Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

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Memory Beta, non-canon Star Trek Wiki

The Lukari system (Tzenkethi: Hrith system) was an inhabited star system located in the Alpha Quadrant's Maxia sector. (STO missions: "Sunrise", "Echoes of Light")


The system's primary was a hot B1V-class star, and the system contained many gas giants but no rocky planets within its habitable zone. It also contained a micronebula. (STO - Future Proof mission: "Sunrise")

System makeup


The Lukari settled a habitable moon of one of the system's gas giants after fleeing their original homeworld Kentar. (STO missions: "Sunrise", "Of Signs and Portents")

In 2410 an unknown party attempted to tamper with the timeline by destroying the star with a trilithium torpedo, but the Alpha Quadrant Alliance was able to foil the plot with help from Kal Dano, a time traveler from the 31st century partially descended from the native Lukari. (STO - Future Proof mission: "Sunrise")


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from the Real World
point of view
Memory Beta

Background information[]

This system was originally placed in the Ferenginar sector (as of the release of "Sunrise" on 27 October 2015), but was moved to the Maxia sector with the release of Season 12: "Reckoning" on 26 January 2017.

External link[]

Alpha and Beta Quadrant stars and star systems (L)
L-370L2 PuppisL374LabacLabraLaceranLadellaLadraLagorLagoraLakhLak'NaliLaktarLalande 21185LaliaLam Qaf KhaLambda ScorpiiLambda TrianguliLandauLanderrabbLandiLandorLandoxLanofLanrocheLaoorby 192LarakLargoLarluxLarmosLarpienLarrazLarziurLastraLathosLaurenLaurgattLav'taraLaz DaraanLazarraLegaraLeidLempoLem'saLenoraLentrexLerikLerishiLernerLersomLesiraLeviniusLexeLexorLigosLilionLima SierraLintaLinyarLiradexLisaraLissepiaLixisLlorracLloydLloyd ZetaLockredLodumLogientiLoginLoinanLokiLokrasLomatinLombae MajorisLombardero VortexLong FallLopaLoranLorealynLorenLorilliaLorlolLormiurLornazLorniexLorrenLorsaLorsunLor'trekLorzurSystem LoskiLothirLothosLotorLotoraLozaraLP 327-186LtaLukanLukiexLuloraLuluraLumaraLunfaLupheusLurerLursenLuseerLusiosLuteraLuxor 867LycosLydanLyra NiobeLysiraLythora Alpha and Beta Quadrant icon image.
Alpha Quadrant stars and systems (L) LahraLambda BoötisLambda Coronae BorealisLambda SerpentisLangusLapolisLappaLateriLatis CyrtivaLiuenLukariLyraLyshanLytasia Alpha Quadrant icon image.
Beta Quadrant stars and systems (L) LackeyLactraLalande 25372Lambda CraterisLambda GeminorumLambda LeonisLaurentianLeughonLlaiirLuyten's Star Beta Quadrant icon image.