Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Loren was a star system, located in Sector Loren, in the galaxy's Alpha or Beta Quadrants, near the 23rd century and 24th century borders of Federation space.

History and specifics[]

The Loren system's orbit was the location of a number of worlds, including fifth planet Loren V. (TOS - Year Four comics: "The Enterprise Experiment, Part 3", "The Enterprise Experiment, Part 4")

The Loren system was uninhabited in the 24th century, but the planet Loren III was capable of supporting life. At that point, the system was located just outside Federation borders. (TNG episode: "The Chase")

System makeup[]

Loren system primary star



Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (L)
L-370 • L2 Puppis • L374 • Labac • Labra • Laceran • Ladella • Ladra • Lagor • Lagora • Lakh • Lak'Nali • Laktar • Lalande 21185 • Lalia • Lam Qaf Kha • Lambda Scorpii • Lambda Trianguli • Landau • Landerrabb • Landi • Landor • Landox • Lanof • Lanroche • Laoorby 192 • Larak • Largo • Larlux • Larmos • Larpien • Larraz • Larziur • Lastra • Lathos • Lauren • Laurgatt • Lav'tara • Laz Daraan • Lazarra • Legara • Leid • Lempo • Lem'sa • Lenora • Lentrex • Lerik • Lerishi • Lerner • Lersom • Lesira • Levinius • Lexe • Lexor • Ligos • Lilion • Lima Sierra • Linta • Linyar • Liradex • Lisara • Lissepia • Lixis • Llorrac • Lloyd • Lloyd Zeta • Lockred • Lodum • Logienti • Login • Loinan • Loki • Lokras • Lomatin • Lombae Majoris • Lombardero Vortex • Long Fall • Lopa • Loran • Lorealyn • Loren • Lorillia • Lorlol • Lormiur • Lornaz • Lorniex • Lorren • Lorsa • Lorsun • Lor'trek • Lorzur • System Loski • Lothir • Lothos • Lotor • Lotora • Lozara • LP 327-186 • Lta • Lukan • Lukiex • Lulora • Lulura • Lumara • Lunfa • Lupheus • Lurer • Lursen • Luseer • Lusios • Lutera • Luxor 867 • Lycos • Lydan • Lyra Niobe • Lysira • Lythora Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (L) Lahra • Lambda Boötis • Lambda Coronae Borealis • Lambda Serpentis • Langus • Lapolis • Lappa • Lateri • Latis Cyrtiva • Liuen • Lukari • Lyra • Lyshan • Lytasia Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (L) Lackey • Lactra • Lalande 25372 • Lambda Crateris • Lambda Geminorum • Lambda Leonis • Laurentian • Leughon • Llaiir • Luyten's Star Beta Quadrant icon image.


External link[]
