Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Lta is a star with an associated star system, the location of the planet Dhei, the fourth planet in orbit. Because of the pun created by the nomenclature of the planet and star in the native language ("Dhei-Lta"), the world and system became known as Delta when early Human visitors transliterated the name as a letter of Greek language nomenclature. The system is often referred to as the Delta system or the Deltan system, and is known on some star charts as V2292 Ophiuchi, Delta Principius, 114 Delta or Delta Triciatu.

History and specifics[]

The Delta system is inhabited by the Deltan civilization. This star is visible from Earth, located in the Ophiuchus constellation, and is a variable output body, which means it is prone to x-ray solar flares. (DTI novel: Watching the Clock; ST references: Star Charts, The Worlds of the Federation; FASA RPG module: The Federation; ST - Who's Who in Star Trek comic: "Issue 1")

In the late 23rd century, the T'Prar Foundation maintained a reorientation village in the Delta system, operated by Deltans. In the year 2269, twenty-six former Orion slave girls were transported there to help them establish new lives. (TOS novel: Prime Directive)

In 2293, James T. Kirk claimed this was the intended destination of the Plush Princess. (TOS novel: The Fearful Summons)

The Delta system's orbit was also the location of an asteroid belt which contained at least one named asteroid, Mila Xa. In 2266, the USS Enterprise visited the Delta system to investigate the mystery of Saeena's tomb on Mila Xa. (TOS comic: "The Haunted Asteroid")

System makeup[]

Lta (aka Delta, Delta Triciatu, Delta Principius, 114 Delta, V2292 Ophiuchi) primary star



Deltan stars and star systems
Deltan home system (Delta system; 114 Delta; Delta Principius; Delta Triciatu; Dhei-Lta; V2292 Ophiuchi) Federation icon image. the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrants icon image. 2280s-era Deltan emblem insignia image. 2290s-era Deltan emblem insignia image. 2370s-era Deltan emblem insignia image.
Alpha Coranda • Beta Rigala • Danton • Darius/Delta Darius • Duosetel • Madorax • Merellion Sigma • Pallus • Pharos 625 • Rivala • Sadora Rex • Sindarius • Videtti
Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system) • Antica IV (Antica) • Antide Prime (Antide system) • Archer IV (Archer system) • Beta Renna system • Beta V (Beta system) • Betazed (Betazed system) • Boreal III (Boreal system) • Canopus Major (Canopus system) • Chalna (Chalna system) • Clarus system • Coalition of Madena • Daled V (Daled system) • Daran V (Daran system) • Delta IV (Delta system) • El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system) • Epsilon Canaris • Gamma Eridon • Gravesworld • Halee system • Hayashi system • Hansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system) • Idran Star Cluster • Ilecom system • Janus VI (Janus system) • Jaros colony (Jaros system) • Lauren III (Lauren system) • Lima Sierra system • Lorenze Cluster • M24 Alpha system • Makus III (Makus system) • Manark IV (Manark system) • Manu III (Manu system) • Maxia Zeta • Melina II (Melina system) • Milika III (Milika system) • Miridian VI (Miridian system) • Nimbus III (Nimbus system) • Ogus II (Ogus system) • Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system) • Organia (Organia system) • Pentarus system • Penthara IV (Penthara system) • Razzbo system • Seiji Major • Septimus Minor • Serlay • Sherman's Planet (Sherman system) • Straleb (Omega Sagitta system) • Strnad solar system • Thasus IV (Thasus system) • T'lli Beta • Torona IV (Torona system) • Turkana IV (Turkana system) • Tycho system • Tyken's Rift • Vandor IV (Vandor system) • Vaytan I (Vaytan system) • Wolf 359 • Zeon Minor • Zeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
Stars, systems and objects of the Ophiuchus constellation
2 Ophiuchi • 22 Ophiuchi • 36 Ophiuchi • 60 Ophiuchi • 70 Ophiuchi • 1440 Ophiuchi • (1440 Ophiuchi B) • 1616 Ophiuchi • Alpha Ophiuchi (Rasalhague) • Beta Ophiuchi (Cebelrai) • Epsilon Ophiuchi • Gamma Ophiuchi • Kappa Ophiuchi • rho Ophiuchi nebula (Rampart • rho Ophiuchi) • V2292 Ophiuchi (Delta, Lta) • V2500 Ophiuchi (Barnard's Star) • V843 Ophiuchi (Kepler's Star) • Yed Posterior • Zeta Ophiuchi (13 Ophiuchi, Han)
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (0-9)
00 Raskae Majoris • 5 Arietis • 6 Arietis • 6-15 • 6-23 • 7 Ursae Minoris • 12 Lyncis • 13 Arietis • 19 Tauri • 22 Hydrae • 22 Ophiuchi • 25 Tauri • 34 Kraol • 37 Cassiopeiae • 43 Aquarii • 43 Geminorum • 47 Draconis • 55 Terae Majoris • 56 Arietis • 57 Arietis • 61 Ursae Majoris • 66 Imora • 74 Tauri • 77 Ursae Majoris • 78.56/3.54/23.44 • 83 Beta • 89 Mell Majoris • 90 Milenae Majoris • 99 Pegasi • 114 Delta • 114 Trianguli • 128 Trianguli • 334 Scorpii • 415 Arietis • 780 Arietis • 4725 Cancri • System 330 • System 7348 the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (0-9) 1 Herculis • 2 Ophiuchi • 3 Coronae Borealis • 4 Aurigae • 5 Coronae Borealis • 6 Delphini • 7 Aurigae • 7 Delphini • 8 Aurigae • 8 Canum Venaticorum • 10 Canum Venaticorum • 10 Lyrae • 11 Lacerti • 12 Canum Venaticorum • 12 Draconis • 13 Aurigae • 13 Draconis • 14 Draconis • 14 Lyrae • 15 Lyncis • 15 Sagittae • 15 Virginis • 16 Boötis • 16 Ceti • 16 Cygni • 17 Andromedae • 17 Aquilae • 17 Piscis Austrini • 18 Cygni • 20 Draconis • 20 Lyrae • 21 Andromedae (21 Andromedae A • 21 Andromedae B) • 21 Boötis • 23 Draconis • 23 Serpentis • 24 Cassiopeiae • 26 Pegasi • 27 Boötis • 27 Herculis • 27 Ophiuchi • 30 Boötis • 31 Aquilae • 33 Aurigae • 33 Draconis • 34 Aquarii • 34 Aurigae • 35 Ophiuchi • 37 Cygni • 37 Serpentis • 38 Sagittarii • 40 Capricorni • 42 Boötis • 43 Andromedae • 44 Persei • 46 Andromedae • 50 Aquilae • 50 Cygni • 50 Serpentis • 51 Pegasi • 53 Aquarii • 53 Aquilae • 56 Aurigae • 57 Andromedae • 57 Serpentis • 59 Aquarii • 61 Cygni • 61 Draconis • 63 Draconis • 65 Herculis • 70 Ophiuchi • 86 Ceti • 92 Herculis • 94 Aquarii • 99 Herculis • 112 Tauri • 218 Persei • 329 Aurigae • 492 Lyncis • 1440 Ophiuchi (1440 Ophiuchi B) • 1616 Ophiuchi • 1865 Serpens • 4408 Trianguli the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (0-9) 1 Centauri • 1 Corvi • 1 Orionis • 2 Corvi • 3 Canis Minoris • 3 Eridani • 4 Leonis • 5 Virginis • 7 Crateris • 8 Monocerotis • 10 Canis Minoris • 11 Hydrae • 13 Crateris • 13 Eridani • 13 Leporis • 14 Cancri • 14 Eridani • 14 Leonis • 15 Leporis • 16 Cancri • 17 Circini • 17 Pavonis • 18 Eridani • 19 Canis Majoris • 20 Librae • 23 Eridani • 24 Geminorum • 24 Leonis • 24 Orionis • 25 Canis Majoris • 26 Monocerotis • 26–27 Crucis • 27 Geminorum • 30 Hydrae • 31 Canaris / 31 Canis Majoris • 32 Pictoris • 34 Crucis • 34 Eridani • 34 Fornacis • 36 Leonis • 38 Eridani • 38 Lyncis • 40 Eridani (40 Eridani A • 40 Eridani B • 40 Eridani C) • 43 Pavonis • 46 Orionis • 54 Geminorum • 54 Orionis • 59 Eridani • 65 Cancri • 65 Fornacis • 66 Geminorum • 67 Eridani • 67 Virginis • 70 Leonis • 70 Ophiucus • 74 Orionis • 75 Geminorum • 78 Geminorum • 78 Pavonis • 82 Eridani • 83 Leonis (83 Leonis A • 83 Leonis B) • 87 Tauri • 88 Eridani • 88 Pavonis • 89 Carinae • 94 Leonis • 111 Pavonis • 113 Pavonis • 127 Scorpii • 128 Pavonis • 128 Trianguli • 198 Eridani • 1020 Octantis • 1212 Muscae • 4403 Pavonis the galaxy's Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systema (D)
Daa'V • Daffodon • Dagem • Dahleb • Dajera • Dak-Alpha • Dakiak • Dalanda • Daled • Damana • Damir • Damocles • Danae Victoria • Danara 5986 • Dangasi • Danian • Daniir • Dankon • Danor Tor • Dantar • Dante • Dante Maxima • Danton • Danula • Danzan • Daran • Dargesi • Dark Horse • Dark Maw • Daro • Daros • Dar'shinta • DaSqor • Dastera • Dathan• Dauouuy • Davidul • Daxura • DD Tauri • Debali • Debudex • Dedderac • Dedira • De Gaulle • Dekian • Delanath • Delanos • Delior • Delius • Delkon • Dellaton • Delleren • Delmas • Delos • Delos • Delphi • Delta (Delta Principius/Delta Triciatu) • Delta Arietis • Delta Arlana • Delta Cassiopeiae • Delta Cyanna • Delta Darius • Delta Feronis • Delta Fuego • Delta Gamma • Delta Gamma • Delta Ganymede • Delta Gorgoni • Delta Indus • Delta Khinah • Delta Lyra • Delta Majoris • Delta Neezott • Delta Omega • Delta Principius/Delta Triciatu • Delta Serpentis • Delta Sigma • Delta Theta • Delta Trimute • Delta Vara • Delta Vega • Delta Zeta 785 • Demeter • Demos • Demostonies • Denab • Denem • Denkir • Denocet • Denro • DepIp • Dep'reth • Derenja • Deriben • Der'neth • Deren'dex • Deresi • Derin • Derix • Dero • Detok • Detria • Devara • DevIygh • Devnar • Devona • Dex Daraan • Dexel • Dextera 273 • Deznah • Dhum'Qha • Dhu'Qua • Diad • Diamana • Diana • Diaso • Didacti • Didi • Diehr • Digifal • Dillia • Dilyut • Dimonra • Dimor • Dim'pel • Dinar • Dinira • Din'tara • DIpeyj • Dira Tor • Diren • Dirmasi • Dis • Diskon • Dis'reth • Disuz • Dixiak • DIyn'I • Dizok • D'Livian • DoH • DoHInup • Dokudex • Dolcan • Dolron • Doma'tara • Domra • Donovan's Star • Don'tara • Don'zali • Doona • Dorala • Dorasi • Dorella • Doria Daraan • Doril • Dorox • Doska • Dothor • Douruine • DovID • Doxiez • Dozox • Drago • Drakam • Draken • Dramia • Drana'tara • Dranvedis • Draomn • Dravek • Draxis II • Drena • Dresebis • Drexler • Dre'zek • Drid • Drinen • Drixane • Dro'neth • Du'chigh Doghiq • Dundee • Dulira • Dultesi • Duo • Duosetel • Duraiana • Durala • Duran • Durandal • Dured • Durel • Durusi • Duska'had • Dutton • Duval • Duviniax • Duwamish • Dylonian Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (D) Dannus • Davon • Delavi • Delkar • Delta Aquilae • Delta Aurigae • Delta Cygni • Delta Herculis • Delta Pegasi (Delta Pegasi A • Delta Pegasi B) • Delta Scorpii • Delta Ursae Majoris • Denab • Deneb systems: (Deneb • Deneb Kaitos • Deneb el Okab) • Dengella • Denobula Triaxa • Devidian • Dnoces • Doltec • Dopteria • Dorvan • Draco Minora • Draco Omega 371 • Draco Ursula • Draconis • Draygo • Draylon • Dreon • Dubhe Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (D) Da'Kel • Danteri • Dasha Verta • Davlos • Dayos • D'deridex • Delphic • Delta Canaris • Delta Corvi • Delta Dorado • Delta Eridani • Delta Geminorum • Delta Hydri • Delta Leonis • Delta Leporis • Delta Orcus • Delta Orionis • Delta Pavonis • Delta Phoenicis • Delta Rana • Delta Velorum • Denebola • Deneva • Denius • Derex • Desotriana • Dessica • Devolin • Devoras • Devorren • Devron • Dewa • Dimorus • Dinasia • D'Korin • Donatu • Drovna • Dumok'azen Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (L)
L-370 • L2 Puppis • L374 • Labac • Labra • Laceran • Ladella • Ladra • Lagor • Lagora • Lakh • Lak'Nali • Laktar • Lalande 21185 • Lalia • Lam Qaf Kha • Lambda Scorpii • Lambda Trianguli • Landau • Landerrabb • Landi • Landor • Landox • Lanof • Lanroche • Laoorby 192 • Larak • Largo • Larlux • Larmos • Larpien • Larraz • Larziur • Lastra • Lathos • Lauren • Laurgatt • Lav'tara • Laz Daraan • Lazarra • Legara • Leid • Lempo • Lem'sa • Lenora • Lentrex • Lerik • Lerishi • Lerner • Lersom • Lesira • Levinius • Lexe • Lexor • Ligos • Lilion • Lima Sierra • Linta • Linyar • Liradex • Lisara • Lissepia • Lixis • Llorrac • Lloyd • Lloyd Zeta • Lockred • Lodum • Logienti • Login • Loinan • Loki • Lokras • Lomatin • Lombae Majoris • Lombardero Vortex • Long Fall • Lopa • Loran • Lorealyn • Loren • Lorillia • Lorlol • Lormiur • Lornaz • Lorniex • Lorren • Lorsa • Lorsun • Lor'trek • Lorzur • System Loski • Lothir • Lothos • Lotor • Lotora • Lozara • LP 327-186 • Lta • Lukan • Lukiex • Lulora • Lulura • Lumara • Lunfa • Lupheus • Lurer • Lursen • Luseer • Lusios • Lutera • Luxor 867 • Lycos • Lydan • Lyra Niobe • Lysira • Lythora Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (L) Lahra • Lambda Boötis • Lambda Coronae Borealis • Lambda Serpentis • Langus • Lapolis • Lappa • Lateri • Latis Cyrtiva • Liuen • Lukari • Lyra • Lyshan • Lytasia Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (L) Lackey • Lactra • Lalande 25372 • Lambda Crateris • Lambda Geminorum • Lambda Leonis • Laurentian • Leughon • Llaiir • Luyten's Star Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (V)
V2292 Ophiuchi • Vab 7791 • Vacca • Vagra • Vaina • Valar Majoris • Valda • Valeo Beta • Valhalla • Val'tek • Valverian • Valvox • Vandalia • Van Daraan • Vandor • Vantar • Van'tek • Varanu • Varda • Varrina • Varkien • Varlos • Varmun • Varrek • Varrina • Varsiuk • Varsiun • Vasapa • Vaskara • Vastak • Vaughn-Creighton • Vayt • Vaytan • Vazadi • Vehla • Vehtora • Veiled Maw • Veisa • Vela • Vela OB2-404 • Velara • Velarrh • Vel Daraan • Veldon • Veletus • Velikan • Velkaid • Vellamo • Vellion • Vellun Gamma • Velra • Vemen • Vemix • Vendrak • Vendus A • Venebis • Veneradt • Veneu • Venexar • Venron • Ven'teth • Verianne • Verinius • Verkas • Verlos • Verma Daraan • Vermiur • Vernen • Verne's Horizon • Vesbian • Vestalian • Vestios • Vesuvi • Vet'tara • Vexudex • Viarak • Victorian • Vi Daraan • Videtti • Vigan Delta • Vigo • Viinra • Villiam • Vilmor • Vil'veth • Vimian • Vinmaier • Vinor • Vintaak • Vira • Viran • Virdok • Virima • Visium • Vissia • Vista Draconis • Vistil • Vistrek • Vitabon • Vitera • Vit'zek • Vlora • Vogum • Vok-Nagral • Vola • Volanus • Volmok • Volo Tor • Volrex • Volta • Voltorona • Vordon • Vorkal • Vormiol • Vornek • Vorner • Vornok • Vorrier • Vorsiuk • Vorzun • Voss • Votannis • Votar • Vozlan • Vregon • Vukier • Vuliun • Vulpecula 12 • Vuniex • Vunora • Vuriex • Vurox • VX-266 Singularity Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (V) V2500 Ophiuchi • Valeria • Valo • Van Maanen's Star • Vanden • Varian • Vega • Velos • Venator • Venette • Ventani • Ventarus Idrilon • Verdanis • Vico • Vlugta • Volchok • Volnar Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (V) Vela 3AG • Vela Pulsar • Vendor • Ventax • Veridian • Vertilia • Vesper • Vindemiatrix • Vor • Vor'cha • Vorkado • Vorn • Vorna • Vor'nak • Vulcanis (Vulcanis A • Vulcanis B • Vulcanis C) • V'varia Beta Quadrant icon image.


While Watching the Clock extensively explained the nomenclatures of "Delta", "V2292 Ophiuchi" and "Lta" as alternate names for the same star, previous sources used the other alternate names including The Federation (Delta Principius), Who's Who in Star Trek (114 Delta) and The Worlds of the Federation (Delta Triciatu).

While ST reference: Star Charts shows the Deltan homeworld in the Alpha Quadrant, the Decipher RPG module: Starfleet Operations Manual states this is a Beta Quadrant system. For the purposes of this wiki, this is categorized as being from one of the quadrants without specification as to which.

