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Goal Driven Performance
October 25-26,2010
Moscow, Russia
Peter Zaitsev
Percona Inc
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
What is this all about ?
• First step to successful performance optimization is
setting right goals
• In most cases goals are not set (or unclear) and a lot
of resources wasted on not important things
• This presentation is about setting the right goals and
using them to optimize performance of existing
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
When is it Applicable ?
• Optimizing Performance for Existing Applications
• Can be used with load testing for scaling application
and testing new features
• A way to implement monitoring and spot problems
before users start complain
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Understanding Performance
• Latency/Response Time
– Always Important
– Tolerance can be very different
• 50ms of Ajax Request
• 30minutes for report
• Throughtput
– Often important for multi-user systems
– System can do 1000 transactions/second
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Throughput/Latency Relation
• Response time tends to increase with throughput
– When system overload response time goes to infinity
• Call Center analogy
– Fewer people servicing calls = better utilization
• Same as throughput per person
– More people servicing calls = better response time
• Calls spend less time waiting in the queue
• Classical Performance Optimization Goal
– Maximizing Throughput/Utilization while maintaining
Response time within a guidelines
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Response Time Metrics
• Average/Medium/Response Time
– Not a good metric for adequate performance
– Same as average person temperature in hospital
– Can be helpful for historical trending
• Maximum Response Time
– Good in theory. We want No requests taking longer than X
– Hard to work in practice – some requests will take too long
• Define Percentile response time
– 95% or requests serviced within 500ms
– 99% or requests serviced within 1000ms
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Alternative Measurments
• 95 percentille response time is hard/expensive to
compute in SQL
– Can use other metrics
• Portion where response time is within response time
– SUM(response_time<0.5)/count(*)
– Returning 0.95 Is same as 95% response time of 0.5 sec
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Even Response Time
• 95% response time goal will allow your system to be
non responsive for an hour every day
– Ie extremely bad performance when taking backup
• You want to ensure there is no stalls/performance
• If page loads slow and user presses reload and it
loads quickly it is OK – there are always network
• Define your performance goals at short intervals.
– Goals should be met at ALL 5 minutes intervals.
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Even Response Time math
• If you only can work with long intervals you can
define stricter performance goals
– 99.9% metrics means 2 min slow response will affect it
• 86400/1000~=86 (sec) – assuming uniform traffic
• The longer response time is OK the larger intervals
you can have
– 1min allowed response time in 99% cases means 1 hour
check interval should be enough
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Response Time and an Object
• Not all the pages are created Equal
• Complexity and User Requirement Differ
• Ajax Pop Ups
– 50ms
• Profile Page Generation
– 150ms
• Search
– 300ms
• Site Usage Report
– 1000ms
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Responses by Type of Client
• Human Being
– Actual Human waiting and being impatient
– Response Time critical
• Bots
– Some systems have over 80% of bot traffic
– Bot response time is less critical
• Though should be good enough to be indexed
• Interactive Web Services
– Can be used to generate pages on other sites
– Low Response time is even more critical
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Different kinds of Slowness
• System “randomly” responds slowly
– OK as long as rare enough.
– Users will write it off as Internet/computer slowness
• Sustained Slowness is bad
– Search request which is always slow
– User with many friends which is “always” slow
• Are these users/cases important ?
– Track them separately. They may be invisible with 99%
alone. ie Performance per customer
– Consider Firing users/Blocking cases otherwise
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Where to measure performance
• Client Side (the actual data)
– Firebug etc (but only for development)
• External Performance Monitoring
– Gomez, Keynote etc
– Selected pages from selected locations
• Web Server Performance Analyses
– Focused on one dynamil request response time
– Mk-query-digest; tcprstat
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Summary of the Goal
• Define 95%, 99% etc response time
• For each User Interaction/Class, each application
• Measured/Monitored each 5 minutes
• From Front End and Backend observation
• Avoiding Performance Holes
– Some actions or users which are rare but often slow
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Performance Black Swans
• Queries can be intrinsically slow or caused to be
slow by side load (queueing)
• You can ignore outliers only if their impact to system
performance is limited.
• Discover Such Queries
– Mk-query-digest will report outliers by default
– Check SHOW PROCESSLIST for never completing
– Optimize; Build protection to kill overly slow queries.
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Production Instrumentation
• Many People Instrument Test System
– Option to print out Queries/Web Service Requests
– Great for Debugging/Testing
– Will not show a lot of performance problems
• Cold vs hot requests
• Contention happening in production
• Special User Cases
• Run Instrumented App in Production and Store Data
– Can instrument only one of Web servers if overhead is
– Can log only 1% of user sessions if can't handle all data
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
What to Instrument
• Total Response Time
• CPU Time
• “Wait Time”
– Connections/Database Queries
– MemCache
– Web Services Request
– Other Network Requests
• Additional Information
– Number and Nature of different queries
– Hits/Misses for Queries
– Options which can affect performance
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Where to Store
• Plain old log files
– Or directly to the database for smaller systems
• Load them to the database
• Or Hadoop on the larger scale
• Generate standard reports
• Provide Ad-Hoc way to do deep data analyses
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Start from what is most important
• Optimize Most important User Interactions first
• Pick What case to focus in
– Queries which do not meet response time
– But not Worse Case Scenario
• Unless outliers kill your system
• There are always going to be outliers
• Do not analyze just queries above response time
– It is much easier to reach 95% of 1 second if 50% of the
queries are below 500ms.
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Benefits of Such Approach
• Direct connection to the business goals
• High Priority problems targeted first
• Focus on real stuff
– No guess work like “is my buffer pool hit ratio bad?” or “am
I doing too much full table scans ?”
– If these there the issues you will find and fix them anyway.
• Understandable and predictable result
– If MySQL contributes 15% to the response time I can't
possibly double performance focusing on MySQL
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Final Notes
• Spikes; Special Cases should not be discarded
– They are the most interesting/challenging are
• Understand what you're trying to achieve
– The method is best for optimization of current scale for
system already in production.
• Check out goal driven performance optimization
Goal Driven Performance Optimization
Thanks for Coming
• Questions ? Followup ?
• Yes, we do MySQL and Web Scaling Consulting
• Check out our book
– Complete rewrite of 1st
– Available in Russian Too
• And Yes we're hiring

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Goal Driven Performance Optimization, Peter Zaitsev

  • 1. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Highload++, October 25-26,2010 Moscow, Russia Peter Zaitsev Percona Inc
  • 2. Goal Driven Performance Optimization What is this all about ? • First step to successful performance optimization is setting right goals • In most cases goals are not set (or unclear) and a lot of resources wasted on not important things • This presentation is about setting the right goals and using them to optimize performance of existing system
  • 3. Goal Driven Performance Optimization When is it Applicable ? • Optimizing Performance for Existing Applications • Can be used with load testing for scaling application and testing new features • A way to implement monitoring and spot problems before users start complain
  • 4. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Understanding Performance • Latency/Response Time – Always Important – Tolerance can be very different • 50ms of Ajax Request • 30minutes for report • Throughtput – Often important for multi-user systems – System can do 1000 transactions/second
  • 5. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Throughput/Latency Relation • Response time tends to increase with throughput – When system overload response time goes to infinity • Call Center analogy – Fewer people servicing calls = better utilization • Same as throughput per person – More people servicing calls = better response time • Calls spend less time waiting in the queue • Classical Performance Optimization Goal – Maximizing Throughput/Utilization while maintaining Response time within a guidelines
  • 6. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Response Time Metrics • Average/Medium/Response Time – Not a good metric for adequate performance – Same as average person temperature in hospital – Can be helpful for historical trending • Maximum Response Time – Good in theory. We want No requests taking longer than X – Hard to work in practice – some requests will take too long • Define Percentile response time – 95% or requests serviced within 500ms – 99% or requests serviced within 1000ms
  • 7. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Alternative Measurments • 95 percentille response time is hard/expensive to compute in SQL – Can use other metrics • APDEX – • Portion where response time is within response time – SUM(response_time<0.5)/count(*) – Returning 0.95 Is same as 95% response time of 0.5 sec
  • 8. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Even Response Time • 95% response time goal will allow your system to be non responsive for an hour every day – Ie extremely bad performance when taking backup • You want to ensure there is no stalls/performance dips. • If page loads slow and user presses reload and it loads quickly it is OK – there are always network glitches. • Define your performance goals at short intervals. – Goals should be met at ALL 5 minutes intervals.
  • 9. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Even Response Time math • If you only can work with long intervals you can define stricter performance goals – 99.9% metrics means 2 min slow response will affect it • 86400/1000~=86 (sec) – assuming uniform traffic • The longer response time is OK the larger intervals you can have – 1min allowed response time in 99% cases means 1 hour check interval should be enough
  • 10. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Response Time and an Object • Not all the pages are created Equal • Complexity and User Requirement Differ • Ajax Pop Ups – 50ms • Profile Page Generation – 150ms • Search – 300ms • Site Usage Report – 1000ms
  • 11. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Responses by Type of Client • Human Being – Actual Human waiting and being impatient – Response Time critical • Bots – Some systems have over 80% of bot traffic – Bot response time is less critical • Though should be good enough to be indexed • Interactive Web Services – Can be used to generate pages on other sites – Low Response time is even more critical
  • 12. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Different kinds of Slowness • System “randomly” responds slowly – OK as long as rare enough. – Users will write it off as Internet/computer slowness • Sustained Slowness is bad – Search request which is always slow – User with many friends which is “always” slow • Are these users/cases important ? – Track them separately. They may be invisible with 99% alone. ie Performance per customer – Consider Firing users/Blocking cases otherwise
  • 13. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Where to measure performance • Client Side (the actual data) – – Firebug etc (but only for development) • External Performance Monitoring – Gomez, Keynote etc – Selected pages from selected locations • Web Server Performance Analyses – Focused on one dynamil request response time – – Mk-query-digest; tcprstat
  • 14. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Summary of the Goal • Define 95%, 99% etc response time • For each User Interaction/Class, each application instance/user • Measured/Monitored each 5 minutes • From Front End and Backend observation • Avoiding Performance Holes – Some actions or users which are rare but often slow
  • 15. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Performance Black Swans • Queries can be intrinsically slow or caused to be slow by side load (queueing) • You can ignore outliers only if their impact to system performance is limited. • Discover Such Queries – Mk-query-digest will report outliers by default – Check SHOW PROCESSLIST for never completing queries – Optimize; Build protection to kill overly slow queries.
  • 16. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Production Instrumentation • Many People Instrument Test System – Option to print out Queries/Web Service Requests – Great for Debugging/Testing – Will not show a lot of performance problems • Cold vs hot requests • Contention happening in production • Special User Cases • Run Instrumented App in Production and Store Data – Can instrument only one of Web servers if overhead is large. – Can log only 1% of user sessions if can't handle all data
  • 17. Goal Driven Performance Optimization What to Instrument • Total Response Time • CPU Time • “Wait Time” – Connections/Database Queries – MemCache – Web Services Request – Other Network Requests • Additional Information – Number and Nature of different queries – Hits/Misses for Queries – Options which can affect performance
  • 18. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Where to Store • Plain old log files – Or directly to the database for smaller systems • Load them to the database • Or Hadoop on the larger scale • Generate standard reports • Provide Ad-Hoc way to do deep data analyses
  • 19. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Start from what is most important • Optimize Most important User Interactions first • Pick What case to focus in – Queries which do not meet response time – But not Worse Case Scenario • Unless outliers kill your system • There are always going to be outliers • Do not analyze just queries above response time threshold – It is much easier to reach 95% of 1 second if 50% of the queries are below 500ms.
  • 20. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Benefits of Such Approach • Direct connection to the business goals • High Priority problems targeted first • Focus on real stuff – No guess work like “is my buffer pool hit ratio bad?” or “am I doing too much full table scans ?” – If these there the issues you will find and fix them anyway. • Understandable and predictable result – If MySQL contributes 15% to the response time I can't possibly double performance focusing on MySQL optimization.
  • 21. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Final Notes • Spikes; Special Cases should not be discarded – They are the most interesting/challenging are • Understand what you're trying to achieve – The method is best for optimization of current scale for system already in production. • Check out goal driven performance optimization whitepaper – performance-optimization.pdf
  • 22. Goal Driven Performance Optimization Thanks for Coming • Questions ? Followup ? – • Yes, we do MySQL and Web Scaling Consulting – • Check out our book – Complete rewrite of 1st edition – Available in Russian Too • And Yes we're hiring – -22-