Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Luyten's Star [1], also known as P'Jem[2] was a star with an associated star system located in the galaxy's Beta Quadrant, in the Vulcan sector of the Sirius sector block. The ancient Vulcan P'Jem monastery was located in this system. (STO - Klingon War mission: "Diplomatic Orders")

History and specifics[]

The Vulcans established a monastery on the first planet in this system thousands of years ago. (ENT episode: "The Andorian Incident")

This occurred before the Vulcans developed warp drive. (ST reference: Stellar Cartography map: "History of the Federation")

In the 22nd century, the system was of strategic importance in the conflict between the Confederacy of Vulcan and the Andorian Empire. (ENT episode: "The Andorian Incident")

In the 25th century, the system lay deep in Federation space but was still in range of Klingon Defense Force troops and the Undine. (STO - Klingon War mission: "Diplomatic Orders")

Kelvin timeline[]

In the Kelvin timeline, Luyten's Star was a blue star. The Federation Starfleet patrolled the P'Jem was continuously. Ships frequenting the area included the USS Saladin and the USS Intrepid. Despite this presence, Independents and other factions of the Neutral Zone were active in this system as well. Those Independents in good standing with the Federation were allowed to min 3-star rated raw gas from the system's asteroid belt. In 2262, Starfleet installed a heavily armed Federation supply dock outside of planet P'Jem's orbit. (ST video game: Fleet Command)

System makeup[]

P'Jem system

Luyten's Star in 2409.

Luyten's Star[1] (type K orange star,[2] primary)



  • Fleet Command includes the additional class M planets in the system to serve as anchors for the player's starbase.


External links[]

Stars, systems and objects of the Canis Minor constellation
Alpha Canis Minoris (Procyon A • Procyon B) • Beta Canis Minoris (Gomeisa) • Canis Minoris system • Epsilon Canis Minoris (Epsilon Anubis A • Epsilon Anubis B) • Luyten's Star (P'Jem system)
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (L)
L-370 • L2 Puppis • L374 • Labac • Labra • Laceran • Ladella • Ladra • Lagor • Lagora • Lakh • Lak'Nali • Laktar • Lalande 21185 • Lalia • Lam Qaf Kha • Lambda Scorpii • Lambda Trianguli • Landau • Landerrabb • Landi • Landor • Landox • Lanof • Lanroche • Laoorby 192 • Larak • Largo • Larlux • Larmos • Larpien • Larraz • Larziur • Lastra • Lathos • Lauren • Laurgatt • Lav'tara • Laz Daraan • Lazarra • Legara • Leid • Lempo • Lem'sa • Lenora • Lentrex • Lerik • Lerishi • Lerner • Lersom • Lesira • Levinius • Lexe • Lexor • Ligos • Lilion • Lima Sierra • Linta • Linyar • Liradex • Lisara • Lissepia • Lixis • Llorrac • Lloyd • Lloyd Zeta • Lockred • Lodum • Logienti • Login • Loinan • Loki • Lokras • Lomatin • Lombae Majoris • Lombardero Vortex • Long Fall • Lopa • Loran • Lorealyn • Loren • Lorillia • Lorlol • Lormiur • Lornaz • Lorniex • Lorren • Lorsa • Lorsun • Lor'trek • Lorzur • System Loski • Lothir • Lothos • Lotor • Lotora • Lozara • LP 327-186 • Lta • Lukan • Lukiex • Lulora • Lulura • Lumara • Lunfa • Lupheus • Lurer • Lursen • Luseer • Lusios • Lutera • Luxor 867 • Lycos • Lydan • Lyra Niobe • Lysira • Lythora Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (L) Lahra • Lambda Boötis • Lambda Coronae Borealis • Lambda Serpentis • Langus • Lapolis • Lappa • Lateri • Latis Cyrtiva • Liuen • Lukari • Lyra • Lyshan • Lytasia Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (L) Lackey • Lactra • Lalande 25372 • Lambda Crateris • Lambda Geminorum • Lambda Leonis • Laurentian • Leughon • Llaiir • Luyten's Star Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (P)
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Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (P) Pegasus Major • Peliar Zel • Pelios • Pentath • Penthara • Persephone • Peyit • Portas • Prexnak • Priam • Prijipati • Prosenna • Psi-5 Aurigae • Psi Serpentis • Pyrellia • Pyrithia Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (P) p Eridani • Pagh • Pahvo • Pallor • Parsus Indi • Paxar • Peren • Perithees • Phardos • Pheben • Phi Virginis • Phylos • Pi Hydrae • Pi Mensae • Pi-3 Orionis • Pictae • P'Jem • Pollus • Pollux • P'rang • Priors • Procyon • Procyon A • Proxima • Proxima Canaris • Psi Cancri • Psi Velorum Beta Quadrant icon image.