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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki
This article is about the reference book. You may be looking for the Federation planets list, at category:Federation worlds.

The Worlds of the Federation is a reference book guide to the planets and cultures of the Federation and its neighbors, by author Shane Johnson.


Shane Johnson, bestselling author of Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise, takes the reader on an imaginative, fictional journey into the Star Trek universe. Based on the Star Trek adventures (including Star Trek: The Next Generation), this book uses hundreds of star charts and line drawings as well as a rich text to outline the history of the worlds visited by the starship Enterprise.
The Worlds of the Federation also investigates the unaligned and hostile alien races of Star Trek, from the fierce warriors of the Klingon Empire to the enigmatic, all-powerful Organians. And as a special bonus, we've included a spectacular, full-color insert of Star Trek's most exotic alien lifeforms featuring paintings by noted science fiction illustrator Don Ivan Punchatz.


Planetary classification[]

See also: planetary classification
class A gas giantclass B gas giantclass Cclass Dclass Eclass Fclass Gclass Hclass Iclass Jclass Kclass Lclass Mclass N

Member worlds[]

planet(s) native name classification star or system native species or highlight ambassador coordinates
Terra Earth class M Sol Human Benjamin Adams 23.9, 61.8, 0.0
Vulcan T'Khasi class M 40 Eridani A Vulcan Sarek 19.5, 60.0, -0.6
Tellar Miracht class M 61 Cygni Tellarite Gartiv 25.0, 60.1, 2.6
Andor Fesoan class M Epsilon Indi Andorian Shrall K'Tik 25.8, 60.1, -2.4
Alpha Centauri VII Al Rijil}} class M Alpha Centauri Centaurian Zella Rancine 24.6, 62.5, -1.0
Alpha III Kericindal class L Alpha reptilian biped James Kara 28.5, 52.8, 19.0
Vega IX Kesir-Tosharra class M Vega Scora Chris Bara 28.2, 61.3, 6.9
Deneb II Kreta class M Deneb A Denebian slime devil H'T'Jera 142.7, -143.4, 382.5
Deneb IV Kidta class M Ferguson Smith
Deneb V Kelta class M Will Perkins
Marcos XII no native name class L Marcos Piersol's Traveller Seril 26.9, 82.8, -2.2
Izar no native name class M Epsilon Boötis Izar Institute of Meteorology Harold Taft 36.7, 84.7, 17.6
Rigel II no native names class M Rigel Robert Klymyshyn -209.9, 7.7, -136.0
Rigel IV class M Kenneth Brice
Rigel V class M T'Sedd
Rigel VI class M Daniel Cheney
Rigel VII class M Rigellian Kalar
Rigel VIII class M Kin Passa
Cait Ferasa class M 15 Lyncis Caitian M'Roaa 41.9, -228.3, -12.6
Antos IV Dorafane class M Antos Antosian Llire Ner Naba 18.1, -20.4, -6.1
Catulla Cendo-Prae class M Theta Pictoris Catullan Tongo Sil 277.6, -73.7, -13.9
Tiburon Simeran class M Omega Fornacis A Tiburonian Cino Desdin -121.9, -207.4, 236.4
Merak II no native name class M Merak Merakan Andrew Leigh 11.2, 72.7, 17.1
Aldebaran no native name class M Alpha Tauri Aldebaran shellmouth Farrell Tensen 10.6, 56.5, -15.1
Mu Leonis II Ardana class M Mu Leonis A Ardanan Tresus 8.5, 106.3, 9.8
Argelius II Nelphia class M Argelius B Argelian Vantir Plassen -154.7, -59.2, -121.2
Daran V no native name class M Daran starmap of Yonada approach Misan Phoalla -127.5, -139.2, -19.7
Aurelia Meriabii class L Xi Herculis Aurelian Aleek-Aur 176.7, 44.5, -63.3
Mantilles no native name class M Pallas XIV starmap of cloud approach Samuel Griffith 245.5, 188.3, -56.1
Medusa Visalayan class C Xi Hydrae Medusan (in EM container) Kollos 27.2, 137.6, 41.3
Coridan III Desotriana class M Coridan Coridanite Deo Dica Mataal 29.7, 64.3, 29.9
Delta Seyalia class M Delta Triciatu Deltan Iloran 187.3, 89.9, -17.3
Sauria Lyaksti'kton class L UFC 512 Saurian Ket'k Loka L'T'S -166.3, -43.3, 62.1
Yonada New Fabrina none UFC 376082 Fabrini Natira -51.1, -93.6, -91.4
Theta Kiokis II Melkot class M Theta Kiokis Melkotian Arshosha -76.9, -145.9, -12.7
Betazed Cyndriel class M Beta Veldonna Betazoid Perateca Kif -292.3, -93.3, -88.1
Bynaus 101100010100110 class M Sigma Regonis Bynar 10011011 -296.4, 98.9, -46.3
Benzar Pheradon class M Gamma Xertia Benzite Meldir 301.4, -57.4, 84.4
Phylos II Merari class M Phylos Phylosian Agmar 306.4, 98.9, 187.4

Neutral or independent worlds[]

planet(s) native name classification star or system native species or highlight coordinates
Antares B III no native name class L Antares dryworm 172.1, 118.9, -13.9
Argo Hestalor class N UFC 78856 Aquan 133.4, -45.5, 32.9
Berengaria VII no native name class M Berengaria Berengarian dragon -21.4, -51.8, -60.3
Beta III Landru class M UFC 611-Beta Betan 90.1, 71.9, -2.4
Capella IV Kohath class G Capella Capellan 11.1, 60.0, 4.6
Ceti Alpha V no native name class G Menkar Ceti eel 12.4, 49.5, -19.7
Delos III Ornara class M Delos Delosian 262.3, -43.2, -93.5
Delos IV Brekka class M
Delta Dorado VII Gideon class M Delta Dorado Gideonite 54.5, 42.7, -242.9
Dimorus IV native name unknown class M Dimorus Dimorusian -26.7, -18.8, -27.9
892-IV Magna Roma class M UFC 892 Magna Roman -132.1, -101.1, -56.7
Eminiar III Vendikar class M Eminiar Eminian -37.0, 222.3, 25.1
Eminiar VII class M
Excalbia I native name unknown class I Excalbia Excalbian -54.8, -157.7, -193.4
Gamma Trianguli VI Vaalel class M Gamma Trianguli Vaal -170.5, -126.0, 91.6
Iotia Oxmyx class M Sigma Iotia Iotian -5.7, -144.2, -109.1
Janus VI Shaul class E Janus Horta -123.8, -30.1, -15.8
Kaferia Kohath-Seredi class M Tau Ceti Kaferian 22.8, 58.7, -1.5
Kling class M Klingon Klingon -321.5, 48.6, -87.9
Lactra VII Sessaline class M Lactra Lactran 264.7, 65.4, 98.1
M-113 Fotialla class M UFC 113 M-113 creature -23.6, -81.9, 0.7
M24-Alpha II Triskelion class M M24-Alpha thrall -85.5, -59.1, -75.8
M43-Alpha IV Ekos class M M43-Alpha Ekosian 72.8, -29.1, -68.7
M43-Alpha V Zeon class M Zeon
Mudd no native name class K UFC 257704 android -13.3, 225.1, -45.5
Onlies Earth class K UFC 347601 Onliesian -43.3, -103.5, -82.3
Organia IV native name unknown class M Organia Organian -112.6, 186.3, -12.1
Regulus Arodi class M Alpha Leonis Regulan bloodworm 10.7, 83.9, 0.7
Talos IV Clesik class M Talos star group Talosian -119.4, -43.7, -24.0
Taurus II no native name class G Beta Tauri Taurean -66.5, 47.4, 8.1
Time Planet native name unknown class L UFC 465537 Guardian of Forever classified
Velara III native name unknown class K Velara terraforming station 199.2, 18.4, 45.7
Zeta Boötis III Neural class M Zeta Boötis mugato 57.8, 114.1, 33.1

Hostile Worlds[]

planet(s) native name classification star or system native species coordinates
Ferengal class M unknown Ferengi unknown
Tau Lacertae IX Gornar unknown Tau Lacertae Gorn -421.3, -166.7, 67.7
Romulus ch'Rihan class M Romulus Romulan -176.3, -158.5, -1.8
Tholia II Tholia class C unknown Tholian unknown



Referenced only
10011011Benjamin AdamsAgmarHarland AndersAleek-AurArshoshaChris BaraKenneth BriceDaniel CheneyChristZefram CochraneCino DesdinGartivGartovJohn GillSamuel GriffithIloranGarth of IzarH'T' JeraFrank JocastaJames KaraStavos KenicliusPerateca KifJames T. KirkRobert KlymyshynKollosShrall K'TikLandruAndrew LeighKet'k Loka L'T'SDeco Dica MataalMelakonMeldirMordockHarcourt Fenton MuddLlire Ner NabaNatiraKin PassaWill PerkinsMisan PhoallaJean-Luc PicardVantir PlassenPiersolZella RancineRedjac/Jack the RipperRosySarekSerilRota SevrinTongo SilFerguson SmithTresusT'SeddSpiakSpockSurakHarold TaftRoger TauberAndrew TempestFarrell TensenVaalV'Ger

Starships and vehicles[]

IKS AmarUSS Archon (Daedalus-class) • automobileUSS CarverUSS CeresSS ColumbiaUSS EaricksonUSS Enterprise (Constitution-class) • USS Enterprise-D (Galaxy-class) • USS Horizon (Daedalus-class) • UNSS IcarusUSS Intrepid (Constitution-class) • Joshua (space shuttle) • USS MoscowUSS StargazerTholian web-spinnerWD-1


Planetary locations[]

New Aldebaran Naval YardsDelthara University

Outposts and stations[]

Merriaterraforming station

Planets and planetoids[]

Alpha IIIAlpha IVAlpha VAlpha Centauri VIIAlpha Proxima IIAntos IIIAntos IVAntos VArgoBabelBenzarBetazedCaitCatullaCestus IIICoridan IIIDworaHertiLonitaReaRegulus IIRegulus VSowthaSura

Stars and systems[]

AldebaranAlpha systemAlpha LeonisAntos systemCaitian systemRegulus

Stellar regions[]

Races and cultures[]

AndorianandroidAntosianAquanArdananArgelianAurelianBenziteBetanBetazoidBynarCaitianCapellanCatullanCentaurianCoridaniteDelosianDeltanDimorusianEkosianEminianExcalbianFabriniFerengiGideoniteGornHortaHumanIotianKaferianKlingonKzintiLactranM-113 creatureMagna RomanMedusanMelkotianMerakanMicrobrainOnliesianOrganianOrionPhylosianPreserverRegulanRigellian KalarRomulanSaurianTalosianTaureanTellariteTholianTiburonianVeganVulcanZeon

States and organizations[]

Federation CouncilFederation Security CouncilGalactic Computer NetworkHarrell HullworksKlingon EmpireLeeding Engines Ltd.NaziRoman EmpireRomulan Star EmpireStarfleetTholian AssemblyUnited Federation of PlanetsVegan Tyranny


Aldebaran shellmouthAlphan reptilianAntarean drywormBeauregard weeperBerengarian dragonbrown bearCapellan power-catCeti eelcheetahchimpanzeeDenebian slime devilduitraeelbirdhumanoidKaferian applele-matyaMako root plantmugatophentoraPiersol's TravellerporcupineRegulan bloodwormreptileRetlaw plantScorasehlatspore plantStaphylococcusswooperTalosian singing planttargtribble

Other references[]

Antarean brandyalcoholAntarean glow wateraphrodisiacasteroidatmosphereBattle of Cheronbinary languagebraincalcium carbonatecarbon dioxidecellular metamorphosiscerebral cortexChicago Mobs of the TwentiesChristianityCreditDella-chessdilithiumdilithium crystalelectromagnetic pulseempathyEnglishEugenics WarsexoskeletonfeliciumfruitGeneral order 7General Prohibition P-119genetic engineeringGodGreat AwakeningGreenhuse effectGuardian of ForeverheartHodgkin's Law of Parallel Planet DevelopmentHolocaustKyrrstn'Kwynnlogicmind-touchmind-meld anesthesiaMordock strategymusicNeutral zonenitrogenNobel Prizenovanuclear reactorOmega virusOrganian Peace TreatyoxygenPalm Leaf of AxanarpergiumPicard ManeuverpiratePluto plaguepheromonePrime Directivepsionic powersquartzreligionRigel AccordsRomulan WarsaltSaurian brandysector 54RSeltye Commendationshore leavesiliconstarbaseStatutes of Alpha IIISwift WarSynthococcus novaetelekinesistelepathyterraformingTholian webthralltopalinetransportertransporter roomVedallus AwardVegan choriomeningitisVersinaviruswarp driveZee Magnee Prizezienite



  • The given stardate of 82965.4 follows the format begun with Star Trek: The Next Generation, but 40 years later. This is at odds with the mid-2360s depiction of the Star Trek universe. The book was published in 1989, which corresponds to TNG Season 2 and the year 2365, which had stardates beginning at 42000.0.
  • Data writes the Preface to the book in first person. All other characters are referenced only.



Star Trek reference works
In-universe BlueprintsStar Fleet Technical ManualMedical Reference ManualOfficial Cooking ManualSpaceflight ChronologyMonstersThe Motion Picture BlueprintsMapsBiographiesKlingon DictionaryWho's Who in Star Trek (Issues 12) • Mr. Scott's Guide to the EnterpriseThe Worlds of the FederationTNG Technical JournalTNG Technical ManualChronologyEncyclopedia (Volumes 1234) • Ferengi Rules of AcquisitionFederation PassportThe Klingon WayNCC-1701-D BlueprintsThese Are the Voyages...Federation Travel GuideA Star to Steer Her ByLegends of the FerengiKlingon for the Galactic TravelerQ's Guide to the ContinuumDS9 Technical ManualThe Tribble HandbookThe Klingon HamletStar Trek CookbookCelebrationsStarship SpotterThe Hologram's HandbookThe Starfleet Survival GuideStar ChartsShips of the LineStar Trek Legacy Prima Official Game GuideCaptain Kirk's Guide to WomenHaynes Manuals (USS EnterpriseKlingon Bird of Prey) • Federation: The First 150 YearsOn Board the USS EnterpriseA Very Klingon KhristmasStellar CartographyKlingon Art of WarAutobiographies (James T. KirkJean-Luc PicardKathryn JanewaySpockBenjamin Sisko) • Hidden Universe Travel Guides (VulcanKlingon Empire) • Shipyards (Starfleet Ships, 2151-2293Starfleet Ships, 2294-The FutureThe Klingon FleetFederation MembersBorg & Delta Quadrant, A to K Delta Quadrant, L to ZAlpha Quadrant, A-KAlpha Quadrant, L-Z) • Illustrated Handbooks (NCC-1701-DNCC-1701 & 1701-AVoyagerDeep Space 9) • Body by StarfleetKirk Fu ManualThe Star Trek CookbookLower Decks - USS Cerritos Crew Handbook
Real world The Making of Star TrekThe World of Star TrekInside Star TrekMaking of The Motion PictureCompendiumMaking of The Wrath of KhanTNG CompanionMake-Up FX JournalWhere No One Has Gone Before: A History in PicturesMaking of DS9The Art of Star TrekInside Star Trek: The Real StoryMaking of First ContactPhase II: The Lost SeriesTOS SketchbookThe Continuing MissionScience LogsTNG Sketchbook: The MoviesAction!Secrets of InsurrectionQuotable Star TrekDS9 CompanionAliens & ArtifactsThe Magic of TribblesVOY CompanionVoyages of Imagination101Star Trek: The Art of the FilmArt of Star Trek OnlineA Comics History365Star Trek VaultVisual DictionaryCostumesNew Life and New Civilizations: Exploring Star Trek ComicsTNG: WarpedThe Star Trek Book50 Artists 50 YearsDesigning Starships (The Enterprises and BeyondThe USS Voyager and BeyondThe Kelvin TimelineDSC Designing StarshipsDS9 and Beyond) • TreknologyThe Art of Star Trek: The Kelvin TimelineLost ScenesOfficial Guide to TASThe Motion Picture: Inside the Art & Visual EffectsCocktails: A Stellar CompendiumArt of DSCVOY: A CelebrationThe Artistry of Dan CurryDesigning the Final FrontierTOS: A CelebrationThe Star Trek Book of FriendshipPicard: The Art and Making of the Series
published order
Previous story:
Mr. Scott's Guide to the Enterprise
Stories by:
Shane Johnson
Next story:
Star Trek: The Next Generation Technical Journal

External link[]
