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The 7 Habits
of Highly Effective
Performance Teams
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
“The largest hurdle to creating and
maintaining stellar site performance
is the culture
of your organization.
Lara Hogan
“No matter the size or type of team,
it can be a challenge to educate, incentivize, and
empower those around you.
“Performance more often comes down to a cultural
challenge, rather than simply a technical one.”
Lara Hogan
@tameverts #perfnow
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
2009 Improved average load time from 6s  1.2s
7-12% increase in conversion rate + 25% increase in PVs
Average load time degraded to 5s
User feedback: “I will not come back to this site again.”
Re-focused on performance
0.4% increase in conversion rate
@tameverts #perfnow
1. No front-end measurement
2. Constant feature development
3. Badly implemented third-parties
4. Waiting too long to tackle
performance problems
5. Relying on performance sprints
1. Performance is
a marathon, not a sprint
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
 Having a plan
 Setting clear goals
 Rigorous tracking (and fun tools)
 Building community spirit
 Celebrating milestones
Marathon training involves…
@tameverts #perfnow
2. Have a champion
higher up
3. Then build a
cross-disciplinary team
Awesome tools
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
Everyone who touches
a page should care
about the performance
of that page.
Embrace performance from the ground up.
Embed engineers into other teams.
Enlist performance ambassadors.
Teach people how to use (or at least understand)
the monitoring tools you use.
It’s perilously easy
to accidentally become a
4. Set shared goals
We first went to the engineering
and then we went to
our product leader.
Our pitch was
totally different...
Reefath Rajali // PayPal
“When we went to our product leaders,
we spoke more about the business numbers
and the business benefits.
“When we spoke to our engineering leaders,
it was more about our consumer delight.”
Reefath Rajali // PayPal
Find out what people
care about
❑ bounce rate
❑ cart size
❑ conversions
❑ revenue
❑ time on site
❑ page views
❑ user happiness
❑ user retention
❑ competitors
@tameverts #perfnow
If they care about business
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
If they care about
user engagement…
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
If they care about
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
If they care about
third parties…
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
Who they are What they care about What to show them
Business impact
Benchmarks (filmstrips and videos)
Correlation charts (perf + KPIs)
Third parties
Traffic + engagement
Third-party performance
Correlation charts (perf + bounce rate)
Lighthouse SEO audits
Image size
Devs / engineers Well, lots of stuff, probably Consult with perf team
@tameverts #perfnow
5. Make everyone accountable
Performance budgets
Milestone timings (e.g. start render)
Quantity-based (e.g. image weight)
Rules-based (e.g. Lighthouse scores)
A good performance budget
should show you…
What your budget is
When you go out of bounds
How long you’re out of bounds
When you’re back within budget
@tameverts #perfnow
Who What Metric
Ops Back-end issues TTFB
Most important content
Third parties
Hero rendering times, LCP
Blocking CPU time
Lighthouse SEO score
Devs / engineers
How well pages are built
Performance issues
Start Render, Speed Index
Lighthouse Performance score
@tameverts #perfnow
Give people ownership
“One of the original directives of the
performance team
was we weren’t going
to set ourselves up
to be performance cops.”
Dan Chilton, Vox Media
“We weren’t going to go around slapping people on the
wrist, saying, ‘You built an article that broke the page
size budget! You have to take that down or change that
“Our goal setting out was to set up best practices, make
recommendations, and be a resource within the
company that people can turn to when they have to
make performance-related decisions.”
Dan Chilton, Vox Media
6. Communicate
“We, as engineers,
should learn how
to show the impact on
anything we do.”
Malek Hakim // Priceline
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
How often is often enough?
Wall monitors and dashboards 24/7
Alerts in realtime (to people who can make fixes)
Reports no more than 1X week
Meetups, hackathons, etc. monthly (if possible)
@tameverts #perfnow
7. Don’t forget to celebrate!
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]
Score some easy wins
“The dull boring stuff”
~Andy Davies
Scripts (especially third parties)
Extraneous code
Defer assets where possible
Shaved 15KB off logo
Ran A/B test
Increased bookings
In summary…
1. Know that performance is a marathon,
not a sprint
2. Have a higher-up champion
3. Build cross-disciplinary teams
4. Set shared goals
5. Make everyone accountable
6. Communicate
7. Celebrate!
@tameverts #perfnow
There’s no magic.
Show up with a plan.
Do the work.
(Be patient.)

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The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams [PerfNow 2019]

  • 1. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Performance Teams @tameverts #perfnow
  • 4. “The largest hurdle to creating and maintaining stellar site performance is the culture of your organization. Lara Hogan
  • 5. “No matter the size or type of team, it can be a challenge to educate, incentivize, and empower those around you. “Performance more often comes down to a cultural challenge, rather than simply a technical one.” Lara Hogan
  • 9. 2009 Improved average load time from 6s  1.2s 7-12% increase in conversion rate + 25% increase in PVs Average load time degraded to 5s User feedback: “I will not come back to this site again.” Re-focused on performance 0.4% increase in conversion rate 2010 2011 @tameverts #perfnow
  • 10. 1. No front-end measurement 2. Constant feature development 3. Badly implemented third-parties 4. Waiting too long to tackle performance problems 5. Relying on performance sprints
  • 11. 1. Performance is a marathon, not a sprint
  • 15.  Having a plan  Setting clear goals  Rigorous tracking (and fun tools)  Building community spirit  Celebrating milestones Marathon training involves… @tameverts #perfnow
  • 16. 2. Have a champion higher up
  • 17. 3. Then build a cross-disciplinary team
  • 22. Everyone who touches a page should care about the performance of that page.
  • 23. Embrace performance from the ground up. Embed engineers into other teams. Enlist performance ambassadors. Teach people how to use (or at least understand) the monitoring tools you use. #perfnow@tameverts
  • 24. It’s perilously easy to accidentally become a gatekeeper.
  • 25. 4. Set shared goals
  • 26. We first went to the engineering leaders, and then we went to our product leader. Our pitch was totally different... Reefath Rajali // PayPal
  • 27. “When we went to our product leaders, we spoke more about the business numbers and the business benefits. “When we spoke to our engineering leaders, it was more about our consumer delight.” Reefath Rajali // PayPal
  • 28. Find out what people care about
  • 29. ❑ bounce rate ❑ cart size ❑ conversions ❑ revenue ❑ time on site ❑ page views ❑ SEO ❑ user happiness ❑ user retention ❑ competitors @tameverts #perfnow
  • 30. If they care about business metrics…
  • 35. If they care about user engagement…
  • 39. If they care about SEO…
  • 41. If they care about third parties…
  • 44. Who they are What they care about What to show them Executives Competition Business impact Benchmarks (filmstrips and videos) Correlation charts (perf + KPIs) Marketing Third parties Traffic + engagement SEO Content Third-party performance Correlation charts (perf + bounce rate) Lighthouse SEO audits Image size Devs / engineers Well, lots of stuff, probably Consult with perf team @tameverts #perfnow
  • 45. 5. Make everyone accountable
  • 46. Performance budgets Milestone timings (e.g. start render) Quantity-based (e.g. image weight) Rules-based (e.g. Lighthouse scores)
  • 47. A good performance budget should show you… What your budget is When you go out of bounds How long you’re out of bounds When you’re back within budget @tameverts #perfnow
  • 50. Who What Metric Ops Back-end issues TTFB Marketing Most important content Third parties SEO Hero rendering times, LCP Blocking CPU time Lighthouse SEO score Devs / engineers How well pages are built Performance issues Start Render, Speed Index Lighthouse Performance score @tameverts #perfnow
  • 52. “One of the original directives of the performance team was we weren’t going to set ourselves up to be performance cops.” Dan Chilton, Vox Media
  • 53. “We weren’t going to go around slapping people on the wrist, saying, ‘You built an article that broke the page size budget! You have to take that down or change that immediately!’ “Our goal setting out was to set up best practices, make recommendations, and be a resource within the company that people can turn to when they have to make performance-related decisions.” Dan Chilton, Vox Media
  • 55. “We, as engineers, should learn how to show the impact on anything we do.” Malek Hakim // Priceline
  • 62. How often is often enough? Wall monitors and dashboards 24/7 Alerts in realtime (to people who can make fixes) Reports no more than 1X week Meetups, hackathons, etc. monthly (if possible) @tameverts #perfnow
  • 63. 7. Don’t forget to celebrate!
  • 67. !!!
  • 70. “The dull boring stuff” ~Andy Davies Scripts (especially third parties) Images Extraneous code Defer assets where possible
  • 71. Shaved 15KB off logo Ran A/B test Increased bookings
  • 73. 1. Know that performance is a marathon, not a sprint 2. Have a higher-up champion 3. Build cross-disciplinary teams 4. Set shared goals 5. Make everyone accountable 6. Communicate 7. Celebrate! @tameverts #perfnow
  • 74. There’s no magic. Show up with a plan. Do the work. (Be patient.)

Editor's Notes

  1. PRO: easily measured CON: includes third parties and ATF content
  2. Awesome tools are not enough. And I say that as someone who works on the best tools in the world. You can have awesome tools and still fail. 
  3. PRO: easily measured CON: includes third parties and ATF content
  4. PRO: easily measured CON: includes third parties and ATF content
  5. PRO: easily measured CON: includes third parties and ATF content
  6. PRO: easily measured CON: includes third parties and ATF content