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Special Focus: Speed
From the online course: Digital Product Management
The Need for Speed
 You already know page load speed
is important.
 Did you know it might be the most
important thing you can make sure
is working well on your site?
 Yup, even more important than
some of the features.
How Bad Is the Problem?
 Wolfgang 2016 E-commerce KPI Benchmarks Study
“We found site speed matters more than any of the
website engagement metrics. ‘Server response time’
enjoyed a conversion rate correlation three times
stronger than the best engagement metric, ‘average
session duration’.
Because site speed is a SEO ranking factor, smart digital
marketers can benefit from a ‘site speed multiplier
effect as their faster site earns more traffic combined
with a higher conversion rate.”
More from Wolfgang…
“We found Average Server Response time is 0.76 seconds.
We also found a strong correlation between low server response times and
high conversion rates. This means for every two tenths of second you
shave off your server response time you can expect to see an an 8% lift in
conversion rate. Unsurprisingly, there was also a strong correlation
between high server response time and high bounce rate.”
“Average page load time 6.5 seconds.
This is significantly slower than the 2 second threshold for e-
commerce websites recommended by Google. Amazon’s
research into site speed found that every one second delay
reduces conversion rate by a whopping 7%.”
Source: Wolfgang 2016 E-commerce KPI Benchmarks Study

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This document provides tips for optimizing images for search engine optimization (SEO) and rankings on Google. It recommends creating unique, high quality images sized appropriately for mobile that include the target keyword in the file name, alt text, title and description. The document also suggests compressing image file sizes to improve page load times and adding structured data to images. Following these image SEO best practices can help websites rank higher in Google image searches and boost website traffic.

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Technical SEO Audit

Working in digital industry? Learn how to perform a website Technical Audit for SEO. Hannah Thorpe explains What are the core elements to check for an SEO audit? What are the warning sites your site might be struggling? How to fix common problems flagged during a technical audit

More Problem Definition
“A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7%
reduction in conversions.” - KISSmetrics
“1 out of 5 online shoppers will abandon their cart because
the transaction process was too slow..” - Radware
Got that? These are people you had gotten to come
to your site, and convinced them to buy. They were
in the process of buying when they left you. And
are less likely to ever come back.
And Even More Problem Definition
“The average load time for mobile sites is 19 seconds
over 3G connections…we found that 53% of mobile site
visits are abandoned if pages take longer than 3
seconds to load.” - DoubleClick
“Sites that loaded in 5 seconds vs 19 seconds were
observed to have: 60% greater pageviews per visit. 35%
lower bounce rates.”- DoubleClick
What Does Google Say?
“53% of mobile site visitors leave a
page that takes longer than three
seconds to load.”
“Our research has been eye-opening.
For 70% of the pages we analyzed, it
took nearly seven seconds for the
visual content above the fold to display
on the screen, and it took more than
10 seconds to fully load all visual
content above and below the fold.”
Some Cases - Shopzilla
It’s an old case from 2009, but still instructive.
• Load time brought from 6 to 1.2 seconds
• Conversions increased 7-12%
• Pageviews increased 25%
• SEM based sessions increased 8%
This was almost a decade ago. Speed is even more
important now.

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This document provides an SEO proposal and services from a Delhi-based IT company. It outlines their expertise in SEO, web development, and advertising. The proposal describes performing on-page and off-page optimization activities like keyword research, link building, social media promotion, and audits. Prices for silver, gold, and platinum packages ranging from Rs. 7,500 to Rs. 20,000 are listed along with the included tasks and number of keywords targeted for each level. Website designing services are also proposed which include structure, optimization, and page creation.

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The document outlines an SEO strategy for that includes performing an audit of the site, developing an optimization strategy and plan, cleaning up foundational elements, and expanding reach through off-page optimizations like link building, content creation, and social sharing. Key aspects of the strategy include on-page optimizations, off-page link building, keyword research, content creation, and regular reporting and analysis of performance. The overall goals are to improve technical performance, visibility and traffic to the site.

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Some Cases - Walmart
From 2012.
• 2% increase in conversions for every ONE
second of speed savings.
• 1% additional revenue per 1/10 second
savings in speed.
• SEO Benefits.
Cascade Consequence: SEO
 Slow site speed can affect SEO.
“As part of that effort, today we're including a new
signal in our search ranking algorithms: site speed. Site
speed reflects how quickly a website responds to web
requests.” - Google Blog 4/9/2010
 Let’s say this more clearly. If you are slow,
Google will hurt you.
How Does Speed Hurt SEO?
 We can’t tell how slow pages can hurt SEO. Google is vague about
how the signal affects ranking.
 We don’t know if slow is based on time to first byte or full page
render and how many seconds is of concern.
 Google will also do this for your mobile experience. To what
degree and when is all up to them.
 Bottom Line: This is happening. And it will
likely matter more and more over time.
The Verdict on Speed and SEO
 There’s no way to know for sure of the impact. There are
anecdotal reports and some impossible to be
comprehensive studies. But it’s Google’s algorithm. Their
Secret Sauce.
 Here’s the thing though, we’ve already shown the value of
getting load time down. So think of any SEO juice as bonus.

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SEO is critical for digital marketing. SEO means Search Engine Optimisation. SEO assists your website in receiving organic traffic from search engine results pages. Display your websites at the top of search engine results pages. Spectrum Digital Infocom is an excellent choice for any student looking to take a digital marketing course in Coimbatore. The goal of SEO is to generate unpaid traffic results (also known as "organic" results) rather than direct or paid traffic. Spectrum Digital Infocom provides the best digital marketing course in Coimbatore for the candidates who are willing to start their career in this field. We provide extensive Search Engine Optimisation training. For more information, go to

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The document provides an SEO proposal with 8 steps: 1) analysis of client needs, website, and competitors; 2) keyword research and analysis; 3) on-page optimization; 4) content optimization; 5) link building; 6) social media optimization; 7) reporting; and 8) feedback. It then outlines SEO packages with differing deliverables and costs, including on-page and off-page optimization tasks, and content creation. Payment is required upfront via PayPal.

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The step by step guide to SEO Website Audit

This document provides a step-by-step guide to conducting an SEO website audit in 2018. It discusses why SEO audits are important, outlining the audit process and key elements to examine, including: auditing core website elements like site/domain age, canonicals, robots.txt files, and .htaccess files; checking on-page content, user metrics, traffic metrics, and link building metrics; examining the site's quality score; and performing basic penalty checks. The goal of the audit is to understand how the site performs against competitors and identify opportunities to help it rank faster.

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Is This YOUR Problem?
 Is this your problem as a Product
 Isn’t this kind of thing the
responsibility of the CTO?
 Well… yeah. And no.
 There costs to network hardware,
bandwidth, and more. That’s part of
P&L. So you have to share that.
Why Does Speed Matter to Users?
 It’s not just frustration.
 Humans have thresholds for short term
memory retention.
 The idea of “flow” isn’t just for sports or
work. We have it for everything.
 When things for which we’re in task
flow take too long, we can lose our train
of thought and become frustrated.
 And yes, perceived time during a
focused task can seem longer than
actual time.
Why Do Pages Load Slowly?
 Poor architecture in the first place.
Code bloat, non-optimized graphics.
 Unexpected usage loads.
 Perhaps the number one reason is code and tag bloat over
time. Things creep in. Feature after feature, marketing code
tag after tag.
 Tags and other tools introduce third party code and content
that might not be optimized.

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On page SEO refers to optimization of individual web pages to improve rankings in search engines. Key on page factors include title tags, meta descriptions, keyword density in content, image alt text, internal linking, and XML sitemaps. Providing unique, high-quality content with the target keyword included 5-20% is important, as is using H1-H2 tags and descriptive URLs. On page optimization is complex but critical for search engine optimization.

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This document provides a keyword research and opportunity analysis for a flooring client. It includes 556 keywords analyzed for search volume, the client's current visibility rankings, and the opportunity for increased traffic and sales. Charts and data on top keyword groups, monthly search volumes, and competitor analysis demonstrate the client's missed SEO potential. The proposal recommends on-page and off-page optimization, content marketing, native advertising, and regular reporting to achieve traffic and visibility goals. Case studies are presented to prove success with similar SEO campaigns.

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Why Do Pages Load Slowly?
 Too many server requests. (Worse for mobile)
 Large graphics.
Poorly optimized graphics.
Graphics can take up large percentages of overall page byte
 Lot’s of ad calls and other third party widget calls that may
not be efficient.
Problems With Fixing Speed Issues
 Speed alone isn’t really a sexy feature.
 There are many points along the page load journey that can
affect speed.
 Mobile has made things harder.
Speed Challenges with Mobile
 Bandwidth is obvious issue.
 Device processing capability varies.
 Software may work differently.
 E.g., browser caches less robust.
 Mobile latency can change if a user turns a
corner or if it happens to be raining.
 Multiple requests are problematic.
 If Mobile is critical, you may need to analyze
Adaptive vs. Responsive methods.
What You Should Be Looking At
 Generally you’re going to take action on things you’re
 Speed is a KPI you need to be measuring.
 Do you have a target load time?
For first pixels to render?
For total page load?
 What are competitor benchmarks?

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This is one of my SEO, CRO Website audit. Note: This audit missed the report of google analytics, cause I have had no access for the GA account.

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On Page SEO

On-page SEO involves optimizing various parts of a website like keywords, content, title tags, meta descriptions, images, URLs, and code to improve search engine rankings. It includes activities like keyword research, writing optimized titles and descriptions, adding relevant images and links, and ensuring pages are mobile-friendly and load quickly. Regularly updating content and fixing issues helps websites perform better over time.

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Creative Seo Proposal

This document summarizes search engine optimization services provided by Creative Web Mall. They are a full-service internet marketing company focused on performance consulting for clients globally. Their SEO process involves keyword research, website analysis, optimization of title tags, meta descriptions and HTML, directory submissions, link building, and monthly maintenance to obtain and maintain search engine rankings. They have successfully helped many clients achieve top rankings on Google, Yahoo and Bing through their SEO services.

Diagnose Your Problem
 Where are you now?
Determine your baselines.
 Page speed is made up of both page
and site architecture and networking
 A proper approach to measurement
will involve multiple methods.
General Types of Testing
 Synthetic
Lab testing. Clean browsers, etc. Goal is to understand what the
best cases can be.
 Real User Monitoring (RUM)
Real users connected to typical ’net connections, mostly clean
browsers, but many types of hardware, latencies, etc.
These are really complementary methods. It takes both to give a full
picture of what’s going on. (And even then you won’t fully know.)
Monitoring Speed
 There are – as usual – a wide variety of tools, both do it
yourself and professional enterprise grade, for monitoring
site performance.
 Note: Tools that help diagnose and monitor web site speed
may also provide server uptime monitoring. However,
operational monitoring is an entirely separate topic and
also has it’s own dedicated toolsets.
Some Basic Quick Look Tools – Developer Tools
 Chrome Developer Tools
Easy to plug in to browser.
Use the Network tab to see
load times for elements and
whole pages.
You can disable cache, throttle
speed, and determine scripts
that block rendering.

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This document is an SEO audit report for the website It analyzes various on-page and off-page SEO elements of the website including domain information, hosting details, crawlability, canonical URLs, flash content, banned URLs, XML and HTML sitemaps, robots.txt file, status and indexing on search engines, on-page elements like title tags and meta descriptions, keyword rankings, and social media presence. The report provides results and recommendations for improving the SEO of the website.

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Complete overview of SEO strategies for 2020. Includes on-page SEO steps, Off-page SEO strategies and important tools for marketers.

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Some Basic Quick Look Tools – Google Insights
 Google’s Page Speed Insights
 ”PageSpeed Insights analyzes the
content of a web page, then
generates suggestions to make that
page faster.”
Some Basic Quick Look Tools – Ghostery
 The Ghostery product
isn’t a speed tool. It’s
primarily to identify
and potentially block
tracking technology.
 Also useful for
More Speed Test Tools – WEBPAGETEST
 Sponsored by Google,
this Open Source
Project shows loading
waterfall charts, Page
Speed optimization
checks and suggestions.
More Speed Test Tools – GTmetrix
 Freemium & Pro.
 Page load times,
requests, benchmarks,

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Wondering what Google’s Core Web Vitals update is about? In this blog, we explain what the metrics are, why they are important, and how you can improve them.

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This document discusses 17 key web performance metrics across four categories: front-end user experience metrics, backend performance metrics, content complexity metrics, and advanced monitoring tips. It provides descriptions and average metrics for each, including time to title, time to start render, DNS time, connection time, asset weights, counts, and number of domains. The document emphasizes that measuring these metrics through continuous monitoring provides knowledge to optimize performance and improve the user experience. Advanced monitoring tips include setting service level agreements, defining performance issues, and automating alerts.

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Website Loading Time Statistics Crucial Data for Optimal Performance.pdf

How fast does your website load? Website loading time is one of the most crucial factors in delivering an excellent user experience, boosting search rankings, and driving conversions. But what is considered a good page load time in 2023? This in-depth blog post dives into the latest website loading time statistics and benchmarks you need to know to optimize your site's performance. Discover fascinating insights such as: The average website load time in 2023 is 2.5 seconds on desktop and 8.6 seconds on mobile, but top performing sites aim for under 2 seconds As page load time goes from 1 second to 3 seconds, the probability of bounce increases by 32% A 100-millisecond delay in website load time can hurt conversion rates by 7% The top 10 ecommerce websites have an average page load time of just 1.96 seconds 47% of online shoppers expect web pages to load in 2 seconds or less Learn what factors impact website loading times, how speed affects critical metrics like bounce rate, conversions and revenue, and best practices to achieve sub-second load times. If you want to boost your search engine rankings, user engagement, and online sales, optimizing your page load time is essential. Discover the data you need to benchmark your site against competitors and exceed customer expectations in this statistics-packed post.

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More Speed Test Tools – HttpWatch
 Commercial Product.
 Page debugging, Network
traffic debugging,
automation testing,
compare to others.
More Speed Test Tools – Pingdom
 Commercial Product.
 Heartbeat / uptime
monitoring, Real User
Monitoring, load speed
analysis, alert / incident
More Speed Test Tools – New Relic
 Commercial Product.
 Large scale testing
platform. Applications
and networking
monitoring. Requests
reporting, geographic
performance, API testing,
Fixing Problems: Overall Goals
 Get things rendering asap.
 This follows an information scent pattern.
 Minimally, let the user see that things are happening.
This can be called “Time to Value” Get them some value and
maybe they’ll hang around. But show them a blank nothing and
they’re gone

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Whoever said patience is a virtue certainly never had to contend with modern-day websites. In this digital era, speed is everything, and failing to meet the critical 2-second load time could cost you big in terms of ranking and web traffic. If you made it your mission to boost your website performance this year, here is why you should start at the source.

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Cutting Down Load Time
 Get Diagnostics Going.
Select Tools.
Instrument your site as needed.
Cutting Down Load Time (cont’d)
 Code Review.
Remove components where possible.
This not only reduces byte count and possible processing time,
but also the number of network requests.
Get rid of junk. Comments are generally good, but unnecessary text
and lines may have crept in over time.
Gzip compression.
Cutting Down Load Time (cont’d)
JavaScript in particular can be problematic. Besides being
interpreted in the browser, moving elements around, swapping CSS,
etc., can slow things down. (As well as use of Ajax calls.)
jQuery can be a decent chunk of code. In most cases, it’s
unquestionably needed. But be sure about this. If you can get away
without it, that’s something to consider.
Can you use local storage / cache better?
Cutting Down Load Time (cont’d)
 Optimize Graphics and Videos.
While this is a well known issue, it can easily be an afterthought.
 Consider a Content Delivery Network (CDN).
This will require financial analysis, but getting content, (especially
‘heavy’ content), closer to users via edge of network servers can

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Cutting Down Load Time (cont’d)
 Optimize Critical Rendering Path.
 This is somewhat advanced.
 The goal is pixels to screen as soon
as possible.
 Google offers a free course on how
to study and adjust rendering order.
 Progressive rendering can be “lazy”
by only loading as items come into
viewport, or focus on ”above the
fold” or other options.
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Web Page Speed - A Most Important Feature

  • 1. Special Focus: Speed TIME IS MONEY From the online course: Digital Product Management
  • 2. The Need for Speed  You already know page load speed is important.  Did you know it might be the most important thing you can make sure is working well on your site?  Yup, even more important than some of the features.
  • 3. How Bad Is the Problem?  Wolfgang 2016 E-commerce KPI Benchmarks Study “We found site speed matters more than any of the website engagement metrics. ‘Server response time’ enjoyed a conversion rate correlation three times stronger than the best engagement metric, ‘average session duration’. Because site speed is a SEO ranking factor, smart digital marketers can benefit from a ‘site speed multiplier effect as their faster site earns more traffic combined with a higher conversion rate.”
  • 4. More from Wolfgang… “We found Average Server Response time is 0.76 seconds. We also found a strong correlation between low server response times and high conversion rates. This means for every two tenths of second you shave off your server response time you can expect to see an an 8% lift in conversion rate. Unsurprisingly, there was also a strong correlation between high server response time and high bounce rate.” “Average page load time 6.5 seconds. This is significantly slower than the 2 second threshold for e- commerce websites recommended by Google. Amazon’s research into site speed found that every one second delay reduces conversion rate by a whopping 7%.” Source: Wolfgang 2016 E-commerce KPI Benchmarks Study
  • 5. More Problem Definition “A 1 second delay in page response can result in a 7% reduction in conversions.” - KISSmetrics “1 out of 5 online shoppers will abandon their cart because the transaction process was too slow..” - Radware Got that? These are people you had gotten to come to your site, and convinced them to buy. They were in the process of buying when they left you. And are less likely to ever come back.
  • 6. And Even More Problem Definition “The average load time for mobile sites is 19 seconds over 3G connections…we found that 53% of mobile site visits are abandoned if pages take longer than 3 seconds to load.” - DoubleClick “Sites that loaded in 5 seconds vs 19 seconds were observed to have: 60% greater pageviews per visit. 35% lower bounce rates.”- DoubleClick
  • 7. What Does Google Say? Says… “53% of mobile site visitors leave a page that takes longer than three seconds to load.” “Our research has been eye-opening. For 70% of the pages we analyzed, it took nearly seven seconds for the visual content above the fold to display on the screen, and it took more than 10 seconds to fully load all visual content above and below the fold.”
  • 8. Some Cases - Shopzilla It’s an old case from 2009, but still instructive. • Load time brought from 6 to 1.2 seconds • Conversions increased 7-12% • Pageviews increased 25% • SEM based sessions increased 8% This was almost a decade ago. Speed is even more important now.
  • 9. Some Cases - Walmart From 2012. • 2% increase in conversions for every ONE second of speed savings. • 1% additional revenue per 1/10 second savings in speed. • SEO Benefits.
  • 10. Cascade Consequence: SEO  Slow site speed can affect SEO. “As part of that effort, today we're including a new signal in our search ranking algorithms: site speed. Site speed reflects how quickly a website responds to web requests.” - Google Blog 4/9/2010  Let’s say this more clearly. If you are slow, Google will hurt you.
  • 11. How Does Speed Hurt SEO?  We can’t tell how slow pages can hurt SEO. Google is vague about how the signal affects ranking.  We don’t know if slow is based on time to first byte or full page render and how many seconds is of concern.  Google will also do this for your mobile experience. To what degree and when is all up to them.  Bottom Line: This is happening. And it will likely matter more and more over time.
  • 12. The Verdict on Speed and SEO  There’s no way to know for sure of the impact. There are anecdotal reports and some impossible to be comprehensive studies. But it’s Google’s algorithm. Their Secret Sauce.  Here’s the thing though, we’ve already shown the value of getting load time down. So think of any SEO juice as bonus.
  • 13. Is This YOUR Problem?  Is this your problem as a Product Manager?  Isn’t this kind of thing the responsibility of the CTO?  Well… yeah. And no.  There costs to network hardware, bandwidth, and more. That’s part of P&L. So you have to share that.
  • 14. Why Does Speed Matter to Users?  It’s not just frustration.  Humans have thresholds for short term memory retention.  The idea of “flow” isn’t just for sports or work. We have it for everything.  When things for which we’re in task flow take too long, we can lose our train of thought and become frustrated.  And yes, perceived time during a focused task can seem longer than actual time. Sensory Memory Short-term Memory Forgotten Info
  • 16. Why Do Pages Load Slowly?  Poor architecture in the first place. Code bloat, non-optimized graphics.  Unexpected usage loads.  Perhaps the number one reason is code and tag bloat over time. Things creep in. Feature after feature, marketing code tag after tag.  Tags and other tools introduce third party code and content that might not be optimized.
  • 17. Why Do Pages Load Slowly?  Too many server requests. (Worse for mobile)  Large graphics. Poorly optimized graphics. Graphics can take up large percentages of overall page byte count.  Lot’s of ad calls and other third party widget calls that may not be efficient.
  • 18. Problems With Fixing Speed Issues  Speed alone isn’t really a sexy feature.  There are many points along the page load journey that can affect speed.  Mobile has made things harder.
  • 19. Speed Challenges with Mobile  Bandwidth is obvious issue.  Device processing capability varies.  Software may work differently.  E.g., browser caches less robust.  Mobile latency can change if a user turns a corner or if it happens to be raining.  Multiple requests are problematic.  If Mobile is critical, you may need to analyze Adaptive vs. Responsive methods.
  • 20. What You Should Be Looking At  Generally you’re going to take action on things you’re measuring.  Speed is a KPI you need to be measuring.  Do you have a target load time? For first pixels to render? For total page load?  What are competitor benchmarks?
  • 21. Diagnose Your Problem  Where are you now? Determine your baselines.  Page speed is made up of both page and site architecture and networking issues.  A proper approach to measurement will involve multiple methods.
  • 22. General Types of Testing  Synthetic Lab testing. Clean browsers, etc. Goal is to understand what the best cases can be.  Real User Monitoring (RUM) Real users connected to typical ’net connections, mostly clean browsers, but many types of hardware, latencies, etc. These are really complementary methods. It takes both to give a full picture of what’s going on. (And even then you won’t fully know.)
  • 23. Monitoring Speed  There are – as usual – a wide variety of tools, both do it yourself and professional enterprise grade, for monitoring site performance.  Note: Tools that help diagnose and monitor web site speed may also provide server uptime monitoring. However, operational monitoring is an entirely separate topic and also has it’s own dedicated toolsets.
  • 24. Some Basic Quick Look Tools – Developer Tools  Chrome Developer Tools Easy to plug in to browser. Use the Network tab to see load times for elements and whole pages. You can disable cache, throttle speed, and determine scripts that block rendering.
  • 25. Some Basic Quick Look Tools – Google Insights  Google’s Page Speed Insights  ”PageSpeed Insights analyzes the content of a web page, then generates suggestions to make that page faster.”
  • 26. Some Basic Quick Look Tools – Ghostery  The Ghostery product isn’t a speed tool. It’s primarily to identify and potentially block tracking technology.  Also useful for troubleshooting.
  • 27. More Speed Test Tools – WEBPAGETEST  Sponsored by Google, this Open Source Project shows loading waterfall charts, Page Speed optimization checks and suggestions.
  • 28. More Speed Test Tools – GTmetrix  Freemium & Pro.  Page load times, requests, benchmarks, visualizations.
  • 29. More Speed Test Tools – HttpWatch  Commercial Product.  Page debugging, Network traffic debugging, automation testing, recommendations, compare to others.
  • 30. More Speed Test Tools – Pingdom  Commercial Product.  Heartbeat / uptime monitoring, Real User Monitoring, load speed analysis, alert / incident reporting.
  • 31. More Speed Test Tools – New Relic  Commercial Product.  Large scale testing platform. Applications and networking monitoring. Requests reporting, geographic performance, API testing, etc.
  • 32. Fixing Problems: Overall Goals  Get things rendering asap.  This follows an information scent pattern.  Minimally, let the user see that things are happening. This can be called “Time to Value” Get them some value and maybe they’ll hang around. But show them a blank nothing and they’re gone
  • 33. Cutting Down Load Time  Get Diagnostics Going. Select Tools. Instrument your site as needed.
  • 34. Cutting Down Load Time (cont’d)  Code Review. Remove components where possible. This not only reduces byte count and possible processing time, but also the number of network requests. Get rid of junk. Comments are generally good, but unnecessary text and lines may have crept in over time. Gzip compression.
  • 35. Cutting Down Load Time (cont’d) JavaScript in particular can be problematic. Besides being interpreted in the browser, moving elements around, swapping CSS, etc., can slow things down. (As well as use of Ajax calls.) jQuery can be a decent chunk of code. In most cases, it’s unquestionably needed. But be sure about this. If you can get away without it, that’s something to consider. Can you use local storage / cache better?
  • 36. Cutting Down Load Time (cont’d)  Optimize Graphics and Videos. While this is a well known issue, it can easily be an afterthought.  Consider a Content Delivery Network (CDN). This will require financial analysis, but getting content, (especially ‘heavy’ content), closer to users via edge of network servers can help.
  • 37. Cutting Down Load Time (cont’d)  Optimize Critical Rendering Path.  This is somewhat advanced.  The goal is pixels to screen as soon as possible.  Google offers a free course on how to study and adjust rendering order.  Progressive rendering can be “lazy” by only loading as items come into viewport, or focus on ”above the fold” or other options.
  • 38. Thanks! From the online course: Digital Product Management