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Agile Test Planning
a Lost Art?
Agile & Test Planning
This material is proprietary to and contains trade secrets and information which is solely the property of Centric Consulting, LLC. It is solely for the Client’s internal use and shall not be used, reproduced, copied, disclosed, transmitted, in whole or in part,
without the express consent of Centric Consulting, LLC. © 2016 Centric Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved.
About me
•Consultant for Centric Consulting, LLC
•Over 20 Years in IT industry
•10 + Years QA management
•Provided QA Leadership for many large scale projects at
Nationwide, Grange and currently CAS
•Cat lover?
•Enthusiastic about:
Today’s Discussion
•Take away today – importance and value of using a test plan
to support agile
•Agile requirements challenges
•Agile Manifesto
•Examination of Manifesto as it relates to planning
•Test strategy purpose
•Test plan value in agile
•Testing phases within agile
•Brief wrap up/conclusion
Agile Requirement Challenges
•Sprint focus is story specific and time boxed which may limit thinking
•Even focusing just on the sprint, the requirements can be
misunderstood – user stories are too BIG
•QA are often seen as the SME and should be seen as key
individuals in this process, but that knowledge should not remain in
our heads only
•Do you have your own set of challenges you’d like to share

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Hey You Got Your TDD in my SQL DB by Jeff McKenzie
Hey You Got Your TDD in my SQL DB by Jeff McKenzieHey You Got Your TDD in my SQL DB by Jeff McKenzie
Hey You Got Your TDD in my SQL DB by Jeff McKenzie

TDD involves writing tests before writing code to satisfy requirements. The document discusses TDD, providing: 1. An overview of the TDD process and definitions of its key steps - make a test, make it fail, make it pass. 2. An example walking through writing a test for an "easy button" and implementing the code to pass the test. 3. Reasons for using TDD, including improved code quality, design, discipline, and documentation from maintaining an automated test suite.

New model
New modelNew model
New model

I believe that our existing models of testing are not fit for purpose – they are inconsistent, controversial, partial, proprietary and stuck in the past. They are not going to support us in the rapidly emerging technologies and approaches. The certification schemes that should represent the interests and integrity of our profession don’t, and we are left with schemes that are popular, but have low value, lower esteem and attract harsh criticism. My goal in proposing the New Model is to stimulate new thinking in this area.

QASymphony and TestPlant: Bringing Together Best-in-Class Test Management and...
QASymphony and TestPlant: Bringing Together Best-in-Class Test Management and...QASymphony and TestPlant: Bringing Together Best-in-Class Test Management and...
QASymphony and TestPlant: Bringing Together Best-in-Class Test Management and...

Learn about the new partnership between QASymphony and TestPlant. TestPlant’s functional automation tool, eggPlant, will be integrated with QASymphony’s qTest platform, providing a seamless solution for automated and manual testers. This partnership will help testing teams of all types get the visibility and traceability needed to understand their coverage and risk. In this webinar, Kevin Dunne, QASymphony's VP of Strategy and Business Development and Antony Edwards, TestPlant's CTO will answer the following questions: What is qTest? What is eggPlant? How does the integration between qTest and eggPlant work? How will the integration help me and/or my team?

software testingsoftware automationtest automation
Agile Manifesto
•Individuals and interactions over processes and tools
•Working software over comprehensive documentation
•Customer collaboration over contract negotiation
•Responding to change over following a plan
•That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value
the items on the left more
Further Examination
•By all means Individuals and interactions are important, let’s talk to
each other
•Nothing in this statement says don’t document
•What does working software mean
•How do we know
•Working and perfect are not equal
•Customer collaboration is very different in Agile
•Combine this with “responding to change” and this aspect is
critical to creating working software that meet expectations
•Responding to change is key as well
•When we follow the collaboration model, we’ll discover a lot of
changes because the customer will change
•Those changes will be facilitated by working software
Following the manifesto in the literal sense would create problems
Agile Fails
Test Strategies serve a purpose,
but don’t focus on ‘the’ sprint
•Big picture
•Drives behavior and sets boundaries
•Outlines Automation Approach
•Test Data Management
•Defect/bug management
•Identifies large risks
Strategies are

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Testing and DevOps Culture: Lessons Learned
Testing and DevOps Culture: Lessons LearnedTesting and DevOps Culture: Lessons Learned
Testing and DevOps Culture: Lessons Learned

This document discusses the speaker's background and experiences with software engineering practices. It covers his education in computational mathematics and computer science, past roles at Universal Instruments developing machine software and at Google and Etsy implementing DevOps practices. Key topics covered include the benefits of continuous integration, deployment and delivery; the importance of testing including test-driven development; and embracing interdependence between developers and other IT roles. Best practices are noted to be situational and relationships must be respected.

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Agile Testing
Agile Testing Agile Testing
Agile Testing

- Understand the principles behind the agile approach to software development - Differentiate between the testing role in agile projects compared with the role of testers in non-agile projects - Positively contribute as an agile team member focused on testing - Appreciate the challenges and difficulties associated with the non-testing activities performed in an agile team - Demonstrate a range of soft skills required by agile team members

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Improving the Quality of Incoming Code
Improving the Quality of Incoming CodeImproving the Quality of Incoming Code
Improving the Quality of Incoming Code

Looking to move to Continuous Delivery? Worried about the quality of your the code? Helping your developers understand clean-code practices and getting the right testing strategy in place can take a while. What should you do to control the quality of the incoming code till then? This talk shares our experience of using PRRiskAdvisor to gradually educate and influence developers to write better code and also help the code reviewer to be more effective at their reviews.  Every time a developer raises a pull-request, PRRiskAdvisor analyzes the files that were changed and publishes a report on the pull request itself with the overall risk associated with this pull request and also risk associated with each file. It also runs static code analysis using SonarQube and publishes the configured violations as comments on the pull request. This way the reviewer just has to look at the pull request to get a decent idea of what it means to review this pull request. If there are too many violations, then PRRiskAdvisor can also automatically reject the pull request. By doing this, we saw our developers starting paying more attention to clean code practices and hence the overall quality of the incoming code improved, while we worked on putting the right engineering practices and testing strategy in place. More details: Conference Link:

Test Plan Value
• A agile test plan will solidify what the customer and the team
agreed upon
• Helps to easily identify gaps in thoughts and expectations
• Provides details that will help to clarify the acceptance of
working software
Note: Customer collaboration is throughout and continues at
demo’s and reviews. If something changes, make your
updates and move on, you can refer back to the updated
Remember: The goal is for working software, the idea of
that has now changed, so your plan will probably change.
Testing Scope
Quality Over Velocity
•Help the team think quality first
•Many think Agile is all about velocity
•Building quality in will improve velocity and efficiency and drive
down cost
•It doesn’t work the other way around
Creating a test plan encourages focus on quality
Agile Testing “Phases”
•Requirements and Design Phase
•Stories/Features Verification Phase
•System Verification Phase
•Acceptance Phase
A test plan should have components that help facilitate all these phases
Phase 1: Requirements and Design
•Scenarios to be tested
•Separation of testing activities (unit vs. functional?)
•Automation selection & plan
•Manual selection & plan
•Out of scope items
•Dependencies & Assumptions
•Test data needs
•Stubbing/Technical debt
•Acceptance section
Plan now and update throughout – Plan elements include:

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Tackling software testing challenges in the agile era

This document provides an overview of testing challenges in the Agile development era and discusses different testing methodologies. It contains introductions to four chapters that will be included in the eBook. The chapters are written by Vu Lam, CEO of QASymphony, and Sellers Smith, Director of Quality Assurance and Agile Evangelist for Silverpop. The first chapter discusses how testers need to be reimagined for the Agile age. Testers must adopt an Agile mindset and be involved earlier in the development process. They also need tools designed specifically for Agile testing. The second chapter explores different testing methods including automated, exploratory, and user acceptance testing. It advises using

How to get Automated Testing "Done"
How to get Automated Testing "Done"How to get Automated Testing "Done"
How to get Automated Testing "Done"

In this webinar, Hans goes through a number of solutions a team can do to diminish this problem, and what actions to take when it happens. Hans discussed the following solutions on how one can apply better test design to drive better automation, a number of technical strategies, what developers and product owners can do to help, and how to handle the testing and automation work that is still left after a sprint has finished. A key item in handling the test automation work that is left over is that QA’s need to own the testing from the beginning, and should not get stuck in the work of previous sprints, since that will inhibit good cooperation with other team members, making matters worse. Key Takeaways: - Get more tests created and automated. - Make automation manageable and maintainable. - Keep the QA people in sync with their fellow team members. View webinar recording -

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The New Agile Testing Quadrants: Bringing Skilled Testers and Developers Toge...
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The New Agile Testing Quadrants: Bringing Skilled Testers and Developers Toge...

You want to integrate skilled testing and development work. But how do you accomplish this without developers accidentally subverting the testing process or testers becoming an obstruction? Efficient, deep testing requires “critical distance” from the development process, commitment and planning to build a testable product, dedication to uncovering the truth, responsiveness among team members, and often a skill set that developers alone—or testers alone—do not ordinarily possess. James Bach presents a model—a redesign of the famous Agile Testing Quadrants that distinguished between business vs. technical facing tests and supporting vs. critiquing―that frames these dynamics and helps teams think through the nature of development and testing roles and how they might blend, conflict, or support each other on an Agile project. James includes a brief discussion of the original Agile Testing Quadrants model, which the presenters believe has created much confusion about the role of testing in Agile.

Facilitated Discussion
•What tests does the Product Owner want to see to confirm
working software?
•What tests do the team feel are most important to run (based
on knowledge of the system)?
•What negative cases are necessary?
•What tests will be automated and with which tools (i.e. what
cases as the unit level, what at the UI level etc.)?
•What tests can I only manually test due to complexity?
•Where do we expect to find the most issues?
•What parts need exploratory testing?
•Does anyone have an example of questions they might ask?
Some questions to ask during the discussion
Document the Scenario Details
• List your high level test scenarios
• Should include individual unit level components (easy to
get buy in?)
• Should include functional tests/E2E scenarios
• Identify whether you will manually test or automate the test
(unit implies automation)
• Are we manually testing due to complexity/challenges
• Summarize why you are manually testing a specific
• Are we automating for ease of use and repeatability
Start closing gaps and clarifying what is to be tested
Automation/Manual Testing
•Add a summary within your plan noting why you chose to
manually test
•Hopefully automation first and foremost whenever possible
•Consider this automation decision criteria:
•Information Value
•Stability and Coupling
Summary Format
Out of Scope Items
• What won’t be tested
• Why you won’t test it (a specific function for example that isn’t
• If not listed, can end up with scope creep and scrambling to
test items at the end that didn’t get identified
Table Format

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Making the Move to Behavior Driven Development

The document discusses moving to a behavior-driven development (BDD) approach. It outlines challenges with traditional software development processes, such as requirements getting lost in handoffs. BDD aims to address these by shifting testing to the beginning through acceptance tests written in a "Given-When-Then" format. This allows teams to build testable code, catch issues earlier, and deploy features incrementally. Adopting BDD requires training, champion support, and patience. Metrics should track success, and teams can start small before a full rollout.

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In this webinar, Matt Heusser explains how not only how to deal with tough questions, but how to prepare and defend estimates that stand up to scrutiny. The conversation includes six estimating models - comparison, functional decomposition, timeboxed, and prediction, along the Guru Method and, perhaps, a little on #NoEstimates. Don’t miss this opportunity to learn: Learn the common mistakes in software test estimation How Testing is different than linear tasks like development (and how to talk about it) Learn what goes wrong in discussions about schedule An explanation of ways to estimate for test - by comparison, functional decomposition, timeboxing, prediction and the guru method How to recognize when you are actually in test negotiation, not test estimation...and what to do about it Matt Heusser will discusses these topics and much, much more! Watch now:

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This document discusses challenges with product testing in agile environments and introduces an approach called "Agile Testing on Steroids" to address these challenges. It presents the philosophy behind Agile Testing on Steroids which is to take a pragmatic approach using integrated toolsets and practices to remove subjectivity from decision making. Key aspects include test automation, continuous integration, requirement and test case management, defect tracking, and metrics collection to enable fact-based prioritization, decisions and traceability between requirements, code, tests and defects. The benefits outlined are more streamlined, systematic and comprehensive testing that acts as an informal collaboration platform.

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Dependencies and/or Assumptions
•Is there something the team needs to be successful in
accomplishing the testing ‘or’ obtaining acceptance
•For example:
•Are there multiple pods/teams developing and you need
another part to your solution in order to validate
•Needing an updated software version is a good example
•Needing test data from another area
•Maybe you are dependent on another team outside of your
space to provide service or support
•Would anyone like to share an example of a dependency?
•What about an example of an assumption?
List/Table Format :
Dependency – I need a test environment
Assumption – I assume the environment will be stable
Test Data
•Call out specific types of data you need in order to complete
the testing in the sprint for the scenarios
•Mocked data would be called out here if being used
Summary Format
Technical Debt
Summary Format
•Indicate anything in this section that will need to be updated or
changed later such as:
•Stubbing an interface
•Mocking test data
Note: Choose technical debt wisely. Postponing items until later can become costly.
If you manually test to get done now, will you ever have time to automate it later?
Acceptance Criteria
Table Format
•Input under Document Control History
•Sign off of this sprint plan indicates acceptance of the plan.
Each sprint will have acceptance defined by the team
(Including BA or Product Owner, Tech Lead and QA.)
•Things the team should consider when signing off: have we
identified the right scenarios, have we created the appropriate
test coverage to satisfy the acceptance. This document should
be part of the conversation and included in acceptance.
•Securing approval helps to ensure alignment and increase
effectiveness of acceptance.
Acceptance Criteria
• Microsoft Press defines Acceptance Criteria as “Conditions that a software product must
satisfy to be accepted by a user, customer or other stakeholder.” Google defines them as
“Pre-established standards or requirements a product or project must meet.”
• Acceptance Criteria are a set of statements, each with a clear pass/fail result, that specify
both functional (e.g., minimal marketable functionality) and non-functional (e.g., minimal
quality) requirements applicable at the current stage of project integration. These
requirements represent “conditions of satisfaction.” There is no partial acceptance: either a
criterion is met or it is not.
• These criteria define the boundaries and parameters of a User Story/feature and determine
when a story is completed and working as expected. They add certainty to what the team is
• Acceptance Criteria must be expressed clearly, in simple language the customer would use,
just like the User Story, without ambiguity as to what the expected outcome is: what is
acceptable and what is not acceptable. They must be testable: easily translated into one or
more manual/automated test cases.

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This document discusses agile testing methodology. It begins with general concepts of agile testing such as testing from the customer perspective as early as possible. It then discusses agile testing methodology, challenges, test levels from first to third view perspectives involving extreme testing, exploratory testing, and collaboration between development and testing. The document also covers benefits of being an agile tester such as working as one team towards a common goal. In conclusion, it states that agile testing is useful, less time consuming and effective from the customer's point of view when automated testing is performed and developers, testers and customers work together as a team.

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•Start your test execution based on the scenarios and
readiness of code
•Refer back to your plan
•Team will be creating unit tests
•Testing will be staggered based on development
•Write Automation tests
•Update test data sets
•Conduct manual validation
•Create stubs
•Ensure the features are working
•Validate component interactions
•Discover defects and correct
Start test execution
Phase 2: Story/Feature Verification
Phase 3: System Verification
•Wrap up any end to end testing of features
•Run regression to validate prior features are not broken
•Ensure regression sets are updated if needed
•Remove stubbing if possible
•Continue to correct and fix defects (critical)
•Update the plan with any additions or changes and socialize to
Shift focus to prepare for acceptance
Phase 4: Acceptance
Shift focus finalizing tests and securing acceptance
•Agree upon defects not making the release
•Conduct exploratory testing once the code/system is stable
•Run a final set of regression or smoke tests
•Conduct the demo or show & tells using the test plan as a
Retrospective, Feedback and
•Team should provide feedback on the plan’s effectiveness
•Discuss challenges with features or components so it can be
considered if there are changes around that feature in the

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Kyle McMeekin presented on using JIRA for exploratory testing. He discussed problems with traditional scripted testing approaches and explained exploratory testing as a more flexible parallel process. Exploratory testing allows testers to investigate opportunities, share knowledge, and keep testing engaging. Session-based testing provides structure for exploratory testing by tracking test charters, notes, issues and more. Tools like JIRA Capture and qTest Explorer help capture evidence from exploratory testing sessions.

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Agile Testing and Test Automation

Let's explore what is agile testing, how agile testing is different than traditional testing. What practices team has to adopt to have parallel testing and how to create your own test automation framework. Test automation frameworks using cucumber, selenium, junit, nunit, rspec, coded UI etc.

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Webinar: "5 semplici passi per migliorare la Quality e i processi di Test".
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- The document outlines Polarion's test management software capabilities including creating and managing test cases, defects, requirements and specifications with Polarion LiveDocs. It allows defining and running test runs with the Polarion Testing Framework. - It discusses how Polarion can help integrate requirements, testing and defect management and manage activities with all stakeholders. - The presentation then demonstrates Polarion's abilities like requirements and test traceability, test planning and execution, impact analysis and reporting across projects.

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Close the Loop - Technical Debt
•Ensure you capture it in a ticketing system
•Make sure you plan for technical debt in future sprints and
work it
•Groom this debt along with any other debt on the project
•Don’t let it sit too long, the longer it sits, the harder it is to work
it in
• Quality First
• Requirements and design work
• Create a plan
• Secure acceptance of the plan
• Use the plan as a guideline for demos to the product owner
• Seek feedback on the effectiveness of the plan and make
• Ensure you track your technical debt and understand costs
around postponing something in the sprint
•White paper: How to Construct an Agile Test Plan from
Contact Centric
To learn more about Centric Consulting Solutions:
Presenters Name: Michelle Williams
Phone: 614-886-9930

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Is Test Planning a lost art in Agile? by Michelle Williams

  • 1. Agile Test Planning a Lost Art? Agile & Test Planning NOTICE: PROPRIETARY AND CONFIDENTIAL This material is proprietary to and contains trade secrets and information which is solely the property of Centric Consulting, LLC. It is solely for the Client’s internal use and shall not be used, reproduced, copied, disclosed, transmitted, in whole or in part, without the express consent of Centric Consulting, LLC. © 2016 Centric Consulting, LLC. All rights reserved.
  • 2. About me •Consultant for Centric Consulting, LLC •Over 20 Years in IT industry •10 + Years QA management •Provided QA Leadership for many large scale projects at Nationwide, Grange and currently CAS •Mom/Grandmother •Cat lover? •Enthusiastic about: •Music/concerts •Movies 2
  • 3. Today’s Discussion •Take away today – importance and value of using a test plan to support agile •Agile requirements challenges •Agile Manifesto •Examination of Manifesto as it relates to planning •Test strategy purpose •Test plan value in agile •Testing phases within agile •Brief wrap up/conclusion •Questions 3
  • 4. Agile Requirement Challenges •Sprint focus is story specific and time boxed which may limit thinking •Even focusing just on the sprint, the requirements can be misunderstood – user stories are too BIG •QA are often seen as the SME and should be seen as key individuals in this process, but that knowledge should not remain in our heads only •Do you have your own set of challenges you’d like to share 4
  • 5. Agile Manifesto •Individuals and interactions over processes and tools •Working software over comprehensive documentation •Customer collaboration over contract negotiation •Responding to change over following a plan •That is, while there is value in the items on the right, we value the items on the left more 5
  • 6. Further Examination •By all means Individuals and interactions are important, let’s talk to each other •Nothing in this statement says don’t document •What does working software mean •How do we know •Working and perfect are not equal •Customer collaboration is very different in Agile •Combine this with “responding to change” and this aspect is critical to creating working software that meet expectations •Responding to change is key as well •When we follow the collaboration model, we’ll discover a lot of changes because the customer will change •Those changes will be facilitated by working software 6 Following the manifesto in the literal sense would create problems
  • 8. Test Strategies serve a purpose, but don’t focus on ‘the’ sprint •Big picture •Drives behavior and sets boundaries •Outlines Automation Approach •Test Data Management •Defect/bug management •Identifies large risks 8 Strategies are
  • 9. Test Plan Value • A agile test plan will solidify what the customer and the team agreed upon • Helps to easily identify gaps in thoughts and expectations • Provides details that will help to clarify the acceptance of working software Note: Customer collaboration is throughout and continues at demo’s and reviews. If something changes, make your updates and move on, you can refer back to the updated plan. Remember: The goal is for working software, the idea of that has now changed, so your plan will probably change. 9 Testing Scope
  • 10. Quality Over Velocity •Help the team think quality first •Many think Agile is all about velocity •Building quality in will improve velocity and efficiency and drive down cost •It doesn’t work the other way around Creating a test plan encourages focus on quality 10
  • 11. Agile Testing “Phases” •Requirements and Design Phase •Stories/Features Verification Phase •System Verification Phase •Acceptance Phase A test plan should have components that help facilitate all these phases 11
  • 12. Phase 1: Requirements and Design •Scenarios to be tested •Separation of testing activities (unit vs. functional?) •Automation selection & plan •Manual selection & plan •Out of scope items •Dependencies & Assumptions •Test data needs •Stubbing/Technical debt •Acceptance section Plan now and update throughout – Plan elements include: 12
  • 13. Facilitated Discussion •What tests does the Product Owner want to see to confirm working software? •What tests do the team feel are most important to run (based on knowledge of the system)? •What negative cases are necessary? •What tests will be automated and with which tools (i.e. what cases as the unit level, what at the UI level etc.)? •What tests can I only manually test due to complexity? •Where do we expect to find the most issues? •What parts need exploratory testing? •Does anyone have an example of questions they might ask? 13 Some questions to ask during the discussion
  • 14. Document the Scenario Details • List your high level test scenarios • Should include individual unit level components (easy to get buy in?) • Should include functional tests/E2E scenarios • Identify whether you will manually test or automate the test (unit implies automation) • Are we manually testing due to complexity/challenges • Summarize why you are manually testing a specific scenario(s) • Are we automating for ease of use and repeatability Start closing gaps and clarifying what is to be tested 14
  • 15. Automation/Manual Testing •Add a summary within your plan noting why you chose to manually test •Hopefully automation first and foremost whenever possible •Consider this automation decision criteria: •Reuse •Complexity •Overlap •Information Value •Stability and Coupling •Dependencies Summary Format 15
  • 16. Out of Scope Items • What won’t be tested • Why you won’t test it (a specific function for example that isn’t changing) • If not listed, can end up with scope creep and scrambling to test items at the end that didn’t get identified Table Format 16
  • 17. Dependencies and/or Assumptions •Is there something the team needs to be successful in accomplishing the testing ‘or’ obtaining acceptance •For example: •Are there multiple pods/teams developing and you need another part to your solution in order to validate •Needing an updated software version is a good example •Needing test data from another area •Maybe you are dependent on another team outside of your space to provide service or support •Would anyone like to share an example of a dependency? •What about an example of an assumption? List/Table Format : 17 Dependency – I need a test environment Assumption – I assume the environment will be stable
  • 18. Test Data •Call out specific types of data you need in order to complete the testing in the sprint for the scenarios •Mocked data would be called out here if being used Summary Format 18 Technical Debt Summary Format •Indicate anything in this section that will need to be updated or changed later such as: •Stubbing an interface •Mocking test data Note: Choose technical debt wisely. Postponing items until later can become costly. If you manually test to get done now, will you ever have time to automate it later?
  • 19. Acceptance Criteria Table Format 19 •Input under Document Control History •Sign off of this sprint plan indicates acceptance of the plan. Each sprint will have acceptance defined by the team (Including BA or Product Owner, Tech Lead and QA.) •Things the team should consider when signing off: have we identified the right scenarios, have we created the appropriate test coverage to satisfy the acceptance. This document should be part of the conversation and included in acceptance. •Securing approval helps to ensure alignment and increase effectiveness of acceptance.
  • 20. Acceptance Criteria 20 • Microsoft Press defines Acceptance Criteria as “Conditions that a software product must satisfy to be accepted by a user, customer or other stakeholder.” Google defines them as “Pre-established standards or requirements a product or project must meet.” • Acceptance Criteria are a set of statements, each with a clear pass/fail result, that specify both functional (e.g., minimal marketable functionality) and non-functional (e.g., minimal quality) requirements applicable at the current stage of project integration. These requirements represent “conditions of satisfaction.” There is no partial acceptance: either a criterion is met or it is not. • These criteria define the boundaries and parameters of a User Story/feature and determine when a story is completed and working as expected. They add certainty to what the team is building. • Acceptance Criteria must be expressed clearly, in simple language the customer would use, just like the User Story, without ambiguity as to what the expected outcome is: what is acceptable and what is not acceptable. They must be testable: easily translated into one or more manual/automated test cases.
  • 21. •Start your test execution based on the scenarios and readiness of code •Refer back to your plan •Team will be creating unit tests •Testing will be staggered based on development •Write Automation tests •Update test data sets •Conduct manual validation •Create stubs •Ensure the features are working •Validate component interactions •Discover defects and correct Start test execution 21 Phase 2: Story/Feature Verification
  • 22. Phase 3: System Verification •Wrap up any end to end testing of features •Run regression to validate prior features are not broken •Ensure regression sets are updated if needed •Remove stubbing if possible •Continue to correct and fix defects (critical) •Update the plan with any additions or changes and socialize to team Shift focus to prepare for acceptance 22
  • 23. Phase 4: Acceptance Shift focus finalizing tests and securing acceptance 23 •Agree upon defects not making the release •Conduct exploratory testing once the code/system is stable •Run a final set of regression or smoke tests •Conduct the demo or show & tells using the test plan as a guide
  • 24. Retrospective, Feedback and change •Team should provide feedback on the plan’s effectiveness •Discuss challenges with features or components so it can be considered if there are changes around that feature in the future? Reflection 24
  • 25. Close the Loop - Technical Debt •Ensure you capture it in a ticketing system •Make sure you plan for technical debt in future sprints and work it •Groom this debt along with any other debt on the project •Don’t let it sit too long, the longer it sits, the harder it is to work it in 25
  • 26. Conclusion • Quality First • Requirements and design work • Create a plan • Secure acceptance of the plan • Use the plan as a guideline for demos to the product owner • Seek feedback on the effectiveness of the plan and make improvements • Ensure you track your technical debt and understand costs around postponing something in the sprint 26
  • 28. QUESTIONS? Contact Centric To learn more about Centric Consulting Solutions: Presenters Name: Michelle Williams Email: Phone: 614-886-9930 28

Editor's Notes

  1. Factors to Consider Reuse Tests that will be run repeatedly should be considered for automation. Typically, the threshold is 7 executions. If a test is going to be executed less than 7 times, it generally is not a candidate for automation. Complexity Complex tests are generally multiplicatively more expensive than simpler tests. Both in terms of initial establishment as well as in terms of ongoing maintenance. Overlap Tests that effectively overlap other tests, e.g. multiple negative condition boundary tests, should not be automated unless there is enough incremental value in doing so. Information Value The test should provide value in the feedback of both passing and failing. For example, a passing test around processing an eCommerce monetary transaction provides business actionable information. We can collect money. Inversely, the same test failing shows a business can’t collect money. That test is a candidate for consideration. As a second example, consider a test that includes actions on adding an item to a cart through payment processing. A failure to add to cart represents actionable information. However, the act of adding an item to cart is only implicity tested and therefore, a pass does not necessarily mean the function works. In this case, the test should be re-designed to provide information on both passing and failing. A test that only provides feedback in one or the other is likely incomplete and/or unnecessary. Stability and Coupling The test needs to be flexible enough to withstand some modifications to the system under test without having to refactor a test or suite of tests. Tests should not be dependent on the configuration or environment of the target system. At times this may mean a deferral of automation efforts. Dependencies Tests and test suites should not be constructed with dependencies. Consider re-designing tests to avoid dependencies before considering for automation.
  2. Ever have those items that start to bleed outside of what you thought was the scope of the story Maybe you didn’t remember to discuss with the team Maybe you didn’t realize them until later Best to document and review
  3. One is true, one is thought to be true.  One is a constraint, one is helper in order to make a decision.
  4. I find that the technical debt in projects especially Agile, gets lost very easily or buried in a Jira ticket you never come back to Make sure you create cards to track it (even though it’s here), this is point in time socialization Documenting it allows it to be visible when planning future work