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Principles of Agile Testing
Testing is continuous
Continuous feedback
Tests performed by the whole team
Decrease time of feedback response
Simplified & clean code
Less documentation
Test Driven
Agile testing methods
• There are various agile testing methods as
• Behavior Driven Development (BDD)
• Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD)
• Exploratory Testing
Advantages of Agile Testing
• The benefits of the agile testing approach are as
• It saves time and money
• Agile testing reduces documentation
• It is flexible and highly adaptable to changes
• It provides a way for receiving regular feedback
from the end user
• Better determination of issues through daily

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Project Management Tips to Improve Test Planning
Project Management Tips to Improve Test PlanningProject Management Tips to Improve Test Planning
Project Management Tips to Improve Test Planning

When done right, testing is more than test plans, test scripts, and executing tests. In fact a test leader should consider testing a sub-project of the larger development project. By applying the same techniques project managers use to plan and manage the overall project, test leaders can improve testing and greatly influence the entire project’s success. Ricki Henry explores project management processes that test leaders need to master—risk management, human resources, stakeholder communications, and scope management. Even though you understand that the scope of testing cannot be “everything tested with zero defects,” the customer does not have this same understanding. To prevent this disconnect, test leaders need to determine the scope of what can be tested and then articulate that to the stakeholders. Join Ricki to learn new ways to improve testing while contributing to overall project success through project management processes that test leaders need to master.

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Help beginners who want to learn software testing to know the major topics and there are an explanation for each one

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The document discusses QA best practices in an Agile development environment. It describes key aspects of Agile like iterative delivery, self-organizing teams, and rapid feedback. It addresses challenges of fitting QA into short iterations and questions around testing approaches. The document advocates for testing to be collaborative, automated, and continuous throughout development. It provides recommendations for QA roles in activities like planning, stand-ups, retrospectives and acceptance testing. Overall it promotes testing practices in Agile that focus on early feedback, automation, and involvement of QA throughout the development process.

Test Plan for Agile
• The scope of the testing
• Consolidating new functionalities to be tested
• Types of testing/Levels of testing
• Performance & load testing
• Consideration of infrastructure
• Risks Plan
• Planning of resources
• Deliverables & Milestones
Agile testing lifecycle
• Test Driven Development means –
• Fewer Bugs.
• Higher quality software.
• Focus on single functionality at a given point
in time.
• Requirements – Drive out requirement issues
early (more focus on requirements in depth).
• Rapid Feedback – Many small changes Vs. One
significant change.
• Values Refactoring – Refactor often to lower
impact and risk.
• Design to Test – Testing driving good design
• Tests as information – Documenting decisions
and assumptions.

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If you are going to start a test plan, then you will know that most of the time in software testing, there is more debate on its quality and plan of activities. Today many things are worth noting, but you have to pay attention to these important things before starting the test plan.

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How to get the most out of your team by making developers and testers jointly responsible for running tests.

Tester Challenges in Agile ?
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Tester Challenges in Agile ?

This document discusses challenges for testers in agile development environments. It outlines several strategies testers can use to address these challenges, including: - Pairing testers with developers to facilitate exploratory and interaction testing. This helps testers understand the codebase and developers understand testing needs. - Pairing testers with analysts to help define requirements by example, clarify expectations, and drive development of acceptance tests. - Prioritizing testing to address important risks rather than trying to do complete testing. A good tester is never done but must justify testing in terms of risk. - Tracking bugs when testing completed iterations, even if fixes are made quickly, so issues can be prioritized like stories.

Test Driven Development helps the
programmer in several ways, such as –
• Improve the code.
• Side by side, increasing the programmer’s
Using Test Driven Development concept in
one’s programming skills –
• Will save developer’s time which is getting wasted
for rework.
• Able to identify the error/problem quicker and faster.
• The programmer will be able to write small classes
which will be focused only on a single function.
• Whenever the code base gets more prominent, it
becomes tough to change and debug the code.
• But, if developers are using Test Driven
Development technique –
• Means developers have automated tests.
• Writing the test cases for the program which is
a safe side for the programmers.
• It becomes easy to view what the error is,
where it is and how it is paralyzing one’s code.
Best Practices to Adopt Test Driven
• Roadmap
• Implementation
• Structure
Top Test Driven Development Tools
• JUnit for Unit Tests
• JMeter for Load/Performance Testing
• Mockito for Rest API Testing

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Agile process

This document discusses challenges for testers in agile development environments. It outlines several strategies testers can use to address these challenges, including: - Pairing testers with developers to facilitate exploratory and interaction testing. This helps testers understand the codebase and developers understand testing needs. - Pairing testers with analysts to help define requirements by example, clarify expectations, and drive development of acceptance tests. - Prioritizing testing to address important risks rather than trying to do complete testing. A good tester is never done but must justify testing in terms of risk. - Tracking bugs when testing completed iterations, even if fixes are made quickly, so issues can be prioritized like stories.

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The document discusses various aspects of secure software development lifecycles (SDLC). It covers quality factors, reasons for lack of security, and the typical 5 phases of SDLC - requirements gathering, design, development, testing/validation, and release/maintenance. It then provides more details on requirements gathering, design, development, and testing phases. Finally, it discusses different SDLC models, programming languages, concepts, and distributed computing standards.

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The document provides an overview of the agenda and content for Day 1 of an ISTQB Foundation Level training course. It begins with an introduction to ISTQB, including what it is, its purpose, and certification levels. It then outlines the agenda for Day 1, which includes introductions to ISTQB, principles of testing, testing throughout the software development lifecycle, static testing techniques, and tool support for testing. The document provides details on each of these topics, such as definitions of testing, principles of testing, software development models, testing levels, types of testing, and examples of static testing techniques.

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xUnit frameworks
• Test runner
• Test case
• Test fixtures
• Test suites
• Test execution
• Test result formatter
• Assertions
Agile Testing Strategies
Values of exploration testing
• Individuals and interactions over processes
and tools
• Working software over comprehensive
• Customer collaboration over contract
• Responding to change over following a plan
Test quadrants

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Unlike the Waterfall method, Agile Testing can begin at the start of the project with continuous integration between development and testing. Agile Testing methodology is not sequential (in the sense it’s executed only after coding phase) but continuous.  Agile is an iterative development methodology, where requirements evolve through collaboration between the customer and self-organizing teams and agile aligns development with customer needs. The word Agile signifies something that can be performed quickly and immediately ,in the area o f software development

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My presentation on Agile Testing, including a tuning concept and a case study of agile testing choices in a project, held 16 of June, 2014 at a customer internal seminar.

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Software Testing - Test management - Mazenet Solution
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Topics: Organisation,configuraiton management,test estimation,monitoring and control,incident management,standards for testing. To know more about Offer- Syllabus- Slide share: For more events- All videos- Facebook- Twitter- Mail us : Contact: 9629728714

test estimationmonitoring and controlincident management
When to use Exploratory Testing
• In the early stages of SDLC when the code
undergoes rapid change
• Perform unit tests while familiarity with the
application acquire using this approach.
• Preparing test scripts and doing additional
testing in the later stages of SDLC
• Exploratory testing is well suited for agile
environment as it keeps up with the short
scrum cycles.
When to use Exploratory Testing
• While performing exploratory testing, test
plans are developed on the fly which saves lot
of time for the tester. At the end of each
scrum cycle, critical exploratory tests can be
captured for subsequent scrums.
How to do exploratory testing
• Utilize the tester’s ability to learn
• Test case preparation and execution are
performed simultaneously
• Test cases keeps growing
• Testing techniques such as Equivalence
partitioning, Error Guessing, Decision Table
Testing, Boundary Value Analysis and others
could also be combined
• Testers can apply their ideas and never get lost
from their mission
• Exploratory testing doesn’t use test
automation, instead it focus on tester’s
knowledge, observation and experience
• In order to maintain focus, exploratory testing
can be session based which provides a

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Testing is the process of executing software to find defects and verify requirements are met. It involves executing a program or modules to observe behavior and outcomes, and analyze failures to locate and fix faults. The main purposes of testing are to demonstrate quality and proper behavior, and to detect and fix defects. Testing strategies include starting with individual component tests and progressing to integrated system tests. Different techniques like black-box and white-box testing are used at various stages. Manual testing is time-consuming while automated testing is faster and more reliable. Testing continues until quality goals are met or resources run out. Debugging locates and removes defects found via testing.

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The document provides an overview of software testing methodology and trends: - It discusses the evolution of software development processes and how testing has changed and become more important. Testing now includes more automation, non-functional testing, and professional testers. - The key components of a testing process framework are described, including test management, quality metrics, risk-based testing, and exploratory testing. - Automation testing, performance testing, and popular testing tools are also covered. - The future of software testing is discussed, with notes on faster release cycles, more complex applications, global testing teams, increased use of automation, and a focus on practices over processes.

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Interview with a tester
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This document provides sample questions and exercises that could be used to evaluate potential testers during the hiring process. It covers four main areas: testing mindset, basic testing skills, test automation, and test management. For each area, it provides examples of open-ended questions and hands-on exercises to assess a candidate's testing knowledge and abilities. It also provides a scoring guide to evaluate candidates' responses. The goal is to evaluate candidates' testing competencies in under an hour as part of a broader recruitment and assessment process.

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Advantages of Exploratory Testing
• Less preparation is needed and important
bugs are found quickly
• Thinking on your feet, reacting quickly is
encouraged and more defects are uncovered
• Lot of focus is given to expanding knowledge
and learning for the tester
• It can be used to review the work done by
another tester
• Exploratory testing can catch defects that may
have been missed in the test cases
• In case of limited time, exploratory testing can
be used to test new features while regression
testing can be used for existing features
Disadvantages of Exploratory
• As the tests are invented and performed
randomly, they can’t be reviewed in advance.
• Testing is dependent on tester’s knowledge,
skill and experience.
• Gaining familiarity with an application takes
time, so there is a possibility of defects being
missed if the tester has less knowledge of the
website or application

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The document provides an overview of quality assurance and testing practices for agile projects. It discusses traditional and agile testing approaches, defines roles like testers and developers in agile teams, and outlines a test strategy including test planning, automation, and metrics. Key aspects of agile testing covered are testing throughout each sprint, the importance of collaboration, and ensuring quality is "baked in" through a whole team approach.

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Types of Testing
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Types of Testing

The document provides information on types of software testing, test strategy and planning, and test estimation techniques. It describes various types of testing including functional, system, end-to-end, load, security, and others. It also discusses test strategy, test planning, and creating test plans. Finally, it outlines several techniques for estimating testing efforts such as best guess, analogies, work breakdown structure, three-point estimation, and function point analysis.

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As artificial intelligence continues to evolve, understanding the complexities and regulations regarding AI risk management is more crucial than ever. Amongst others, the webinar covers: • ISO/IEC 42001 standard, which provides guidelines for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and continually improving AI management systems within organizations • insights into the European Union's landmark legislative proposal aimed at regulating AI • framework and methodologies prescribed by ISO/IEC 23894 for identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with AI systems Presenters: Miriama Podskubova - Attorney at Law Miriama is a seasoned lawyer with over a decade of experience. She specializes in commercial law, focusing on transactions, venture capital investments, IT, digital law, and cybersecurity, areas she was drawn to through her legal practice. Alongside preparing contract and project documentation, she ensures the correct interpretation and application of European legal regulations in these fields. Beyond client projects, she frequently speaks at conferences on cybersecurity, online privacy protection, and the increasingly pertinent topic of AI regulation. As a registered advocate of Slovak bar, certified data privacy professional in the European Union (CIPP/e) and a member of the international association ELA, she helps both tech-focused startups and entrepreneurs, as well as international chains, to properly set up their business operations. Callum Wright - Founder and Lead Consultant Founder and Lead Consultant Callum Wright is a seasoned cybersecurity, privacy and AI governance expert. With over a decade of experience, he has dedicated his career to protecting digital assets, ensuring data privacy, and establishing ethical AI governance frameworks. His diverse background includes significant roles in security architecture, AI governance, risk consulting, and privacy management across various industries, thorough testing, and successful implementation, he has consistently delivered exceptional results. Throughout his career, he has taken on multifaceted roles, from leading technical project management teams to owning solutions that drive operational excellence. His conscientious and proactive approach is unwavering, whether he is working independently or collaboratively within a team. His ability to connect with colleagues on a personal level underscores his commitment to fostering a harmonious and productive workplace environment. Date: June 26, 2024 Tags: ISO/IEC 42001, Artificial Intelligence, EU AI Act, ISO/IEC 23894 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find out more about ISO training and certification services Training: ISO/IEC 42001 Artificial Intelligence Management System - EN | PECB Webinars: Article: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Critical role of exploratory testing
• Find bugs that automated tests miss
• Diversity means discovering more bugs
• Speed of test cycles
5 Rules to the Road For Test
Planning in Agile
• Define a Test Strategy
– QA Build strategy, Test data creation, Types of
testing and test tools and Integration testing
• Define Scope
• Be Prepared to Re-Scope Often
• Identify Risks and Mitigation Strategies
• Have an Open and Continuous Feedback
Agile Lifecycle and Risk-based

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Risk based testing
Risk breakdown structure
Complete process
Assessing Quality risks on Agile
• Risk: a possible negative outcome
• Level of risk: based on likelihood and impact
• Quality risks: potential problems with product
• Project risks: potential problems for project
• Agile quality risk analysis occurs: At a high
level during release planning by business
• Stakeholders : At a detailed level

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Quality Risks
• Incorrect calculations
• Slow response time
• Confusing interface
• Risk analysis prioritizes tasks and guides
• High risks require extensive testing
• Low risks receive cursory testing
• Risk based prioritization also includes release
and iteration backlog items
Process of Quality Risk Analysis
• Gather the agile team
• List iteration backlog items
• Identify functional, non-functional quality risk
• Assess identified risks categorize each risk,
determine risk level
• Build consensus and ensure a good distribution of
risk ratings
• Use level of risk to choose extent of testing
• Select appropriate test techniques for each risk
Estimating Testing Effort
• During iteration planning, user stories are
• Story size gives implementation effort
• Risk level should influence story size
• Techniques should be used to reach and
involve whole team to avoid missing anything
• Reliable estimation
Example Allocating Test Effort
• Extensive
• Broad
• Cursory
• Opportunity
• Report bugs only

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Communicating Test Results
• Test progress can be recorded using
automated test results, agile task boards, and
burndown charts
• Test status can be communicated via wikis,
standard test management tools, and during
Task Board
Regression testing
• Before You Build a Regression
Testing Strategy
• Gather all the test cases that should be
• Improvements should never halt. Figure out
all the improvements that can be
implemented in the test cases.
• Estimate the time for execution of test cases
• Outline what all can be automated and how?
A few things to determine before
a regression test plan is built are:
• Identifying which test cases should be
• Identifying what improvements must be
implemented in the test-cases.
• Identify the time to execute regression testing.
• Outline what needs to be automated in the
regression test plan and how.
• Analyze the outcome of the regression testing

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Categories & Approach
• Sprint level Regression testing(New
• End to End Regression testing(Core
• The Traditional Testing Approach
• Delayed Week Approach
• Delayed Sprint Approach
Automated Testing
• Automated Testing of Agile Projects vs.
Waterfall Projects
• Agile Tester Skills – Team work, collaboration
and tools
• Automation Responsibilities on an Agile Team
– any work done repeatedly more than 2 or 3
times need to be automated
• Deciding what Tests get Automated in Agile
Automated Testing
• Start Automating Tests with a TestComplete
Free Trial – Mobile, web, Apps
• Maintaining and Reviewing Automated Tests
in Agile Environments
• Agile Teams Automate Black Box and White
Box Tests
• Implementing Test Driven Development
• When Not to Use Automation in an Agile
Environment – When test performed once.
• Switching from Waterfall to Agile
• Functional, GUI, Regression and Performance
Testing in an Agile Environment
• Automated Testing Starts on Day One
• Automated Testing Tool Features - What is
More Important to Agile Testers?

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we may assume that God created the cosmos to be his great temple, in which he rested after his creative work. Nevertheless, his special revelatory presence did not fill the entire earth yet, since it was his intention that his human vice-regent, whom he installed in the garden sanctuary, would extend worldwide the boundaries of that sanctuary and of God’s presence. Adam, of course, disobeyed this mandate, so that humanity no longer enjoyed God’s presence in the little localized garden. Consequently, the entire earth became infected with sin and idolatry in a way it had not been previously before the fall, while yet in its still imperfect newly created state. Therefore, the various expressions about God being unable to inhabit earthly structures are best understood, at least in part, by realizing that the old order and sanctuary have been tainted with sin and must be cleansed and recreated before God’s Shekinah presence, formerly limited to heaven and the holy of holies, can dwell universally throughout creation

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• Automated Testing ROI in Agile Environments
• Automated Testing and Agile Methodologies –
Scrum – No automation Lean – Automated
• Implementing Automated Testing in Agile
Environments – Challenges
• Automated Testing Benefits in an Agile
Automation Testing Framework
for Agile/Scrum Methodology
How to automate in Agile
Agile Automation Tools

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  • 2. Principles of Agile Testing Testing is continuous Continuous feedback Tests performed by the whole team Decrease time of feedback response Simplified & clean code Less documentation Test Driven
  • 3. Agile testing methods • There are various agile testing methods as follows: • Behavior Driven Development (BDD) • Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) • Exploratory Testing
  • 4. Advantages of Agile Testing • The benefits of the agile testing approach are as follows: • It saves time and money • Agile testing reduces documentation • It is flexible and highly adaptable to changes • It provides a way for receiving regular feedback from the end user • Better determination of issues through daily meetings
  • 5. Test Plan for Agile • The scope of the testing • Consolidating new functionalities to be tested • Types of testing/Levels of testing • Performance & load testing • Consideration of infrastructure • Risks Plan • Planning of resources • Deliverables & Milestones
  • 7. TDD • Test Driven Development means – • Fewer Bugs. • Higher quality software. • Focus on single functionality at a given point in time.
  • 8. • Requirements – Drive out requirement issues early (more focus on requirements in depth). • Rapid Feedback – Many small changes Vs. One significant change. • Values Refactoring – Refactor often to lower impact and risk. • Design to Test – Testing driving good design practice. • Tests as information – Documenting decisions and assumptions.
  • 9. Test Driven Development helps the programmer in several ways, such as – • Improve the code. • Side by side, increasing the programmer’s productivity. •
  • 10. Using Test Driven Development concept in one’s programming skills – • Will save developer’s time which is getting wasted for rework. • Able to identify the error/problem quicker and faster. • The programmer will be able to write small classes which will be focused only on a single function. • Whenever the code base gets more prominent, it becomes tough to change and debug the code.
  • 11. • But, if developers are using Test Driven Development technique – • Means developers have automated tests. • Writing the test cases for the program which is a safe side for the programmers. • It becomes easy to view what the error is, where it is and how it is paralyzing one’s code. •
  • 12. Best Practices to Adopt Test Driven Development • Roadmap • Implementation • Structure Top Test Driven Development Tools • JUnit for Unit Tests • JMeter for Load/Performance Testing • Mockito for Rest API Testing
  • 13. xUnit frameworks • Test runner • Test case • Test fixtures • Test suites • Test execution • Test result formatter • Assertions
  • 15. Values of exploration testing • Individuals and interactions over processes and tools • Working software over comprehensive documentation • Customer collaboration over contract negotiation • Responding to change over following a plan •
  • 17. When to use Exploratory Testing • In the early stages of SDLC when the code undergoes rapid change • Perform unit tests while familiarity with the application acquire using this approach. • Preparing test scripts and doing additional testing in the later stages of SDLC • Exploratory testing is well suited for agile environment as it keeps up with the short scrum cycles.
  • 18. When to use Exploratory Testing • While performing exploratory testing, test plans are developed on the fly which saves lot of time for the tester. At the end of each scrum cycle, critical exploratory tests can be captured for subsequent scrums.
  • 19. How to do exploratory testing • Utilize the tester’s ability to learn • Test case preparation and execution are performed simultaneously • Test cases keeps growing • Testing techniques such as Equivalence partitioning, Error Guessing, Decision Table Testing, Boundary Value Analysis and others could also be combined
  • 20. • Testers can apply their ideas and never get lost from their mission • Exploratory testing doesn’t use test automation, instead it focus on tester’s knowledge, observation and experience • In order to maintain focus, exploratory testing can be session based which provides a structure •
  • 21. Advantages of Exploratory Testing • Less preparation is needed and important bugs are found quickly • Thinking on your feet, reacting quickly is encouraged and more defects are uncovered • Lot of focus is given to expanding knowledge and learning for the tester • It can be used to review the work done by another tester
  • 22. • Exploratory testing can catch defects that may have been missed in the test cases • In case of limited time, exploratory testing can be used to test new features while regression testing can be used for existing features
  • 23. Disadvantages of Exploratory Testing • As the tests are invented and performed randomly, they can’t be reviewed in advance. • Testing is dependent on tester’s knowledge, skill and experience. • Gaining familiarity with an application takes time, so there is a possibility of defects being missed if the tester has less knowledge of the website or application
  • 26. Critical role of exploratory testing • Find bugs that automated tests miss • Diversity means discovering more bugs • Speed of test cycles
  • 27. 5 Rules to the Road For Test Planning in Agile • Define a Test Strategy – QA Build strategy, Test data creation, Types of testing and test tools and Integration testing • Define Scope • Be Prepared to Re-Scope Often • Identify Risks and Mitigation Strategies • Have an Open and Continuous Feedback Loop
  • 28. Agile Lifecycle and Risk-based Testing
  • 32. Assessing Quality risks on Agile Project • Risk: a possible negative outcome • Level of risk: based on likelihood and impact • Quality risks: potential problems with product quality • Project risks: potential problems for project success • Agile quality risk analysis occurs: At a high level during release planning by business • Stakeholders : At a detailed level
  • 33. Quality Risks • Incorrect calculations • Slow response time • Confusing interface • Risk analysis prioritizes tasks and guides • High risks require extensive testing • Low risks receive cursory testing • Risk based prioritization also includes release and iteration backlog items
  • 34. Process of Quality Risk Analysis • Gather the agile team • List iteration backlog items • Identify functional, non-functional quality risk • Assess identified risks categorize each risk, determine risk level • Build consensus and ensure a good distribution of risk ratings • Use level of risk to choose extent of testing • Select appropriate test techniques for each risk item
  • 35. Estimating Testing Effort • During iteration planning, user stories are estimated • Story size gives implementation effort • Risk level should influence story size • Techniques should be used to reach and involve whole team to avoid missing anything • Reliable estimation
  • 36. Example Allocating Test Effort • Extensive • Broad • Cursory • Opportunity • Report bugs only
  • 37. Communicating Test Results • Test progress can be recorded using automated test results, agile task boards, and burndown charts • Test status can be communicated via wikis, standard test management tools, and during stand-ups
  • 39. Regression testing • Before You Build a Regression Testing Strategy • Gather all the test cases that should be executed • Improvements should never halt. Figure out all the improvements that can be implemented in the test cases. • Estimate the time for execution of test cases • Outline what all can be automated and how?
  • 40. A few things to determine before a regression test plan is built are: • Identifying which test cases should be executed. • Identifying what improvements must be implemented in the test-cases. • Identify the time to execute regression testing. • Outline what needs to be automated in the regression test plan and how. • Analyze the outcome of the regression testing
  • 41. Categories & Approach • Sprint level Regression testing(New Functionality) • End to End Regression testing(Core Functionality) • The Traditional Testing Approach • Delayed Week Approach • Delayed Sprint Approach
  • 42. Automated Testing • Automated Testing of Agile Projects vs. Waterfall Projects • Agile Tester Skills – Team work, collaboration and tools • Automation Responsibilities on an Agile Team – any work done repeatedly more than 2 or 3 times need to be automated • Deciding what Tests get Automated in Agile Environments
  • 43. Automated Testing • Start Automating Tests with a TestComplete Free Trial – Mobile, web, Apps • Maintaining and Reviewing Automated Tests in Agile Environments • Agile Teams Automate Black Box and White Box Tests • Implementing Test Driven Development
  • 44. • When Not to Use Automation in an Agile Environment – When test performed once. • Switching from Waterfall to Agile • Functional, GUI, Regression and Performance Testing in an Agile Environment • Automated Testing Starts on Day One • Automated Testing Tool Features - What is More Important to Agile Testers?
  • 45. • Automated Testing ROI in Agile Environments • Automated Testing and Agile Methodologies – Scrum – No automation Lean – Automated • Implementing Automated Testing in Agile Environments – Challenges • Automated Testing Benefits in an Agile Environment
  • 46. Automation Testing Framework for Agile/Scrum Methodology
  • 47. How to automate in Agile Methodology