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@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Co-Founder / CTO
MetaMagic Global Inc., NJ, USA
Architecture Series
Building Cloud Native Apps
Kubernetes, KinD
Service Mesh: Istio
Part 7 of 11
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker / Kubernetes / Istio
Containers Container Orchestration Service Mesh
MicroservicesArchitectureStyles © 2017 byAraf Karsh Hamid is licensed under CC BY 4.0
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Slides are color coded based on the topic colors.
Linux Containers
Networking &
Packet Path
Service Mesh: Istio
Best Practices 4
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
• 12 Factor App Methodology
• Docker Concepts
• Images and Containers
• Anatomy of a Dockerfile
• Networking / Volume
• Kubernetes Concepts
• Namespace
• Pods
• RelicaSet
• Deployment
• Service / Endpoints
• Ingress
• Rollout and Undo
• Auto Scale
• API Gateway
• Load Balancer
• Service Discovery
• Config Server
• Circuit Breaker
• Service Aggregator
Infrastructure Design Patterns
• Environment
• Config Map
• Pod Presets
• Secrets
3 Kubernetes – Container App Setup

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What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...
What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...
What Is Kubernetes | Kubernetes Introduction | Kubernetes Tutorial For Beginn...

***** Kubernetes Certification Training: ***** ​ This Edureka tutorial on "What is Kubernetes" will give you an introduction to one of the most popular Devops tool in the market - Kubernetes, and its importance in today's IT processes. This tutorial is ideal for beginners who want to get started with Kubernetes & DevOps. The following topics are covered in this training session: 1. Need for Kubernetes 2. What is Kubernetes and What it's not 3. How does Kubernetes work? 4. Use-Case: Kubernetes @ Pokemon Go 5. Hands-on: Deployment with Kubernetes ​DevOps Tutorial Blog Series:

devopsedurekakubernetes edureka
Docker Kubernetes Istio
Docker Kubernetes IstioDocker Kubernetes Istio
Docker Kubernetes Istio

Docker Kubernetes Istio Understanding Docker and creating containers. Container Orchestration based on Kubernetes Blue Green Deployment, AB Testing, Canary Deployment, Traffic Rules based on Istio

Best Practices with Azure Kubernetes Services
Best Practices with Azure Kubernetes ServicesBest Practices with Azure Kubernetes Services
Best Practices with Azure Kubernetes Services

- AKS best practices discusses cluster isolation and resource management, storage, networking, network policies, securing the environment, scaling applications and clusters, and logging and monitoring for AKS clusters. - It provides an overview of the different Kubernetes offerings in Azure (DIY, ACS Engine, and AKS), and recommends using at least 3 nodes for upgrades when using persistent volumes. - The document discusses various AKS networking configurations like basic networking, advanced networking using Azure CNI, internal load balancers, ingress controllers, and network policies. It also covers cluster level security topics like IAM with AAD and RBAC.

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
• Docker / Kubernetes Networking
• Pod to Pod Networking
• Pod to Service Networking
• Ingress and Egress – Internet
Kubernetes Networking – Packet Path
• Kubernetes IP Network
• OSI | L2/3/7 | IP Tables | IP VS |
• Kube DNS | Proxy
• LB, Cluster IP, Node Port
• Ingress Controller
Kubernetes Networking Advanced
• In-Tree & Out-of-Tree Volume Plugins
• Container Storage Interface
• CSI – Volume Life Cycle
• Persistent Volume
• Persistent Volume Claims
• Storage Class
Kubernetes Volumes
• Jobs / Cron Jobs
• Quotas / Limits / QoS
• Pod / Node Affinity
• Pod Disruption Budget
• Kubernetes Commands
Kubernetes Advanced Concepts
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
• Docker Best Practices
• Kubernetes Best Practices
• Security Best Practices
13 Best Practices
• Istio Concepts / Sidecar Pattern
• Envoy Proxy / Cilium Integration
10 Service Mesh – Istio
• Security
• Mesh Policy | Policy
• Cluster RBAC Config
• Service Role / Role Binding
Istio – Security and RBAC
• Gateway / Virtual Service
• Destination Rule / Service Entry
• AB Testing using Canary
• Beta Testing using Canary
Istio Traffic Management
• Network Policy L3 / L4
• Security Policy for Microservices
• Weave / Calico / Cilium / Flannel
Kubernetes Network Security Policies
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Scrum (4-6 Weeks)
Developer Journey
Domain Driven Design
Event Sourcing and CQRS
Continuous Integration (CI)
6/12 Months
Enterprise Service Bus
Relational Database [SQL] / NoSQL
Development QA / QC Ops
Domain Driven Design
Event Sourcing and CQRS
Scrum / Kanban (1-5 Days)
Infrastructure Design Patterns
Event Streaming / Replicated Logs
Container Orchestrator Service Mesh
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
12 Factor App Methodology
4 Backing Services Treat Backing services like DB, Cache as attached resources
5 Build, Release, Run Separate Build and Run Stages
6 Process Execute App as One or more Stateless Process
7 Port Binding Export Services with Specific Port Binding
8 Concurrency Scale out via the process Model
9 Disposability Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful exit
10 Dev / Prod Parity Keep Development, Staging and Production as similar as possible
11 Logs Treat logs as Event Streams
12 Admin Process Run Admin Tasks as one of Process
Factors Description
1 Codebase One Code base tracked in revision control
2 Dependencies Explicitly declare dependencies
3 Configuration Configuration driven Apps

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Azure DevOps
Azure DevOpsAzure DevOps
Azure DevOps

Get a quick overview of the following topics: 1.Azure Boards 2.Azure Pipelines 3.Azure Repos 4.Azure Test Plans 5.Azure Artifacts

Microservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SRE
Microservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SREMicroservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SRE
Microservices Docker Kubernetes Istio Kanban DevOps SRE

Introduction to Microservices Architecture, Docker, Kubernetes, Istio, Testing Strategies for Microservices based Apps. Security Best Practices. Kanban, DevOps, and SRE. Infrastructure Design Patterns - API Gateway - Service Discovery - Load Balancer - Circuit Breaker - Let-it-Crash Pattern Software Design Patterns - Hexagonal Architecture - Domain Driven Design - Event Sourcing and CQRS - Functional Reactive Programming

Platform Engineering
Platform EngineeringPlatform Engineering
Platform Engineering

Platform Engineering is the practice of building and operating a common platform as a product for technology teams. In this session, we will talk about why and when we need a platform. How to build Platform Engineering and demo. Jirayut Nimsaeng Founder & CEO Opsta (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Youtube Record: Dev Mountain Tech Festival 2022 @ Khaoyai March 19, 2022

platform engineeringdevsecopsdevops
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Cloud Native
Cloud Native computing uses an
opensource software stack
to deploy applications as microservices,
packaging each part into its own container,
and dynamically orchestrating those
containers to optimize resource utilization.
As defined by CNCF
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Containers
• 12 Factor App Methodology
• Docker Concepts
• Images and Containers
• Anatomy of a Dockerfile
• Networking / Volume
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
What’s a Container?
Looks like a
Walks like a
Runs like a
Containers are a Sandbox inside Linux Kernel sharing the kernel with
separate Network Stack, Process Stack, IPC Stack etc.
They are NOT Virtual Machines or Light weight Virtual Machines.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Servers / Virtual Machines / Containers
Host OS
App 1 App 1 App 1
Type 2 Hypervisor
App 2
App 3
App 2
Desktop / Laptop
Container 1 Container 2
Type 1 Hypervisor
App 1 App 1 App 1
App 2
App 3
App 2
Guest OS
Type 1 Hypervisor
Container 1 Container 2 Container 3
Virtualizes the OS
Create Secure Sandboxes in OS
Virtualizes the Hardware
Creates Virtual Machines
Data Center
No Virtualization
Cloud Elastic Computing

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The DevOps Journey
The DevOps JourneyThe DevOps Journey
The DevOps Journey

Micro Focus Software Delivery and Testing Jan De Coster Presentation on the Journey to DevOps in the recent Micro Focus #DevDay Copenhagen. Micro Focus enables enterprise software organizations to build innovative software and accelerate application delivery to meet the needs of the business. Whatever the challenges and infrastructures, our core principle—of reusing what already works to minimize business risk while supporting modern software practices—has positioned our customers to be better prepared to support the digital transformation of the business. Build, test and deliver innovative software faster with less risk. April 2017.

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Gitlab, GitOps & ArgoCD
Gitlab, GitOps & ArgoCDGitlab, GitOps & ArgoCD
Gitlab, GitOps & ArgoCD

This document discusses improving the developer experience through GitOps and ArgoCD. It recommends building developer self-service tools for cloud resources and Kubernetes to reduce frustration. Example GitLab CI/CD pipelines are shown that handle releases, deployments to ECR, and patching apps in an ArgoCD repository to sync changes. The goal is to create faster feedback loops through Git operations and automation to motivate developers.

Event Sourcing & CQRS, Kafka, Rabbit MQ
Event Sourcing & CQRS, Kafka, Rabbit MQEvent Sourcing & CQRS, Kafka, Rabbit MQ
Event Sourcing & CQRS, Kafka, Rabbit MQ

Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 2 of 11 Microservices Architecture Series Event Sourcing & CQRS, Kafka, Rabbit MQ Case Studies (E-Commerce App, Movie Streaming, Ticket Booking, Restaurant, Hospital Management)

event sourcingevent stormingcqrs
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker containers are Linux Containers
Copy on
• Kernel Feature
• Groups Processes
• Control Resource
• CPU, CPU Sets
• Memory
• Disk
• Block I/O
• Images
• Not a File System
• Not a VHD
• Basically a tar file
• Has a Hierarchy
• Arbitrary Depth
• Fits into Docker
• The real magic behind
• It creates barriers
between processes
• Different Namespaces
• PID Namespace
• Net Namespace
• IPC Namespace
• MNT Namespace
• Linux Kernel Namespace
introduced between
kernel 2.6.15 – 2.6.26
docker run
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Container – Linux and Windows
Control Groups
Pid, net, ipc, mnt, uts
Layer Capabilities
Union File Systems:
AUFS, btrfs, vfs
Control Groups
Job Objects
Object Namespace, Process
Table. Networking
Layer Capabilities
Registry, UFS like
Namespaces: Building blocks of the Containers
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Linux Kernel
HOST OS (Ubuntu)
Docker Daemon
Cent OS
Host Kernel
Host Kernel
Host Kernel
All the containers
will have the same
Host OS Kernel
If you require a
specific Kernel
version, then Host
Kernel needs to be
HOST OS (Windows 10)
Docker Daemon
Nano Server
Server Core
Nano Server
Host Kernel
Host Kernel
Host Kernel
Windows Kernel
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Key Concepts
1. Docker images
1. A Docker image is a read-only template.
2. For example, an image could contain an Ubuntu operating system with Apache and
your web application installed.
3. Images are used to create Docker containers.
4. Docker provides a simple way to build new images or update existing images, or you
can download Docker images that other people have already created.
5. Docker images are the build component of Docker.
2. Docker containers
1. Docker containers are similar to a directory.
2. A Docker container holds everything that is needed for an application to run.
3. Each container is created from a Docker image.
4. Docker containers can be run, started, stopped, moved, and deleted.
5. Each container is an isolated and secure application platform.
6. Docker containers are the run component of Docker.
3. Docker Registries
1. Docker registries hold images.
2. These are public or private stores from which you upload or download images.
3. The public Docker registry is called Docker Hub.
4. It provides a huge collection of existing images for your use.
5. These can be images you create yourself or you can use images that others have
previously created.
6. Docker registries are the distribution component of Docker.

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GitOps with ArgoCD

At the spring 2019 Kubernetes and Cloud Native Meetup in Montreal, Jean-Philippe Belanger from Upgrade presented 'GitOps with ArgoCD.'

Cloud Architecture - Multi Cloud, Edge, On-Premise
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Cloud Architecture - Multi Cloud, Edge, On-Premise

Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 8 of 11 Microservices Architecture Series Cloud Architecture - Multi-Cloud, Edge, On-Premise - Terraform - AWS

cloud computingmulti-cloudedge computing
Kubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes IntroductionKubernetes Introduction
Kubernetes Introduction

This document provides an overview of Kubernetes, an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It describes Kubernetes' architecture including nodes, pods, replication controllers, services, and networking. It also discusses how to set up Kubernetes environments using Minikube or kubeadm and get started deploying pods and services.

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Daemon
Docker Client
How Docker works….
$ docker search ….
$ docker build ….
$ docker container create ..
Docker Hub
$ docker container run ..
$ docker container start ..
$ docker container stop ..
$ docker container ls ..
$ docker push ….
$ docker swarm ..
1. Search for the Container
2. Docker Daemon Sends the request to Hub
3. Downloads the image
4. Run the Container from the image
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Image structure
• Images are read-only.
• Multiple layers of image
gives the final Container.
• Layers can be sharable.
• Layers are portable.
• Debian Base image
• Emacs
• Apache
• Writable Container
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Running a Docker Container
$ ID=$(docker container run -d ubuntu /bin/bash -c “while true; do date; sleep 1; done”)
Creates a Docker Container of Ubuntu OS and runs the container and execute bash shell with a script.
$ docker container logs $ID Shows output from the( bash script) container
$ docker container ls List the running Containers
$ docker pull ubuntu Docker pulls the image from the Docker Registry
When you copy the commands for testing change ”
quotes to proper quotes. Microsoft PowerPoint
messes with the quotes.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Anatomy of a Dockerfile
Command Description Example
The FROM instruction sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions. As such, a
valid Dockerfile must have FROM as its first instruction. The image can be any valid
image – it is especially easy to start by pulling an image from the Public repositories
FROM ubuntu
FROM alpine
The MAINTAINER instruction allows you to set the Author field of the generated
images. (Deprecated)
The LABEL instruction adds metadata to an image. A LABEL is a key-value pair. To
include spaces within a LABEL value, use quotes and backslashes as you would in
command-line parsing.
LABEL version="1.0”
LABEL vendor=“M2”
The RUN instruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current
image and commit the results. The resulting committed image will be used for the
next step in the Dockerfile.
RUN apt-get install -y
The ADD instruction copies new files, directories or remote file URLs from <src> and
adds them to the filesystem of the container at the path <dest>.
ADD hom* /mydir/
ADD hom?.txt /mydir/
The COPY instruction copies new files or directories from <src> and adds them to the
filesystem of the container at the path <dest>.
COPY hom* /mydir/
COPY hom?.txt /mydir/
The ENV instruction sets the environment variable <key> to the value <value>. This
value will be in the environment of all "descendent" Dockerfile commands and can be
replaced inline in many as well.

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Advanced Terraform
Advanced TerraformAdvanced Terraform
Advanced Terraform

This document contains notes from a talk on advanced Terraform techniques. It discusses using Terraform for infrastructure as code to deploy resources across multiple environments like development, staging, and production. It also mentions techniques like separating code into modules, using variables to parameterize configurations, and integrating Terraform with other DevOps tools like Ansible.

Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview
Kubernetes - A Comprehensive OverviewKubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview
Kubernetes - A Comprehensive Overview

An in depth overview of Kubernetes and it's various components. NOTE: This is a fixed version of a previous presentation (a draft was uploaded with some errors)

Understanding docker networking
Understanding docker networkingUnderstanding docker networking
Understanding docker networking

The document discusses different Docker networking drivers including null, host, bridge, overlay, and macvlan/ipvlan networks. It provides examples of creating networks with each driver and how containers on different networks will connect and obtain IPs. Specifically, it shows how the bridge driver sets up a private Docker bridge network (docker0 by default) and how overlay networks use VXLAN tunnels to connect containers across multiple Docker daemons.

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Anatomy of a Dockerfile
Command Description Example
The VOLUME instruction creates a mount point with the specified name and marks it as
holding externally mounted volumes from native host or other containers. The value can be a
JSON array, VOLUME ["/var/log/"], or a plain string with multiple arguments, such as VOLUME
/var/log or VOLUME /var/log
VOLUME /data/webapps
The USER instruction sets the user name or UID to use when running the image and for any
RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile.
USER johndoe
The WORKDIR instruction sets the working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY
and ADD instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile.
WORKDIR /home/user
There can only be one CMD instruction in a Dockerfile. If you list more than one CMD then only
the last CMD will take effect.
The main purpose of a CMD is to provide defaults for an executing container. These defaults
can include an executable, or they can omit the executable, in which case you must specify an
ENTRYPOINT instruction as well.
CMD echo "This is a test." |
wc -
The EXPOSE instructions informs Docker that the container will listen on the
specified network ports at runtime. Docker uses this information to interconnect
containers using links and to determine which ports to expose to the host when
using the –P flag with docker client.
An ENTRYPOINT allows you to configure a container that will run as an executable. Command
line arguments to docker run <image> will be appended after all elements in an exec form
ENTRYPOINT, and will override all elements specified using CMD. This allows arguments to be
passed to the entry point, i.e., docker run <image> -d will pass the -d argument to the entry
point. You can override the ENTRYPOINT instruction using the docker run --entrypoint flag.
ENTRYPOINT ["top", "-b"]
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Image
• Dockerfile
• Docker Container Management
• Docker Images
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Build Docker Containers as easy as 1-2-3
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Build a Docker Java image
1. Create your Dockerfile
2. Build the Docker image
3. Run the Container
$ docker build -t org/java:8 .
$ docker container run –it org/java:8

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What does it take to get an application into production? Many processes, tools and automation surround that application to deliver it to the customer. As it becomes more common for development teams to autonomously deliver and run their software, the focus of the traditional operational teams shifts towards an as-a-service mindset. But how is such a team positioned within the company? And is Platform Engineering any different from Software Engineering? In this talk I’ll share my experiences as a platform engineer and explain why I believe that every company should be conscious about why and how to setup this responsibility. I’ll also discuss the biggest challenges surrounding it - and how to tackle them.

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Capture the Streams of Database Changes

Presented by Randall Hauch, Founder of Debezium & Engineer, Confluent from the Systems Track at Kafka Summit New York 2017

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Docker and kubernetes
Docker and kubernetesDocker and kubernetes
Docker and kubernetes

Docker allows building portable software that can run anywhere by packaging an application and its dependencies in a standardized unit called a container. Kubernetes is an open-source system for automating deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes can replicate containers, provide load balancing, coordinate updates between containers, and ensure availability. Defining applications as Kubernetes resources allows them to be deployed and updated easily across a cluster.

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Container Management
$ ID=$(docker container run –d ubuntu /bin/bash)
$ docker container stop $ID Start the Container and Store ID in ID field
Stop the container using Container ID
$ docker container stop $(docker container ls –aq)
Stops all the containers
$ docker container rm $ID
Remove the Container
$ docker container rm $(docker container ls –aq)
Remove ALL the Container (in Exit status)
$ docker container prune
Remove ALL stopped Containers)
$ docker container run –restart=Policy –d –it ubuntu /sh Policies = NO / ON-FAILURE / ALWAYS
$ docker container run –restart=on-failure:3
–d –it ubuntu /sh
Will re-start container ONLY 3 times if a
failure happens
$ docker container start $ID
Start the container
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Container Management
$ ID=$(docker container run –d -i ubuntu)
$ docker container exec -it $ID /bin/bash
Start the Container and Store ID in ID field
Inject a Process into Running Container
$ ID=$(docker container run –d –i ubuntu)
$ docker container exec inspect $ID
Start the Container and Store ID in ID field
Read Containers MetaData
$ docker container run –it ubuntu /bin/bash
# apt-get update
# apt-get install—y apache2
# exit
$ docker container ls –a
$ docker container commit –author=“name” –
message=“Ubuntu / Apache2” containerId apache2
Docker Commit
• Start the Ubuntu Container
• Install Apache
• Exit Container
• Get the Container ID (Ubuntu)
• Commit the Container with new
$ docker container run –cap-drop=chown –it ubuntu /sh To prevent Chown inside the Container
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Image Commands
$ docker login …. Log into the Docker Hub to Push images
$ docker push image-name Push the image to Docker Hub
$ docker image history image-name Get the History of the Docker Image
$ docker image inspect image-name Get the Docker Image details
$ docker image save –output=file.tar image-name Save the Docker image as a tar ball.
$ docker container export –output=file.tar c79aa23dd2 Export Container to file.
$ docker image rm image-name Remove the Docker Image
$ docker rmi $(docker images | grep '^<none>' | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 3)
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Build Docker Apache image
1. Create your Dockerfile
• FROM alpine
2. Build the Docker image
3. Run the Container
$ docker build -t org/apache2 .
$ docker container run –d –p 80:80 org/apache2
$ curl localhost

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Getting Started with Docker
Getting Started with DockerGetting Started with Docker
Getting Started with Docker

The document provides an overview of getting started with Docker. It discusses what Docker is, how containerization differs from virtualization, and how to install Docker. It covers building Docker images using Dockerfiles, the difference between images and containers, and common Docker commands. The document also compares traditional deployment workflows to those using Docker, demonstrating how Docker can help ensure consistency across environments.

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Docker introduction. References : The Docker Book : Containerization is the new virtualization

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Introduction into Docker Containers, the Oracle Platform and the Oracle (Nati...
Introduction into Docker Containers, the Oracle Platform and the Oracle (Nati...Introduction into Docker Containers, the Oracle Platform and the Oracle (Nati...
Introduction into Docker Containers, the Oracle Platform and the Oracle (Nati...

Containers are increasingly popular to package, ship and run applications or microservices with their completely configured runtime environment including platform components such as application server and data store.Continuous Delivery and automated DevOps hinge on containers. Docker Containers are widely used and Oracle has long been involved in the Docker community.This session introduces the Docker Container images published by Oracle for flagship products such as Database, WebLogic, Linux and Java and demonstrates how these can be used in environment provisioning, automated delivery pipelines and microservices architectures. The session shows how containers are built, shipped and run based on these images and shows the Oracle Container Cloud, as well as Wercker Cloud (for automated build and delivery pipelines) and Oracle Cloud Engine - the managed Kubernetes cloud service..

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Build Docker Tomcat image
1. Create your Dockerfile
• FROM alpine
2. Build the Docker image
3. Run the Container
$ docker build -t org/tomcat .
$ docker container run –d –p 8080:8080 org/tomcat
$ curl localhost:8080
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Images in the Github Workshop
JRE 8 JRE 11
Tomcat 8 Tomcat 9
My App 1
Tomcat 9
My App 3
Spring Boot
My App 4
From Ubuntu
Build My Ubuntu
From My Ubuntu
Build My JRE8
From My Ubuntu
Build My JRE11
From My JRE 11
Build My Boot
From My Boot
Build My App 4
From My JRE8
Build My TC8
From My TC8
Build My App 1
My App 2
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Images in the Github Workshop
Alpine Linux
JRE 8 JRE 11
Tomcat 9 Tomcat 10
My App 1
Tomcat 10
My App 3
Spring Boot
My App 4
From Alpine
Build My Alpine
From My Alpine
Build My JRE8
From My Alpine
Build My JRE11
From My JRE 11
Build My Boot
From My Boot
Build My App 4
From My JRE8
Build My TC9
From My TC8
Build My App 1
My App 2
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Networking
• Docker Networking – Bridge / Host / None
• Docker Container sharing IP Address
• Docker Communication – Node to Node
• Docker Volumes

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This document discusses Docker and how IBM uses Docker for ODM (Operational Decision Management). Some key points: - Docker allows decoupling applications from the underlying infrastructure and providing consistent runtime environments and operations. - IBM leverages Docker for ODM on Cloud, running ODM in Docker containers on a predefined set of VMs managed by Docker Swarm. - Internally, IBM is working to Dockerize existing ODM runtimes by running product components like RES and Decision Center in separate Docker containers connected via REST APIs. This aims to provide a homogeneous software delivery, topology and operations using Docker.

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Best Practices for Running Kafka on Docker Containers
Best Practices for Running Kafka on Docker ContainersBest Practices for Running Kafka on Docker Containers
Best Practices for Running Kafka on Docker Containers

Docker containers provide an ideal foundation for running Kafka-as-a-Service on-premises or in the public cloud. However, using Docker containers in production environments for Big Data workloads using Kafka poses some challenges – including container management, scheduling, network configuration and security, and performance. In this session at Kafka Summit in August 2017, Nanda Vijyaydev of BlueData shared lessons learned from implementing Kafka-as-a-Service with Docker containers.

kafkaapache kafkadocker
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Networking – Bridge / Host / None
$ docker network ls
$ docker container run --rm --network=host alpine brctl show
$ docker network create tenSubnet –subnet
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Networking – Bridge / Host / None
$ docker container run --rm -–net=host alpine ip address
$ docker container run --rm alpine ip address
$ docker container run –rm –net=none alpine ip address
No Network Stack
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Containers
Sharing IP Address
$ docker container run --name ipctr –itd alpine
$ docker container run --rm --net container:ipctr alpine ip address
Service 1
Service 3
Service 2
$ docker container exec ipctr ip address
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Networking: Node to Node
Same IP Addresses
for the Containers
across different
This requires NAT.
Container 1
Web Server 8080
Veth: eth0
Container 2
Microservice 9002
Veth: eth0
Container 3
Microservice 9003
Veth: eth0
Container 4
Microservice 9004
Veth: eth0
IP tables rules
Node 1
Docker0 Bridge
Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3
Container 1
Web Server 8080
Veth: eth0
Container 2
Microservice 9002
Veth: eth0
Container 3
Microservice 9003
Veth: eth0
Container 4
Microservice 9004
Veth: eth0
IP tables rules
Node 2
Docker0 Bridge
Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3
Veth: eth0
Veth Pairs connected to the
container and the Bridge

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This document provides an introduction and overview of Docker and containers. It discusses what containers are, how they differ from virtual machines, and how Docker works. Key points covered include common Docker commands, the Docker architecture, building images with Dockerfiles, and using Docker Compose to run multi-container applications. The benefits of containers for streamlining deployment and rapid scaling are also highlighted.

Docker Overview - Rise of the Containers
Docker Overview - Rise of the ContainersDocker Overview - Rise of the Containers
Docker Overview - Rise of the Containers

Containers allow for applications to become more portable, organized more efficiently, and configured to make better use of system resources. This presentation will explain Docker's container technology, DevOps approach, partner ecosystem, popularity, performance, challenges, and roadmap. We'll review how containers are changing application and operating system designs.

docker containers linux ibm devops
Getting started with Docker
Getting started with DockerGetting started with Docker
Getting started with Docker

Getting Started with Docker session done for FOSS - Sri Lanka Session Video -

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Volumes
$ docker volume create hostvolume
Data Volumes are special directory in the Docker Host.
$ docker volume ls
$ docker container run –it –rm –v hostvolume:/data alpine
# echo “This is a test from the Container” > /data/data.txt
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Volumes
$ docker container run - - rm –v $HOME/data:/data alpine Mount Specific File Path
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Deployment – Updates and rollbacks, Canary Release
ReplicaSet – Self Healing, Scalability, Desired State
Worker Node 1
Master Node (Control Plane)
POD itself is a Linux
Container, Docker
container will run inside
the POD. PODs with single
or multiple containers
(Sidecar Pattern) will share
Cgroup, Volumes,
Namespaces of the POD.
(Cgroup / Namespaces)
Using yaml or json
declare the desired
state of the app.
State is stored in
the Cluster store.
Self healing is done by Kubernetes using watch loops if the desired state is changed.
DNS: 1.2
Service Pod IP Address is dynamic, communication should
be based on Service which will have routable IP
and DNS Name. Labels (BE, 1.2) play a critical role
in ReplicaSet, Deployment, & Services etc.
Key Value
Pod Pod Pod
Label Selector selects pods based on the Labels.
Label Selector
Label Selector
End Point
Firewall K8s Virtual
Cloud Controller
For the cloud providers to manage
nodes, services, routes, volumes etc.
Port 10255
Network Proxy
TCP / UDP Forwarding
Allows multiple
implementation of
containers from v1.7
RESTful yaml / json
$ kubectl ….
Port 443
API Server
Pod IP ...34 ...35 ...36
• Declarative Model
• Desired State
Key Aspects
• Pods
• ReplicaSet
• Deployment
• Service
• Endpoints
• StatefulSet
• Namespace
• Resource Quota
• Limit Range
• Persistent
• apiVersion:
• kind:
• metadata:
• spec:
Declarative Model
• Pod
• ReplicaSet
• Service
• Deployment
• Virtual Service
• Gateway, SE, DR
• Policy, MeshPolicy
• RbaConfig
• Prometheus, Rule,
• ListChekcer …
Cluster IP

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Accelerate your development with Docker
Accelerate your development with DockerAccelerate your development with Docker
Accelerate your development with Docker

This document provides an overview of Docker and containers. It begins with a brief introduction to 12 Factor Applications methodology and then defines what Docker is, explaining that containers utilize Linux namespaces and cgroups to isolate processes. It describes the Docker software and ecosystem, including images, registries, Docker CLI, Docker Compose, building images with Dockerfile, and orchestrating with tools like Kubernetes. It concludes with a live demo and links to additional resources.

software development12 factor applicationdocker compose
Accelerate your software development with Docker
Accelerate your software development with DockerAccelerate your software development with Docker
Accelerate your software development with Docker

Docker is in all the news and this talk presents you the technology and shows you how to leverage it to build your applications according to the 12 factor application model.

docker composedockerorchestration
Container on azure
Container on azureContainer on azure
Container on azure

This document discusses containers and container orchestration on Azure. It begins with an introduction to containers and their advantages over virtual machines. It then covers building Dockerfiles, container commands, and hosting container registries and applications on Azure. Container orchestration with Kubernetes is discussed as a way to deploy and scale containerized applications on the cloud, providing capabilities like auto-scaling, self-healing, service discovery and load balancing. The document points to additional future content on using Azure Kubernetes Service.

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Focus on the Declarative Model
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Ubuntu Installation
Kubernetes Setup – Minikube
$ sudo snap install kubectl --classic Install Kubectl using Snap Package Manager
$ kubectl version Shows the Current version of Kubectl
• Minikube provides a developer environment with master and a single node
installation within the Minikube with all necessary add-ons installed like DNS,
Ingress controller etc.
• In a real world production environment you will have master installed (with a
failover) and ‘n’ number of nodes in the cluster.
• If you go with a Cloud Provider like Amazon EKS then the node will be created
automatically based on the load.
• Minikube is available for Linux / Mac OS and Windows.
$ curl -Lo minikube
$ chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
Source: 42
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Windows Installation
Kubernetes Setup – Minikube
C:> choco install kubernetes-cli Install Kubectl using Choco Package Manager
C:> kubectl version Shows the Current version of Kubectl
Mac OS Installation
$ brew install kubernetes-cli Install Kubectl using brew Package Manager
$ kubectl version Shows the Current version of Kubectl
C:> cd c:usersyouraccount
C:> mkdir .kube
Create .kube directory
$ curl -Lo minikube
$ chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/
C:> minikube-installer.exe Install Minikube using Minikube Installer
$ brew update; brew cask install minikube Install Minikube using Homebrew or using curl
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Minikube - Commands
$ minikube status Shows the status of minikube installation
$ minikube start Start minikube
All workshop examples Source Code:
$ minikube stop Stop Minikube
$ minikube ip Shows minikube IP Address
$ minikube addons list Shows all the addons
$ minikube addons enable ingress Enable ingress in minikube
$ minikube start --memory=8192 --cpus=4 --kubernetes-version=1.14.2 8 GB RAM and 4 Cores
$ minikube dashboard Access Kubernetes Dashboard in minikube
$ minikube start --network-plugin=cni --memory=5120 With Cilium
$ kubectl create -n kube-system -f
$ kubectl create -f

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OpenStack Summit
OpenStack SummitOpenStack Summit
OpenStack Summit

The document outlines the agenda for the OpenStack Summit in November 2013, including presentations on Docker and its ecosystem, how Docker can be used with OpenStack and Rackspace, and a demonstration of cross-cloud application deployment using Docker. Docker is presented as a solution to the "matrix from hell" of running applications across different environments by providing lightweight, portable containers that can run anywhere regardless of the operating system. The summit aims to educate attendees on Docker and showcase its integration with OpenStack for simplified and efficient application deployment and management across multiple clouds.

Developer workflow with docker
Developer workflow with dockerDeveloper workflow with docker
Developer workflow with docker

This document provides an overview of Docker containers and developer workflows using Docker. It defines containers and images, and explains how Docker abstracts machine-specific settings to allow containers to run on different machines. Popular Docker images are listed, and benefits of using Docker for development are outlined. Common Docker commands are also described.

docker containers

The document provides an introduction to Docker, containers, and the problems they aim to solve. It discusses: - Why Docker was created - to address the "matrix from hell" of developing and deploying applications across different environments and platforms. - How Docker works at a high level, using lightweight containers that package code and dependencies to run consistently on any infrastructure. - Some key Docker concepts like images, containers, the Dockerfile for building images, and common Docker commands. - Benefits of Docker for developers and operations in simplifying deployment, reducing inconsistencies, and improving portability of applications.

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
K8s Setup – Master / Nodes : On Premise
Cluster Machine Setup
1. Switch off Swap
2. Set Static IP to Network interface
3. Add IP to Host file
4. Install Docker
5. Install Kubernetes
Run the cluster setup script to install
the Docker and Kubernetes in all the
machines (master and worker node)
Master Setup
Setup kubernetes master with pod
1. Kubeadm init
2. Install CNI Driver
$ kubectl get po --all-namespaces
Check Driver Pods
Uninstall the driver
Node Setup
n1$ kubeadm join --token t IP:Port
Add the worker node to Kubernetes
$ kubectl get nodes
Check Events from namespace
$ kubectl get events –n namespace
Check all the nodes
$ sudo ufw enable
$ sudo ufw allow 31100
Source Code:
Only if the Firewall is blocking your Pod
Al the above-mentioned shell scripts are
available in the Source Code Repository
$ sudo ufw allow 443
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Setup – Master / Nodes
$ kubeadm init node1$ kubeadm join --token enter-token-from-kubeadm-cmd Node-IP:Port Adds a Node
$ kubectl get nodes $ kubectl cluster-info
List all Nodes
$ kubectl run hello-world --replicas=7 --labels="run=load-balancer-example" --image=metamagic/hello:1.0 --port=8080
Creates a Deployment Object and a ReplicaSet object with 7 replicas of Hello-World Pod running on port 8080
$ kubectl expose deployment hello-world --type=LoadBalancer --name=hello-world-service
List all the Hello-World Deployments
$ kubectl get deployments hello-world
Describe the Hello-World Deployments
$ kubectl describe deployments hello-world
List all the ReplicaSet
$ kubectl get replicasets
Describe the ReplicaSet
$ kubectl describe replicasets
List the Service Hello-World-Service with
Custer IP and External IP
$ kubectl get services hello-world-service
Describe the Service Hello-World-Service
$ kubectl describe services hello-world-service
Creates a Service Object that exposes the deployment (Hello-World) with an external IP Address.
List all the Pods with internal IP Address
$ kubectl get pods –o wide
$ kubectl delete services hello-world-service
Delete the Service Hello-World-Service
$ kubectl delete deployment hello-world
Delete the Hello-Word Deployment
Create a set of Pods for Hello World App with an External IP Address (Imperative Model)
Shows the cluster details
$ kubectl get namespace
Shows all the namespaces
$ kubectl config current-context
Shows Current Context
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Setup KinD (Kubernetes in Docker)
$ curl -Lo ./kind
$ chmod +x ./kind
$ mv ./kind /some-dir-in-your-PATH/kind
$ brew install kind
Mac OS via Homebrew
c:> curl.exe -Lo kind-windows-amd64.exe
c:> Move-Item .kind-windows-amd64.exe c:some-dir-in-your-PATHkind.exe
o Kind is a tool for running
local Kubernetes clusters
using Docker container
o Kind was primarily
designed for testing
Kubernetes itself but may
be used for local
development or CI.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
KinD Creates Cluster(s)
$ kind create cluster $ kind create cluster - -name my2ndcluster
Create a default cluster named kind Create a cluster with a specific name
$ kind create cluster - -config filename.yaml
Create a cluster from a file
$ kind get cluster
List all Clusters
$ kind delete cluster
Delete a Cluster
$ kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind $ kind load docker-image image1 image2 image3
Load Image into a Cluster (No Repository Needed)

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Rails Applications with Docker
Rails Applications with DockerRails Applications with Docker
Rails Applications with Docker

A brief introduction to containerization, Docker, and getting started with your first containerized Rails application. Source code can be found at

softwaredockersoftware development
Docker slides
Docker slidesDocker slides
Docker slides

Docker is an open source containerization platform that allows users to package applications and their dependencies into standardized executable units called containers. Docker relies on features of the Linux kernel like namespaces and cgroups to provide operating-system-level virtualization and allow containers to run isolated on a shared kernel. This makes Docker highly portable and allows applications to run consistently regardless of the underlying infrastructure. Docker uses a client-server architecture where the Docker Engine runs in the cloud or on-premises and clients interact with it via Docker APIs or the command line. Common commands include build to create images from Dockerfiles, run to launch containers, and push/pull to distribute images to registries. Docker is often used for microservices and multi-container

Michigan IT Symposium 2017 - Container BOF
Michigan IT Symposium 2017 - Container BOFMichigan IT Symposium 2017 - Container BOF
Michigan IT Symposium 2017 - Container BOF

This document summarizes a containers BoF (Birds of a Feather) session with information on container technologies and orchestration. It provides details on container usage for development vs production environments. For development, it recommends Docker and docker-compose. For production, it recommends orchestration tools like Docker Swarm, Kubernetes, and Mesos to manage container scheduling and lifecycles at scale. Meeting rooms are provided for discussions around development vs production container uses.

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
KinD Cluster Setup
Single Node Cluster Setup 2 Node Cluster Setup
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
KinD Cluster Setup
3 Node Cluster Setup 5 Node Cluster Setup
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
KinD Cluster Setup + Network Driver
Single Node Cluster Setup
$ kind create cluster --config 1-clusters/alpha-1.yaml
2 Node Cluster Setup
$ kind create cluster --config 1-clusters/beta-2.yaml
3 Node Cluster Setup
$ kind create cluster --config 1-clusters/gama-3.yaml
5 Node Cluster Setup
$ kind create cluster --config 1-clusters/epsilon-5.yaml
$ kubectl apply --filename
NGINX Ingress Controller (This is part of shell scripts (Ex. ch1-create-epsilon-cluster ) provided in the GitHub Repo)
Creates 5 Node cluster and Adds NGINX Controller
$ ch1-create-epsilon-cluster
Install 4 Microservices and creates 7 instances
$ ch3-sigma-install-apps
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
KinD Cluster Setup Status
Setting up a 5 Node Cluster
o 2 Master Control Plane
o 3 Worker Node
o External Load Balancer
Setup Network Driver
o Adds NGINX Ingress

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Containers allow multiple isolated user space instances to run on a single host operating system. Containers are seen as less flexible than virtual machines since they generally can only run the same operating system as the host. Docker adds an application deployment engine on top of a container execution environment. Docker aims to provide a lightweight way to model applications and a fast development lifecycle by reducing the time between code writing and deployment. Docker has components like the client/server, images used to create containers, and public/private registries for storing images.

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Zero-Trust SASE DevSecOps

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Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns
Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration PatternsMicroservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns
Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns

Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 5 of 11 Microservices Architecture Series Microservices Architecture, Monolith Migration Patterns - Strangler Fig - Change Data Capture - Split Table Infrastructure Design Patterns - API Gateway - Service Discovery - Load Balancer

microservicesmonolithicinfrastructure design patterns
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
KinD Cluster Setup Status
5 Node Cluster Setup Status (Core DNS, API Server, Kube Proxy… ) Control Planes & Worker Nodes
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
KinD – Sigma App Installation Status
Install 4 Microservices and creates 7 instances
$ ch3-sigma-install-apps
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
KinD – Sigma Web App
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
3 Fundamental Concepts
1. Desired State
2. Current State
3. Declarative Model

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Apache Flink, AWS Kinesis, Analytics

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Agile, User Stories, Domain Driven Design
Agile, User Stories, Domain Driven DesignAgile, User Stories, Domain Driven Design
Agile, User Stories, Domain Driven Design

Building Cloud-Native App Series - Part 1 of 11 Microservices Architecture Series Design Thinking, Lean Startup, Agile (Kanban, Scrum), User Stories, Domain-Driven Design

Domain Driven Design
Domain Driven Design Domain Driven Design
Domain Driven Design

This document discusses domain-driven design (DDD) concepts for transforming a monolithic application to microservices, including: 1. Classifying applications into areas like lift and shift, containerize, refactor, and expose APIs to prioritize high business value, low complexity projects. 2. Focusing on shorter duration projects from specifications to operations. 3. Designing around business capabilities, processes, and forming teams aligned to capabilities rather than technology. 4. Key DDD concepts like ubiquitous language, bounded contexts, and context maps to decompose the domain model into independently deployable microservices.

ddddomain driven designevent sourcing
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Workload Portability
1. Abstract away Infrastructure
2. Decouple the App Deployment
from Infrastructure (On-Premise
or Cloud)
To help Developers
1. Write Once, Run Anywhere
(Workload Portability)
2. Avoid Vendor Lock-In
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Getting Started
• Namespace
• Pods / ReplicaSet / Deployment
• Service / Endpoints
• Ingress
• Rollout / Undo
• Auto Scale
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands – Namespace
(Declarative Model)
$ kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=your-ns
This command will let you switch
the namespace to your namespace
$ kubectl get namespace
$ kubectl describe ns ns-name
$ kubectl create –f app-ns.yml
List all the Namespaces
Describe the Namespace
Create the Namespace
$ kubectl apply –f app-ns.yml
Apply the changes to the
$ kubectl get pods –namespace= ns-name List the Pods from your
• Namespaces are used to group your teams and software’s in
logical business group.
• A definition of Service will add a entry in DNS with respect to
• Not all objects are there in Namespace. Ex. Nodes, Persistent
Volumes etc.
$ kubectl api-resources --namespaced=your-ns
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
• Pod is a shared environment for one of more
• Pod in a Kubernetes cluster has a unique IP
address, even Pods on the same Node.
• Pod is a pause Container
Kubernetes Pods
$ kubectl create –f tc10-nr-Pod.yaml
$ kubectl get pods –o wide –n omega
Atomic Unit
Virtual Server

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Microservices, Containers, Kubernetes, Kafka, Kanban
Microservices, Containers, Kubernetes, Kafka, KanbanMicroservices, Containers, Kubernetes, Kafka, Kanban
Microservices, Containers, Kubernetes, Kafka, Kanban

Understanding Microservices Architecture Understanding Docker, Kubernetes and Kafka Design Patterns - Domain Driven Design, Event Sourcing, and CQRS and Functional Reactive Programming, Distributed Computing and Saga Design Pattern Infrastructure Patterns: API Gateway, Service Discovery, Circuit Breaker, Service Mesh, Event Streams (Kafka). Microservices Testing Strategies Security Best Practices for Containers and Kubernetes,

microservicesdomain driven designdocker
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Blockchain HyperLedger Fabric Internals - ClaventBlockchain HyperLedger Fabric Internals - Clavent
Blockchain HyperLedger Fabric Internals - Clavent

Introduction HyperLedger Fabric Getting Started with HyperLedger Fabric HyperLedger Fabric Internals

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Blockchain Intro to Hyperledger Fabric Blockchain Intro to Hyperledger Fabric
Blockchain Intro to Hyperledger Fabric

The document discusses Hyperledger Fabric, a blockchain framework. It provides an overview of why blockchain is needed to solve reconciliation issues in multi-party environments. It then summarizes key aspects of Hyperledger Fabric such as its architecture, components, and how transactions flow through the network.

blockchainhyperledgerhyperledger fabric
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands – Pods
(Declarative Model)
$ kubectl exec pod-name ps aux $ kubectl exec –it pod-name sh
$ kubectl exec –it –container container-name pod-name sh
By default kubectl executes the commands in the first container in the pod. If you are running multiple containers (sidecar
pattern) then you need to pass –container flag and give the name of the container in the Pod to execute your command.
You can see the ordering of the containers and its name using describe command.
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl describe pods pod-name
$ kubectl get pods -o json pod-name
$ kubectl create –f app-pod.yml
List all the pods
Describe the Pod details
List the Pod details in JSON format
Create the Pod (Imperative)
Execute commands in the first Container in the Pod Log into the Container Shell
$ kubectl get pods -o wide List all the Pods with Pod IP Addresses
$ kubectl apply –f app-pod.yml
Apply the changes to the Pod
$ kubectl replace –f app-pod.yml
Replace the existing config of the Pod
$ kubectl describe pods –l app=name Describe the Pod based on the
label value
$ kubectl logs pod-name container-name Source:
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
• Pods wrap around containers with benefits
like shared location, secrets, networking etc.
• ReplicaSet wraps around Pods and brings in
Replication requirements of the Pod
• ReplicaSet Defines 2 Things
• Pod Template
• Desired No. of Replicas
Kubernetes ReplicaSet
(Declarative Model)
What we want is the Desired State.
Game On!
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands – ReplicaSet
(Declarative Model)
$ kubectl delete rs/app-rs cascade=false
$ kubectl get rs
$ kubectl describe rs rs-name
$ kubectl get rs/rs-name
$ kubectl create –f app-rs.yml
List all the ReplicaSets
Describe the ReplicaSet details
Get the ReplicaSet status
Create the ReplicaSet which will automatically create all the
Deletes the ReplicaSet. If the cascade=true then deletes all
the Pods, Cascade=false will keep all the pods running and
ONLY the ReplicaSet will be deleted.
$ kubectl apply –f app-rs.yml
Applies new changes to the ReplicaSet. For example, Scaling
the replicas from x to x + new value.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands – Deployment
(Declarative Model)
• Deployments manages
ReplicaSets and
• ReplicaSets manages
• Deployment is all about
Rolling updates and
• Rollbacks
• Canary Deployments

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Microservices Architecture - Bangkok 2018
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Microservices Architecture - Infrastructure Architecture - Software Architecture Infrastructure - API Gateway - Service Discovery - Load Balancers - Service Mesh - Kafka Software Architecture - Event Sourcing and CQRS - Domain Driven Design - Functional Reactive Programming - Hexagonal Architecture (Ports and Adapters)

dddservice meshevent sourcing
Microservices Architecture & Testing Strategies
Microservices Architecture & Testing StrategiesMicroservices Architecture & Testing Strategies
Microservices Architecture & Testing Strategies

The document discusses Microservices architecture and compares it to monolithic architecture. It covers topics like infrastructure for Microservices including API gateways, service discovery, event buses. It also discusses design principles like domain-driven design, event sourcing and CQRS. Microservices are presented as a better approach as they allow independent deployments, scale independently and use multiple programming languages compared to monolithic applications.

ddddomain driven designmicroservices
Domain Driven Design
Domain Driven DesignDomain Driven Design
Domain Driven Design

Understanding Domain Driven Design - Strategic design --- Bounded Context --- Ubiquitous Language --- Context Map - Tactical Design --- Aggregate Root --- Value Object --- Repository Pattern --- Factory --- Domain Events Brief intro into Event Sourcing and CQRS

dddevent sourcingcqrs
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands – Deployment
(Declarative Model)
List all the Deployments
Describe the Deployment details
Show the Rollout status of the Deployment
Creates Deployment
Deployments contains Pods and its Replica information. Based on
the Pod info Deployment will start downloading the containers
(Docker) and will install the containers based on replication factor.
Updates the existing deployment.
Show Rollout History of the Deployment
$ kubectl get deploy app-deploy
$ kubectl describe deploy app-deploy
$ kubectl rollout status deployment app-deploy
$ kubectl rollout history deployment app-deploy
$ kubectl create –f app-deploy.yml
$ kubectl apply –f app-deploy.yml --record
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment app-deploy - -to-revision=1
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment app-deploy - -to-revision=2
Rolls back or Forward to a specific version number
of your app.
$ kubectl scale deployment app-deploy - -replicas=6 Scale up the pods to 6 from the initial 2 Pods.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Services
Why do we need Services?
• Accessing Pods from Inside the Cluster
• Accessing Pods from Outside
• Autoscale brings Pods with new IP
Addresses or removes existing Pods.
• Pod IP Addresses are dynamic.
Service Types
1. Cluster IP (Default)
2. Node Port
3. Load Balancer
4. External Name
Service will have a
stable IP Address.
Service uses Labels to
associate with a set
of Pods
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands – Service / Endpoints
(Declarative Model)
$ kubectl delete svc app-service
$ kubectl create –f app-service.yml
List all the Services
Describe the Service details
List the status of the Endpoints
Create a Service for the Pods.
Service will focus on creating a
routable IP Address and DNS for
the Pods Selected based on the
labels defined in the service.
Endpoints will be automatically
created based on the labels in
the Selector.
Deletes the Service.
$ kubectl get svc
$ kubectl describe svc app-service
$ kubectl get ep app-service
$ kubectl describe ep app-service Describe the Endpoint Details
 Cluster IP (default) - Exposes the Service
on an internal IP in the cluster. This type
makes the Service only reachable from
within the cluster.
 Node Port - Exposes the Service on the
same port of each selected Node in the
cluster using NAT. Makes a Service
accessible from outside the cluster
using <NodeIP>:<NodePort>. Superset
of ClusterIP.
 Load Balancer - Creates an external load
balancer in the current cloud (if
supported) and assigns a fixed, external
IP to the Service. Superset of NodePort.
 External Name - Exposes the Service
using an arbitrary name (specified
by external Name in the spec) by
returning a CNAME record with the
name. No proxy is used. This type
requires v1.7 or higher of kube-dns.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Ingress
(Declarative Model)
An Ingress is a collection of rules
that allow inbound connections to
reach the cluster services.
Ingress Controllers are Pluggable.
Ingress Controller in AWS is linked to
AWS Load Balancer.

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Microservices Architecture & Testing Strategies
Microservices Architecture & Testing StrategiesMicroservices Architecture & Testing Strategies
Microservices Architecture & Testing Strategies

1. Microservices architecture breaks down applications into small, independent services that focus on specific business capabilities. This allows services to be developed, deployed and scaled independently. 2. The key characteristics of microservices include being organized around business capabilities, independently deployable, using lightweight protocols and decentralized governance. 3. Microservices provide benefits like scalability, testability and flexibility to change technologies. However, they also add complexity and require new skills around distributed systems.

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Microservices Part 4: Functional Reactive Programming
Microservices Part 4: Functional Reactive ProgrammingMicroservices Part 4: Functional Reactive Programming
Microservices Part 4: Functional Reactive Programming

ReactiveX is a combination of the best ideas from the Observer pattern, the Iterator pattern, and functional programming. It combines the Observer pattern, Iterator pattern, and functional programming concepts. ReactiveX allows for asynchronous and event-based programming by using the Observer pattern to push data to observers, rather than using a synchronous pull-based approach.

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Microservices Part 3 Service Mesh and Kafka
Microservices Part 3 Service Mesh and KafkaMicroservices Part 3 Service Mesh and Kafka
Microservices Part 3 Service Mesh and Kafka

Understand the Microservices Architecture concepts Understand Event Sourcing and CQRS Understanding Domain Driven Design Understanding Functional Reactive Programming Understanding Distributed Transaction Management Understanding Microservices Messaging Setting up Micro services Infrastructure (API Gateway, Service Discovery, Load Balancer, Circuit Breaker)

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Ingress
(Declarative Model)
An Ingress is a collection of rules
that allow inbound connections to
reach the cluster services.
Ingress Controllers are Pluggable.
Ingress Controller in AWS is linked to
AWS Load Balancer.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Auto Scaling Pods
(Declarative Model)
• You can declare the Auto scaling
requirements for every Deployment
• Kubernetes will add Pods based on the
CPU Utilization automatically.
• Kubernetes Cloud infrastructure will
automatically add Nodes if it ran out of
available Nodes.
CPU utilization kept at 2% to demonstrate the auto
scaling feature. Ideally it should be around 80% - 90%
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Auto Scaler
$ kubectl autoscale deployment appname --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10
$ kubectl run -it podshell --image=metamagicglobal/podshell
Hit enter for command prompt
$ while true; do wget -q -O- http://yourapp.default.svc.cluster.local; done
Deploy your app with auto scaling parameters
Generate load to see auto scaling in action
$ kubectl get hpa
$ kubectl attach podshell-name -c podshell -it
To attach to the running container
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
App Setup
• Environment
• Config Map
• Pod Preset
• Secrets

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Understand the Microservices Architecture concepts Understand Event Sourcing and CQRS Understanding Domain Driven Design Understanding Functional Reactive Programming Understanding Distributed Transaction Management Understanding Microservices Messaging Setting up Micro services Infrastructure (API Gateway, Service Discovery, Load Balancer, Circuit Breaker)

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HyperLedger Fabric is a blockchain framework that provides identity management, smart contracts (chaincode), privacy, and high transaction throughput. It uses a modular architecture consisting of peers, chaincode, ordering service, and certificate authority. Peers host the ledger and smart contracts, endorse and validate transactions. The ordering service orders transactions into blocks. Chaincode defines assets and transaction logic on the ledger. Channels provide isolation between different applications or groups of organizations.

Blockchain - HyperLedger Fabric
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Blockchain - HyperLedger Fabric

The document discusses HyperLedger Fabric, a permissioned blockchain framework. It provides an overview of key Fabric concepts including its architecture, components, transaction flow, and how it differs from other blockchain platforms like Ethereum. The summary is as follows: [1] HyperLedger Fabric is a permissioned blockchain framework that uses channels and smart contracts called chaincode to allow for private and confidential transactions between specific network members. [2] It has a modular architecture consisting of peers that host the ledger and chaincode, an ordering service to sequence transactions into blocks, and a certificate authority for identity management. [3] Transactions in Fabric are validated by endorsing peers running chaincode, ordered into blocks by

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@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Detach the Configuration information
of the App from the Container Image.
Config Map lets you create multiple
profiles for your Dev, QA and Prod
Config Map
All the Database configurations like
passwords, certificates, OAuth tokens,
etc., can be stored in secrets.
Helps you create common
configuration which can be injected to
Pod based on a Criteria (selected using
Label). For Ex. SMTP config, SMS
Pod Preset
Environment option let you pass any
info to the pod thru Environment
Container App Setup
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Pod Environment Variables
Source: 74
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Adding Config to Pod
Config Maps allow you to
decouple configuration artifacts
from image content to keep
containerized applications
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Pod Presets
A Pod Preset is an API resource for injecting
additional runtime requirements into a Pod
at creation time. You use label selectors to
specify the Pods to which a given Pod
Preset applies.
Using a Pod Preset allows pod template
authors to not have to explicitly provide all
information for every pod. This way,
authors of pod templates consuming a
specific service do not need to know all the
details about that service.
Source: 76

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Event Storming and Saga
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a11yaccessibilityalt text
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Pod Secrets
Objects of type secret are intended to hold
sensitive information,
such as passwords,
OAuth tokens, and ssh keys.
Putting this information in a secret is safer
and more flexible than putting it verbatim
in a pod definition or in a docker
Source: 77
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Design Patterns
• API Gateway
• Load balancer
• Service discovery
• Circuit breaker
• Service Aggregator
• Let-it crash pattern
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
API Gateway Design Pattern – Software Stack
Shopping Cart
API Gateway
With 4 node
With 2 node
Access the
API Gateway (Reverse Proxy Server) routes the traffic
to appropriate Microservices (Load Balancers)
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
API Gateway – Kubernetes Implementation
API Gateway
Deployment / Replica / Pod Nodes
Kubernetes Objects
Customer Pod
Customer Pod
Customer Pod
Product Pod
Product Pod
Product Pod
Review Pod
Review Pod
Review Pod
Service Call
Kube DNS
Load Balancers
Routing based on Layer 3,4 and 7
Load Balancer

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論文紹介:A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation ...
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Jindong Gu, Zhen Han, Shuo Chen, Ahmad Beirami, Bailan He, Gengyuan Zhang, Ruotong Liao, Yao Qin, Volker Tresp, Philip Torr "A Systematic Survey of Prompt Engineering on Vision-Language Foundation Models" arXiv2023

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
API Gateway – Kubernetes / Istio
API Gateway
Virtual Service
Deployment / Replica / Pod Nodes
Istio Sidecar - Envoy
Load Balancer
Istio Control Plane
Product Pod
Product Pod
Product Pod
Service Call
Kube DNS
Load Balancers
Istio Objects
Review Pod
Review Pod
Review Pod
Customer Pod
Customer Pod
Customer Pod
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Load Balancer Design Pattern
API Gateway
With 4 node
With 2 node
API Gateway (Reverse Proxy Server) routes
the traffic to appropriate Microservices
(Load Balancers)
Load Balancer Rules
1. Round Robin
2. Based on
3. Based on
Response Time
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Load Balancer – Kubernetes Model
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Load Balancers
Load Balancer
API Gateway
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
Load Balancers
Pods Nodes
• Load Balancer receives the (request) packet from the User and it picks up
a Virtual Machine in the Cluster to do the internal Load Balancing.
• Kube Proxy using IP Tables redirect the Packet using internal load
Balancing rules.
• Packet enters Kubernetes Cluster and reaches Node (of that specific Pod)
and Node handover the packet to the Pod.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Service Discovery – NetFlix Network Stack Model
API Gateway
With 4 node
With 2 node
• In this model Developers write the
code in every Microservice to register
with NetFlix Eureka Service Discovery
• Load Balancers and API Gateway also
registers with Service Discovery.
• Service Discovery will inform the Load
Balancers about the instance details
(IP Addresses).
Service Discovery

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Is your patent a vanity piece of paper for your office wall? Or is it a reliable, defendable, assertable, property right? The difference is often quality. Is your patent simply a transactional cost and a large pile of legal bills for your startup? Or is it a leverageable asset worthy of attracting precious investment dollars, worth its cost in multiples of valuation? The difference is often quality. Is your patent application only good enough to get through the examination process? Or has it been crafted to stand the tests of time and varied audiences if you later need to assert that document against an infringer, find yourself litigating with it in an Article 3 Court at the hands of a judge and jury, God forbid, end up having to defend its validity at the PTAB, or even needing to use it to block pirated imports at the International Trade Commission? The difference is often quality. Quality will be our focus for a good chunk of the remainder of this season. What goes into a quality patent, and where possible, how do you get it without breaking the bank? ** Episode Overview ** In this first episode of our quality series, Kristen Hansen and the panel discuss: ⦿ What do we mean when we say patent quality? ⦿ Why is patent quality important? ⦿ How to balance quality and budget ⦿ The importance of searching, continuations, and draftsperson domain expertise ⦿ Very practical tips, tricks, examples, and Kristen’s Musts for drafting quality applications

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@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Service Discovery – Kubernetes Model
Product 1
Product 2
Product 3
Load Balancers
API Gateway
Customer 1
Customer 2
Customer 3
Load Balancers
Pods Nodes
• API Gateway (Reverse Proxy Server) doesn't know the instances (IP
Addresses) of News Pod. It knows the IP address of the Services
defined for each Microservice (Customer / Product etc.)
• Services handles the dynamic IP Addresses of the pods. Services
Endpoints will automatically discover the new Pods based on Labels.
Service Definition
from Kubernetes
Service Call
Kube DNS
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Circuit Breaker Pattern
If Product Review is not
available Product service
will return the product
details with a message
review not available.
Reverse Proxy Server
Deployment / Replica / Pod Nodes
Kubernetes Objects
UI Pod
UI Pod
UI Pod
UI Service
Product Pod
Product Pod
Product Pod
Load Balancers
Routing based on Layer 3,4 and 7
Review Pod
Review Pod
Review Pod
Service Call
Kube DNS
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Service Aggregator Pattern
Reverse Proxy Server
Deployment / Replica / Pod Nodes
Service Call
Kube DNS
Load Balancers
EndPoints News Pod
News Pod
News Pod
News Service Portal
• News Category wise
• Aggregator Microservice to
aggregate all category of news.
Auto Scaling
• Sports Events (IPL / NBA) spikes
the traffic for Sports Microservice.
• Auto scaling happens for both
News and Sports Microservices.
Load Balancers
Load Balancers
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Music UI
Play Count

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@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Service Aggregator Pattern
Reverse Proxy Server
Deployment / Replica / Pod Nodes
Service Call
Kube DNS
Load Balancers
EndPoints Artist Pod
Artist Pod
Artist Pod
Spotify Microservices
• Artist Microservice combines all
the details from Discography,
Play count and Playlists.
Auto Scaling
• Scaling of Artist and downstream
Microservices will automatically
scale depends on the load factor.
Load Balancers
Play Count
Play Count
Play Count
Play Count
Load Balancers
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Config Store – Spring Config Server
API Gateway
With 4 node
With 2 node
• In this model Developers write the
code in every Microservice to
download the required configuration
from a Central server (Ex. Spring
Config Server for the Java World).
• This creates an explicit dependency
order in which service to come up will
be critical.
Config Server
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Software Network Stack Vs Network Stack
Pattern Software Stack Java Software Stack .NET Kubernetes
1 API Gateway Zuul Server SteelToe K8s Ingress / Istio Envoy
2 Service Discovery Eureka Server SteelToe Kube DNS
3 Load Balancer Ribbon Server SteelToe Istio Envoy
4 Circuit Breaker Hysterix SteelToe Istio
5 Config Server Spring Config SteelToe Secrets, Env - K8s Master
Web Site
The Developer needs to write code to integrate with the Software Stack
(Programming Language Specific. For Ex. Every microservice needs to subscribe to
Service Discovery when the Microservice boots up.
Service Discovery in Kubernetes is based on the Labels assigned to Pod and Services
and its Endpoints (IP Address) are dynamically mapped (DNS) based on the Label.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Let-it-Crash Design Pattern – Erlang Philosophy
• The Erlang view of the world is that everything is a process and that processes can
interact only by exchanging messages.
• A typical Erlang program might have hundreds, thousands, or even millions of processes.
• Letting processes crash is central to Erlang. It’s the equivalent of unplugging your router
and plugging it back in – as long as you can get back to a known state, this turns out to be
a very good strategy.
• To make that happen, you build supervision trees.
• A supervisor will decide how to deal with a crashed process. It will restart the process, or
possibly kill some other processes, or crash and let someone else deal with it.
• Two models of concurrency: Shared State Concurrency, & Message Passing Concurrency.
The programming world went one way (toward shared state). The Erlang community
went the other way.
• All languages such as C, Java, C++, and so on, have the notion that there is this stuff called
state and that we can change it. The moment you share something you need to bring
Mutex a Locking Mechanism.
• Erlang has no mutable data structures (that’s not quite true, but it’s true enough). No
mutable data structures = No locks. No mutable data structures = Easy to parallelize.

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This presentation, delivered at the Postgres Bangalore (PGBLR) Meetup-2 on June 29th, 2024, dives deep into connection pooling for PostgreSQL databases. Aakash M, a PostgreSQL Tech Lead at Mydbops, explores the challenges of managing numerous connections and explains how connection pooling optimizes performance and resource utilization. Key Takeaways: * Understand why connection pooling is essential for high-traffic applications * Explore various connection poolers available for PostgreSQL, including pgbouncer * Learn the configuration options and functionalities of pgbouncer * Discover best practices for monitoring and troubleshooting connection pooling setups * Gain insights into real-world use cases and considerations for production environments This presentation is ideal for: * Database administrators (DBAs) * Developers working with PostgreSQL * DevOps engineers * Anyone interested in optimizing PostgreSQL performance Contact for PostgreSQL Managed, Consulting and Remote DBA Services

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Support en anglais diffusé lors de l'événement 100% IA organisé dans les locaux parisiens d'Iguane Solutions, le mardi 2 juillet 2024 : - Présentation de notre plateforme IA plug and play : ses fonctionnalités avancées, telles que son interface utilisateur intuitive, son copilot puissant et des outils de monitoring performants. - REX client : Cyril Janssens, CTO d’ easybourse, partage son expérience d’utilisation de notre plateforme IA plug & play.

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Let-it-Crash Design Pattern
1. The idea of Messages as the first class citizens of a system, has been
rediscovered by the Event Sourcing / CQRS community, along with a strong
focus on domain models.
2. Event Sourced Aggregates are a way to Model the Processes and NOT things.
3. Each component MUST tolerate a crash and restart at any point in time.
4. All interaction between the components must tolerate that peers can crash.
This mean ubiquitous use of timeouts and Circuit Breaker.
5. Each component must be strongly encapsulated so that failures are fully
contained and cannot spread.
6. All requests sent to a component MUST be self describing as is practical so
that processing can resume with a little recovery cost as possible after a
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Let-it-Crash : Comparison Erlang Vs. Microservices Vs. Monolithic Apps
Erlang Philosophy Micro Services Architecture Monolithic Apps (Java, C++, C#, Node JS ...)
1 Perspective
Everything is a
Event Sourced Aggregates are a way to
model the Process and NOT things.
Things (defined as Objects) and
Supervisor will
decide how to
handle the
crashed process
Kubernetes Manager monitors all the
Pods (Microservices) and its Readiness
and Health. K8s terminates the Pod if
the health is bad and spawns a new
Pod. Circuit Breaker Pattern is used
handle the fallback mechanism.
Not available. Most of the monolithic
Apps are Stateful and Crash Recovery
needs to be handled manually and all
languages other than Erlang focuses
on defensive programming.
3 Concurrency
Message Passing
Domain Events for state changes within
a Bounded Context & Integration Events
for external Systems.
Mostly Shared State Concurrency
4 State
Stateless :
Mostly Immutable
Immutability is handled thru Event
Sourcing along with Domain Events and
Integration Events.
Predominantly Stateful with Mutable
structures and Mutex as a Locking
5 Citizen Messages
Messages are 1st class citizen by Event
Sourcing / CQRS pattern with a strong
focus on Domain Models
Mutable Objects and Strong focus on
Domain Models and synchronous
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
1. Setting up Kubernetes Cluster
• 1 Master and
• 2 Worker nodes
Getting Started
1. Create Pods
2. Create ReplicaSets
3. Create Deployments
4. Rollouts and Rollbacks
5. Create Service
6. Create Ingress
7. App Auto Scaling
App Setup
1. Secrets
2. Environments
3. ConfigMap
4. PodPresets
On Premise Setup
1. Setting up External Load
Balancer using Metal LB
2. Setting up nginx Ingress
Infrastructure Design Patterns
1. API Gateway
2. Service Discovery
3. Load Balancer
4. Config Server
5. Circuit Breaker
6. Service Aggregator Pattern
7. Let It Crash Pattern
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Pods
• Jobs / Cron Jobs
• Quality of Service: Resource Quota and Limits
• Pod Disruption Range
• Pod / Node Affinity
• Daemon Set
• Container Level features

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@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Pod Quality of Service
Memory limit =
Memory Request
CPU Limit =
CPU Request
!= Guaranteed
Has either
Memory OR
CPU Request
Best Effort
Memory OR
CPU Request /
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
A probe is an indicator to a container's health. It judges the
health through periodically performing a diagnostic action
against a container via kubelet:
• Liveness probe: Indicates whether a container is alive or
not. If a container fails on this probe, kubelet kills it and
may restart it based on the restartPolicy of a pod.
• Readiness probe: Indicates whether a container is ready
for incoming traffic. If a pod behind a service is not
ready, its endpoint won't be created until the pod is
Kubernetes Pod in Depth
3 kinds of action handlers can be configured to perform
against a container:
exec: Executes a defined command inside the container.
Considered to be successful if the exit code is 0.
tcpSocket: Tests a given port via TCP, successful if the port
is opened.
httpGet: Performs an HTTP GET to the IP address of target
container. Headers in the request to be sent is
customizable. This check is considered to be healthy if the
status code satisfies: 400 > CODE >= 200.
Additionally, there are five parameters to define a probe's behavior:
initialDelaySeconds: How long kubelet should be waiting for before the first probing.
successThreshold: A container is considered to be healthy when getting consecutive times of probing successes
passed this threshold.
failureThreshold: Same as preceding but defines the negative side.
timeoutSeconds: The time limitation of a single probe action.
periodSeconds: Intervals between probe actions. Source:
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
A job creates one or more pods and ensures that a
specified number of them successfully terminate.
As pods successfully complete, the job tracks the
successful completions. When a specified number
of successful completions is reached, the job itself
is complete. Deleting a Job will cleanup the pods it
A simple case is to create one Job object in order to
reliably run one Pod to completion. The Job object
will start a new Pod if the first pod fails or is deleted
(for example due to a node hardware failure or a
node reboot).
A Job can also be used to run multiple pods in
Kubernetes Jobs
Command is wrapped for display purpose.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Cron Jobs
Command is wrapped for display purpose.
You can use CronJobs to run jobs on a time-
based schedule. These automated jobs run
like Cron tasks on a Linux or UNIX system.
Cron jobs are useful for creating periodic and
recurring tasks, like running backups or sending
emails. Cron jobs can also schedule individual
tasks for a specific time, such as if you want to
schedule a job for a low activity period

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Stream processing is a crucial component of modern data infrastructure, but constructing an efficient and scalable stream processing system can be challenging. Decoupling compute and storage architecture has emerged as an effective solution to these challenges, but it can introduce high latency issues, especially when dealing with complex continuous queries that necessitate managing extra-large internal states. In this talk, we focus on addressing the high latency issues associated with S3 storage in stream processing systems that employ a decoupled compute and storage architecture. We delve into the root causes of latency in this context and explore various techniques to minimize the impact of S3 latency on stream processing performance. Our proposed approach is to implement a tiered storage mechanism that leverages a blend of high-performance and low-cost storage tiers to reduce data movement between the compute and storage layers while maintaining efficient processing. Throughout the talk, we will present experimental results that demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach in mitigating the impact of S3 latency on stream processing. By the end of the talk, attendees will have gained insights into how to optimize their stream processing systems for reduced latency and improved cost-efficiency.

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@arafkarsh arafkarsh
• A resource quota, defined by a Resource
Quota object, provides constraints that
limit aggregate resource consumption per
• It can limit the quantity of objects that can
be created in a namespace by type, as well
as the total amount of compute resources
that may be consumed by resources in
that project.
Kubernetes Resource Quotas
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
• Limits specifies the Max resource a Pod
can have.
• If there is NO limit is defined, Pod will
be able to consume more resources
than requests. However, the eviction
chances of Pod is very high if other Pods
with Requests and Resource Limits are
Kubernetes Limit Range
Source: 102
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
• Liveness probe: Indicates
whether a container is alive
or not. If a container fails on
this probe, kubelet kills it
and may restart it based on
the restartPolicy of a pod.
Pod Liveness Probe
Source: 103
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
• A PDB limits the number pods
of a replicated application that
are down simultaneously from
voluntary disruptions.
• Cluster managers and hosting
providers should use tools
which respect Pod Disruption
Budgets by calling the Eviction
API instead of directly deleting
Kubernetes Pod Disruption Range
$ kubectl drain NODE [options]
Source: 104

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
• You can constrain a pod to only be
able to run on particular nodes or
to prefer to run on particular
nodes. There are several ways to
do this, and they all use label
selectors to make the selection.
• Assign the label to Node
• Assign Node Selector to a Pod
Kubernetes Pod/Node Affinity / Anti-Affinity
$ kubectl label nodes k8s.node1 disktype=ssd
Source: 105
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Pod Configuration
Pod configuration
You use labels and annotations to attach metadata to your resources. To inject data into your
resources, you’d likely create ConfigMaps (for non-confidential data) or Secrets (for confidential data).
Taints and Tolerations - These provide a way for nodes to “attract” or “repel” your Pods. They are often
used when an application needs to be deployed onto specific hardware, such as GPUs for scientific
computing. Read more.
Pod Presets - Normally, to mount runtime requirements (such as environmental variables, ConfigMaps,
and Secrets) into a resource, you specify them in the resource’s configuration file. PodPresets allow you
to dynamically inject these requirements instead, when the resource is created. For instance, this
allows team A to mount any number of new Secrets into the resources created by teams B and C,
without requiring action from B and C.
Source: 106
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes DaemonSet
A DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a
Pod. As nodes are added to the cluster, Pods are added to them.
As nodes are removed from the cluster, those Pods are garbage
collected. Deleting a DaemonSet will clean up the Pods it created.
Some typical uses of a DaemonSet are:
• running a cluster storage daemon, such as glusterd, ceph, on
each node.
• running a logs collection daemon on every node, such
as fluentd or logstash.
• running a node monitoring daemon on every node, such
as Prometheus Node Exporter, collectd, Dynatrace OneAgent,
Datadog agent, New Relic agent, Ganglia gmond or Instana
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Container-level features
Sidecar container: Although your Pod should still have a single main
container, you can add a secondary container that acts as a helper
(see a logging example). Two containers within a single Pod can
communicate via a shared volume.
Init containers: Init containers run before any of a Pod’s app
containers (such as main and sidecar containers)
Kubernetes Container Level Features

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Volumes
• In-Tree and Out-Tree Volume Plugins
• Container Storage Interface – Components
• CSI – Volume Life Cycle
• Persistent Volume
• Persistent Volume Claims
• Storage Class
• Volume Snapshot
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Workload Portability
1. Abstract away Infrastructure
2. Decouple the App Deployment
from Infrastructure (On-Premise
or Cloud)
To help Developers
1. Write Once, Run Anywhere
(Workload Portability)
2. Avoid Vendor Lock-In
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
K8s Volume Plugin – History
In-Tree Volume Plugins
• First set of Volume plugins with K8s.
• They are linked and compiled and
shipped with K8s releases.
• They were part of Core K8s libraries.
• Volume Driver Development is
tightly coupled with K8s releases.
• Bugs in the Volume Driver crashes
critical K8s components.
• Deprecated since K8s v1.8
Out-of-Tree Volume Plugins
• Flex Volume Driver
• Executable Binaries
• Worker Node communicates
with binaries in CLI.
• Need to access the Root File
System of the Worker Node
• Dependency issues
• CSI – Container Storage Interface
• Address the pain points of Flex
Volume Driver
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Container Storage Interface
o CSI Spec is Container Orchestrator (CO) neutral
o Uses gRPC for inter-process communication
o Runs Outside CO Processes.
o CSI is control plane only Specs.
o Identity: Identity and capability of the Driver
o Controller: Volume operations such as
provisioning and attachment.
o Node: Mount / unmount ops must be executed
on the node where the volume is needed.
o Identity and Node are mandatory requirement
for the driver implementation.
Container Orchestrator (CO)
Cloud Foundry, Docker, Kubernetes,
Storage API

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
CSI – Components – 3 gRPC Services on UDS
Controller Service
• Create Volume
• Delete Volume
• List Volume
• Controller Publish Volume
• Controller Unpublish Volume
• Validate Volume Capabilities
• Get Capacity
• Create Snapshot
• Delete Snapshot
• List Snapshots
• Controller Get Capabilities
Node Service
• Node Stage Volume
• Node Unstage Volume
• Node Publish Volume
• Node Unpublish Volume
• Node Get Volume Stats
• Node Get Info
• Node Get Capabilities
Identity Service
• Get Plugin Info
• Get Plugin Properties
• Probe (Probe Request)
Unix Domain Socket
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
StatefulSet Pod
Provisioner CSI
Kubernetes & CSI Drivers
DaemonSet Pod
Registrar CSI
Worker Node
API Server
Node Service
Identity Service
Controller Service
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
CSI – Volume Life cycle
Controller Service Node Service
CreateVolume ControllerPublishVolume NodeStageVolume
DeleteVolume ControllerUnPublishVolume
Volume Created Volume available for use Volume initialized in the
Node. One-time activity.
Volume attached to the Pod
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Container Storage Interface Adoption
CO Version CSI Version
1.10 0.2
1.13 0.3, 1.0
OpenShift 3.11 0.2
Mesos 1.6 0.2
Cloud Foundry 2.5 0.3
PKS 1.4 1.0

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
CSI – Drivers
CSI Production Name
Ver Persistence Access Mode
Raw Block
1 AWS EBS v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Single Pod Yes Yes Yes
2 AWS EFS v0.3 Yes RW Multi Pod No No No
3 Azure Disk v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Single Pod Yes No No
4 Azure File v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Multi Pod Yes No No
5 CephFS v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Multi Pod Yes No No
6 Ceph RBD v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Single Pod Yes Yes Yes
7 GCE PD v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Single Pod Yes No Yes
8 Nutanix Vol com.nutanix.csi v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Single Pod Yes No No
9 Nutanix Files com.nutanix.csi v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Multi Pod Yes No No
10 Portworx v0.3, v1.1 Yes RW Multi Pod Yes No Yes
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Volume Types
Host Based
o EmptyDir
o HostPath
o Local
Block Storage
o Amazon EBS
o OpenStack Cinder
o GCE Persistent Disk
o Azure Disk
o vSphere Volume
o iScsi
o Flocker
o Git Repo
o Quobyte
Distributed File System
o Ceph
o Gluster
o FlexVolume
o PortworxVolume
o Amazon EFS
o Azure File System
Life cycle of a
Persistent Volume
o Provisioning
o Binding
o Using
o Releasing
o Reclaiming
Source: 118
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Ephemeral Storage
Volume Plugin: EmptyDir
o Scratch Space (Temporary) from the
Host Machine.
o Data exits only for the Life Cycle of
the Pod.
o Containers in the Pod can R/W to
mounted path.
o Can ONLY be referenced in-line from
the Pod.
o Can’t be referenced via Persistent
Volume or Claim.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Remote Storage Block Storage
o Amazon EBS
o OpenStack Cinder
o GCE Persistent Disk
o Azure Disk
o vSphere Volume
Distributed File System
o Ceph
o Gluster
o FlexVolume
o PortworxVolume
o Amazon EFS
o Azure File System
o Remote Storage attached to the
Pod based on the requirement.
o Data persists beyond the life
cycle of the Pod.
o Two Types of Remote Storage
o Block Storage
o File System
o Referenced in the Pod either in-
line or PV/PVC

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Remote Storage
Kubernetes will do the
following Automatically.
o Kubernetes will attach the
Remote (Block or FS)
Volume to the Node.
o Kubernetes will mount the
volume to the Pod.
This is NOT recommended because it breaks the
Kubernetes principle of workload portability.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Deployment and StatefulSet
Kind: Deployment
• All Replicas of the Deployment share
the same Persistent volume Claim.
• ReadWriteOnce Volumes are NOT
recommended even with ReplicaSet 1
as it can fail or get into a deadlock
(when the Pod goes down and Master
tries to bring another Pod).
• Volumes with ReadOnlyMany &
ReadWriteMany are the best modes.
• Deployments are used for Stateless
Kind: StatefulSet
• StatefulSet is recommended for App
that need a unique volume per
• ReadWriteOnce should be used with a
StatefulSet. RWO will create a unique
volume per ReplicaSet.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node 3
Node 2
Deployment and StatefulSet
Storage GCE PD
Node 1
D Service1 Pod1
D Service1 Pod2
D Service1 Pod3
Test Case 1
Kind Deployment
Replica 3
Provisioning Storage Class
Volume GCE PD
Volume Type File System
Access Mode ReadWriteOnce (RWO)
Storage NFS
Node 1
D Service1 Pod1
D Service1 Pod2
D Service1 Pod3
Test Case 2
Kind Deployment
Replica 3
Provisioning Persistent Volume
Volume NFS
Volume Type File System
Access Mode RWX, ReadOnlyMany
Node 3
Node 2
Storage GCE PD
Node 1
S Service2 Pod1
Test Case 3
Kind StatefulSet
Replica 3
Provisioning Storage Class
Volume GCE PD
Volume Type File System
Access Mode ReadWriteOnce (RWO)
S Service2 Pod2
S Service2 Pod3
Node 3
Node 2
Storage NFS
Node 1
S Service2 Pod1
Test Case 4
Kind StatefulSet
Replica 3
Provisioning Persistent Volume
Volume NFS
Volume Type File System
Access Mode ReadWriteMany (RWX)
S Service2 Pod2
S Service2 Pod3
Mounted Storage System Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive) Mounted Storage System Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive)
Error Creating Pod
GCE – PD – 10 GB Storage GCE – PD – 10 GB Storage
S1 S3
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node 3
Node 2
Deployment/StatefulSet – NFS Shared Disk – 4 PV & 4 PVC
Storage NFS
Node 1
D Service2 Pod1
D Service2 Pod2
D Service2 Pod3
Test Case 6
Kind Deployment
Replica 3
PVC pvc-3gb-disk
Volume NFS
Volume Type File System (ext4)
Access Mode ReadWriteMany (RWX)
Node 3
Node 2
Storage NFS
Node 1
S Service4 Pod1
Test Case 8
Kind StatefulSet
Replica 3
PVC pvc-1gb-disk
Volume NFS
Volume Type File System (ext4)
Access Mode ReadWriteMany (RWX)
S Service4 Pod2
S Service4 Pod3
Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive) Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive)
Node 3
Node 2
Storage NFS
Node 1
D Service1 Pod1
D Service1 Pod2
D Service1 Pod3
Test Case 5
Kind Deployment
Replica 3
PVC pvc-2gb-disk
Volume NFS
Volume Type File System (ext4)
Access Mode ReadWriteMany (RWX)
Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive)
Node 3
Node 2
Storage NFS
Node 1
D Service3 Pod1
D Service3 Pod2
D Service3 Pod3
Test Case 7
Kind Deployment
Replica 3
PVC pvc-4gb-disk
Volume NFS
Volume Type File System (ext4)
Access Mode ReadWriteMany (RWX)
Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive)
GCE – PD – 2 GB Storage GCE – PD – 3 GB Storage GCE – PD – 4 GB Storage GCE – PD – 1 GB Storage
PV, PVC mapping is 1:1

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Volume Plugin: ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany
Volume Plugin Kind: Deployment Kind: StatefulSet ReadWriteOnce ReadOnlyMany ReadWriteMany
AWS EBS Yes ✓ - -
AzureFile Yes Yes ✓ ✓ ✓
AzureDisk Yes ✓ - -
CephFS Yes Yes ✓ ✓ ✓
Cinder Yes ✓ - -
CSI depends on the driver depends on the driver depends on the driver
FC Yes Yes ✓ ✓ -
Flexvolume Yes Yes ✓ ✓ depends on the driver
Flocker Yes ✓ - -
GCEPersistentDisk Yes Yes ✓ ✓ -
Glusterfs Yes Yes ✓ ✓ ✓
HostPath Yes ✓ - -
iSCSI Yes Yes ✓ ✓ -
Quobyte Yes Yes ✓ ✓ ✓
NFS Yes Yes ✓ ✓ ✓
RBD Yes Yes ✓ ✓ -
VsphereVolume Yes ✓ - - (works when pods are collocated)
PortworxVolume Yes Yes ✓ - ✓
ScaleIO Yes Yes ✓ ✓ -
StorageOS Yes ✓ - -
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Volumes for Stateful Pods
Static / Dynamic
Static: Persistent Volume
Dynamic: Storage Class
Persistent Volume Claim
Claims are mounted
as Volumes inside the
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Storage Class, PV, PVC and Pods
Physical Storage
Azure: Disk
NFS: Path, Server
Storage Class
Persistent Volume
Persistent Volume Claims
- ReadWriteOnce
storage: 1Gi
- name: my-csi-v
claimName: my-csi-pvc
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Volume
• A Persistent Volume is the
physical storage available.
• Storage Class is used to configure
custom Storage option (nfs, cloud
storage) in the cluster. They are
the foundation of Dynamic
• Persistent Volume Claim is used
to mount the required storage
into the Pod.
• ReadOnlyMany: Can be
mounted as read-only by many
• ReadWriteOnce: Can be
mounted as read-write by a
single node
• ReadWriteMany: Can be
mounted as read-write by many
Access Mode
Volume Claim
Storage Class
Volume Mode
• There are two modes
• File System and or
• raw Storage Block.
• Default is File System.
Retain: The volume will need to
be reclaimed manually
Delete: The associated storage
asset, such as AWS EBS, GCE PD,
Azure disk, or OpenStack Cinder
volume, is deleted
Recycle: Delete content only (rm
-rf /volume/*) - Deprecated
Reclaim Policy

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Persistent Volume – AWS EBS
• Use a Network File System or Block Storage for Pods to access
and data from multiple sources. AWS EBS is such a storage
• A Volume is created and its linked with a storage provider. In
the following example the storage provider is AWS for the
• Any PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) will be bound to the
Persistent Volume which matches the storage class.
Volume ID is auto generated
$ aws ec2 create-volume - -size 100
Storage class is mainly
meant for dynamic
provisioning of the
persistent volumes.
Persistent Volume is not
bound to any specific
Source: 129
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Persistent Volume – AWS EBS
Pod Access storage by issuing a
Persistent Volume Claim.
In the following example Pod
claims for 2Gi Disk space from
the network on AWS EBS.
• Manual Provisioning of
the AWS EBS supports
However all the pods
are getting scheduled
into a Single Node.
• For Dynamic
Provisioning use
• Google Compute Engine
also doesn't support
ReadWriteMany for
dynamic provisioning.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Persistent Volume - hostPath
• HostPath option is to make the Volume available from the
Host Machine.
• A Volume is created and its linked with a storage provider. In
the following example the storage provider is Minikube for
the host path.
• Any PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) will be bound to the
Persistent Volume which matches the storage class.
• If it doesn't match a dynamic persistent volume will be
Storage class is mainly
meant for dynamic
provisioning of the
persistent volumes.
Persistent Volume is not
bound to any specific
Host Path is NOT Recommended in Production
Source: 131
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Persistent Volume - hostPath
Pod Access storage by issuing a
Persistent Volume Claim.
In the following example Pod
claims for 2Gi Disk space from the
network on the host machine.
• Persistent Volume Claim
and Pods with
Deployment properties
are bound to a specific
• Developer is focused on
the availability of
storage space using PVC
and is not bothered
about storage solutions
or provisioning.
• Ops Team will focus on
Provisioning of
Persistent Volume and
Storage class.
Source: 132

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Persistent Volume - hostPath
Running the Yaml’s
from the Github
1. Create Static Persistent Volumes OR Dynamic Volumes (using Storage Class)
2. Persistent Volume Claim is created and bound static and dynamic volumes.
3. Pods refer PVC to mount volumes inside the Pod.
Source: 133
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands
• Kubernetes Commands – Quick Help
• Kubernetes Commands – Field Selectors
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands – Quick Help
$ kubectl create –f app-rs.yml
$ kubectl get rs/app-rs
$ kubectl get rs $ kubectl delete rs/app-rs cascade=false
$ kubectl describe rs app-rs
$ kubectl apply –f app-rs.yml Cascade=true will delete all the pods
$ kubectl get pods
$ kubectl describe pods pod-name
$ kubectl get pods -o json pod-name
$ kubectl create –f app-pod.yml
$ kubectl get pods –show-labels
$ kubectl exec pod-name ps aux
$ kubectl exec –it pod-name sh
(Declarative Model)
$ kubectl get pods –all-namespaces
$ kubectl apply –f app-pod.yml
$ kubectl replace –f app-pod.yml
$ kubectl replace –f app-rs.yml
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands – Quick Help
$ kubectl create –f app-service.yml
$ kubectl get svc
$ kubectl describe svc app-service
$ kubectl get ep app-service
$ kubectl describe ep app-service
$ kubectl delete svc app-service
$ kubectl create –f app-deploy.yml
$ kubectl get deploy app-deploy
$ kubectl describe deploy app-deploy
$ kubectl rollout status deployment app-deploy
$ kubectl apply –f app-deploy.yml
$ kubectl rollout history deployment app-deploy
$ kubectl rollout undo deployment
app-deploy - -to-revision=1
(Declarative Model)
$ kubectl apply –f app-service.yml
$ kubectl replace –f app-service.yml
$ kubectl replace –f app-deploy.yml

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands – Field Selectors
$ kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase=Running Get the list of pods where status.phase = Running
Field selectors let you select Kubernetes resources based on the value of one or
more resource fields. Here are some example field selector queries:
• metadata.namespace!=default
• status.phase=Pending
Supported Operators
You can use the =, ==, and != operators with field selectors (= and == mean the
same thing). This kubectl command, for example, selects all Kubernetes Services
that aren’t in the default namespace:
$ kubectl get services --field-selector metadata.namespace!=default
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Commands – Field Selectors
$ kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase!=Running,spec.restartPolicy=Always
Chained Selectors
As with label and other selectors, field selectors can be chained together as a
comma-separated list. This kubectl command selects all Pods for which
the status.phase does not equal Running and the spec.restartPolicy field
equals Always:
Multiple Resource Type
You use field selectors across multiple resource types. This kubectl command
selects all Statefulsets and Services that are not in the default namespace:
$ kubectl get statefulsets,services --field-selector metadata.namespace!=default
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
K8s Packet Path
• Kubernetes Networking
• Compare Docker and Kubernetes Networking
• Pod to Pod Networking within the same Node
• Pod to Pod Networking across the Node
• Pod to Service Networking
• Ingress - Internet to Service Networking
• Egress – Pod to Internet Networking
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Networking
Mandatory requirements for Network implementation
1. All Pods can communicate with All other Pods
without using Network Address Translation
2. All Nodes can communicate with all the Pods
without NAT.
3. The IP that is assigned to a Pod is the same IP the
Pod sees itself as well as all other Pods in the
cluster. Source:

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Docker Networking Vs. Kubernetes Networking
Container 1
Web Server 8080
Veth: eth0
Container 2
Microservice 9002
Veth: eth0
Container 3
Microservice 9003
Veth: eth0
Container 4
Microservice 9004
Veth: eth0
IP tables rules
Node 1
Docker0 Bridge
Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3
Container 1
Web Server 8080
Veth: eth0
Container 2
Microservice 9002
Veth: eth0
Container 3
Microservice 9003
Veth: eth0
Container 4
Microservice 9004
Veth: eth0
IP tables rules
Node 2
Docker0 Bridge
Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3
Pod 1
Web Server 8080
Veth: eth0
Pod 2
Microservice 9002
Veth: eth0
Pod 3
Microservice 9003
Veth: eth0
Pod 4
Microservice 9004
Veth: eth0
IP tables rules
Node 1
L2 Bridge
Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3
Same IP Range. NAT Required Uniq IP Range. netFilter, IP Tables / IPVS. No NAT required
Pod 1
Web Server 8080
Veth: eth0
Pod 2
Microservice 9002
Veth: eth0
Pod 3
Microservice 9003
Veth: eth0
Pod 4
Microservice 9004
Veth: eth0
IP tables rules
Node 2
L2 Bridge
Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Networking
3 Networks
1. Physical Network
2. Pod Network
3. Service Network
CIDR Range (RFC 1918)
Keep the Address ranges separate – Best Practices
RFC 1918
1. Class A
2. Class B
3. Class C
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Networking
3 Networks
Node 1
Pod 1
Container 1
Pod 2
Container 1
Node 2
Pod 1
Container 1
Node 3
Pod 1
Container 1
1. Physical Network
2. Pod Network
3. Service Network
End Points
dynamic IP
Addresses of
the Pods
selected by a
Service based
on Pod Labels
Virtual IP doesn’t have any
physical network card or
system attached.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes: Pod to Pod Networking inside a Node
By Default Linux has a Single Namespace and all the process in
the namespace share the Network Stack. If you create a new
namespace then all the process running in that namespace will
have its own Network Stack, Routes, Firewall Rules etc.
$ ip netns add namespace1
A mount point for namespace1 is created under /var/run/netns
Create Namespace
$ ip netns List Namespace
Node 1
Root NW Namespace
L2 Bridge
veth0 veth1
Container 1
Pod 1
Container 2
Pod 2
Container 1
1. Pod 1 sends packet to eth0 – eth0 is connected to
2. Bridge resolves the Destination with ARP protocol and
3. Bridge sends the packet to veth1
4. veth1 forwards the packet directly to Pod 2 thru eth0
of the Pod 2
This entire communication happens in localhost. So, Data
transfer speed will NOT be affected by Ethernet card speed.
Kube Proxy

Recommended for you

@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node 2
Root NW Namespace
L2 Bridge
Kubernetes: Pod to Pod Networking Across Node
Node 1
Root NW Namespace
L2 Bridge
veth0 veth1
Container 1
Pod 1
Container 2
Pod 2
Container 1
1. Pod 1 sends packet to eth0 –
eth0 is connected to veth0
2. Bridge will try to resolve the
Destination with ARP protocol
and ARP will fail because there
is no device connected to that
3. On Failure Bridge will send the
packet to eth0 of the Node 1.
4. At this point packet leaves eth0
and enters the Network and
network routes the packet to
Node 2.
5. Packet enters the Root
namespace and routed to the
L2 Bridge.
6. veth0 forwards the packet to
eth0 of Pod 3
Pod 3
Container 1
Kube Proxy
Kube Proxy
Src-IP:Port: Pod1:17711 – Dst-IP:Port: Pod3:80
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node 2
Root NW Namespace
L2 Bridge
Kubernetes: Pod to Service to Pod – Load Balancer
Node 1
Root NW Namespace
L2 Bridge
veth0 veth1
Container 1
Pod 1
Container 2
Pod 2
Container 1
1. Pod 1 sends packet to eth0 – eth0 is
connected to veth0
2. Bridge will try to resolve the Destination
with ARP protocol and ARP will fail
because there is no device connected to
that IP.
3. On Failure Bridge will give the packet to
Kube Proxy
4. it goes thru ip tables rules installed by
Kube Proxy and rewrites the Dst-IP with
Pod3-IP. IPVS has done the Cluster load
Balancing directly on the node and
packet is given to eth0 of the Node1.
5. Now packet leaves Node 1 eth0 and
enters the Network and network routes
the packet to Node 2.
6. Packet enters the Root namespace and
routed to the L2 Bridge.
7. veth0 forwards the packet to eth0 of
Pod 3
Pod 3
Container 1
Kube Proxy
Kube Proxy
SrcIP:Port: Pod1:17711 – Dst-IP:Port: Service1:80 Src-IP:Port: Pod1:17711 – Dst-IP:Port: Pod3:80
Order Payments
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node 2
Root NW Namespace
L2 Bridge
Kubernetes Pod to Service to Pod – Return Journey
Node 1
Root NW Namespace
L2 Bridge
veth0 veth1
Container 1
Pod 1
Container 2
Pod 2
Container 1
1. Pod 3 receives data from Pod 1 and
sends the reply back with Source as
Pod3 and Destination as Pod1
2. Bridge will try to resolve the Destination
with ARP protocol and ARP will fail
because there is no device connected to
that IP.
3. On Failure Bridge will give the packet
Node 2 eth0
4. Now packet leaves Node 2 eth0 and
enters the Network and network routes
the packet to Node 1. (Dst = Pod1)
5. it goes thru ip tables rules installed by
Kube Proxy and rewrites the Src-IP with
Service-IP. Kube Proxy gives the packet
to L2 Bridge.
6. L2 bridge makes the ARP call and hand
over the packet to veth0
7. veth0 forwards the packet to eth0 of
Pod 3
Container 1
Kube Proxy
Kube Proxy
Src-IP: Pod3:80 – Dst-IP:Port: Pod1:17711
Src-IP:Port: Service1:80– Dst-IP:Port: Pod1:17711
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node X
Root NW Namespace
L2 Bridge
Kubernetes: Internet to Pod 1. Client Connects to App published
2. Once the Ingress Load Balancer
receives the packet it picks a VM (K8s
3. Once inside the VM IP Tables knows
how to redirect the packet to the Pod
using internal load Balancing rules
installed into the cluster using Kube
4. Traffic enters Kubernetes cluster and
reaches the Node X (
5. Node X gives the packet to the L2
6. L2 bridge makes the ARP call and hand
over the packet to veth0
7. veth0 forwards the packet to eth0 of
Pod 8
Src: Client IP –
Dst: App Dst
Src: Client IP –
Dst: Pod IP
Client /
Src: Client IP –
Dst: VM-IP
Pod 8
Container 1
Kube Proxy

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@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes: Pod to Internet
Node 1
Root NW Namespace
L2 Bridge
veth0 veth1
Container 1
Pod 1
Container 2
Pod 2
Container 1
1. Pod 1 sends packet to eth0 – eth0 is
connected to veth0
2. Bridge will try to resolve the Destination
with ARP protocol and ARP will fail because
there is no device connected to that IP.
3. On Failure Bridge will give the packet to IP
4. The Gateway will reject the Pod IP as it will
recognize only the VM IP. So, source IP is
replaced with VM-IP (NAT)
5. Packet enters the network and routed to
Internet Gateway.
6. Packet reaches the GW and it replaces the
VM-IP (internal) with an External IP.
7. Packet Reaches External Site (Google)
Kube Proxy
Src: Pod1 – Dst: Google Src: VM-IP –
Dst: Google
Src: Ex-IP –
Dst: Google
On the way back the packet follows the same
path and any Src IP mangling is undone, and
each layer understands VM-IP and Pod IP within
Pod Namespace.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Networking Advanced
• Kubernetes IP Network
• OSI Layer | L2 | L3 | L4 | L7 |
• IP Tables | IPVS | BGP | VXLAN
• Kubernetes DNS
• Kubernetes Proxy
• Kubernetes Load Balancer, Cluster IP, Node Port
• Kubernetes Ingress
• Kubernetes Ingress – Amazon Load Balancer
• Kubernetes Ingress – Metal LB (On Premise)
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Kubernetes Network Requirements
1. IPAM (IP Address Management & Life
cycle Management of Network
2. Connectivity and Container Network
3. Route Advertisement
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
OSI Layers

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@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Networking Glossary
Netfilter – Packet Filtering in Linux
Software that does packet filtering, NAT and other
Packet mangling
IP Tables
It allows Admin to configure the netfilter for
managing IP traffic.
Conntrack is built on top of netfilter to handle
connection tracking..
IPVS – IP Virtual Server
Implements a transport layer load balancing as part
of the Linux Kernel. It’s similar to IP Tables and
based on netfilter hook function and uses hash
table for the lookup.
Border Gateway Protocol
BGP is a standardized exterior gateway protocol
designed to exchange routing and reachability
information among autonomous systems (AS) on
the Internet. The protocol is often classified as a
path vector protocol but is sometimes also classed
as a distance-vector routing protocol. Some of the
well known & mandatory attributes are AS Path,
Next Hop Origin.
L2 Bridge (Software Switch)
Network devices, called switches (or bridges) are
responsible for connecting several network links to
each other, creating a LAN. Major components of a
network switch are a set of network ports, a control
plane, a forwarding plane, and a MAC learning
database. The set of ports are used to forward traffic
between other switches and end-hosts in the
network. The control plane of a switch is typically used
to run the Spanning Tree Protocol, that calculates a
minimum spanning tree for the LAN, preventing
physical loops from crashing the network. The
forwarding plane is responsible for processing input
frames from the network ports and making a
forwarding decision on which network port or ports
the input frame is forwarded to.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Networking Glossary
Layer 2 Networking
Layer 2 is the Data Link Layer (OSI Mode) providing Node to
Node Data Transfer. Layer 2 deals with delivery of frames
between 2 adjacent nodes on a network. Ethernet is an Ex.
Of Layer 2 networking with MAC represented as a Sub Layer.
Flannel uses L3 with VXLAN (L2) networking.
Layer 4 Networking
Transport layer controls the reliability of a given link
through flow control.
Layer 7 Networking
Application layer networking (HTTP, FTP etc.,) This is the
closet layer to the end user. Kubernetes Ingress Controller
is a L7 Load Balancer.
Layer 3 Networking
Layer 3’s primary concern involves routing packets between
hosts on top of the layer 2 connections. IPv4, IPv6, and ICMP
are examples of Layer 3 networking protocols. Calico uses L3
VXLAN Networking
Virtual Extensible LAN used to help large cloud
deployments by encapsulating L2 Frames within UDP
Datagrams. VXLAN is similar to VLAN (which has a
limitation of 4K network IDs). VXLAN is an encapsulation
and overlay protocol that runs on top of existing Underlay
networks. VXLAN can have 16 million Network IDs.
Overlay Networking
An overlay network is a virtual, logical network built on
top of an existing network. Overlay networks are often
used to provide useful abstractions on top of existing
networks and to separate and secure different logical
Source Network Address Translation
SNAT refers to a NAT procedure that modifies the source
address of an IP Packet.
Destination Network Address Translation
DNAT refers to a NAT procedure that modifies the
Destination address of an IP Packet.
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node / Server 1
Customer 1
Customer 2
Node / Server 2
Customer 1
Customer 2
VXLAN Encapsulation
Underlay Network
VSWITCH: Virtual Switch
Switch Switch
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node / Server 1
Customer 1
Customer 2
Node / Server 2
Customer 1
Customer 2
VXLAN Encapsulation
Overlay Network
VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point
VXLAN encapsulate L2 into UDP
packets tunneling using L3. This
means no specialized hardware
required. So, the Overlay networks
could be created purely in
VLAN = 4094 (2 reserved) Networks
VNI = 16 Million Networks (24-bit ID)

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@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node / Server 1
Customer 1
Customer 2
Node / Server 2
Customer 1
Customer 2
VXLAN Encapsulation
Overlay Network
ARP Broadcast ARP Broadcast
ARP Broadcast
VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point
ARP Unicast
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node / Server 1
B1 – MAC
Y1 – MAC
Customer 1
Customer 2
Node / Server 2
B2 – MAC
Y2 – MAC
Customer 1
Customer 2
VXLAN Encapsulation
Overlay Network
Src: B1 – MAC
Dst: B2 - MAC
Src UDP Port: Dynamic
Dst UDP Port: 4789
VNI: 100
Src: B1 – MAC
Dst: B2 - MAC
Src: B1 – MAC
Dst: B2 - MAC
VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point | VNI : Virtual Network Identifier
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node / Server 1
B1 – MAC
Y1 – MAC
Customer 1
Customer 2
Node / Server 2
B2 – MAC
Y2 – MAC
Customer 1
Customer 2
VXLAN Encapsulation
Overlay Network
Src UDP Port: Dynamic
Dst UDP Port: 4789
VNI: 100
VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point | VNI : Virtual Network Identifier
Src: B2 - MAC
Dst: B1 – MAC
Src: B2 - MAC
Dst: B1 – MAC
Src: B2 - MAC
Dst: B1 – MAC
@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node / Server 1
B1 – MAC
Y1 – MAC
Customer 1
Customer 2
Node / Server 2
B2 – MAC
Y2 – MAC
Customer 1
Customer 2
VXLAN Encapsulation
Overlay Network
Src: Y1 – MAC
Dst: Y2 - MAC
Src UDP Port: Dynamic
Dst UDP Port: 4789
VNI: 200
Src: Y1 – MAC
Dst: Y2 - MAC
Src: Y1 – MAC
Dst: Y2 - MAC
VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point | VNI : Virtual Network Identifier

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@arafkarsh arafkarsh
Node / Server 1
B1 – MAC
Y1 – MAC
Customer 1
Customer 2
Node / Server 2
B2 – MAC
Y2 – MAC
Customer 1
Customer 2
VXLAN Encapsulation
Overlay Network
VNI: 100
VNI: 200
VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point | VNI : Virtual Network Identifier
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Containers Docker Kind Kubernetes Istio

  • 1. @arafkarsh arafkarsh ARAF KARSH HAMID Co-Founder / CTO MetaMagic Global Inc., NJ, USA @arafkarsh arafkarsh Microservices Architecture Series Building Cloud Native Apps Docker Kubernetes, KinD Service Mesh: Istio Part 7 of 11
  • 2. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker / Kubernetes / Istio Containers Container Orchestration Service Mesh 2 MicroservicesArchitectureStyles © 2017 byAraf Karsh Hamid is licensed under CC BY 4.0
  • 3. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Slides are color coded based on the topic colors. Linux Containers Docker 1 Kubernetes 2 Kubernetes Networking & Packet Path 3 Service Mesh: Istio Best Practices 4 3
  • 4. @arafkarsh arafkarsh • 12 Factor App Methodology • Docker Concepts • Images and Containers • Anatomy of a Dockerfile • Networking / Volume Docker 1 • Kubernetes Concepts • Namespace • Pods • RelicaSet • Deployment • Service / Endpoints • Ingress • Rollout and Undo • Auto Scale Kubernetes 2 • API Gateway • Load Balancer • Service Discovery • Config Server • Circuit Breaker • Service Aggregator Infrastructure Design Patterns 4 • Environment • Config Map • Pod Presets • Secrets 3 Kubernetes – Container App Setup 4
  • 5. @arafkarsh arafkarsh • Docker / Kubernetes Networking • Pod to Pod Networking • Pod to Service Networking • Ingress and Egress – Internet Kubernetes Networking – Packet Path 7 • Kubernetes IP Network • OSI | L2/3/7 | IP Tables | IP VS | BGP | VXLAN • Kube DNS | Proxy • LB, Cluster IP, Node Port • Ingress Controller Kubernetes Networking Advanced 8 • In-Tree & Out-of-Tree Volume Plugins • Container Storage Interface • CSI – Volume Life Cycle • Persistent Volume • Persistent Volume Claims • Storage Class Kubernetes Volumes 5 • Jobs / Cron Jobs • Quotas / Limits / QoS • Pod / Node Affinity • Pod Disruption Budget • Kubernetes Commands Kubernetes Advanced Concepts 6 5
  • 6. @arafkarsh arafkarsh • Docker Best Practices • Kubernetes Best Practices • Security Best Practices 13 Best Practices • Istio Concepts / Sidecar Pattern • Envoy Proxy / Cilium Integration 10 Service Mesh – Istio • Security • RBAC • Mesh Policy | Policy • Cluster RBAC Config • Service Role / Role Binding Istio – Security and RBAC 12 • Gateway / Virtual Service • Destination Rule / Service Entry • AB Testing using Canary • Beta Testing using Canary Istio Traffic Management 11 • Network Policy L3 / L4 • Security Policy for Microservices • Weave / Calico / Cilium / Flannel Kubernetes Network Security Policies 9 6
  • 7. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Agile Scrum (4-6 Weeks) Developer Journey Monolithic Domain Driven Design Event Sourcing and CQRS Waterfall Optional Design Patterns Continuous Integration (CI) 6/12 Months Enterprise Service Bus Relational Database [SQL] / NoSQL Development QA / QC Ops 7 Microservices Domain Driven Design Event Sourcing and CQRS Scrum / Kanban (1-5 Days) Mandatory Design Patterns Infrastructure Design Patterns CI DevOps Event Streaming / Replicated Logs SQL NoSQL CD Container Orchestrator Service Mesh
  • 8. @arafkarsh arafkarsh 12 Factor App Methodology 4 Backing Services Treat Backing services like DB, Cache as attached resources 5 Build, Release, Run Separate Build and Run Stages 6 Process Execute App as One or more Stateless Process 7 Port Binding Export Services with Specific Port Binding 8 Concurrency Scale out via the process Model 9 Disposability Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful exit 10 Dev / Prod Parity Keep Development, Staging and Production as similar as possible 11 Logs Treat logs as Event Streams 12 Admin Process Run Admin Tasks as one of Process Source: Factors Description 1 Codebase One Code base tracked in revision control 2 Dependencies Explicitly declare dependencies 3 Configuration Configuration driven Apps 8
  • 9. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Cloud Native 9 Cloud Native computing uses an opensource software stack to deploy applications as microservices, packaging each part into its own container, and dynamically orchestrating those containers to optimize resource utilization. As defined by CNCF
  • 10. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Containers • 12 Factor App Methodology • Docker Concepts • Images and Containers • Anatomy of a Dockerfile • Networking / Volume Source: 10 1
  • 11. @arafkarsh arafkarsh What’s a Container? Virtual Machine Looks like a Walks like a Runs like a Containers are a Sandbox inside Linux Kernel sharing the kernel with separate Network Stack, Process Stack, IPC Stack etc. They are NOT Virtual Machines or Light weight Virtual Machines. 11
  • 12. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Servers / Virtual Machines / Containers Hardware Host OS HYPERVISOR App 1 App 1 App 1 Guest OS BINS / LIB Guest OS BINS / LIB Guest OS BINS / LIB Type 2 Hypervisor App 2 App 3 App 2 OS Hardware Desktop / Laptop BINS / LIB App BINS / LIB App Container 1 Container 2 Type 1 Hypervisor Hardware HYPERVISOR App 1 App 1 App 1 Guest OS BINS / LIB Guest OS BINS / LIB Guest OS BINS / LIB App 2 App 3 App 2 Guest OS Hardware Type 1 Hypervisor BINS / LIB App BINS / LIB App BINS / LIB App Container 1 Container 2 Container 3 HYPERVISOR Virtualizes the OS Create Secure Sandboxes in OS Virtualizes the Hardware Creates Virtual Machines Hardware OS BINS / LIB App 1 App 2 App 3 Server Data Center No Virtualization Cloud Elastic Computing 12
  • 13. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker containers are Linux Containers CGROUPS NAME SPACES Copy on Write DOCKER CONTAINER • Kernel Feature • Groups Processes • Control Resource Allocation • CPU, CPU Sets • Memory • Disk • Block I/O • Images • Not a File System • Not a VHD • Basically a tar file • Has a Hierarchy • Arbitrary Depth • Fits into Docker Registry • The real magic behind containers • It creates barriers between processes • Different Namespaces • PID Namespace • Net Namespace • IPC Namespace • MNT Namespace • Linux Kernel Namespace introduced between kernel 2.6.15 – 2.6.26 docker run lxc-start 13
  • 14. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Container – Linux and Windows Control Groups cgroups Namespaces Pid, net, ipc, mnt, uts Layer Capabilities Union File Systems: AUFS, btrfs, vfs Control Groups Job Objects Namespaces Object Namespace, Process Table. Networking Layer Capabilities Registry, UFS like extensions Namespaces: Building blocks of the Containers 14
  • 15. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Linux Kernel HOST OS (Ubuntu) Client Docker Daemon Cent OS Alpine Debian Linux Kernel Host Kernel Host Kernel Host Kernel All the containers will have the same Host OS Kernel If you require a specific Kernel version, then Host Kernel needs to be updated HOST OS (Windows 10) Client Docker Daemon Nano Server Server Core Nano Server Windows Kernel Host Kernel Host Kernel Host Kernel Windows Kernel 15
  • 16. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Key Concepts 1. Docker images 1. A Docker image is a read-only template. 2. For example, an image could contain an Ubuntu operating system with Apache and your web application installed. 3. Images are used to create Docker containers. 4. Docker provides a simple way to build new images or update existing images, or you can download Docker images that other people have already created. 5. Docker images are the build component of Docker. 2. Docker containers 1. Docker containers are similar to a directory. 2. A Docker container holds everything that is needed for an application to run. 3. Each container is created from a Docker image. 4. Docker containers can be run, started, stopped, moved, and deleted. 5. Each container is an isolated and secure application platform. 6. Docker containers are the run component of Docker. 3. Docker Registries 1. Docker registries hold images. 2. These are public or private stores from which you upload or download images. 3. The public Docker registry is called Docker Hub. 4. It provides a huge collection of existing images for your use. 5. These can be images you create yourself or you can use images that others have previously created. 6. Docker registries are the distribution component of Docker. Images Containers 16
  • 17. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Daemon Docker Client How Docker works…. $ docker search …. $ docker build …. $ docker container create .. Docker Hub Images Containers $ docker container run .. $ docker container start .. $ docker container stop .. $ docker container ls .. $ docker push …. $ docker swarm .. 2 1 3 4 1. Search for the Container 2. Docker Daemon Sends the request to Hub 3. Downloads the image 4. Run the Container from the image 17
  • 18. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Image structure • Images are read-only. • Multiple layers of image gives the final Container. • Layers can be sharable. • Layers are portable. • Debian Base image • Emacs • Apache • Writable Container 18
  • 19. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Running a Docker Container $ ID=$(docker container run -d ubuntu /bin/bash -c “while true; do date; sleep 1; done”) Creates a Docker Container of Ubuntu OS and runs the container and execute bash shell with a script. $ docker container logs $ID Shows output from the( bash script) container $ docker container ls List the running Containers $ docker pull ubuntu Docker pulls the image from the Docker Registry When you copy the commands for testing change ” quotes to proper quotes. Microsoft PowerPoint messes with the quotes. 19
  • 20. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Anatomy of a Dockerfile Command Description Example FROM The FROM instruction sets the Base Image for subsequent instructions. As such, a valid Dockerfile must have FROM as its first instruction. The image can be any valid image – it is especially easy to start by pulling an image from the Public repositories FROM ubuntu FROM alpine MAINTAINER The MAINTAINER instruction allows you to set the Author field of the generated images. (Deprecated) MAINTAINER John Doe LABEL The LABEL instruction adds metadata to an image. A LABEL is a key-value pair. To include spaces within a LABEL value, use quotes and backslashes as you would in command-line parsing. LABEL version="1.0” LABEL vendor=“M2” RUN The RUN instruction will execute any commands in a new layer on top of the current image and commit the results. The resulting committed image will be used for the next step in the Dockerfile. RUN apt-get install -y curl ADD The ADD instruction copies new files, directories or remote file URLs from <src> and adds them to the filesystem of the container at the path <dest>. ADD hom* /mydir/ ADD hom?.txt /mydir/ COPY The COPY instruction copies new files or directories from <src> and adds them to the filesystem of the container at the path <dest>. COPY hom* /mydir/ COPY hom?.txt /mydir/ ENV The ENV instruction sets the environment variable <key> to the value <value>. This value will be in the environment of all "descendent" Dockerfile commands and can be replaced inline in many as well. ENV JAVA_HOME /JDK8 ENV JRE_HOME /JRE8 20
  • 21. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Anatomy of a Dockerfile Command Description Example VOLUME The VOLUME instruction creates a mount point with the specified name and marks it as holding externally mounted volumes from native host or other containers. The value can be a JSON array, VOLUME ["/var/log/"], or a plain string with multiple arguments, such as VOLUME /var/log or VOLUME /var/log VOLUME /data/webapps USER The USER instruction sets the user name or UID to use when running the image and for any RUN, CMD and ENTRYPOINT instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile. USER johndoe WORKDIR The WORKDIR instruction sets the working directory for any RUN, CMD, ENTRYPOINT, COPY and ADD instructions that follow it in the Dockerfile. WORKDIR /home/user CMD There can only be one CMD instruction in a Dockerfile. If you list more than one CMD then only the last CMD will take effect. The main purpose of a CMD is to provide defaults for an executing container. These defaults can include an executable, or they can omit the executable, in which case you must specify an ENTRYPOINT instruction as well. CMD echo "This is a test." | wc - EXPOSE The EXPOSE instructions informs Docker that the container will listen on the specified network ports at runtime. Docker uses this information to interconnect containers using links and to determine which ports to expose to the host when using the –P flag with docker client. EXPOSE 8080 ENTRYPOINT An ENTRYPOINT allows you to configure a container that will run as an executable. Command line arguments to docker run <image> will be appended after all elements in an exec form ENTRYPOINT, and will override all elements specified using CMD. This allows arguments to be passed to the entry point, i.e., docker run <image> -d will pass the -d argument to the entry point. You can override the ENTRYPOINT instruction using the docker run --entrypoint flag. ENTRYPOINT ["top", "-b"] 21
  • 22. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Image • Dockerfile • Docker Container Management • Docker Images 22
  • 23. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Build Docker Containers as easy as 1-2-3 Create Dockerfile 1 Build Image 2 Run Container 3 23
  • 24. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Build a Docker Java image 1. Create your Dockerfile • FROM • RUN • ADD • WORKDIR • USER • ENTRYPOINT 2. Build the Docker image 3. Run the Container $ docker build -t org/java:8 . $ docker container run –it org/java:8 24
  • 25. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Container Management $ ID=$(docker container run –d ubuntu /bin/bash) $ docker container stop $ID Start the Container and Store ID in ID field Stop the container using Container ID $ docker container stop $(docker container ls –aq) Stops all the containers $ docker container rm $ID Remove the Container $ docker container rm $(docker container ls –aq) Remove ALL the Container (in Exit status) $ docker container prune Remove ALL stopped Containers) $ docker container run –restart=Policy –d –it ubuntu /sh Policies = NO / ON-FAILURE / ALWAYS $ docker container run –restart=on-failure:3 –d –it ubuntu /sh Will re-start container ONLY 3 times if a failure happens $ docker container start $ID Start the container 25
  • 26. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Container Management $ ID=$(docker container run –d -i ubuntu) $ docker container exec -it $ID /bin/bash Start the Container and Store ID in ID field Inject a Process into Running Container $ ID=$(docker container run –d –i ubuntu) $ docker container exec inspect $ID Start the Container and Store ID in ID field Read Containers MetaData $ docker container run –it ubuntu /bin/bash # apt-get update # apt-get install—y apache2 # exit $ docker container ls –a $ docker container commit –author=“name” – message=“Ubuntu / Apache2” containerId apache2 Docker Commit • Start the Ubuntu Container • Install Apache • Exit Container • Get the Container ID (Ubuntu) • Commit the Container with new name $ docker container run –cap-drop=chown –it ubuntu /sh To prevent Chown inside the Container Source: 26
  • 27. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Image Commands $ docker login …. Log into the Docker Hub to Push images $ docker push image-name Push the image to Docker Hub $ docker image history image-name Get the History of the Docker Image $ docker image inspect image-name Get the Docker Image details $ docker image save –output=file.tar image-name Save the Docker image as a tar ball. $ docker container export –output=file.tar c79aa23dd2 Export Container to file. Source: $ docker image rm image-name Remove the Docker Image $ docker rmi $(docker images | grep '^<none>' | tr -s " " | cut -d " " -f 3) 27
  • 28. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Build Docker Apache image 1. Create your Dockerfile • FROM alpine • RUN • COPY • EXPOSE • ENTRYPOINT 2. Build the Docker image 3. Run the Container $ docker build -t org/apache2 . $ docker container run –d –p 80:80 org/apache2 $ curl localhost 28
  • 29. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Build Docker Tomcat image 1. Create your Dockerfile • FROM alpine • RUN • COPY • EXPOSE • ENTRYPOINT 2. Build the Docker image 3. Run the Container $ docker build -t org/tomcat . $ docker container run –d –p 8080:8080 org/tomcat $ curl localhost:8080 29
  • 30. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Images in the Github Workshop Ubuntu JRE 8 JRE 11 Tomcat 8 Tomcat 9 My App 1 Tomcat 9 My App 3 Spring Boot My App 4 From Ubuntu Build My Ubuntu From My Ubuntu Build My JRE8 From My Ubuntu Build My JRE11 From My JRE 11 Build My Boot From My Boot Build My App 4 From My JRE8 Build My TC8 From My TC8 Build My App 1 My App 2 Source: 30
  • 31. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Images in the Github Workshop Alpine Linux JRE 8 JRE 11 Tomcat 9 Tomcat 10 My App 1 Tomcat 10 My App 3 Spring Boot My App 4 From Alpine Build My Alpine From My Alpine Build My JRE8 From My Alpine Build My JRE11 From My JRE 11 Build My Boot From My Boot Build My App 4 From My JRE8 Build My TC9 From My TC8 Build My App 1 My App 2 Source: 31
  • 32. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Networking • Docker Networking – Bridge / Host / None • Docker Container sharing IP Address • Docker Communication – Node to Node • Docker Volumes 32
  • 33. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Networking – Bridge / Host / None $ docker network ls $ docker container run --rm --network=host alpine brctl show $ docker network create tenSubnet –subnet 33
  • 34. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Networking – Bridge / Host / None $ docker container run --rm -–net=host alpine ip address $ docker container run --rm alpine ip address $ docker container run –rm –net=none alpine ip address No Network Stack 34
  • 35. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Containers Sharing IP Address $ docker container run --name ipctr –itd alpine $ docker container run --rm --net container:ipctr alpine ip address IP (Container) Service 1 (Container) Service 3 (Container) Service 2 (Container) $ docker container exec ipctr ip address 35
  • 36. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Networking: Node to Node Same IP Addresses for the Containers across different Nodes. This requires NAT. Container 1 Web Server 8080 Veth: eth0 Container 2 Microservice 9002 Veth: eth0 Container 3 Microservice 9003 Veth: eth0 Container 4 Microservice 9004 Veth: eth0 IP tables rules eth0 Node 1 Docker0 Bridge Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3 Container 1 Web Server 8080 Veth: eth0 Container 2 Microservice 9002 Veth: eth0 Container 3 Microservice 9003 Veth: eth0 Container 4 Microservice 9004 Veth: eth0 IP tables rules eth0 Node 2 Docker0 Bridge Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3 Veth: eth0 Veth0 Veth Pairs connected to the container and the Bridge 36
  • 37. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Volumes $ docker volume create hostvolume Data Volumes are special directory in the Docker Host. $ docker volume ls $ docker container run –it –rm –v hostvolume:/data alpine # echo “This is a test from the Container” > /data/data.txt Source: 37
  • 38. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Volumes $ docker container run - - rm –v $HOME/data:/data alpine Mount Specific File Path Source: 38
  • 40. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Deployment – Updates and rollbacks, Canary Release D ReplicaSet – Self Healing, Scalability, Desired State R Worker Node 1 Master Node (Control Plane) Kubernetes Architecture POD POD itself is a Linux Container, Docker container will run inside the POD. PODs with single or multiple containers (Sidecar Pattern) will share Cgroup, Volumes, Namespaces of the POD. (Cgroup / Namespaces) Scheduler Controller Manager Using yaml or json declare the desired state of the app. State is stored in the Cluster store. Self healing is done by Kubernetes using watch loops if the desired state is changed. POD POD POD BE 1.2 BE 1.2 BE 1.2 BE DNS: 1.2 Service Pod IP Address is dynamic, communication should be based on Service which will have routable IP and DNS Name. Labels (BE, 1.2) play a critical role in ReplicaSet, Deployment, & Services etc. Cluster Store etcd Key Value Store Pod Pod Pod Label Selector selects pods based on the Labels. Label Selector Label Selector Label Selector Node Controller End Point Controller Deployment Controller Pod Controller …. Labels Internet Firewall K8s Virtual Cluster Cloud Controller For the cloud providers to manage nodes, services, routes, volumes etc. Kubelet Node Manager Container Runtime Interface Port 10255 gRPC ProtoBuf Kube-Proxy Network Proxy TCP / UDP Forwarding IPTABLES / IPVS Allows multiple implementation of containers from v1.7 RESTful yaml / json $ kubectl …. Port 443 API Server Pod IP ...34 ...35 ...36 EP • Declarative Model • Desired State Key Aspects N1 N2 N3 Namespace 1 N1 N2 N3 Namespace 2 • Pods • ReplicaSet • Deployment • Service • Endpoints • StatefulSet • Namespace • Resource Quota • Limit Range • Persistent Volume Kind Secrets Kind • apiVersion: • kind: • metadata: • spec: Declarative Model • Pod • ReplicaSet • Service • Deployment • Virtual Service • Gateway, SE, DR • Policy, MeshPolicy • RbaConfig • Prometheus, Rule, • ListChekcer … @ @ Annotations Names Cluster IP Node Port Load Balancer External Name @ Ingress 40
  • 41. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Focus on the Declarative Model 41
  • 42. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Ubuntu Installation Kubernetes Setup – Minikube $ sudo snap install kubectl --classic Install Kubectl using Snap Package Manager $ kubectl version Shows the Current version of Kubectl • Minikube provides a developer environment with master and a single node installation within the Minikube with all necessary add-ons installed like DNS, Ingress controller etc. • In a real world production environment you will have master installed (with a failover) and ‘n’ number of nodes in the cluster. • If you go with a Cloud Provider like Amazon EKS then the node will be created automatically based on the load. • Minikube is available for Linux / Mac OS and Windows. $ curl -Lo minikube $ chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/ Source: 42
  • 43. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Windows Installation Kubernetes Setup – Minikube C:> choco install kubernetes-cli Install Kubectl using Choco Package Manager C:> kubectl version Shows the Current version of Kubectl Mac OS Installation $ brew install kubernetes-cli Install Kubectl using brew Package Manager $ kubectl version Shows the Current version of Kubectl C:> cd c:usersyouraccount C:> mkdir .kube Create .kube directory $ curl -Lo minikube $ chmod +x minikube && sudo mv minikube /usr/local/bin/ C:> minikube-installer.exe Install Minikube using Minikube Installer Source: $ brew update; brew cask install minikube Install Minikube using Homebrew or using curl 43
  • 44. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Minikube - Commands Commands $ minikube status Shows the status of minikube installation $ minikube start Start minikube All workshop examples Source Code: $ minikube stop Stop Minikube $ minikube ip Shows minikube IP Address $ minikube addons list Shows all the addons $ minikube addons enable ingress Enable ingress in minikube $ minikube start --memory=8192 --cpus=4 --kubernetes-version=1.14.2 8 GB RAM and 4 Cores $ minikube dashboard Access Kubernetes Dashboard in minikube $ minikube start --network-plugin=cni --memory=5120 With Cilium Network Driver $ kubectl create -n kube-system -f $ kubectl create -f 44
  • 45. @arafkarsh arafkarsh K8s Setup – Master / Nodes : On Premise Cluster Machine Setup 1. Switch off Swap 2. Set Static IP to Network interface 3. Add IP to Host file $ 4. Install Docker 5. Install Kubernetes Run the cluster setup script to install the Docker and Kubernetes in all the machines (master and worker node) 1 Master Setup Setup kubernetes master with pod network 1. Kubeadm init 2. Install CNI Driver $ $ $ $ kubectl get po --all-namespaces Check Driver Pods Uninstall the driver 2 Node Setup n1$ kubeadm join --token t IP:Port Add the worker node to Kubernetes Master $ kubectl get nodes Check Events from namespace 3 $ kubectl get events –n namespace Check all the nodes $ sudo ufw enable $ sudo ufw allow 31100 Source Code: Only if the Firewall is blocking your Pod Al the above-mentioned shell scripts are available in the Source Code Repository $ sudo ufw allow 443 45
  • 46. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Setup – Master / Nodes $ kubeadm init node1$ kubeadm join --token enter-token-from-kubeadm-cmd Node-IP:Port Adds a Node $ kubectl get nodes $ kubectl cluster-info List all Nodes $ kubectl run hello-world --replicas=7 --labels="run=load-balancer-example" --image=metamagic/hello:1.0 --port=8080 Creates a Deployment Object and a ReplicaSet object with 7 replicas of Hello-World Pod running on port 8080 $ kubectl expose deployment hello-world --type=LoadBalancer --name=hello-world-service List all the Hello-World Deployments $ kubectl get deployments hello-world Describe the Hello-World Deployments $ kubectl describe deployments hello-world List all the ReplicaSet $ kubectl get replicasets Describe the ReplicaSet $ kubectl describe replicasets List the Service Hello-World-Service with Custer IP and External IP $ kubectl get services hello-world-service Describe the Service Hello-World-Service $ kubectl describe services hello-world-service Creates a Service Object that exposes the deployment (Hello-World) with an external IP Address. List all the Pods with internal IP Address $ kubectl get pods –o wide $ kubectl delete services hello-world-service Delete the Service Hello-World-Service $ kubectl delete deployment hello-world Delete the Hello-Word Deployment Create a set of Pods for Hello World App with an External IP Address (Imperative Model) Shows the cluster details $ kubectl get namespace Shows all the namespaces $ kubectl config current-context Shows Current Context Source: 46
  • 47. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Setup KinD (Kubernetes in Docker) $ curl -Lo ./kind $ chmod +x ./kind $ mv ./kind /some-dir-in-your-PATH/kind Linux Source: $ brew install kind Mac OS via Homebrew c:> curl.exe -Lo kind-windows-amd64.exe c:> Move-Item .kind-windows-amd64.exe c:some-dir-in-your-PATHkind.exe Windows o Kind is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container “nodes”. o Kind was primarily designed for testing Kubernetes itself but may be used for local development or CI. 47
  • 48. @arafkarsh arafkarsh KinD Creates Cluster(s) $ kind create cluster $ kind create cluster - -name my2ndcluster Create a default cluster named kind Create a cluster with a specific name $ kind create cluster - -config filename.yaml Create a cluster from a file $ kind get cluster List all Clusters $ kind delete cluster Delete a Cluster $ kubectl cluster-info --context kind-kind $ kind load docker-image image1 image2 image3 Load Image into a Cluster (No Repository Needed) 48
  • 49. @arafkarsh arafkarsh KinD Cluster Setup Single Node Cluster Setup 2 Node Cluster Setup 49
  • 50. @arafkarsh arafkarsh KinD Cluster Setup 3 Node Cluster Setup 5 Node Cluster Setup 50
  • 51. @arafkarsh arafkarsh KinD Cluster Setup + Network Driver Single Node Cluster Setup $ kind create cluster --config 1-clusters/alpha-1.yaml Source: 2 Node Cluster Setup $ kind create cluster --config 1-clusters/beta-2.yaml 3 Node Cluster Setup $ kind create cluster --config 1-clusters/gama-3.yaml 5 Node Cluster Setup $ kind create cluster --config 1-clusters/epsilon-5.yaml $ kubectl apply --filename nginx/master/deploy/static/provider/kind/deploy.yaml NGINX Ingress Controller (This is part of shell scripts (Ex. ch1-create-epsilon-cluster ) provided in the GitHub Repo) Creates 5 Node cluster and Adds NGINX Controller $ ch1-create-epsilon-cluster Install 4 Microservices and creates 7 instances $ ch3-sigma-install-apps 51
  • 52. @arafkarsh arafkarsh KinD Cluster Setup Status Setting up a 5 Node Cluster o 2 Master Control Plane o 3 Worker Node o External Load Balancer Setup Network Driver o Adds NGINX Ingress Controller Source: 52
  • 53. @arafkarsh arafkarsh KinD Cluster Setup Status 5 Node Cluster Setup Status (Core DNS, API Server, Kube Proxy… ) Control Planes & Worker Nodes Source: 53
  • 54. @arafkarsh arafkarsh KinD – Sigma App Installation Status Install 4 Microservices and creates 7 instances $ ch3-sigma-install-apps Source: 54
  • 55. @arafkarsh arafkarsh KinD – Sigma Web App Source: 55
  • 56. @arafkarsh arafkarsh 3 Fundamental Concepts 1. Desired State 2. Current State 3. Declarative Model 56
  • 57. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Workload Portability Goals 1. Abstract away Infrastructure Details 2. Decouple the App Deployment from Infrastructure (On-Premise or Cloud) To help Developers 1. Write Once, Run Anywhere (Workload Portability) 2. Avoid Vendor Lock-In Cloud On-Premise 57
  • 58. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Getting Started • Namespace • Pods / ReplicaSet / Deployment • Service / Endpoints • Ingress • Rollout / Undo • Auto Scale Source: 58
  • 59. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands – Namespace (Declarative Model) $ kubectl config set-context $(kubectl config current-context) --namespace=your-ns This command will let you switch the namespace to your namespace (your-ns). $ kubectl get namespace $ kubectl describe ns ns-name $ kubectl create –f app-ns.yml List all the Namespaces Describe the Namespace Create the Namespace $ kubectl apply –f app-ns.yml Apply the changes to the Namespace $ kubectl get pods –namespace= ns-name List the Pods from your namespace • Namespaces are used to group your teams and software’s in logical business group. • A definition of Service will add a entry in DNS with respect to Namespace. • Not all objects are there in Namespace. Ex. Nodes, Persistent Volumes etc. $ kubectl api-resources --namespaced=your-ns 59
  • 60. @arafkarsh arafkarsh • Pod is a shared environment for one of more Containers. • Pod in a Kubernetes cluster has a unique IP address, even Pods on the same Node. • Pod is a pause Container Kubernetes Pods $ kubectl create –f tc10-nr-Pod.yaml $ kubectl get pods –o wide –n omega Atomic Unit Container Pod Virtual Server Small Big Source: 60
  • 61. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands – Pods (Declarative Model) $ kubectl exec pod-name ps aux $ kubectl exec –it pod-name sh $ kubectl exec –it –container container-name pod-name sh By default kubectl executes the commands in the first container in the pod. If you are running multiple containers (sidecar pattern) then you need to pass –container flag and give the name of the container in the Pod to execute your command. You can see the ordering of the containers and its name using describe command. $ kubectl get pods $ kubectl describe pods pod-name $ kubectl get pods -o json pod-name $ kubectl create –f app-pod.yml List all the pods Describe the Pod details List the Pod details in JSON format Create the Pod (Imperative) Execute commands in the first Container in the Pod Log into the Container Shell $ kubectl get pods -o wide List all the Pods with Pod IP Addresses $ kubectl apply –f app-pod.yml Apply the changes to the Pod $ kubectl replace –f app-pod.yml Replace the existing config of the Pod $ kubectl describe pods –l app=name Describe the Pod based on the label value $ kubectl logs pod-name container-name Source: 61
  • 62. @arafkarsh arafkarsh • Pods wrap around containers with benefits like shared location, secrets, networking etc. • ReplicaSet wraps around Pods and brings in Replication requirements of the Pod • ReplicaSet Defines 2 Things • Pod Template • Desired No. of Replicas Kubernetes ReplicaSet (Declarative Model) What we want is the Desired State. Game On! Source: 62
  • 63. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands – ReplicaSet (Declarative Model) $ kubectl delete rs/app-rs cascade=false $ kubectl get rs $ kubectl describe rs rs-name $ kubectl get rs/rs-name $ kubectl create –f app-rs.yml List all the ReplicaSets Describe the ReplicaSet details Get the ReplicaSet status Create the ReplicaSet which will automatically create all the Pods Deletes the ReplicaSet. If the cascade=true then deletes all the Pods, Cascade=false will keep all the pods running and ONLY the ReplicaSet will be deleted. $ kubectl apply –f app-rs.yml Applies new changes to the ReplicaSet. For example, Scaling the replicas from x to x + new value. Source: 63
  • 64. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands – Deployment (Declarative Model) • Deployments manages ReplicaSets and • ReplicaSets manages Pods • Deployment is all about Rolling updates and • Rollbacks • Canary Deployments Source: 64
  • 65. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands – Deployment (Declarative Model) List all the Deployments Describe the Deployment details Show the Rollout status of the Deployment Creates Deployment Deployments contains Pods and its Replica information. Based on the Pod info Deployment will start downloading the containers (Docker) and will install the containers based on replication factor. Updates the existing deployment. Show Rollout History of the Deployment $ kubectl get deploy app-deploy $ kubectl describe deploy app-deploy $ kubectl rollout status deployment app-deploy $ kubectl rollout history deployment app-deploy $ kubectl create –f app-deploy.yml $ kubectl apply –f app-deploy.yml --record $ kubectl rollout undo deployment app-deploy - -to-revision=1 $ kubectl rollout undo deployment app-deploy - -to-revision=2 Rolls back or Forward to a specific version number of your app. $ kubectl scale deployment app-deploy - -replicas=6 Scale up the pods to 6 from the initial 2 Pods. Source: 65
  • 66. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Services Why do we need Services? • Accessing Pods from Inside the Cluster • Accessing Pods from Outside • Autoscale brings Pods with new IP Addresses or removes existing Pods. • Pod IP Addresses are dynamic. Service Types 1. Cluster IP (Default) 2. Node Port 3. Load Balancer 4. External Name Service will have a stable IP Address. Service uses Labels to associate with a set of Pods Source: 66
  • 67. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands – Service / Endpoints (Declarative Model) $ kubectl delete svc app-service $ kubectl create –f app-service.yml List all the Services Describe the Service details List the status of the Endpoints Create a Service for the Pods. Service will focus on creating a routable IP Address and DNS for the Pods Selected based on the labels defined in the service. Endpoints will be automatically created based on the labels in the Selector. Deletes the Service. $ kubectl get svc $ kubectl describe svc app-service $ kubectl get ep app-service $ kubectl describe ep app-service Describe the Endpoint Details  Cluster IP (default) - Exposes the Service on an internal IP in the cluster. This type makes the Service only reachable from within the cluster.  Node Port - Exposes the Service on the same port of each selected Node in the cluster using NAT. Makes a Service accessible from outside the cluster using <NodeIP>:<NodePort>. Superset of ClusterIP.  Load Balancer - Creates an external load balancer in the current cloud (if supported) and assigns a fixed, external IP to the Service. Superset of NodePort.  External Name - Exposes the Service using an arbitrary name (specified by external Name in the spec) by returning a CNAME record with the name. No proxy is used. This type requires v1.7 or higher of kube-dns. 67
  • 68. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Ingress (Declarative Model) An Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the cluster services. Ingress Controllers are Pluggable. Ingress Controller in AWS is linked to AWS Load Balancer. Source: networking/ingress/#ingress-controllers Source: 68
  • 69. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Ingress (Declarative Model) An Ingress is a collection of rules that allow inbound connections to reach the cluster services. Ingress Controllers are Pluggable. Ingress Controller in AWS is linked to AWS Load Balancer. Source: 69
  • 70. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Auto Scaling Pods (Declarative Model) • You can declare the Auto scaling requirements for every Deployment (Microservices). • Kubernetes will add Pods based on the CPU Utilization automatically. • Kubernetes Cloud infrastructure will automatically add Nodes if it ran out of available Nodes. CPU utilization kept at 2% to demonstrate the auto scaling feature. Ideally it should be around 80% - 90% Source: 70
  • 71. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Horizontal Pod Auto Scaler $ kubectl autoscale deployment appname --cpu-percent=50 --min=1 --max=10 $ kubectl run -it podshell --image=metamagicglobal/podshell Hit enter for command prompt $ while true; do wget -q -O- http://yourapp.default.svc.cluster.local; done Deploy your app with auto scaling parameters Generate load to see auto scaling in action $ kubectl get hpa $ kubectl attach podshell-name -c podshell -it To attach to the running container Source: 71
  • 72. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes App Setup • Environment • Config Map • Pod Preset • Secrets 72
  • 73. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Detach the Configuration information of the App from the Container Image. Config Map lets you create multiple profiles for your Dev, QA and Prod environment. Config Map All the Database configurations like passwords, certificates, OAuth tokens, etc., can be stored in secrets. Secret Helps you create common configuration which can be injected to Pod based on a Criteria (selected using Label). For Ex. SMTP config, SMS config. Pod Preset Environment option let you pass any info to the pod thru Environment Variables. Environment Container App Setup 73
  • 74. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Pod Environment Variables Source: 74
  • 75. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Adding Config to Pod Config Maps allow you to decouple configuration artifacts from image content to keep containerized applications portable. Source: Source: 75
  • 76. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Pod Presets A Pod Preset is an API resource for injecting additional runtime requirements into a Pod at creation time. You use label selectors to specify the Pods to which a given Pod Preset applies. Using a Pod Preset allows pod template authors to not have to explicitly provide all information for every pod. This way, authors of pod templates consuming a specific service do not need to know all the details about that service. Source: Source: 76
  • 77. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Pod Secrets Objects of type secret are intended to hold sensitive information, such as passwords, OAuth tokens, and ssh keys. Putting this information in a secret is safer and more flexible than putting it verbatim in a pod definition or in a docker Source: Source: 77
  • 78. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Infrastructure Design Patterns • API Gateway • Load balancer • Service discovery • Circuit breaker • Service Aggregator • Let-it crash pattern 78
  • 79. @arafkarsh arafkarsh API Gateway Design Pattern – Software Stack UI Layer WS BL DL Database Shopping Cart Order Customer Product Firewall Users API Gateway Load Balancer Circuit Breaker UI Layer Web Services Business Logic Database Layer Product SE MySQL DB Product Microservice With 4 node cluster Load Balancer Circuit Breaker UI Layer Web Services Business Logic Database Layer Customer Redis DB Customer Microservice With 2 node cluster Users Access the Monolithic App Directly API Gateway (Reverse Proxy Server) routes the traffic to appropriate Microservices (Load Balancers) 79
  • 80. @arafkarsh arafkarsh API Gateway – Kubernetes Implementation /customer /product /cart /order API Gateway Ingress Deployment / Replica / Pod Nodes Kubernetes Objects Firewall Customer Pod Customer Pod Customer Pod Customer Service N1 N2 N2 EndPoints Product Pod Product Pod Product Pod Product Service N4 N3 MySQL DB EndPoints Review Pod Review Pod Review Pod Review Service N4 N3 N1 Service Call Kube DNS EndPoints Internal Load Balancers Users Routing based on Layer 3,4 and 7 Redis DB Mongo DB Load Balancer 80
  • 81. @arafkarsh arafkarsh API Gateway – Kubernetes / Istio /customer /product /auth /order API Gateway Virtual Service Deployment / Replica / Pod Nodes Istio Sidecar - Envoy Load Balancer Firewall P M C Istio Control Plane MySQL Pod N4 N3 Destination Rule Product Pod Product Pod Product Pod Product Service Service Call Kube DNS EndPoints Internal Load Balancers 81 Kubernetes Objects Istio Objects Users Review Pod Review Pod Review Pod Review Service N1 N4 N3 EndPoints Customer Pod Customer Pod Customer Pod Customer Service N1 N2 N2 Destination Rule EndPoints Redis DB Mongo DB 81
  • 82. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Load Balancer Design Pattern Firewall Users API Gateway Load Balancer Circuit Breaker UI Layer Web Services Business Logic Database Layer Product SE MySQL DB Product Microservice With 4 node cluster Load Balancer CB = Hystrix UI Layer Web Services Business Logic Database Layer Customer Redis DB Customer Microservice With 2 node cluster API Gateway (Reverse Proxy Server) routes the traffic to appropriate Microservices (Load Balancers) Load Balancer Rules 1. Round Robin 2. Based on Availability 3. Based on Response Time 82
  • 83. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Ingress Load Balancer – Kubernetes Model Kubernetes Objects Firewall Users Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product Service N4 N3 N1 EndPoints Internal Load Balancers DB Load Balancer API Gateway N1 N2 N2 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Customer Service EndPoints DB Internal Load Balancers Pods Nodes • Load Balancer receives the (request) packet from the User and it picks up a Virtual Machine in the Cluster to do the internal Load Balancing. • Kube Proxy using IP Tables redirect the Packet using internal load Balancing rules. • Packet enters Kubernetes Cluster and reaches Node (of that specific Pod) and Node handover the packet to the Pod. /customer /product /cart 83
  • 84. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Service Discovery – NetFlix Network Stack Model Firewall Users API Gateway Load Balancer Circuit Breaker Product MySQL DB Product Microservice With 4 node cluster Load Balancer Circuit Breaker UI Layer Web Services Business Logic Database Layer Customer Redis DB Customer Microservice With 2 node cluster • In this model Developers write the code in every Microservice to register with NetFlix Eureka Service Discovery Server. • Load Balancers and API Gateway also registers with Service Discovery. • Service Discovery will inform the Load Balancers about the instance details (IP Addresses). Service Discovery 84
  • 85. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Ingress Service Discovery – Kubernetes Model Kubernetes Objects Firewall Users Product 1 Product 2 Product 3 Product Service N4 N3 N1 EndPoints Internal Load Balancers DB API Gateway N1 N2 N2 Customer 1 Customer 2 Customer 3 Customer Service EndPoints DB Internal Load Balancers Pods Nodes • API Gateway (Reverse Proxy Server) doesn't know the instances (IP Addresses) of News Pod. It knows the IP address of the Services defined for each Microservice (Customer / Product etc.) • Services handles the dynamic IP Addresses of the pods. Services Endpoints will automatically discover the new Pods based on Labels. Service Definition from Kubernetes Perspective /customer /product /cart Service Call Kube DNS 85
  • 86. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Circuit Breaker Pattern /ui /productms If Product Review is not available Product service will return the product details with a message review not available. Reverse Proxy Server Ingress Deployment / Replica / Pod Nodes Kubernetes Objects Firewall UI Pod UI Pod UI Pod UI Service N1 N2 N2 EndPoints Product Pod Product Pod Product Pod Product Service N4 N3 MySQL Pod EndPoints Internal Load Balancers Users Routing based on Layer 3,4 and 7 Review Pod Review Pod Review Pod Review Service N4 N3 N1 Service Call Kube DNS EndPoints 86
  • 87. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Service Aggregator Pattern /newservice Reverse Proxy Server Ingress Deployment / Replica / Pod Nodes Kubernetes Objects Firewall Service Call Kube DNS Users Internal Load Balancers EndPoints News Pod News Pod News Pod News Service N4 N3 N2 News Service Portal • News Category wise Microservices • Aggregator Microservice to aggregate all category of news. Auto Scaling • Sports Events (IPL / NBA) spikes the traffic for Sports Microservice. • Auto scaling happens for both News and Sports Microservices. N1 N2 N2 National National National National Service EndPoints Internal Load Balancers DB N1 N2 N2 Politics Politics Politics Politics Service EndPoints DB Sports Sports Sports Sports Service N4 N3 N1 EndPoints Internal Load Balancers DB 87
  • 88. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Music UI Play Count Discography Albums 88
  • 89. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Service Aggregator Pattern /artist Reverse Proxy Server Ingress Deployment / Replica / Pod Nodes Kubernetes Objects Firewall Service Call Kube DNS Users Internal Load Balancers EndPoints Artist Pod Artist Pod Artist Pod Artist Service N4 N3 N2 Spotify Microservices • Artist Microservice combines all the details from Discography, Play count and Playlists. Auto Scaling • Scaling of Artist and downstream Microservices will automatically scale depends on the load factor. N1 N2 N2 Discography Discography Discography Discography Service EndPoints Internal Load Balancers DB N1 N2 N2 Play Count Play Count Play Count Play Count Service EndPoints DB Playlist Playlist Playlist Playlist Service N4 N3 N1 EndPoints Internal Load Balancers DB 89
  • 90. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Config Store – Spring Config Server Firewall Users API Gateway Load Balancer Circuit Breaker Product MySQL DB Product Microservice With 4 node cluster Load Balancer Circuit Breaker UI Layer Web Services Business Logic Database Layer Customer Redis DB Customer Microservice With 2 node cluster • In this model Developers write the code in every Microservice to download the required configuration from a Central server (Ex. Spring Config Server for the Java World). • This creates an explicit dependency order in which service to come up will be critical. Config Server 90
  • 91. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Software Network Stack Vs Network Stack Pattern Software Stack Java Software Stack .NET Kubernetes 1 API Gateway Zuul Server SteelToe K8s Ingress / Istio Envoy 2 Service Discovery Eureka Server SteelToe Kube DNS 3 Load Balancer Ribbon Server SteelToe Istio Envoy 4 Circuit Breaker Hysterix SteelToe Istio 5 Config Server Spring Config SteelToe Secrets, Env - K8s Master Web Site The Developer needs to write code to integrate with the Software Stack (Programming Language Specific. For Ex. Every microservice needs to subscribe to Service Discovery when the Microservice boots up. Service Discovery in Kubernetes is based on the Labels assigned to Pod and Services and its Endpoints (IP Address) are dynamically mapped (DNS) based on the Label. 91
  • 92. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Let-it-Crash Design Pattern – Erlang Philosophy • The Erlang view of the world is that everything is a process and that processes can interact only by exchanging messages. • A typical Erlang program might have hundreds, thousands, or even millions of processes. • Letting processes crash is central to Erlang. It’s the equivalent of unplugging your router and plugging it back in – as long as you can get back to a known state, this turns out to be a very good strategy. • To make that happen, you build supervision trees. • A supervisor will decide how to deal with a crashed process. It will restart the process, or possibly kill some other processes, or crash and let someone else deal with it. • Two models of concurrency: Shared State Concurrency, & Message Passing Concurrency. The programming world went one way (toward shared state). The Erlang community went the other way. • All languages such as C, Java, C++, and so on, have the notion that there is this stuff called state and that we can change it. The moment you share something you need to bring Mutex a Locking Mechanism. • Erlang has no mutable data structures (that’s not quite true, but it’s true enough). No mutable data structures = No locks. No mutable data structures = Easy to parallelize. 92
  • 93. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Let-it-Crash Design Pattern 1. The idea of Messages as the first class citizens of a system, has been rediscovered by the Event Sourcing / CQRS community, along with a strong focus on domain models. 2. Event Sourced Aggregates are a way to Model the Processes and NOT things. 3. Each component MUST tolerate a crash and restart at any point in time. 4. All interaction between the components must tolerate that peers can crash. This mean ubiquitous use of timeouts and Circuit Breaker. 5. Each component must be strongly encapsulated so that failures are fully contained and cannot spread. 6. All requests sent to a component MUST be self describing as is practical so that processing can resume with a little recovery cost as possible after a restart. 93
  • 94. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Let-it-Crash : Comparison Erlang Vs. Microservices Vs. Monolithic Apps Erlang Philosophy Micro Services Architecture Monolithic Apps (Java, C++, C#, Node JS ...) 1 Perspective Everything is a Process Event Sourced Aggregates are a way to model the Process and NOT things. Things (defined as Objects) and Behaviors 2 Crash Recovery Supervisor will decide how to handle the crashed process Kubernetes Manager monitors all the Pods (Microservices) and its Readiness and Health. K8s terminates the Pod if the health is bad and spawns a new Pod. Circuit Breaker Pattern is used handle the fallback mechanism. Not available. Most of the monolithic Apps are Stateful and Crash Recovery needs to be handled manually and all languages other than Erlang focuses on defensive programming. 3 Concurrency Message Passing Concurrency Domain Events for state changes within a Bounded Context & Integration Events for external Systems. Mostly Shared State Concurrency 4 State Stateless : Mostly Immutable Structures Immutability is handled thru Event Sourcing along with Domain Events and Integration Events. Predominantly Stateful with Mutable structures and Mutex as a Locking Mechanism 5 Citizen Messages Messages are 1st class citizen by Event Sourcing / CQRS pattern with a strong focus on Domain Models Mutable Objects and Strong focus on Domain Models and synchronous communication. 94
  • 95. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Summary Setup 1. Setting up Kubernetes Cluster • 1 Master and • 2 Worker nodes Getting Started 1. Create Pods 2. Create ReplicaSets 3. Create Deployments 4. Rollouts and Rollbacks 5. Create Service 6. Create Ingress 7. App Auto Scaling App Setup 1. Secrets 2. Environments 3. ConfigMap 4. PodPresets On Premise Setup 1. Setting up External Load Balancer using Metal LB 2. Setting up nginx Ingress Controller Infrastructure Design Patterns 1. API Gateway 2. Service Discovery 3. Load Balancer 4. Config Server 5. Circuit Breaker 6. Service Aggregator Pattern 7. Let It Crash Pattern 95
  • 96. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Pods Advanced • Jobs / Cron Jobs • Quality of Service: Resource Quota and Limits • Pod Disruption Range • Pod / Node Affinity • Daemon Set • Container Level features 96
  • 97. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Pod Quality of Service Source: QoS: Guaranteed Memory limit = Memory Request CPU Limit = CPU Request QoS: Burstable != Guaranteed and Has either Memory OR CPU Request QoS: Best Effort No Memory OR CPU Request / limits Source: 97
  • 98. @arafkarsh arafkarsh A probe is an indicator to a container's health. It judges the health through periodically performing a diagnostic action against a container via kubelet: • Liveness probe: Indicates whether a container is alive or not. If a container fails on this probe, kubelet kills it and may restart it based on the restartPolicy of a pod. • Readiness probe: Indicates whether a container is ready for incoming traffic. If a pod behind a service is not ready, its endpoint won't be created until the pod is ready. Kubernetes Pod in Depth 3 kinds of action handlers can be configured to perform against a container: exec: Executes a defined command inside the container. Considered to be successful if the exit code is 0. tcpSocket: Tests a given port via TCP, successful if the port is opened. httpGet: Performs an HTTP GET to the IP address of target container. Headers in the request to be sent is customizable. This check is considered to be healthy if the status code satisfies: 400 > CODE >= 200. Additionally, there are five parameters to define a probe's behavior: initialDelaySeconds: How long kubelet should be waiting for before the first probing. successThreshold: A container is considered to be healthy when getting consecutive times of probing successes passed this threshold. failureThreshold: Same as preceding but defines the negative side. timeoutSeconds: The time limitation of a single probe action. periodSeconds: Intervals between probe actions. Source: 98
  • 99. @arafkarsh arafkarsh A job creates one or more pods and ensures that a specified number of them successfully terminate. As pods successfully complete, the job tracks the successful completions. When a specified number of successful completions is reached, the job itself is complete. Deleting a Job will cleanup the pods it created. A simple case is to create one Job object in order to reliably run one Pod to completion. The Job object will start a new Pod if the first pod fails or is deleted (for example due to a node hardware failure or a node reboot). A Job can also be used to run multiple pods in parallel. Kubernetes Jobs Source: Command is wrapped for display purpose. Source: 99
  • 100. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Cron Jobs Source: Command is wrapped for display purpose. Source: You can use CronJobs to run jobs on a time- based schedule. These automated jobs run like Cron tasks on a Linux or UNIX system. Cron jobs are useful for creating periodic and recurring tasks, like running backups or sending emails. Cron jobs can also schedule individual tasks for a specific time, such as if you want to schedule a job for a low activity period 100
  • 101. @arafkarsh arafkarsh • A resource quota, defined by a Resource Quota object, provides constraints that limit aggregate resource consumption per namespace. • It can limit the quantity of objects that can be created in a namespace by type, as well as the total amount of compute resources that may be consumed by resources in that project. Kubernetes Resource Quotas Source: Source: 101
  • 102. @arafkarsh arafkarsh • Limits specifies the Max resource a Pod can have. • If there is NO limit is defined, Pod will be able to consume more resources than requests. However, the eviction chances of Pod is very high if other Pods with Requests and Resource Limits are defined. Kubernetes Limit Range Source: 102
  • 103. @arafkarsh arafkarsh • Liveness probe: Indicates whether a container is alive or not. If a container fails on this probe, kubelet kills it and may restart it based on the restartPolicy of a pod. Kubernetes Pod Liveness Probe Source: container/configure-liveness-readiness-probes/ Source: 103
  • 104. @arafkarsh arafkarsh • A PDB limits the number pods of a replicated application that are down simultaneously from voluntary disruptions. • Cluster managers and hosting providers should use tools which respect Pod Disruption Budgets by calling the Eviction API instead of directly deleting pods. Kubernetes Pod Disruption Range Source: $ kubectl drain NODE [options] Source: 104
  • 105. @arafkarsh arafkarsh • You can constrain a pod to only be able to run on particular nodes or to prefer to run on particular nodes. There are several ways to do this, and they all use label selectors to make the selection. • Assign the label to Node • Assign Node Selector to a Pod Kubernetes Pod/Node Affinity / Anti-Affinity Source: $ kubectl label nodes k8s.node1 disktype=ssd Source: 105
  • 106. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Pod Configuration Source: Pod configuration You use labels and annotations to attach metadata to your resources. To inject data into your resources, you’d likely create ConfigMaps (for non-confidential data) or Secrets (for confidential data). Taints and Tolerations - These provide a way for nodes to “attract” or “repel” your Pods. They are often used when an application needs to be deployed onto specific hardware, such as GPUs for scientific computing. Read more. Pod Presets - Normally, to mount runtime requirements (such as environmental variables, ConfigMaps, and Secrets) into a resource, you specify them in the resource’s configuration file. PodPresets allow you to dynamically inject these requirements instead, when the resource is created. For instance, this allows team A to mount any number of new Secrets into the resources created by teams B and C, without requiring action from B and C. Source: 106
  • 107. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes DaemonSet A DaemonSet ensures that all (or some) Nodes run a copy of a Pod. As nodes are added to the cluster, Pods are added to them. As nodes are removed from the cluster, those Pods are garbage collected. Deleting a DaemonSet will clean up the Pods it created. Some typical uses of a DaemonSet are: • running a cluster storage daemon, such as glusterd, ceph, on each node. • running a logs collection daemon on every node, such as fluentd or logstash. • running a node monitoring daemon on every node, such as Prometheus Node Exporter, collectd, Dynatrace OneAgent, Datadog agent, New Relic agent, Ganglia gmond or Instana agent. Source: 107
  • 108. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Container-level features Sidecar container: Although your Pod should still have a single main container, you can add a secondary container that acts as a helper (see a logging example). Two containers within a single Pod can communicate via a shared volume. Init containers: Init containers run before any of a Pod’s app containers (such as main and sidecar containers) Kubernetes Container Level Features Source: 108
  • 109. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Volumes • In-Tree and Out-Tree Volume Plugins • Container Storage Interface – Components • CSI – Volume Life Cycle • Persistent Volume • Persistent Volume Claims • Storage Class • Volume Snapshot 109
  • 110. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Workload Portability Goals 1. Abstract away Infrastructure Details 2. Decouple the App Deployment from Infrastructure (On-Premise or Cloud) To help Developers 1. Write Once, Run Anywhere (Workload Portability) 2. Avoid Vendor Lock-In Cloud On-Premise 110
  • 111. @arafkarsh arafkarsh K8s Volume Plugin – History In-Tree Volume Plugins • First set of Volume plugins with K8s. • They are linked and compiled and shipped with K8s releases. • They were part of Core K8s libraries. • Volume Driver Development is tightly coupled with K8s releases. • Bugs in the Volume Driver crashes critical K8s components. • Deprecated since K8s v1.8 Out-of-Tree Volume Plugins • Flex Volume Driver • Executable Binaries • Worker Node communicates with binaries in CLI. • Need to access the Root File System of the Worker Node • Dependency issues • CSI – Container Storage Interface • Address the pain points of Flex Volume Driver 111
  • 112. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Container Storage Interface Source: o CSI Spec is Container Orchestrator (CO) neutral o Uses gRPC for inter-process communication o Runs Outside CO Processes. o CSI is control plane only Specs. o Identity: Identity and capability of the Driver o Controller: Volume operations such as provisioning and attachment. o Node: Mount / unmount ops must be executed on the node where the volume is needed. o Identity and Node are mandatory requirement for the driver implementation. Container Orchestrator (CO) Cloud Foundry, Docker, Kubernetes, Mesos CSI Driver gRPC Volume Access Storage API Storage System 112
  • 113. @arafkarsh arafkarsh CSI – Components – 3 gRPC Services on UDS Controller Service • Create Volume • Delete Volume • List Volume • Controller Publish Volume • Controller Unpublish Volume • Validate Volume Capabilities • Get Capacity • Create Snapshot • Delete Snapshot • List Snapshots • Controller Get Capabilities Node Service • Node Stage Volume • Node Unstage Volume • Node Publish Volume • Node Unpublish Volume • Node Get Volume Stats • Node Get Info • Node Get Capabilities Identity Service • Get Plugin Info • Get Plugin Properties • Probe (Probe Request) Unix Domain Socket 113
  • 114. @arafkarsh arafkarsh StatefulSet Pod Provisioner CSI Driver Attacher Storage System Kubernetes & CSI Drivers DaemonSet Pod Registrar CSI Driver Kubelet Worker Node Master API Server etcd gRPC gRPC gRPC gRPC Node Service Identity Service Controller Service 114
  • 115. @arafkarsh arafkarsh CSI – Volume Life cycle Controller Service Node Service CreateVolume ControllerPublishVolume NodeStageVolume NodeUnStageVolume NodePublishVolume NodeUnPublishVolume DeleteVolume ControllerUnPublishVolume CREATED NODE_READY VOL_READY PUBLISHED Volume Created Volume available for use Volume initialized in the Node. One-time activity. Volume attached to the Pod 115
  • 116. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Container Storage Interface Adoption Container Orchestrator CO Version CSI Version Kubernetes 1.10 0.2 1.13 0.3, 1.0 OpenShift 3.11 0.2 Mesos 1.6 0.2 Cloud Foundry 2.5 0.3 PKS 1.4 1.0 116
  • 117. @arafkarsh arafkarsh CSI – Drivers Name CSI Production Name Provisioner Ver Persistence Access Mode Dynamic Provisioning Raw Block Support Volume Snapshot 1 AWS EBS v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Single Pod Yes Yes Yes 2 AWS EFS v0.3 Yes RW Multi Pod No No No 3 Azure Disk v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Single Pod Yes No No 4 Azure File v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Multi Pod Yes No No 5 CephFS v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Multi Pod Yes No No 6 Ceph RBD v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Single Pod Yes Yes Yes 7 GCE PD v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Single Pod Yes No Yes 8 Nutanix Vol com.nutanix.csi v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Single Pod Yes No No 9 Nutanix Files com.nutanix.csi v0.3, v1.0 Yes RW Multi Pod Yes No No 10 Portworx v0.3, v1.1 Yes RW Multi Pod Yes No Yes Source: 117
  • 118. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Volume Types Host Based o EmptyDir o HostPath o Local Block Storage o Amazon EBS o OpenStack Cinder o GCE Persistent Disk o Azure Disk o vSphere Volume Others o iScsi o Flocker o Git Repo o Quobyte Distributed File System o NFS o Ceph o Gluster o FlexVolume o PortworxVolume o Amazon EFS o Azure File System Life cycle of a Persistent Volume o Provisioning o Binding o Using o Releasing o Reclaiming Source: 118
  • 119. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Ephemeral Storage Volume Plugin: EmptyDir o Scratch Space (Temporary) from the Host Machine. o Data exits only for the Life Cycle of the Pod. o Containers in the Pod can R/W to mounted path. o Can ONLY be referenced in-line from the Pod. o Can’t be referenced via Persistent Volume or Claim. 119
  • 120. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Remote Storage Block Storage o Amazon EBS o OpenStack Cinder o GCE Persistent Disk o Azure Disk o vSphere Volume Distributed File System o NFS o Ceph o Gluster o FlexVolume o PortworxVolume o Amazon EFS o Azure File System o Remote Storage attached to the Pod based on the requirement. o Data persists beyond the life cycle of the Pod. o Two Types of Remote Storage o Block Storage o File System o Referenced in the Pod either in- line or PV/PVC 120
  • 121. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Remote Storage Kubernetes will do the following Automatically. o Kubernetes will attach the Remote (Block or FS) Volume to the Node. o Kubernetes will mount the volume to the Pod. This is NOT recommended because it breaks the Kubernetes principle of workload portability. 121
  • 122. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Deployment and StatefulSet Source: Deployment Kind: Deployment • All Replicas of the Deployment share the same Persistent volume Claim. • ReadWriteOnce Volumes are NOT recommended even with ReplicaSet 1 as it can fail or get into a deadlock (when the Pod goes down and Master tries to bring another Pod). • Volumes with ReadOnlyMany & ReadWriteMany are the best modes. • Deployments are used for Stateless Apps For Stateful Apps StatefulSet Kind: StatefulSet • StatefulSet is recommended for App that need a unique volume per ReplicaSet. • ReadWriteOnce should be used with a StatefulSet. RWO will create a unique volume per ReplicaSet. 122
  • 123. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Node 3 Node 2 Deployment and StatefulSet Storage GCE PD Node 1 D Service1 Pod1 D Service1 Pod2 D Service1 Pod3 Test Case 1 Kind Deployment Replica 3 Provisioning Storage Class Volume GCE PD Volume Type File System Access Mode ReadWriteOnce (RWO) Storage NFS Node 1 D Service1 Pod1 D Service1 Pod2 D Service1 Pod3 Test Case 2 Kind Deployment Replica 3 Provisioning Persistent Volume Volume NFS Volume Type File System Access Mode RWX, ReadOnlyMany Node 3 Node 2 Storage GCE PD Node 1 S Service2 Pod1 Test Case 3 Kind StatefulSet Replica 3 Provisioning Storage Class Volume GCE PD Volume Type File System Access Mode ReadWriteOnce (RWO) S Service2 Pod2 S Service2 Pod3 Node 3 Node 2 Storage NFS Node 1 S Service2 Pod1 Test Case 4 Kind StatefulSet Replica 3 Provisioning Persistent Volume Volume NFS Volume Type File System Access Mode ReadWriteMany (RWX) S Service2 Pod2 S Service2 Pod3 Mounted Storage System Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive) Mounted Storage System Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive) Error Creating Pod GCE – PD �� 10 GB Storage GCE – PD – 10 GB Storage Source: S1 S3 S2 S3 S2 S1 123
  • 124. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Node 3 Node 2 Deployment/StatefulSet – NFS Shared Disk – 4 PV & 4 PVC Storage NFS Node 1 D Service2 Pod1 D Service2 Pod2 D Service2 Pod3 Test Case 6 Kind Deployment Replica 3 PVC pvc-3gb-disk Volume NFS Volume Type File System (ext4) Access Mode ReadWriteMany (RWX) Node 3 Node 2 Storage NFS Node 1 S Service4 Pod1 Test Case 8 Kind StatefulSet Replica 3 PVC pvc-1gb-disk Volume NFS Volume Type File System (ext4) Access Mode ReadWriteMany (RWX) S Service4 Pod2 S Service4 Pod3 Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive) Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive) Node 3 Node 2 Storage NFS Node 1 D Service1 Pod1 D Service1 Pod2 D Service1 Pod3 Test Case 5 Kind Deployment Replica 3 PVC pvc-2gb-disk Volume NFS Volume Type File System (ext4) Access Mode ReadWriteMany (RWX) Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive) Node 3 Node 2 Storage NFS Node 1 D Service3 Pod1 D Service3 Pod2 D Service3 Pod3 Test Case 7 Kind Deployment Replica 3 PVC pvc-4gb-disk Volume NFS Volume Type File System (ext4) Access Mode ReadWriteMany (RWX) Mounted Storage System (Shared Drive) GCE – PD – 2 GB Storage GCE – PD – 3 GB Storage GCE – PD – 4 GB Storage GCE – PD – 1 GB Storage Source: PV, PVC mapping is 1:1 124
  • 125. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Volume Plugin: ReadWriteOnce, ReadOnlyMany, ReadWriteMany Volume Plugin Kind: Deployment Kind: StatefulSet ReadWriteOnce ReadOnlyMany ReadWriteMany AWS EBS Yes ✓ - - AzureFile Yes Yes ✓ ✓ ✓ AzureDisk Yes ✓ - - CephFS Yes Yes ✓ ✓ ✓ Cinder Yes ✓ - - CSI depends on the driver depends on the driver depends on the driver FC Yes Yes ✓ ✓ - Flexvolume Yes Yes ✓ ✓ depends on the driver Flocker Yes ✓ - - GCEPersistentDisk Yes Yes ✓ ✓ - Glusterfs Yes Yes ✓ ✓ ✓ HostPath Yes ✓ - - iSCSI Yes Yes ✓ ✓ - Quobyte Yes Yes ✓ ✓ ✓ NFS Yes Yes ✓ ✓ ✓ RBD Yes Yes ✓ ✓ - VsphereVolume Yes ✓ - - (works when pods are collocated) PortworxVolume Yes Yes ✓ - ✓ ScaleIO Yes Yes ✓ ✓ - StorageOS Yes ✓ - - Source: 125
  • 126. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Volumes for Stateful Pods Provision Network Storage Static / Dynamic 1 Request Storage 2 Use Storage 3 Static: Persistent Volume Dynamic: Storage Class Persistent Volume Claim Claims are mounted as Volumes inside the Pod 126
  • 127. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Storage Class, PV, PVC and Pods Physical Storage AWS: EBS, EFS GCP: PD Azure: Disk NFS: Path, Server Dynamic Storage Class Static Persistent Volume Persistent Volume Claims spec: accessModes: - ReadWriteOnce resources: requests: storage: 1Gi storageClassName: csi-hp-sc Pod spec: volumes - name: my-csi-v persisitentVolumeClaim claimName: my-csi-pvc Ref: 127
  • 128. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Volume Volume • A Persistent Volume is the physical storage available. • Storage Class is used to configure custom Storage option (nfs, cloud storage) in the cluster. They are the foundation of Dynamic Provisioning. • Persistent Volume Claim is used to mount the required storage into the Pod. • ReadOnlyMany: Can be mounted as read-only by many nodes • ReadWriteOnce: Can be mounted as read-write by a single node • ReadWriteMany: Can be mounted as read-write by many nodes Access Mode Source: Persistent Volume Persistent Volume Claim Storage Class Volume Mode • There are two modes • File System and or • raw Storage Block. • Default is File System. Retain: The volume will need to be reclaimed manually Delete: The associated storage asset, such as AWS EBS, GCE PD, Azure disk, or OpenStack Cinder volume, is deleted Recycle: Delete content only (rm -rf /volume/*) - Deprecated Reclaim Policy 128
  • 129. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Persistent Volume – AWS EBS • Use a Network File System or Block Storage for Pods to access and data from multiple sources. AWS EBS is such a storage system. • A Volume is created and its linked with a storage provider. In the following example the storage provider is AWS for the EBS. • Any PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) will be bound to the Persistent Volume which matches the storage class. 1 Volume ID is auto generated $ aws ec2 create-volume - -size 100 Storage class is mainly meant for dynamic provisioning of the persistent volumes. Persistent Volume is not bound to any specific namespace. Source: 129
  • 130. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Persistent Volume – AWS EBS Pod Access storage by issuing a Persistent Volume Claim. In the following example Pod claims for 2Gi Disk space from the network on AWS EBS. • Manual Provisioning of the AWS EBS supports ReadWriteMany, However all the pods are getting scheduled into a Single Node. • For Dynamic Provisioning use ReadWriteOnce. • Google Compute Engine also doesn't support ReadWriteMany for dynamic provisioning. 2 3 Source: 130
  • 131. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Persistent Volume - hostPath • HostPath option is to make the Volume available from the Host Machine. • A Volume is created and its linked with a storage provider. In the following example the storage provider is Minikube for the host path. • Any PVC (Persistent Volume Claim) will be bound to the Persistent Volume which matches the storage class. • If it doesn't match a dynamic persistent volume will be created. Storage class is mainly meant for dynamic provisioning of the persistent volumes. Persistent Volume is not bound to any specific namespace. Host Path is NOT Recommended in Production 1 Source: 131
  • 132. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Persistent Volume - hostPath Pod Access storage by issuing a Persistent Volume Claim. In the following example Pod claims for 2Gi Disk space from the network on the host machine. • Persistent Volume Claim and Pods with Deployment properties are bound to a specific namespace. • Developer is focused on the availability of storage space using PVC and is not bothered about storage solutions or provisioning. • Ops Team will focus on Provisioning of Persistent Volume and Storage class. 2 3 Source: 132
  • 133. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Persistent Volume - hostPath Running the Yaml’s from the Github 2 3 1 1. Create Static Persistent Volumes OR Dynamic Volumes (using Storage Class) 2. Persistent Volume Claim is created and bound static and dynamic volumes. 3. Pods refer PVC to mount volumes inside the Pod. Source: 133
  • 134. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands • Kubernetes Commands – Quick Help • Kubernetes Commands – Field Selectors 134
  • 135. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands – Quick Help $ kubectl create –f app-rs.yml $ kubectl get rs/app-rs $ kubectl get rs $ kubectl delete rs/app-rs cascade=false $ kubectl describe rs app-rs $ kubectl apply –f app-rs.yml Cascade=true will delete all the pods $ kubectl get pods $ kubectl describe pods pod-name $ kubectl get pods -o json pod-name $ kubectl create –f app-pod.yml $ kubectl get pods –show-labels $ kubectl exec pod-name ps aux $ kubectl exec –it pod-name sh Pods ReplicaSet (Declarative Model) $ kubectl get pods –all-namespaces $ kubectl apply –f app-pod.yml $ kubectl replace –f app-pod.yml $ kubectl replace –f app-rs.yml Source: 135
  • 136. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands – Quick Help $ kubectl create –f app-service.yml $ kubectl get svc $ kubectl describe svc app-service $ kubectl get ep app-service $ kubectl describe ep app-service $ kubectl delete svc app-service $ kubectl create –f app-deploy.yml $ kubectl get deploy app-deploy $ kubectl describe deploy app-deploy $ kubectl rollout status deployment app-deploy $ kubectl apply –f app-deploy.yml $ kubectl rollout history deployment app-deploy $ kubectl rollout undo deployment app-deploy - -to-revision=1 Service Deployment (Declarative Model) $ kubectl apply –f app-service.yml $ kubectl replace –f app-service.yml $ kubectl replace –f app-deploy.yml Source: 136
  • 137. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands – Field Selectors $ kubectl get pods --field-selector status.phase=Running Get the list of pods where status.phase = Running Source: Field selectors let you select Kubernetes resources based on the value of one or more resource fields. Here are some example field selector queries: • • metadata.namespace!=default • status.phase=Pending Supported Operators You can use the =, ==, and != operators with field selectors (= and == mean the same thing). This kubectl command, for example, selects all Kubernetes Services that aren’t in the default namespace: $ kubectl get services --field-selector metadata.namespace!=default 137
  • 138. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Commands – Field Selectors $ kubectl get pods --field-selector=status.phase!=Running,spec.restartPolicy=Always Source: Chained Selectors As with label and other selectors, field selectors can be chained together as a comma-separated list. This kubectl command selects all Pods for which the status.phase does not equal Running and the spec.restartPolicy field equals Always: Multiple Resource Type You use field selectors across multiple resource types. This kubectl command selects all Statefulsets and Services that are not in the default namespace: $ kubectl get statefulsets,services --field-selector metadata.namespace!=default 138
  • 139. @arafkarsh arafkarsh K8s Packet Path • Kubernetes Networking • Compare Docker and Kubernetes Networking • Pod to Pod Networking within the same Node • Pod to Pod Networking across the Node • Pod to Service Networking • Ingress - Internet to Service Networking • Egress – Pod to Internet Networking 139 3
  • 140. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Networking Mandatory requirements for Network implementation 1. All Pods can communicate with All other Pods without using Network Address Translation (NAT). 2. All Nodes can communicate with all the Pods without NAT. 3. The IP that is assigned to a Pod is the same IP the Pod sees itself as well as all other Pods in the cluster. Source: 140
  • 141. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Docker Networking Vs. Kubernetes Networking Container 1 Web Server 8080 Veth: eth0 Container 2 Microservice 9002 Veth: eth0 Container 3 Microservice 9003 Veth: eth0 Container 4 Microservice 9004 Veth: eth0 IP tables rules eth0 Node 1 Docker0 Bridge Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3 Container 1 Web Server 8080 Veth: eth0 Container 2 Microservice 9002 Veth: eth0 Container 3 Microservice 9003 Veth: eth0 Container 4 Microservice 9004 Veth: eth0 IP tables rules eth0 Node 2 Docker0 Bridge Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3 Pod 1 Web Server 8080 Veth: eth0 Pod 2 Microservice 9002 Veth: eth0 Pod 3 Microservice 9003 Veth: eth0 Pod 4 Microservice 9004 Veth: eth0 IP tables rules eth0 Node 1 L2 Bridge Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3 Same IP Range. NAT Required Uniq IP Range. netFilter, IP Tables / IPVS. No NAT required Pod 1 Web Server 8080 Veth: eth0 Pod 2 Microservice 9002 Veth: eth0 Pod 3 Microservice 9003 Veth: eth0 Pod 4 Microservice 9004 Veth: eth0 IP tables rules eth0 Node 2 L2 Bridge Veth0 Veth1 Veth2 Veth3 141
  • 142. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Networking 3 Networks Networks 1. Physical Network 2. Pod Network 3. Service Network Source: CIDR Range (RFC 1918) 1. 2. 3. Keep the Address ranges separate – Best Practices RFC 1918 1. Class A 2. Class B 3. Class C 142
  • 143. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Networking 3 Networks Source: eth0 Node 1 veth0 eth0 Pod 1 Container 1 eth0 Pod 2 Container 1 veth1 eth0 Node 2 veth1 eth0 Pod 1 Container 1 eth0 Node 3 veth1 eth0 Pod 1 Container 1 Service EP EP EP VIP 1. Physical Network 2. Pod Network 3. Service Network End Points handles dynamic IP Addresses of the Pods selected by a Service based on Pod Labels Virtual IP doesn’t have any physical network card or system attached. 143
  • 144. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes: Pod to Pod Networking inside a Node By Default Linux has a Single Namespace and all the process in the namespace share the Network Stack. If you create a new namespace then all the process running in that namespace will have its own Network Stack, Routes, Firewall Rules etc. $ ip netns add namespace1 A mount point for namespace1 is created under /var/run/netns Create Namespace $ ip netns List Namespace eth0 Node 1 Root NW Namespace L2 Bridge veth0 veth1 Forwarding Tables Bridge implements ARP to discover link- layer MAC Address eth0 Container 1 Pod 1 Container 2 eth0 Pod 2 Container 1 1. Pod 1 sends packet to eth0 – eth0 is connected to veth0 2. Bridge resolves the Destination with ARP protocol and 3. Bridge sends the packet to veth1 4. veth1 forwards the packet directly to Pod 2 thru eth0 of the Pod 2 1 2 4 3 This entire communication happens in localhost. So, Data transfer speed will NOT be affected by Ethernet card speed. Kube Proxy 144
  • 145. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node 2 Root NW Namespace L2 Bridge veth0 Kubernetes: Pod to Pod Networking Across Node eth0 Node 1 Root NW Namespace L2 Bridge veth0 veth1 Forwarding Tables eth0 Container 1 Pod 1 Container 2 eth0 Pod 2 Container 1 1. Pod 1 sends packet to eth0 – eth0 is connected to veth0 2. Bridge will try to resolve the Destination with ARP protocol and ARP will fail because there is no device connected to that IP. 3. On Failure Bridge will send the packet to eth0 of the Node 1. 4. At this point packet leaves eth0 and enters the Network and network routes the packet to Node 2. 5. Packet enters the Root namespace and routed to the L2 Bridge. 6. veth0 forwards the packet to eth0 of Pod 3 1 2 4 3 eth0 Pod 3 Container 1 5 6 Kube Proxy Kube Proxy Src-IP:Port: Pod1:17711 – Dst-IP:Port: Pod3:80 145
  • 146. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node 2 Root NW Namespace L2 Bridge veth0 Kubernetes: Pod to Service to Pod – Load Balancer eth0 Node 1 Root NW Namespace L2 Bridge veth0 veth1 Forwarding Tables eth0 Container 1 Pod 1 Container 2 eth0 Pod 2 Container 1 1. Pod 1 sends packet to eth0 – eth0 is connected to veth0 2. Bridge will try to resolve the Destination with ARP protocol and ARP will fail because there is no device connected to that IP. 3. On Failure Bridge will give the packet to Kube Proxy 4. it goes thru ip tables rules installed by Kube Proxy and rewrites the Dst-IP with Pod3-IP. IPVS has done the Cluster load Balancing directly on the node and packet is given to eth0 of the Node1. 5. Now packet leaves Node 1 eth0 and enters the Network and network routes the packet to Node 2. 6. Packet enters the Root namespace and routed to the L2 Bridge. 7. veth0 forwards the packet to eth0 of Pod 3 1 2 4 3 eth0 Pod 3 Container 1 5 6 Kube Proxy Kube Proxy 7 SrcIP:Port: Pod1:17711 – Dst-IP:Port: Service1:80 Src-IP:Port: Pod1:17711 – Dst-IP:Port: Pod3:80 Order Payments 146
  • 147. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node 2 Root NW Namespace L2 Bridge veth0 Kubernetes Pod to Service to Pod – Return Journey eth0 Node 1 Root NW Namespace L2 Bridge veth0 veth1 Forwarding Tables eth0 Container 1 Pod 1 Container 2 eth0 Pod 2 Container 1 1. Pod 3 receives data from Pod 1 and sends the reply back with Source as Pod3 and Destination as Pod1 2. Bridge will try to resolve the Destination with ARP protocol and ARP will fail because there is no device connected to that IP. 3. On Failure Bridge will give the packet Node 2 eth0 4. Now packet leaves Node 2 eth0 and enters the Network and network routes the packet to Node 1. (Dst = Pod1) 5. it goes thru ip tables rules installed by Kube Proxy and rewrites the Src-IP with Service-IP. Kube Proxy gives the packet to L2 Bridge. 6. L2 bridge makes the ARP call and hand over the packet to veth0 7. veth0 forwards the packet to eth0 of Pod1 1 2 4 3 eth0 Pod 3 Container 1 5 6 Kube Proxy Kube Proxy 7 Src-IP: Pod3:80 – Dst-IP:Port: Pod1:17711 Src-IP:Port: Service1:80– Dst-IP:Port: Pod1:17711 Order Payments 147
  • 148. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node X Root NW Namespace L2 Bridge veth0 Kubernetes: Internet to Pod 1. Client Connects to App published Domain. 2. Once the Ingress Load Balancer receives the packet it picks a VM (K8s Node). 3. Once inside the VM IP Tables knows how to redirect the packet to the Pod using internal load Balancing rules installed into the cluster using Kube Proxy. 4. Traffic enters Kubernetes cluster and reaches the Node X ( 5. Node X gives the packet to the L2 Bridge 6. L2 bridge makes the ARP call and hand over the packet to veth0 7. veth0 forwards the packet to eth0 of Pod 8 1 2 4 3 5 6 7 Src: Client IP – Dst: App Dst Src: Client IP – Dst: Pod IP Ingress Load Balancer Client / User Src: Client IP – Dst: VM-IP eth0 Pod 8 Container 1 Kube Proxy VM VM VM 148
  • 149. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes: Pod to Internet eth0 Node 1 Root NW Namespace L2 Bridge veth0 veth1 Forwarding Tables eth0 Container 1 Pod 1 Container 2 eth0 Pod 2 Container 1 1. Pod 1 sends packet to eth0 – eth0 is connected to veth0 2. Bridge will try to resolve the Destination with ARP protocol and ARP will fail because there is no device connected to that IP. 3. On Failure Bridge will give the packet to IP Tables 4. The Gateway will reject the Pod IP as it will recognize only the VM IP. So, source IP is replaced with VM-IP (NAT) 5. Packet enters the network and routed to Internet Gateway. 6. Packet reaches the GW and it replaces the VM-IP (internal) with an External IP. 7. Packet Reaches External Site (Google) 1 2 4 3 5 6 Kube Proxy 7 Src: Pod1 – Dst: Google Src: VM-IP – Dst: Google Gateway Google Src: Ex-IP – Dst: Google On the way back the packet follows the same path and any Src IP mangling is undone, and each layer understands VM-IP and Pod IP within Pod Namespace. VM 149
  • 150. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Networking Advanced • Kubernetes IP Network • OSI Layer | L2 | L3 | L4 | L7 | • IP Tables | IPVS | BGP | VXLAN • Kubernetes DNS • Kubernetes Proxy • Kubernetes Load Balancer, Cluster IP, Node Port • Kubernetes Ingress • Kubernetes Ingress – Amazon Load Balancer • Kubernetes Ingress – Metal LB (On Premise) 150
  • 151. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Kubernetes Network Requirements Source: 1. IPAM (IP Address Management & Life cycle Management of Network Devices 2. Connectivity and Container Network 3. Route Advertisement 151
  • 153. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Networking Glossary Netfilter – Packet Filtering in Linux Software that does packet filtering, NAT and other Packet mangling IP Tables It allows Admin to configure the netfilter for managing IP traffic. ConnTrack Conntrack is built on top of netfilter to handle connection tracking.. IPVS – IP Virtual Server Implements a transport layer load balancing as part of the Linux Kernel. It’s similar to IP Tables and based on netfilter hook function and uses hash table for the lookup. Border Gateway Protocol BGP is a standardized exterior gateway protocol designed to exchange routing and reachability information among autonomous systems (AS) on the Internet. The protocol is often classified as a path vector protocol but is sometimes also classed as a distance-vector routing protocol. Some of the well known & mandatory attributes are AS Path, Next Hop Origin. L2 Bridge (Software Switch) Network devices, called switches (or bridges) are responsible for connecting several network links to each other, creating a LAN. Major components of a network switch are a set of network ports, a control plane, a forwarding plane, and a MAC learning database. The set of ports are used to forward traffic between other switches and end-hosts in the network. The control plane of a switch is typically used to run the Spanning Tree Protocol, that calculates a minimum spanning tree for the LAN, preventing physical loops from crashing the network. The forwarding plane is responsible for processing input frames from the network ports and making a forwarding decision on which network port or ports the input frame is forwarded to. 153
  • 154. @arafkarsh arafkarsh Networking Glossary Layer 2 Networking Layer 2 is the Data Link Layer (OSI Mode) providing Node to Node Data Transfer. Layer 2 deals with delivery of frames between 2 adjacent nodes on a network. Ethernet is an Ex. Of Layer 2 networking with MAC represented as a Sub Layer. Flannel uses L3 with VXLAN (L2) networking. Layer 4 Networking Transport layer controls the reliability of a given link through flow control. Layer 7 Networking Application layer networking (HTTP, FTP etc.,) This is the closet layer to the end user. Kubernetes Ingress Controller is a L7 Load Balancer. Layer 3 Networking Layer 3’s primary concern involves routing packets between hosts on top of the layer 2 connections. IPv4, IPv6, and ICMP are examples of Layer 3 networking protocols. Calico uses L3 networking. VXLAN Networking Virtual Extensible LAN used to help large cloud deployments by encapsulating L2 Frames within UDP Datagrams. VXLAN is similar to VLAN (which has a limitation of 4K network IDs). VXLAN is an encapsulation and overlay protocol that runs on top of existing Underlay networks. VXLAN can have 16 million Network IDs. Overlay Networking An overlay network is a virtual, logical network built on top of an existing network. Overlay networks are often used to provide useful abstractions on top of existing networks and to separate and secure different logical networks. Source Network Address Translation SNAT refers to a NAT procedure that modifies the source address of an IP Packet. Destination Network Address Translation DNAT refers to a NAT procedure that modifies the Destination address of an IP Packet. 154
  • 155. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node / Server 1 VSWITCH Customer 1 Customer 2 eth0 Node / Server 2 VSWITCH Customer 1 Customer 2 VXLAN Encapsulation Underlay Network VSWITCH: Virtual Switch Switch Switch Router 155
  • 156. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node / Server 1 VSWITCH VTEP Customer 1 Customer 2 eth0 Node / Server 2 VSWITCH VTEP Customer 1 Customer 2 VXLAN Encapsulation Overlay Network VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point VXLAN encapsulate L2 into UDP packets tunneling using L3. This means no specialized hardware required. So, the Overlay networks could be created purely in Software. VLAN = 4094 (2 reserved) Networks VNI = 16 Million Networks (24-bit ID) 156
  • 157. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node / Server 1 VSWITCH VTEP Customer 1 Customer 2 eth0 Node / Server 2 VSWITCH VTEP Customer 1 Customer 2 VXLAN Encapsulation Overlay Network ARP Broadcast ARP Broadcast ARP Broadcast Multicast VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point ARP Unicast 157
  • 158. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node / Server 1 B1 – MAC VSWITCH VTEP Y1 – MAC Customer 1 Customer 2 eth0 Node / Server 2 B2 – MAC VSWITCH VTEP Y2 – MAC Customer 1 Customer 2 VXLAN Encapsulation Overlay Network Src: Src: B1 – MAC Dst: Dst: B2 - MAC Src: Dst: Src UDP Port: Dynamic Dst UDP Port: 4789 VNI: 100 Src: Src: B1 – MAC Dst: Dst: B2 - MAC Src: Src: B1 – MAC Dst: Dst: B2 - MAC VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point | VNI : Virtual Network Identifier 158
  • 159. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node / Server 1 B1 – MAC VSWITCH VTEP Y1 – MAC Customer 1 Customer 2 eth0 Node / Server 2 B2 – MAC VSWITCH VTEP Y2 – MAC Customer 1 Customer 2 VXLAN Encapsulation Overlay Network Src: Dst: Src UDP Port: Dynamic Dst UDP Port: 4789 VNI: 100 VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point | VNI : Virtual Network Identifier Src: Src: B2 - MAC Dst: Dst: B1 – MAC Src: Src: B2 - MAC Dst: Dst: B1 – MAC Src: Src: B2 - MAC Dst: Dst: B1 – MAC 159
  • 160. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node / Server 1 B1 – MAC VSWITCH VTEP Y1 – MAC Customer 1 Customer 2 eth0 Node / Server 2 B2 – MAC VSWITCH VTEP Y2 – MAC Customer 1 Customer 2 VXLAN Encapsulation Overlay Network Src: Src: Y1 – MAC Dst: Dst: Y2 - MAC Src: Dst: Src UDP Port: Dynamic Dst UDP Port: 4789 VNI: 200 Src: Src: Y1 – MAC Dst: Dst: Y2 - MAC Src: Src: Y1 – MAC Dst: Dst: Y2 - MAC VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point | VNI : Virtual Network Identifier 160
  • 161. @arafkarsh arafkarsh eth0 Node / Server 1 B1 – MAC VSWITCH VTEP Y1 – MAC Customer 1 Customer 2 eth0 Node / Server 2 B2 – MAC VSWITCH VTEP Y2 – MAC Customer 1 Customer 2 VXLAN Encapsulation Overlay Network VNI: 100 VNI: 200 VSWITCH: Virtual Switch. | VTEP : Virtual Tunnel End Point | VNI : Virtual Network Identifier 161

Editor's Notes

  1. Memory You can limit the amount of RAM and swap space that can be used by a group of processes.It accounts for the memory used by the processes for their private use (their Resident Set Size, or RSS), but also for the memory used for caching purposes. This is actually quite powerful, because traditional tools (ps, analysis of /proc, etc.) have no way to find out the cache memory usage incurred by specific processes. This can make a big difference, for instance, with databases. A database will typically use very little memory for its processes (unless you do complex queries, but let’s pretend you don’t!), but can be a huge consumer of cache memory: after all, to perform optimally, your whole database (or at least, your “active set” of data that you refer to the most often) should fit into memory. Limiting the memory available to the processes inside a cgroup is as easy as echo1000000000 > /cgroup/polkadot/memory.limit_in_bytes (it will be rounded to a page size). To check the current usage for a cgroup, inspect the pseudo-filememory.usage_in_bytes in the cgroup directory. You can gather very detailed (and very useful) information into memory.stat; the data contained in this file could justify a whole blog post by itself! CPU You might already be familiar with scheduler priorities, and with the nice and renice commands. Once again, control groups will let you define the amount of CPU, that should be shared by a group of processes, instead of a single one. You can give each cgroup a relative number of CPU shares, and the kernel will make sure that each group of process gets access to the CPU in proportion of the number of shares you gave it. Setting the number of shares is as simple as echo 250 > /cgroup/polkadot/cpu.shares. Remember that those shares are just relative numbers: if you multiply everyone’s share by 10, the end result will be exactly the same. This control group also gives statistics incpu.stat. CPU sets This is different from the cpu controller.In systems with multiple CPUs (i.e., the vast majority of servers, desktop & laptop computers, and even phones today!), the cpuset control group lets you define which processes can use which CPU. This can be useful to reserve a full CPU to a given process or group of processes. Those processes will receive a fixed amount of CPU cycles, and they might also run faster because there will be less thrashing at the level of the CPU cache. On systems with Non Uniform Memory Access (NUMA), the memory is split in multiple banks, and each bank is tied to a specific CPU (or set of CPUs); so binding a process (or group of processes) to a specific CPU (or a specific group of CPUs) can also reduce the overhead happening when a process is scheduled to run on a CPU, but accessing RAM tied to another CPU. Block I/O The blkio controller gives a lot of information about the disk accesses (technically, block devices requests) performed by a group of processes. This is very useful, because I/O resources are much harder to share than CPU or RAM. A system has a given, known, and fixed amount of RAM. It has a fixed number of CPU cycles every second – and even on systems where the number of CPU cycles can change (tickless systems, or virtual machines), it is not an issue, because the kernel will slice the CPU time in shares of e.g. 1 millisecond, and there is a given, known, and fixed number of milliseconds every second (doh!). I/O bandwidth, however, is quite unpredictable. Or rather, as we will see, it is predictable, but the prediction isn’t very useful. A hard disk with a 10ms average seek time will be able to do about 100 requests of 4 KB per second; but if the requests are sequential, typical desktop hard drives can easily sustain 80 MB/s transfer rates – which means 20000 requests of 4 kB per second. The average throughput (measured in IOPS, I/O Operations Per Second) will be somewhere between those two extremes. But as soon as some application performs a task requiring a lot of scattered, random I/O operations, the performance will drop – dramatically. The system does give you some guaranteed performance, but this guaranteed performance is so low, that it doesn’t help much (that’s exactly the problem of AWS EBS, by the way). It’s like a highway with an anti-traffic jam system that would guarantee that you can always go above a given speed, except that this speed is 5 mph. Not very helpful, is it? That’s why SSD storage is becoming increasingly popular. SSD has virtually no seek time, and can therefore sustain random I/O as fast as sequential I/O. The available throughput is therefore predictably good, under any given load. Actually, there are some workloads that can cause problems; for instance, if you continuously write and rewrite a whole disk, you will find that the performance will drop dramatically. This is because read and write operations are fast, but erase, which must be performed at some point before write, is slow. This won’t be a problem in most situations. An example use-case which could exhibit the issue would be to use SSD to do catch-up TV for 100 HD channels simultaneously: the disk will sustain the write throughput until it has written every block once; then it will need to erase, and performance will drop below acceptable levels.) To get back to the topic – what’s the purpose of the blkio controller in a PaaS environment like dotCloud? The blkio controller metrics will help detecting applications that are putting an excessive strain on the I/O subsystem. Then, the controller lets you set limits, which can be expressed in number of operations and/or bytes per second. It also allows for different limits for read and write operations. It allows to set some safeguard limits (to make sure that a single app won’t significantly degrade performance for everyone). Furthermore, once a I/O-hungry app has been identified, its quota can be adapted to reduce impact on other apps. more The pid namespace This is probably the most useful for basic isolation. Each pid namespace has its own process numbering. Different pid namespaces form a hierarchy: the kernel keeps track of which namespace created which other. A “parent” namespace can see its children namespaces, and it can affect them (for instance, with signals); but a child namespace cannot do anything to its parent namespace. As a consequence: each pid namespace has its own “PID 1” init-like process; processes living in a namespace cannot affect processes living in parent or sibling namespaces with system calls like kill or ptrace, since process ids are meaningful only inside a given namespace; if a pseudo-filesystem like proc is mounted by a process within a pid namespace, it will only show the processes belonging to the namespace; since the numbering is different in each namespace, it means that a process in a child namespace will have multiple PIDs: one in its own namespace, and a different PID in its parent namespace. The last item means that from the top-level pid namespace, you will be able to see all processes running in all namespaces, but with different PIDs. Of course, a process can have more than 2 PIDs if there are more than two levels of hierarchy in the namespaces. The net namespace With the pid namespace, you can start processes in multiple isolated environments (let’s bite the bullet and call them “containers” once and for all). But if you want to run e.g. a different Apache in each container, you will have a problem: there can be only one process listening to port 80/tcp at a time. You could configure your instances of Apache to listen on different ports… or you could use the net namespace. As its name implies, the net namespace is about networking. Each different net namespace can have different network interfaces. Even lo, the loopback interface supporting, will be different in each different net namespace. It is possible to create pairs of special interfaces, which will appear in two different net namespaces, and allow a net namespace to talk to the outside world. A typical container will have its own loopback interface (lo), as well as one end of such a special interface, generally named eth0. The other end of the special interface will be in the “original” namespace, and will bear a poetic name like veth42xyz0. It is then possible to put those special interfaces together within an Ethernet bridge (to achieve switching between containers), or route packets between them, etc. (If you are familiar with the Xen networking model, this is probably no news to you!) Note that each net namespace has its own meaning for INADDR_ANY, a.k.a.; so when your Apache process binds to *:80 within its namespace, it will only receive connections directed to the IP addresses and interfaces of its namespace – thus allowing you, at the end of the day, to run multiple Apache instances, with their default configuration listening on port 80. In case you were wondering: each net namespace has its own routing table, but also its own iptables chains and rules. The ipc namespace This one won’t appeal a lot to you; unless you passed your UNIX 101 a long time ago, when they still taught about IPC (InterProcess Communication)! IPC provides semaphores, message queues, and shared memory segments. While still supported by virtually all UNIX flavors, those features are considered by many people as obsolete, and superseded by POSIX semaphores, POSIX message queues, and mmap. Nonetheless, some programs – including PostgreSQL – still use IPC. What’s the connection with namespaces? Well, each IPC resources are accessed through a unique 32-bits ID. IPC implement permissions on resources, but nonetheless, one application could be surprised if it failed to access a given resource because it has already been claimed by another process in a different container. Introduce the ipc namespace: processes within a given ipc namespace cannot access (or even see at all) IPC resources living in other ipc namespaces. And now you can safely run a PostgreSQL instance in each container without fearing IPC key collisions! The mnt namespace You might already be familiar with chroot, a mechanism allowing to sandbox a process (and its children) within a given directory. The mnt namespace takes that concept one step further. As its name implies, the mnt namespace deals with mountpoints. Processes living in different mnt namespaces can see different sets of mounted filesystems – and different root directories. If a filesystem is mounted in a mnt namespace, it will be accessible only to those processes within that namespace; it will remain invisible for processes in other namespaces. At first, it sounds useful, since it allows to sandbox each container within its own directory, hiding other containers. At a second glance, is it really that useful? After all, if each container is chroot‘ed in a different directory, container C1 won’t be able to access or see the filesystem of container C2, right? Well, that’s right, but there are side effects. Inspecting /proc/mounts in a container will show the mountpoints of all containers. Also, those mountpoints will be relative to the original namespace, which can give some hints about the layout of your system – and maybe confuse some applications which would rely on the paths in /proc/mounts. The mnt namespace makes the situation much cleaner, allowing each container to have its own mountpoints, and see only those mountpoints, with their path correctly translated to the actual root of the namespace. The uts namespace Finally, the uts namespace deals with one little detail: the hostname that will be “seen” by a group of processes. Each uts namespace will hold a different hostname, and changing the hostname (through the sethostname system call) will only change it for processes running in the same namespace.
  3. Source:
  4. Unique IP Address of the Pod: Sometimes you don’t need or want load-balancing and a single service IP. In this case, you can create “headless” services by specifying "None" for the cluster IP (.spec.clusterIP). By default Pod name is considered as hostname ( However, an optional hostname and subdomain tag is available under spec spec hostname: subdomain:.
  5. CPU resources are defined in milli cores 1 core = 1000 milli core Eg. 250m = 1/4th of a CPU Core
  6. Unique IP Address of the Pod:
  7. Headless Service: Service without load Balancer. Specify .spec.clusterIP = none
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  21. Source:
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