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Anatomy of a Spring Boot App
with Clean Architecture
Steve Pember
Senior Staff @ Stavvy, Inc
Spring I/O 2023
Some Light
● What is Software Architecture?
● Clean Architecture, an Overview
● Anatomy of a Spring App with Clean Architecture
● Demo App
What Even Is Software
Anatomy of a Spring Boot App with Clean Architecture - Spring I/O 2023
Anatomy of a Spring Boot App with Clean Architecture - Spring I/O 2023
Anatomy of a Spring Boot App with Clean Architecture - Spring I/O 2023
Anatomy of a Spring Boot App with Clean Architecture - Spring I/O 2023
Some Benefits of a Well Architected Code Base
● Separation of Concerns / Modularity
● Flexibility
● Testability
● Maintainability
● Development Velocity
“Slow is Fast”
Software Architecture is the set of Structures
to Guide Future development…
… and the discipline to adhere to those structures
Existing Architectural
There are many Architecture Patterns,
for Specific situations.
Focus on ‘Broad’ ones
Broadly Useful Patterns
● Ports and Adapters
● Hexagonal Architecture
● Onion
● SOLID + Clean Architecture
Anatomy of a Spring Boot App with Clean Architecture - Spring I/O 2023
Anatomy of a Spring Boot App with Clean Architecture - Spring I/O 2023
Common features
● Layering + Separate Boundaries
● Agnostic, Encapsulated Core Domain
● Inversion of Control
Anatomy of a Spring Boot App with Clean Architecture - Spring I/O 2023
Clean Architecture
1. S.O.L.I.D.
2. Component Principles
3. Boundaries & Dependencies
4. Nearly Everything is Just A “Detail”
1) Your Code Should Follow SOLID Principles
● (S)ingle Responsibility: a class should only have one responsibility, or
one reason to change; used by a single user Role
● (O)pen-closed: “open for extension, closed for modification” (aka use
interface implementation, Delegation, or Strategy patterns)
● (L)iskov’s substitution: aka “behavioral subtyping”;
implementations/sub-classes should adhere to client expectations.
● (I)nterface segregation: code should not depend on methods it does not
use (create more, smaller classes and interfaces)
● (D)ependency inversion: “depend upon abstractions, not concretions”
(dependency injection using interfaces)
2) Component Principles
● A “Component” is the ideal boundary
● Partition a system into isolated, independently developable structures
● Components are handed out to teams
● Components should be able to be individually compiled, built, and tested
● Components should be Loosely Coupled
2) Component
Microservices are the ultimate Component
Difficult to Design Components “Top Down”
2) Component Principles
Avoid Dependency Cycles: relationships should form a D.A.G!
3) Boundaries and Dependency Flow
Entities &
HTTP Component
AWS component
Data Flow
3) Boundaries and Dependency Flow
Simple Structures (method calls) going IN, Interfaces going OUT
Outer layers may only see
what is in an Inner layer!
Inner Layers
Should Be
Immune To
4) Nearly Everything is an Implementation Detail
● Maintain Flexibility by separating code into “Policy” and “Details”
● Everything not in your “Core” is a Detail.
Defer Making Decisions about Details
For As Long As You Can
4.1) Your Database Is A Detail
● Are we using Postgres?
● Mysql?
● Dynamodb?
● Redis?
● … it doesn’t matter. Not Really.
4.1) Your Database Is A Detail
4.1) Your Database Is A Detail
A Quick Tangent:
Don’t Think About Your Schema First
Makes me a
tiny bit crazy
4.2) The Environment Is A Detail
● Your code must not know or care where it is being run
○ Local laptop
○ QA environment
○ Inside a Docker Container on Kubernetes
○ Production on an ec2 instance
○ Bare Metal DataCenter
○ Integration Test Suite
● … it doesn’t matter
● Avoid “environment specific” configuration
● Inject Environment Variables or fetch Config Values dynamically
4.3) Input Is A Detail
4.3) Input Is A Detail
… 4.4) Even The Framework Is A Detail
Spring And the JVM
Clean Arch
● Modules & Subprojects
● Controllers / HTTP Input
● Message Input
● Profiles + Env vars
● Testing
● “Output” Repositories
Modules /
Subprojects as
⅓ - The Core
● Contains your core business logic
● Entities
● “Use Cases” / Service Classes
● Lightweight DTOs
● Interfaces
● Logging and Metrics? (Use Slf4j & Micrometer)
⅔ - The Details
● The Implementations of Interfaces
● Detail-Specific Class Structures
● External Clients
● Good place for database Migrations
3/3 - The App
● AKA “Where Spring Lives”
● Application Configuration
● Application Lifecycle
● “Input” (e.g. Controllers)
● Impossible to Clean; the “Dirtiest” of components
Hide Your Internals
● Not Everything needs to be “public”
These 3 are just a start. Plan on growing.
Input: HTTP / Controllers
● Simple: Use Spring Web / MVC
● Controllers should be as minimal as possible:
○ Convert User Input
○ Handle AuthZ / AuthN (use Filters)
○ Call into Core Services via function calls or lightweight objects
Input: Messages / Queues
● Use Observer Pattern
● Connect / Disconnect In Spring Lifecycle Listeners
● Spring Integration & MessageTemplate
Service Classes
● Closest to “Use Cases”
● Keep them small and focused: Remember: Single Use
● Avoid “OrderService”, prefer “CustomerOrderQueryService”
○ It’s more specific and evocative!
● Almost all of them will live in Core
Created as @Beans manually
Profiles and Env Vars
● Configuration should be Environment Agnostic
● Avoid Profiles for Environment Specific Config
○ Profiles are for profile-based things.
● Inject Env Vars
● Take a look at Spring Cloud Config and Spring Cloud Vault!
Beware Env Logic
● Components -> Fast Unit Tests
● Integration Tests go in the “App” Component
● Testcontainers (and Localstack) FTW!
Suite Launches TestContainers!
Spring Dynamic
Configuration update to talk
To the containers!
● Remember: databases and stores are tools
● Everything goes behind a Repository Interface
● Implementation goes in the Details Module
● Databases, Caches, Microservice calls, Third Parties
Put JPA components behind a boundary
Time to Pray to the Demo Gods
Sure, following
‘Clean’ adds more
Files & more
mapping code…
… But it is an excellent way to achieve that
“Guardrail Balance”
Thank You!
Also happy to chat afterwards!
● Twitter: @svpember
● Example Code Repo:
● Blueprint:
● Messy IT closet
● Boxes of Spaghetti:
● Cars not crashing
● Car Crash
● Cobra Kai
● Dog Jump
● Tightrope Walker
● Immune System
● Blanket
● Crying Baby

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