset In Use By Owner  Sharing assets – scale out Asset In Use By Owner Asset In Use By Owner Asset In Use By Owner Asset In Use By Owner Asset In Use By Owner Asset In Use By Owner
  • 13. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 13Public What is the problem to be solved?  Sharing assets – Intermediation / Centralization Asset In Use By Current Owner Orignal Owner Notebook 1 I01234 SAP Software AG 3D Printer x S3444 SAP Software AG Notebook 2 I02344 SAP Bosch Notebook 2 B3244 Bosch Siemens Beamer S3444 Siemens SAP Telepresence S2133 Siemens SAP AssetManager byBest_Of_Trust
  • 14. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 14Public What is the problem to be solved? Asset Manager by Best_Of_Trust  If data is centralized in Asset Manager  Honey Pot for hackers  Could skip/delete/add some entries on purpose or due to fraud  Ensure HA 99.99999%  Data Centers around the world, to ensure fast access  Operate Decentralized Database, synchronizing data from all Data Centers  All this drives costs up for participating companies
  • 15. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 15Public Blockchain to the rescue P2P Network Transaction: T1 Content: Asset X  Siemens Signature: SAP Transaction: Tn Content: Asset Y -> Bosch Signature: Siemens
  • 16. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 16Public Blockchain to the rescue T1 Tn….. Pending transactions pool 1 6 9 Block Hash: BB Prev Block: AA Signed by: SAP Validates 5 3 2 Block Hash: AA Prev Block: -- Signed by: Bosch Validate Block Accepted in the Chain
  • 17. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 17Public Blockchain to the rescue 1 6 9 Block Hash: BB Prev Block: AA Signed by: SAP 5 3 2 Block Hash: AA Prev Block: -- Signed by: Bosch 7 A B Block Hash: CC Prev Block: BB Signed by: Siemens T1 Tn….. Pending transactions pool  Immutability  Cannot delete and modify transactions  Inclusion  No transactions are ignored
  • 18. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 18Public What else…  Cybercrime protection  If a company is breached and data stolen/encrypted  Blockchain has it all  If some insider tries to tamper with data  All transactions and blocks are signed  DDoS attacks are much more harder due to the distributed setup  Robustness  Out-of-the-box resilience, high-availability and disaster-recovery  Including new nodes and datacenters is easy
  • 19. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 19Public What else…  Disintermediation / No 3rd Parties  No longer intermediaries are required to ensure and sell trust, between parties that do not trust each other completely  Transparency  Parties can agree to share some or all data -> no need to synchronize Databases  Audits and Compliance checks are done directly
  • 20. How can this be used productively?
  • 21. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 21Public Public Blockchains P2P Network Transaction: T1 Content: Asset X  Vladimir Signature: Rositca Transaction: Tn Content: Asset Y -> Lea Signature: Vladimir
  • 22. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 22Public Public Blockchains • Everybody can make transactions about their own resources • Miners make sure rules are enforced • They are paid in the network’s currency and thus – mine it • Complex cryptography and consensus algorithms are used to ensure the blockchain is immutable and trusted
  • 23. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 23Public Crypto Currencies and Assets • What is a Crypto Currency / Asset • Mostly Tokens, which are distributed or mined via a public blockchain • Cryptography ensures they can be transferred securely w/o 3rd parties • Duplicates cannot be made • Transactions can not be reversed • Limited Supply - New tokens are generated following specific rules  Similar like trading Gold, Gems and other valuables. Just much more easier
  • 24. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 24Public Crypto Currencies and Assets • Thousands cryptocurrencies with > $150 billions market cap • All of them are in research / development phase right now • Focus on different aspects: • Privacy • Performance • Consensus Algorithms • Asset sharing • … • Main use case in 2016/2017 • Some cryptocurrencies prices rose by 10x within a month, others 100x within an year • Bitcoin: $700 -> $8000 • Ethereum: $10  $400 is Speculation due to FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
  • 25. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 25Public Fundraising • Traditional fundraising • Pitch against some Venture Capital firm in several rounds • Get 1, 10, 50 millions $ per round based on sound results and hard work • Private investors are almost unable to join the party
  • 26. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 26Public Fundraising • Coin-based fundraising – ICO – Initial Coin Offer • Invent a coin/token, e.g. VladiCoin • Tie it to some project, e.g. 1 VladiCoin = 1 mb of ultra/hyper fast virtual drinks • Pay for a nice Web Page (5000$), write 10 pages White Paper • Sell 1,000,000,000 coins for 0.10$ (But in Bitcoin, to avoid regulation) • Earn between $1-100 millions (based on Twitter and media noise) • No delivery required • No regulation (Though some countries try to apply some) • 100+ ICOs per month
  • 27. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 27Public Government / Public Administration • E-Voting • Blockchain will ensure that the voices are counted properly • Homo-morhic encryption and Zero Knowledge Proofs will ensure privacy is kept • Public Auctions, etc • Reducing the number of intermediaries will make the more transparent • Land Registry • No longer required as Land Ownership will be recorded on the blockchain • Notaries • Deprecated, once people and companies can transfer assets via the blockchain w/o mutually trusting each other • GovTech
  • 28. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 28Public Finance • Part of bigger FinTech movement. • Banks are afraid that if they do not innovate, others will • One of the few industries, not disrupted by Internet yet • Many intermediaries involved • Lots of them subject to cybercrime • Lot’s of paperwork to synchronize ledgers due to missing trust and regulation requirements, audits, etc.. • Lot’s of inefficiencies and room for errors, bribery and fraud • Transferring electronic money between 2 accounts taking couple of days • All this at the expense of the customers •  Finance is currently heading to blockchain revolution at full speed
  • 32. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 32Public The price of Trust? • In LEAN Terms: Earning Trust is Waste, but you can’t do business without it • Today, we buy Trust from intermediaries, so we can exchange assets securely • Blockchain technology, allows us to digitize Trust and make it productive
  • 33. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 33Public Words of Caution • The technology is in a massive hype state • It will take some years until hype and reality are split • Experts claim, that Blockchain can be compared to Internet as of late 90s • Lots of Hype • DotCom balloon • Most probably the Google, Facebook and Ebay of Blockchain are lurking in some university • Yet, the coming years will be very interesting, lot’s of new companies will rise, lot’s will fail
  • 34. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 34Public Future is bright • For the economics in the developed countries – this has to potential to improve processes and decrease burocracy • For economics in countries with corrupt governments – this would increase peer-pressure, which could lead to improved results • For the developing world – blockchain could help to improve work conditions, bring people closer to wealth creation
  • 35. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 35Public Imagine (Dream or Fantasy) • Blockchain enables a world (aka Utopia) where • Money earned by doing labor can be spent digitally and privately • Money collected by the government (or “paid by us to the government to make us live better”), can be publicly traced from the collection point, through the distribution via Smart Contracts, and finally to the actual spending in Hospitals, Roads, Schools, Agriculture • Politicians are tied via Smart Contracts to their commitments and delivery of value
  • 37. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 42Public Provenance Tracking - Everledger Source:
  • 38. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 43Public Provenance Tracking - Everledger Source:
  • 39. How Does It Work?
  • 40. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 45Public Participants post transactions Transaction: T1 Content: <data> Signature: Owner’s signature Post transaction to network Transaction: Tn Content: <data> Signature: Owner’s signature Post transaction to network ………
  • 41. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 46Public Miners form blocks T1 Tn….. Pending transactions pool 1 6 9 Block Hash: C1 Prev Block: BBB Miner 1 4 5 9 Block Hash: Cn Prev Block: BBB Miner N ……………………………. Block Hash: AAA Block Hash: BBB Prev Block: AAA
  • 42. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 47Public Next iteration starts Block Hash: AAA Block Hash: BBB Prev Block: AAA T1 Tn….. Pending transactions pool 2 4 5 Block Hash: C5 Prev Block: BBB 2 4 5 Are removed
  • 43. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 48Public Miners agree on next block 1 6 9 Block Hash: C1 Prev Block: BBB Miner 1 4 5 9 Block Hash: Cn Prev Block: BBB Miner N ……………………………. ConsensusAlgorithm 2 4 5 Block Hash: C5 Prev Block: BBB Miner 5
  • 45. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 50Public Blockchain to the rescue Transaction: T1 Content: <data> Signature: Owner’s signature Post transaction to network Transaction: Tn Content: <data> Signature: Owner’s signature Post transaction to network ………
  • 46. What benefits does this provide?
  • 47. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 52Public Immutability & Transparency Immutability Once data enters the blockchain and is signed, it is almost impossible to change it, unless all parties agree to this –Implication with right-to-be-forgotten Transparency Data (or at least the public part of it) is accessible to all participants, making ledger synchronization unnecessary
  • 48. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 53Public Define Blockchain Distributed public (or private) ledger*, that allows secure exchange of value (money / assets) between untrusted parties without intermediaries *ledger – регистър, счетоводна книга
  • 49. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 54Public No intermediaries & Robustness Disintermediation / trustless exchange / no intermediaries Due to the fact that data cannot be changed and it is visible to everybody – no intermediaries to spend trust are required – simply – once stored, data is visible, and trusted by everybody – clearly a gamechanger Robustness  Due to the fact that the blockchain is distributed amongst multiple (in some cases thousands) nodes it very hard to: –DDoS it – it is not like you are attacking a single or even several data centers – Hack it – even if for some reason one or many nodes decide to send fake data, this will be discovered by the rest of the network, and blocks generated by them would be discarded – Bribe it – there is no one single entity that can modify it, so bribery is out of scope
  • 51. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 56Public Identity Management – Ordering Pizza in the (not too distant) future Open Video in Browser
  • 52. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 57Public … free beer … Somewhere in Sochi, Russia
  • 53. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 58Public Somewhere in Frankfurt Vending machine for cigarettes
  • 54. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 59Public Compromised Identities • By Legal Sites • Privacy policies including sharing of data with 3rd parties / advertisers • Boosting ad performance by using your browsing behavior • Not necessary bad  • Just reckless behavior by site’s owner • When things go bad • World's biggest data breaches • Have I Been Pwned?
  • 55. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 60Public Black Market for Identities
  • 56. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 61Public Data Protection • GDPR = General Data Protection Regulation • Valid flor Cloud Service Providers • Fines up to 4% of Annual company income •  Companies will start avoid dealing with personal data (esp. small businesses)
  • 57. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 62Public • Name • Address • National ID • Drivers License … but maybe also … • Reputation @ AirBnB • Followers @ Twitter • Age above 18 ? • Having Bank account? • Graduated Sofia University? • Living in Bulgaria? What is Identity?
  • 58. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 63Public Centralized vs Decentralized vs Distributed • Centralized • Government ID • Decentralized • ID @ Facebook, Google, etc • Distributed • One ID for all • Top Reasons for loosing identity • Centralized ID Store • Decentralized ID Store
  • 59. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 64Public Self-Sovereign Identity - Sovrin
  • 60. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 65Public ShoCard
  • 61. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 66Public Internet of Value Currently: Internet of Information Next: Internet of Value
  • 62. © 2016 SAP SE or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 67Public Scenarios • Public Blockchains • Crypto Currencies and Assets • Smart Contracts • IoT • Finance • Provenance • Identity Management • Health Care • Government • Public Administration