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From Zero to Docker
In Seconds.
Abhishek Verma
Student, University of
‘The DevOps Guy’ by Heart
FROM Docker_Enterprise
EXPOSE For_the_next_Million
WORKDIR Docker_Assemble
RUN Demo
RUN Deploy_using_UCP
 End to End
 Cutting edge features
 Docker apps
 Enterprise grade security
 Business Critical Support
 Lot more

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Introduction to Docker storage, volume and image
Introduction to Docker storage, volume and imageIntroduction to Docker storage, volume and image
Introduction to Docker storage, volume and image

Docker storage drivers allow images and containers to be stored in different ways by implementing a pluggable storage driver interface. Common storage drivers include overlay2, aufs, devicemapper, and vfs. Images are composed of read-only layers stacked on top of each other, with containers adding a writable layer. Storage can be persisted using volumes, bind mounts, or tmpfs mounts. Strategies for managing persistent container data include host-based storage, volume plugins, and container storage platforms.

DevOps with Kubernetes
DevOps with KubernetesDevOps with Kubernetes
DevOps with Kubernetes

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes including: - Kubernetes is an open source system for managing containerized applications and services across clusters of hosts. It provides tools to deploy, maintain, and scale applications. - Kubernetes objects include pods, services, deployments, jobs, and others to define application components and how they relate. - The Kubernetes architecture consists of a control plane running on the master including the API server, scheduler and controller manager. Nodes run the kubelet and kube-proxy to manage pods and services. - Kubernetes can be deployed on AWS using tools like CloudFormation templates to automate cluster creation and management for high availability and scalability.

out of the boxawsmanaging and orchestrating containerized cluster a
Kubernetes Networking
Kubernetes NetworkingKubernetes Networking
Kubernetes Networking

The document discusses Kubernetes networking. It describes how Kubernetes networking allows pods to have routable IPs and communicate without NAT, unlike Docker networking which uses NAT. It covers how services provide stable virtual IPs to access pods, and how kube-proxy implements services by configuring iptables on nodes. It also discusses the DNS integration using SkyDNS and Ingress for layer 7 routing of HTTP traffic. Finally, it briefly mentions network plugins and how Kubernetes is designed to be open and customizable.

 End to End
 Cutting edge features
 Docker apps
 Enterprise grade security
 Business Critical Support
 Lot more
• Works at a store in Hyderabad.
• Maintains website based on .NET 3.5
• Uses Notepad to code.
 Docker Desktop
 Docker Assemble

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Docker: From Zero to Hero
Docker: From Zero to HeroDocker: From Zero to Hero
Docker: From Zero to Hero

Docker introduction, how it helps in environment setup from development to production and within teams. Also some practical work.

dockerdocker-composedocker vs virtual machine

Docker allows building, shipping, and running applications in portable containers. It packages an application with all its dependencies into a standardized unit for software development. Major cloud providers and companies support and use Docker in production. Containers are more lightweight and efficient than virtual machines, providing faster launch times and allowing thousands to run simultaneously on the same server. Docker simplifies distributing applications and ensures a consistent environment.

Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17
Hands-On Introduction to Kubernetes at LISA17

This document provides an agenda and instructions for a hands-on introduction to Kubernetes tutorial. The tutorial will cover Kubernetes basics like pods, services, deployments and replica sets. It includes steps for setting up a local Kubernetes environment using Minikube and demonstrates features like rolling updates, rollbacks and self-healing. Attendees will learn how to develop container-based applications locally with Kubernetes and deploy changes to preview them before promoting to production.

A language and framework-aware tool that
enables users to build an application into an
optimized Docker container without
providing configuration information.
$ docker assemble
Git Repo Docker Image
Zero Config No Dockerfile
✓ Detects frameworks
✓ Adds dependencies
✓ Builds app
✓ Exposes ports
✓ Creates labels
✓ Adds healthcheck
✓ Adds BOM
✓ Optimizes Image
✓ Detects frameworks
✓ Adds dependencies
✓ Builds app
✓ Exposes ports
✓ Creates labels
✓ Adds healthcheck
✓ Adds BOM
✓ Optimizes Image

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Docker Introduction
Docker IntroductionDocker Introduction
Docker Introduction

This document provides an introduction to Docker and discusses: - The challenges of managing applications across different environments which Docker aims to solve through lightweight containers. - An overview of Docker concepts including images, containers, the Docker workflow and networking. - How Docker Compose allows defining and running multi-container applications and Docker Swarm enables orchestrating containers across a cluster. - The open container ecosystem including the Open Container Initiative for standardization.

Introduction to container based virtualization with docker
Introduction to container based virtualization with dockerIntroduction to container based virtualization with docker
Introduction to container based virtualization with docker

This document provides an overview of Docker and the author's experience. It discusses key Docker concepts like images, containers, the Dockerfile and Docker Engine. It also summarizes Docker benefits like portability, scalability and efficiency. Components like Docker Hub, Docker Machine and orchestration tools are briefly introduced. Security considerations and using Docker in production are also mentioned.

How to write a Dockerfile
How to write a DockerfileHow to write a Dockerfile
How to write a Dockerfile

The document provides information on how to write a Dockerfile, including: - What a Dockerfile is and its purpose of providing instructions to build a Docker image - Common Dockerfile instructions like FROM, RUN, COPY, EXPOSE, and CMD - Best practices for writing Dockerfiles such as making images smaller, choosing the correct build context, leveraging the build cache, and ordering instructions - Additional topics covered include the Docker build context, Dockerfile format, and tools like Docker BuildKit and Docker Scan. The presentation concludes with a demonstration of Dockerfiles.

✓ Detects frameworks
✓ Adds dependencies
✓ Builds app
✓ Exposes ports
✓ Creates labels
✓ Adds healthcheck
✓ Adds BOM
✓ Optimizes Image
✓ Detects frameworks
✓ Adds dependencies
✓ Builds app
✓ Exposes ports
✓ Creates labels
✓ Adds healthcheck
✓ Adds BOM
✓ Optimizes Image
✓ Detects frameworks
✓ Adds dependencies
✓ Builds app
✓ Exposes ports
✓ Creates labels
✓ Adds healthcheck
✓ Adds BOM
✓ Optimizes Image
✓ Detects frameworks
✓ Adds dependencies
✓ Builds app
✓ Exposes ports
✓ Creates labels
✓ Adds healthcheck
✓ Adds BOM
✓ Optimizes Image

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Introduction to docker and docker compose
Introduction to docker and docker composeIntroduction to docker and docker compose
Introduction to docker and docker compose

Docker allows packaging applications and dependencies into virtual containers that can run on any Linux server. This provides flexibility and portability. Docker images are lighter than virtual machines and use less storage. Docker Compose is a tool that defines and runs multi-container Docker applications using a YAML file to automate building, running, and linking containers together. It handles dependencies and startup order of containers to simplify running complex applications with multiple services.

docker composedocker
Docker 101: Introduction to Docker
Docker 101: Introduction to DockerDocker 101: Introduction to Docker
Docker 101: Introduction to Docker

This document provides an introduction to Docker. It discusses why Docker is useful for isolation, being lightweight, simplicity, workflow, and community. It describes the Docker engine, daemon, and CLI. It explains how Docker Hub provides image storage and automated builds. It outlines the Docker installation process and common workflows like finding images, pulling, running, stopping, and removing containers and images. It promotes Docker for building local images and using host volumes.

Getting Started with Kubernetes
Getting Started with Kubernetes Getting Started with Kubernetes
Getting Started with Kubernetes

If you’re working with just a few containers, managing them isn't too complicated. But what if you have hundreds or thousands? Think about having to handle multiple upgrades for each container, keeping track of container and node state, available resources, and more. That’s where Kubernetes comes in. Kubernetes is an open source container management platform that helps you run containers at scale. This talk will cover Kubernetes components and show how to run applications on it.

✓ Detects frameworks
✓ Adds dependencies
✓ Builds app
✓ Exposes ports
✓ Creates labels
✓ Adds healthcheck
✓ Adds BOM
✓ Optimizes Image
✓ Detects frameworks
✓ Adds dependencies
✓ Builds app
✓ Exposes ports
✓ Creates labels
✓ Adds healthcheck
✓ Adds BOM
✓ Optimizes Image
$ activate docker-ee trial
$ enable experimental-features
$ git clone
$ docker assemble backend
$ docker image inspect
$ docker run

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Jenkins를 활용한 Openshift CI/CD 구성 Jenkins를 활용한 Openshift CI/CD 구성
Jenkins를 활용한 Openshift CI/CD 구성

*웨비나 일시: 2021년 5월 12일(수) *웨비나 title: 컨테이너 & 클라우드 환경을 소화할 수 있는 CI/CD구축 가이드 Table of contents 1) OpenShift 소개 2) Opeshift CI/CD 구성 3) Opeshift CI/CD 데모

#openshift #오픈시프트 #컨테이너 #락플레이스
Containers 101
Containers 101Containers 101
Containers 101

Dockerized containers are the current wave that promising to revolutionize IT. Everybody is talking about containers, but a lot of people remain confused on how they work and why they are different or better than virtual machines. In this session, Black Duck container and virtualization expert Tim Mackey will demystify containers, explain their core concepts, and compare and contrast them with the virtual machine architectures that have been the staple of IT for the last decade.

black duck softwareblack duck flight 2017docker
Docker and kubernetes
Docker and kubernetesDocker and kubernetes
Docker and kubernetes

Docker allows building portable software that can run anywhere by packaging an application and its dependencies in a standardized unit called a container. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes can replicate containers, provide load balancing, coordinate updates between containers, and ensure availability. Defining applications as Kubernetes resources allows them to be deployed and updated easily across a cluster.

Docker Universal Control Plane
Enterprise-grade cluster management solution
$ install UCP
$ licence verification
$ deploy a service
$ scale it

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Docker Online Meetup #22: Docker Networking
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Docker Online Meetup #22: Docker Networking

Building on top of his talk at DockerCon 2015, Jana Radhakrishnan, Lead Software Engineer at Docker, does a deep dive into Docker Networking with additional demos and insights on the product roadmap.

networkingdocker networkinglibnetwork
Networking in Docker
Networking in DockerNetworking in Docker
Networking in Docker

While Docker leads the field of containerization and isolated platforms, it is essential to explore the way those container would communicate. In the session, we will explore various network structures of Docker technology and will create a basic network structure for an application to work.

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Slides from Alexei Ledenev's talk on testing strategies for Docker containers. Abstract: Being able to build a Docker container is only part of its development story. You need to be able to test your newly created containers. Ideally, we’d all like our container testing to be repeatable and portable. But there’s more than one way to achieve this so how do you know which method to choose? During this talk, we will demonstrate several approaches for testing Docker containers, discussing benefits and drawbacks with each approach.

integration testingdockerdevops
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