Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

Angosia III was a planet, a class M world and the third planet in the Angosia star system, located in the galaxy's Alpha Quadrant. Angosia III had at least eight moons, including Lunar V and Lunar VIII. (ST video game: Fleet Command)

Angosia III was the homeworld of the Angosian species. Its government was the Angosian Senate. (TNG episode: "The Hunted")

History and specifics[]

Angosian Senate

The Angosian Senate.

The homeworld of the Angosian civilization, Angosia III emerged victorious from war with the Tarsians by relying on biochemically re-engineered super-soldiers. (DS9 - Strange New Worlds 9 short story: "Orphans")

By the 2360s decade, the Angosian leadership had failed to successfully reintegrate the veteran soldiers into civil society. They were remanded to Lunar V, which became a prison colony. By 2366, Angosian police shuttles serviced Lunar V and Nayrok served as the Angosian prime minister.

In that year the Angosians' bid to join the Federation was jeopardized after Captain Jean-Luc Picard discovered that the native authorities had imprisoned its bio-altered veterans on Lunar V once the Tarsian War was over. Roga Danar escaped from the maximum security prison colony on the fifth moon, which led Picard and his crew to discover the truth. (TNG episode: "The Hunted")

In 2371, the Angosian system and Angosia III were displayed on a star chart during the EnterpriseD's investigation into Doctor Tolian Soran's activities. (TNG movie: Generations)

By 2378, the Angosian dispute had been resolved and Angosia III was had become a Federation member world. (ST reference: Star Charts)

Kelvin timeline[]

In the Kelvin timeline, the Angosian system was situated inside Federation territory and Angosia III was a Federation world by the year 2263. The area was under constant patrol from Starfleet due to frequent conflicts in the 2260s. (ST video game: Fleet Command)


Known inhabitants[]



Angosia system
Angosia Prime • Angosia II • Angosia III (Lunar V • Lunar VIII) • Angosia IV • Angosia V • Angosian planetoids
Amargosa investigation star chart
Angosia III (Angosia system) • Antica IV (Antica) • Antide Prime (Antide system) • Archer IV (Archer system) • Beta Renna system • Beta V (Beta system) • Betazed (Betazed system) • Boreal III (Boreal system) • Canopus Major (Canopus system) • Chalna (Chalna system) • Clarus system • Coalition of Madena • Daled V (Daled system) • Daran V (Daran system) • Delta IV (Delta system) • El-Adrel IV (El Adrel system) • Epsilon Canaris • Gamma Eridon • Gravesworld • Halee system • Hayashi system • Hansen's Planet (Beta Hydra system) • Idran Star Cluster • Ilecom system • Janus VI (Janus system) • Jaros colony (Jaros system) • Lauren III (Lauren system) • Lima Sierra system • Lorenze Cluster • M24 Alpha system • Makus III (Makus system) • Manark IV (Manark system) • Manu III (Manu system) • Maxia Zeta • Melina II (Melina system) • Milika III (Milika system) • Miridian VI (Miridian system) • Nimbus III (Nimbus system) • Ogus II (Ogus system) • Omega Centus I (Omega Centus system) • Organia (Organia system) • Pentarus system • Penthara IV (Penthara system) • Razzbo system • Seiji Major • Septimus Minor • Serlay • Sherman's Planet (Sherman system) • Straleb (Omega Sagitta system) • Strnad solar system • Thasus IV (Thasus system) • T'lli Beta • Torona IV (Torona system) • Turkana IV (Turkana system) • Tycho system • Tyken's Rift • Vandor IV (Vandor system) • Vaytan I (Vaytan system) • Wolf 359 • Zeon Minor • Zeta Antaras IV (Zeta Antaras system) Explored galaxy map.
Planets visited by the USS Enterprise-D
2364 Earth • Deneb IV • Archaria III • Ligon II • Styris IV • Omicron Theta • Gamma Tauri IV • Delphi Ardu IV • Peacekeepers' World • Parliament • Rubicun III • Quadra Sigma III • Haven • Torona IV • Angel I • Starbase 74 planet • Bynaus • Tigan VII • Syntagus Theluv • Tarod IX • Faltos • Persephone V • Mordan IV • Aldea • Velara III • Relva VII • Minos • Brentis VI • Treva • Vagra II • Ornara • Brekka • Vandor IV • Sarona VIII • Dytallix B
2365 'aucdet IX • Tenara • Epsilon Miranda V • DQN 1196 • Raimon • Feeniks-Denn IV • Himalias V • Thiopa • Gravesworld • Ramatis III • Solais V • Gagarin IV • Elysia • Iconia • Theta 116 VIII • Pacifica • Bringloid V • Mariposa • Drema IV • Yuri • Surata IV
2366 Kavis Alpha IV • Tau Cygna V • Galorndon Core • Acamar III • Orelious IX • Bre'el IV • Cassiopeia Delta VII • Archer IV • Betazed • Vulcan • Rutia IV • Cawley IV • Grindelwald • Jouret IV
2367 Saturn • Earth • Ogus II • Terlina III • Daa'V • Turkana IV • Qo'noS • Alpha Onias III • Domarus IV • Alpha Hydros V • Beta Hydros IV • Lanatos • Gamelan V • Lambda Paz • Adelphous IV • Modala • Ventax II • Harrakis V • Evadne IV • Malcor III • Koorn • Tarchannen III • Cytheria • Tagus III • Torgu-Va • Kaelon II • Peliar Zel • Torona IV • Krios Prime • Qo'noS
2368 Qo'noS • El-Adrel IV • Valo I • Valo II • Qualor II • Vulcan • Galorndon Core • Hermeticus II • Phaedra • Votar VII • Sindar • J'naii • Naia VII • Delta IV • Cogen V • Tau Lee • Tessen III • Rajatha Prime • Earth
2369 Frigis • Hobson Delta II • Bajor • Eloh • Riat • Dyson Sphere • Tagra IV • Deinonychus VII • Epictetus III • Tyrus VII-A • Farisi • Mardion III • Earth • Megara • Capulon IV • Detria II • Detria VI • Lisarion • Arkaria • Buran • Iomides • Bersallis III • Ruah IV • Indri VIII • Loren III • Vilmor II • Ne'elat • Beta Maradi VII • Aklar • Eloh • Nervala IV • Velex • Ohniaka III
2370 Terellian crashsite world • Marijne VII • N'trahn • Dessica II • Barradas III • Calder II • Vulcan • Kesprytt III • Enoch VII • Dyson Sphere • Hera • Atrea IV • Vacca VI • Dorvan V • Hera • Krantin • Syng II • Earth
2371 Sindikash • Thanet • Ntignano • Akavan III • Damiano • Veridian III
2401–2402 Athan Prime • Jupiter


External link[]
