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From Microservice to Kubernetes
Microservices Best Practices
Problems of “monolithic” architecture
Large codebase, multiple developers
• Inefficient to manage
• Change in one module -> repackage the whole
• Slows down the development velocity -> conflicts,
coordination, approvals
• Delays in identifying the root cause of failures
• Responsibility issues, blame games
Monolith vs Microservices Example

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Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows for easy installation, upgrade, and management of Kubernetes applications. It provides repeatability, reliability, and simplifies deploying applications across multiple Kubernetes environments. Helm originated from an internal hackathon at Deis and was jointly developed by Google and Deis. It is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Helm consists of a client that interacts with the Tiller server running inside the Kubernetes cluster to manage application lifecycles using charts, which are packages containing Kubernetes resource definitions.

Docker and kubernetes
Docker and kubernetesDocker and kubernetes
Docker and kubernetes

Docker allows building portable software that can run anywhere by packaging an application and its dependencies in a standardized unit called a container. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes can replicate containers, provide load balancing, coordinate updates between containers, and ensure availability. Defining applications as Kubernetes resources allows them to be deployed and updated easily across a cluster.

Kubernetes Architecture
 Kubernetes Architecture Kubernetes Architecture
Kubernetes Architecture

In this session, we will discuss the architecture of a Kubernetes cluster. we will go through all the master and worker components of a kubernetes cluster. We will also discuss the basic terminology of Kubernetes cluster such as Pods, Deployments, Service etc. We will also cover networking inside Kuberneets. In the end, we will discuss options available for the setup of a Kubernetes cluster.

kubernetesconatinerizationcontainer- orchestration
Cloud Native App suitability for digital app
Cloud-native applications are pieces
of software designed to capitalize on
cloud functionality.
Typically, they are:
• Composed of Microservices
• Packaged in Containers
• Rapidly (Re)Deployable in a
Continuous Delivery Model
Microservices characteristics
• One job
• Separate processes
• Execution scope
• Resiliency
• Independent
• Flexible/Scalable
• Replaceable
• Upgradable
Why Microservices
• Each team is independent from the rest, decoupling the release cycle with
• Clear separation of boundaries.
• Easier to identify when things go wrong.
• Choice of programming language appropriate for the task.
• Refactoring becomes easier.
• Enabler for CI/CD pipelines.

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Docker & kubernetes
Docker & kubernetesDocker & kubernetes
Docker & kubernetes

This document provides an overview of Docker and Kubernetes (K8S). It defines Docker as an open platform for developing, shipping and running containerized applications. Key Docker features include isolation, low overhead and cross-cloud support. Kubernetes is introduced as an open-source tool for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It operates at the container level. The document then covers K8S architecture, including components like Pods, Deployments, Services and Nodes, and how K8S orchestrates containers across clusters.

DevOps with Kubernetes
DevOps with KubernetesDevOps with Kubernetes
DevOps with Kubernetes

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: - Kubernetes is an open source system for managing containerized applications and services across clusters of hosts. It provides tools to deploy, maintain, and scale applications. - Kubernetes objects include pods, services, deployments, jobs, and others to define application components and how they relate. - The Kubernetes architecture consists of a control plane running on the master including the API server, scheduler and controller manager. Nodes run the kubelet and kube-proxy to manage pods and services. - Kubernetes can be deployed on AWS using tools like CloudFormation templates to automate cluster creation and management for high availability and scalability.

out of the boxawsmanaging and orchestrating containerized cluster a

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, a container orchestration system. It begins with background on Docker containers and orchestration tools prior to Kubernetes. It then covers key Kubernetes concepts including pods, labels, replication controllers, and services. Pods are the basic deployable unit in Kubernetes, while replication controllers ensure a specified number of pods are running. Services provide discovery and load balancing for pods. The document demonstrates how Kubernetes can be used to scale, upgrade, and rollback deployments through replication controllers and services.

Docker Container and
Kubernetes Basics
10 IBM
11 IBM
Containers – Powering Microservices
Real world shipping containers
• Road, rail & sea
• Contents untouched
• Ubiquitous & standardized
• Simple
• Contents protected
• Constraints
12 IBM
Containers – Powering Microservices
Software containers
• 1 image -> Many containers
– Laptop, DC, cloud
– Dev, QA, production, support
• Simple, efficient
• Isolation
• Constraints

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This document provides an introduction to Docker and containers. It discusses why containers are useful for software deployment given changes in the industry. Containers provide lightweight isolation of applications and their dependencies. Docker is a tool that manages containers running on the same operating system kernel. Key Docker components include the client, server, images, and containers. Popular use cases of Docker include Google running over a billion containers per week and Finnish Railways saving 50% of cloud costs with Docker.

#docker #containerization #paas #cloud
An Introduction to Kubernetes
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An Introduction to Kubernetes

Traditional virtualization technologies have been used by cloud infrastructure providers for many years in providing isolated environments for hosting applications. These technologies make use of full-blown operating system images for creating virtual machines (VMs). According to this architecture, each VM needs its own guest operating system to run application processes. More recently, with the introduction of the Docker project, the Linux Container (LXC) virtualization technology became popular and attracted the attention. Unlike VMs, containers do not need a dedicated guest operating system for providing OS-level isolation, rather they can provide the same level of isolation on top of a single operating system instance. An enterprise application may need to run a server cluster to handle high request volumes. Running an entire server cluster on Docker containers, on a single Docker host could introduce the risk of single point of failure. Google started a project called Kubernetes to solve this problem. Kubernetes provides a cluster of Docker hosts for managing Docker containers in a clustered environment. It provides an API on top of Docker API for managing docker containers on multiple Docker hosts with many more features.

iaaskubernetescloud computing
Introduction to kubernetes
Introduction to kubernetesIntroduction to kubernetes
Introduction to kubernetes

This document provides an introduction to Kubernetes including: - What Kubernetes is and what it does including abstracting infrastructure, providing self-healing capabilities, and providing a uniform interface across clouds. - Key concepts including pods, services, labels, selectors, and namespaces. Pods are the atomic unit and services provide a unified access method. Labels and selectors are used to identify and group related objects. - The Kubernetes architecture including control plane components like kube-apiserver, etcd, and kube-controller-manager. Node components include kubelet and kube-proxy. Optional services like cloud-controller-manager and cluster DNS are also described.

13 IBM
• Standardized packaging for
software and dependencies
• Isolate apps from each other
• Share the same OS kernel
• Works with all major Linux and
Windows Server
What is a container?
14 IBM
VMs vs. Containers
Bare Metal
Host Operating System
Guest OS
Guest OS
Guest OS
Container ContainerContainer
Bare Metal
Host Operating System
Docker Engine
Service ServiceService
15 IBM
Benefits of VMs
• Better resource pooling
– One physical machine divided into multiple virtual machines
• Easier to scale
• VMs in the cloud
– Rapid elasticity
– Pay as you go model
16 IBM
Limitations of VMs
• Each VM stills requires
– CPU allocation
– Storage
– An entire guest operating system
• The more VMs you run, the more resources you need
• Guest OS means wasted resources
• Application portability not guaranteed

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Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

Kubernetes is an open-source container cluster manager that was originally developed by Google. It was created as a rewrite of Google's internal Borg system using Go. Kubernetes aims to provide a declarative deployment and management of containerized applications and services. It facilitates both automatic bin packing as well as self-healing of applications. Some key features include horizontal pod autoscaling, load balancing, rolling updates, and application lifecycle management.

Intro to kubernetes
Intro to kubernetesIntro to kubernetes
Intro to kubernetes

A basic introduction to Kubernetes. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications.

distributed systemskubernetesdocker
Introduction to Kubernetes
Introduction to KubernetesIntroduction to Kubernetes
Introduction to Kubernetes

Soft Introduction to Google's framework for taming containers in the cloud. For devs and architects that they just enter the world of cloud, microservices and containers

17 IBM
Comparing Containers and VMs
Containers are an app
level construct
VMs are an infrastructure level
construct to turn one machine
into many servers
18 IBM
• Simple to use
• 100K+ images on Docker Hub
• Build images from images
• Platforms
– Linux, OS X, Windows
– Laptop, VM, Cloud,…
– Cloud services
19 IBM
History of Docker
20 IBM
Docker Architecture

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***** Kubernetes Certification Training: ***** ​ This Edureka tutorial on "What is Kubernetes" will give you an introduction to one of the most popular Devops tool in the market - Kubernetes, and its importance in today's IT processes. This tutorial is ideal for beginners who want to get started with Kubernetes & DevOps. The following topics are covered in this training session: 1. Need for Kubernetes 2. What is Kubernetes and What it's not 3. How does Kubernetes work? 4. Use-Case: Kubernetes @ Pokemon Go 5. Hands-on: Deployment with Kubernetes ​DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:

devopsedurekakubernetes edureka
Kubernetes Monitoring & Best Practices
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Kubernetes Monitoring & Best Practices

I presented Kubernetes Monitoring & Best Practices talk at Sumo Logic Bengaluru User group last Friday.

kubernetesdocker captain
Kubernetes PPT.pptx
Kubernetes PPT.pptxKubernetes PPT.pptx
Kubernetes PPT.pptx

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Kubernetes masters manage the cluster and make scheduling decisions while nodes run the pods and containers. It uses labels and selectors to identify and group related application objects together. Services provide a single endpoint for pods, while deployments help manage replicated applications. Kubernetes provides mechanisms for storage, configuration, networking, security and other functionality to help run distributed systems reliably at scale.

21 IBM
Microservice Architectures Built on Containers
Many small, focused
containers -> sophisticated
• Well defined APIs
• Independent languages &
• Modular: easy
maintenance + reuse
• Fault tolerant
• Scalable
• Immutable
22 IBM
23 IBM
Typically microservices are encapsulated inside containers…
One:One relationship between a microservice and a container
Everyone’s container journey starts with one container….
24 IBM
At first the growth is easy to handle….

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The document introduces Docker, a container platform. It discusses how Docker addresses issues with deploying different PHP projects that have varying version requirements by allowing each project to run isolated in its own container with specified dependencies. It then covers key Docker concepts like images, containers, linking, exposing ports, volumes, and Dockerfiles. The document highlights advantages of Docker like enabling applications to run anywhere without compatibility issues and making deployment more efficient.

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Jonathan Gold from Container Solutions gave a workshop on advanced deployment strategies with Kubernetes and Istio at the spring 2019 Kubernetes and Cloud Native meetup in Ottawa.

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Understanding Docker and IBM Bluemix Container Service

The document provides an overview of Docker and IBM Bluemix Container Service. It begins with explaining what Docker is, how it differs from virtual machines, and why it is useful. It then discusses what IBM Bluemix is and how it provides different compute models including containers. The document explains that IBM Bluemix Container Service (formerly IBM Containers) is based on Docker and provides features like persistent storage, integrated monitoring and logging, and works with the IBM Bluemix DevOps toolchain. It notes that Container Service will evolve to use Kubernetes as the runtime engine to provide additional capabilities like declarative topologies, self-healing, and service discovery.

docker bluemix ibm
25 IBM
But soon it is overwhelming…we need container
and microservices management
26 IBM
Enter Container Orchestrator
IBM Bluemix Container Service
27 IBM
28 IBM
Slide Title Goes Here
What is Kubernetes?
• Container orchestrator
• Runs and manages containers
• Supports multiple cloud and bare-metal environments
• Inspired and informed by Google's experiences and internal systems
• 100% Open source, written in Go
• Manage applications, not machines
• Rich ecosystem of plug-ins for scheduling, storage, networking

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Kubernetes solutions
Kubernetes solutionsKubernetes solutions
Kubernetes solutions

This document provides an introduction and overview of containers, Kubernetes, IBM Container Service, and IBM Cloud Private. It discusses how microservices architectures break monolithic applications into smaller, independently developed services. Containers are presented as a standard way to package applications to move between environments. Kubernetes is introduced as an open-source system for automating deployment and management of containerized applications. IBM Cloud Container Service and IBM Cloud Private are then overviewed as platforms that combine Docker and Kubernetes to enable deployment of containerized applications on IBM Cloud infrastructure.

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Edge 2016 SCL-2484: a software defined scalable and flexible container manage...Edge 2016 SCL-2484: a software defined scalable and flexible container manage...
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The material for IBM Edge 2016 session for Spectrum Container Management Solution. Please refer to for more details about Spectrum Conductor for Containers. Please refer to and for the demo of Spectrum Conductor for Containers.

Istio - A Service Mesh for Microservices as Scale
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Istio - A Service Mesh for Microservices as Scale

Manage microservices on Kubernetes using the open source Istio service mesh from IBM, Google, and Lyft. In this presentation we explore the overall value and architecture of Istio and walk through key mechanisms for using Istio to drive highly secure microservices. We will also demonstrate the various features of Istio showing how to intelligently load balance traffic between services, conduct A/B tests, release canaries, and more.

istiokubernetesservice mesh
30 IBM
Intelligent Scheduling Self-healing Horizontal scaling
Service discovery & load balancing Automated rollouts and rollbacks Secret and configuration management
31 IBM
Slide Title Goes HereKubernetes Architecture
Worker Node 1
Worker Node 2
Worker Node 3
Worker Node n
• Etcd
• API Server
• Controller
Manager Server
• Scheduler
32 IBM
Thank you

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Kubernetes 101

  • 3. 3 IBM Problems of “monolithic” architecture Large codebase, multiple developers • Inefficient to manage • Change in one module -> repackage the whole thing • Slows down the development velocity -> conflicts, coordination, approvals • Delays in identifying the root cause of failures • Responsibility issues, blame games 3
  • 4. 4 IBM Monolith vs Microservices Example
  • 5. 5 IBM Cloud Native App suitability for digital app Speed Agility Flexibility Cloud-native applications are pieces of software designed to capitalize on cloud functionality. Typically, they are: • Composed of Microservices • Packaged in Containers • Rapidly (Re)Deployable in a Continuous Delivery Model
  • 6. 6 IBM Microservices characteristics • One job • Separate processes • Execution scope • CI/CD • Resiliency • Independent • Flexible/Scalable • Replaceable • Upgradable
  • 7. 7 IBM Why Microservices • Each team is independent from the rest, decoupling the release cycle with others. • Clear separation of boundaries. • Easier to identify when things go wrong. • Choice of programming language appropriate for the task. • Refactoring becomes easier. • Enabler for CI/CD pipelines.
  • 9. 9 IBM Docker Container and Kubernetes Basics 9
  • 11. 11 IBM Containers – Powering Microservices Real world shipping containers • Road, rail & sea • Contents untouched • Ubiquitous & standardized • Simple • Contents protected • Constraints
  • 12. 12 IBM Containers – Powering Microservices Software containers • 1 image -> Many containers – Laptop, DC, cloud – Dev, QA, production, support • Simple, efficient • Isolation • Constraints
  • 13. 13 IBM • Standardized packaging for software and dependencies • Isolate apps from each other • Share the same OS kernel • Works with all major Linux and Windows Server What is a container?
  • 14. 14 IBM VMs vs. Containers VM VMVM Bare Metal Host Operating System Hypervisor Guest OS Libraries Apps Service Guest OS Libraries Apps Service Guest OS Libraries Apps Service Container ContainerContainer Bare Metal Host Operating System Docker Engine Libraries Libraries Apps Libraries Apps Service ServiceService
  • 15. 15 IBM Benefits of VMs • Better resource pooling – One physical machine divided into multiple virtual machines • Easier to scale • VMs in the cloud – Rapid elasticity – Pay as you go model
  • 16. 16 IBM Limitations of VMs • Each VM stills requires – CPU allocation – Storage – RAM – An entire guest operating system • The more VMs you run, the more resources you need • Guest OS means wasted resources • Application portability not guaranteed
  • 17. 17 IBM Comparing Containers and VMs Containers are an app level construct VMs are an infrastructure level construct to turn one machine into many servers
  • 18. 18 IBM Docker • Simple to use • 100K+ images on Docker Hub • Build images from images • Platforms – Linux, OS X, Windows – Laptop, VM, Cloud,… – Cloud services
  • 21. 21 IBM Microservice Architectures Built on Containers Many small, focused containers -> sophisticated services • Well defined APIs • Independent languages & libraries • Modular: easy maintenance + reuse • Fault tolerant • Scalable • Immutable
  • 23. 23 IBM Typically microservices are encapsulated inside containers… One:One relationship between a microservice and a container Everyone’s container journey starts with one container….
  • 24. 24 IBM At first the growth is easy to handle….
  • 25. 25 IBM But soon it is overwhelming…we need container and microservices management
  • 26. 26 IBM Enter Container Orchestrator IBM Bluemix Container Service
  • 28. 28 IBM Slide Title Goes Here What is Kubernetes? • Container orchestrator • Runs and manages containers • Supports multiple cloud and bare-metal environments • Inspired and informed by Google's experiences and internal systems • 100% Open source, written in Go • Manage applications, not machines • Rich ecosystem of plug-ins for scheduling, storage, networking
  • 29. 30 IBM Intelligent Scheduling Self-healing Horizontal scaling Service discovery & load balancing Automated rollouts and rollbacks Secret and configuration management
  • 30. 31 IBM Slide Title Goes HereKubernetes Architecture API UI CLI Kubernetes Master Worker Node 1 Worker Node 2 Worker Node 3 Worker Node n Registry • Etcd • API Server • Controller Manager Server • Scheduler Server 31