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Web Performance:
Behind the Scenes
By Mark Tomlinson,
The Performance Sherpa
Mark Tomlinson
- The Performance Sherpa
- 27 years doing performance things
- Former Microsoft, HP & PayPal
- PerfBytes Podcaster
- STPRadio Podcaster
- Speaker and Teacher on Performance
- Online mentoring and coaching
- Currently full-time at a startup in Philly
It all started with Steve
Souders’ realization that
we needed more focus on
client-side performance.
<- so he wrote this
...and it was such a
total hit with
engineers around
the world, he
decided to write
another one ->
9. Adopt Website Monitoring
10. Prefetch and reconnect
11. SSL certificate/ HTTPS
12. Web Font Performance
13. Hotlink protection
14. 404 Errors
15. Infrastructure
16. Database Optimization
1. HTTP requests reduction
2. File compression
3. Web caching optimization
4. Code minification
5. Lossy compression
6. Replacement of vector graphics
7. Image Optimization
8. 301 Redirects
Everyone agrees on a basic list of guidelines for web perf:

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WordPress Optimization with Litespeed Cache  #wpjkt14WordPress Optimization with Litespeed Cache  #wpjkt14
WordPress Optimization with Litespeed Cache #wpjkt14

This document summarizes an presentation about optimizing WordPress site speed. It introduces the presenter Ivan Kristianto and his background with WordPress. It then discusses how fast a site needs to be, with metrics on loading times from various studies. The bulk of the document outlines specific techniques for optimizing WordPress sites for speed, including server configuration options, plugins like LiteSpeed Cache, and settings within that plugin. It then shares results of speed tests on the presenter's site using tools like GTMetrix, Pingdom, and WebPageTest to demonstrate how these optimizations were able to make the site fast even on a shared hosting plan.

2013 - Igor Sysoev - NGINx: origen, evolución y futuro - PHP Conference Argen...
2013 - Igor Sysoev - NGINx: origen, evolución y futuro - PHP Conference Argen...2013 - Igor Sysoev - NGINx: origen, evolución y futuro - PHP Conference Argen...
2013 - Igor Sysoev - NGINx: origen, evolución y futuro - PHP Conference Argen...

Nginx was created as a lightweight web server to address limitations in Apache's architecture. It uses an asynchronous event-driven architecture that scales well under heavy load. Nginx development began in 2002 and version 1.0 was released in 2011. Features have evolved over time to include FastCGI, SSL, caching, streaming, and WebSockets support. The future may include optimizations like asynchronous I/O, multithreading, and dynamic configuration.

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Leeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website Speed
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Leeward WordPress Meetup- Caching and Website Speed

This document discusses how caching can improve website speed. It begins by explaining how websites load files sequentially and sets a goal of under 2 seconds. It recommends getting a fast web host as the first step, then optimizing images, code minification/concatenation, and lazy loading. There are different types of caches like browser, server, and memcache caches that store content to reduce load times. Common caching plugins like WP Super Cache and W3 Total Cache are recommended, or paying for WP Rocket for e-commerce sites. The key steps are to get a fast host, optimize the site, then cache it to improve performance.

Thou shall not block thy
Browser: use localbrowser caching?
Local resources are fastest:
• reduces round-trip http requests
• retrieved from local storage
• Web Storage API
• IndexedDB API
• New: Cache API
• far-futures expires headers on
locally cached content specific to
functionality or branding
• Limits on storage space and speed
Put your CSS at the top of the page:
• avoid the “waiting on a blank page”
• immediately style the DOM after it loads
• CSSOM is created immediately after the DOM
Put your javascript at the bottom of the page:
• Scripts act upon the DOM/CSSOM
• Only really useful after the page is active
• Loading a script resource blocks HMTL and
Generally avoid “embedded” script or css
Browser: css andjavascript placement
Browser: async javascript loading?
Script tags have 2 steps:
• Load the script (local or remote)
• Execute the script
With async (or defer):
• the script download will not block
• html and css will render (DOM/CSSOM)
Be careful again:
• if script is required for functionality
• if javascript makes remote calls

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Windows Azure Service Bus

This document provides an overview of Microsoft Azure Service Bus and compares it to Azure Queues. Service Bus allows applications and services to communicate over reliable messaging even if they are not connected all the time. It supports queuing and publish/subscribe capabilities. Service Bus Queues offer more features than Azure Queues, including larger message sizes, unlimited time-to-live for messages, and publish/subscribe capabilities using topics and subscriptions. The document also describes how to configure applications to use Service Bus Queues and Relay for communication between apps and services.

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This document provides best practices for Magento hosting. It discusses using proper permissions for files and directories, PHP configurations like using APC caching and increasing memory limits. It recommends using PHP-FPM with Apache or Nginx as the web server. For the database, it suggests using Percona MySQL and provides tuning tips. It outlines a caching strategy using Redis and Memcache with Magento's built-in caching and recommends using Varnish for full page caching. The document concludes with links for more information on its caching and performance recommendations.

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This document introduces various technologies used for live-reloading WordPress sites including Node, NPM, Bower, SASS, LibSASS, BrowserSync, Zurb Foundation, and Gulp.js. It recommends using a jumpstart WordPress base that has these technologies preconfigured to simplify setup. The document then explains how each technology works and how to install dependencies, watch files for changes, and run tasks with Gulp to enable live page reloading in the browser.

Browser: prefetch andreconnect?
Perception of Performance Improvement:
• Pre-loading the “next” page/resource
• Runs “in the background”
• If user clicks on a link, it seems fast!
Three main kinds of prefetch:
• Link Prefetching
• DNS Prefetching
• Prerendering
Watch out: bandwidth limitations anyone
Browser: replace vector graphics?
Raster Images are mostly bad!
• Made of pixels in a grid
• Non-responsive
• Larger images = more pixels
Scalar Vector Graphics are GOOD!
• Small source size
• Responsive and scales up
• Minimal CPU to dynamically/resize
Gotcha: complex SVG can get big
Alternative: use “srcset” or “picture” tags
Browser: webfont performance?
Basics of web fonts:
• Unicode fonts can contain thousands of glyphs.
• There are four font formats: WOFF2, WOFF, EOT,
and TTF.
• Some font formats require the use of
• Each font is an additional resource (round-trip)
• Some fonts can “block” the text rendering
• Use local() and url() directives for font-family
System:makefewer requests?
The starting point for all web optimization:
• Each remote resource requires a round-trip to/from
• always having some network latency
• always has at least 1 DNS lookup
• Generating the remote resource relies on back-end
systems? Storage? Database? Messaging?
• load more content in a single roundtrip
• reduce the remote resources required to render
• use HTTP/2+ which helps do this for you

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This document provides tips for boosting performance in React and Webpack applications. It discusses various optimizations that can improve build speed and bundle size for development and production environments. Some of the key recommendations include using PureComponent to minimize unnecessary re-renders, avoiding large JSX blocks, code splitting, tree shaking with Webpack 2, and leveraging tools like HappyPack, UglifyJS, and CSS loaders.

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1) SSDs provide significantly better performance than HDDs for, reducing costs by 75% while improving performance and capacity 6 times. 2) An experiment replacing HDD RAID with SSDs was very successful, but initial production deployment had critical bugs and required restarting the migration process. 3) While SSDs save money and users' time, maximizing their performance requires substantial research, testing, and software optimization from system administrators.

Debugging WordPress Performance using EasyEngine
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WordPress has thousands of themes and plugins freely available. Not all of them are coded beautifully or tested with big WordPress sites. When a bad piece of code goes live on a WordPress site, it can slow down site and even crash server in some cases. Goal of this session is to show how EasyEngine and other tools/techniques can be used to debug performance bottleneck on a WordPress site. This will make life of developers and system admins easy.

System:usenetwork caching?
Content Distribution Network (Akamai):
If you must make a round-trip:
• …maybe only go half-way?
• content can live in a “network cache”
• reduces load on the actual origin server
• has “time-to-live” settings
• programmatic API for CDN content
CDN Gotchas:
• pre-distributing large static content (video)
System:usefile compression?
Make big things smaller:
• any file-based resource can be compressed
• reduce network transfer time
• reduce remote storage
• Gzip is most common, also see Brotili
Compression Gotchas:
• requires cpu to compress on the server
• requires cpu to decompress on client
• requires time to compress on the server
• requires time to decompress on the client
“Why you sendin’ all that white space?”
Pre-parsing code to be smaller size:
• reduces transfer time & bandwidth
• removing superfluous characters
• most end-users will not read your code
• most everyone will not ready comments
• works on CSS, JS, and HTML and other code
• have both minified & non-minified versions
System:avoid404 not-foundand301 redirects?
Avoid 404 Not Found:
• why make the round-trip?
• fast, but still blocks a connection
• fast, but still hits the server
• consider caching custom 404’s
Avoid 301 Redirects:
• why make the round-trip?
• paying twice for 1 resource
• might be fast, but blocks a connection
• fast, but still hits the server
• consider a cache-header

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Your self-hosted WordPress site is quickly growing in popularity and page views. Or maybe you want to get away from that costly enterprise CMS currently on your plate and adopt a delectable, open-source platform. There are many reasons you might need the performance and redundancy of a clustered server solution, and I’ll show you how to mix up the ingredients needed to throw together a successful cloud-hosted WordPress environment that’s right for you. We’ll talk about common multi-server configurations, from cheap and quick for the cost-conscious business, to robust and complex for the high level of control an enterprise demands.

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Hhvm and wordpress
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Hhvm and wordpress

The document discusses how HHVM (HipHop Virtual Machine), a just-in-time compiler created by Facebook, can improve the performance of PHP-based websites like WordPress by compiling PHP to bytecode faster than traditional PHP processing. It provides benchmarks showing HHVM's performance advantages over PHP-FPM and describes tools like XHProf that can help optimize WordPress sites to take advantage of HHVM's capabilities. While HHVM has risks with poorly coded themes/plugins, its performance gains make it worth considering as an alternative PHP processor.

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Highly available Drupal on a Raspberry Pi cluster

Question: Can you run a Fortune 500 Drupal 8 website from your basement, on a cluster of Raspberry Pi computers? Answer: See this presentation to find out! Jeff Geerling is the author of Ansible for DevOps and a Technical Architect at Acquia, who has worked on many large and small scale Drupal websites.

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Consider the last 2 items:
• #15 is Infrastructure
• #16 is Database Optimization
• finding and removing bottlenecks
• optimizing data source queries
• tuning the system bottom-up
• applying elastic scaling
• monitor all the things!
Thank you!!
Mark Tomlinson
The Performance Sherpa
PerfBytes Podcasting

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PAC 2019 virtual Mark Tomlinson

  • 1. Web Performance: Behind the Scenes By Mark Tomlinson, The Performance Sherpa
  • 2. Mark Tomlinson - The Performance Sherpa - 27 years doing performance things - Former Microsoft, HP & PayPal - PerfBytes Podcaster - STPRadio Podcaster - Speaker and Teacher on Performance - Online mentoring and coaching - Currently full-time at a startup in Philly
  • 3. It all started with Steve Souders’ realization that we needed more focus on client-side performance. <- so he wrote this book ...and it was such a total hit with engineers around the world, he decided to write another one ->
  • 4. RULES FORWEB PERFORMANCE 9. Adopt Website Monitoring 10. Prefetch and reconnect 11. SSL certificate/ HTTPS 12. Web Font Performance 13. Hotlink protection 14. 404 Errors 15. Infrastructure 16. Database Optimization 1. HTTP requests reduction 2. File compression 3. Web caching optimization 4. Code minification 5. Lossy compression 6. Replacement of vector graphics 7. Image Optimization 8. 301 Redirects Everyone agrees on a basic list of guidelines for web perf: Source:
  • 5. RULES FORWEB PERFORMANCE Thou shall not block thy DOM.
  • 6. Browser: use localbrowser caching? Local resources are fastest: • reduces round-trip http requests • retrieved from local storage • Web Storage API • IndexedDB API • New: Cache API Gotchas: • far-futures expires headers on locally cached content specific to functionality or branding • Limits on storage space and speed
  • 7. Put your CSS at the top of the page: • avoid the “waiting on a blank page” • immediately style the DOM after it loads • CSSOM is created immediately after the DOM Put your javascript at the bottom of the page: • Scripts act upon the DOM/CSSOM • Only really useful after the page is active • Loading a script resource blocks HMTL and CSS Generally avoid “embedded” script or css Browser: css andjavascript placement
  • 8. Browser: async javascript loading? Script tags have 2 steps: • Load the script (local or remote) • Execute the script With async (or defer): • the script download will not block • html and css will render (DOM/CSSOM) Be careful again: • if script is required for functionality • if javascript makes remote calls
  • 9. Browser: prefetch andreconnect? Perception of Performance Improvement: • Pre-loading the “next” page/resource • Runs “in the background” • If user clicks on a link, it seems fast! Three main kinds of prefetch: • Link Prefetching • DNS Prefetching • Prerendering Watch out: bandwidth limitations anyone
  • 10. Browser: replace vector graphics? Raster Images are mostly bad! • Made of pixels in a grid • Non-responsive • Larger images = more pixels Scalar Vector Graphics are GOOD! • Small source size • Responsive and scales up • Minimal CPU to dynamically/resize Gotcha: complex SVG can get big Alternative: use “srcset” or “picture” tags
  • 11. Browser: webfont performance? Basics of web fonts: • Unicode fonts can contain thousands of glyphs. • There are four font formats: WOFF2, WOFF, EOT, and TTF. • Some font formats require the use of compression. Optimizing: • Each font is an additional resource (round-trip) • Some fonts can “block” the text rendering • Use local() and url() directives for font-family
  • 12. System:makefewer requests? The starting point for all web optimization: • Each remote resource requires a round-trip to/from • always having some network latency • always has at least 1 DNS lookup • Generating the remote resource relies on back-end systems? Storage? Database? Messaging? Optimizing: • load more content in a single roundtrip • reduce the remote resources required to render • use HTTP/2+ which helps do this for you
  • 13. System:usenetwork caching? Content Distribution Network (Akamai): If you must make a round-trip: • …maybe only go half-way? • content can live in a “network cache” • reduces load on the actual origin server • has “time-to-live” settings • programmatic API for CDN content CDN Gotchas: • pre-distributing large static content (video)
  • 14. System:usefile compression? Make big things smaller: • any file-based resource can be compressed • reduce network transfer time • reduce remote storage • Gzip is most common, also see Brotili Compression Gotchas: • requires cpu to compress on the server • requires cpu to decompress on client • requires time to compress on the server • requires time to decompress on the client
  • 15. System:minifyyourcode? “Why you sendin’ all that white space?” Pre-parsing code to be smaller size: • reduces transfer time & bandwidth • removing superfluous characters • most end-users will not read your code • most everyone will not ready comments Optimizing: • works on CSS, JS, and HTML and other code • have both minified & non-minified versions
  • 16. System:avoid404 not-foundand301 redirects? Avoid 404 Not Found: • why make the round-trip? • fast, but still blocks a connection • fast, but still hits the server • consider caching custom 404’s Avoid 301 Redirects: • why make the round-trip? • paying twice for 1 resource • might be fast, but blocks a connection • fast, but still hits the server • consider a cache-header
  • 17. LoadTesting – ISSTILL RELEVANT!! Consider the last 2 items: • #15 is Infrastructure • #16 is Database Optimization WELL OF COURSE!!!! • finding and removing bottlenecks • optimizing data source queries • tuning the system bottom-up • applying elastic scaling • monitor all the things!
  • 18. Thank you!! Mark Tomlinson The Performance Sherpa @perfsherpa PerfBytes Podcasting