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How to create a
performance-first culture
2009 Cut average load time from 6s to 1.2s
7-12% increase in conversion rate + 25% increase in PVs
Average load time increased to 5s
User feedback: “I will not come back to this site again.”
Re-focused on performance
0.4% increase in conversion rate
@tameverts #WebPerfDays
1. No front-end measurement
2. Constant feature development
3. Badly implemented third-parties
4. Waiting too long to tackle
performance problems

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Wildnet Technologies Reviews - #WildnetTechnologiesReview
Wildnet Technologies Reviews - #WildnetTechnologiesReviewWildnet Technologies Reviews - #WildnetTechnologiesReview
Wildnet Technologies Reviews - #WildnetTechnologiesReview

Achievements of Wildnet Technologies Review #WildnetTechnologiesReviews & Management tool; in a small span of time. Wildnet Technologies review (#wildnettechnologiesreviews ) delivering client satisfaction in SEO and Review Management Services. #wildnettechnologies #review #reviews +wildnet+technologies+review , @wildnettechnologiescomplaints #NYC,,, Keeping Up-to-Date with Wildnet Technologies Complaint & Reviews Management Tool (#wildnettechnologiesreviews ) Irrespective of which agency is handling a company’s online marketing and advertising campaign, getting a positive Wildnet Technologies Review (#wildnettechnologiesreview ) is considered to be an excellent achievement as well as its comparative standing among its peers in the same business. Getting a high website rating by using various search engines, guarantees that the site will be the top ranked site for visitors and browsers for quite some time. Wildnet Technologies Review (#wildnettechnologiesreview ) will ensure that the site is monitored continuously and revamped when it comes to freshening up the brand and SEO optimization. Though it sounds simple, following up, refreshing, and making new inputs into the campaign is not easy, and requires a lot of time and effort. #wildnettechnologiesreviews , #wildnet+technologies+reviews, #wildnettechnologiesreview

wildnet technologies reviewwildnettechnologiescomplaintswildnettechnologiesreview
Hacking Web Performance
Hacking Web PerformanceHacking Web Performance
Hacking Web Performance

Session at ConFoo Montreal 2019 on the latest tips and tricks for achieving the best Web Performance on sites and apps.

web performancenetworkjavascript
Pedal to the Metal: Speed up your load times for more conversions
Pedal to the Metal: Speed up your load times for more conversionsPedal to the Metal: Speed up your load times for more conversions
Pedal to the Metal: Speed up your load times for more conversions

In this talk at the 2015 Conversion Conference in Las Vegas, I shared a number of case studies that demonstrate the impact of web performance on conversions for a variety of verticals. I also shared sixteen best practices for making pages faster.

ecommerceweb performance
During a performance
optimization sprint
After a performance
optimization sprint
Everyone who touches
a page should care
about the performance
of that page.
How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]

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Leverage Search and Customize to your Brand within SharePoint 2010
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Leverage Search and Customize to your Brand within SharePoint 2010

Slides from my SharePoint session given on August 12 2011 at SharePoint Saturday The Conference in Washington DC titled "Leverage Search and Customize to your Brand within SharePoint 2010"

chaitu madalasharepoint saturday the conferencesharepoint 2010 search
Cloud Connect Santa Clara 2013: Web Acceleration and Front-End Optimization (...
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One approach to performance is to accelerate the network; another is to optimize the application by reducing how much the network is needed and pushing content out towards the user. In this session, Hooman Beheshti reveals how technologies like Front-End Optimization and Content Delivery Networks work alongside the rest of the cloud computing stack to improve performance and increase user productivity.

site speedsite accelerationcloud performance
Planning Your Progressive Web App
Planning Your Progressive Web AppPlanning Your Progressive Web App
Planning Your Progressive Web App

Presented at Web Directions Code, Melbourne If you have a website—particularly one that generates revenue for your organization—you need a Progressive Web App. So where do you begin? How do you decide which features of a Progressive Web App make sense for your users? What tools can make the process easier (or harder)? In this practical session, Jason will guide you through the key design decisions you’ll need to make about your Progressive Web App and how those decisions impact the scope of your project. He'll also teach you how to avoid common pitfalls and help you take full advantage of Progressive Web App technology.

progressive web appswebdesign
Identify what people
care about
❑ bounce rate
❑ cart size
❑ conversions
❑ revenue
❑ time on site
What do people care about?
❑ page views
❑ search traffic
❑ user satisfaction
❑ user retention
❑ ???
Who they are What they care about What to show them
Business impact
Benchmarks (filmstrips and videos)
Correlation charts (perf + KPIs)
Third parties
Traffic + engagement
Third-party performance
Correlation charts (perf + bounce rate)
Lighthouse SEO audits
Devs / engineers Well, lots of stuff, probably Consult with perf team
@tameverts #WebPerfDays
BBC loses an additional 10% of users for every
additional second it takes their site to load saw a 7% increase in conversions
after improving load time by 64% reduced desktop load times to 1.5s and
mobile to 2.1s and increased user engagement
by 30%
@tameverts #WebPerfDays

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WordCamp NL 2016
WordCamp NL 2016WordCamp NL 2016
WordCamp NL 2016

This document discusses mobile device usage and online conversion rates. It provides statistics showing that the majority of users now spend several hours per day on their smartphones. Conversion rates are significantly lower for mobile visitors compared to desktop. Common mobile conversion roadblocks include websites not being mobile-friendly and slow loading times, with 53% of users abandoning a page if it takes over 3 seconds to load. The document recommends ways to improve mobile performance, such as optimizing images, prioritizing content loading, and reducing server requests.

conversion optimizationmobiletablet
Progressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App ChallengesProgressive Web App Challenges
Progressive Web App Challenges

The document discusses progressive web apps (PWAs) and outlines key considerations for creating a PWA. It addresses questions around what a PWA is, how to make a website feel like an app, offline functionality, push notifications, and creating a roadmap. Examples from companies that implemented PWAs successfully are provided. The conclusion recommends developing a progressive roadmap that starts with baseline PWA features and builds out functionality over time based on priorities and initiatives.

The Small Things That Add Up: How to Find What Design Factors Influence Conve...
The Small Things That Add Up: How to Find What Design Factors Influence Conve...The Small Things That Add Up: How to Find What Design Factors Influence Conve...
The Small Things That Add Up: How to Find What Design Factors Influence Conve...

This document discusses how small design factors can influence conversion rates on websites. It provides examples of how websites like Walmart, Staples, and Intuit improved their conversion rates by 1-14% by reducing load times by 1-2 seconds. The document also discusses an experiment by Fanatics where reducing median page load times by 2 seconds nearly doubled mobile conversions. It identifies issues like inefficient images, blocking page loads, and unoptimized CSS/JavaScript that can impact performance. The key takeaways are that user expectations change, performance issues are unpredictable, you need to measure factors, optimizations can create new problems, and small improvements can make a big difference.

web design and developmentecommerceweb performance
How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]
Fire up people’s
competitive spirit
How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]
How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]

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How Slow Load Times Hurt Your Bottom Line (And 17 Things You Can Do to Fix It)
How Slow Load Times Hurt Your Bottom Line (And 17 Things You Can Do to Fix It)How Slow Load Times Hurt Your Bottom Line (And 17 Things You Can Do to Fix It)
How Slow Load Times Hurt Your Bottom Line (And 17 Things You Can Do to Fix It)

This document discusses how slow page load times can hurt a website's bottom line. It notes that a 2% increase in conversions is seen for every 1 second improvement in load times. Examples are given of companies that cut load times in half and increased conversions by 9% and increased downloads by 15.4%. The document outlines two main causes of slow performance: pages being too big in size and pages being too complex. It provides tips on how to address these issues, such as compressing assets, lazy loading images, consolidating resources, and optimizing third-party scripts.

web performanceweb design and developmentuser experience
W&M's Responsive Design
W&M's Responsive DesignW&M's Responsive Design
W&M's Responsive Design

Presented by Tiffany Broadbent and Justin Schoonmaker from the Office of Creative Services at the College of William & Mary. Exploring the motivation, design, implementation, and future plans for the responsive design of the W&M homepage. A recording of this webinar along with the subsequent Q&A session can be found on Hannon Hill's site:

cascadewilliam and marymedia queries
Breaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconf
Breaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconfBreaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconf
Breaking out of the Tetris mind set #btconf

“If Tetris has taught me anything, it’s that errors pile up and accomplishments disappear” is a common quote and it seems we’re living this to its full extend as web developers. We fail to celebrate the successes we have and the tools that are at our disposal but we’re never short of finding reasons why things don’t work. We also tend to pile on technology on technology to solve problems that may actually not exist and thus clog up the web. In this talk Chris Heilmann wants to remind us what we achieved and how we should celebrate it and how we should stop trying to solve problems that are simply beyond our control.

How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]
Collaborate on
performance budgets
Thresholds YOU create for metrics
that are meaningful for YOUR site
Milestone timings (e.g. start render)
Quantity-based (e.g. image weight)
Rules-based (e.g. Lighthouse scores)
A good performance budget
should show you…
What your budget is
When you go out of bounds
How long you’re out of bounds
When you’re back within budget

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Velocity 2010: Performance Impact, Part Two: More Findings from the Front Lin...
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Velocity 2010: Performance Impact, Part Two: More Findings from the Front Lin...

Last year at Velocity, Strangeloop's VP Product, Hooman Beheshti, presented the findings from phase one of Strangeloop’s long-term research into the relationship between web performance and business benefits. The results were also published in Watching Websites. Since then, we’ve received a barrage of questions from the web performance community, which fueled phase two of our study. In this presentation, Strangeloop president Joshua Bixby offers our most recent findings. Some of the community’s questions were: * Who were the clients? * How fast were the pages? * What acceleration techniques were implemented? * What happened to the key page components (such as JS size, payload and roundtrips) of the websites? * How did changing key variables (page load time, payload, number of roundtrips, etc.) affect the outcome? We’ve been collecting and analyzing data to help us answer these questions, as well as some new ones we’ve thought up along the way. Join us as we present our findings, and help us consider what areas deserve further study.

site accelerationweb performancevelocity
Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology -
Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology - of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology -
Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archaeology -

Raiders of the Fast Start: Frontend Performance Archeology There are a lot of books, articles, and online tutorials out there with fantastic advice on how to make your websites performant. It all seems easy in theory, but applying best practices to real-world code is anything but straightforward. Diagnosing and fixing frontend performance issues on a large legacy codebase is like being an archaeologist excavating the remains of a lost civilization. You don’t know what you will find until you start digging! Pick up your trowels and come along with Etsy’s Frontend Systems team as we become archaeologists digging into frontend performance on our large, legacy mobile codebase. I’ll share real-life lessons you can use to guide your own excavations into legacy code: What tools and metrics we used to diagnose issues and track progress. How we went beyond server-driven best practices to focus on the client. Which fixes successfully increased conversion, and which didn’t. Our work, like all good archaeology, went beyond artifacts and unearthed new insights into our culture. We at Etsy pride ourselves on our culture of performance, but, like all cultures, it needs to adapt and reinvent itself to account for changes to the landscape. Based on what we’ve learned, we are making the case for a new, organization-wide, frontend-focused performance culture that will solve the problems we face today.

The Progressive Web and its New Challenges - Confoo Montréal 2017
The Progressive Web and its New Challenges - Confoo Montréal 2017The Progressive Web and its New Challenges - Confoo Montréal 2017
The Progressive Web and its New Challenges - Confoo Montréal 2017

Keynote covering what Progressive Web Apps mean to the market and what issues of native apps they need to fix.

How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]
Who What Metric
Ops Back-end issues TTFB
Most important content
Third parties
Hero rendering times
Custom metrics
Lighthouse SEO score
Devs / engineers
How well page is built
Performance issues
Start Render, Speed Index
Lighthouse Performance score
@tameverts #WebPerfDays
Give people ownership over their
performance budgets.
Make sure they get alerts when
their budgets are exceeded.
Share just
the right amount

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WordCamp Nashville 2016: The promise and peril of Agile and Lean practices
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WordCamp Nashville 2016: The promise and peril of Agile and Lean practices

Michael Toppa gave a presentation on the promise and perils of Agile and Lean practices. He discussed how adopting these practices can help address common project problems like unrealistic expectations that compromise quality, multitasking that reduces productivity, and lack of feedback that leads to building the wrong products. However, going all-in with Agile through methods like Scrum requires major changes all at once, while adopting Lean through Kanban allows for more incremental evolution. Successful implementations inspect and adapt processes, rather than relying on superficial or misapplied changes.

leankanbanagile software development
Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017
Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017
Progressive Web Apps - Goto Chicago 2017

The document discusses the challenges facing the progressive web and introduces progressive web apps (PWAs) as a solution. PWAs are built using modern web standards to provide native app-like experiences through features like push notifications, offline support, and app installation. They address issues with native apps like high installation friction, lack of control for publishers, and app store policies. PWAs are gaining adoption from companies like Alibaba and who saw increases in user engagement metrics after implementing PWAs. The document outlines the core components of PWAs and provides an overview of browser and platform support.

Real-World Performance Budgets [PerfNow 2022]
Real-World Performance Budgets [PerfNow 2022]Real-World Performance Budgets [PerfNow 2022]
Real-World Performance Budgets [PerfNow 2022]

Performance budgets have been around for more than ten years. Over those years, we’ve learned a lot about what works, what doesn’t, and what we need to improve. In this session, I revisit old assumptions about performance budgets and offers some new practices. Topics include: • Aligning budgets with user experience • Pros and cons of Core Web Vitals • Budgets for beginners

web performanceuser experiencecore web vitals
How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]
How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]
How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]
How often is often enough?
Wall monitors and dashboards 24/7
Alerts in realtime (to people who can make fixes)
Reports no more than 1X week

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Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy EvertsPerformance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts
Performance Budgets for the Real World by Tammy Everts

Performance budgets have been around for more than ten years. Over those years, we’ve learned a lot about what works, what doesn’t, and what we need to improve. In this session, Tammy revisits old assumptions about performance budgets and offers some new best practices. Topics include: • Understanding performance budgets vs. performance goals • Aligning budgets with user experience • Pros and cons of Core Web Vitals • How to stay on top of your budgets to fight regressions

A (Fairly) Complete Guide to Performance Budgets [SmashingConf SF 2023]
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It's easier to make a fast website than it is to keep a website fast. If you've invested countless hours in speeding up your pages, but you're not using performance budgets to prevent regressions, you could be at risk of wasting all your efforts. In this talk delivered at Smashing Conference SF in 2023, , we'll cover how to: • Understand the difference between performance budgets and performance goals • Identify which metrics to track • Validate your metrics to make sure they're measuring what you think they are – and to see how they correlate with your user experience and business metrics • Determine your budget thresholds • Get buy-in from different stakeholders in your organization • Integrate with your CI/CD process • Maintain your budgets so you stay fast!

web performanceweb designweb development
Site Speed and Managing 3rd Party Content
Site Speed and Managing 3rd Party ContentSite Speed and Managing 3rd Party Content
Site Speed and Managing 3rd Party Content

Presentation from and Keynote Systems at Internet Retailer Conference 2011 on the business value of site speed and best practices to minimize impact of 3rd party content.

site speedweb performancebest practices
Score some easy wins
“The dull boring stuff”
~Andy Davies
Scripts (especially third parties)
Unneeded code
Deferring assets where possible
issue 1
image quality and
issue 2
image sprite blocking
page load
2-second improvement
in median page load time
almost doubled mobile conversions

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How do you know what consumers expect from your site? Every shopper is different and every shopping visit is different. Industry stats tell only part of the story. You need to crack the hood and analyze your own real user data. In this talk at SmashingConf Freiburg 2018, I outline how and why to gather real user data, extract action-oriented insights, create a better shopper experience, and improve business metrics.

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17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About
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17 Web Performance Metrics You Should Care About

This document discusses 17 key web performance metrics across four categories: front-end user experience metrics, backend performance metrics, content complexity metrics, and advanced monitoring tips. It provides descriptions and average metrics for each, including time to title, time to start render, DNS time, connection time, asset weights, counts, and number of domains. The document emphasizes that measuring these metrics through continuous monitoring provides knowledge to optimize performance and improve the user experience. Advanced monitoring tips include setting service level agreements, defining performance issues, and automating alerts.

metricsweb design and developmentanalytics
Testing Tools Landscape
Testing Tools LandscapeTesting Tools Landscape
Testing Tools Landscape

Quality must move beyond the purview of just the testing organization and must become an integrated part of the entire software development life cycle (SDLC) to reduce schedule-killing rework, improve user satisfaction, and reduce the risks of untested nonfunctional requirements such as security and performance. Vendors have taken note and look to provide tools that support every role in the organization, considerably broadening the testing tools landscape. Join Margo Visitacion of Forrester and learn: * Don't lose before you get into the game * Why load testing can make the difference * How planning performance testing today can help budget planning tomorrow * How to develop your test game plan

testing toolsload testingcompuware
Don’t forget
to celebrate!
How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]
How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]

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My slides from Emerce - Digital Marketing Live 2014... About why your users don't like to wait, why this is important for you as a site owner and best practices to align content and speed to create a fast user experience...

marketing strategydigital marketing livemobile commerce
Measuring web performance with user-centric metrics
Measuring web performance with user-centric metricsMeasuring web performance with user-centric metrics
Measuring web performance with user-centric metrics

As web applications evolve and provide more and more features there is a growing need to accurately measure performance as perceived by users. While measuring performance during development can help to build faster applications, load and response times vary from user to user depending on their device and network conditions. This talk covers the user-centric performance metrics available and the way we can collect and analyse these data on real users’ devices by leveraging Web APIs and data analysis tools.

Website Loading Time Statistics Crucial Data for Optimal Performance.pdf
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Website Loading Time Statistics Crucial Data for Optimal Performance.pdf

How fast does your website load? Website loading time is one of the most crucial factors in delivering an excellent user experience, boosting search rankings, and driving conversions. But what is considered a good page load time in 2023? This in-depth blog post dives into the latest website loading time statistics and benchmarks you need to know to optimize your site's performance. Discover fascinating insights such as: The average website load time in 2023 is 2.5 seconds on desktop and 8.6 seconds on mobile, but top performing sites aim for under 2 seconds As page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds, the probability of bounce increases by 32% A 100-millisecond delay in website load time can hurt conversion rates by 7% The top 10 ecommerce websites have an average page load time of just 1.96 seconds 47% of online shoppers expect web pages to load in 2 seconds or less Learn what factors impact website loading times, how speed affects critical metrics like bounce rate, conversions and revenue, and best practices to achieve sub-second load times. If you want to boost your search engine rankings, user engagement, and online sales, optimizing your page load time is essential. Discover the data you need to benchmark your site against competitors and exceed customer expectations in this statistics-packed post.

website designseowebsite

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How to create a performance-first culture [2018 WebPerfDays Amsterdam]

  • 1. @tameverts #WebPerfDays How to create a performance-first culture
  • 3. 2009 Cut average load time from 6s to 1.2s 7-12% increase in conversion rate + 25% increase in PVs Average load time increased to 5s User feedback: “I will not come back to this site again.” Re-focused on performance 0.4% increase in conversion rate 2010 2011 @tameverts #WebPerfDays
  • 4. 1. No front-end measurement 2. Constant feature development 3. Badly implemented third-parties 4. Waiting too long to tackle performance problems
  • 7. Everyone who touches a page should care about the performance of that page.
  • 10. ❑ bounce rate ❑ cart size ❑ conversions ❑ revenue ❑ time on site What do people care about? #WebPerfDays@tameverts ❑ page views ❑ search traffic ❑ user satisfaction ❑ user retention ❑ ???
  • 11. Who they are What they care about What to show them Executives Competition Business impact Benchmarks (filmstrips and videos) Correlation charts (perf + KPIs) Marketing Third parties Traffic + engagement SEO Third-party performance Correlation charts (perf + bounce rate) Lighthouse SEO audits Devs / engineers Well, lots of stuff, probably Consult with perf team @tameverts #WebPerfDays
  • 12. BBC loses an additional 10% of users for every additional second it takes their site to load saw a 7% increase in conversions after improving load time by 64% reduced desktop load times to 1.5s and mobile to 2.1s and increased user engagement by 30% @tameverts #WebPerfDays
  • 19. Thresholds YOU create for metrics that are meaningful for YOUR site Milestone timings (e.g. start render) Quantity-based (e.g. image weight) Rules-based (e.g. Lighthouse scores)
  • 20. A good performance budget should show you… What your budget is When you go out of bounds How long you’re out of bounds When you’re back within budget
  • 22. Who What Metric Ops Back-end issues TTFB Marketing Most important content Third parties SEO Hero rendering times Custom metrics Lighthouse SEO score Devs / engineers How well page is built Performance issues Start Render, Speed Index Lighthouse Performance score @tameverts #WebPerfDays
  • 23. Give people ownership over their performance budgets. Make sure they get alerts when their budgets are exceeded.
  • 28. How often is often enough? Wall monitors and dashboards 24/7 Alerts in realtime (to people who can make fixes) Reports no more than 1X week
  • 30. “The dull boring stuff” ~Andy Davies Scripts (especially third parties) Images Unneeded code Deferring assets where possible
  • 31. issue 1 image quality and compression issue 2 image sprite blocking page load
  • 32. 2-second improvement in median page load time almost doubled mobile conversions

Editor's Notes

  1. PRO: easily measured CON: includes third parties and ATF content
  2. PRO: easily measured CON: includes third parties and ATF content
  3. PRO: easily measured CON: includes third parties and ATF content
  4. PRO: easily measured CON: includes third parties and ATF content
  5. PRO: easily measured CON: includes third parties and ATF content