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Webinar: "5 semplici passi per migliorare la Quality e i processi di Test".
Today’s Agenda
• Chi siamo: Emerasoft
• Chi è Polarion
o Creare e gestire facilmente e velocemente test cases, defects,
enhancement requests e test specifications con Polarion LiveDocs
o Definire ed eseguire test runs con the Polarion Testing Framework
o Risparmiare tempo e denaro riutilizzando tutti i testing artifacts
o Integrare nei propri processi i test cases importandoli da MS Office
o Integrare completamente la gestione dei requisiti ai test e al defect management
o Gestire con Polarion le attività con tutti gli stakeholder.
Polarion QA
• Q&A
microfono in muto
chat o Q&A
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Solution areas
Partner & Technologies
Load and Performance
Business Intelligence
Application Lifecycle Management
Configuration Management
Mainframe modernizationePublishing
5 Easy Steps to Accelerate
and Improve Your QA &
Testing Processes
 2004 Founded with Groundbreaking Vision
 2005 First Unified, 100% Browser-Based ALM
 10 Years Focus on Unlocking Synergies:
• Real-Time Collaboration
• Intuitive UI
• Full Traceability
Fortune 1000
200+ Registered
Global Presence
Reseller Partners
Technology Partners
User-Driven Patented Technology
Team Lead
Polarion RoundTrip™
Share content externally while
maintaining traceability.
Polarion Import Wizard™
Leverage existing work products.
Polarion LiveDocs™
Enjoy “simple as Word” functionality and real-time collaboration online,
plus mark Work Items as uniquely identifiable, traceable, and Workflow-controlled.
5 Steps to Improving QA and
The Importance of QA and Testing
• McAfee released an anti-virus patch that causes “tens of
thousands of computers to crash and burn.”
- Occurred on April 21, 2010
The Tech Herald reported:
“Some specific steps of the existing Quality Assurance processes were not
followed: Standard Peer Review of the driver was not done, and the Risk
Assessment of the driver in question was inadequate.”
In the Blog, “A Long Day at McAfee,” McAfee asserted they would:
“make sure we put the processes in place so this never happens again.”
What are the challenges?
• Are our requirements untestable? Are requirements
poorly written?
• Are we testing everything we need to? Why are we even
running these tests?
• What impact do our tests have? Are our test procedures
still valid?
• We’re running the same test three times, in three
different ways.
• What’s going on?
Integrating QA and Requirements
And Release Mangement
Test-Driven Development
• Very popular in software development
– Many agile teams write user stories in the “I want to
do [what], because [why], and I will know it is
implemented [how].”
• Even in pure hardware development, requirements must
be testable!
• Involving QA in the development process can help
produce quality, testable requirements.
• Saves time during verification and validation.
Creating Thorough Test Plans
Product Backlog
1000 Sys REQ 500 Comp REQ 500 Test Cases 5000+ Defects
Each Test Case
generates 10+
x 20 x 20 x 20 Other Work Tasks
Are refined by Are verified by Trigger
Creating Traceability to Requirements
• Not only necessary for many regulatory standards, but
also gives testers context into why and what we are
• Knowing the meaning of tests can catch issues that are
not explicitly tested for.
• Give more information for providing quality feed back to
Planning What Items to Test
• Knowing what requirements have changed can help
greatly with test planning
– What requirements have changed and need to be
retested? What tests can be skip?
• Can we reuse any test procedures from before?
• Report and show the status of any ongoing tests
– Will we be in conflict? Are we testing items that are
currently being tested?
• Giving testers or groups access to their plans
Knowing What Has Changed
Product Backlog
1000 Sys REQ 500 Comp REQ 500 Test Cases 5000+ Defects
Each Test Case
generates 10+
x 20 x 20 x 20 Other Work Tasks
Are refined by Are verified by Trigger
RM Change Velocity Testing Results
25% result in Change Requests
Providing Direct Feedback
• Results are only reliable for one day.
– Can we guarantee yesterday’s requirements haven’t changed?
• Tracking the requirements changes can help give feedback to
QA on potential impact.
• Test results can also give valuable information to the
development team.
– Why did this test fail? It is a design issue, or a problem with the
• Any gap between creating the result/change and reporting it is
wasted time.
Integrating Tests From All Methods
• Bringing together test results from all methods can
insure complete coverage.
• Test results should be treated the same, regardless of
– Unit, system, acceptance tests are all important, and
should be tracked similarly.
• Traceability should be created from test cases,
automated or manual.
Reporting Across Entire Projects
• Having requirements, manual test cases, and automated
test cases in separate tools inhibits thorough reporting.
– Integrations need to be developed, or third party
reporting tools need to be used
• Having a centralized repository means test cases can be
broken out by projects, but still reported across.
• Seeing all results across the projects can provide
“Lessons Learned” at the end.
Demonstration Scenario
• Viewing, creating, and editing test cases and
• Establishing traceability to requirements
• Planning Test Runs
• Performing Impact Analysis
• Importing and executing automated testing
• Reporting across the entire project
Flexible Solution Solves and Evolves
Test & Quality
Issue & Defect
Change &
Audits, Metrics,
& Reports
Build & Release
Broad, Loyal Customer Base
Next Steps
► Watch Product &Tutorial Videos
► Download FREE 30-Day Trial / Try Online
► Request Proof Of Concept (POC)
What’s next
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Webinar: "5 semplici passi per migliorare la Quality e i processi di Test".

  • 2. Today’s Agenda • Chi siamo: Emerasoft • Chi è Polarion o Creare e gestire facilmente e velocemente test cases, defects, enhancement requests e test specifications con Polarion LiveDocs o Definire ed eseguire test runs con the Polarion Testing Framework o Risparmiare tempo e denaro riutilizzando tutti i testing artifacts o Integrare nei propri processi i test cases importandoli da MS Office o Integrare completamente la gestione dei requisiti ai test e al defect management o Gestire con Polarion le attività con tutti gli stakeholder. Polarion QA • Q&A
  • 3. Webex microfono in muto chat o Q&A se non sentite:
  • 5. Partner & Technologies Load and Performance Test Business Intelligence Application Lifecycle Management Configuration Management Modeling Mainframe modernizationePublishing
  • 6. 5 Easy Steps to Accelerate and Improve Your QA & Testing Processes
  • 7.  2004 Founded with Groundbreaking Vision  2005 First Unified, 100% Browser-Based ALM  10 Years Focus on Unlocking Synergies: • Real-Time Collaboration • Intuitive UI • Full Traceability Fortune 1000 Deployments 250+ Users 2.5+M Extensions 200+ Registered Community Members 15K
  • 9. User-Driven Patented Technology External Reviewer Engineer Tester Team Lead Developer Polarion RoundTrip™ Share content externally while maintaining traceability. Polarion Import Wizard™ Leverage existing work products. Polarion LiveDocs™ Enjoy “simple as Word” functionality and real-time collaboration online, plus mark Work Items as uniquely identifiable, traceable, and Workflow-controlled.
  • 10. 5 Steps to Improving QA and Testing
  • 11. The Importance of QA and Testing • McAfee released an anti-virus patch that causes “tens of thousands of computers to crash and burn.” - Occurred on April 21, 2010 The Tech Herald reported: “Some specific steps of the existing Quality Assurance processes were not followed: Standard Peer Review of the driver was not done, and the Risk Assessment of the driver in question was inadequate.” In the Blog, “A Long Day at McAfee,” McAfee asserted they would: “make sure we put the processes in place so this never happens again.” Sources:
  • 12. What are the challenges? • Are our requirements untestable? Are requirements poorly written? • Are we testing everything we need to? Why are we even running these tests? • What impact do our tests have? Are our test procedures still valid? • We’re running the same test three times, in three different ways. • What’s going on?
  • 13. Integrating QA and Requirements Requirements Management Development And Release Mangement Quality Assurance
  • 14. Test-Driven Development • Very popular in software development – Many agile teams write user stories in the “I want to do [what], because [why], and I will know it is implemented [how].” • Even in pure hardware development, requirements must be testable! • Involving QA in the development process can help produce quality, testable requirements. • Saves time during verification and validation.
  • 15. Creating Thorough Test Plans Product Backlog (System Requirements) Detailed Component Requirements Testing Specification 1000 Sys REQ 500 Comp REQ 500 Test Cases 5000+ Defects Each Test Case generates 10+ Defects x 20 x 20 x 20 Other Work Tasks Are refined by Are verified by Trigger
  • 16. Creating Traceability to Requirements • Not only necessary for many regulatory standards, but also gives testers context into why and what we are testing. • Knowing the meaning of tests can catch issues that are not explicitly tested for. • Give more information for providing quality feed back to development
  • 17. Planning What Items to Test • Knowing what requirements have changed can help greatly with test planning – What requirements have changed and need to be retested? What tests can be skip? • Can we reuse any test procedures from before? • Report and show the status of any ongoing tests – Will we be in conflict? Are we testing items that are currently being tested? • Giving testers or groups access to their plans
  • 18. Knowing What Has Changed Product Backlog (System Requirements) Detailed Component Requirements Testing Specification 1000 Sys REQ 500 Comp REQ 500 Test Cases 5000+ Defects Each Test Case generates 10+ Defects x 20 x 20 x 20 Other Work Tasks Are refined by Are verified by Trigger RM Change Velocity Testing Results 25% result in Change Requests
  • 19. Providing Direct Feedback • Results are only reliable for one day. – Can we guarantee yesterday’s requirements haven’t changed? • Tracking the requirements changes can help give feedback to QA on potential impact. • Test results can also give valuable information to the development team. – Why did this test fail? It is a design issue, or a problem with the requirement? • Any gap between creating the result/change and reporting it is wasted time.
  • 20. Integrating Tests From All Methods • Bringing together test results from all methods can insure complete coverage. • Test results should be treated the same, regardless of source. – Unit, system, acceptance tests are all important, and should be tracked similarly. • Traceability should be created from test cases, automated or manual.
  • 21. Reporting Across Entire Projects • Having requirements, manual test cases, and automated test cases in separate tools inhibits thorough reporting. – Integrations need to be developed, or third party reporting tools need to be used • Having a centralized repository means test cases can be broken out by projects, but still reported across. • Seeing all results across the projects can provide “Lessons Learned” at the end.
  • 23. Demonstration Scenario • Viewing, creating, and editing test cases and requirements • Establishing traceability to requirements • Planning Test Runs • Performing Impact Analysis • Importing and executing automated testing • Reporting across the entire project
  • 24. Flexible Solution Solves and Evolves Requirements Management Test & Quality Management Issue & Defect Management Variant Management QA QA ALM RM Change & Configuration Audits, Metrics, & Reports Build & Release Management Resource Management
  • 26. Next Steps Visit ► Watch Product &Tutorial Videos ► Download FREE 30-Day Trial / Try Online ► Request Proof Of Concept (POC)
  • 27. What’s next Contenuto disponibile: Emerasoft Youtube Channel Slideshare Emerasoft Channel mail: Questions and Answers ?

Editor's Notes

  1. Intro …
  2. About Polarion: Polarion was founded in 2004 to start with a blank sheet and instigate a paradigm shift that would deliver a groundbreaking solution. Launched a year later, the Industry’s FIRST Unified, 100% Browser-Based ALM Solution based on ONE repository, data structure, and business logic did indeed disrupt the industry. This has been copied since by MKS, IBM, and Microsoft first, and more recently by Jama and Kovair. But of course, we have not stood still, and in the last 10 years, our customers have been able to Unlock Unprecedented Synergies and empower their disparate teams. Their feedback has helped us further expanded and refine the power of Real-Time Collaboration, a User-Driven UI, and Full Traceability. The Value Polarion provides is demonstrated by the 250 deployments in F1000 companies, 2.5M users ww, 200+ Extensions in the PEP, and a vibrant community of 15K registered members --- FYI - Original Stefano Storyboard Guidance: Vision: Founded in 2004 on the idea that the market was mature for a new ALM approach: not putting pieces together but build an unique foundation for ALM. We then refined it more and more to give unparalleled usability to all the stakeholders
  3. Polarion has a GLOBAL PRESENCE and a strong ecosystem spanning the globe Our Reseller Partners around the globe are certified to leverage Polarion software in customer engagements Polarion Technology Partners they are experts in their field who extend our industry leading solutions with complementary technologies and services.
  4. Polarion has a strong set of patented technology that supports the specific needs of the diverse stakeholders with the software development lifecycle, spanning Team Leads, Engineers, Developers and Testers. To start with, Polarion enables document-centric team members to easily import and leverage existing assets using the rule-based Import Wizard, which recognizes artifacts like requirements, test cases, defects, etc. contained in Microsoft® Word or Excel® and quickly imports them to our modern, browser-based platform. Within Polarion’s online environment, the unique LiveDoc™ technology presents complex database views of real time data in an intuitive format that supports synchronized collaboration across disparate teams. It essentially delivers the usability of Microsoft® Word/Excel® without the limitation. - And beyond that, Polarion’s RoundTrip™ functionality ties in external stakeholders without losing comprehensive traceability and the concept of the unified repository. I’d like to point out that all three patented capabilities protect the investment that our customers have made into our solution. ---- Scenarios: I as a project leader want to easily import the initial specification from our customer, and be sure that all the requirements from this document are linked to functional requirements. I as a project leader want to sent the full software requirement specification to customer, so they can review/comment/approve requirements we have gathered so that their questions are imported back and our requirements engineers can process the questions/changes I as a test engineer what to check what requirements were changed by customer , so I can review the test cases I as a customer want a solution that follows my changing needs, so The ability to change just a document, post it and see the actions taken to fulfill my request I as a developer want a Just a clear requirement at the right time, in the right place, req. engineer write them using a document interface, but I see them as objects in my plan.
  5. SPEAKERS NOTES: Polarion has been and continues to be highly focused on delivering value to our customers ….
  6. In this view, you can see the capabilities available to stakeholders focused on Testing and Quality Assurance. They, too, have contextual access to information and can interact real-time with the counterparts on the requirements side. We know that transparency is a key factor in the QA process, starting with early feedback to improve clarity before misinterpretations occur. Among Polarion’s customer base, collaborative interaction with other stakeholders has proven to lead to better solutions. This functionality can be used stand-alone or as part of the larger solution, and grow with organizations based on their specific situation.