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The Pinto,
Pareto and
Leandro Melendez
-Señor Performo
• I am Leandro Melendez
• Performance tester, scripter, engineer and idealist. Perf Manager
• Lot’sa experience on several performance projects for 10 years.
• Found lots of vices, weird paths of action and plain ignorance.
• Decided to get a secret identity and wear the spandex moustache to fight
against bad practices, process inertia and plain ignorance as Señor
• All this through a blog (, Social NW’s (@srperf), hosting the
Spanish version of the performance testing podcast PerfBytes en Español.
• Last, but not least, through public speaking, spreading the word of
performance, which we will do here today.
Economical impacts of
Performance testing practices
(or lack of)
Boring title?
• How about make it bout moolah!
• I am gonna be talkin’a lot about MONEY.

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Stop Flying Blind! Quantifying Risk with Monte Carlo Simulation
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Product development is inherently risky. While lean and agile methods are praised for supporting rapid feedback from customers through experiments and continuous iteration, teams could do a lot better at prioritizing using basic modeling techniques from finance. This talk will focus on quantitative risk modeling when developing new products or services that do not have a well understood product/market fit scenario. Using modeling approaches like Monte Carlo simulations and Cost of Delay scenarios, combined with qualitative tools like the Lean Canvas and Value Dynamics, we will explore how lean innovation teams can bring scientific rigor back into their process.

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Ross Snyder, Etsy, SXSW Lean Startup 2013
Ross Snyder, Etsy, SXSW Lean Startup 2013Ross Snyder, Etsy, SXSW Lean Startup 2013
Ross Snyder, Etsy, SXSW Lean Startup 2013

1. Etsy moved from a waterfall deployment process with long development cycles and infrequent deployments to a continuous deployment model with small code changes deployed frequently by engineers. 2. Continuous deployment allows Etsy to experiment continuously and make small iterative improvements, reducing the risk of outages and allowing issues to be addressed quickly. 3. Etsy now deploys code changes over 25 times per day on average, every day, with the goal of keeping deployments fast and low-risk through techniques like feature flags and extensive monitoring.

sxsw interactiveleanstartupetsy
How engineering practices help business
How engineering practices help businessHow engineering practices help business
How engineering practices help business

This document provides advice on how to introduce new engineering practices and technologies to a team or business. It discusses several examples of proposed new practices and technologies such as test automation, continuous integration, refactoring, and DevOps. For each, it advises how to demonstrate the benefits through examples and metrics, how to gain buy-in from various stakeholders, and pitfalls to avoid such as claiming a practice is necessary just because a famous person recommends it. The overall message is that new practices must provide clear value and be introduced through demonstration and collaboration rather than dictates.

Boring title?
• How about make it bout moolah!
• I am gonna be talkin’a lot about MONEY.
• And performance of course.
• Especially long term impact.
Boring title?
• How about make it bout moolah!
• I am gonna be talkin’a lot about MONEY.
• And performance of course.
• Especially long term impact.
• I will give you two different options.
• Analyze we will.
Butfirst youneed…
• I have noticed many do not have
• We need to develop here
• … Sight beyond sight
• On the intersection of:
• Performance
• Money
• Vision
• So you don’t gotta come from the future!
Onelittle trick
• To make the analysis easier I will go to numbers
• We will do some calculations here and there
• Don’t worry won't hurt
• … much

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Project Controls Expo 18th Nov 2014 - "Productive Forecasting" By Mike Younger

Everyday Project Controls people can spend most of their time looking at the past rather than the future; this presentation challenges this and asks should we not be looking forward more. It shows ways Earned Value can be used to start to predict future performance by reviewing productivity against plan. This is a powerful tool which is applicable across all industries and all phases of projects and is easy to calculate based on data collected by us each month. This presentation challenges this and asks the question why are we not doing this so we can start to look forward and be more proactive in our control of projects? The second part of this presentation looks at bulk material forecasting and challenges.

project managementproject managerproject control
Introduction to conjoint analysis 2021
Introduction to conjoint analysis 2021Introduction to conjoint analysis 2021
Introduction to conjoint analysis 2021

Conjoint analysis is a technique used to understand how people value different attributes or features of a product or service. It involves showing people combinations of attributes and levels and asking them to choose their preferred options. This allows researchers to model the importance of attributes and understand how people trade off different features. The document provides an overview of conjoint analysis, including what problems it can address, how it works, and key considerations in designing a conjoint study. An example study is presented to illustrate attribute selection, task design, and the type of outputs generated, including part-worth utilities and importance scores.

market researchconjoint analysisinsights
Conversion Hotel 2014: Craig Sullivan (UK) keynote
Conversion Hotel 2014: Craig Sullivan (UK) keynoteConversion Hotel 2014: Craig Sullivan (UK) keynote
Conversion Hotel 2014: Craig Sullivan (UK) keynote

Craig Sullivan, well known conversion consultant from the UK. Slides from his saturday keynote at Conversion Hotel 2014 #CH2014 #enjoy

Does thishappen inreal life?
• I am not full of anything.
• On the corp world, the judgement
on short term money impacts is
good, but the long term is not
always good.
• So to start with the doubters here
will come an example for all the nay
• Based on a true story.
Da Facts
• Young or unfamiliar
• Launched in 1971
• By Ford Motor Co.
• Named after a Pony
• Economy market
• Fastest design ever
• Goal Price $2K USD
• Cheap cheap
Hiddencostsofraced project(pun intended)
• When hurrying corners are cut
• The pony had issues… several.
• One was outstanding
• Gas tank issues
• Collision>30mph=Fire
• Solvable with some $

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This document summarizes the story of quintly, a social media analytics SaaS company founded in 2010 by two technical co-founders in Germany. It details their journey from a small prototype in 2010 with $20k in ARR to growing their team to 34 members with $2.5m in ARR by 2017. Key learnings included bootstrapping the business, doing early sales themselves, focusing on revenue over investors, keeping the business family-owned, and constantly innovating the product. The co-founders learned the importance of company culture, standardized processes, and not being afraid to fail along the way.

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In this talk, I show the key shortcuts to stop doing stupid testing and move towards innovative and transformative design & build methodologies, including innovation through split testing exploration

split testingconversion rate optimisationagile
• Consisted of adding a rear bumper
• Estimated fix cost per car $11USD
• Number of cars 12.5 million*
• Applied also for trucks
• Trucks had same issue a la
• Total cost
$137 million USD
~$870 million-Adjusted to 2019
• Assign a cost to each event
• 2100 cars burned each @ $700USD
• 180 burns each @ $67,000USD
• 180 deaths each @ $200,000USD
• WTF a human life for $200k???
• Total cost
$49.5 million USD
~$313 million-Adjusted to 2019
*Not only Ford cars
Again… True story
• Total cost
$137 million USD
• Total cost
$49.5 million USD
• Total cost
$137 million USD
• Future cost
1. Less trials.
2. Better reputation.
3. Less production costs.
• Total cost
$49.5 million USD
• Future cost
1. Multiple trials and investigations.
2. Severely damaged reputation.
3. 1.5 million cars recalled. Largest ever

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The document discusses common mistakes made in A/B testing and provides advice to avoid false or misleading results. It recommends integrating analytics to properly track and segment test results, running tests for sufficient time periods that include full business cycles to avoid false positives or negatives, and performing thorough quality assurance testing to prevent browser or device-related issues from influencing outcomes. The key is to design hypotheses based on solid customer insights and data rather than guesses, and continue testing until a representative sample is collected rather than stopping early just because a test appears significant.

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How To Save $585,000,000 in 2015! Spending $2,250,000.00 on pavement management and doing really eco friendly recycling and preservation treatments

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DevDay 2013 - Building Startups and Minimum Viable Products
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DevDay 2013 - Building Startups and Minimum Viable Products

DevDay (, 20th of September 2013, Kraków Video at

Performance automation
• Common misconception is to try
to automate everything.
• Or at least what is deemed as
• VIP processes must be
Performance tested. Or
• But… how do we know what is
• Important for the business or for
In performance testing, automation is generally
only for LOAD simulation
Performance automation
• How to know if process is
actually important?
• Something important for the
solution or company may not be
for performance automation.
• We just saw, performance
automation is for load.
• Then the processes that
generate most load might be
• Meaning multiple interactions.

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PyCon UK 2013 "Python Adventures in Startup Land"
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PyCon UK 2013 "Python Adventures in Startup Land"

This document discusses using Python for startups and minimum viable products. It explains that startups aim for minimum viable products and continuous change rather than long-term plans. The Lean Startup methodology advocates building products iteratively based on customer feedback and pivoting if needed. Python is well-suited for startups because it allows for fast development and integration with external services commonly used by startups.

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- The document describes challenges faced by an organization in achieving enterprise agility, including a lack of alignment on objectives and approach between stakeholders like the product owner, delivery manager, and client. - Meetings are held to align stakeholders on clear objectives like delivering a demo-able product incrementally each sprint, rather than 30 features. The delivery manager proposes focused investments to improve automation and quality. - For the next sprint, the product owner and delivery manager agree to run it based on delivering a portion of the demo-able product incrementally while automating all accepted items to prevent regressions. Lessons highlight the importance of alignment on objectives and investments over lectures on mindset.

results not mindset: the key to achieving enterpriavinash rao30th nov'2019
How pair programming can strengthen teams
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This document discusses how pair programming can strengthen teams. It provides an overview of pair programming, highlighting benefits like higher code quality, more maintainable code, and increased job satisfaction. It also addresses potential challenges with pairing and provides tips for how to successfully implement pairing, including soliciting willing participants, coordinating schedules, and ensuring proper infrastructure.

software developmentpair programmingagile software development
Sill notconvinced?
• I know cause you have been told
for so long what is important,
you may still not buy this very
• It is important to get response
• So how about we throw again
some $$$ numbers?
• Special project, code name SNAIL
• It has 50 BPs marked as important for automation
• One process called SNOWFLAKE, happens only once
a week. It is critical for the business as it is so special.
• SNOWFLAKE is actually very important for other
things to work.
• Will happen only once in our load tests.
• It is also critical to know if it performs under load
within time and resources indicated.
• Automate SNOWFLAKE
• Need consultant or scripter
• Between $50 and $100 x hour… Let’s do $75 (not
counting travel and other expenses)
• Average script or automation (well done, no silly
record n’play, test case, documented and data
tested) takes from 4 to 16 hours depending on
• Let’s do 8 hours.
• Process will be used 1 (once) per test.

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Brief introduction to 'Toyota Way' (Zeeshan Syed)

This document provides an overview of the Toyota Production System (TPS). It discusses that TPS aims to continuously improve by removing waste, and that being "lean" is a never-ending journey of improvement. Key aspects of TPS discussed include its focus on flow, pull systems, respect for people, standardized work, visual management, and the "14 principles" that guide Toyota's long-term philosophy. The document highlights benefits of approaches like one-piece flow and how Toyota develops people and measures success holistically across factors like quality, cost and safety.

The quest of one-piece-flow in IT by Pierre Masai, Toyota Motor Europe
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The document discusses Toyota's approach to one piece flow and problem solving. It describes how Toyota implements one piece flow throughout the entire business process improvement cycle and values delivering benefits in small, testable pieces. Toyota also takes a three-level approach to problem solving to thoroughly investigate issues, set challenging targets, and implement countermeasures to continuously improve.

pierre masailean ittoyota
PAC 2020 Santorin - Giovanni Paolo Gibilisco
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The document discusses continuous performance optimization of Java applications. It proposes adding an optimization step to the continuous integration pipeline to evolve performance testing beyond just finding regressions. This would allow configurations to be adapted to new application features and releases to find performance improvements. The approach is demonstrated on a flight search microservice, where different garbage collection algorithms and configuration parameters are evaluated to optimize throughput, response times, memory usage and stability under increasing load.

Numbers time– Scenario A
• $75USD per hour
• 8 Hours
• 1 time per test.
*Most processes are snowflakes
Scenario B–Meet Bob
• Bob knows very well how to run
• He is so good that it takes him just a
few minutes
• Let’s say it takes him an hour
• Bob does well and is paid about
$5000 USD per month
• A month has about 170 hours
Bob’sNumbers– Scenario B
• $5000USD per month
• 170 hours per month
• 1 hour for snowflake
• Ask him to run it
Snowflake’s optionsanalysis
- $600 USD x click
- Requires
- Time to create
- $30 USD per click
- Already on the payroll
- Just call him
- Tells good jokes

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PAC 2020 Santorin - Stijn Schepers
PAC 2020 Santorin - Stijn SchepersPAC 2020 Santorin - Stijn Schepers
PAC 2020 Santorin - Stijn Schepers

The document discusses the concept of observability in performance engineering and its importance for understanding application performance. It defines observability as watching application behavior using response metrics and resource utilization metrics to understand the digital user experience. The document provides examples of integrating load testing tools with application performance monitoring tools to actively monitor applications in production and observe performance across releases. It emphasizes the need to analyze raw metrics from multiple perspectives to gain useful insights.

PAC 2020 Santorin - Edoardo Varani
PAC 2020 Santorin - Edoardo VaraniPAC 2020 Santorin - Edoardo Varani
PAC 2020 Santorin - Edoardo Varani

This document discusses measuring and addressing CPU throttling in containerized environments. It describes how CPU limits work at the kernel level and how to measure throttling using cgroup metrics. The author proposes adding 1.3 times the maximum throttled CPUs to the container's CPU limit to eliminate throttling. A case study shows this approach reduced response times and garbage collection pauses. The document also discusses how the JVM can increase demand as CPU limits increase and the importance of tailoring limits to workloads.

PAC 2020 Santorin - Andreas Grabner
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PAC 2020 Santorin - Andreas Grabner

This document discusses using Keptn to automate service level indicator (SLI) evaluation and performance validation with service level objectives (SLOs). It describes two use cases: 1) automating SLI evaluation over a timeframe, and 2) integrating performance validation as a self-service capability. The document outlines how Keptn works underneath, including defining SLIs and SLOs in YAML and scoring SLIs against SLO criteria. It demonstrates integrating Keptn with existing pipelines and monitoring tools. Finally, it discusses options for installing only the Keptn quality gate functionality or the full Keptn platform.

What aboutresponse time?
• Add manually
• Stop Watch
• Mississippi
• Integrated
• APMs
Snowflakes andincessant
• Most of the 50 BPS are
• There is one that
happens 1000 times
each hour called
• To script it takes the
same time as
• Numbers time
Numbers time– Scenario Incessant
• $75USD per hour
• 8 Hours
• 1000 times per test.
*Most processes are snowflakes

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PAC 2020 Santorin - Vasilis Chatzinasios
PAC 2020 Santorin - Vasilis ChatzinasiosPAC 2020 Santorin - Vasilis Chatzinasios
PAC 2020 Santorin - Vasilis Chatzinasios

The document discusses how to automate performance testing in DevOps. It outlines an automated analysis workflow involving defining metrics, comparing metrics to thresholds and baselines, pattern analysis, and test results. It also discusses script automation, reducing false positives, and integrating different types of performance tests like load, stress, and spike tests. The goal is to automate performance testing to support the rapid delivery cycles of DevOps.

PAC 2020 Santorin - Gopalkrishnan Yadav
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PAC 2020 Santorin - Gopalkrishnan Yadav

This document discusses monitoring the performance of Azure data pipelines. It recommends using Azure Log Analytics to monitor pipelines near real-time, as traditional testing tools don't support log analytics. It provides steps to configure a Log Analytics workspace and enable diagnostics logging. Sample queries are shown to monitor metrics like pipeline durations, activity times and throughput. Monitoring pipelines helps assess performance, stability and confidence in data processing.

PAC 2020 Santorin - Hari Krishnan Ramachandran
PAC 2020 Santorin - Hari Krishnan RamachandranPAC 2020 Santorin - Hari Krishnan Ramachandran
PAC 2020 Santorin - Hari Krishnan Ramachandran

This document discusses common performance myths and challenges related to cloud migrations, SaaS deployments, and cloud native applications. It provides approaches to assess performance for each scenario. Some key points covered include: - Common myths like unlimited scaling without effort, cost savings from cloud alone, and SaaS vendors handling all performance. - Challenges for migrations include capacity planning, auto-scaling issues, and latency. For SaaS, risks include customization impacts and integration issues. Cloud native challenges are distributed architectures and configuration problems. - The document recommends approaches like baseline benchmarking, resilience testing, and 360-degree validation across user, cloud, data center and external layers to overcome myths and address challenges.

Snowflake VSIncessant optionsanalysis
- $600 USD x click
- Happens once
- Bob can do it
- $0.6 USD per click
- Happens A LOT!
- Bob cannot do it
Happens more=important
• Automation for
performance and load
has different definition
for important
• Important is what
happens the most (for
• How do I know which?
• How can I select?
Meet Pareto
• Vilfredo Pareto
• Italian economist
• Discovered the
• AKA 80-20 rule
• 80% of land in Italy
owned by 20% of
• Applies everywhere!

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PAC 2020 Santorin - Joerek Van Gaalen
PAC 2020 Santorin - Joerek Van GaalenPAC 2020 Santorin - Joerek Van Gaalen
PAC 2020 Santorin - Joerek Van Gaalen

Joerek van Gaalen discussed his experience conducting large-scale performance tests, including a test with 2 million virtual users. He explained how to simulate that level of load using 800 load generators across different cloud providers. He emphasized optimizing tests by tuning scripts, controllers, and agents to minimize resources. Van Gaalen also stressed the importance of making tests realistic by mimicking production usage patterns and balancing load. Specific issues like CDN performance limitations and uneven load distribution were also addressed.

PAC 2020 Santorin - Ankur Jain
PAC 2020 Santorin - Ankur JainPAC 2020 Santorin - Ankur Jain
PAC 2020 Santorin - Ankur Jain

Ankur Jain presented on using the User Timing API to measure user perceived performance of single-page applications without an APM tool. The User Timing API allows developers to mark milestones and measure the time between them to understand performance. While it requires code changes, it provides accurate, real-user monitoring of applications across browsers. Some limitations are that it requires knowledge of the application's user flow and code access to implement the markers.

PAC 2020 Santorin - Stephen Townshend
PAC 2020 Santorin - Stephen TownshendPAC 2020 Santorin - Stephen Townshend
PAC 2020 Santorin - Stephen Townshend

The document summarizes a presentation given at the Performance Advisory Council in Santorini, Greece in February 2020. The presentation advocated for using cloud-based performance engineering tools for their ease of use, ability to automatically correlate data, and to scale testing on demand. It cautioned that adopting new tools requires maintaining the same performance testing culture to avoid generating misleading or inaccurate results.

Performance Pareto
• Load testing applies
• 80% of load comes from
• 20% of processes
• Quick guide
• Focus on that 20% that
generates 80% (or more)
• Get all the processes
• List order by occurrence
• Sum
• Find top 80%
Example morenumbers
• Big list of processes
• Total 15 important
• Sorted by occurrence
• Sum total of events
• Percentage each
• Sum top percentages
until 80% or more
• Pick the ones who
generate at least 80%
• A B C – YEAH
• D E F G - MEH
Process Times
A 4,088
B 4,087
C 2,057
D 977
E 471
F 169
G 91
H 48
I 33
J 28
K 28
L 23
M 23
N 20
O 20
TOTAL 12,163
Only 3= 84%
• Original 15 processes
• Each automation
• Bob costs ~$30USD/hour
• Bang for the buck
• A, B, C generate 80%
• 3 processes vs 15
• Differences
Pareto = Savings andmore efficiency
• One decision out of the picture.
• Still one decision

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PAC 2020 Santorin - Leandro Melendez
PAC 2020 Santorin - Leandro MelendezPAC 2020 Santorin - Leandro Melendez
PAC 2020 Santorin - Leandro Melendez

The document discusses the flawed approach of "racing performance" without proper preparation. It argues that jumping straight into performance testing without checking components like tires, fuel levels, and ensuring the system is functioning properly leads to "fatal consequences" like crashes. Some reasons this approach still occurs include a lack of performance culture, confusion between performance and load testing, and viewing all problems as requiring load automation. The document promotes better approaches like verifying components, defining standards, stress testing parts individually and together before integration, using meters to monitor system functions, conducting lab tests, and test driving the system before attempting high-stakes races.

PAC 2019 virtual Stephen Townshend
PAC 2019 virtual Stephen TownshendPAC 2019 virtual Stephen Townshend
PAC 2019 virtual Stephen Townshend

This document discusses automating performance testing pipelines. It covers value stream mapping to identify tasks that can be removed, simplified or automated. Automating testing provides benefits like reduced time, allowing specialists to focus on higher-value work, and empowering others to run tests. The document demonstrates automating a JMeter load test, providing tips like using JMeter projects and scripts. It notes that significant time savings are possible from automating not just test execution but test development as well through techniques like UI automation.

PAC 2019 virtual Federico Toledo
PAC 2019 virtual Federico Toledo   PAC 2019 virtual Federico Toledo
PAC 2019 virtual Federico Toledo

The document discusses adding performance verifications to continuous delivery pipelines. It notes that the typical approach to performance testing does not work well for continuous delivery, as test scripts are fragile and it is difficult to identify the cause of issues. The document recommends taking a different approach with the goal of detecting any degradations as early as possible. It suggests implementing unit performance tests to test endpoints in isolation and detect degradations immediately after they are introduced. While unit tests are important, integration and load tests are still needed periodically to test how components interact as a whole. Client-side performance also needs to be considered.

Thanks Pareto!
• Thanks to Pareto
• Increase the efficiency and money allocation in performance automation
• Save money, spend it better
• Performance smarter
• Many other sight beyond sight
• Everywhere
• Release rush impact
• Cloud needs no performance
• Many others
Thank you

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PAC 2019 virtual Leandro Melendez

  • 2. ‘BoutMe • I am Leandro Melendez • Performance tester, scripter, engineer and idealist. Perf Manager @QualiTest • Lot’sa experience on several performance projects for 10 years. • Found lots of vices, weird paths of action and plain ignorance. • Decided to get a secret identity and wear the spandex moustache to fight against bad practices, process inertia and plain ignorance as Señor Performo. • All this through a blog (, Social NW’s (@srperf), hosting the Spanish version of the performance testing podcast PerfBytes en Español. • Last, but not least, through public speaking, spreading the word of performance, which we will do here today.
  • 3. Economical impacts of Performance testing practices (or lack of)
  • 4. Boring title? • How about make it bout moolah! • I am gonna be talkin’a lot about MONEY.
  • 5. Boring title? • How about make it bout moolah! • I am gonna be talkin’a lot about MONEY. • And performance of course. • Especially long term impact.
  • 6. Boring title? • How about make it bout moolah! • I am gonna be talkin’a lot about MONEY. • And performance of course. • Especially long term impact. • I will give you two different options. • Analyze we will.
  • 7. Butfirst youneed… • I have noticed many do not have • We need to develop here • … Sight beyond sight • On the intersection of: • Performance • Money • Vision • So you don’t gotta come from the future! PERFORMANCE! OOOOHHHHH
  • 8. Onelittle trick • To make the analysis easier I will go to numbers • We will do some calculations here and there • Don’t worry won't hurt • … much
  • 9. Does thishappen inreal life? • I am not full of anything. • On the corp world, the judgement on short term money impacts is good, but the long term is not always good. • So to start with the doubters here will come an example for all the nay sayers. • Based on a true story.
  • 11. Da Facts • Young or unfamiliar • Launched in 1971 • By Ford Motor Co. • Named after a Pony • Economy market • Fastest design ever • Goal Price $2K USD • Cheap cheap
  • 12. Hiddencostsofraced project(pun intended) • When hurrying corners are cut • The pony had issues… several. • One was outstanding • Gas tank issues • Collision>30mph=Fire • Solvable with some $
  • 13. Optionsanalysis APPLY A FIX TO THE FUEL TANK. • Consisted of adding a rear bumper • Estimated fix cost per car $11USD • Number of cars 12.5 million* • Applied also for trucks • Trucks had same issue a la microservice • Total cost $137 million USD ~$870 million-Adjusted to 2019 LEAVE IT AND PAY FINES. • Assign a cost to each event • 2100 cars burned each @ $700USD • 180 burns each @ $67,000USD • 180 deaths each @ $200,000USD • WTF a human life for $200k??? • Total cost $49.5 million USD ~$313 million-Adjusted to 2019 *Not only Ford cars
  • 15. Optionsanalysis APPLY A FIX TO THE FUEL TANK. • Total cost $137 million USD LEAVE IT AND PAY FINES. • Total cost $49.5 million USD
  • 16. Sightbeyondsight APPLY A FIX TO THE FUEL TANK. • Total cost $137 million USD • Future cost 1. Less trials. 2. Better reputation. 3. Less production costs. LITTLE COST LEAVE IT AND PAY FINES. • Total cost $49.5 million USD • Future cost 1. Multiple trials and investigations. 2. Severely damaged reputation. 3. 1.5 million cars recalled. Largest ever HOLLY MOTHER OF UNTANGIBLE HUGE COSTS!!!
  • 18. Performance automation • Common misconception is to try to automate everything. • Or at least what is deemed as “Important”. • VIP processes must be Performance tested. Or automated. • But… how do we know what is IMPORTANT? • Important for the business or for automation?
  • 19. Justsayin In performance testing, automation is generally recommended only for LOAD simulation
  • 20. Performance automation • How to know if process is actually important? • Something important for the solution or company may not be for performance automation. • We just saw, performance automation is for load. • Then the processes that generate most load might be important. • Meaning multiple interactions.
  • 21. Sill notconvinced? • I know cause you have been told for so long what is important, you may still not buy this very much. • It is important to get response times. • So how about we throw again some $$$ numbers?
  • 23. Money-xercize • Special project, code name SNAIL • It has 50 BPs marked as important for automation • One process called SNOWFLAKE, happens only once a week. It is critical for the business as it is so special. • SNOWFLAKE is actually very important for other things to work. • Will happen only once in our load tests. • It is also critical to know if it performs under load within time and resources indicated.
  • 24. Money-xercize • Automate SNOWFLAKE • Need consultant or scripter • Between $50 and $100 x hour… Let’s do $75 (not counting travel and other expenses) • Average script or automation (well done, no silly record n’play, test case, documented and data tested) takes from 4 to 16 hours depending on complexity. • Let’s do 8 hours. • Process will be used 1 (once) per test.
  • 25. Numbers time– Scenario A • $75USD per hour • 8 Hours • 1 time per test. *Most processes are snowflakes
  • 26. Scenario B–Meet Bob • Bob knows very well how to run SNOWFLAKE • He is so good that it takes him just a few minutes • Let’s say it takes him an hour • Bob does well and is paid about $5000 USD per month • A month has about 170 hours
  • 27. Bob’sNumbers– Scenario B • $5000USD per month • 170 hours per month • 1 hour for snowflake • Ask him to run it
  • 28. Snowflake’s optionsanalysis SCRIPT - $600 USD x click - Requires maintenance - Time to create BOB - $30 USD per click - Already on the payroll - Just call him - Tells good jokes
  • 29. What aboutresponse time? • Add manually • Stop Watch • Mississippi • Integrated • APMs
  • 31. Snowflakes andincessant • Most of the 50 BPS are snowflakes. • There is one that happens 1000 times each hour called INCESSANT • To script it takes the same time as snowflake. • Numbers time
  • 32. Numbers time– Scenario Incessant • $75USD per hour • 8 Hours • 1000 times per test. *Most processes are snowflakes
  • 33. Snowflake VSIncessant optionsanalysis SNOWFLAKE - $600 USD x click - Happens once - Bob can do it INCESSANT - $0.6 USD per click - Happens A LOT! - Bob cannot do it
  • 34. Happens more=important • Automation for performance and load has different definition for important • Important is what happens the most (for automation) • How do I know which? • How can I select?
  • 36. Meet Pareto • Vilfredo Pareto • Italian economist • Discovered the PARETO PRINCIPLE • AKA 80-20 rule • 80% of land in Italy owned by 20% of people • Applies everywhere!
  • 37. Performance Pareto • Load testing applies • 80% of load comes from • 20% of processes • Quick guide • Focus on that 20% that generates 80% (or more) • Get all the processes • List order by occurrence • Sum • Find top 80%
  • 38. Example morenumbers • Big list of processes • Total 15 important • Sorted by occurrence • Sum total of events • Percentage each • Sum top percentages until 80% or more • Pick the ones who generate at least 80% • A B C – YEAH • D E F G - MEH Process Times A 4,088 B 4,087 C 2,057 D 977 E 471 F 169 G 91 H 48 I 33 J 28 K 28 L 23 M 23 N 20 O 20 TOTAL 12,163 34% 34% 17% 8% 4% 1% 1% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% 84% 14% 2%
  • 39. Only 3= 84% • Original 15 processes • Each automation ~$600USD • Bob costs ~$30USD/hour • Bang for the buck • A, B, C generate 80% • 3 processes vs 15 • Differences
  • 40. Pareto = Savings andmore efficiency • One decision out of the picture. • Still one decision
  • 41. Thanks Pareto! • Thanks to Pareto • Increase the efficiency and money allocation in performance automation • Save money, spend it better • Performance smarter • Many other sight beyond sight • Everywhere • Release rush impact • Cloud needs no performance • Many others