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QA best practices
in Agile world
What is Agile?
Agile is a time boxed, iterative approach to software delivery that builds
software incrementally from the start of the project, instead of trying to
deliver it all at once near the end.
Agile Manifesto
12 principles of agile development
• Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery
• Welcome changing requirements, even late in development
• Deliver working software frequently
• Business people and developers work together daily
• Build projects around motivated individuals
• Convey information via face-to-face conversation
• Working software is the primary measure of progress
• Maintain a constant pace indefinitely

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Agile QA and Testing process
Agile QA and Testing processAgile QA and Testing process
Agile QA and Testing process

This document discusses adapting testing roles and processes to an agile development methodology. It notes that in agile, testers are full team members who participate in planning and requirements analysis from the start of each sprint. Testing activities occur throughout development rather than just at the end. Challenges in transitioning include changing traditional testing roles and resistance to change, while benefits include more transparent communication and continuous feedback between testers and developers. The document provides examples of agile testing practices and recommendations for improving testing efficiency such as increased test automation and planning.

Automation Testing
Automation TestingAutomation Testing
Automation Testing

The document discusses automation testing basics, including that automation testing is done using automated tools to write and execute test cases. It explains that automation testing should be used for tasks that are time-consuming, repeated, tedious, or involve high risk test cases. The document also lists some popular free and commercial automation testing tools.

Testing strategy for agile projects updated
Testing strategy for agile projects updatedTesting strategy for agile projects updated
Testing strategy for agile projects updated

The document provides an overview of quality assurance and testing practices for agile projects. It discusses traditional and agile testing approaches, defines roles like testers and developers in agile teams, and outlines a test strategy including test planning, automation, and metrics. Key aspects of agile testing covered are testing throughout each sprint, the importance of collaboration, and ensuring quality is "baked in" through a whole team approach.

software qualityagile test strategytest strategy
12 principles of agile development
• Give continuous attention to technical excellence
• Simplify: maximize the amount of work not done
• Teams self-organize
• Teams retrospect and tune their behaviors
The Software Development Evolution –
Traditional to Agile
• Growing Realization that Requirements are never fully understood
• Fast paced development environments using new development Technologies and
• Shortened product delivery cycles
• Increased involvement of business users in the development cycle
• Migration towards Agile product development models like SCRUM, RUP, XP
Agile Misconception
• Compromises on quality
• Testers get easily influenced by developers,
• Testers concerns/voice is less heard
• Agile squeezes all SDLC phases in 2 to 4 weeks (which ideally should
happen in 4 to 8 months)
The challenges?
• Is QA part of the development team?
• Can we fit QA in the same iteration as development?
• Does QA costs more in Agile as product seems to change from sprint to sprint?
• Do we need “test plan”?
• Are story acceptance tests enough?
• When do we know testing is done?
• Do we need to track bugs?

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Agile Testing by Example
Agile Testing by ExampleAgile Testing by Example
Agile Testing by Example

Presentation from XP Days Ukraine 2012 in Kiev (November 2012) about testing practices in Agile processes.

тестированиеautomated testingscrum
Agile Testing Process
Agile Testing ProcessAgile Testing Process
Agile Testing Process

This document discusses agile testing processes. It outlines that agile is an iterative development methodology where requirements evolve through collaboration. It also discusses that testers should be fully integrated team members who participate in planning and requirements analysis. When adopting agile, testing activities like planning, automation, and providing feedback remain the same but are done iteratively in sprints with the whole team responsible for quality.

Agile QA Process
Agile QA ProcessAgile QA Process
Agile QA Process

After doing testing on multiple Agile projects, I have come to realize certain aspects about the process and techniques that are common across projects. Some things I have learned along the way, some, by reflection on the mistakes / sub-optimal things that I did. I have written and published my thoughts around the "Agile QA Process", more particularly what techniques can be used to test effectively in the Iterations.

Why Agile Testing
• Faster time-to-market
• Increases revenue and market share
• Reduces cost
• Improves quality
• Happy customers and happy employees
Being Agile
Testing best practices in Agile world
• Communication is the key
• Onsite customer, programmers in shared space
• Communicate in person, not via document
• Rapid feedback
• Short increments
• Measure progress only by working code
Testing best practices in Agile world
• Attend daily stand ups, sprint planning, retrospective sessions
• Execute acceptance criteria manually (current sprint)
• Automate smoke tests UI/regression (previous sprint)
• Demo effectiveness of testing

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Test Automation Strategies For Agile
Test Automation Strategies For AgileTest Automation Strategies For Agile
Test Automation Strategies For Agile

What are the Key drivers for automation? What are the Challenges in Agile automation and How to deal with them? How to automate? Who will automate? Which tool to select? Commercial or open source? What to automate? Which features? Here is what our experience says

agile indiaagile india 2010post-modern agile
Test Automation Strategy
Test Automation StrategyTest Automation Strategy
Test Automation Strategy

This document provides guidelines and considerations for test automation. It discusses benefits of test automation such as reduced costs and improved reliability. It emphasizes that automation requires upfront investment and careful planning. The document outlines an evaluation, planning, design, implementation, deployment and review process for test automation. It provides guidelines on setting goals, defining strategies, establishing standards and architectures for the automation framework. Finally, it discusses methodologies, tools and checklists to evaluate, plan and review automation efforts.

QA process Presentation
QA process PresentationQA process Presentation
QA process Presentation

The Heuristic Test Strategy Model provides a framework for designing effective test strategies. It involves considering four key areas: 1) the project environment including resources, constraints, and other factors; 2) the product elements to be tested; 3) quality criteria such as functionality, usability, and security; and 4) appropriate test techniques to apply. Some common test techniques include functional testing, domain testing, stress testing, flow testing, and scenario testing.

Testing is continues, NOT a Phase
Testing is Collaborative
• Quality is everyone’s problem, not just of testers
• Testing is the responsibility of the whole team
Quick feedback
• Faster feedback loops Increase Agility – the ability to respond to
• Test Automation provides quick feedback on how the software is
“Leave no broken windows”
• Fix bugs as they are found
• The sooner you find a defect, the cheaper it is to fix

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Automation testing strategy, approach & planning
Automation testing  strategy, approach & planningAutomation testing  strategy, approach & planning
Automation testing strategy, approach & planning

This document provides guidelines for effective test automation at IBM Global Services. It discusses that automation is viewed as a silver bullet but can also frustrate if not implemented properly. The document recommends starting simple and increasing complexity as skills grow. It provides considerations for automation, such as tests that are long, repetitive, and non-subjective. The document outlines 10 guidelines for automation, including establishing standards, separating what from how, using a six phase process, and defining required skills. It also discusses functional decomposition and keyword-driven methodologies and provides an overview of automation tools.

Test automation
Test automationTest automation
Test automation

This document provides an overview of test automation using Cucumber and Calabash. It discusses using Cucumber to write automated test specifications in plain language and Calabash to execute those tests on Android apps. It outlines the environments, tools, and basic steps needed to get started, including installing Ruby and DevKit, creating Cucumber feature files, and using Calabash APIs to automate user interactions like tapping, entering text, and scrolling. The document also explains how to run tests on an Android app and generate an HTML report of the results.

calabashcucumberandroid test
Test Automation
Test AutomationTest Automation
Test Automation

This presentation introduces Test Automation and gives overview of the tasks involved. For more info visit

test automationautomationqa automation
What are acceptance tests?
• Tests that demonstrate business purpose from end user’s point of view
• Black-box testing
What is Acceptance Test Driven
A practice in which the whole team collaboratively discusses acceptance criteria,
with examples, and then distills them into a set of concrete acceptance tests before
development begins.
QA Best Practices in Agile World_new
QA Role in Release Planning
• In contrast to traditional processes testers are involved from day one of the
• Sizing Stories – QA gives estimate for testing effort for the upcoming stories. In
some cases testing a piece of functionality might take longer than coding it.
• Prioritizing – Stories that have many unknown areas or have high business impact
should be planned in an early iteration, so there is time to recover if story blows
• Infrastructure – Plan for CI setup, test environment, test data set up

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Testing in Agile Development
Testing in Agile DevelopmentTesting in Agile Development
Testing in Agile Development

Presented in BSPIN Conference ( on "Succeeding in SMAC World". Had great interactions and glad to see great interest on Agile Testing concepts with Participants.

Introducing QA Into an Agile Environment
Introducing QA Into an Agile EnvironmentIntroducing QA Into an Agile Environment
Introducing QA Into an Agile Environment

This document discusses introducing quality assurance (QA) processes into an agile development environment. It describes some common challenges that can arise when development and testing are not well integrated, such as business stakeholders finding bugs late in the process. The author advocates for making QA practices and results visible and incorporating QA personnel into agile ceremonies like planning and demos. With collaboration, commitment to quality, and clear communication, the QA team was able to gain trust and find bugs earlier. Their approach evolved to take on more types of testing, and they worked with business to define different testing levels and work testing around releases.

scrumchange managementsoftware testing
Automated Testing vs Manual Testing
Automated Testing vs Manual TestingAutomated Testing vs Manual Testing
Automated Testing vs Manual Testing

Manual testing takes more effort and cost than automated testing. It is more boring and provides limited visibility for stakeholders. Automated tests can test single units, are reusable, and provide a safety net for refactoring. They also ensure all tests are run, drive clean design, and do not create code clutter like manual tests. An initial learning curve and questions around organization and reuse may prevent developers from writing automated tests, but designating responsibility and learning tools can help overcome these issues.

QA role at the iteration kick-off
Write high level test cases
Write detailed test cases
Acceptance testing for API
Detailed functional testing for API
Exploratory testing
Review high level test cases with developers
Release Sprint Testing (Harding Sprint)
Following testing activities need to occur during release sprint before finally
shipping the product.
• Final pass of end-to-end system integration test
• Final performance/security test
• Documentation touch ups
• User Acceptance Test
• Time required is greatly reduced (from initial 3 weeks to 1 week, in our case ) as
compared to traditional process and less likelihood of any surprises.
Agile testing-Summary
• Increased customer satisfaction
• On time deliveries without compromising quality
• Iteration wise testing makes QA more focused on specific
functionality which results in effective testing.
• Due to stable builds test cases execution was fast
• Reduction in number of defects observed in testing
Thank you

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Automation testing
Automation testingAutomation testing
Automation testing

This document provides an overview and agenda for a presentation on automation testing using IBM Rational Functional Tester. It discusses what automation testing is, why it is useful, and when it should be implemented. It also addresses common myths about automation testing and provides tips for successful automation. Finally, it covers features of IBM Rational Functional Tester, including how to set up a test environment and record scripts to automate testing.

Agile Testing
Agile Testing Agile Testing
Agile Testing

- Understand the principles behind the agile approach to software development - Differentiate between the testing role in agile projects compared with the role of testers in non-agile projects - Positively contribute as an agile team member focused on testing - Appreciate the challenges and difficulties associated with the non-testing activities performed in an agile team - Demonstrate a range of soft skills required by agile team members

agile testingtester role in agileagile
Chapter -5 Agile Testing types and its examples.pptx
Chapter -5 Agile Testing types and its examples.pptxChapter -5 Agile Testing types and its examples.pptx
Chapter -5 Agile Testing types and its examples.pptx

Unlike the Waterfall method, Agile Testing can begin at the start of the project with continuous integration between development and testing. Agile Testing methodology is not sequential (in the sense it’s executed only after coding phase) but continuous.  Agile is an iterative development methodology, where requirements evolve through collaboration between the customer and self-organizing teams and agile aligns development with customer needs. The word Agile signifies something that can be performed quickly and immediately ,in the area o f software development

softwareagiletraditional testing
QA Best Practices in Agile World_new

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QA Best Practices in Agile World_new

  • 1. QA best practices in Agile world
  • 2. What is Agile? Agile is a time boxed, iterative approach to software delivery that builds software incrementally from the start of the project, instead of trying to deliver it all at once near the end.
  • 4. 12 principles of agile development • Satisfy the customer through early and continuous delivery • Welcome changing requirements, even late in development • Deliver working software frequently • Business people and developers work together daily • Build projects around motivated individuals • Convey information via face-to-face conversation • Working software is the primary measure of progress • Maintain a constant pace indefinitely
  • 5. 12 principles of agile development • Give continuous attention to technical excellence • Simplify: maximize the amount of work not done • Teams self-organize • Teams retrospect and tune their behaviors
  • 6. The Software Development Evolution – Traditional to Agile • Growing Realization that Requirements are never fully understood • Fast paced development environments using new development Technologies and Tools • Shortened product delivery cycles • Increased involvement of business users in the development cycle • Migration towards Agile product development models like SCRUM, RUP, XP
  • 7. Agile Misconception • Compromises on quality • Testers get easily influenced by developers, • Testers concerns/voice is less heard • Agile squeezes all SDLC phases in 2 to 4 weeks (which ideally should happen in 4 to 8 months)
  • 8. The challenges? • Is QA part of the development team? • Can we fit QA in the same iteration as development? • Does QA costs more in Agile as product seems to change from sprint to sprint? • Do we need “test plan”? • Are story acceptance tests enough? • When do we know testing is done? • Do we need to track bugs?
  • 9. Why Agile Testing • Faster time-to-market • Increases revenue and market share • Reduces cost • Improves quality • Happy customers and happy employees
  • 11. Testing best practices in Agile world • Communication is the key • Onsite customer, programmers in shared space • Communicate in person, not via document • Rapid feedback • Short increments • Measure progress only by working code
  • 12. Testing best practices in Agile world • Attend daily stand ups, sprint planning, retrospective sessions • Execute acceptance criteria manually (current sprint) • Automate smoke tests UI/regression (previous sprint) • Demo effectiveness of testing
  • 13. Testing is continues, NOT a Phase
  • 14. Testing is Collaborative • Quality is everyone’s problem, not just of testers • Testing is the responsibility of the whole team
  • 15. Quick feedback • Faster feedback loops Increase Agility – the ability to respond to change • Test Automation provides quick feedback on how the software is behaving
  • 16. “Leave no broken windows” • Fix bugs as they are found • The sooner you find a defect, the cheaper it is to fix
  • 17. What are acceptance tests? • Tests that demonstrate business purpose from end user’s point of view • Black-box testing
  • 18. What is Acceptance Test Driven Development(ATDD) A practice in which the whole team collaboratively discusses acceptance criteria, with examples, and then distills them into a set of concrete acceptance tests before development begins.
  • 20. QA Role in Release Planning • In contrast to traditional processes testers are involved from day one of the project. • Sizing Stories – QA gives estimate for testing effort for the upcoming stories. In some cases testing a piece of functionality might take longer than coding it. • Prioritizing – Stories that have many unknown areas or have high business impact should be planned in an early iteration, so there is time to recover if story blows up. • Infrastructure – Plan for CI setup, test environment, test data set up
  • 21. QA role at the iteration kick-off Write high level test cases Write detailed test cases Acceptance testing for API Detailed functional testing for API Exploratory testing Automation Review high level test cases with developers
  • 22. Release Sprint Testing (Harding Sprint) Following testing activities need to occur during release sprint before finally shipping the product. • Final pass of end-to-end system integration test • Final performance/security test • Documentation touch ups • User Acceptance Test • Time required is greatly reduced (from initial 3 weeks to 1 week, in our case ) as compared to traditional process and less likelihood of any surprises.
  • 23. Agile testing-Summary • Increased customer satisfaction • On time deliveries without compromising quality • Iteration wise testing makes QA more focused on specific functionality which results in effective testing. • Due to stable builds test cases execution was fast • Reduction in number of defects observed in testing