Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Locator logo showing the galaxy's Alpha and Beta Quadrants.

The Coalition of Madena was an interplanetary political organization, a polity based in the Omega Sagitta ("Madena") star system that included two member worlds, Atlec and Straleb. (TNG episode: "The Outrageous Okona")

History and specifics[]


Stellar cartography hologram star chart.

A humanoid species colonized the Omega Sagitta system in the 22nd century. Despite being bound by a peace treaty, relations between the Atlec and Straleb were tense by the 2360s decade. Both cultures operated interplanetary vessels. (TNG episode: "The Outrageous Okona")

By the 2380s, Federation science determined that the colonizers may have been Argelians. (TNG novel: Collateral Damage)

The "Okona incident" of 2365 almost let to war but ultimately improved relations. (ST website:

In the year 2371, this polity was also known as the Coalition of Madena VI. (TNG movie: Generations)


planet/system state culture
Atlec[1] Atlec (Okona's species)[1]
Straleb[1] Legation of Unity[1] Stralebian[2] (Okona's species)[1]
Madena VI[3] Coalition of Madena VI[3]
Omega Sagitta star system[1] Coalition of Madena[1] Argelian colonists[4]



Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system)Antica IV (Antica)Antide Prime (Antide system)Archer IV (Archer system)Beta Renna systemBeta V (Beta system)Betazed (Betazed system)Boreal III (Boreal system)Canopus Major (Canopus system)Chalna (Chalna system)Clarus systemCoalition of MadenaDaled V (Daled system)Daran V (Daran system)Delta IV (Delta system)El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system)Epsilon CanarisGamma EridonGravesworldHalee systemHayashi systemHansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system)Idran Star ClusterIlecom systemJanus VI (Janus system)Jaros colony (Jaros system)Lauren III (Lauren system)Lima Sierra systemLorenze ClusterM24 Alpha systemMakus III (Makus system)Manark IV (Manark system)Manu III (Manu system)Maxia ZetaMelina II (Melina system)Milika III (Milika system)Miridian VI (Miridian system)Nimbus III (Nimbus system)Ogus II (Ogus system)Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system)Organia (Organia system)Pentarus systemPenthara IV (Penthara system)Razzbo systemSeiji MajorSeptimus MinorSerlaySherman's Planet (Sherman system)Straleb (Omega Sagitta system)Strnad solar systemThasus IV (Thasus system)T'lli BetaTorona IV (Torona system)Turkana IV (Turkana system)Tycho systemTyken's RiftVandor IV (Vandor system)Vaytan I (Vaytan system)Wolf 359Zeon MinorZeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
major states in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants
Khitomer Accords Cardassian UnionFerengi AllianceKlingon EmpireUnited Federation of Planets
Typhon Pact Breen ConfederacyGorn HegemonyHoly Order of the KinshayaRomulan Star EmpireTholian AssemblyTzenkethi Coalition
Khitomer Alliance Cardassian UnionDeferiDelta AllianceDominionFerengi AllianceKlingon EmpireLukari ConcordiumRomulan RepublicUnited Federation of PlanetsVoth Separatists
non-aligned states Acamarian Sovereignty Boslic AnarchyCairn DemocracyDaa'Vit ConfederacyDanteri EmpireFarius Planetary AuthorityFirst FederationGottar HegemonyGrigariHydran KingdomIdanian ClansImperial Klingon StatesInterstellar ConcordiumIyaaran ScientocracyJ'naii CouncilJibetian ConfederacyKaelon RepublicKarg EmpireKentari UnionKtarian EnclaveKzinti PatriarchyLissepian CorporatocracyLyran Star EmpireMentosh AssemblyMetron ConsortiumNew Thallonian ProtectorateNyberrite AllianceOrion ColoniesPelian RepublicPatriarchyRegnancy of the Carnelian ThroneSattar CollectiveSheliak CorporateShirn AllianceTalarian RepublicTanugan AnocracyTarn EmpireTezwaTirrion AssemblyUbarrak PrimacyVenette ConventionVomnin Confederacy
defunct states Hiram AssemblyHradrian EmpireHusnock Star KingdomImperial Romulan StatePartnership of CivilizationsSlaver EmpireStellar Kingdom of CorillThallonian EmpireThelasian Trading ConfederacyVegan TyrannyZalkat Union
states unique to the mirror universe Galactic CommonwealthKlingon-Cardassian AllianceTerran EmpireTerran Republic
states from other alternate timelines AllianceConfederation of EarthControl BorgErdenreichGalactic UnionIconian AllianceIconian-Dominion AllianceInterstellar AxisInterstellar CoalitionInterstellar UnionKlingon-Andorian CompactVulcan-Andorian EmpireVulcan ProtectorateVulcan Star Empire


External link[]
