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Performance Complete Automation success story
By Bruno AUDOUX - WAPSI - France
A - Functional Part
What isthe need?
• Is it possible to check coutinuous performance evolution of an
application ?
• Is it possible to garanty availability of an application ?
• How to ensure that End 2 End activity is ok ?
• What is response time evolution ?
• How to be alerted ?
What are theactual solution?
• Server and application Monitoring
• ➔ Garanty only server availability and application process running no more !
• Synthetic monitoring
• ➔Application availability, response time OK
• ➔ Only for Web application, not JSON / IOT services
• APM with Real User Monitoring
• ➔ Got Baseline and tendances, also history and alerts
• ➔ If services KO, no activity so no problem and nothing alert,
• ➔ RUM need javascript so no IOT supported

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Join us as we walk you through several technical challenges and solutions around test automation for responsive sites. See live demos around testing responsive web sites using extended test automation capabilities that can increase your test coverage suite. You'll learn how to: - Author basic selenium scripts using a powerful recorder for both mobile and web - Define a robust XPath using an innovative free online tool - Build a test lab for parallel script Execution on multiple devices and browsers - Gain high quality analysis post execution with mature digital reporting

Running JMeter Tests In Appvance PerformanceCloud
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Appvance PerformanceCloud (APC) is the first beginning-to-end test system which accurately drives 100% of the actual user interactions, even with complex HTML5 and AJAX client-side code. Apache JMeter is an Apache project to test Web applications at the HTTP protocol level. Adding the ability to re-use existing JMeter scripts with the Appvance cloud testing platform enables JMeter users to test Web apps, Ajax apps, Mobile (iOS/Android), and Oracle Forms apps.

httpperformance managementappvance performancecloud
5 Steps to Detecting Issues Earlier in Your Release Cycles
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Finding and fixing bugs early requires an automated UI testing strategy that fits into the release schedule. But how do you get complete, early feedback into development cycles when UI regression testing takes longer to complete than the build process? Join this web seminar to discover how to introduce stable UI validation into every continuous integration cycle. This regression testing strategy meets the development cadence of mobile and web app teams, providing the necessary feedback early and often. You will learn how to: -Overcome long test cycles -Create stable tests to run on every build -Segment test suites to better fit into development cycles -Drive early feedback on every build with real devices and browsers

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Begining ofsolution
• Only a loadtest script is able to check all of that :
• Functionality : OK
• Availability : Need periodic run
• Response time : OK
• End 2 End tests : OK
• Tendances : Need archives service with graphs dashboard
• Alerting : Need specific development
• Let’s have a exemple of script coming from an IOT like car onboard
computer and screen
• Update firmware dialog
• Connexion to server
• Sending inventory of Firmware version 1.0
• Requesting for package 2.0
• Downloading Package Version 2.0
• (instaling package Version 2.0)
• Sending inventory of Firmware version 2.0
• Leaving connexion
Howto do ?
LoadTest Engine LoadTest Injector
LoadTest RepositoryAlert Dashboard
What to do?
Functionality test
Get Response time
Send alert By API or Mail
• Step 1 : The Scripts
Response time
End 2 End tests

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Frank Cohen's keynote talk at the CloudBees Jenkins user conference in 2013. Shows how to extend CloudBees Jenkins to all aspects of testing: Functional, Performance, Stress, and Security Tests

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Extreme Programming
Extreme ProgrammingExtreme Programming
Extreme Programming

Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development methodology that focuses on frequent small releases in short development cycles, simple design, testing, and rapid feedback. Key aspects of XP include daily builds and testing, feature-oriented development, simple design, pair programming, and no code freezes. While XP enables rapid delivery, its extreme practices may be difficult to implement and it is not well-suited for fixed-price projects that require detailed planning.

Using Automation to Meet Demands for Performance and Quality
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In an evolving market where expectations are high for performance and quality, performance engineers and project leaders need to be able to automate their performance tests without being impacted by maintenance costs. In agile and DevOps approaches, testers have to test more in less time, so automation is also a critical component for a quick, machine-driven software pipeline build. But how do you avoid extra work when automatically handling scenario updates? Join this web seminar to discover how you can deliver efficient regression and report on realistic UX during functional and nonfunctional testing activities. You’ll also see a demonstration of the integration between NeoLoad and Ranorex.

neotysload testingperformance testing
What to do?
LoadTest Engine LoadTest Injector
LoadTest Repository
Launch the runs
Connect the
Store the results
• Step 2 : The runs
What to do?
LoadTest Engine LoadTest Injector
LoadTest Repository
Schedule type and
• Step 3 : Manage & Schedule
Response time
End 2 End tests
What to do?
LoadTest Engine LoadTest Injector
LoadTest RepositoryAlert Dashboard
Send Alerts to
dashboard or by mail
• Step 4 : Alerting
Send alert By API or Mail
Response time
End 2 End tests
Which scriptto manage
• Main Script : Application test
• Test the application
• Get response time
• Get availability
• Result analyse Script and alert : Results Database
• Does the last test has passed from the last period (ex : 5 mins)
• Does response time are ok or need alerts ?
• Send alerts to Dashboard or Emails
• Maintenance script : in Results database
• Clean result over 1 month
Step 1 test
Step 2 Alert
Step 3

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Quality at Speed: More API Testing, Less UI Testing
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Whether your company is a digital native or you’re just starting or well on your way to digital transformation, you know that your web services, mobile apps, and API programs need faster time-to-market without increasing risk. More full-stack and backend developers as well as QA/testing, architecture, and DevOps leaders are trying to inject rocket fuel into their agile development by doing more API testing. But how much UI testing can be moved over to much faster API testing? And then, how short can you make your testing sprints with API testing? With the right provisioning of UI, visual, and API testing, your organization can measurably improve DevOps metrics as you begin to do far more testing in much less time - without increasing on-hand IT resources. In this webinar, Sauce Labs experts will clarify what parts of the “quality spectrum” are better covered by UI testing vs. API testing. Learn why API testing can be much faster and more reliable than UI testing, and how you can leverage API testing to achieve quality at speed. Key Takeaways: - Easily extend your Selenium and Appium UI testing suite with API testing automation for much faster, more reliable functional, integration, and load/performance testing - Implement a CI/CD pipeline and DevOps workflows safely and securely with Sauce Labs full quality spectrum testing - Achieve quality at speed with significant improvements in time to market and quality to market

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Recent Microsoft studies have demonstrated not everyone gets automated testing right; many enterprises still lack the know-how to achieve optimum results. Join our upcoming webinar on 5 Keys to your best Automated Testing Strategy. In this webinar, we will cover: Avoiding the Automation ‘Gotchas’ Visualizing end-to-end performance Predicting and solving performance issues …along with a live demo of SOASTA’s Mobile Functional Test with integrated device performance metrics.

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When making the transformation to DevOps and agile, many organizations find it hard to meet tough product release schedules and to cope with large data sets. Triaging failures across multiple platforms has become tedious and time-consuming. Reporting test-driven development (RTDD) is an innovative approach to agile testing that helps you write and implement tests with the end in mind (i.e., the test reports). RTDD puts structure, governance, and advanced capabilities into your test automation strategy. RTDD enables the entire product team to collaborate and make data-driven decisions in real time, resulting in test scenarios and test suites that are structured and easy to manage.

perfecto mobiletestingtest
B - Technical Part
Now that everybody understoud what is it, let see
the technical part !
Howto do ?
LoadTest Engine
LoadTest Injector
LoadTest Repository
Alert Dashboard
Jenkins PiPELINE commandline
• sh '/home/neoload/bin/NeoLoadCmd
• -project ${WORKSPACE}/NeoloadProject.nlp
• -testResultName « CountinuousPerformance (build ${BUILD_NUMBER})"
• -noGUI
• -launch CountinuousPerformance_Scenario
• -loadGenerators "${WORKSPACE}/loadgenerators.yaml"
• -nlweb -nlwebToken xxxyyyxxxyyyy
• -nlwebAPIURL "http://docker-proto:8080"
• -leaseServer nlweb -leaseLicense 5:1'
The advantages ofDOCKER
• Periodic test use real advantages of DOCKER & MicroService method
• Example of a run :
Temporary Microservices
Permanent Microservices

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The document discusses shifting performance testing left in the development process. It argues that with increased software complexity, testing needs to start earlier to avoid delays. Single user performance testing can be run by developers as part of their normal testing to gain immediate feedback. This involves measuring responsiveness, network traffic, and device vitals under different conditions. While load testing still has value, splitting it up and combining it with functional and responsiveness testing allows more testing to be done earlier in development.

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One of the common challenges in the digital space is improving the speed of releases without compromising the of quality of your app. The root of the problem is the market - customer expectations are on the rise, the app market is crowded, and app development is difficult. The solution is test automation. Watch Perfecto and Infostretch demonstrate Quantum, an established open-source test framework, to run robust, repeatable, and continuous test scenarios. In this technical webinar, the audience will learn how to use the test framework to -Create robust and maintainable test automation scripts -Extend open-source with advanced automation capabilities -Execute cross-platform mobile and web tests in parallel -Plug the newly created tests easily to the CI (Continuous Integration) workflow -Drive fast developer feedback with an advanced reporting library

test automationquantumqaf
Dashboard, storage antendances
Alookinside thescripts
• Which kind of alert
• Performance degradation alert ➔ Need SLA to compare
• Error alert (error 500 or 401)
• No periodic test alert ➔ test also the test tool ( check if last test is less than 5 mins)
• Nature of alert
• A single mail
• Message to Slack by Webhook
• Dashboard status evolution (green, orange, red in aTrello column)
• Other kind of API tool
C - Business Part
For shure you understoud how does it work, so
let’s talk about business

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Every DevOps implementation is unique, but certain challenges are the same. Establishing fast feedback loops, formulating a better definition of done, and anticipating technical gaps to delivery are all milestones to transformation. In this session, our panel of experts will share their experiences in DevOps transformation. Learn how to: -Improve your team’s definition of done to cut down rework -Identify automation gaps that lead to later holding patterns -Inject fast feedback to catch bugs as early as possible -Establish autonomy and ownership over winning customer-focused experiences

CI/CD for mobile at HERE
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This talk describes how we use a scaled approach for CI/CD. The system is set up for iOS and Android Apps but many of the concepts presented are applicable for any type of application. We will cover the different pipeline stages a change goes through, how we automate many levels of testing, treat our CI infrastructure as code, which key metrics we use and we track them on dashboards. All this demonstrates how we can get close to Continuous Delivery for platforms still ruled by App stores.

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Who couldbeinterested ?
• Agile project manager during developement phases
• Help for Regression Testing, capability and sizing
• Project Manager in production (Agile or not)
• Application monitoring with emergency alert
• Network / infrastructure responsable
• Periodic or erratic response time degradation
• Emergency alert of network failure
• SaaS/PaaS manager
• KPI of availability
• Baseline garanty
The end
• Any question ?

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PAC 2019 virtual Leandro Melendez
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PAC 2019 virtual Bruno Audoux

  • 1. Performance Complete Automation success story By Bruno AUDOUX - WAPSI - France
  • 3. What isthe need? • Is it possible to check coutinuous performance evolution of an application ? • Is it possible to garanty availability of an application ? • How to ensure that End 2 End activity is ok ? • What is response time evolution ? • How to be alerted ?
  • 4. What are theactual solution? • Server and application Monitoring • ➔ Garanty only server availability and application process running no more ! • Synthetic monitoring • ➔Application availability, response time OK • ➔ Only for Web application, not JSON / IOT services • APM with Real User Monitoring • ➔ Got Baseline and tendances, also history and alerts • ➔ If services KO, no activity so no problem and nothing alert, • ➔ RUM need javascript so no IOT supported
  • 5. Begining ofsolution • Only a loadtest script is able to check all of that : • Functionality : OK • Availability : Need periodic run • Response time : OK • End 2 End tests : OK • Tendances : Need archives service with graphs dashboard • Alerting : Need specific development
  • 6. Scriptfunctionality • Let’s have a exemple of script coming from an IOT like car onboard computer and screen • Update firmware dialog • Connexion to server • Sending inventory of Firmware version 1.0 • Requesting for package 2.0 • Downloading Package Version 2.0 • (instaling package Version 2.0) • Sending inventory of Firmware version 2.0 • Leaving connexion
  • 7. Howto do ? Scripts LoadTest Engine LoadTest Injector LoadTest RepositoryAlert Dashboard Scheduler
  • 8. What to do? Scripts Functionality test Get Response time Send alert By API or Mail • Step 1 : The Scripts Functionality Availability Response time End 2 End tests Tendances Alerting
  • 9. What to do? Scripts LoadTest Engine LoadTest Injector LoadTest Repository Launch the runs Connect the application Store the results • Step 2 : The runs
  • 10. What to do? Scripts LoadTest Engine LoadTest Injector LoadTest Repository Scheduler Schedule type and frequency • Step 3 : Manage & Schedule Functionality Availability Response time End 2 End tests Tendances Alerting
  • 11. What to do? Scripts LoadTest Engine LoadTest Injector LoadTest RepositoryAlert Dashboard Scheduler Send Alerts to dashboard or by mail • Step 4 : Alerting Send alert By API or Mail Functionality Availability Response time End 2 End tests Tendances Alerting
  • 12. Which scriptto manage • Main Script : Application test • Test the application • Get response time • Get availability • Result analyse Script and alert : Results Database • Does the last test has passed from the last period (ex : 5 mins) • Does response time are ok or need alerts ? • Send alerts to Dashboard or Emails • Maintenance script : in Results database • Clean result over 1 month Step 1 test Step 2 Alert Step 3 Maintenance
  • 13. B - Technical Part Now that everybody understoud what is it, let see the technical part !
  • 14. Howto do ? Scripts LoadTest Engine LoadTest Injector LoadTest Repository Alert Dashboard Scheduler Neoload Controler Neoload Injector Neoload Web OTHER
  • 15. Jenkins PiPELINE commandline • sh '/home/neoload/bin/NeoLoadCmd • -project ${WORKSPACE}/NeoloadProject.nlp • -testResultName « CountinuousPerformance (build ${BUILD_NUMBER})" • -noGUI • -launch CountinuousPerformance_Scenario • -loadGenerators "${WORKSPACE}/loadgenerators.yaml" • -nlweb -nlwebToken xxxyyyxxxyyyy • -nlwebAPIURL "http://docker-proto:8080" • -leaseServer nlweb -leaseLicense 5:1'
  • 16. The advantages ofDOCKER • Periodic test use real advantages of DOCKER & MicroService method • Example of a run : Neoload Controler Neoload Injector Temporary Microservices Neoload Web Permanent Microservices
  • 19. Alert • Which kind of alert • Performance degradation alert ➔ Need SLA to compare • Error alert (error 500 or 401) • No periodic test alert ➔ test also the test tool ( check if last test is less than 5 mins) • Nature of alert • A single mail • Message to Slack by Webhook • Dashboard status evolution (green, orange, red in aTrello column) • Other kind of API tool
  • 20. C - Business Part For shure you understoud how does it work, so let’s talk about business
  • 21. Who couldbeinterested ? • Agile project manager during developement phases • Help for Regression Testing, capability and sizing • Project Manager in production (Agile or not) • Application monitoring with emergency alert • Network / infrastructure responsable • Periodic or erratic response time degradation • Emergency alert of network failure • SaaS/PaaS manager • KPI of availability • Baseline garanty
  • 22. The end • Any question ?