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Thin Controllers -
Fat models
How to write better code
- MVC -
Adapted by
Dr. Syed Hassan Amin
• MVC is one of the most common design
• It is used in Android, iOS and web
• Most developers are confident about having
good, practical knowledge of this pattern.
• MVC pattern is perhaps the most abused
design pattern.
Points to Ponder
• What is anti-pattern ?
• What is dumb data holder ?
Fat Controller Anti Pattern
• The anti pattern that identifies misuse of MVC
pattern is Fat controller.
• Fat controller has overly complex logic and
domain concepts.
• Domain logic should be completely separate from
controllers so that it can be easily extended, and
• Putting domain concepts in controller stinks, and
results in strong coupling between domain logic,
controllers and view.

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Micro frontend
Micro frontendMicro frontend
Micro frontend

There is no doubt that one of the most emerging terms in today Tech Community is MicroFront end Architecture, in this Lecture, we will go through the Basics of Micro-FrontEnd Architecture Concept, and will discuss with Examples, How some techniques to implement it, Also will discuss if its suitable for you to migrate from old single Front-End App to Micro-FrontEnd Architecture.

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A presentation to explain the microservices architecture, the pro and the cons, with a view on how to migrate from a monolith to a SOA architecture. Also, we'll show the benefits of the microservices architecture also for the frontend side with the microfrontend architecture.

Introduction to Microservices
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Introduction to Microservices

The document provides an overview of microservices architecture including: - Definitions and characteristics of microservices such as componentization via services, decentralized governance, and infrastructure automation. - Common drivers for adopting microservices like agility, safety, and scalability. - Guidelines for decomposing monolithic applications into microservices based on business capabilities and domain-driven design. - Discussion of differences between microservices and service-oriented architecture (SOA). - Ecosystem of tools involved in microservices including development frameworks, APIs, databases, containers, and service meshes. - Common design patterns and anti-patterns when developing microservices.

WARNING: Do not try it at home/work!
The WRONG way - "mvC"
mvC - Controller
● Whole business logic in a Controller.
I'll do everything for you.
You can keep everything in one place.
That's so simple!
mvC - Model
• Models used basically just to store data in
• Model
– I'm just a data so why should I do anything more
than just exist?
mvC - View
• View uses the database directly
• Just give me database connection and I'll do
• View
– Give me more power and you won't need
controllers and models at all!

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This document provides an introduction to microservices architecture. It discusses why companies adopt the microservices style, how to design microservices, common patterns, and examples from Netflix. The key points are: 1) Microservices architecture breaks applications into small, independent services that communicate over well-defined interfaces. This improves modularity, scalability, and allows independent deployments. 2) When designing microservices, services should be organized around business capabilities, have decentralized governance and data, and be designed to fail independently through patterns like circuit breakers. 3) Netflix is a leader in microservices and has open sourced many tools like Hystrix for latency handling and Eureka for service discovery that

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There's another talk about Clean Architecture, SOLID, and our approach at InfoJobs. If you need the slides, don't hesitate to fork

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mvC - problems?
● Copy/Paste to "reuse" the code.
● Long and complex methods (actions) that
need to be copied in order to use
● Very difficult to test.
You will pay for mvC
Makes your life easier
The RIGHT way - MVC
MVC - Controller
● Just a translator for a user wishes (request)
so model and view can understand and
respond in proper way (response).
I should be so thin you should barely notice me.
I'll just tell model what user did and the view to show what
he wants - facade for business logic.

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The document discusses the benefits of using an API gateway to handle communication between client applications and microservices, rather than direct client-to-microservice communication. It notes that an API gateway can reduce coupling between clients and services, minimize round trips for client requests, centralize security handling, and help mitigate deployment risks. However, it cautions that the API gateway should not act as a single aggregator and should be segregated based on business boundaries to avoid violating microservice autonomy. Examples of open source and paid API gateway tools and implementations are also provided.

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The document discusses CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation) and event sourcing. It begins by explaining that most applications are built with CRUD as the main paradigm, which can cause the user intent to get lost. It advocates shifting the focus from pure data towards intent and process automation. This means changing from CRUD-style application design where the process was implicit. It discusses capturing user intent at the UI through task-based styles rather than CRUD styles. Commands are presented as a way to capture user intent in a prescriptive manner. The document provides examples of commands and events and how they relate to domain events and synchronizing read and write models to support queries.

MVC - Model
● This is where whole "magic" should happen.
● Model should store and manipulate data.
● It should be used intensively by controllers to
do what user requested and by views to
show data user wants to see.
● Business logic should be in models, eg.
"$ageLimit > 20".
I'm the proper guy for doing the hard work.
I know how your app should work and why.
MVC - View
● Gets a model or a collection of models
selected by controller (according to user
request) and shows it.
● It tells the controller what user has done and
what does he expect to happen.
I'll show you what you want and let you do cool things with
MVC - Action helper
● Easy and good way to reuse code between
● Thanks to models it's using it keeps things
● Prefer action helper over methods put in
controllers extended by other controllers.
Action helper:
I can do common things with the models according to the
request. I'm the controllers ... helper.
MVC - View helper
● Helps you render HTML template that you
use on many views.
View helper:
I can help you make things (php, js and html code) look

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A pattern language for microservices - June 2021
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The microservice architecture is growing in popularity. It is an architectural style that structures an application as a set of loosely coupled services that are organized around business capabilities. Its goal is to enable the continuous delivery of large, complex applications. However, the microservice architecture is not a silver bullet and it has some significant drawbacks. The goal of the microservices pattern language is to enable software developers to apply the microservice architecture effectively. It is a collection of patterns that solve architecture, design, development and operational problems. In this talk, I’ll provide an overview of the microservice architecture and describe the motivations for the pattern language. You will learn about the key patterns in the pattern language.

microservicesmicroservice architecturepattern language
Micro frontend architecture_presentation_ssoni
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Micro frontend architecture_presentation_ssoni

This document discusses micro frontends, which is a microservices approach to front end web development. It outlines some issues with monolithic frontends like scaling and communication problems. It then discusses micro frontend design principles such as autonomous features, team ownership, being tech agnostic, driving value, and following microservices patterns. Finally, it covers techniques for implementing micro frontends including using separate or shared runtimes with options like micro apps, iframes, or webpack modular federation and integrating them through runtime, build time, or iframe methods.

frontendmicro frontendreactjs
OOP - Model
● If you think you're using OOP because you
have classes - you are wrong!
● "Happy" object should have just one
"Fat model" does not mean it has to have
hundred lines of code.
● Object should be easy to test. You should be
able to "mock" things it's using.
● Let object be dependent - inject into it the
things it needs.
MVC- Web Applications
• When developing web applications, there are many traps regarding
use of controllers :
– Controller per Page : In this case you will end up creating too many
controllers. However, controllers can handle more than one page.
– Controller per Entity : This approach is too granular and may become
even more challenging when we have more than one entity per view.
Rails and Code Ignitor have this sort of controller per model approach.
• It is advisable to write single test class per controller and prefer
using MVC pattern. PHP OOP provides great functionality to avoid
tight coupling.
MVC - JavaScript
● All those rules applies to JavaScript and
other languages.
● JavaScript code is also great when you use
So you should/could have:
Zend Framework uses MVC - really?
● It's not a "true" MVC.
● MVC was designed for desktop apps.
● It has many "branches".
@see MVP
@see Model2 ("MVC for web apps")

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This document provides an overview of the Model-View-ViewModel (MVVM) design pattern. It defines MVVM as splitting the user interface into three components: the Model contains the application's data; the View displays the data and handles user input; and the ViewModel acts as a mediator between the Model and View. The document discusses WPF concepts like bindings and data templates that enable MVVM. It notes advantages like testability and separation of concerns, and disadvantages like potential overhead. Examples are provided and references for further reading.

mvcdesign patternswcf
Clean code: SOLID
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Clean code: SOLID

A presentation about Clean Code, SOLID, painless continuous development and how to survive under a snowdrift of code

CQRS: Command/Query Responsibility Segregation
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CQRS: Command/Query Responsibility Segregation

This document discusses Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS), a pattern for building scalable, multi-user systems. CQRS separates commands and queries by using different models for updates and reads. This allows optimization of read and write operations independently to improve scalability. The document outlines common CQRS components like commands, events, and persistent view models, and provides guidelines for when to use CQRS, such as for large, distributed systems with complex business logic.

cqrsdddevent sourcing

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Thin Controllers Fat Models - How to Write Better Code

  • 1. Thin Controllers - Fat models How to write better code - MVC - Adapted by Dr. Syed Hassan Amin
  • 2. Introduction • MVC is one of the most common design patterns • It is used in Android, iOS and web applications. • Most developers are confident about having good, practical knowledge of this pattern. • MVC pattern is perhaps the most abused design pattern.
  • 3. Points to Ponder • What is anti-pattern ? • What is dumb data holder ?
  • 4. Fat Controller Anti Pattern • The anti pattern that identifies misuse of MVC pattern is Fat controller. • Fat controller has overly complex logic and domain concepts. • Domain logic should be completely separate from controllers so that it can be easily extended, and reused. • Putting domain concepts in controller stinks, and results in strong coupling between domain logic, controllers and view.
  • 5. WARNING: Do not try it at home/work! The WRONG way - "mvC"
  • 6. mvC - Controller ● Whole business logic in a Controller. Controller: I'll do everything for you. You can keep everything in one place. That's so simple!
  • 7. mvC - Model • Models used basically just to store data in database. • Model – I'm just a data so why should I do anything more than just exist?
  • 8. mvC - View • View uses the database directly • Just give me database connection and I'll do everything! • View – Give me more power and you won't need controllers and models at all!
  • 9. mvC - problems? ● Copy/Paste to "reuse" the code. ● Long and complex methods (actions) that need to be copied in order to use polymorphism. ● Very difficult to test.
  • 10. You will pay for mvC
  • 11. Makes your life easier The RIGHT way - MVC
  • 12. MVC - Controller ● Just a translator for a user wishes (request) so model and view can understand and respond in proper way (response). Controller: I should be so thin you should barely notice me. I'll just tell model what user did and the view to show what he wants - facade for business logic.
  • 13. MVC - Model ● This is where whole "magic" should happen. ● Model should store and manipulate data. ● It should be used intensively by controllers to do what user requested and by views to show data user wants to see. ● Business logic should be in models, eg. "$ageLimit > 20". Model: I'm the proper guy for doing the hard work. I know how your app should work and why.
  • 14. MVC - View ● Gets a model or a collection of models selected by controller (according to user request) and shows it. ● It tells the controller what user has done and what does he expect to happen. View: I'll show you what you want and let you do cool things with models.
  • 15. MVC - Action helper ● Easy and good way to reuse code between controllers. ● Thanks to models it's using it keeps things DRY. ● Prefer action helper over methods put in controllers extended by other controllers. Action helper: I can do common things with the models according to the request. I'm the controllers ... helper.
  • 16. MVC - View helper ● Helps you render HTML template that you use on many views. View helper: I can help you make things (php, js and html code) look nice.
  • 17. OOP - Model ● If you think you're using OOP because you have classes - you are wrong! ● "Happy" object should have just one responsibility. "Fat model" does not mean it has to have hundred lines of code. ● Object should be easy to test. You should be able to "mock" things it's using. ● Let object be dependent - inject into it the things it needs.
  • 18. MVC- Web Applications • When developing web applications, there are many traps regarding use of controllers : – Controller per Page : In this case you will end up creating too many controllers. However, controllers can handle more than one page. – Controller per Entity : This approach is too granular and may become even more challenging when we have more than one entity per view. Rails and Code Ignitor have this sort of controller per model approach. • It is advisable to write single test class per controller and prefer using MVC pattern. PHP OOP provides great functionality to avoid tight coupling.
  • 19. MVC - JavaScript ● All those rules applies to JavaScript and other languages. ● JavaScript code is also great when you use MVC! So you should/could have: MV(JS: MVC)C
  • 20. Zend Framework uses MVC - really? ● It's not a "true" MVC. ● MVC was designed for desktop apps. ● It has many "branches". @see MVP @see Model2 ("MVC for web apps")