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DevOps with Kubernetes
• Kubernetes overview
• Usage and demo
• Architecture
• Kubernetes on AWS with Cloud
Kubernetes Overview
What is Kubernetes?
Quick facts
• System for managing and orchestrating containerized
applications in
clusters, a.k.a. cluster management software
• Open source, MIT licensed, developed by Google
• Used in GCE, OpenShift, other projects

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Docker and kubernetes
Docker and kubernetesDocker and kubernetes
Docker and kubernetes

Docker allows building portable software that can run anywhere by packaging an application and its dependencies in a standardized unit called a container. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes can replicate containers, provide load balancing, coordinate updates between containers, and ensure availability. Defining applications as Kubernetes resources allows them to be deployed and updated easily across a cluster.

Kubernetes Basics
Kubernetes BasicsKubernetes Basics
Kubernetes Basics

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: 1) Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications. It provides container-centric infrastructure and allows for quickly deploying and scaling applications. 2) The main components of Kubernetes include Pods (groups of containers), Services (abstract access to pods), ReplicationControllers (maintain pod replicas), and a master node running key components like etcd, API server, scheduler, and controller manager. 3) The document demonstrates getting started with Kubernetes by enabling the master on one node and a worker on another node, then deploying and exposing a sample nginx application across the cluster.

raspberry pikubernetesdocker
Introduction to kubernetes
Introduction to kubernetesIntroduction to kubernetes
Introduction to kubernetes

Those are the slides that were used to give an introduction to Kubernetes at the Nardoz Berlin Meetup on the 2018-06-28.

Kubernetes is
• portable: public, private, hybrid, multi-cloud, written in Go
• extensible: modular, pluggable, hookable, composable
• self-healing: auto-placement, auto-restart, auto-replication, auto-
• scalable and reliable: all components are scalable and clear setup
exists to setup scalable and reliable cluster
• documented: a lot of documentation, training materials,
community support
• open source: MIT license, large and active community
With Kubernetes you can
• Orchestrate complex application deployments quickly and
• Scale your applications on the fly
• Seamlessly roll out new features
• Easily setup complex operations scenarios, e.g. rolling update,
deployments etc
• Optimize use of your hardware by using only the resources you
• Manage persistent storage
• Automate
Kubernetes solves
• application composition: co-
locating helper processes
preserving the “one-
application- per-container”
• mounting storage systems,
• distributing configuration and
• application health checking,
• replicating application
• horizontal (auto-)scaling,
• naming and discovery,
• load balancing,
• rolling updates,
• resource monitoring,
• log access and ingestion,
• support for introspection
debugging, and
• identity and authorization.
Kubernetes Usage

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Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview
Kubernetes - A Comprehensive OverviewKubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview
Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview

An in depth overview of Kubernetes and it's various components. NOTE: This is a fixed version of a previous presentation (a draft was uploaded with some errors)

Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)
Kubernetes: A Short Introduction (2019)

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Kubernetes can manage pods across a cluster of machines, providing scheduling, deployment, scaling, load balancing, volume mounting and networking. It is widely used by companies like Google, CERN and in large projects like processing images and analyzing particle interactions. Kubernetes is portable, can span multiple cloud providers, and continues growing to support new workloads and use cases.

(Draft) Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview
(Draft) Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview(Draft) Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview
(Draft) Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Its main components include a master node that manages the cluster and worker nodes that run the applications. It uses labels to organize resources and selectors to group related objects. Common concepts include pods, services for discovery/load balancing, replica controllers for scaling, and namespaces for isolation. It provides mechanisms for configuration, storage, security, and networking out of the box to ensure containers can run reliably and be easily managed at scale.

Kubernetes management
• Kubectl CLI
• Independent binaries for multiple platforms (Go)
• put config file to $HOME/.kube or set $KUBECONFIG
• Automation friendly with multiple output formats: text, json, yaml,
• Supports proxy into cluster network, container attachment and log
• Available at https://<master-ip>
• Self-documented, swagger documentation
• Supports proxy into cluster network
• Basic Web dashboard
• Available at https://<master-ip>/ui
Kubernetes objects
• Namespace
• Node
• Pod
• Service
• Config Map
• Secret
• Volume
• Persistent
s• Replication
• Deployment
• Job
• Daemon Set
• Ingress
• ...
Kubernetes objects: common
• All objects include metadata with
• Name – unique
• Labels – searchable, selectable
• Annotations – arbitrary additional information
• Spec – object specific description/specification of the
• Status – object status within the cluster
• Object information may be received in different formats
Kubernetes objects: names and namespaces
• Namespaces are used to separate groups of objects, e.g. by
user, team,
project etc
• Namespaces are scopes for names; names are unique per
type within namespace
• Namespaces may also be a basis for access control separation
• Resource quotas may be associated with namespaces
kubectl get namespaces [ <ns> ... ]
kubectl describe namespaces [ <ns> ... ]

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Kubernetes PPT.pptx
Kubernetes PPT.pptxKubernetes PPT.pptx
Kubernetes PPT.pptx

Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery called pods. Kubernetes masters manage the cluster and make scheduling decisions while nodes run the pods and containers. It uses labels and selectors to identify and group related application objects together. Services provide a single endpoint for pods, while deployments help manage replicated applications. Kubernetes provides mechanisms for storage, configuration, networking, security and other functionality to help run distributed systems reliably at scale.

Introduction to Kubernetes Workshop
Introduction to Kubernetes WorkshopIntroduction to Kubernetes Workshop
Introduction to Kubernetes Workshop

A Comprehensive Introduction to Kubernetes. This slide deck serves as the lecture portion of a full-day Workshop covering the architecture, concepts and components of Kubernetes. For the interactive portion, please see the tutorials here:

Docker & kubernetes
Docker & kubernetesDocker & kubernetes
Docker & kubernetes

This document provides an overview of Docker and Kubernetes (K8S). It defines Docker as an open platform for developing, shipping and running containerized applications. Key Docker features include isolation, low overhead and cross-cloud support. Kubernetes is introduced as an open-source tool for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It operates at the container level. The document then covers K8S architecture, including components like Pods, Deployments, Services and Nodes, and how K8S orchestrates containers across clusters.

Kubernetes objects: nodes
• Nodes represent a physical or virtual worker machine where
kube proxy, and docker run
• Kubelet registers a node on the master and maintains keep-
alive check
• Nodes may be annotated and labeled to specify workload
affinity and
kubectl get nodes
kubectl describe
[ <nd> ... ]
nodes [ <nd> ... ]
Kubernetes objects: pods
• Pod is a group of containers
• Run on the same node – co-located and co-
• Shared storage
• Shared localhost network and port space
• Unique IP within a cluster
• Example: app server and log shipper
Kubernetes objects: nodes and pods
Node 1 Node 2
Pod A-1
Pod A-2
Pod B-1
Kubernetes objects: volumes and persistent volumes
• Used to manage persistent
• Multiple types supported:
• Azure block store
• Git
• GlusterFS
• Ceph
• ...

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Introduction to helm
Introduction to helmIntroduction to helm
Introduction to helm

Helm is a package manager for Kubernetes that allows for easy installation, upgrade, and management of Kubernetes applications. It provides repeatability, reliability, and simplifies deploying applications across multiple Kubernetes environments. Helm originated from an internal hackathon at Deis and was jointly developed by Google and Deis. It is now maintained by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation. Helm consists of a client that interacts with the Tiller server running inside the Kubernetes cluster to manage application lifecycles using charts, which are packages containing Kubernetes resource definitions.

Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

A basic introductory slide set on Kubernetes: What does Kubernetes do, what does Kubernetes not do, which terms are used (Containers, Pods, Services, Replica Sets, Deployments, etc...) and how basic interaction with a Kubernetes cluster is done.

Introduction to Kubernetes
Introduction to KubernetesIntroduction to Kubernetes
Introduction to Kubernetes

Kubernetes is an open-source system for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts. It includes key components like Pods, Services, ReplicationControllers, and a master node for managing the cluster. The master maintains state using etcd and schedules containers on worker nodes, while nodes run the kubelet daemon to manage Pods and their containers. Kubernetes handles tasks like replication, rollouts, and health checking through its API objects.

Kubernetes objects: pods and volumes
Container 1
Container 2
Mount Mount
Kubernetes objects: config maps and secrets
• Config maps and secrets are used for distribution of
information including secrets like password, certificates, keys etc
• Kubelet registers a node on the master and maintains keep-
alive check
• Nodes may be annotated and labeled to specify workload
affinity and constraintskubectl
get configmaps [ <cm> ... ]
describe configmaps [ <cm> ... ]
get secrets [ <sc> ... ]
describe secrets [ <sc> ... ]
Kubernetes objects: services
• Service is an abstraction that defines a set of pods a policy to
• Service is a distributed L3 load balancer
• Single unique IP within a cluster
• Used to expose pods to the world:
• Default
• NodePort
• LoadBalancer
Kubernetes objects: pods and services abstraction
Pod A-1
Pod A-2
Pod B-1

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Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

Kubernetes is an open-source container cluster manager that was originally developed by Google. It was created as a rewrite of Google's internal Borg system using Go. Kubernetes aims to provide a declarative deployment and management of containerized applications and services. It facilitates both automatic bin packing as well as self-healing of applications. Some key features include horizontal pod autoscaling, load balancing, rolling updates, and application lifecycle management.

Introduction to kubernetes
Introduction to kubernetesIntroduction to kubernetes
Introduction to kubernetes

This document provides an introduction to Kubernetes including: - What Kubernetes is and what it does including abstracting infrastructure, providing self-healing capabilities, and providing a uniform interface across clouds. - Key concepts including pods, services, labels, selectors, and namespaces. Pods are the atomic unit and services provide a unified access method. Labels and selectors are used to identify and group related objects. - The Kubernetes architecture including control plane components like kube-apiserver, etcd, and kube-controller-manager. Node components include kubelet and kube-proxy. Optional services like cloud-controller-manager and cluster DNS are also described.

Docker Ecosystem on Azure
Docker Ecosystem on AzureDocker Ecosystem on Azure
Docker Ecosystem on Azure

This document discusses containerization and the Docker ecosystem. It provides a brief history of containerization technologies and an overview of Docker components like Docker Engine, Docker Hub, and Docker Inc. It also discusses developing with Docker through concepts like Dockerfiles, images, and Fig for running multi-container apps. More advanced topics covered include linking containers, volumes, Docker Machine for provisioning, and clustering with Swarm and Kubernetes.

Kubernetes objects: pods and services
Node 1 Node 2
Pod A-1
Pod A-2
Pod B-1
iptables iptables
Service Discovery: DNS
• <service-name>.<namespace-name>.svc.cluster.local
• <service-name>.<namespace-name>
• <service-name> - in the same namespace
• DNS SRV _<port>._<proto>.<service-name> - for port
e.g. “SRV _http._tcp.nginx”
Kubernetes Object: Controllers
• Deployment
• Daemon Set
• Job
• Ingress
• Replication
• Replication Set
Kubernetes Controller: Job
• Create one or more pods and ensure that specified number of
successfully terminates
• Jobs may be used for operations automation

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Kubernetes architecture
Kubernetes architectureKubernetes architecture
Kubernetes architecture

Kubernetes is an open-source system for managing containerized applications and services. It includes a master node that runs control plane components like the API server, scheduler, and controller manager. Worker nodes run the kubelet service and pods. Pods are the basic building blocks that can contain one or more containers. Labels are used to identify and select pods. Replication controllers ensure a specified number of pod replicas are running. Services define a logical set of pods and associated policy for access. They are exposed via cluster IP addresses or externally using load balancers.

DevJam 2019 - Introduction to Kubernetes
DevJam 2019 - Introduction to KubernetesDevJam 2019 - Introduction to Kubernetes
DevJam 2019 - Introduction to Kubernetes

Introduction talk from Alejandro Galue about Kubernetes and how to run OpenNMS services on Kubernetes based platforms.

opennmsnetwork monitoringmonitoring
DevOps in AWS with Kubernetes
DevOps in AWS with KubernetesDevOps in AWS with Kubernetes
DevOps in AWS with Kubernetes

Overview of kubernetes and its use as a DevOps cluster management framework. Problems with deployment via and improving kubernetes on AWS via custom cloud formation template.

Kubernetes Controller: Deployment
• Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and
Replica Sets
• Orchestrate updates and rollbacks
• Scale up or down
Kubernetes Addons
• UI
• Logging
• Monitorin
Kubernetes Architecture
Kubernetes architecture
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Kubernetes Intro @HaufeDev
Kubernetes Intro @HaufeDev Kubernetes Intro @HaufeDev
Kubernetes Intro @HaufeDev

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for automating deployment, scaling, and operations of containerized applications. It provides tools to deploy containers across clusters of hosts, provide mechanisms for load-balancing, monitor health, and update containers. Kubernetes adds functionality to Docker by managing Docker hosts and containers at scale. It uses abstractions like pods, replica sets, deployments, services and ingresses to declaratively define application components and expose them using NodePorts, LoadBalancers or Ingresses. Users can interact with Kubernetes using kubectl to deploy and manage applications on the cluster.

Kubernetes stack reliability
Kubernetes stack reliabilityKubernetes stack reliability
Kubernetes stack reliability

Self-healing does not equal self-healing. There are multiple layers to it, whether a self-healing infrastructure, cluster, pods, or Kubernetes. Kubernetes itself ensures self-healing pods. But how do you ensure your applications, whose reliability depends on every single layer, are truly reliable? In this presentation we discuss aspects of reliability and self-healing in the different layers of a comprehensive container management stack; what Kubernetes does and doesn't do (at least not by default), and what you should look out for to ensure true reliable applications.

How Self-Healing Nodes and Infrastructure Management Impact Reliability
How Self-Healing Nodes and Infrastructure Management Impact ReliabilityHow Self-Healing Nodes and Infrastructure Management Impact Reliability
How Self-Healing Nodes and Infrastructure Management Impact Reliability

Self-healing does not equal self-healing. There are multiple layers to it, whether a self-healing infrastructure, cluster, pods, or Kubernetes. Kubernetes itself ensures self-healing pods. But how do you ensure your applications, whose reliability depends on every single layer, are truly reliable? This presentation covers the different self-healing layers, what Kubernetes does and doesn't do (at least not by default), and what you should look out for to ensure true reliable applications. Hint: infrastructure provisioning plays a key role.

kubernetesdevopscontainer orchestration
Kubernetes architecture: node
• kubelet manages pods,
their containers, images,
volumes, network etc
• kube-proxy is a simple
network proxy and load
balancer responsible for
reflecting services on the
Kubernetes architecture: node
• kubelet manages pods,
their containers, images,
volumes, network etc
• kube-proxy is a simple
network proxy and load
balancer responsible for
reflecting services on the
nodes. Userspace (legacy)
or iptables (modern) modes
are supported.
Kubernetes architecture: control plane
• etcd is a reliable watchable
storage for all persistent
master state
• API Server is a CRUD-y
REST server with
most/all logic
implemented in plugins
that serves Kubernetes
It mainly processes REST
operations, validates them,
and updates the
corresponding objects in
Kubernetes architecture: control plane
• etcd is a reliable watchable
storage for all persistent
master state
• API Server is a CRUD-y
REST server with
most/all logic
implemented in plugins
that serves Kubernetes
It mainly processes REST
operations, validates them,
and updates the
corresponding objects in

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Portable CI/CD Environment as Code with Kubernetes, Kublr and Jenkins
Portable CI/CD Environment as Code with Kubernetes, Kublr and JenkinsPortable CI/CD Environment as Code with Kubernetes, Kublr and Jenkins
Portable CI/CD Environment as Code with Kubernetes, Kublr and Jenkins

How to establish Kubernetes as your infrastructure for a truly cloud native environment for optimal productivity and cost. Using Kublr for infrastructure as code approach for fast, reliable and inexpensive production-ready DevOps environment setup bringing together a combination of technologies - Kubernetes; AWS Mixed Instance Policies, Spot Instances and availability zones; AWS EFS; Nexus and Jenkins. Best practices based on open source tools such as Nexus and Jenkins. How to tackle build process dilemmas and difficulties including managing dependencies, hermetic builds and build scripts.

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Setup Kubernetes Cluster On AWS Using KOPS
Setup Kubernetes Cluster On AWS Using KOPSSetup Kubernetes Cluster On AWS Using KOPS
Setup Kubernetes Cluster On AWS Using KOPS

This document provides steps to set up a Kubernetes cluster on AWS using KOPS. It describes installing required tools like kubectl and KOPS, creating an SSH key and Route53 host on AWS, generating a Kubernetes cluster across multiple Availability Zones, and exposing sample applications. Finally, it covers deleting the cluster.

kopscloudamazon web services
Kubernetes Internals
Kubernetes InternalsKubernetes Internals
Kubernetes Internals

Kubernetes provides logical abstractions for deploying and managing containerized applications across a cluster. The main concepts include pods (groups of containers), controllers that ensure desired pod states are maintained, services for exposing pods, and deployments for updating replicated pods. Kubernetes allows defining pod specifications that include containers, volumes, probes, restart policies, and more. Controllers like replica sets ensure the desired number of pod replicas are running. Services provide discovery of pods through labels and load balancing. Deployments are used to declaratively define and rollout updates to replicated applications.

Kubernetes architecture: control plane
• Scheduler binds
unscheduled pods to
• Control manager performs
other cluster-level functions,
e.g. deployments rollout,
job control, pod replication
Kubernetes architecture: control plane
• Scheduler binds
unscheduled pods to
• Control manager performs
other cluster-level functions,
e.g. deployments rollout,
job control, pod replication
Kubernetes architecture: control plane
• Kubectl client is CLI to
manage K8S cluster
Kubernetes architecture: security
• Authentication and
authorization are pluggable.
By default – file based, but
may be easily switched to
external resources (OAuth,
authorization service)
• Transport security is based
on TLS, key distribution is
deployment specific

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Best Practices with Azure Kubernetes Services
Best Practices with Azure Kubernetes ServicesBest Practices with Azure Kubernetes Services
Best Practices with Azure Kubernetes Services

- AKS best practices discusses cluster isolation and resource management, storage, networking, network policies, securing the environment, scaling applications and clusters, and logging and monitoring for AKS clusters. - It provides an overview of the different Kubernetes offerings in Azure (DIY, ACS Engine, and AKS), and recommends using at least 3 nodes for upgrades when using persistent volumes. - The document discusses various AKS networking configurations like basic networking, advanced networking using Azure CNI, internal load balancers, ingress controllers, and network policies. It also covers cluster level security topics like IAM with AAD and RBAC.


The document provides an overview of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) including: - AKS simplifies deployment, management, scaling and monitoring of containerized applications on Kubernetes. - AKS uses a master-worker node architecture with master nodes managing the cluster state and worker nodes running application containers. - Key AKS concepts include clusters, pods, deployments, replica sets, and services. - The AKS architecture includes etcd, kube-apiserver, controller manager, kube-scheduler and cloud controller manager on the master node, and kubelet, container runtime and kube-proxy on worker nodes. - Applications can be deployed to AKS through Kubernetes manifest

01. Kubernetes-PPT.pptx
01. Kubernetes-PPT.pptx01. Kubernetes-PPT.pptx
01. Kubernetes-PPT.pptx

Kubernetes is an open-source platform for managing containerized applications across multiple hosts. It provides tools for deployment, scaling, and management of containers. Kubernetes handles tasks like scheduling containers on nodes, scaling resources, applying security policies, and monitoring applications. It ensures containers are running and if not, restarts them automatically.

Kubernetes architecture: security
• Authentication and
authorization are pluggable:
file based by default, but
may be easily switched to
external resources (OAuth,
authorization service)
• Transport security is based
on TLS, key distribution is
deployment specific
Example orchestration scenario
1. User creates a new
Deployment object via REST
2. Controller Manager sees a
Deployment object with no Pods
and creates Pod objects based
on the Deployment object
3. Scheduler sees Pod objects
not assigned to Nodes and
allocates them according to
the Nodes load and the Pods
4. Kubelets running on Nodes see
Pod objects allocated to their
corresponding Nodes and start
Pods’ containers based on the
Pods’ specifications
3 2 4
Kubernetes Deployment on AWS
Deployment options
• script
Available in k8s distro and supported by the developers
• Other methods as described in kubernetes
• Other projects and systems based on kubernetes, such
as GCE
• EBT AWS CloudFormation template

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Openstack presentation
Openstack presentationOpenstack presentation
Openstack presentation

OpenStack is an open source cloud computing platform that consists of several components including Keystone for identity, Glance for images, Nova for compute, Cinder for block storage, and Quantum for networking. The document provides an overview of each component, describing their main functions and how they interact through messaging queues like RabbitMQ. It also describes the original "Nova networking" approach and how Quantum improved on this by decoupling logical and physical networking and providing plugins to support technologies like Open vSwitch.

Kube Overview and Kube Conformance Certification OpenSource101 Raleigh
Kube Overview and Kube Conformance Certification OpenSource101 RaleighKube Overview and Kube Conformance Certification OpenSource101 Raleigh
Kube Overview and Kube Conformance Certification OpenSource101 Raleigh

This is my Introduction to Kubernetes and Overview of the Kubernetes Conformance Certification Program talk presented at OpenSource101 Raleigh on Feb 17, 2018

#kubernetes #conformance #overview #opensource101
Open stack and k8s(v4)
Open stack and k8s(v4)Open stack and k8s(v4)
Open stack and k8s(v4)

The document provides an overview of Kubernetes and OpenStack. It includes an agenda that covers topics like containers, orchestration, Kubernetes architecture, components and concepts like pods, replication controllers, and namespaces over 4 days of training. Background information is provided on containers, Docker, and orchestration. Examples are given of defining pods and services using YAML files in Kubernetes.

AWS Cloud Formation K8S Cluster Improvements
• Master is in auto scaling group for auto recovery
• Nodes are in multi-zone auto scaling group for high
• Multiple auto scaling groups are supported for nodes
• Simple no-client cluster rollout and teardown
• Support for node EIP auto-assignment
The good, the bad, and the ugly
• Multi-platform
• Rich OTB abstractions
• Extensibility
Cons and problems
• Complex architecture and
setup (AWS CF Template
solves the problem for AWS)
• Manifest parameterization
is outside K8S
Future work
• Simple deployment to other
clouds (Azure) and on-prem
• Multi-zone master
• Single-node deployment
• master)
• Multi-region, multi-cloud
and federated deployment
• Persistent volume management
• backup in prod
• Monitoring and log collection in
• Integration with Jenkins
• Use Vault for key and
secret storage
• Packaged components:
HAProxy ingress, glusterfs,
elasticsearch, mongo DB,
MySql Cluster(?), Galena
Cluster(?), WildFly,
ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ (?),
HippoCMS, Keycloak,
OpenAM, Hadoop (?),
Rstudio Server, Jupyter, etc
• Web UI
• • ...

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Kubernetes integration with ODL
Kubernetes integration with ODLKubernetes integration with ODL
Kubernetes integration with ODL

Containers are changing the compute landscape and for NFVi support of Containers is key. Kubernetes is a well known Container Cluster Management software and this is slide deck from a talk given in Opendaylight Summit 2016. This slide gives an insight about Microservice architecture, Kuberentes and how it can be integrated with ODL. Session Video can be found at

Kubernetes Basics - ICP Workshop Batch II
Kubernetes Basics - ICP Workshop Batch IIKubernetes Basics - ICP Workshop Batch II
Kubernetes Basics - ICP Workshop Batch II

Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system that automates deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes services handle load balancing, networking, and execution of containers across a cluster of nodes. It addresses challenges in managing containers at scale through features like deployment and rolling update of containers, self-healing, resource allocation and monitoring.

kubernetesmicroservicescloud computing
Kubernetes overview and Exploitation
Kubernetes overview and ExploitationKubernetes overview and Exploitation
Kubernetes overview and Exploitation

This document provides an overview of containers, Kubernetes, and their key concepts. It discusses how Kubernetes manages containerized applications across clusters and abstracts away infrastructure details. The main components of Kubernetes include Pods (groups of tightly-coupled containers), ReplicationControllers (manages Pod replicas), Services (expose Pods to external traffic), and Namespaces (logical isolation of clusters). Kubernetes architecture separates the control plane running on the master from the nodes that run container workloads.

Oleg Chunikhin
Chief Architect

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DevOps with Kubernetes

  • 2. Agenda • Kubernetes overview • Usage and demo • Architecture • Kubernetes on AWS with Cloud Formation
  • 4. What is Kubernetes? Quick facts • System for managing and orchestrating containerized applications in clusters, a.k.a. cluster management software • Open source, MIT licensed, developed by Google • Used in GCE, OpenShift, other projects
  • 5. Kubernetes is • portable: public, private, hybrid, multi-cloud, written in Go • extensible: modular, pluggable, hookable, composable • self-healing: auto-placement, auto-restart, auto-replication, auto- scaling • scalable and reliable: all components are scalable and clear setup path exists to setup scalable and reliable cluster • documented: a lot of documentation, training materials, community support • open source: MIT license, large and active community
  • 6. With Kubernetes you can • Orchestrate complex application deployments quickly and predictably • Scale your applications on the fly • Seamlessly roll out new features • Easily setup complex operations scenarios, e.g. rolling update, canary deployments etc • Optimize use of your hardware by using only the resources you need • Manage persistent storage • Automate
  • 7. Kubernetes solves • application composition: co- locating helper processes preserving the “one- application- per-container” model, • mounting storage systems, • distributing configuration and secrets, • application health checking, • replicating application instances, • horizontal (auto-)scaling, • naming and discovery, • load balancing, • rolling updates, • resource monitoring, • log access and ingestion, • support for introspection and debugging, and • identity and authorization.
  • 9. Kubernetes management • Kubectl CLI • Independent binaries for multiple platforms (Go) • put config file to $HOME/.kube or set $KUBECONFIG • Automation friendly with multiple output formats: text, json, yaml, jsonpath • Supports proxy into cluster network, container attachment and log retrieval • REST API • Available at https://<master-ip> • Self-documented, swagger documentation • Supports proxy into cluster network • Basic Web dashboard • Available at https://<master-ip>/ui
  • 10. Kubernetes objects Primitives • Namespace • Node • Pod • Service • Config Map • Secret • Volume • Persistent Volume Controller s• Replication Controller • Deployment • Job • Daemon Set • Ingress • ...
  • 11. Kubernetes objects: common • All objects include metadata with • Name – unique • Labels – searchable, selectable • Annotations – arbitrary additional information • Spec – object specific description/specification of the object • Status – object status within the cluster • Object information may be received in different formats
  • 12. Kubernetes objects: names and namespaces • Namespaces are used to separate groups of objects, e.g. by user, team, project etc • Namespaces are scopes for names; names are unique per type within namespace • Namespaces may also be a basis for access control separation • Resource quotas may be associated with namespaces kubectl get namespaces [ <ns> ... ] kubectl describe namespaces [ <ns> ... ]
  • 13. Kubernetes objects: nodes • Nodes represent a physical or virtual worker machine where kubelet, kube proxy, and docker run • Kubelet registers a node on the master and maintains keep- alive check • Nodes may be annotated and labeled to specify workload affinity and constraints kubectl get nodes kubectl describe [ <nd> ... ] nodes [ <nd> ... ]
  • 14. Kubernetes objects: pods • Pod is a group of containers • Run on the same node – co-located and co- scheduled • Shared storage • Shared localhost network and port space • Unique IP within a cluster • Example: app server and log shipper
  • 15. Kubernetes objects: nodes and pods Node 1 Node 2 Pod A-1 Cnt1 Cnt2 Pod A-2 Cnt1 Cnt2 Pod B-1 Cnt3
  • 16. Kubernetes objects: volumes and persistent volumes • Used to manage persistent storage • Multiple types supported: • AWS EBS • Azure block store • Git • NFS • GlusterFS • Ceph • ...
  • 17. Kubernetes objects: pods and volumes Pod Volume Volume Volume Claim Container 1 Volume Container 2 Volume Persistent Mount Mount
  • 18. Kubernetes objects: config maps and secrets • Config maps and secrets are used for distribution of configuration information including secrets like password, certificates, keys etc • Kubelet registers a node on the master and maintains keep- alive check • Nodes may be annotated and labeled to specify workload affinity and constraintskubectl kubectl kubectl kubectl get configmaps [ <cm> ... ] describe configmaps [ <cm> ... ] get secrets [ <sc> ... ] describe secrets [ <sc> ... ]
  • 19. Kubernetes objects: services • Service is an abstraction that defines a set of pods a policy to access them • Service is a distributed L3 load balancer • Single unique IP within a cluster • Used to expose pods to the world: • Default • NodePort • LoadBalancer
  • 20. external port Kubernetes objects: pods and services abstraction Cluster Pod A-1 Pod A-2 Pod B-1 SrvA 10.7.0. 1 Srv B 10.7.0. 3
  • 21. Kubernetes objects: pods and services Node 1 Node 2 Pod A-1 Pod A-2 Pod B-1 SrvA 10.7.0. 1 Srv B 10.7.0. 3 SrvA 10.7.0. 1 Srv B 10.7.0. 3 external port external port iptables iptables
  • 22. Service Discovery: DNS DNS • <service-name>.<namespace-name>.svc.cluster.local • <service-name>.<namespace-name> • <service-name> - in the same namespace • DNS SRV _<port>._<proto>.<service-name> - for port number e.g. “SRV _http._tcp.nginx”
  • 23. Kubernetes Object: Controllers • Deployment • Daemon Set • Job • Ingress • Replication Controller • Replication Set
  • 24. Kubernetes Controller: Job • Create one or more pods and ensure that specified number of them successfully terminates • Jobs may be used for operations automation
  • 25. Kubernetes Controller: Deployment • Deployment provides declarative updates for Pods and Replica Sets • Orchestrate updates and rollbacks • Scale up or down
  • 26. Kubernetes Addons • DNS • UI • Logging • Monitorin g
  • 28. Kubernetes architecture ....... ,.,:..' "- ......,..,...,•..••..-.! .,., . . N . . .O..,. . . ----"'-. '"". ... - EASTBA NC T E C H N O L O G I E S ...w,.,..,,.,..,-. ( ' ¥ ( )! ( 0 ,<) ',(o.;.)l;o;"' '" <••·.,., ••.:V"•• . . . .,. " " " ' " ' · .,.,....,,:U: .....
  • 29. Kubernetes architecture: node • kubelet manages pods, their containers, images, volumes, network etc • kube-proxy is a simple network proxy and load balancer responsible for reflecting services on the nodes
  • 30. Kubernetes architecture: node • kubelet manages pods, their containers, images, volumes, network etc • kube-proxy is a simple network proxy and load balancer responsible for reflecting services on the nodes. Userspace (legacy) or iptables (modern) modes are supported.
  • 31. Kubernetes architecture: control plane • etcd is a reliable watchable storage for all persistent master state • API Server is a CRUD-y REST server with most/all logic implemented in plugins that serves Kubernetes API. It mainly processes REST operations, validates them, and updates the corresponding objects in etcd.
  • 32. Kubernetes architecture: control plane • etcd is a reliable watchable storage for all persistent master state • API Server is a CRUD-y REST server with most/all logic implemented in plugins that serves Kubernetes API. It mainly processes REST operations, validates them, and updates the corresponding objects in etcd.
  • 33. Kubernetes architecture: control plane • Scheduler binds unscheduled pods to nodes • Control manager performs all other cluster-level functions, e.g. deployments rollout, job control, pod replication control etc
  • 34. Kubernetes architecture: control plane • Scheduler binds unscheduled pods to nodes • Control manager performs all other cluster-level functions, e.g. deployments rollout, job control, pod replication control etc
  • 35. Kubernetes architecture: control plane • Kubectl client is CLI to manage K8S cluster
  • 36. Kubernetes architecture: security • Authentication and authorization are pluggable. By default – file based, but may be easily switched to external resources (OAuth, authorization service) • Transport security is based on TLS, key distribution is deployment specific
  • 37. Kubernetes architecture: security • Authentication and authorization are pluggable: file based by default, but may be easily switched to external resources (OAuth, authorization service) • Transport security is based on TLS, key distribution is deployment specific
  • 38. Example orchestration scenario 1. User creates a new Deployment object via REST 2. Controller Manager sees a Deployment object with no Pods and creates Pod objects based on the Deployment object specification 3. Scheduler sees Pod objects not assigned to Nodes and allocates them according to the Nodes load and the Pods specifications 4. Kubelets running on Nodes see Pod objects allocated to their corresponding Nodes and start Pods’ containers based on the Pods’ specifications 1 4 3 2 4
  • 40. Deployment options • script Available in k8s distro and supported by the developers • Other methods as described in kubernetes documentation • Other projects and systems based on kubernetes, such as GCE • EBT AWS CloudFormation template
  • 41. AWS Cloud Formation K8S Cluster Improvements • Master is in auto scaling group for auto recovery • Nodes are in multi-zone auto scaling group for high availability • Multiple auto scaling groups are supported for nodes • Simple no-client cluster rollout and teardown • Support for node EIP auto-assignment
  • 43. The good, the bad, and the ugly Pros • Multi-platform • Rich OTB abstractions and functionality • Extensibility Cons and problems • Complex architecture and setup (AWS CF Template solves the problem for AWS) • Manifest parameterization is outside K8S
  • 44. Future work • Simple deployment to other clouds (Azure) and on-prem • Multi-zone master • Single-node deployment (reusable • master) • Multi-region, multi-cloud and federated deployment • Persistent volume management and • backup in prod • Monitoring and log collection in prod • Integration with Jenkins • Use Vault for key and secret storage • Packaged components: HAProxy ingress, glusterfs, elasticsearch, mongo DB, MySql Cluster(?), Galena Cluster(?), WildFly, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ (?), HippoCMS, Keycloak, OpenAM, Hadoop (?), Rstudio Server, Jupyter, etc • Web UI • • ...
  • 45. THANK YOU Oleg Chunikhin Chief Architect ochunikhin@eastbanctech.c om 202-295-3000