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Micro-service Architecture Style
February 5, 2015
Nguyen Quang Tung
Solution Architect
M: 0127 666 0909
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Nguyen Quang Tung
•M: +841276660909
• Cán Bộ Công Nghệ FPT Lvl3 –
System Architect
•7+ Solution Architect
•6+ Project Manager
•11+ Java/J2EE Development
•Multi-media/Video Broadcasting
•Stock Market
•Real Property Market.
Bachelor of Science Master of Science Mini – MBA
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4Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software

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Microservice architecture
Microservice architectureMicroservice architecture
Microservice architecture

Microservice architecture. Short intro into the world of microservices, the talk I gave in VilniusPHP meetup.

Design patterns for microservice architecture
Design patterns for microservice architectureDesign patterns for microservice architecture
Design patterns for microservice architecture

The presentation from our online webinar "Design patterns for microservice architecture". Full video from webinar available here: If you’re a CTO or a Lead Developer and you’re planning to design service-oriented architecture, it’s definitely a webinar tailored to your needs. Adrian Zmenda, our Lead Dev, will explain: - when microservice architecture is a safe bet and what are some good alternatives - what are the pros and cons of the most popular design patterns (API Gateway, Backend for Frontend and more) - how to ensure that the communication between services is done right and what to do in case of connection issues - why we’ve decided to use a monorepo (monolithic repository) - what we’ve learned from using the remote procedure call framework gRPC - how to monitor the efficiency of individual services and whole SOA-based systems.

microservicesnode.jssoftware development

Learn all about microservices from Product Marketing Manager Dan Giordano. We'll cover how to get started, the benefits, potential challenges, and how SmartBear can help.

microservicesmicroservices architectureapis
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6Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
SW Architecture in the Context of History
7Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
The Micro-Service architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as
a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with
lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API.
These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by
fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized
management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages
and use different data storage technologies.
8Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Classic SOA
•Integrates different
applications as a set
of services
•Architect a single
application as a set
of services
Yes, it’s SOA … but different implementation approach

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Microservices are an architectural style that structures an application as a collection of small, independent services that communicate with each other. Each service runs a unique process and focuses on doing a small job, such as user authentication or shopping cart functionality. The advantages of microservices include improved scalability, maintainability, and ability to upgrade parts of the system independently. However, adopting microservices also introduces additional operational complexity and communication overhead between services.

Microservices architecture
Microservices architectureMicroservices architecture
Microservices architecture

A introduction to Microservices Architecture: definition, characterstics, framworks, success stories. It contains a demo about implementation of microservices with Spring Boot, Spring cloud an Eureka.

architecturemicroservices patternsnetflix
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...
Developing applications with a microservice architecture (SVforum, microservi...

Here is the version of my microservices talk that that I gave on September 17th at the SVforum Cloud SIG/Microservices meetup. To learn more see and

microservicesevent sourcingeventual consistency
9Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Classic SOA
• Integrates different applications as a
set of services
Typical implementation solution
• Heavy-weight
• Orchestration
• License-driven
• Intelligent Communication Layer
Target Problem
• Integrate (Legacy) Software
10Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
• Architect a single application as a set
of services
Typical implementation solution
• Light-weight
• Choreography
• Intelligent Services
• Dumb Communication Layer
Target Problem
• Architect new Business Platform
11Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
12Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software

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Microservice Architecture | Microservices Tutorial for Beginners | Microservi...
Microservice Architecture | Microservices Tutorial for Beginners | Microservi...Microservice Architecture | Microservices Tutorial for Beginners | Microservi...
Microservice Architecture | Microservices Tutorial for Beginners | Microservi...

( Microservices Architecture Training: ) This Edureka's Microservices tutorial gives you detail of Microservices Architecture and how it is different from Monolithic Architecture. You will understand the concepts using a UBER case study. In this video, you will learn the following: 1. Monolithic Architecture 2. Challenges Of Monolithic Architecture 3. Microservice Architecture 4. Microservice Features 5. Compare architectures using UBER case-study

Introduction to microservices
Introduction to microservicesIntroduction to microservices
Introduction to microservices

The introduction covers the following 1. What are Microservices and why should be use this paradigm? 2. 12 factor apps and how Microservices make it easier to create them 3. Characteristics of Microservices Note: Please download the slides to view animations.

javaspring bootsoa
Cloud Native Application
Cloud Native ApplicationCloud Native Application
Cloud Native Application

VMware is introducing new platforms to better support cloud-native applications, including containers. The Photon Platform is a lightweight, API-driven control plane optimized for massive scale container deployments. It includes Photon OS, a lightweight Linux distribution for containers. vSphere Integrated Containers allows running containers alongside VMs on vSphere infrastructure for a unified hybrid approach. Both aim to provide the portability and agility of containers while leveraging VMware's management capabilities.

applicationcloud native applicationvmugit
13Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
14Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Simple to Develop Simple to Deploy Simple to Scale
15Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Hard to understand
and modify
Overloaded IDE
Web Container
• Large Code Intimidates Developers
Slows Down
16Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
• Small Change - Big Impact
Any change requires full
rebuild, test and deploy
Impact analysis is huge effort
and takes long
Obstacle for frequent
changes and deployments

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Microservices, Containers and Docker
Microservices, Containers and DockerMicroservices, Containers and Docker
Microservices, Containers and Docker

Microservices, Containers and Docker This document provides an overview of microservices, containers, and Docker. It begins by defining microservices as an architectural style where applications are composed of independent, interchangeable components. It discusses benefits of the microservices style such as independent deployability, efficient scaling, and design autonomy. The document then introduces containers as a way to package applications and their dependencies to run uniformly across various environments. It compares containers to virtual machines. Finally, it describes Docker as an open source tool that automates deployment of applications into containers, providing portability and management of containers. The document concludes by discussing the need for container orchestration at scale.

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A Pattern Language for Microservices
A Pattern Language for MicroservicesA Pattern Language for Microservices
A Pattern Language for Microservices

This is a talk I gave at PLoP 2017 - The microservice architecture is growing in popularity. It is an architectural style that structures an application as a set of loosely coupled services that are organized around business capabilities. Its goal is to enable the continuous delivery of large, complex applications. However, the microservice architecture is not a silver bullet and it has some significant drawbacks. The goal of the microservices pattern language is to enable software developers to apply the microservice architecture effectively. It is a collection of patterns that solve architecture, design, development and operational problems. In this talk, I’ll provide an overview of the microservice architecture and describe the motivations for the pattern language. You will learn about the key patterns in the pattern language.

microservicesmicroservice architecturepatterns
Architecture: Microservices
Architecture: MicroservicesArchitecture: Microservices
Architecture: Microservices

Kevin Huang: AWS San Francisco Startup Day, 9/7/17 Architecture: When, how, and if to adopt microservices - Microservices are not for everyone! If you're a small shop, a monolith provides a great amount of value and reduces the complexities involved. However as your company grows, this monolith becomes more difficult to maintain. We’ll look at how microservices allow you to easily deploy and debug atomic pieces of infrastructure which allows for increased velocity in reliable, tested, and consistent deploys. We’ll look into key metrics you can use to identify the right time to begin the transition from monolith to microservices.

awsamazon web servicescloud
17Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
• Big Risk for Re-Write
No hard module boundaries
Quality and Modularity breaks down over
time this enforces eventual need for re-write
Long term commitment to technology stack
Change or try-out new technology implies re-
Re-write = complete re-write
No partial re-write
18Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
• Little Resilience to Failure
Failure in monolith brings it down
19Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
• Scaling can be difficult
Mostly Horizontal scaling many load
balanced instances
Hard to scale to data growth cope with
all data
Different components have different
resource needs
Scaling development implies
coordination overhead
20Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
• The Scale Cube

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Introduction to Microservices
Introduction to MicroservicesIntroduction to Microservices
Introduction to Microservices

Microservices architectures are changing the way that organizations build their applications and infrastructure. Companies can now achieve new levels of scale and efficiency by disaggregating their large, monolithic applications into small, independent “micro services”, each of which perform different functions. In this session, we’ll introduce the concept of microservices, help you evaluate whether your organization is ready for microservices, and discuss methods for implementing these architectures. We’ll also cover topics such as using API gateways, enabling self-service infrastructure provisioning, and ways to manage your microservices.

cloud computingdevopsstartups
An introduction to Microservices
An introduction to MicroservicesAn introduction to Microservices
An introduction to Microservices

This document provides an introduction to microservices architecture. It discusses why companies adopt the microservices style, how to design microservices, common patterns, and examples from Netflix. The key points are: 1) Microservices architecture breaks applications into small, independent services that communicate over well-defined interfaces. This improves modularity, scalability, and allows independent deployments. 2) When designing microservices, services should be organized around business capabilities, have decentralized governance and data, and be designed to fail independently through patterns like circuit breakers. 3) Netflix is a leader in microservices and has open sourced many tools like Hystrix for latency handling and Eureka for service discovery that

What are Microservices | Microservices Architecture Training | Microservices ...
What are Microservices | Microservices Architecture Training | Microservices ...What are Microservices | Microservices Architecture Training | Microservices ...
What are Microservices | Microservices Architecture Training | Microservices ...

( Microservices Architecture Training: This Edureka's Microservices tutorial on What are Microservices gives you an introduction to microservices and also shows the practical implementation of microservices with a demo. In this video, you will learn the following: 1.Why Microservices 2.What Is Microservice Architecture 3.Features Of Microservice Architecture 4.Advantages Of Microservice Architecture 5.Companies Using Microservices 6.Hands-On Using SpringBoot

21Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
22Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Re-write a service in 2-3 weeks
23Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Small and focused on 1
•Easier to understand
•IDE and deployment faster for 1
•Release and deployment
Loosely Coupled
•Through lightweight
Fault Isolation vs bring all
Allows try-out of new
Re-write can be limited to
1 service
•Impact Analysis stops at
Provide firm module
boundaries with explicit
•Less risk on re-write
•Harder to violate boundary in
•vs central orchestration
•vs central point of failure
Decentralized data
•Polyglot persistence
24Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
1 - Key (business) drivers guide architectural decisions
• Micro-services are organized around business capabilities
2 - Postpone decisions to Last Responsible Moment
• Micro-services allow delay of scaling and technological decisions
3 - Architect and develop for Evolvability
• Micro-services support evolution in technology, scaling, and features

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Cloud Foundry open Platform as a Service makes it easy to operate, scale and deploy application for your dedicated cloud environments. It enables developers and operators to be significantly more agile, writing great applications and deliver them in days instead of months. Cloud Foundry takes care of all the infrastructure and network plumbing that you need to build, run and operate your applications and can do this while patching and updating systems and services without any downtime.

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25Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
26Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
27Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
HOW-TO: Big Picture!
28Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Principles Of
1. Modelled
2. Culture Of
3. Hide
4. Decentralise
All The Things
5. Deploy
6. Isolate Failure
7. Highly

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The document discusses digital transformation and how it is a top priority for many executives and industries. It notes that customer expectations are changing with demands for more personalized, connected experiences. This is putting pressure on companies to digitally transform and many industries are being disrupted. The document then discusses how IT is facing challenges keeping up with demands and how most companies' applications are not well connected. It positions MuleSoft as helping with digital transformation by being a leader in the enterprise integration platform as a service space and powering connectivity across industries.

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Cutting Through the Disruption
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Cutting Through the Disruption

The pace of change in business is faster than we could have ever imagined, and in this day and age you must either disrupt, or be disrupted. This presentation aims to explain the changes we are seeing in the business technology world, the struggles many organizations are facing to keep up, and present the audience with solutions to these difficulties. The presentation was originally presented by OSSCube CEO Lavanya Rastogi.

solutionstechnologyinformation technology
29Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
1. Modelled Around Business Domain
1. Modelled
2. Culture Of
3. Hide
n Details
4. Decentralise
All The Things
5. Deploy
6. Isolate
7. Highly
 Domain modules can migrate
independently to next version!
 Database schema is internal to
the domain bundle, i.e. NOT
part of the API!
 Persistence and/or database
technology can differ between
modules in one system!
30Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
2. Culture Of Automation
1. Modelled
2. Culture Of
3. Hide
n Details
4. Decentralise
All The Things
5. Deploy
6. Isolate
7. Highly
Infrastructure Automation
Automated Testing
Continuous Delivery!
31Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
3. Hide Implementation Details
1. Modelled
2. Culture Of
3. Hide
n Details
4. Decentralise
All The Things
5. Deploy
6. Isolate
7. Highly
Business Partner
Vehicle Service
Business Partner Service
Transport Service
Vehicle Databases
Business Partner
Vehicle App
Business Partner App
Transport App
Vehicle Context
Transport Context
Hide Your Database!
32Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
4. Decentralize All The Things
1. Modelled
2. Culture Of
3. Hide
n Details
4. Decentralise
All The Things
5. Deploy
6. Isolate
7. Highly
What is autonomy?
 Giving people as much freedom
as possible to do the job at hand
Self Service

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Engineering DevOps and Cloud

This document summarizes a 30-minute talk on engineering DevOps given by Marc Hornbeek. The talk discusses defining engineering DevOps, how to engineer people, processes, and technology for DevOps. It also covers how to engineer applications, pipelines, and infrastructures for DevOps. The talk presents a seven-step DevOps engineering transformation blueprint and discusses the future of engineering DevOps beyond continuous improvement. The document provides benefits of a well-engineered DevOps approach and why engineering is needed to implement DevOps successfully. It also summarizes DevOps engineering tools and maturity levels.

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This document discusses the implementation of an API-led architecture for a Swiss bank. It outlines the challenges the bank faced with a point-to-point integration architecture and siloed systems. The bank adopted an API-led approach using MuleSoft to enable modular development, reuse of APIs, and flexibility to change. This allowed the bank to launch a mobile banking application twice as fast and dedicate more time to innovation projects. Lessons learned included designing APIs first, evangelizing the approach, involving all business lines early, and identifying low-risk quick win projects.

Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship
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Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship

With businesses built around software now disrupting multiple industries that appeared to have stable leaders, the need has emerged for enterprises to create "software factories" built around the following principles: Streaming customer feedback directly into rapid, iterative cycles of application development Horizontally scaling applications to meet user demand Compatibility with an enormous diversity of clients, with mobility (smartphones, tablets, etc.) taking the lead Continuous delivery of value, shrinking the cycle time from concept to cash Infrastructure has taken the lead in adapting to meet these needs with the move to the cloud, and Platform as a Service (PaaS) has raised the level of abstraction to a focus on an ecosystem of applications and services. However, most applications are still developed as if we're living in the previous generation of both business and infrastructure: the monolithic application. Microservices - small, loosely coupled applications that follow the Unix philosophy of "doing one thing well" - represent the application development side of enabling rapid, iterative development, horizontal scale, polyglot clients, and continuous delivery. They also enable us to scale application development and eliminate long term commitments to a single technology stack. While microservices are simple, they are certainly not easy. It's recently been said that "microservices are not a free lunch". Interestingly enough, if you look at the concerns expressed here about microservices, you'll find that they are exactly the challenges that a PaaS is intended to address. So while microservices do not necessarily imply cloud (and vice versa), there is in fact a symbiotic relationship between the two, with each approach somehow compensating for the limitations of the other, much like the practices of eXtreme Programming.

cloud foundryplatform-as-a-servicematt stine
33Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
5. Deploy Independently
1. Modelled
2. Culture Of
3. Hide
n Details
4. Decentralise
All The Things
5. Deploy
6. Isolate
7. Highly
34Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
6. Isolate Failure
1. Modelled
2. Culture Of
3. Hide
n Details
4. Decentralise
All The Things
5. Deploy
6. Isolate
7. Highly
35Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
7. Highly Observable
1. Modelled
2. Culture Of
3. Hide
n Details
4. Decentralise
All The Things
5. Deploy
6. Isolate
7. Highly
Correlation IDs
36Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software

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Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship
Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic RelationshipCloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship
Cloud Foundry and Microservices: A Mutualistic Symbiotic Relationship

As delivered to the Cloud Foundry Summit 2014 in San Francisco, CA: With businesses built around software now disrupting multiple industries that appeared to have stable leaders, the need has emerged for enterprises to create "software factories" built around the following principles: * Streaming customer feedback directly into rapid, iterative cycles of application development * Horizontally scaling applications to meet user demand * Compatibility with an enormous diversity of clients, with mobility (smartphones, tablets, etc.) taking the lead * Continuous delivery of value, shrinking the cycle time from concept to cash Infrastructure has taken the lead in adapting to meet these needs with the move to the cloud, and Platform as a Service (PaaS) has raised the level of abstraction to a focus on an ecosystem of applications and services. However, most applications are still developed as if we're living in the previous generation of both business and infrastructure: the monolithic application. Microservices - small, loosely coupled applications that follow the Unix philosophy of "doing one thing well" - represent the application development side of enabling rapid, iterative development, horizontal scale, polyglot clients, and continuous delivery. They also enable us to scale application development and eliminate long term commitments to a single technology stack. While microservices are simple, they are certainly not easy. It's recently been said that "microservices are not a free lunch". Interestingly enough, if you look at the concerns expressed here about microservices, you'll find that they are exactly the challenges that a PaaS is intended to address. So while microservices do not necessarily imply cloud (and vice versa), there is in fact a symbiotic relationship between the two, with each approach somehow compensating for the limitations of the other, much like the practices of eXtreme Programming.

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Anypoint Platform for Pivotal Cloud Foundry

Customers need a choice of deployment environments whether on MuleSoft's cloud, on-premises or in a private cloud using a platform as a service (PaaS) framework. Learn how MuleSoft and Pivotal work together to deliver application networks within a secure private cloud. In this session, we will discuss the different deployment modes of Anypoint Platform on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.

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37Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Communication Between Services
• Use case: New Order Received
38Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Handling Failures
39Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Minimising Communicational Overhead
40Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Handling Failures in Communication

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Microservice Implementation Stack
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Docker - Build, Ship, and Run Any App, Anywhere

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45Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Docker - Build, Ship, and Run Any App, Anywhere
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48Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
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53Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Advantages of Microservice Architecture
• Each micro service is small and focused on a specific feature / business requirement.
• Microservice can be developed independently by small team of developers (normally 2 to 5 developers).
• Microservice is loosely coupled, means services are independent, in terms of development and deployment both.
• Microservice can be developed using different programming language (Personally I don't suggest to do it).
• Microservice allows easy and flexible way to integrate automatic deployment with Continuous Integration tools (for
e.g: Jenkins, Hudson, bamboo etc..).
• The productivity of a new team member will be quick enough.
• Microservice is easy to understand, modify and maintain for a developer because separation of code,small team and
focused work.
• Microservice allows you to take advantage of emerging and latest technologies (framework, programming language ,
programming practice, etc.).
• Microservice has code for business logic only, No mixup with HTML,CSS or other UI component.
• Microservice is easy to scale based on demand.
• Microservice can deploy on commodity hardware or low / medium configuration servers.
• Easy to integrate 3rd party service.
• Every microservice has it's own storage capability but it depends on the project’s requirement, you can have common
database like MySQL or Oracle for all services.
54Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
Disadvantages of Microservice Architecture
• Microservice architecture brings a lot of operations overhead.
• DevOps Skill required (
• Duplication of Effort.
• Distributed System is complicated to manage .
• Default to trace problem because of distributed deployment.
• Complicated to manage whole products when number of services increases.
55Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
 Microservices -
 Microservice architecture patterns and best practices -
 InfoQ eMag: Microservices -
 Micro Services: Java, the Unix Way -
 Microservices: Decomposing Applications for Deployability and Scalability -
 Microservice Architecture: A Quick Guide-
 Making Architecture Work in Microservice Organizations -
 Life Preservation for Adaptable Software -
 The Art of Scalability -
56Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software

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57Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software

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Microservice Architecture

  • 1. Micro-service Architecture Style SMAC ERA… February 5, 2015 Nguyen Quang Tung Solution Architect M: 0127 666 0909 E:
  • 2. 2Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHO AM I? Nguyen Quang Tung •E1: •E2: •M: +841276660909 Professional: • Cán Bộ Công Nghệ FPT Lvl3 – System Architect •7+ Solution Architect •6+ Project Manager •11+ Java/J2EE Development Domain: •Multi-media/Video Broadcasting •Stock Market •CMS & DMS •Real Property Market. •eGovernment Bachelor of Science Master of Science Mini – MBA
  • 3. 3Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software
  • 4. 4Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHO IS BIG PLAYER IN THIS GAME!
  • 5. 5Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software MICROSERVICE ARCHITECTURE - CONCEPTS Concepts Why? How? What? •Concept •Technology
  • 6. 6Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software SW Architecture in the Context of History
  • 7. 7Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software Concepts: WHAT ARE MICRO-SERVICERS? The Micro-Service architectural style is an approach to developing a single application as a suite of small services, each running in its own process and communicating with lightweight mechanisms, often an HTTP resource API. These services are built around business capabilities and independently deployable by fully automated deployment machinery. There is a bare minimum of centralized management of these services, which may be written in different programming languages and use different data storage technologies.
  • 8. 8Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software Concepts: SERVICE ORENTED ARCHITECTURE (SOA)? Classic SOA •Integrates different applications as a set of services Microservices •Architect a single application as a set of services Yes, it’s SOA … but different implementation approach
  • 9. 9Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software Concepts: CLASSIC SOA vs MICROSERVICE Classic SOA • Integrates different applications as a set of services Typical implementation solution • Heavy-weight • Orchestration • ESB • WS*/SOAP • License-driven • Intelligent Communication Layer Target Problem • Integrate (Legacy) Software
  • 10. 10Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software Concepts: CLASSIC SOA vs MICROSERVICE MICROSERVICE • Architect a single application as a set of services Typical implementation solution • Light-weight • Choreography • HTTP/REST/JSON • Intelligent Services • Dumb Communication Layer Target Problem • Architect new Business Platform
  • 11. 11Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software MICROSERVICE ARCHITECTURE – WHY? Concepts Why? How? What? •Concept •Technology
  • 12. 12Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: EVOLUTION OF SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE
  • 13. 13Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: FROM MONOLITHIC TO CLOUD
  • 14. 14Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: THE CURSE OF THE MONOLITH Simple to Develop Simple to Deploy Simple to Scale
  • 15. 15Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: THE CURSE OF THE MONOLITH Hard to understand and modify Overloaded IDE Overloaded Web Container • Large Code Intimidates Developers Development Slows Down
  • 16. 16Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: THE CURSE OF THE MONOLITH • Small Change - Big Impact Any change requires full rebuild, test and deploy Impact analysis is huge effort and takes long Obstacle for frequent changes and deployments
  • 17. 17Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: THE CURSE OF THE MONOLITH • Big Risk for Re-Write No hard module boundaries Quality and Modularity breaks down over time this enforces eventual need for re-write Long term commitment to technology stack Change or try-out new technology implies re- write Re-write = complete re-write No partial re-write
  • 18. 18Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: THE CURSE OF THE MONOLITH • Little Resilience to Failure Failure in monolith brings it down
  • 19. 19Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: THE CURSE OF THE MONOLITH • Scaling can be difficult Mostly Horizontal scaling many load balanced instances Hard to scale to data growth cope with all data Different components have different resource needs Scaling development implies coordination overhead
  • 20. 20Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: TYPES OF SCALING • The Scale Cube
  • 21. 21Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: TYPES OF SCALING
  • 22. 22Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: TYPES OF SCALING V1 V2 Re-write a service in 2-3 weeks
  • 23. 23Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: ARCHITECTURAL BENEFITS Small and focused on 1 capability •Easier to understand •IDE and deployment faster for 1 service Independent •Release and deployment •Scaling •Development Loosely Coupled •Through lightweight communication Fault Isolation vs bring all down. Allows try-out of new technologies. Re-write can be limited to 1 service •Impact Analysis stops at boundary Provide firm module boundaries with explicit interface! •Less risk on re-write •Harder to violate boundary in development Decentralized choreography •vs central orchestration •vs central point of failure Decentralized data •Polyglot persistence
  • 24. 24Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHY: ARCHITECTURE EVOLUTION 1 - Key (business) drivers guide architectural decisions • Micro-services are organized around business capabilities 2 - Postpone decisions to Last Responsible Moment • Micro-services allow delay of scaling and technological decisions 3 - Architect and develop for Evolvability • Micro-services support evolution in technology, scaling, and features
  • 25. 25Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software MICROSERVICE ARCHITECTURE - HOW-TO? Concepts Why? How? What? •Concept •Technology
  • 26. 26Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: PRINCIPLES OF MICROSERVICES
  • 27. 27Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: Big Picture!
  • 28. 28Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: 7 PRINCIPLES OF MICROSERVICES Principles Of Microservices 1. Modelled Around Business Domain 2. Culture Of Automation 3. Hide Implementation Details 4. Decentralise All The Things 5. Deploy Independently 6. Isolate Failure 7. Highly Observable
  • 29. 29Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: 7 PRINCIPLES OF MICROSERVICES 1. Modelled Around Business Domain Principles Of Microservic es 1. Modelled Around Business Domain 2. Culture Of Automation 3. Hide Implementatio n Details 4. Decentralise All The Things 5. Deploy Independently 6. Isolate Failure 7. Highly Observable Benefits  Domain modules can migrate independently to next version!  Database schema is internal to the domain bundle, i.e. NOT part of the API!  Persistence and/or database technology can differ between modules in one system!
  • 30. 30Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: 7 PRINCIPLES OF MICROSERVICES 2. Culture Of Automation Principles Of Microservic es 1. Modelled Around Business Domain 2. Culture Of Automation 3. Hide Implementatio n Details 4. Decentralise All The Things 5. Deploy Independently 6. Isolate Failure 7. Highly Observable Infrastructure Automation Automated Testing Continuous Delivery!
  • 31. 31Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: 7 PRINCIPLES OF MICROSERVICES 3. Hide Implementation Details Principles Of Microservic es 1. Modelled Around Business Domain 2. Culture Of Automation 3. Hide Implementatio n Details 4. Decentralise All The Things 5. Deploy Independently 6. Isolate Failure 7. Highly Observable Databases Business Partner Vehicle Service Business Partner Service Transport Service Databases Vehicle Databases Transport Databases Vehicle Business Partner Transport Vehicle App Business Partner App Transport App Vehicle Context Transport Context Business Partner Context Hide Your Database!
  • 32. 32Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: 7 PRINCIPLES OF MICROSERVICES 4. Decentralize All The Things Principles Of Microservic es 1. Modelled Around Business Domain 2. Culture Of Automation 3. Hide Implementatio n Details 4. Decentralise All The Things 5. Deploy Independently 6. Isolate Failure 7. Highly Observable What is autonomy?  Giving people as much freedom as possible to do the job at hand Autonomy! Self Service Share Governance Owner Operator Internal Open Source Dumb- Pipes, Smart Endpoint
  • 33. 33Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: 7 PRINCIPLES OF MICROSERVICES 5. Deploy Independently Deployment One Service Per-Host Consumer- Driven Contracts Co-Exist Point Principles Of Microservic es 1. Modelled Around Business Domain 2. Culture Of Automation 3. Hide Implementatio n Details 4. Decentralise All The Things 5. Deploy Independently 6. Isolate Failure 7. Highly Observable
  • 34. 34Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: 7 PRINCIPLES OF MICROSERVICES 6. Isolate Failure Principles Of Microservic es 1. Modelled Around Business Domain 2. Culture Of Automation 3. Hide Implementatio n Details 4. Decentralise All The Things 5. Deploy Independently 6. Isolate Failure 7. Highly Observable
  • 35. 35Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: 7 PRINCIPLES OF MICROSERVICES 7. Highly Observable Principles Of Microservic es 1. Modelled Around Business Domain 2. Culture Of Automation 3. Hide Implementatio n Details 4. Decentralise All The Things 5. Deploy Independently 6. Isolate Failure 7. Highly Observable Correlation IDs Aggregation
  • 36. 36Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: MICROSERVICE CHALLENGES
  • 37. 37Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: MICROSERVICE CHALLENGES Communication Between Services • Use case: New Order Received
  • 39. 39Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: MICROSERVICE CHALLENGES Minimising Communicational Overhead • API GATEWAY
  • 40. 40Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software HOW-TO: MICROSERVICE CHALLENGES Handling Failures in Communication • CIRCUIT BREAKER
  • 41. 41Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software MICROSERVICE ARCHITECTURE - WHAT? Concepts Why? How? What? •Concept •Technology
  • 42. 42Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: TECHNOLOGY Microservice Implementation Stack
  • 43. 43Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: DEPLOYMENT Deployment Options
  • 44. 44Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: DEPLOYMENT Docker - Build, Ship, and Run Any App, Anywhere
  • 45. 45Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: DEPLOYMENT Docker - Build, Ship, and Run Any App, Anywhere
  • 46. 46Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: DEPLOYMENT DOCKER SOLVES THE NxN PROBLEM
  • 47. 47Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: DEPLOYMENT
  • 48. 48Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: DEPLOYMENT CI - Continuous Integration
  • 49. 49Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: DEPLOYMENT Deployment Options
  • 50. 50Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: BALANCING LOAD
  • 51. 51Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: METRIC & MONITORING
  • 52. 52Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software WHAT: METRIC & MONITORING
  • 53. 53Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software CONCLUSION Advantages of Microservice Architecture • Each micro service is small and focused on a specific feature / business requirement. • Microservice can be developed independently by small team of developers (normally 2 to 5 developers). • Microservice is loosely coupled, means services are independent, in terms of development and deployment both. • Microservice can be developed using different programming language (Personally I don't suggest to do it). • Microservice allows easy and flexible way to integrate automatic deployment with Continuous Integration tools (for e.g: Jenkins, Hudson, bamboo etc..). • The productivity of a new team member will be quick enough. • Microservice is easy to understand, modify and maintain for a developer because separation of code,small team and focused work. • Microservice allows you to take advantage of emerging and latest technologies (framework, programming language , programming practice, etc.). • Microservice has code for business logic only, No mixup with HTML,CSS or other UI component. • Microservice is easy to scale based on demand. • Microservice can deploy on commodity hardware or low / medium configuration servers. • Easy to integrate 3rd party service. • Every microservice has it's own storage capability but it depends on the project’s requirement, you can have common database like MySQL or Oracle for all services.
  • 54. 54Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software CONCLUSION Disadvantages of Microservice Architecture • Microservice architecture brings a lot of operations overhead. • DevOps Skill required ( • Duplication of Effort. • Distributed System is complicated to manage . • Default to trace problem because of distributed deployment. • Complicated to manage whole products when number of services increases.
  • 55. 55Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software REFERENCE  Microservices -  Microservice architecture patterns and best practices -  InfoQ eMag: Microservices -  Micro Services: Java, the Unix Way -  Microservices: Decomposing Applications for Deployability and Scalability -  Microservice Architecture: A Quick Guide-  Making Architecture Work in Microservice Organizations -  Life Preservation for Adaptable Software - article-developer-magazine  The Art of Scalability -
  • 56. 56Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software Q&A
  • 57. 57Copyright © 2014 by FPT Software