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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Janus VI was a class F planet in the Janus system, in the Omega sector. Janus VI was the homeworld of the silicon-based Horta who named their world Shaul.

History and specifics[]

It was located in the Alpha Quadrant. (Decipher RPG modules: Worlds, Aliens)


The surface was uninhabitable, due to high winds, corrosive atmosphere, and dust storms. (FASA RPG module: Witness for the Defense)

Temperatures ranged from -100° at night to uncomfortably hot at noon. Its thin atmosphere had just trace amounts of water ice at the poles, and it never rained. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)

As a result, it either had no surface water (Decipher RPG module: Worlds) or very little (TOS reference: Worlds of the Federation).


Janus was a member of the United Federation of Planets. (ST reference: The Worlds of the Federation) The world was located in the Omega sector, along with the planet Vesbius. (TOS novel: Devil's Bargain)

The Horta were an extremely long lived species and the planet was home to no predator of the beings so Horta populations frequently became large. To make room for the next generations of Horta every 50,000 years all but one of the Horta died. That one Horta, the Prime Mother, then cared for the civilization's eggs in the Vault of Tomorrow until they hatched and repopulated the planet. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky; TOS episode & Star Trek 4 novelization: The Devil in the Dark)

By the 23rd century the planet was volcanically inactive. (TOS episode: "The Devil in the Dark")

Janus VI

The mines of Janus VI in 2267.

The planet was rich in minerals, including Pergium, a energy source for thousands of Federation worlds. This prompted the establishment of a mining outpost in the 2210s. At the time the Horta had entered a breeding cycle so their population only consisted of the Prime Mother, as a result the Federation miners remained unaware of them until 2267. In that year new levels of the mines were opened and the miners unknowingly destroyed thousands of Horta eggs in the Vault of Tomorrow, mistaking them for nothing other than silicon nodules. The Horta began to sabotage the mining equipment and attack the miners in response. In three months fifty miners were killed and a distress signal was sent out. The USS Enterprise came to assist the planet and following a mind meld between Spock and the mother Horta the situation was eventually resolved with Horta and Federation personal agreeing to live and work side by side. (TOS episode & Star Trek 4 novelization: The Devil in the Dark)

A heavily shielded and automated transporter repeater station was installed on the surface so orbiting ships could beam personnel directly to the underground mining colony. (FASA RPG module: Witness for the Defense)

The Human-Horta mining alliance of Janus VI became one of the most productive and profitable operations in the known galaxy, sourcing raw ore and rare elements to the entire Federation. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)

In 2269, James T. Kirk picked up 500 adolescent Horta to help with a crisis on Vesbius. (TOS novel: Devil's Bargain)

In 2270, the USS Enterprise was dispatched to do a check up on the colony before they were redirected to investigate the fate of the Lavota Wind. (TOS - Burden of Knowledge comic: "A Matter of Perspective") When, later that year, the Enterprise arrived at the colony, Captain James T. Kirk served as a judge after the murder of a Horta. (FASA RPG modules: Star Trek IV Sourcebook Update, Witness for the Defense)

Maxwell's chart

Janus VI shown on a deployment star chart image.

On star charts, this world could be seen to be in the vicinity of Alpha Caranae, Theta Mees, Altair III, Antares and Beta Simmons. (TNG episodes: "The Wounded", "Yesterday's Enterprise", TNG reference: The Continuing Mission)

In the 2280s, Katherine Gallagher wrote her master's thesis, The Devil in the Dark: Starfleet’s Blackest Moment Becomes Its Finest Hour, on the events that occurred on Janus VI in 2267. They inspired her career of protecting endangered species. (TOS novel: The Last Roundup)

In 2297, the planet's Pergium Production Station closed. (ST - Strange New Worlds VII short story: "Guardians")

In the 24th century, Erin Hansen and Magnus Hansen resided on Janus VI for a time, where she studied the Horta. Erin's theory that they navigated by sensing magnetic resonance variations inspired Magnus to try a similar technique as a means of time travel. (VOY short story: "A Ribbon for Rosie")

From c. 2304 to 2380, Sanaht served as the Federation Councillor from Janus VI. (ST novel: Articles of the Federation)

In the 2360s decade, this location was noted on a star chart showing deployment of Federation and Cardassian Union ships displayed in Captain Benjamin Maxwell's ready room aboard the starship USS Phoenix. (TNG episode: "The Wounded")

In 2367, a celebration was held in honor of the 100th anniversary of the Human-Horta mining alliance. Attendees included Tetsua, Spock, Jean-Luc Picard and Lewis Zimmerman. Leonard McCoy had been unable to attend due to his health. By then, portions of the surface had been reclaimed. Eventually, Janus VI would be completely terraformed. (TOS - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Tears for Eternity")

In 2370, a newly discovered vein of latinum led to the construction of the Vermillion Ridge Station. (Decipher RPG module: Worlds)

In the 2370s a granddaughter of one of Dax's hosts lived on Janus. (DS9 novel: Devil in the Sky)

In 2464, Horta migrated en mass from Janus VI to the Rock of Ages, giving them a new purpose. (ST - Strange New Worlds VII short story: "Guardians")

50 thousand years later, terraforming had fallen away, leaving Janus VI with a dusty, rocky surface. A pergium statue of Spock remained at Vanderberg Point, cared for by Tetsua, who had survived to become the new Horta mother as a new generation of Horta eggs hatched. (TOS - Strange New Worlds IV short story: "Tears for Eternity")

Alternate realities[]

In an alternate timeline, the Janus system was under the control of the Interstellar Coalition. (ST - Myriad Universes novel: A Less Perfect Union)

This story makes reference to the trade opportunities with Janus V rather than Janus VI, and may be a typographical error.
Tactical situation monitor

Janus VI shown on a tactical situation monitor image.

On a 24th century viewscreen display of a tactical situation monitor in an alternate timeline where the Klingon Empire was at war with the United Federation of Planets in the year 2366, Janus VI was listed on a star chart showing Klingon allied forces in relation to Federation positions. (TNG episode: "Yesterday's Enterprise", TNG reference: The Continuing Mission)





planets and locations of the Janus system
Janus system primary star: Janus I • Janus II • Janus III (1 moon) • Janus IV • Janus V • Janus VI (Vault of Tomorrow • Geopolis) • Janus VII (2 moons) • Janus VIII (3 moons) • Janus IX • Janus X (1 moon) Federation icon image. the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system) • Antica IV (Antica) • Antide Prime (Antide system) • Archer IV (Archer system) • Beta Renna system • Beta V (Beta system) • Betazed (Betazed system) • Boreal III (Boreal system) • Canopus Major (Canopus system) • Chalna (Chalna system) • Clarus system • Coalition of Madena • Daled V (Daled system) • Daran V (Daran system) • Delta IV (Delta system) • El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system) • Epsilon Canaris • Gamma Eridon • Gravesworld • Halee system • Hayashi system • Hansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system) • Idran Star Cluster • Ilecom system • Janus VI (Janus system) • Jaros colony (Jaros system) • Lauren III (Lauren system) • Lima Sierra system • Lorenze Cluster • M24 Alpha system • Makus III (Makus system) • Manark IV (Manark system) • Manu III (Manu system) • Maxia Zeta • Melina II (Melina system) • Milika III (Milika system) • Miridian VI (Miridian system) • Nimbus III (Nimbus system) • Ogus II (Ogus system) • Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system) • Organia (Organia system) • Pentarus system • Penthara IV (Penthara system) • Razzbo system • Seiji Major • Septimus Minor • Serlay • Sherman's Planet (Sherman system) • Straleb (Omega Sagitta system) • Strnad solar system • Thasus IV (Thasus system) • T'lli Beta • Torona IV (Torona system) • Turkana IV (Turkana system) • Tycho system • Tyken's Rift • Vandor IV (Vandor system) • Vaytan I (Vaytan system) • Wolf 359 • Zeon Minor • Zeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
planets visited by the USS Enterprise (NCC-1701) during Captain Kirk's initial five-year mission (2265-2270)
various Capory • Cygnet IV • Garrus • Rheel • Triangularis III
2265 Earth • Yko • Draxis II • Tally • Karabos II • Gamma Alpha V • Pollux II • Starbase 8 planet • Sector Vega 6 planet • M-155 • Archernar IV • Dimorus • Mandylion V • Tendar IV • Mestiko • Alpha Ortelina VII • Arronus VII • Aldebaran III • Delta Vega I • Starbase 12 • Vellurius • Earth • Globular planet • Norus • Junkyard planet • Palnak's planet • Santar • Nova XIII • Zeltok • Korak • the Traveler's homeworld • Dukar • Orthoo • Algenib II
2266 Crucial-3 • Vultra • Robots' planet • Angoma • Mantis planet • Nuofo • Stai • Vrex • Balant planet • Galaxy T-21 planet • Zargot • Coltac • Rigel XII • Alfa 177 • M-113 • Psi 2000 • Tlaoli IV • Skur • Selkye • Taragon • Alpha 332 • Ynobe II • Ecnal • Raylo • Noriga • Alpha Proxima II • Kynardi • Argylus • Ominnus • Earth • K-G • Nekros • Seggor • Fornia • Angira • Beta II • Neesan • Kujal • Razlak • Luna • Bwuja • Fayo • Hercula • Earth • Kibo/Ndora • Nraka • Sacro • Alpha 23-C • Oordon • Mobita • Jodarr • Quodar • Zarta • Floe I • Metamorpha • Inicrust • Morti • Terrellian II • Voodoo planet • Riza homeworld • Mila Xa • Krugar III remnant • Quaraxus • Arima • Mazda • Numero Uno • Beta Carinae • Exo III • 1324-IV • 7348-II • Tantalus V • Miri's homeworld • Planet Q • Benecia • Zorat planet
2267 Taurus II • Makus III • Ximega II • Hydra Epsilon III • Perseus Arm planetoid • Yko • Tenkara • Salvum • Grotus • Varanu planet • Yko • Talos IV • Tekton • Rifas-L • Amusement Park planet • Heitius VII • Planet of Fire • Ice Planet • Centaurus V • Fomalhaut V • Emben III • Cynur IV • Tyrtaeus II • Gothos • Beta VI • Theta VII • Ramedes III • Cestus III • Metron planet • Alva • Lazarus's planet • Galaxy Zekbran planet • Cygnet XIV • Earth • Canara • Beta III • Draqqana • Iach'tu Prime • Eminiar VII • Ceti Alpha V • Gamma 400 • Vartax • Dak-Alpha • Thark • Morkol • Timshel • Omicron • Omicron Ceti III • Janus VI • 7348-II • Chandra IV • Organia • Angrena • Yko • Earth Colony II • Gateway • Earth • Deneva • Janvar • Zentar • Zettin • Winged Dreamers' planet • "the Frontier" • Modala • Lado • Gamma Xaridian • Elsinor H-25 • Starbase 10 planet • Beta Mariotia III • Vega III • Tondus • Tekkor • Carnak • Pyris VII • Earth • Pentam V • Gamma Canaris N • Vandros VII • Nukolee • Styra • Lurota • Oorego IV • Giant Brain asteroid • Otari II • Gateway • Isis III • Not Eden • Maaba S'Ja • Capella IV • Pollux IV • Vulcan • Mestiko • CJ-884 planet • Nador • Tactis II • Beta Nirobi II • Phygma IV • Outpost Omega-70 • Tau Gamma IV • M-370 • Argelius II • Merope IV • Malur • Eulus • Donico II • Gamma Trianguli VI • Tyrtaeus II • Halka • Ixtolde • Gamma Hydra IV • Levinius V • Calydon • Starbase 10 planet • Turan Tot Narut's planet • Gamma Canaris N • Taunus • Planet 656 • Beton III • Sklurr • Karr • Graktan • Plixes • Andrius • Deneva • Mudd • Earth • Aneher II • Wezonvu • Nalaing • Magna Roma • Bavarya • Neolithia • Mythra • Rimillia • Babel • Gamma Canaris N • Vulcan • Nisus • Certax • Narnel's World • NGC 667 • Neural
2268 Fornax II • Gamma II • Triskelion • Rudimon • Argus X • Tycho IV • Theta VII • Centaurus • Usilde • Signi Beta • Tautee system • Prometheus IV • Syngreal • Glisten IV • Billybob • Gamma Hydra Gamma • Milo • Thrint • Throckmorton • Urf Durfal • Orgone • Vulcan • Beta Canzandia III • Alpha Maluria VI • Rariar III • Karxen V • Dekian II • Mevinna • Sigma Iotia II • Xanvia • Xoxxa • Inquisitor planet • Beta Reticuli • Delta Vega • Nalogen IV • Delta Vega • Delta Canaris IV • Alnath II • Ammdon • Arret • Mu Arigulon V • Ekos • Eeiauo • Sivao • Aprilia III • Kahless • Omega IV • Earth • Theta Kiokis II • Elas • Troyius • Elethia • Alsand • Kos • Tau Delta IX • Kroy's planet • Amerind • Starbase 14 planet • Andru 4/6 • Tranquility VII • Minos V • Earth • Exo III • T'nufo • Minos V • Eando 375 • Starbase 10 planet • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet • Exo III • Tortuga VI • Taos IV • Triacus • Marcos XII • Wokkle III • Cawley IV • Makon III • Kala • Lowaria • Dreamers' planet • Sigma Draconis VI • Direidi • Medusa • Iolos VI • Giermos • Persis Nova • Midgwis • Minara II • Gamma VI • Octavius IV • Beta Cabrini colony • Pegasus IV • Careta IV • Beta XII-A • Platonius • Earth • Scalos • M-317 • Beta Aurigae III • Sanoora host planet • Rhinegelt • Kalandan outpost • Distrel • Prastor • York III • Tttnicktttnor • Ariannus • Cheron • Elba II • Sanctuary • Gideon • Kolya • Tau Omega IV • Tau Omega III • Tareel III
2269 Rontelm • Memory Alpha • Ardana • Merak II • Avalon • Pollux V • Beta Myamid VIII • Chameleon • Zamphor • Hrakkour IV • Scythe • Balkos III • Gothos • Onyius II • Nova Atar III • Masaba • Lekythos • Shroud IV • Sigma Iotia II • Tarnak II • Vesbius • Janus VI • Beta Niobe III • Tree of Life planetoid • Gamma Cygnet planetoid • Centaurus • Raga's Planet • Eden • Theta Tau V • Holberg 917G • Lothor • Tau Beta IV • Excalbia • Sarpeidon • Feudal planet • Camus II • Duwamish • Ephrata IV • Sigma Niobe II • Gateway • Krasni's Folly • Vestalan • Maltos IV • Organia • Kyros • Nesta • Anomaly • Academy • Yko • Arachnae • Babel • Epsilon Delta IV • Heartland • Gothos • Cherela • Starbase 8 planet • Syhaar Prime • The Strand • Aarak III • Phi XI • Ur homeworld • Viden • Gobi III • Pacifica • Dolysia • Gralafi • Loren V • Gelladorn/R-775 I • Dengella II • Lloyd Zeta IX • Sigma Iotia II • Hesperides I • Tombstone • Waycross • Perry's planet • Delta Gamma IV • Trefolg • Trellisane • Holox • Boaco VI • Juram V • Vancadia • Veletus V • Pollux II • Leora IV • Patria I • Memory Prime • Talin IV • I'Qos • Circe V • Gateway • Mantilles • Moauv • Pomplance • Ribol II • Marpaplu • Valeria • Taurus II • Kinshasa
2270 Janus VI • Phylos II • Amusement Park planet • Motherlode • Rock creature planet • Darius IV • Megas-Tu • Terratin • Verdanis • Sherman's Planet • Argo • Deneb V • Vedala asteroid • Dramia • Dramia II • Arret • Lactra VII • Boqu II • Delta Theta III • Pandro • Dengella II • Briamos • Finder's planet • Procrustean planet • Yko • Belarius IV • DT-262 • Kwettir • Waasertla • Mygdalus III • Artemys 314 • Velat Nol/R-836 II • Pillagra (R-855 III) • Polymax VIII • Cenotaph • Emilla II • Vehtora IV • Anabarra colony • Hollow Planet • N'cai • Muldoon • Coridan III • Akladi • Mudd • Kuban • Sarai • CJ-884 planet • Stella Mudd's planet • Mudd • Taygeta V • Okeanos • Beta Omicron Delta III • Zeta Gibraltar • Yoondri • Earth (alternate) • Vrotii outpost planet • Sycorax • Baldur III • Bira III • Njura • Omne's planet • Voran • Razar • Mercan • Starbase 9 planet • Yalbo • Aritani • Vulcan • Hoshan planets • Tanis • Starbase 9 planet • Aragos planet • Aleph Prime • Aleph III • Antos IV • Takoi homeworld • Jinks' planet • Gateway • Andros • Yusub • Earth • Denebia • Veneu II • Gribbin II • Klondike VI • Isitra Zero • Gateway • Aleriad • Andoria • Proxima Centauri • Vulcan • Earth • Pelos • Talos IV • Gateway • Earth • Starbase 12 • Tomarii
later 23rd century associate-status Federation member races and cultures
Argelians • Betans • Elasians • Enochians • Iotians • Horta • Nauians • Troyians • Vendikar Eminians Federation icon image.
later 23rd century associate-status Federation member worlds and systems
Andorian worlds Baladar (Beta Indi system) • Beta Prime (Beta Leonis system) • Kadacohr (Kadass system) • Lustrix (Remusa 885 system) • Niobe (Gamma Indus 552 system) • Paradira (Beta Rosa system) • Th'allt (Thalak system)
Caitian worlds Macadama (Giordin 275 system) Centauran worlds Amber (Beta Rigalia system) • Egaran II (Egara 172 system) • Gaggle Point (Luris Eta system) • Moxen (Moxenalus system) • Osiris VII (Osiris system) • Principius (Princip system)
Cygnian worlds Etrolopar (Alpha Carinna 17 system) • Grief (Tahniva 311 system) Deltan worlds Cremindas (Beta Rigala system) • Duo III (Duosetel system)
Tellarite worlds Anchor (Beta Hydra 378 system) • Crassenia (Crovala 173 system) • Finlorra (Gamma Leonis system) Vulcan worlds Abyss (Abyss Alpha system) • Aesa IX (Aesa system) • Narcissus III (Narcisus system) • Norassil (Norassen system)
Human and humanoid worlds Alfa 177 (Alpha Honorus system) • Argelius (Rho Magnin system) • Ariannus (Arianna system) • Avalon (Caberhardt system) • Babel (Wolf 424 system) • Beta III (43993 system) • Cavalier (Calka system) • Covdival (Cordival system) • Crater's World (Gamma Zeta 4 system) • Cyclopus (Verigus K system) • Delta Vega (Trimordidion system) • Elas (Tellun system) • Elevation (Epsilon Zeta system) • Fullman (Ursu Geminorum system) • Gammorah (Ceta 503 system) • Iotia (Sigma Iotia system) • Janus (Gamma Major system) • Katan III (Tau Abir system) • Lochabahr (Lochnarle system) • Malla (Maurex 782 system) • Marac Polis (Marac system) • Maren (Maren Alpha system) • Mira (Omicron Ceti system) • Monarch II (Monarch Alpha system) • Namorra (Namor system) • New Kensington (Beta Aleph 703 system) • Pathos (Paradigm system) • Pollux (Beta Geminorum system) • Precipice (Brightstar system) • Rashile (Ungethiem system) • Scandha' (Zeta Perseus system) • Second Chance (Proxima Canaris system) • Tarry Awhile (Carmara 712 system) • Triacus (Alpha Lyrae system) • Troyius (Tellun system) • Vendikar (Eminiar system) • Wall (Bahr system)
Other non-humanoid and mixed races and cultures Barrony (Zeta Hydra 281 system) • Berengaria V (Berengaria system) • Bonanza (Aegis Aquila system) • Borigris (Borigrass system) • Castor Fields (Castora system) • Castrola IX (Castrola system) • Commissariate (Beta Trianguli system) • Dalanda V (Dalanda system) • Darmal (Darmius system) • Dartanian (Ti Che system) • Demoiselle II (Demoiselle system) • Determination (Demarcation system) • D'livian VI (D'livian system) • Ecstasy (Hydra Impora system) • Egross (Alpha Vega 272 system) • Elba (Quarius Nova system) • Eldamas (Eldamas 344 system) • Eldorado (Eldamas 344 system) • Enid VI (Vega Majoris system) • Enoch IV (Vega Majoris system) • Eternity (Alpha Eridani system) • Falorin (Alpha Parsis 25 system) • Familiarity (Beta Maxim 437 system) • Fellowship (Beta Maxim 437 system) • Femininity (Beta Maxim 437 system) • Findesa (Gamma Dinara system) • Fullsome Park (Ursu Geminorum system) • Function (Foram Canara system) • Grammen Park (Alpha Piscis Austrini system) • Haldraine (Alpha Nimorra system) • Heuristic (Rexenox system) • Hospis (Sigma Tricali system) • Hospitality II (Havidar system) • Idiom (Valen's Star system) • Imagination (Metriunn 867 system) • Lakeland (Purlii system) • Lecroutex (Lecrotox system) • Lexinisar (Menitrom 799 system) • Malawren (Malas system) • Marcos (Marcios system) • Maximilian (Zeta Geminorum system) • Memory Alpha (Kam Sim system) • Mexas II (Mexas system) • Mindara XII (Mindara system) • Necturop (Nekusa system) • New Horizon (Gamma Quadratis system) • Oloss (Olossa system) • Ontara Prime (Sigma Quadratis system) • Ovlon II (Ovlon system) • Pampilia (Gamma Omicron system) • Passgate (Alpha Geminorum system) • Pike's Planet (Pitcara Prime system) • Riviera (Ochs system) • Rover Prime (Sigma Barana system) • Roxan (Ampolis system) • Wrigley's Pleasure Planet (Sol system) • Thraxis (Thrax system)


Janus VI was not mentioned in canon after TOS, but as a homage was listed on the "Conspiracy" explored galaxy map and the "Yesterday's Enterprise" alternate timeline tactical situation monitor showing progress of the Klingon war with the Federation, and a later re-use of this chart in "The Wounded".

Appearances and references[]



External link[]
