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Better Traffic Control
with Envoy
Mark McBride
Why Care about Traffic Control
Generaliza5ons: Kubernetes leads to a bunch of good things.
• Crea5ng new services is easier.
• Deploying new service versions is easier.
• Deploying smaller services is easier.
Why Care about Traffic Control
But the good things aren’t free.
• New code needs to be (safely!) integrated with your request flow.
• Addi5onal abstrac5ons have < 100% reliability.
• Longer call chains introduce more chances for failure.
Goals of Traffic Control
• Resilience
• Distributed systems are never “up”1. Dealing with failures should be
• Rou5ng
• Introducing a new code to the call chain is a common opera5on. It
should be straighTorward.
1. Charity Majors, hYps://

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Leveraging Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to Lower the Risk of Monolith to Microserv...
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If you have an existing Java monolith, you know you must take care making changes to it or altering it in any negative way. Often times these monoliths are very valuable to the business and generate a lot of revenue. At the same time, since it’s difficult to make changes to the monolith it’s desirable to move to a microservices architecture. Unfortunately you cannot just do a big-bang migration to a greenfield architecture and will have to incrementally adopt microservices. In this talk, we’ll look at using Gloo proxy which is based on Envoy Proxy and GraphQL to do surgical, function-level traffic control and API aggregation to safely migrate your monolith to microservices and serverless functions.

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The Setup
• Create scenarios using augmented Envoy examples
• Use wrk to drive load against the system and measure results
• Curl, because no demo is complete without some curl
• A preview of envoy-tools to observe Envoy stats directly
Control Requires Visibility
• Making unobservable changes is not advised.
• Envoy comes with great tools out of the box.
• Stats on listeners, clusters, protocols, and more.
• An admin server for direct observa5on and control.
• envoy-tools (coming soon!) – a repository of tools that provide a more
approachable interface.
The Examples
Adding Reality to Examples
• Add configurable latency and success rate

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EWERK and ENA contributed developers to the Tungsten Fabric SDN Special Interest Group. The goals were to integrate the widely adopted Tungsten Fabric into Apache CloudStack to provide advanced routing, security, and high performance networking features. This would allow features like static NAT, load balancing, firewalling, and encapsulated VM traffic between hosts using MPLS or VXLAN. The integration work added a Tungsten Fabric provider to CloudStack, allowed creating VMs with Tungsten networks, and added network policy and source NAT/port forwarding features. More testing is needed with the community.

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Adding Reality to Examples
Envoy supports retry policies aYached to
• Select error codes to retry on.
• Configure 5meouts for each retry.
• Configure number of retries.
• No failures!
Retries—a Closer Look
Failures when calling service1
No failures returned to client

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Safe Retries
• Usually you don’t want to retry all
• Side effects are important to consider.
• Atomicity is important to consider.
• Computa5onal expense is important to
• Add more routes, and configure retries
Load Shedding
• Some5mes you get more traffic than you can handle.
• Envoy supports request limits on a per-cluster basis.
• Envoy also supports two priority groups, allowing you to save slots for
important traffic.
Without Circuit Breakers
Failures are fine, but 99% latency is slowwwwww
as requests just back up
Also, POST requests are totally offline because
we’re swamped with GETs
Without Circuit Breakers
Retries overflow, which is slow

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With Circuit Breakers
Gobs of failures, but p99 latency is s5ll good.
Also, POST requests are available.
Also, we told clients to back off with the
x-envoy-overloaded response header.
With Circuit Breakers
Pending requests overflow, which is fast!
An Overview of Rou5ng
• Endpoint metadata for richer rou5ng primi5ves
• Probabilis5c distribu5on of traffic across mul5ple clusters
• 1% of traffic to my-great-rewrite, 99% to legacy
• 1% of traffic to v2 of my service, 99% to v1
• Header based rou5ng to cluster subsets
• If “x-canary” is set route to endpoints with a version label of v2
• Priority rou5ng, which we saw in the circuit breaking example
• Zone aware rou5ng
Traffic Shioing the Hard Way
• Mul5ple clusters
• Mul5ple routes

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- 발표자: 고려대학교 임재민 - 자료:

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Header-based Canary
• When we specify the canary header, the route matches and we (and
only we) are routed to service1a
• When header is not present, the route doesn’t match and we go on to
the next route, sending traffic to service1
Probabilis5c Rollout
• With the run5me match, we choose this route 25% of the 5me,
sending 25% of our traffic to service1
Traffic Shioed
25% of traffic to service1a
The Easy Way
• Restar5ng servers on every config change is tedious in this demo.
• It’s even more tedious in produc5on.
• Envoy provides a beYer way—the xDS APIs.

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• CDS - discover clusters, which are logical groupings of endpoints.
• A cluster defini5on can have a reference to an EDS endpoint
• EDS - discover endpoints for a cluster.
• LDS - discover listeners for an Envoy
• A listener’s filter chain can have a reference to an RDS endpoint
• RDS - discover routes for a filter chain
Dynamic Config
• The xDS APIs give you a central point-of-control to manage a fleet of
• Bridge service discovery (e.g. from Kubernetes) to Envoy
• Bridge rou5ng config (e.g. from Houston) to Envoy
Advanced Rou5ng with EDS
• CDS (cluster discovery service) defines groups of endpoints.
• EDS (endpoint discovery service) discovers the actual endpoints for
• EDS allows you to aYach metadata to an endpoint.
• Our mul5-cluster example can be collapsed to a metadata based
approach on a single cluster.
Even Easier with Houston
• An CDS/EDS server with integra5ons to EC2, ECS, Kubernetes,
Consul, DC/OS, or JSON files
• An LDS/RDS server with an intui5ve route configura5on UI
• Stats parsing, forwarding, and change tracking

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Mark McBride
Twitter - @mccv

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Traffic Control with Envoy Proxy

  • 1. Better Traffic Control with Envoy Mark McBride 1/31/2018
  • 2. Why Care about Traffic Control Generaliza5ons: Kubernetes leads to a bunch of good things. • Crea5ng new services is easier. • Deploying new service versions is easier. • Deploying smaller services is easier.
  • 3. Why Care about Traffic Control But the good things aren’t free. • New code needs to be (safely!) integrated with your request flow. • Addi5onal abstrac5ons have < 100% reliability. • Longer call chains introduce more chances for failure.
  • 4. Goals of Traffic Control • Resilience • Distributed systems are never “up”1. Dealing with failures should be straighTorward. • Rou5ng • Introducing a new code to the call chain is a common opera5on. It should be straighTorward. 1. Charity Majors, hYps://
  • 5. The Setup • Create scenarios using augmented Envoy examples • Use wrk to drive load against the system and measure results • Curl, because no demo is complete without some curl • A preview of envoy-tools to observe Envoy stats directly
  • 6. Control Requires Visibility • Making unobservable changes is not advised. • Envoy comes with great tools out of the box. • Stats on listeners, clusters, protocols, and more. • An admin server for direct observa5on and control. • envoy-tools (coming soon!) – a repository of tools that provide a more approachable interface.
  • 8. Adding Reality to Examples • Add configurable latency and success rate
  • 9. Adding Reality to Examples
  • 10. Retries Envoy supports retry policies aYached to routes • Select error codes to retry on. • Configure 5meouts for each retry. • Configure number of retries.
  • 12. Retries—a Closer Look Failures when calling service1 No failures returned to client
  • 13. Safe Retries • Usually you don’t want to retry all requests. • Side effects are important to consider. • Atomicity is important to consider. • Computa5onal expense is important to consider. • Add more routes, and configure retries accordingly.
  • 14. Load Shedding • Some5mes you get more traffic than you can handle. • Envoy supports request limits on a per-cluster basis. • Envoy also supports two priority groups, allowing you to save slots for important traffic.
  • 15. Without Circuit Breakers Failures are fine, but 99% latency is slowwwwww as requests just back up Also, POST requests are totally offline because we’re swamped with GETs
  • 16. Without Circuit Breakers Retries overflow, which is slow
  • 17. With Circuit Breakers Gobs of failures, but p99 latency is s5ll good. Also, POST requests are available. Also, we told clients to back off with the x-envoy-overloaded response header.
  • 18. With Circuit Breakers Pending requests overflow, which is fast!
  • 19. An Overview of Rou5ng • Endpoint metadata for richer rou5ng primi5ves • Probabilis5c distribu5on of traffic across mul5ple clusters • 1% of traffic to my-great-rewrite, 99% to legacy • 1% of traffic to v2 of my service, 99% to v1 • Header based rou5ng to cluster subsets • If “x-canary” is set route to endpoints with a version label of v2 • Priority rou5ng, which we saw in the circuit breaking example • Zone aware rou5ng
  • 20. Traffic Shioing the Hard Way • Mul5ple clusters • Mul5ple routes
  • 21. Header-based Canary • When we specify the canary header, the route matches and we (and only we) are routed to service1a • When header is not present, the route doesn’t match and we go on to the next route, sending traffic to service1
  • 22. Probabilis5c Rollout • With the run5me match, we choose this route 25% of the 5me, sending 25% of our traffic to service1
  • 23. Traffic Shioed 25% of traffic to service1a
  • 24. The Easy Way • Restar5ng servers on every config change is tedious in this demo. • It’s even more tedious in produc5on. • Envoy provides a beYer way—the xDS APIs.
  • 25. xDS APIs • CDS - discover clusters, which are logical groupings of endpoints. • A cluster defini5on can have a reference to an EDS endpoint • EDS - discover endpoints for a cluster. • LDS - discover listeners for an Envoy • A listener’s filter chain can have a reference to an RDS endpoint • RDS - discover routes for a filter chain
  • 26. Dynamic Config • The xDS APIs give you a central point-of-control to manage a fleet of Envoys • Bridge service discovery (e.g. from Kubernetes) to Envoy • Bridge rou5ng config (e.g. from Houston) to Envoy
  • 27. Advanced Rou5ng with EDS • CDS (cluster discovery service) defines groups of endpoints. • EDS (endpoint discovery service) discovers the actual endpoints for clusters. • EDS allows you to aYach metadata to an endpoint. • Our mul5-cluster example can be collapsed to a metadata based approach on a single cluster.
  • 28. Even Easier with Houston • An CDS/EDS server with integra5ons to EC2, ECS, Kubernetes, Consul, DC/OS, or JSON files • An LDS/RDS server with an intui5ve route configura5on UI • Stats parsing, forwarding, and change tracking