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Best Practices of performance tests in
Continuous Integration
By Joerek van Gaalen
Joerek van Gaalen
• Performance specialist since 2005
• Independent Performance Specialist since
• 100+ performance test projects
Relevant Experience
Money manager app
Aggregation platform for 2rd parties
PSD2 ready
Millions of requests per day on open banking
• Owner of performance aspect
• Agile way of working with a glance of DevOps
• Microservices architecture (45 services, 7 teams)
• CI/CD implemented with 1 to 4 releases per day
• Setting up performance tests in Continuous Integration
• Help the teams with their performance challenges
Goal ofthe talk
• Improve grip by automating tests
• Share best practices and guidelines
• Other activities you should do to improve grip on performance
Why do wewant it
• Acceptance tests are late in the process
• It can run independent from the performance engineer
• Direct feedback – Fix or continue
• Trending – The more the better
Problems & Risks
• It’s NOT easy to do
• Too many false positives or negatives
• Scripts and thresholds need too many rework
• People don’t know how to interpret the results
• People start to ignore the tests
Best Practices
Acceptancetest vs Automatedtest
Traditional Acceptance tests
• Has the goal to prove the application meets the requirements
• Realistic simulation of production
• Different types of tests
Acceptancetest vs Automatedtest
Automated tests
• Should show difference with prior tests
• Runs automatically after builds, in release pipelines or scheduled
• Usually a load test scenario
• Shouldn’t necessarily be a realistic simulation (but preferred!)
Approach –Start small
• Start with a single script
• Your most important and meaningful script
• Then later add new pages, transactions, variations and scripts
• If possible, clone the acceptance default load test
Approach –Robustness
Approach –Realism
• Being realistic is ideal
The more realistic, the more meaningful your results are
• Deviate to be less realistic if necessary to improve robustness
• Realistic load model is nice, but having sufficient measurements is better
• Spend time on your test data and environment
Approach –Other robustness factors
• Self healing test data
• Avoid randomization on ‘many’ things
- Test data
- Opening random URLs
- Random iterations
- Random think times are still good
The process –The release pipeline
• Add load test(s) into the pipeline – after functional tests
• Block release pipeline of test fails
• Distribute results to people who are involved
The process –Run scheduled too
• Generally: The more the better
But it should not frustrate the process
• Also run tests scheduled because not all changed are due to releases
- Infra changes
- Sneaking changes outside the pipeline
- Network changes (routes change too)
Visualise the data
• Detailed results per test <link>
• Graphical trend lines of your data <link>
• Tagging of releases or changes
• Errors per transaction and requests
• Make data easily available for everyone
Which scenario to automate?
• I would say a load test is the most proper scenario
• Duration is a balance of faster pipelines and more robust measurements
• Duration depends on:
- duration of the user flows
- deviation of the response times and errors
- number of measurements you need for stable result
• What about an automated stress test?
Analysis - 1
• End result show give PASS or FAIL
• Set thresholds on average response times + 10-25% of baseline
• Set thresholds on max error percentage (0-3%)
• Set thresholds on All requests and individual requests & transactions
Analysis - 2
• Manual analysis on failure and sometimes on pass
• Keep updating thresholds
Analysis –My experience
• It’s a learning journey
• Stopped using percentiles – too voilatile
• Changed load model to increase number of measurements
• Didn’t set too strict thresholds
Synthetic Monitoring
• Monitor your production environment with your scripts
• Monitor your acceptance environment too
• Annotate releases
Issues along myjourney- 1
• Too many false negatives
• Unstable environments and services
• Overview of results and comparisons
• I’m the single point of contact
• Hard to test micro services isolated
Issues along myjourney- 2
• It’s hard to transfer true performance testing skills
• Automated tests is a real benefit, but doesn’t replace through acceptance
• Continuous load test
• Automatic recognition of anomalities – reducing false positives/negatives
• Automated tests will not replace traditional acceptance tests
• Setting up automated tests can be a long journey
• What about automated stress tests?
• What about automated self adjusting thresholds?
• Do you find isolated tests useful or too time consuming with no benefits?

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PAC 2019 virtual Joerek Van Gaalen

  • 1. Best Practices of performance tests in Continuous Integration By Joerek van Gaalen
  • 2. Joerek van Gaalen • Performance specialist since 2005 • Independent Performance Specialist since 2018 • 100+ performance test projects
  • 4. YOLT Money manager app Aggregation platform for 2rd parties PSD2 ready Millions of requests per day on open banking
  • 5. YOLT • Owner of performance aspect • Agile way of working with a glance of DevOps • Microservices architecture (45 services, 7 teams) • CI/CD implemented with 1 to 4 releases per day • Setting up performance tests in Continuous Integration • Help the teams with their performance challenges
  • 6. Goal ofthe talk • Improve grip by automating tests • Share best practices and guidelines • Other activities you should do to improve grip on performance
  • 8. Why do wewant it • Acceptance tests are late in the process • It can run independent from the performance engineer • Direct feedback – Fix or continue • Trending – The more the better
  • 9. Problems & Risks • It’s NOT easy to do • Too many false positives or negatives • Scripts and thresholds need too many rework • People don’t know how to interpret the results • People start to ignore the tests
  • 11. Acceptancetest vs Automatedtest Traditional Acceptance tests • Has the goal to prove the application meets the requirements • Realistic simulation of production • Different types of tests
  • 12. Acceptancetest vs Automatedtest Automated tests • Should show difference with prior tests • Runs automatically after builds, in release pipelines or scheduled • Usually a load test scenario • Shouldn’t necessarily be a realistic simulation (but preferred!)
  • 13. Approach –Start small • Start with a single script • Your most important and meaningful script • Then later add new pages, transactions, variations and scripts • If possible, clone the acceptance default load test
  • 15. Approach –Realism • Being realistic is ideal The more realistic, the more meaningful your results are • Deviate to be less realistic if necessary to improve robustness • Realistic load model is nice, but having sufficient measurements is better • Spend time on your test data and environment
  • 16. Approach –Other robustness factors • Self healing test data • Avoid randomization on ‘many’ things - Test data - Opening random URLs - Random iterations - Random think times are still good
  • 17. The process –The release pipeline • Add load test(s) into the pipeline – after functional tests • Block release pipeline of test fails • Distribute results to people who are involved
  • 18. The process –Run scheduled too • Generally: The more the better But it should not frustrate the process • Also run tests scheduled because not all changed are due to releases - Infra changes - Sneaking changes outside the pipeline - Network changes (routes change too)
  • 19. Visualise the data • Detailed results per test <link> • Graphical trend lines of your data <link> • Tagging of releases or changes • Errors per transaction and requests • Make data easily available for everyone
  • 20. Which scenario to automate? • I would say a load test is the most proper scenario • Duration is a balance of faster pipelines and more robust measurements • Duration depends on: - duration of the user flows - deviation of the response times and errors - number of measurements you need for stable result • What about an automated stress test?
  • 21. Analysis - 1 • End result show give PASS or FAIL • Set thresholds on average response times + 10-25% of baseline • Set thresholds on max error percentage (0-3%) • Set thresholds on All requests and individual requests & transactions
  • 22. Analysis - 2 • Manual analysis on failure and sometimes on pass • Keep updating thresholds
  • 23. Analysis –My experience • It’s a learning journey • Stopped using percentiles – too voilatile • Changed load model to increase number of measurements • Didn’t set too strict thresholds
  • 24. Synthetic Monitoring • Monitor your production environment with your scripts • Monitor your acceptance environment too • Annotate releases
  • 25. Issues along myjourney- 1 • Too many false negatives • Unstable environments and services • Overview of results and comparisons • I’m the single point of contact • Hard to test micro services isolated
  • 26. Issues along myjourney- 2 • It’s hard to transfer true performance testing skills • Automated tests is a real benefit, but doesn’t replace through acceptance tests
  • 27. Ultimategoal • Continuous load test • Automatic recognition of anomalities – reducing false positives/negatives
  • 28. Endthoughts • Automated tests will not replace traditional acceptance tests • Setting up automated tests can be a long journey
  • 29. Q&A • What about automated stress tests? • What about automated self adjusting thresholds? • Do you find isolated tests useful or too time consuming with no benefits?