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Transforming Software
 Architecture for the
     21st Century

                         Focusing the
                            Power of
                          People and
                         Network on

      Dion Hinchcliffe
Dion Hinchcliffe
 • ZDNet’s Enterprise Web 2.0
 • Social Computing Journal – Editor-in-Chief
 • Enterprise 2.0 TV Show

   • •Hinchcliffe & Company

   •   Web 2.0 University
   •            : dhinchcliffe
A Short History of Software
Software architecture
 – The definition of the fundamental structure
   and properties of software systems:
   Components, resilience, scalability,
   adaptability, reliability, changeability,
   maintainability, extensibility, security,
   technologies, standards, and other key
The classical ways of
describing architecture
Many sophisticated architectural
   frameworks exist today

•   4+1
•   Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DODAF)
•   UK Ministry of Defence Architectural Framework (MODAF)
•   The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF)
•   Zachman framework
•   Federal Enterprise Architecture
•   Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP)
•   Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF)
Transforming Software Architecture for the 21st Century (September 2009)
Areas where traditional
EA models often struggle
•   Don’t respond to change quickly enough

•   Aren’t aligned with current business reality

•   Lack of focus on driving consumption (or network

•   Too centralized and isolated

•   Expensive and resource-intensive

•   Overengineered in the wrong places. Excessively
“My Web site is bigger
than your enterprise”
Transforming Software Architecture for the 21st Century (September 2009)
Today’s Software Architectures
     Are Also Extremely Sophisticated
•   Highly distributed and federated

•   Often have a social architecture

•   Built from cutting edge ingredients

•   Have to scale globally

•   Set with expectations that are very high for
                                                       Integrating with 3rd party
    functionality and low for the cost to
                                                       suppliers live on the Web
    develop/own new solutions                         as well as being a 3rd party
                                                      supplier is the name of the
•   Increasingly created with productivity-oriented         game circa-2009
    design & development platforms
There’s A Lot To
 Master Today To
Architect Credible
• Some of this is around
 what we call “2.0”
 •   Peer production and crowdsourcing
 •   Owning your classes of data on the network
 •   Using new distribution models to leverage
     the Web as your platform
 •   Social systems
 •   Open supply chains and 3rd party sourcing
The architecture
“stack” is bigger now
But existing integration models
     have been challenged
• Most SOA initiatives are delivering low ROI to the business
• The reasons are many but boil down to:
  – Lack of engagement: Focus on technology instead of business
  – Slow adaptation: Top-down enterprise architecture moves slower than
    the environment changes.
  – Low levels of use: Important avenues of SOA consumption and
    production points are often excluded from participation.
The results of a large new
SOA effectiveness study:
    •��It has become clear to me
     that SOA is not working in
     most organizations.”

     – Anne Thomas Manes,
     Burton Group
Demand for Breadth
• “48 percent of the
  CIOs we surveyed
  said that they plan to
  implement service-
  architectures for
  integration with
  external trading
  partners this year.” –
  McKinsey & Co.
And we now have real-world experience with
 traditional means of connecting to our data

• Traditional Web services
  was a good first try but has
  a long list of challenges for
  the outcomes we desire
• The model of the Web has
  continued to teach us about
  how to structure
  information and services.
Transforming Software Architecture for the 21st Century (September 2009)
Strange Attractors: Similarities
    between Web 2.0 and SOA

• Web 2.0                           • SOA
  – Software as a service            – Software as services
                                     – Interoperability based on
  – Interoperability based on Web      heavyweight standards
                                     – Applications as platforms
  – Applications as platforms        – Permits unintended uses
  – Encourages unintended uses       – Composite Apps
  – Mashups                          – Little user interface guidance
                                     – Little prescription of user
  – Rich user interfaces               participation
  – Architecture of Participation
Transforming Software Architecture for the 21st Century (September 2009)
One Emergent Solution:
            Web-Oriented Architecture
           distribution and
             composition         Open APIs                         identity
                                                     OpenID          and
                  Data Mashups                                     security

                                       WOA                OAuth
              Widgets                  Core
                                     XML     URIs
 data formats                                                 BitTorrent
and description
                                                                     protocols and
                                       WOA           IXMLHTTPRequest
Enabling New
Consumption Scenarios
          • Cut-and-Paste deployment
            anywhere on the Intranet
          • Consumption of the SOA in
            any application that can use
            a URL
          • Discovery of data via search
          • Integration moves out of
            the spreadsheet
Recent technological
    innovations coming primarily
       from the online world
•   Cloud computing

    •   Utility/grid/Platform-as-a-service

•   Non-relational databases

    •   S3, CouchDB, GAE Datastore, Drizzle, etc.

•   New “productivity-oriented” platforms

    •   RIA: Flex/AIR, JavaFX

    •   Stacks: Rails, CakePHP, Grails, GAE, iPhone, etc.

•   Web-Oriented Architecture
Changes to the processes
that create architecture

• Increasing move to assembly and integration
  over development of new code
• Perpetual Beta and “extreme” agile
• Community-based development and
  “commercial source”
  • Product Development 2.0
Emergent Architecture
Tenets of Emergent
• Community-driven architecture
• Autonomous stakeholders
• Adaptive processes
• Resource constraints
• Decentralized solutions
• Emergent outcomes
• Dynamic response and adaptation to
• Architecture supported and driven widely
  by local users
• Less waste
• More access to opportunity
• Better fit to business needs
Open Supply
  Chains also
        know n as
vs.             :
The Platform Overtakes the Web Site
Motivations for
Open Supply Chains
   • Increase reach and head off
   • Tap into innovation
   • Grow external investment
   • Cost-effectively scale business
     • Going from 10s to thousands of
       integrated partners
Example: Amazon
• 1st Gen. Product: E-commerce store
   – No differentiation
   – Scaling of a single site
   – Single site
• 2nd Gen. Product: E-commerce platform
   – 55,000 partners using their e-commerce APIs live
   – Scaling of the Web
• 3rd Gen. Product: A series of Web platforms
   –   Simple Storage Service (S3)
   –   Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)                             EC2   S3
   –   Mechanical Turk (Mturk)
   –   Many others
   –   300K businesses build on top of what they’ve produced
• 2nd and 3rd generation platforms generate large net revenue
Open Platform vs.
 Closed Platform
The Market Share

•   The vast majority of Internet user activity is
    elsewhere, on 3rd party Web sites and applications

    •   If firms could reach this traffic, the growth potential is
        as large as the Web itself

    •   Reaching this traffic before competitors do can
        result in successful marketshare “lock-out”

•   Businesses able to cost-effectively integrate with a
    large number of partners to grow

•   Access and offer value to existing ecosystems of
                         Going To the Customer
                          and Open Web APIs
                                           Tens of Thousands of Dynamic Web Partners

                  Partner        Partner         Partner         Partner         Partner        Partner        Partner
                                                                                                                         New Business
                            Partner          Partner         Partner        Partner        Partner        Partner          Division:
                                   Partner         Partner        Partner        Partner        Partner
              Interact                                                                                                      Additional
                                         Partner       Partner         Partner        Partner                              Revenue via
                                                                                                                           Usage Fees,
                                    Live Web                           +                                                  Advertising, etc.
                                   Integration                                                               $$$
                                                                 Open API                                 Monetization

Consumer or
  Business                  Interact
                                                 Online Business                                                          Direct Revenue
Platforms vs. Applications
           Distribution Models              Target Audiences
                  Native App

              Web Application               Small Businesses
                                            Medium-Sized Business
                Open Widgets
                                            Power/Web Saavy Users
             Facebook/Open Social

                   Web API
           SDK, Developer Community, SLA,
                       Billing              Businesses
Platforms vs. Applications
Distribution Models              Order of Magnitude   Method

       Native App                  10M Users          Push

 Desktop Client API                10M Users          Pull

     Open Widgets
                                   10-20M Users       Pull
  Facebook/Open Social

    Open Web API
SDK, Developer Community, SLA,      100M+ Users       Pull
Key API Goals
•   Leveraging existing investments as much as
    possible (reduce rework in design and architecture)
•   Protect intellectual property around proprietary
•   Select API model that will result in 1) the most
    developer uptake and 2) access to the largest
    possible audience
•   Selecting a discriminating factor (rich vs. reach)
•   Scope: Graduated capability vs. full initial API
Long-term future usage
   breakdown w/API
          Other Apps
        Embedded Apps     • Reach every distribution
        Web Mobile Apps     channel possible
        Web Widget Apps   • Leverage 3rd party customer
          iPhone Apps
      Open Social Apps    • Cut off competitor’s growth
  3rd Party Web Apps      • Ride the MAXIMUM
                            POTENTIAL growth curve
      Facebook Apps         (driving consumption)
                          • Harness innovation of
 Existing Web Site or       hundreds and thousands of
      Application           3rd party developers
Transforming Software Architecture for the 21st Century (September 2009)
Reasons Developers Select

Key to initial adoption              Key to long-term adoption

•   Provides access to           •   Reliable, well-known, scalable
    functionality not possible       provider that is trusted
    to develop internally
                                 •   Developers can get answers to
•   Easy to use and integrate
                                     questions, support, and
                                     problems fixed when bugs are
•   Good documentation and           found
    easy to get started
                                 •   Strong user base for 3rd party
                                     developers to tap
“Platforming” Your

 •   Requires opening the server-side to 3rd party developers
     •   Allowing the construction of widgets and Web apps
         offering some or of all of your functionality by external
     •   Harnessing the innovation on the network
     •   Generating the greatest potential reach, competitive
         lock-out, market share, and revenue
 •   Warning: Must maintain control of hard-to-recreate data
Open API Challenges

•   Foreign business model for traditional companies

•   Requires full-spectrum support from the business
    (marketing, sales, customer service, technical
    support, etc.)

•   Successful monetization strategies vary greatly

•   The biggest successes are firms which create a
    well-funded dedicated business division
Open Supply Chains:
 The bottom line
• Good repeatability
• Can be costly
• Unproven in some
  industries (yet)
• Proven ROI
  (example: $300M+
  net revenue)
                 Industry Play
High Velocity Processes:
The Web’s Version of Agile

•   Shadow Apps for real-
    time feedback

•   Customer-Sampling
    and Live Testing

•   Granular Versions
    (constant evolution)

•   Daily, even hourly,
Development 2.0
An extremely competitive
environment: Our architectures
    must explicitly focus on
     building network effects
New Distribution Models
2.0 models are beginning
  to transform everything

• Product Development
• Marketing and Advertising
• Operations
• Customer Service
The network is consistently
   proving to be the best
solution for many classes of
So how do we
 re-imagine our
 architecture for
the 21st century?
Challenges to Transitioning to
 New Architectural Modes
• Innovator’s Dilemma
  •   “How do we disrupt ourselves
      before our competition does?”

• Not-Invented Here
• Overly fearful of failure
• Deeply ingrained classical software culture
• Low level of 2.0 literacy
What we often see in
the marketplace today
• Too many copy-cat methods
  •   Failure of imagination and courage

• New architectural concepts as an after-
  thought. Or tacked on as a “checklist” item.
• Companies that pay lip service to
  innovation but are having trouble or
  unwilling to make the necessary changes
Key Lesson:
      We now have a
  fundamentally new and
better set of lenses through
which to look at leveraging
   value on the network:
• Push to pull systems
• Web 2.0 design patterns and business
• New modes of software, platforms, and
 • Productivity-Oriented Platforms
 • Web-Oriented & Emergent
 • New Distribution Models
It’s time to change
          our DNA
• Moving from the 20th century towards
  21st century businesses
• Deeply understanding the network and its
  profound potential for creating growth and
  building value
• Putting proven new models into the core of
  our lines of business and enterprise

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Transforming Software Architecture for the 21st Century (September 2009)

  • 1. Transforming Software Architecture for the 21st Century Focusing the Power of People and Today’s Network on Opportunity Dion Hinchcliffe
  • 2. Introduction Dion Hinchcliffe • ZDNet’s Enterprise Web 2.0 • • Social Computing Journal – Editor-in-Chief • • Enterprise 2.0 TV Show • • •Hinchcliffe & Company • • Web 2.0 University • • : dhinchcliffe
  • 3. A Short History of Software
  • 4. Software architecture – The definition of the fundamental structure and properties of software systems: Components, resilience, scalability, adaptability, reliability, changeability, maintainability, extensibility, security, technologies, standards, and other key constraints.
  • 5. The classical ways of describing architecture
  • 6. Many sophisticated architectural frameworks exist today • 4+1 • Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DODAF) • UK Ministry of Defence Architectural Framework (MODAF) • The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) • Zachman framework • Federal Enterprise Architecture • Reference Model of Open Distributed Processing (RM-ODP) • Service-Oriented Modeling Framework (SOMF)
  • 8. Areas where traditional EA models often struggle • Don’t respond to change quickly enough • Aren’t aligned with current business reality • Lack of focus on driving consumption (or network effects) • Too centralized and isolated • Expensive and resource-intensive • Overengineered in the wrong places. Excessively constraining.
  • 9. “My Web site is bigger than your enterprise”
  • 11. Today’s Software Architectures Are Also Extremely Sophisticated • Highly distributed and federated • Often have a social architecture • Built from cutting edge ingredients Example: • Have to scale globally • Set with expectations that are very high for Integrating with 3rd party functionality and low for the cost to suppliers live on the Web develop/own new solutions as well as being a 3rd party supplier is the name of the • Increasingly created with productivity-oriented game circa-2009 design & development platforms
  • 12. There’s A Lot To Master Today To Architect Credible Solutions:
  • 13. • Some of this is around what we call “2.0” • Peer production and crowdsourcing • Owning your classes of data on the network • Using new distribution models to leverage the Web as your platform • Social systems • Open supply chains and 3rd party sourcing (
  • 15. But existing integration models have been challenged • Most SOA initiatives are delivering low ROI to the business • The reasons are many but boil down to: – Lack of engagement: Focus on technology instead of business problems. – Slow adaptation: Top-down enterprise architecture moves slower than the environment changes. – Low levels of use: Important avenues of SOA consumption and production points are often excluded from participation.
  • 16. The results of a large new SOA effectiveness study: •“It has become clear to me that SOA is not working in most organizations.” – Anne Thomas Manes, Burton Group
  • 17. Demand for Breadth Integration • “48 percent of the CIOs we surveyed said that they plan to implement service- oriented architectures for integration with external trading partners this year.” – McKinsey & Co.
  • 18. And we now have real-world experience with traditional means of connecting to our data • Traditional Web services was a good first try but has a long list of challenges for the outcomes we desire today. • The model of the Web has continued to teach us about how to structure information and services.
  • 20. Strange Attractors: Similarities between Web 2.0 and SOA • Web 2.0 • SOA – Software as a service – Software as services – Interoperability based on – Interoperability based on Web heavyweight standards principles – Applications as platforms – Applications as platforms – Permits unintended uses – Encourages unintended uses – Composite Apps – Mashups – Little user interface guidance – Little prescription of user – Rich user interfaces participation – Architecture of Participation
  • 22. One Emergent Solution: Web-Oriented Architecture distribution and composition Open APIs identity OpenID and Data Mashups security WOA OAuth Widgets Core SSL HMAC-SHA-1 REST WADL XML URIs data formats BitTorrent ATOM and description protocols and WOA IXMLHTTPRequest interfaces JSON Full
  • 23. Enabling New Consumption Scenarios • Cut-and-Paste deployment anywhere on the Intranet • Consumption of the SOA in any application that can use a URL • Discovery of data via search • Integration moves out of the spreadsheet
  • 24. Recent technological innovations coming primarily from the online world • Cloud computing • Utility/grid/Platform-as-a-service • Non-relational databases • S3, CouchDB, GAE Datastore, Drizzle, etc. • New “productivity-oriented” platforms • RIA: Flex/AIR, JavaFX • Stacks: Rails, CakePHP, Grails, GAE, iPhone, etc. • Web-Oriented Architecture
  • 25. Changes to the processes that create architecture • Increasing move to assembly and integration over development of new code • Perpetual Beta and “extreme” agile • Community-based development and “commercial source” • Product Development 2.0
  • 27. Tenets of Emergent Architecture • Community-driven architecture • Autonomous stakeholders • Adaptive processes • Resource constraints • Decentralized solutions • Emergent outcomes
  • 28. Benefits • Dynamic response and adaptation to change • Architecture supported and driven widely by local users • Less waste • More access to opportunity • Better fit to business needs
  • 29. Open Supply Chains also know n as APIs
  • 30. vs. : The Platform Overtakes the Web Site
  • 31. Motivations for Open Supply Chains • Increase reach and head off competition • Tap into innovation • Grow external investment • Cost-effectively scale business relationships • Going from 10s to thousands of integrated partners
  • 32. Example: Amazon • 1st Gen. Product: E-commerce store – No differentiation – Scaling of a single site – Single site • 2nd Gen. Product: E-commerce platform – 55,000 partners using their e-commerce APIs live – Scaling of the Web • 3rd Gen. Product: A series of Web platforms – Simple Storage Service (S3) – Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) EC2 S3 – Mechanical Turk (Mturk) – Many others – 300K businesses build on top of what they’ve produced • 2nd and 3rd generation platforms generate large net revenue
  • 33. Open Platform vs. Closed Platform
  • 34. The Market Share Opportunity • The vast majority of Internet user activity is elsewhere, on 3rd party Web sites and applications • If firms could reach this traffic, the growth potential is as large as the Web itself • Reaching this traffic before competitors do can result in successful marketshare “lock-out” • Businesses able to cost-effectively integrate with a large number of partners to grow • Access and offer value to existing ecosystems of customers
  • 35. Opportunity: Going To the Customer and Open Web APIs Tens of Thousands of Dynamic Web Partners Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner New Business Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Division: Partner Partner Partner Partner Partner Interact Additional Partner Partner Partner Partner Revenue via Usage Fees, Live Web + Advertising, etc. Integration $$$ Open API Monetization Boundary + Consumer or Business Interact Online Business Direct Revenue
  • 36. Platforms vs. Applications Distribution Models Target Audiences Consumers Native App existing Web Application Small Businesses Medium-Sized Business Open Widgets Power/Web Saavy Users Facebook/Open Social Developers Web API SDK, Developer Community, SLA, Billing Businesses
  • 37. Platforms vs. Applications Distribution Distribution Models Order of Magnitude Method Native App 10M Users Push Desktop Client API 10M Users Pull Open Widgets 10-20M Users Pull Facebook/Open Social Open Web API SDK, Developer Community, SLA, 100M+ Users Pull Billing
  • 38. Key API Goals • Leveraging existing investments as much as possible (reduce rework in design and architecture) • Protect intellectual property around proprietary capabilities • Select API model that will result in 1) the most developer uptake and 2) access to the largest possible audience • Selecting a discriminating factor (rich vs. reach) • Scope: Graduated capability vs. full initial API
  • 39. Long-term future usage breakdown w/API Other Apps Embedded Apps • Reach every distribution Web Mobile Apps channel possible Web Widget Apps • Leverage 3rd party customer iPhone Apps bases Open Social Apps • Cut off competitor’s growth OPPORTUNITIES 3rd Party Web Apps • Ride the MAXIMUM POTENTIAL growth curve Facebook Apps (driving consumption) • Harness innovation of Existing Web Site or hundreds and thousands of Application 3rd party developers
  • 41. Reasons Developers Select APIs Key to initial adoption Key to long-term adoption • Provides access to • Reliable, well-known, scalable functionality not possible provider that is trusted to develop internally • Developers can get answers to • Easy to use and integrate questions, support, and with problems fixed when bugs are • Good documentation and found easy to get started • Strong user base for 3rd party developers to tap
  • 42. “Platforming” Your Business • Requires opening the server-side to 3rd party developers • Allowing the construction of widgets and Web apps offering some or of all of your functionality by external partners • Harnessing the innovation on the network • Generating the greatest potential reach, competitive lock-out, market share, and revenue • Warning: Must maintain control of hard-to-recreate data
  • 43. Open API Challenges • Foreign business model for traditional companies • Requires full-spectrum support from the business (marketing, sales, customer service, technical support, etc.) • Successful monetization strategies vary greatly • The biggest successes are firms which create a well-funded dedicated business division
  • 44. Open Supply Chains: The bottom line • Good repeatability • Can be costly • Unproven in some industries (yet) • Proven ROI (example: $300M+ net revenue) Strategic Industry Play
  • 45. High Velocity Processes: The Web’s Version of Agile • Shadow Apps for real- time feedback • Customer-Sampling and Live Testing • Granular Versions (constant evolution) • Daily, even hourly, releases
  • 47. An extremely competitive environment: Our architectures must explicitly focus on building network effects
  • 49. 2.0 models are beginning to transform everything • Product Development • Marketing and Advertising • Operations • Customer Service
  • 50. The network is consistently proving to be the best solution for many classes of problems
  • 51. So how do we re-imagine our software architecture for the 21st century?
  • 52. Challenges to Transitioning to New Architectural Modes • Innovator’s Dilemma • “How do we disrupt ourselves before our competition does?” • Not-Invented Here • Overly fearful of failure • Deeply ingrained classical software culture • Low level of 2.0 literacy
  • 53. What we often see in the marketplace today • Too many copy-cat methods • Failure of imagination and courage • New architectural concepts as an after- thought. Or tacked on as a “checklist” item. • Companies that pay lip service to innovation but are having trouble or unwilling to make the necessary changes
  • 54. Key Lesson: We now have a fundamentally new and better set of lenses through which to look at leveraging value on the network:
  • 55. • Push to pull systems • Web 2.0 design patterns and business models • New modes of software, platforms, and architectures • Productivity-Oriented Platforms • Web-Oriented & Emergent Architecture • New Distribution Models
  • 56. It’s time to change our DNA • Moving from the 20th century towards 21st century businesses • Deeply understanding the network and its profound potential for creating growth and building value • Putting proven new models into the core of our lines of business and enterprise architecture
  • 57. Questions Slides: